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Thursday, 23 August 2012

Awful To Say It's Awful?

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

As we all hopefully know, this blog is a place for honesty and positivity. I like to talk about happy or uplifting things in life and combine that with honest reviews of beauty products I have tried and tested. Sometimes though, I come across a bit of a sticky wicket. If I try something and it is poopsicles, I want to tell you so. However by saying something is below par, that's pretty negative. And negative is not positive. See the issue I have?

To combat this dilemma, I decided to throw all the poopyness into one pot (eurgh) and make a video on lip products that I know I won't be replacing and try not to be a miseryguts about it. 

I uploaded it to my YouTube Channel (do feel free to subscribe, it's free y'anno) a couple of days ago and I was really pleased with it's reception. In case you haven't seen it, I have embedded it here too. 

I would be really interested to hear if you think Beauty Bloggers/Vloggers should tell you if they thought something was downright rubbish, or if we should just leave those products out and talk about the good things? I will never say something is great if it isn't, but I must say, I was quite worried about making this video in case you all came at me with pitchforks for not being really super 'love, love, LOVE' if that makes sense?!

I think I've rambled on long enough, please do leave your thoughts in the comment section and please do be sure to read other people's, there's a lot that goes on beneath these little wordy things I string into sentences and it's worth clicking down to look!


This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Lady of Vintage. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top! 


  1. I loved this video-I love all your videos! They always cheer me up on a down day xx

  2. I alwayslove your videos and i think bloggers should definitely say if they don't like something!!

    Sophierosehearts x

  3. I always love your reviews and I also think that you should be able to tell your blog readers when you don't like a product. I think it is just as important as telling us when you do like a product.

    Nafisah. xo

  4. I loved this video, I think it's really refreshing to hear some negative reviews because it reminds you that it isn't all sunshine and greatness and that personal choice is massively important - just because there's loads of hype doesn't mean you have to rush out and buy it...which I'm a sucker for doing!!

    I'd love to see any other awful product reviews because variety is the spice of life so they say and it's impossible for everyone to love everything!!



  5. I love to be told what is rubbish so I don't waste my money. I really enjoyed this video- it was very helpful and it made me smile:)

  6. I love your videos so much! I definitely think it's a good idea to talk about bad products because it steers us beauty addicts in the right direction! xx

  7. I loved your ''Awful Lip Products'' video! It's nice to see honesty and if something is a bit below par then yes, it's good to tell others why you thought so!! There will always be people who disagree when you think something is rubbish and there will always be people who disagree when you think something is great! That's the wonderful nature of cosmetics - what's great for some is crap for others! So keep giving us your honest views, they are much appreciated XX

  8. i think it's great you're talking about bad products - so i know not to buy them don't waste my money! keep doing these kind of videos :)

  9. Loved this video made me chuckle alot xx

  10. I love and needed this video since I was trying to decide what Revlon lip product to go for next and now I've made my decision. I think the video would be a lot less fun if you were just completely slating the products and being overly negative but you weren't. You managed to make light of it, and make it a funny video. You're awesome at that xxx

  11. Love the video, I think its great to say whats awful in a while. You cant be possitive all the time!


  12. It's super helpful to hear about products that are a no-go. And I think you struck the perfect balance of critiquing it without acting like it was the biggest deal in the world that the product was disappointing.

  13. I love videos that say things are rubbish! It helps rule out some of the really hyped up spending. That way I only spend money on the good stuff or not at all :)

    Makeup for Biochemists

  14. I love your videos, its so helpful when people do negative reviews as it stops me from buying them and avoids disappointment, especially if there is a better alternative available and it saves us from wasting money! This video was super helpful - thank you! xx

  15. I do like hearing about things people haven't liked - not only do you think twice about buying the products, but it helps you be sure that when someone says they love something, they really mean it and don't just say it about everything! I always say if I've been disappointed with a product.


  16. I prefer it when people mention products they dislike or regret buying. It is helpful and honest, not negative. I think it crosses the line into negative when people bash something without having a good reason to. But I'm glad that you like to stay positive for your viewers! :)

  17. I like to hear/read if people have used something and not liked it. When you watch someone's video or read their blog for a while, you get a sense of how their taste or skin type, colouring etc compares to your own, so you may find that you're not likely to like that particular product either... if that makes sense?!

