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Monday, 6 August 2012

The People Online

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Bit of a slushy one to start the week today. If you're not one for emotion or sentiment, turn away now, I'm in one of those moods.

In 2009 I started this blog. I started it because I thought it might be fun, had always thought of bloggers as interesting and wanted a slice of that pie. I knew other bloggers existed and knew them through their posts, like how most of you know me, and thought that was a hoot.

Up until that point, the only people I was friends with were people I had physically met at school, uni, work, through family etc, and whilst I might communicate with them online via things like email and facebook, I had never made a friend because of or thanks to the internet.

Since I have been blogging, I have been fortunate enough to connect with and meet quite a few 'online' people, like bloggers at events and would truly call them my friends. If for example one of them were to bump into me and Matt in town, I would say, 'Oh Matt, this is my friend Thingymabob!' and mean it. I really do feel enriched because of this.

Up until I threw myself into this marvellous little world, I thought the only people who met through the internet were daters and those seedy folk who meet in carparks. How wrong I was.

I can say, hand on heart, that there are AT LEAST three women who I have met because of the internet, and who have made a massive and lasting impression on my life. I thought seeing as you are part of this magical internet world, that I would share them with you and hope that I can illuminate the fact that yes, the internet is full of good people. All too often there is news of disgusting things happening because of web connections or warnings telling us all to be vigilant, and whilst none of that is untrue, and you should be aware, there is good out there too, when you know where to look.


Unless you are brand new, you will know Zoe is my ultimate chum. I like to call her 'Chumbolina' on account of the fact that she is teenytiny (and yet eats as much pizza and junk as I do, feel free to hate her metabolism as much as me!) like Thumbolina. If I could sew and had the inclination, I would totally make her a dress made of petals. 

Zoe is one of those special people in life that are very rare, and when you find them, you must embrace and cherish them. She is kind, caring, selfless and I know, that should I call her at 3am and say, 'Please will you come and stay with me, just because I feel a bit blue/want an adventure/just need you to show me how to use imovie?', she actually would. 

Recently she helped me overcome a ten year fear of motorways by sitting in the car for three and a half hours talking me through, being very soothing and not even making a fuss when I ran over a hedgehog/nearly smashed the car into some signage! Oops! She looked after me, Baby Glitter and my sister at her house, took us on fun trips, bought us dinner and introduced us all to her equally welcoming and fabulous family.

Zoe also makes me feel lovely physically. Ooerr, not like that you filthy minxes. Zoe helps me create outfits out of the clothes I already have and feel good in them. Despite there being a huge size difference between us (her being a size 8 and me a size 18), I never feel gross or hefty, I just feel, 'yes, Zoe is slim and looks great in disco pants and I am curvy and look smashing in skater dresses'. I don't feel panicked or like I need to improve, I feel as good as. As friend who makes you feel this way is special. 

When we are together, I know I will have a brilliant time. Sure, there will be moments when we both sit in silence, gormlessly starring at the TV/our laptops/our phones/other technologies we are addicted to, but I can guarantee there will also be times when we laugh so hard that I think I might choke. I'm sure a lot of you have seen the bloopers of our videos. Imagine that, but more. 

Whether it's looking after Darcy whilst I do my errands, tidying my dining room and pretending to be busy whilst Matt and I had a ridiculous argument or telling me, 'you know that's not actually how you hold a camera, right?', Zoe is the best of eggs and one I hope I will have for ever. 

Zoe has a YouTube Channel and a Blog


El (or 'Thrifty' as I like to and will from now on call her) is my most recent good egg addition and I couldn't be more pleased.

 (And now I want a floaty yellow skirt dagnamit!)

I had been following her blog for about a year and loved it. I loved the frugal tips and housewifery advice, but mostly I loved the humour and satire and felt I could relate. I loved it so much, that I read every single post ever written, and the side tabs, and her twitter feed. Yes, like a stalker nutjob. I promise I'm not (to you and to her!), but you know when you just enjoy something, you enjoy it!! *Defence over*.

