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Wednesday, 29 January 2014

That Guy Matt

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I spend so so much of my time talking about Motherhood, friendships, personal growth and work adventures on here but so very rarely discuss that guy Matt. You know, that man I married, live with and the Father of my bambino. 

(Mr & Mrs)

The reason I have kept him so hush hush for the past four years is because isn't really a, 'hey look at me!' kinda guy and works in a high school so was a little reserved about having so much of his life out there for all and sundry to read. I get it. I respect it. 

Lately though, the little love has been finding himself more and more interested in blogging and vlogging and taking quite big steps to be more involved which basically, THRILLS ME. This means he is appearing in more and more Chatter channel vlogs and is happy to be featured on my blog more too. Yay, yippe and huzzah!

I'd quite like write more Matt centred blog posts since he is obviously such a huge part of my life but feel lost as to what you'd like to know. What are you interested in? Are you interested in anything at all? Are you wondering why you're even reading haha? 

For those that are totally new- Matt and I met at university in Liverpool and I (being a naive teenager) thought he was oh-so-cool because he was 21 already and seemed very suave. He thought I was cute and eccentric and after 8 months of shillyshallying around (you know how it goes), we were an item. After graduating I stayed in Liverpool for a few more years because it's his hometown (I love me a scouser) and because the city has a big place in my heart. Then, we moved down closer to London, bought a house, said 'I do', baby made three and voila, here we are, the Glitter Family. That's us in a nutshell.

I'm glad he puts up with me. He is always so supportive of my job (which we both love but understand it's not your average 9-5), weathers my ever changing mind, shares the housework and plans little trips for us. I realise how lucky I am and this year am really striving to find more ways to show him my appreciation (minds out of gutters please ladies ;) ).

Comment homework today is - What would you like to know about us? Ask anything, it's a free-for all. What do you do to show love for your other half or what would you do if you were in a relationship? Should I encourage Matt to one day write a blog post? What would you like to read from him?

You can (only if you want to) follow him on twitter HERE

Exciting times Sprinklerinos! 


Contributor - Louise

To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

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  2. Ive been following him on twitter for a while, and he seems to be not just a great dad/husband, but also a lovely person :)

  3. Oh Louise! yours and Matt's life is the perfect love story! i hope that when i get older i have a family and love like yours!.. although i'm almost 18 and still never had a boyfriend! boys just don't like me! :(

    1. Haha. You read my mind! (I'm also almost 18 and never had a boyfriend... :/ )

    2. I never really dated anyone until I was 18 either and in university...where I met the girl I dated for the rest of my time there! Be patient and someone you like and who likes you too will come along. :)

    3. Don't you worry about boys not liking you! Boys your age are usually not really mature yet, so you would be wasting your time anyway ;) I dated someone when I was 17 - 23 and it was a complete nightmare. I was all grown up and he was still a little boy. I only found true love when I was 24! You will find someone when the timing is right! Might sound horribly cliche, but it is true!

    4. Everyone is right. I was the same, I never really dated until I was 18 and then when I did I completely rushed into it. I was so focused on having a boyfriend, I ended up with a really crappy guy. Just focus on yourself and your happiness. I am now 23 and have been with my second very lovely boyfriend for 3 years. It's not about how old you are, it is about finding the right person so don't put pressure on yourself. :)

  4. How did he propose to you? I love yooooou louise!

    1. Agree! I'd like to know about how he proposed too Louise! Only if you'd be willing to share though... :)

    2. If you could share stories of yours and matts wedding and the wedding planning process. Also, would you ever consider renewing your vows sometime down the line?

  5. Here you go something not to intrusive, but I gather Matt teaches French and Spanish. How did end up being fluent in 2 languages when most native English speakers seem to struggle with learning another language. Has he lived in France or Spain for extended periods or was he just someone who found languages interesting as a student?

    1. Too busy marvelling at the fact that there are other Antonia's in the world who are also Sprinklerinos to notice any of the other comments. HELLO THERE.

      I kinda would like to know a similar thing actually, as I want to start learning a language in my spare time and I think that would be a really great thing for him as a language teacher to write a guest blog post about! I really hated languages at school because, although I found the technical side alright, I was petrified of speaking orally and having it all recorded.

  6. I may or may not have squeaked when I saw this blog post! You and Matt (and of course Darcy) are the cutest and though we don't know much about Matt but from the little we do know he seems like a wonderful husband and an awesome Dad! :)
    Please encourage him to write a blog post!! (I'm actually quite curious as to what he thinks about teaching as a profession, etc)
    As for a question, if the roles were reversed (Matt a youtuber, you a teacher) how different do you think your lives would be? (haha could you even imagine it?)

  7. I think it's great that Matt is more involved! It would be awesome if he could be in one of your main channel videos like the husband tag redo or something coupley. And I read all your blog post so a post from Matt would be exciting :)

  8. Husband and wife tag! Blog or video! Love u Louise xxxx

  9. You are such an inspiration Louise, I have definitely tried so much harder to make an effort with doing all the little things for my boyfriend after reading your blog posts... it's not always about the big gestures, but just being able to sit outside with a glass of wine, snacks and just chat the night away... Would definitely love to hear more about your story with Matt...