  18. yes yes yes! personally for me i like to know if there is anything bad about a product im reading a review of - as well as anything good of course so then i can weigh it up and see if i think its worth spending my money on. if there's something about a product that the person reviewing it thinks isnt good, it might be fine for someone else or it might just be the general quality of the product in which case the result will probably be the same for most people. i think as long as people remember that what doesnt work for some people, might work well for others and not take it too much to heart if they like something you dont then it will all be rosy :) xxx

  19. i love this video, please do more of these videos because i want to see what not to buy just as much as i want to see what to buy xx

  20. I actually LOVE these kind of videos! It is nice to know which products are great, but it is also great to know which products are not as good. This makes it possible for me to spend my money on the right things that I won't be disappointed about! :)

    Sandra from The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

  21. I love your reviews! This video made me laugh so much, you're hilarious! I like to hear whichever opinion you have on a product, good or bad. And I actually completely agree with you about the lip stains, I've tried those before and I didn't like them at all. I value your thoughts on products and other sprinkle related things :)

  22. I think it's super important to be told what is rubbish as well good ! It let's us novices know what products to avoid as well as which ones are worth it . The purple lipstick was hilarious ,I think we've all bought thinks before that we know are a bit crazy !

  23. I really really like these kind of posts and videos! It's not awful to say that something's awful it's simply honest! I also think it's very helpful, there are soo many products out there and it's good to know what to avoid. And then afterall it's just an opinion everyone is free to have one and maybe something you don't like others go along with well and viceversa! I love your blog and channel and you have such a lovely personality! Give a hug to Baby Glitter xxxxxxxxx

  24. Ofcourse normally people like to read good/positive things, but i think it´s possibly even more important to know the negative/bad things, to know what to avoid etc. I actually had a lot on this video, so thanks for sharing these rubbish lippies with us Louise!

  25. I write reviews on products and say they are rubbish if they Are. The reason I do this is because often if I'm out shopping and I see something I like And google '[the name] review' and I would much rather get a review saying 'this is bad' and not buy it, than a bunch of PR reviews saying that it's great. I also feel like I can trust a reviewer more if they say they don't like something. It annoys me that people don't cover things they get sent which they don't like, because people may buy these products and they deserve to know what people think of them. That's just my opinion anyway. Love your videos As always Louise! X

  26. I feel in love with your blog!!!

  27. already watched the video and loved it! don't feel bad about not liking products, nothing is made to be universal and no makeup item will ever work for everyone. we love reading your opinions and taking your advice no matter what. love you louise!

    katie x

  28. I personally find it really helpful to read/watch negative reviews of products. As long as the reviewer doesn't just say 'this is crap, don't buy it' but actually explains why they don't like the product, like you did in your video. It really helps to hear what didn't work for one person and think 'would I have the same issue' and that way you can keep that information in mind when you go look at the product online/in store.
    I think it's a good idea to do a collective video like you did, maybe you could do others similar to that one but with different types of products (like body lotions or eyeshadows or something).

  29. I think negative reviews are really helpful. It's nice to see other perspectives on products and find out why a product might not be all it's cracked up to be!

  30. I like to be told if a product is no good so I don't waste my money... I think hearing about the bad things is just as important as hearing about the really good products :)

    Frances xx

  31. I think it's great to read the good reviews on products. But I do look for negative reviews as well when I'm pondering whether or not I want to try a product out. It's always good to know the good and ugly about anything in life. I loved your video! And I'm really glad I saw it because I too like the Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain. Seeing your review has made me second the thought of purchasing the Lipstain + Balm.


  32. I think it's a beauty girls job to give honest and frank appraisals of products, be that fantastic or rubbish, it shows you're honest and not just in it to score free products and be a 'front' for a brand.

    After watching several youtube 'gurus' for over a year now, I'm getting a bit despondent with the ones who are clearly being paid to endorse a product. I turned to you tube to get honest evaluations and now I feel a little clouded by false reviews.

    You're keeping it real girl! Keep doing what you're doing Louise, you are fabulous!

  33. I don't mind negatove reviews. After all, we read blogs to get information. If your information could save me $$$, then bring it on!

  34. I prefer both reviews. I think its really nice to know when someone thinks something isnt worth the money or time and vice versa I love to know when someone really loves a product and just cant get enough of it. So "negative" reviews are good!