One day a few months ago, I decided to make a video about blogs and websites that I really liked and included hers. I figured that if I liked her blog, and people were watching my videos because they liked my taste/ideas/something/anything, then they would like her too and it was just a bit of happies sharing really. Well in a nutshell, Thrifty saw, we got to talking, we clicked, we had a crazy amount in common and now we speak practically every day and I loves her.

We've only actually 'met' and mooched about together twice, but I feel like I could (and do) tell her anything. Really, anything. At length. I regularly ring her feeling wound up or like I have a weight on my shoulders, and once I've hung up (sometimes over an hour later), I feel so much better, more relaxed and more often than not, the entire problem has been solved.

I love that her and her Husband nip off to the pub on a school night at 10.30 to get one in before last orders, I love that she makes spreadsheets to plan her christmas gifts, I love that once she put egg on her face for a thrifty facepack and photographed it and I love that she always has time for me. Even when her own life if going wonky or she is up the wall busy, she always picks up and cares more than she needs to.

Thrifty has a Blog and a YouTube Channel


Marie Bitsandclips is my chum from across the world and we have never 'met'. We have never had a big hug or gone out to dinner with each other, and yet I have spoken to her and shared more with her than most of my family members. We speak practically every day via skype, and I have big plans to go and see her next year. (Must stop buying glittery shoes!!)

Marie is in this blog post because she has changed my life. Not only because we chat about all things baby (we have Daughters the same age), love the same type of TV programmes, have the similar humours and are fascinated by the same little things, but because Marie made me give going to church a try. Not 'made' as in forced, but I heard her mention it in one of her videos and thought to myself, 'Whhhattttttt a young, normal, funny person goes to church??? Church isn't just for naff fuddy duddys who wear corduroy and water their houseplants on Wednesdays?? Whhhatttttt???'. 

So, I had a little go at this church thing and spent a good few months being VERY sceptical. I questioned every little thing, I picked holes in things, I asked why and how and when and 'surely not'? And in the end, I liked it. It was good.
I'm not sure this blog post is the place to talk about religion, faith and going to church, but Marie knows. She made me see a lot of things differently and I can't tell you how much better I feel for it. 

I feel very privileged to have had so much of Marie's time and thoughts and will continue to pick her brains and share baby milestones and discuss how much we want to drink real Butterbeer in Hogsmead until the cows come home....or as long as she will have me anyway.

Marie has a YouTube Channel and a Facebook profile. NB- If you would like to be her facebook friend (it's a profile not page) then she asks you send her a little PM to tell her why you watch and a bit about yourself. She also only accepts folk with real active accounts. 

Yyyyyyeessss, I know I have gone on and on and gushed about how much I love these women but it's my party and I'll cry if I want to blog and I'll type if I want to. 

Really though, I wanted to explain to you and share with you how much of a difference the internet has made to my life and would love to know if anyone else has had similar experiences (feel free to waffle in the comments)?

Always remember, that when all the sites and feeds and timelines and subscription boxes go to sleep at night, it is your friends that take your lives from good to amazing. I'm so glad I have mine and so glad we found our merry little way to one and other.



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Lady of Vintage. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!  


  1. Aw, I love this! Pals are the BEST. x

  2. What an absolutely lovely post :) aww :) xxx

  3. This is such an amazingly lovely blog post louise, I think its amazing that you have met so many people along the way. You can see how much fun you have with Zoe in all your vlogs, and I hope that next year you will be able to visit Marie xx

  4. Louise, this was a fantastic post! I really hope I can manage to make some interwebs friends as meaningful as those you've found. Its one of the real reasons why I got into blogging and seeing things like this and people like you really remind me of all of the fab life things that can come about from blogging! Lovely

  5. This is so cute! After watching you and Zoe together, I would do anything for a friendship like that!
    Liv x

  6. What a lovely post! I have several people I have met on the internet and they have all been lovely! Out of the 3 you mentioned I have only met Zoe but she is truly lovely so I'm sure El and Marie are too xxx