  10. You guys are perfect oh my goodness. PLEASE have Matt write a post about anything really. It'd be cool to hear what he has to say about you guys and Dacry and your lives in general. Love you all Xx

  11. Strange that this should come up, I was only on his Twitter last nigh (*feels like a stalker*) and I was just thinking wow he's really getting more comfortable with the whole social media stuff. I bet he's the coolest teacher in the school ;D ha. You are such a lovely inspiring family, would love to see a Mr&Mrs tag or something but for now I just like reading your family day out posts and things like that, they're just happy a d relaxing to read :)

  12. husband tag with your REAL husband!! ^-^

  13. This post is the absolute cutest!
    My boyfriend is the same, always so supportive in everything I do. Sometimes I have to be away for work for weeks at a time and he'd always surprise me with something when I get back. Even if it's something little like setting up that my desk for me because he knows that once I get back from that work trip, I come home to a pile of homework from uni.
    This post is a cute little thing you've done for Matt, Louise! You're both very lucky to have each other.. and baby glitter. :) xx

  14. Aww Louise this gave me the FEELS! Now can we have a real husband tag? :) x

  15. This was unexpected, but in a way, not som much ^^ I´m glad to see that Matt is comfortable, because having his type of job, it is better to keep it on the low. But it doesn´t really matter that much, since he is young! And young teachers are "the fun" teachers with exciting lives!
    The husband / Mr. and Mrs Tag please! :)

    You are so inspiring Louise! Keep up the good work. :D

  16. Cute! :)
    Love, Shabana

  17. If it's not too personal I would love to know what lead you guys to stop shillyshalling and become a 'proper' item (as a notorious shillyshallier myself :) ) xx

  18. I love your relationship with both Matt and Darcy. I love how supportive the both of you are to each other with you being on youtube and so open and honest with all things that is your life and then with Matt wanting to be more low key because of his job it was always understandable that he didn't want to be on camera, I am so glad that he will be in more of your videos. Would love for Matt to write about what he thought of you doing youtube in the beginning and how he feels about it now, and what plan do you guys have for having another baby glitter. xxx

  19. Its so lovely to hear he wants to be more involved! xox

    child abuse survivor blog;

  20. Such a lovely post x

  21. i'd love to see a daily vlog of like how you guys naturally spend the day or a day out with the three of you, but from matt's point of view, with him holding the camera! not that i don't love your commentary haha. i just think it would be cool to learn more about matt like that!

  22. I would love to see him in a SprinkleofGlitter video if he feels comfortably being in one yet! It would also be fun to see him writing a blog post about you and what it's like for him to be living with you and have a child.

  23. Is it terrible that every time I see Matt in a blog post or vlog I think that he is a bit of a looker! The glitter family is beyond adorable!

    I'm not sure exactly what I want to know, probably what there is to tell! Maybe something about navigating the stages of a relationship, because I assume it can be difficult moving from friends to university boyfriend to adult real life boyfriend to fiancé and then husband and father.

    Lots of love x

  24. I woud also like to know how Matt proposed to you, Louise. I bet it was all cute and romantic. Since when did you realize that you want to spend your life with this man?

  25. It's so nice to see more of Matt, he seems so lovely and I've been following his twitter - he's so funny as well which makes it easy to see why you two are such a good pair.
    As a lot of people are saying, it would be nice to see the real Husband and Wife tag, when he's ready :)
    Wee Bit of Rachel

  26. Naw, Louise, you did nab yourself a good looking fella (vice versa too)! I don't have anything specific to ask about him. Maybe a bit more of his job? What does he teach? What age group?
    And I'd love to read a blog post by Matt should he be feeling particularly enthusiastic!
    Much love from sunny NZ ;D

  27. Hi Louise!

    I think what makes your blog so lovely and special to read (at least to me) is that you truely write about what ever you want to share, so i think which ever direction this including-matt-more thingy goes it will be nice,as it just shows us a little bit móre about you :)
    I read your blog for a while now and i really enjoy your honesty and positivity. It is nice to see that there are real humans out there that do real human things.That it is possible to have a nice live eventhough it isn't a loop of rainbows,unicorns and kittens.

    You are such an inspiration simply by being yourself!

    So Thank you for being you,making me realise that little things like reading or writing a blogpost can make my day a little better,for showing me that as long as i do what i really want to i can succed and be happy and for helping me to brave up and put myself out there because i am good the way i am!

    I hope you have a lovely day!

    Todeloo x

  28. Aw I'd love to read a guest post on here from him :)
    Bea x
    Bea's Beauty Blog

  29. Oh Louise :) such a cute post! But you know, we always knew you loved him very much, even when he wasn't a topic on your blog or in your videos. One can see love. The way you look at eachother or when you both care for your little girl. It's just the little things that makes a love so special. And you got it. I'm so glad for you :*
    And now I'd like to know (if it's not too rude to ask): What are the little things that annoy you a little, but are still very charming about him? or what drives him nuts that you do? :)

    I'm sorry for mistakes or for being a little blunt and I send my best wishes from Germany to your adorable family :)
    (twitter: @CodeNessi)

  30. I love to show my husband appreciation :) I like to make his favorite meals, talk about stuff that he likes and just always go that extra mile to make him happy (some tips, since you asked) :)

    I think Matt seems so cool, I'm looking forward to see him in a blog post or maybe videos?

  31. Yay, so excited he wants to be more involved. I'd love to see him write a blog post, maybe touching on how youtube has changed his life as well. Would love to hear his side of your relationship story, as I remember you saying that you didn't think he would think of you *like that* and then SURPRISE he did. (As well he should!) Of course you know we are all salivating over the real husband tag as well xx

  32. I'd love to hear a motivational monday, something from a guys perspective. What is his perspective on being a husband/father and how does he stay motivated generally in life.