  35. I think so many people get caught up in hype, it's just so nice to hear someone be down right honest! I always find you give positive negatives anyway Louise, keep it up. Your brill x

  36. definitely agree with all the comments above - I like watching reviews on products that have been a let down just as much as products that are great. it slims down my wish list a little and helps me decide on what to buy next! keep doing what you're doing xxx

  37. Agreed that you have to cover the positive and negatives of a product. But let's play devil's advocate for a second.

    Every hairdresser I've ever been to tells me Pantene is bloody awful. Friends tell me it's awful and having tried it - I agree - it's awful. For MY hair. Yet it's the UK's biggest seller. Why is that? Because some people DO like it.

    Same with a lippie - for example. Let's say you are saying a lippie is awful because it doesn't last as long as your favourite one. or the colour isn't as intense. Other people may be happier with one that has a less intense shade or happier to put up with reapplying to get the right colour.

    I think using the word awful is perhaps too negative - something like you said - "stuff I won't be repurchasing" and here's why. if people think your reasons are poor then they probably will just buy it anyway. (eg I like my bourjois blusher and have NO trouble getting it on the brush or on me so I'd just ignore your review of that as my experience is totally different) But to lead with "they are all awful" just because you don't like them is a little unfair to the product. Especially the NARS one as you said all kind winter colours and you haven't worn it. Hardly fair to call it rubbish - you bought the colours so it was kinda your choice wasn't it?

    Hope that helps - like the video though - just be a little more objective :-)

  38. I think that you should say what is awful as I trust your opinion :)

  39. Great video. This is similar to "the products I regret buying" videos as they are honest and offers a different opinion to the favoured raves of the products.

    You're a lovely person and I am in love with your videos :-) x

  40. I think you definitely sound tell us why you didn't like products. I would rather not waste money on a product that was rubbish! So really the negative can become a positive by helping others!! Xx

  41. Hello! This is an interesting one as I would be inclined to agree with you - I think if the feedback is given in a constructive way and an explanation is given as to why that product wasn't for you then I think it helps the brand in their marketing and also the product development. If enough people comment that a product doesn't smell nice for example then it gives them the opportunity to do something about it!

    As a new blogger and also someone who really enjoys reading blogs for information and real opinions on products - I want to read the negative as well as the positive as it helps me make an informed choice! :o)

    In conclusion - love the post!

  42. I definitely think we beauty bloggers should be writing about bad products, as well as good. If I'm looking to try something new, I always do a Google Blog Search for the product! And I agree, the Maybelline Color Sensational Popsticks are glorified lipbalms, HOWEVER... I have it in "Tropical Pink" and I use it all the time, and love it. It has more colour pay off than the one you have/had!

  43. I love videos like this, I've seen a few now. It's great to know which products to avoid & save wasting our pennies :)

    I'm having a GIVEAWAY over at my blog if you wanna check it out!


  44. I would rather know if a product is poopy than read/watch an unhonest review and then think "I wanna try that" and spend a fortune on said product, only to find I hate it xx

  45. Loved this video! And agree with comments already written. I'd rather see an honest review of products, even if they are poopy then watch someone say a product is great when really they don't believe that themselves. You should definitely do more videos like this :) xoxo

  46. I think it's right to tell people if a product didn't live up to it's claims/your expectations. Beauty products are EXPENSIVE (mostly) and I rely on blog reviews to help me decide whether or not I should spend my hard earned cash on them. If you've learned something - share it - that's what blogging is about!

  47. Definitely think it should be called 'products I won't be repurchasing' as most of them you said weren't actually awful they were just the wrong colour for you which is more your fault for getting a bit carried away when you saw the lovely bright colours! (don't worry we all do it haha!) xxx

  48. I actually think these types of videos/posts are more helpful to people than the love ones - i'd much rather not waste my money on something terrible! lovely video - you do it in a positive way somehow!
    liv x

  49. I definitely think beauty bloggers should be truthful and say if they don't like something. After all, most of us check your blogs out before purchasing something and I'd rather know if something is worth the expense or not before wasting my money. xx

    Endometriosis my life with you

  50. Lol, oh Louise, you're a funny wee sausage! I like hearing reviews about rubbish products, it stops me from wasting money!
    I hope you and Chummy are having fun times and filming some video's together and you're giving her lot's of hugs and loveliness after what that silly boy did.