  33. P.s. Ignore this if it's too personal but as someone who can relate to some of the abuse you've experienced in the past, if you ever feel inclined, how has Matt been a support to you in dealing with the way past abuse can play into loving relationships? Also curious to know if Matt attends church with you/shares your faith. I just want to thank you for being genuine and transparent. We see far too many carbon over-pampered and polished facades of people, when we really just need to be gracious and be real with each other. So thank you x

  34. Aww you & Matt are just sooooo lovely together Louise :D You all make a cute happy Glitter Family :D

  35. you should do a husband tag and make him do a whole vlog on a day out! x

  36. awwww this is soooo cute . you guys are just perfect <3

  37. Its so lovely to hear he wants to be more involved! xox

    child abuse survivor blog;

  38. so cute!!

  39. You two are a lovely couple! Maybe you could do a 50 facts about Matt blog post or less facts if thats too much :) I love reading those and think it would be a nice way to know him a bit better without being too invasive.


  40. Awww what a gorgeous post :) I like seeing Matt in your blogs with baby G, he is such a lovely dad! xx

    Eleri Roberts

  41. How about a guest post from Matt on fatherhood - y'know, what I means to him to be a dad and all :) That would be a nice addition I feel!
    Mr Joiee The Blog

  42. Just wondering if Matt shares your faith (I first found your channel through the video where you talk about the alpha course)? I am on a bit of a wander myself in regards to faith, but I don't quite know how to act about it when it comes to the gentlemen. They are mostly put off by me being religious, and those who aren't rarely share my views. Would be lovely to hear Matts views on your, or his and your faith. all the best xx

  43. You two are such a cute couple! It's nice that he supports you, my husband often tells me I am wasting my time with my blog and I should do something else. But who cares, I love blogging:)

    My GIVEAWAY (you can win Clarins, Clinique and more):

  44. Once I bought three packages of post-its and wrote "I love you" on every - single - one! I places them in our room all over the furniture, the walls, etc. The whole room was covered and my boyfriend nearly started crying (and he is absolutly not a man who would normally cry in any! situation haha).
    Nive post, take care

  45. It would be nice if someday Matt would like to write a blog post about his point of view for Your job, how was it when You met, his reaction to "I write a blog and make youtube videos" :) His "My live with youtuber" :)

  46. Hello! I love your blog and you're my inspiration. I'm new to the blogging world and I really can't find the join this site button on your blog to follow you!!! Help me please!!! :(

    Thank you so much !!

  47. Hi Louise! How does Matt feel about all the new people and experiences that have come into your world since you've been a YouTuber? What are his thoughts about the person you've become because of it?

    You two are such a lovely couple! Take care!

  48. THIS IS SO ADORBSS! :) I love seeing the complete Glitter family in your vlogs because you're such lovely parents to baby Glitter. I don't really have any question I just hope you guys stays together forever and ever!


  49. Hi Louise! I would love if you'd do a "What is a good relationship like" or "How to know if you're in a healthy relationship" -kind of video. I think a lot of people would find that helpfull. So glad that Matt is getting more involved :) Love your videos ! Greetings from Finland :) -Salla

  50. This is lovely. I'm so glad Matt's now more comfortable with being featured on your blog and YouTube channel more, it's nice to see your whole little family and you make such a beautiful couple.

    I'd love to see you do the Mr and Mrs tag on YouTube, although I expect that may be a bit much maybe…
    It'd also be great to see Matt write a blogpost one day.

    Amelia Rose | Beauty Blogger

  51. Hello there Louise! I found your blog thru bloglovin a few months ago and have been hooked on your videos ever since. You are such a sweetie! I love that you want to encourage your husband. The things I've found that encourage my husband are when I give him time and space to pursue his interests. For instance, my husband loves to read theology and play basketball, I find that if I encourage him to go to a coffee shop to read for a while or go play a game of ball that he comes back refreshed and more apt to spend quality time with our little family. (we have a 3yr old and 6mo old) He also has mentioned that he genuinely appreciates it.
    Also, encouraging him with words, either written or spoken may really let him know you are noticing all he does for your family and make him feel built up. It sounds like you have something really great in your marriage. What a gift, right? As far as what I'd like to see video wise...husband wife tag...typical glitter family day vlog...I am wondering if Matt goes to church with you and if he's done Alpha?
    Ok...I'm writing a book now =) Love you Louise! You are so much fun to watch!!

  52. Hey Louise :) First of all, I'm sure I already said that in plenty of your vlogs, but Matt seems like the perfect guy, he's so supportive and such a great father.
    I would like to know about the early stages, how did you meet (introduced by friends or..), how the first few dates went, and when you realised that he had all the qualities I mentioned, and that you could build a future with him :)
    Love you guys and little Darcy <3

  53. awww that's so cute, such a lovely story of you both. I hope I find someone like that soon :)
    Lauren x
    Britton Loves | Fashion Lifestyle + Photography -

  54. Ooh, it's so lovely to see you two together, Louise! You're the cutest couple in the world, with the most adorable little girl! I don't think you should force him to write a blog post, unless he wants to of course. Maybe a video would be lovely :)

    Sofie x
    Little green Sofie

  55. Finally Louise he should be in more of your videos do a Real husband tag on youtube or Mr and Mrs quiz

  56. Hello to you from Russia, Louise!! (you've got some Russian people reading your blog whoop whoop :)).

    I truly believe that you are an inspiring person, and I'm not saying that just because you are a nice girl, but also because it looks like you manage to keep a healthy relationship with your husband(vice versa)- and this is quite a hard task, especially after you have a baby.
    It's always important for a girl to get a support from her husband when she is at home and thinks of the way to contribute to the family still being a mom. And not so many women these days can say that their husband/partner has been supportive from the beginning. So what i'm suggesting is maybe it would be interesting for your readers to learn Mat's perspective on your blog. What he thought about it when you started and maybe he has some advice for men on how important it is to support each other, even at first it might feel as a silly thing?
    I was dating a guy for 4 years since my first year of uni, and after a while i became really interested in photography. I got so much into it, but at that time i didn't have a good camera and i realized that i needed to invest into it to accomplish something. When i shared with him my thoughts he said something that made me feel horrible. "why would you buy a camera Sonya, you don't even have a one good picture so far". All my friends by that time were saying that I was good and i felt so inspired yet he didn't see a beauty in them and he didn't care about supporting me. He thought that his true opinion was important. I was heartbroken and felt devastated. He never apologized for what he said until recently, when i already became known in the photography industry.
    So as you can guess i bought that camera anyway and now i'm a professional travel and wedding photographer, i won some awards and I'm in about to get married with another person, who truly believed in me.

    To sum this up i believe that Glitter family's blog post/ vlog about support might help a few other people.

    Lots of love and keep doing your vlogs, you are incredibly funny and inspiring, Louise xx


  57. Aww we finally get to meet your other half! I understand his need for privacy, especially as most of the kids he works with would have probably even see your blog/YouTube channel.

    I really want to know how the proposal happened?? It's so exciting :)

    Take care
    Ayesha xxx

  58. I love how you have kept your relationship private! Some things are too good to share! :P

  59. Awn, you are such a cute couple! And yes, do some husband/wife tag! :)


  60. That's great that you have another person to collaborate with and share more of your blog with!

    Check out my latest reviews and posts on drugstore staples and supplements for clear, glowing skin.

    Sophie x

  61. I'd love to know stories about you two or little day out posts. I'd enjoy anything really and would also enjoy reading a Matt-written post! :-)

  62. Your first date and first kiss and the story of his proposal.

  63. You conveniently neglected to mention that he speaks/teaches Spanish and French. How did you snag him and where can I find one? *swoon*

  64. This is an extremely cute post, Louise! You can do the Husband Tag with your actual husband now!
    xo, Sarah

  65. Someone might have already suggested this (I'm at work and couldn't browse through the comments like I usually do), but I'd quite like to know what it's like being the "other person" in a blogger's/YouTuber's life. I mean, it's obvious that he's very supportive of you, and I'd just like to hear the experience from his point of view :)

  66. Thanks for sharing! It's so exciting the more we see of him in your videos. Although we respect his privacy, it's awesome he's becoming more interested!! :)

  67. Something I would quite like to know being as you are from different places and met at uni. How did you decide where to live? Do you find it easy to balance seeing both your families? My boyfriend is from Grimsby and I'm from Newcastle so deciding where we will live when he finishes uni is a bit of a pickle.

  68. You two look so cute together:))

  69. Awh this is so sweet!
    I don't think you should put any added pressure of what 'we' want. As your readers/watchers/sprinklerinos we appreciate everything you do, whether that includes le lover or not. Of course it is lovely to see what you all get up to and see you all being cute and lovey dovey, but if he or you at that matter are still a little uncomfortable then just let him decide :) It would be interesting to see what he would like to pick to feature in, like hauls or something. A get ready could be interesting too as you only ever see girls do those really/

    take care, xxx | PixiRella

  70. I love this, you have such a perfect cute little family :)
    Alice | Blog | YouTube | xxx

  71. I'm glad you made this post, you guys are so lovely.
    Such a sweet post :)

  72. it must be such a good feeling being with someone who brings out the best in you and makes you happy. xo

  73. You two are so sweet together. :)

  74. I would like to read a blog post from Matt!

  75. it would be great to read how Matt has changed towards your work - seeing as it is not the normal. It's great that he appreciates that it is different!

  76. Your family is the sweetest thing ever, Louise! Thanks for sharing so much of your life with us.
    If Matt is feeling comfortable about it, you could make a Ask Matt video :)

  77. Awww, you two are the cutest. It's be nice for him to write a blog post of what he thinks about you being on youtube and having a blog or he can just write anything he likes. Hehe! =) x

  78. Can't you do a youtube video together, that would be so lovely! And also, it would be amazing if he did a blogpost aswell!

  79. Hey Louise :) I'm also in a relationship for more than 3 years now, and from time to time I wonder how to give the state of being in love/ infatuation more room in the everyday life since we also live together but still with my father (we're 17/18). How do you and Matt keep your love and the joy you get from it while struggling with the daily life?
    LOVE xxx, Katha

  80. I just found your blog and I'd like to say, that is amazing! You have awesome design, beautiful photos and interesting posts!

    Would you like to follow each other? Let me now in my blog)

    Diana Cloudlet

  81. Sometimes I think Darcy looks a lot like him, and in other videos I see more of you, Louise. :)

  82. This is a lovely post! I already follow Matt's twitter, he seems just as witty as you! Your little family makes me smile, you are all very lucky to have each other Louise. X

  83. Yay! Seeing Matt in the Sprinkle of Chatter vlogs more and more has made me so happy. I'm so glad he loves you so much and appreciates what you do. I obviously would love to see youtube videos (mr&mrs tag, my husband does my makeup, etc) but for blogs, maybe have him talk about his life, your story from his pov, maybe have him talk about what he does during his daily "beauty" routine (he always looks so put together!) or maybe just talk about something he's interested in?