  51. You should definitely get the 'maybeline eye colour tattoo' in another more neutral colour like gold or bronze! I have 'Back to The Bronze' and i love it!xx

  52. I think posts/videos like this are more important than the positive ones, cos a lot of people don't write/talk about their negative views of products, and for someone like me who is a bit skint and can't just throw money away, I need to know I'm buying a good product. Even though you can test many products, sometimes I do the same as you and feel totally different in the shop than when I get home, and with some stuff you can't even test it so you have to just rely on the description of the product, and every product can sell itself.

  53. Loved this video, I agree the Bourjois pots are terrible. Can't believe people would get so angsty over the wording of your youtube video. They obviously have nothing better to do!
    Daniella x

  54. I think it's quite helpful to know which products you think are rubbish! Great video :)

  55. I watched and thoroughly enjoyed the video. It's very much appreciated when I hear of products people have tried and not liked, if all we hear about are the good things, how are we supposed to know what not to buy? Keep making videos, we'll keep watching. Don't be so hard on yourself.

  56. I think it's a great idea to tell us about products that you don't like, gives us a really clear idea of what's good/bad on the market. If we were never told that a product was rubbish we'd all just waste our money on them!!

  57. I think it is important to now and again tell us which products you didn't enjoy, as it helps us decide what to buy ourselves, just as much as a positive review :) balance is key :P
    Don't worry about it being negative, I found your 'bad' reviews balanced and they made sense :D

  58. I really appreciated that video. It helps us stay away from the disappointing products and spend our hard-earned money on a better product. :)

  59. I am enjoying these videos, it's nice to see some honest feedback about products & their packaging, guess you can't please everyone but really don't understand why people are moaning...ah well such is life and the internet, it's a weird place. I shall continue watching :)

  60. Videos like this are always really helpful and I really like your one!

  61. Hi ya

    I am enjoying these video's too! and like sugarpuffish said its nice to see honest feedback about products.
    The downside it makes me think about the products I have bought and not used.....

  62. Negative reviews are so refreshing! I feel like they're totally honest! I mean why would you lie about hating something? I certainly won't be after you with a pitch fork! haha x

  63. As much as I love a good review, I also like to know when a product isn't all that good. At least then people know that the product isn't worth the money and won't waste money buying it. I watched this video when you uploaded and it was interesting to see what products aren't actually very good. Look forward to another video soon :) x

  64. Louise, I thought that while you were talking about products you didn't like, you were still cheery and happy about it and so entertaining! I don't think it's negative to be negative, it makes you seem more real. Also, if we only hear about how much you love everything all the time it seems like you just love everything you try, so it's nice to know that there are some duds in your collection ;-)

  65. also you should try taking those inglot palettes out of the... inglot palette... and put them in individual z-palettes or something so you can travel with them and close them up nicely.

  66. I really liked watching that video I think it's good to see what you think of things instead of something scripted on tv so now we know it's a honest opinion, but the comments on it were a bit ridiculous saying you should of changed the name of the video, quite silly really but that's my opinion!


  67. Telling your followers about bad products is as imporant as telling them about good products. I really enjoy your blog but it drives me crazy how you always apologize to people. "I'm sorry if...I hope I didn't waste your time..." etc. If someone doesn't like it - too bad. This is your little corner of the world. Own it.

  68. I though this video was great - it has definitely stopped me wasting my money on bad products!! Looking forward to the next one :)

  69. it's a definite yes to what you're saying. I defintitely think that people should be able to give their own opinions if they want to. So please call it awful if you want to!

  70. In the strangest ways you make the most relevant videos. Love the honesty :) So refreshing, you don't sugar coat anything.
    You're so inspiring to a beginner blogger (a.k.a. me!)

  71. nice video! like it!

    xoxo milla

  72. This videos great! Hats off to you for making it, I don't have the confidence to do a video, I swear I sound like a child on camera! XxxX htlp://

  73. I think it's important you give your honest opinion! If you said everything was great, people would then think you are being too nice about it and must suspect that you've been given money to be nice or something like that! Be honest and true to yourself, because that's the Louise we know and adore!!xxx

  74. It's so important to be honest and comfortable in your own blog/youtube channel. It shouldn't be that you're worried what other people's views on products are. If they love them, good for them! It's only your opinion! And clearly us sprinklrinos apprecitate your opinion hehe xxx

  75. I loved this video as it showed your honest opinion on products, especially the lip stains that I was considering buying as there was so much hype around them but your review made me see that the product isn't perfect for everyone :) Thank you!