  84. you guys are sooooooooooooo cute together
    I want to see a tag!!!!


  85. I think he should write a post of tips for men moving in with their girlfriends/partners.


  86. Do those coupl-y challenges in Youtube if he's down for that. Or when you go out with your friends and leave BG with Matt, maybe he can do a video like "A day with Darcy" or something like that. You are one of my favorite families in Youtube, Louise. You guys are so simple and sweet (with a little bit of comedy on the side) as a bunch it's heart-warming to watch. I wish nothing but happiness and love in the Glitter household. - Aubrey

  87. Husband and Wife Tag!!

  88. I'd love to read a '25 things about me' post from Matt! Where we could all get to know him but he could choose just how much he wants people to know!

    Liv xxx

  89. Is it hard for you and Matt to spend time together since he has a fulltime job and you work from home? How do you alot time to spend with one another and what do you guys do during this time? :)

  90. I would love to read a post written by him! <3 Sounds like a great idea!

    xo Alicia

  91. I think getting matt to write a small post, OR MAYBE A MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY would be great!
    Make sure to check out my blog:

  92. Louise I think you should encourage Matt to write a blog post because it would be nice to know his opinions of youtube and your job and how it effects him & how you and he have changed since youtube :)

  93. I remember when I first started watching your youtube videos and reading your blog how much of a mystery man Matt had always been, haha. It's great that he's taking such interest in your job(: As for what I would like to see... I don't know. Anything really. It would be nice to see you eventually doing tag videos together. And sadly, I'm a single pringle so there's no significant other to show my appreciation to... haha.

  94. I think a "50 things about me" post from Matt would be nice as well as a post called "How it is to be a father" or "Preparing for fatherhood" because I think it's also important for fathers-to-be to be prepared for birth, supporting your wife, dealing with hormones etc.. Everyone just zeros in on the mommy-to-be.

    Love, Tatjana

  95. I'd love to see a video on youtube where you do the Mr & Mrs challenge which Tanya and Jim did.
    Or just a video together would be nice! :)

  96. aww you're such a lovely couple! Honestly makes my heart melt! :) I guess I'd like to know is it all perfect sailing? Or do you have your ups and downs? and if you do, how do you resolve these? I love my boyfriend but we do sometimes have a clash of opinion! Sometimes I'm not sure if it's easier just not to say anything, but then if I don't I usually end up exploding about it later on! xx

  97. I would LOVE to see Matt write a blog post. I'm obsessed with his twitter and instagram feed! To show my boyfriend love, I like to treat him to his favorite coffee, or surprise him with breakfast on the weekends when he wakes up. He really loves those small things!

  98. I think it's wonderful that he's willing to be more involved, his confidence has obviously grown. Maybe if he would ever want to blog himself to start by doing the odd post on your blog, about you both as a couple, or a facts about me kind of post. I met my boyfriend 4 years ago and I was quite young, I really find you both inspiring.

  99. Yay! I would love him to write a blog post! I saw a blog post on EmTalks with chocolate covered strawberries on long sticks, placed like a bunch of flowers in flower bag shaped brown paper and it was SO adorable! If he likes a bit of chocolate strawberries, you should totally do that for him ;) xx

  100. You guys are such a good looking couple.

    It would be cool to see a blog post where both of you talk about a date night. What you do, what you wear...maybe what you guys do on Valentine's Day?

    It would be lovely to hear from both of you. :)


  101. Talks about your wedding and proposal, special dates, things you love to do together, family moments, etc.

    Colourful Stuff | Beauty, Fashion, Life ♥

  102. Aww you are so sweet together, bet you're made up he is getting more involved in what you do.
    Love your blog and you tube x really make my day


  103. I think its great that Matt is so supportive of you, I think it would be great to hear his opinion on what you do as well, maybe a blog post or something. The glitter family are just so cute!

  104. I would appreciate How it is like to be husband of successful(lovely,amazing,funny...and other superlatives) blogger kind of guestpost. just see it from his point of view :) it´s nice to see that he´s not scared of us anymore :D xx

  105. how did he propose to you...i luv reading your blog

  106. Ahhh Louise! This is such exciting news! Finally the enigma of your Husband as opposed to your Fusband (hahaha this amused me greatly btw!) will be revealed and I'm thrilled! Matt seems like a stand-up guy, and you can start off slow, maybe with the Husband does my makeup tag...once he gets a bit comfier in front of the camera, maybe the husband tag? Also (wow I'm sounding quite nosy aren't I haha) tell us the story of how you met/how he proposed. hope you're having a luuuurvly day lou & matt & b.g.! (I have a makeup blog=) )

  107. I would love to know what subject he teaches? What did you both study at uni?

    My husband and I got married in May 2013 and he sounds very much like Matt in his personality traits, my man is the kindest, sweetest most supportive person I have ever met. Cannot understand what the attraction is of a "bad boy" over a loving soul mate personally!

    I am currently planning a surprise day out for our 1 year wedding anniversary to surprise him. Maybe arrange Darcy to be looked after and plan an eve away somewhere just the two of you in a posh hotel. Or just let me get home from work and have a little date night with a 3 course cooked meal prepared by you of his fav cuisine? Just ideas x

    1. It says on his twitter account that he teaches French and Spanish. :) x

  108. I would love for him to write a blog post. And for you two to do more "us" posts/videos. You are such a lovely couple and should celebrate that within reason with the world :)


  109. I would really like for Matt to be included in more posts! A Husband and Wife tag would be amazing! Also, as he is a French and Spanish teacher, maybe he could write about that. I have a slight French addiction and I tweeted him in French and he favourited it!


  110. I really want you guys to do the husband tag! Actually I'm just nosy and want to know everything about your lives so post away! Anything and everything is encouraged


  111. I love that you will be sharing more of your relationship with us. Since I'm married I love to read about other married people, just because I can relate to them. Ya'll are also an adorable couple. :)


  112. Dear Louise, first off I think you are a marvelous human being and I love your videos and blog posts and everything else you do tons!(:

    I have always loved you and little Darcy and have always wondered what Matt was like! I love seeing all three of you together the very few times he's been shown in videos more recently, it's truly the cutest thing(: Encourage Matt to write a blog! I would definitely read it! Maybe make a video with him eventually rather than your fusband! I'd love to see what you two are like together, because you're too darn cute! I'd love to know about what your wedding was like, as well, because I'm a sucker for a good engagement/wedding story and I've always wondered what yours was like! Maybe write a blog or make a video about that with him(: I'm quite nosy, so anything you share about your lives is always enjoyable for me!


  113. I think you should let him write a blog post about the things he likes most about you and you should do the same!! It's a great thing for your relationship and of course we would all like to hear the cute and romantic details on you guys being together. Also I'd like to know what was your first impression of each other, like not when you first saw him but when you got to know him and thought about him (and he on you) so like what was your first real thought on each other?

  114. I have nothing to ask but just wanted to say what a lovely blog post. Im lucky to say I also have myself a matt well his name is jay but you know what I mean :-) we are expecting our first child anytime now. I love readong about baby glitter and your gorgeous family so look forward to reading more posts ♥

  115. Have you ever done the long-distance relationship thing with Matt and if so tips please!

  116. a lovely post! :) you're such a cute couple. don't really know what i want to know from you buuuut I'm looking forward to read more cute stories from you two :)
    greetings from germany <3

  117. Matt seems so lovely! Maybe you could do the husband tag, or the Mr and Mrs challenge :)

  118. Oh, this is so exciting! :) I hope we don't scare him off, lol!
    I honestly have no clue. Obviously a YouTube tag would be awesome. But anything really! I'd love to know his side of how you met/dated!
    Hola to Matt from Colorado! :)

  119. When you're both out for dinner, or a coffee, does he usually pay for it or do you or do you half it? I love giving and I get a lot more pay than my boyfriend and he has a lot more to pay for so I love to pay for our coffees and dinner. It bugs me that people make digs that I shouldn't be paying because I'm the lady. I was just hoping I'm not the only one that does this :)

  120. Ah how exciting! So happy for you, I always thought you were the cutest little fam and although we didn't get to see/hear that much of him, Matt's just part of your blogging/vlogging world :) No matter what you're going to film or blog about, I know I'll enjoy it as much as I've always enjoyed everything you do xx

  121. I've got a few little questions if you don't mind me being a bit nosey...
    1.) How did Matt propose and how did you react?
    2.) Do you remember the first conversation you had with each other?
    3.) How did you know Matt was "the one" and vice versa, Matt, how did you know Louise was "the one"?

    Much love to the you both and of course to Baby Glitter as well. Mwah! xx

  122. Hi guys sorry to be annoying but I'm a new blogger and it would mean a ton to me if you could take a look at my blog thank you so much! <3

  123. Louise, I'm a similar age to you so I feel like you might have some good insight having gone through it before. My boyfriend and I have discussed moving in together. While this is extremely exciting, it's also nerve-wracking because I know expectations might differ quite a bit from reality. You've touched on the subject before - but would you be able to talk about how you and Matt have handled transitioning from dating, to living together, to deciding on marriage, and now being a family? What were the difficulties that came up, and how did you overcome them? If you would give anyone about to embark on that journey, what advice would you give? I've been loving your youtube channel and blog so much these days, it brings such happiness to my day when I watch a video! xo

  124. I never believed in love spells or magic until I met this spell caster once when i went to see my friend in Indian this year on a business summit. I meant a man who's name is Dr ATILA he is really powerful and could help cast spells to bring back one's gone, lost, misbehaving lover and magic money spell or spell for a good job or luck spell .I'm now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 5 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 3years. I really loved him, but his mother was against us and he had no good paying job. So when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him. At first i was undecided,skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. And in 7 days when i returned to Canada, my boyfriend (now husband) called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married. I didn't believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do. Well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid, and my husband also got the new job and our lives became much better. His email is

  125. Louise I'm so happy now you should do the really Husband tag with Matt.
    Lots of love <3

    hey Lucy in the sky

  126. I am delighted that Matt is becoming more comfortable with the camera & internet world! I don't have any ideas, I'd appreciate anything from you two, but I just want to say you guys are such a beautiful couple & I would love to one day have a relationship like yours!