  76. Hi Louise!!

    After seeing all the controversy over the wording of the vlog title, I'd like to add my own humble two cents on the matter. I think the beauty and uniqueness about vlogging/blogging is the honest voice we can have. The reason we follow each others media channels IS because we enjoy the genuine nature of it. When we start censoring our honest opinions on things like products, wouldn't that defeat the purpose of blogging/vlogging. For those that have an issue with using words like awful, don't you guys remember that we're free to our own opinions? If you like the product that is being reviewed with bad ratings, THAT IS OKAY! You are still free to like it, use it and recommend it. We all have different preferences, different skin types, skin chemistry, all those sorts of things, so if you don't agree, keep calm and carry on!

    Thank you for sharing with us Louise, you don't have to apologize on having your own opinion. You didn't insult anyone, you didn't place judgement on others, it is just a cosmetic product! We'll survive if we don't agree with an opinion LOL. Get a grip people!!!

    Anyways, Thanks Again! xoxo from USA.

  77. Its so annoying when you spend lots of money of products and they turn out rubbish!>:(

    please have a look at my blog - I'm new :)

  78. LOUISE! I blogged about you and would love you to read it!
    xoxo from Aus

  79. Great video :) Thanks for always brightening my day, Louise! You gave me a chuckle no matter what mood I'm in :) I'd love if you checked out my blog, if you ever have a second!

  80. I think the whole point of writing and reading blog reviews is to give and gain an honest opinion of a product - so if it is below par, it is totally fine to say so! Having said that, I do struggle with being totally negative about a product - I always try and say why it hasn't worked for me, and so why it might work for someone else. Your reviews are always so easy to engage with Louise that I think it's totally fine to share your opinion :) very helpful video.

    e x

  81. I believe that it is your duty to tell us about the products you love as well as the products you dislike. You need to be detailed in why you dislike the product. What is the reason for the dislike? Was it that it was not the color you thought it would be so it didn't look good on your skintone or was it a new brand of nail polish and it was chipping within hours. As long as your give your opinion and you tell us why everyone should be happy.

    I hope you are having a great weekend. Tomorrow is the last chance to enter our giveaway.
    Sunny Days and Starry Nights Giveaway

  82. I love it!

  83. I like hearing when people don't like certain products, then it helps others not get disappointed. Thanks for the review!

  84. Something to remember is that One blogger's trash is another blogger's treasure and we should never let the noise of other's opinions drown out our own inner voice :) (That's one I learnt when being bullied at school-why people have to be so mean I don't know?)

    Tanesha x

  85. I loved your video!!! You were respectful to the product companies, informative, and very funny. I do NOT trust beauty gurus that only say they "love" product they present on their channels. I really get annoyed when a lot of beauty gurus "hem and haw" at the beginnning of their "Products they wouldn't Repurchase" videos with the lame excuse of "I don't want to say anything bad" The truth of the matter is they don't want to jeopardize being sponsored by that company.

    One of the reasons I love your channel is that you are ALWAYS honest. I use the info I receive from your opinions to make product decisions. You save me time and money. Please keep doing what you are doing. I wish you much success :)

  86. Whilst I always like to see a positive review of a product online - y'know, to help peer pressure me into buying it - I'm almost always doubly thankful if I come across a negative one, because usually they stop me spending my pennies on something I'll use once, realise it's pants myself and then throw in the drawer with my other useless products. So by being negative, you stop me from making a mistake, which is positive in itself. (See what I did there?! Yes, I'm confused, too..) Cx

  87. No! I'm really glad you made this video! I was considering buying quite a few of the products you mentioned so thanks for stopping me wasting my money! :)

  88. ha ha loved the purple lipstick shocker

  89. Of course you should say if you dislike something! :) You share your positive experiences so why not share your negative ones! :) xx

  90. Good on you Louise!! I am not a believer myself but am quite envious of people who are! Also your makeup in this vid is gorgeous!!

  91. love the colour on your nails !

    Look at my autumn neutral nail favourites.

    lauren x

  92. love this video! also you look great in this video! xx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx

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