  127. You guys seem so perfect <3 love your videos would mean the world if you could check my blog out :) you inspired me to start one today x

  128. I would love to know how he proposed to you (or maybe you proposed to him!), I don't know, that's why I want to find out! Love your blogs and vlogs xx

  129. more about how you met! anything matt is comfortable with:)
    Lizzy | elizabethsophiee x

  130. so cute

  131. I would love to know how he proposed, more details about your wedding/pictures! But only if Matt is willing to share! Oh and maybe maaaaybe a Husband tag? Whatever Matt is comfortable would be cool, because I'm quite a nosy person and absolutely ADORE you and you're family! Darcy is so lucky to have you as a mother! And maybe you could give me a cheeky little follow on Instagram @kinley_taylor ? I'm not quite sure if I used the word cheeky right (I'm American, don't judge me!) but it sounded good. Love you Louise! I'm so proud to be apart of the Sprinklerino family!!! <3 xx

  132. A whole-family lookbook for Spring or Summer would be fun with all three of you. It would be interesting to see a Matt version of draw my life. And I know it's been suggested already about wanting to know how your YouTube channel and blog have changed his life, but I'll throw a vote in for that as well! =) Let's see... what else? Oh, maybe a Real Man's survival guide to living in a pink bedroom. hahaha ;)

  133. We see so much of you and Darcy, so it's nice to see more of the complete Glitter family!
    My question to you is: what has been the hardest part about marriage?


  134. That guy Matt ha ha title is cool and i already follow Matt he seems so lovely Louise you picked a good un there and of course i would say that being born on Merseyside myself so he has to be ace ha ha....i would love to know if Matt thinks he will carry on doing his teaching career or would like to do something like yourself and go into doing youtube blogs vlogs etc? how do the kids at school feel about it are they all cool or has he had any grief as yet from either kids or parents of kids or anything but then i suppose why would he is your so popular and everyone loves ya so i bet he is very proud of you.How did he feel becoming a daddy to a baby Girl and would you like to expand your family one day,would you ever move back to Liverpool or how about Cheshire very posh :D ur a lovely couple and i'm glad we are going to see more of you as a couple as you will need to break it to ur Fusband that ur ditching him ha ha....Take care love vinny xx♥xx

  135. I'm curious- how did you guys first meet? were there sparks???? (oo la la)... did he make the first move?

  136. How exciting! It's so nice to see different aspects of your life! Love to know any recommendations he may have for mens hair, body, face and fragrance products etc. My BF's birthday is coming up soon and I love researching different gift options. It would be wonderful to see a husband tag video or even tests like you do the best friend test with Zoe. Thanks always for you advice and loveliness!

  137. Aw you guys really make a lovely couple (: I absolutely adore your little family!
    If he feels comfortable about it, you guys should do a little Q&A video, or maybe a blog post about random little quirks you love about each other? Haha, anything from the both of you would be really cool (:

    Kendra | It's a Bug's Life

  138. I would just love to hear the story of your relationship to be honest. I love hearing about how people got together!

  139. Just write the first thing that pops into your mind! A few words here, a few words there ... and voilá :D

    From Making Things Alive

  140. Oh Louise you know us lot, TELL US EVERYTHING haha
    really looking forward to whatever these comments birth big love for the Glitters ;)

  141. I can see how great he is to you and how much you love him from your blog. Just so happy for you to find a great person to share your great moments together. Wish you the best. Love you, Louise x)!!

  142. Aww so sweet :)
    How did you guys meet?

  143. This was lovely, I'd love to see more of Matt, and maybe a collab video soon?


  144. I'm so happy for you Louise! You look so gorgeous together! :)

  145. Aww it's so great to see this post about Matt! You guys are so amazing together. I would like Matt to do a blog post, about anything he wants. :)

  146. Does Matt go to Church too? If not how does he feel about your faith? If so, did you start going at the same time or did he first/later?

  147. I love that Matt teaches French and Spanish because I'm currently studying both of those at university. I'd love to hear more about his experiences of studying them - when did he decide to teach, did he do a year abroad... etc.

  148. Do any of his students read your blog? Has he ever encountered any Sprinklerinos at school? And what does he teach?

  149. such a beautiful couple!! x

  150. I'm in a similar job where a lot of the time I am required to work abroad or away from home for as long as a week at a time. How do you and Matt deal with this time apart? Do you have any tips? My partner is a teacher as well and often comments on how lucky I am, which I won't deny but I want to make sure he doesn't feel left out or left behind. x

  151. Agree with other posters, definitely a proposal story would be loverly, and I'm really happy he wants to be "exposed" more, he seems awesome :)
    I would love to read a blogpost from him, whatever it was about, whatever he felt like writing about, 'cause it's very interesting to me to get a peep look into someone else's life and thoughts :)

  152. Every relationship I have been in has stopped at 5/9 months because when we get on to the bedroom bit, I am extremely self conscious about my body and refuse to take my top off... any tips?

  153. I'd love to hear relationship/marriage advice, and I'd also love to see Matt do your makeup! I'm a bit older than you, and also married. I think it's good for young viewers to see happily married folks living normal lives, so vlogging about normal stuff would be fun to see. It might not seem exciting, but that's life. <3 you Louie & Matt and Baby Glitter!!

  154. Hi three of you!
    I am so sorry to bother you like that, but i take the chance of this post to ask some questions to Matt. I am 21 and study geography (and some history) in France and I don't know if I really want to become a teacher later. On the one hand, I like to work with children or teens in Summer Camp to teach them some stuffs, I do love what I study but I really want to leave France when I get gratuated in 3 and a half years and I'm a little bit afraid and scared of teaching. Will I (always) be a good teacher? I mean when i will get older I will lose some patience and do I really want to be a teacher, like, forever?! Anyway, my questions are :
    Did Matt always wanted to be a teacher? Was he scared the first time he entered his class? How were (are) the students? How does he deal with "difficult" students?
    And because I like UK and don't want to leave in France forever, do you know if that's possible for a french person who gratuated (in teaching) in France to teach abroad?

    Please excuse my bad english and I wish to all your little charming family a nice day!
    Léone (

  155. I'd love to see you do some couple tags or get Matt to write a blog post/appear in a main channel video. However, we realise it must be quite daunting.. baby steps! ;) xx

  156. I must say that Matt is really... handsome haha :) Sounds like you are very lucky to have him :) I wish you all best guys!! love ya :*

  157. Could you do a video/blog post about how you got together initially when ye were in college? :)

  158. A youtube video (preferably a Q&A) and blog posts! I'm sure it would be nice for you if he wrote a few so that you got a few days where you didn't have to update. Also, you're like my favorite couple ever and Matt seems like a great guy! Also, I completely understand why he wanted to stay away from the so called spotlight, but I'm thrilled that he's more open to it now as you're the cutest little family and couple ever! Oh, and I'm considering becoming a teacher for high school teachers, so if he wants, I'd love a blog post about it, and I'm sure you have more readers considering becoming teachers. :)

  159. Aw, cute love birds, you both! :P

    I have noticed Matt's been popping up here and there lately! As I am glad he's coming around, I just want to say that there shouldn't be any pressure in having to take part of this, this, Glitter World here. Only if Matt choose to take part, I think it'd be alright then. It's just good fun! I do hope Matt will like to check in sometimes though.

    x x x

  160. Hi Louise. I am from Czech republic (little state inside Europe) and my english is so so horrible, but i love your videos, you are so nice and lovely person and veyr very positive! And your family? BEAUTIFUL. You deserve be happy!
    Sorry for my mistakes .. :(

  161. Louise, your's and Matt's relationship is just so lovely, like a fairytale! I don't really know anything big I do for my other half to show my appreciation (guilty party here), but my boyfriend always does these things that he calls '2nd/3rd/4th etc. first dates' - where he pretends like he's taking me on a first date all over again, it's so lovely and it doesn't have to be big or anything, just like the cinema and stuff sometimes!

  162. this is so cute, loved this post, so happy for you.

    Jess x

  163. Aww I'm so glad Matt is making an appearence! He's so sweet with Darcy! And I'm so glad you're giving your blog extra attention even though your videos are my favourite! :D Gillxox

  164. Please make a Blogpost about his style , favorite outfits , work outfits etc. Matt is a classy man , I am sure many sprinklerinos will apprecite that :)

  165. Just a little question,

    Will you ever give Baby Glitter a brother or a sister? :) I just couldn't handle the cuteness of another little Glitter :3

    Chloe <33 x

  166. I would definitely read a blog post from Matt! Your little family is so cute! Louise you have been such an inspiration to me and I just love your blog and youtube videos! Maybe you could talk about decorating your house and how you compromised on style- what you liked and what he liked etc...

    <3 Kim

  167. What does Matt find difficult about your job and how do you deal with it together? X

  168. I love to read about your marriage. Im a married lady in my 20s as well, so its nice to hear any tips or advice, or just to get a peek in to day to day. I also would like to know how you both decided to have children, and how your relationship changed once Darcy was born :)

  169. Can we call Matt Mr. Glitter?

  170. i would love to see may be a motivational monday from matt's point of view and may be a blog post written by him just answering some of your bloggerino's questions?? just some ideas :)

    Leyla xx
    Leyla Writes...

  171. Awah! It's great that he's more interested in what you do!
    I don't want him to be scared! everybody already loves him! :D It'll be lovely to watch him flourish on your channel! :D
    Elephant stories and more

  172. I have a question for Matt. My husband and myself are expecting a brilliant baby boy in a few months. I was wondering if Matt had any advice for new fathers?

  173. you should totally get him write a blog post !

  174. I'd love to see a blog post from Matt and a husband tag of course :D It's so nice to see other people being so truly happy and supportive of each other :) Sounds like you two have an amazing relationship :)

    My beauty & lifestyle blog

  175. I never noticed a Liverpudlian accent with Matt before :) You're so lucky that you have found yourself such a nice guy, they are out there, you just have to find them. I'm still looking LOL.

    I'd love to just know more about Matt; nothing too personal, don't worry, but what he likes and doesn't like. Maybe he can even encourage people to learn a language ;)

  176. I am so happy that he wants to get involved more now since he is such a nice guy :)
    You should definitely get him to write a blog post. xx
    I also would LOVE to see a Lookbook with the both of you ?! ♥

    Lots of Love, xx

  177. i would love to know your proposal story and how you told him you were pregnant with baby glitter!

  178. This post make me so happy,I think you're the loveliest little family and would definitely like to know a bit more about Matt (in the least nosiest way as possible!)

  179. It's so so so lovely to see Matt getting involved!! Girls, don't worry if you're almost 18 and haven't found the perfect man oh my god! I never had a boyfriend until 10 days after my 18th birthday! And Louise didn't meet Matt until university... there's PLENTY of time!!

    My blog is a similar lifestyle/beauty thing :-)
    I would sooooooo appreciate it if you could check it out!

    Warning: Lot's of moaning, carb eating and big underwear....

  180. So glad to have found your blog - looking forward to browsing through your lovely posts :)

    (Dear Thirty)

  181. YAY please do the MR & MRS challenge. id love to know how matt feels about your blogging/vlogging career xx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx

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