  7. That was the most beautiful post I have ever read, you always make me feel all warm and happy, I love that about you!! Your so lucky to have such amazing friends, and its so nice to read about your friendships, I think that for a female to have a true friend is probably one of the most important things in life, you can never have to many real friends and they really are hard to come by!
    Your very lucky Louise :)
    I feel all soppy and appreciate my friends, I'm on my way to facebook and I'm going to write on my two very best friends walls and tell them how much I love them :) xxxxxx

  8. This is so lovely, I have also had the pleasure of meeting some lovely people through blogging. It's such a lovely community (most of the time!) and I'm so glad to be a part of it.
    I think people think meeting people online is a little strange, or reserved for creepy online stalkers but this post completely proves it's not like that at all :) x

  9. Your post today was such a joy to read :) I've only been blogging for amount 3 months now so don't have the connections that you do, but it's definitely something I look forward to exploring in the future! It's so amazing when you find someone (whether watching or reading their blog) that you feel is really like you in so many way :)

  10. This is so sweet :)! It's so nice that these women have such a lovely impact on you :)! Great post Louise xx

  11. Aww this is such a nice post! I love the relationship between you and Zoe. I have started blogging and hope that i can create friendships like these, your so lucky to have friends like these and am glad you have found friends you would never have met if you didn't start your glitterful blog(:

  12. This post is sooo amazing! I love meeting people here... writing e-mails and stuff.. this is such a great chance!!


  13. That's so lovely :)
    I'm sure they all feel lucky to have you as a friend too!

    Georgia x

  14. Awh, this post is so cute :) xx

  15. What a truly lovely post. I completely agree with this..I have made some 'true' friends from blogging too, and it's hard to believe you didn't know them before because you felt like you've known them forever! x

  16. What a truly lovely post. They to are just as lucky making a friend like you. You are so cute like a little hamster (hope that is not to weird)just that you remind me of one. I think you are one of the nicest people on the interwebs. Hope you are having a nice day!

    gems xx

  17. You cutey pie louise! X

  18. this is so cute!! i just hope that as my blog grows ill get to meet people as lovely as you have!! <3

  19. This post is really cute!! Its great you have made good friends from blogging
    Amy x

  20. "If I could sew and had the inclination, I would totally make her a dress made of petals." That made me smile :) I recently started a blog, it is honestly the best thing I have ever done. The amount of amazing people I have met is insane. I have constantly been surrounded by negative people who let me down and it's so nice to know that there are people out there who are lovely. This was such a nice post, you are lucky to have friends like these :) xx

  21. I didn't realised you met Zoe over the internet! This post is so nice, I've just started blogging (literally a couple of weeks ago) and things like this are exactly why! I haven't made any friends yet but even my first comment made me feel so happy and part of the community and I hope to grow and make friends like you have! Lovely :) xxxx

  22. Awww this is the cutest!

  23. aww this is so cute!

  24. This is a lovely post. I am new to the world of blogging (at the moment I only have 3 that I read and mrs thrifty is one of them thanks to you). I really enjoy reading your blog and hearing about things that are happening in your life. I'm glad that yoy blogging has made such a positive impact on your life just as I'm sure it will make a positive impact on others (myself included).
    Keep blogging! :-)

  25. I love this! People always say about 'the dangers of the internet' but to be honest, I've met tons of my best friends through this lovely invention and we get on, in person, and on the internet like a house on fire xxx

  26. Aw lovely post Louise! Me and my Ed met via t'internet, so I agree that they're not all weirdos out there! Lucky you for making such firm blogging friends, but lucky them for finding you as well! I hope that one day I can connect 'properly' with some of those lovely people whose blogs I follow x

  27. Oww, it's so nice to read positive things about people on the internet rather than they're all weirdos / sad people! Love the positivity of this blog :)

  28. This is so cute! And all so true.
    You said feel free to waffle so here goes. I met my boyfriend on the blogging website Tumblr. He lives in Birmingham, I live in Essex (135 miles away from each other to be precise)and we've been together for nearly two years now. So many people gave us a hard time about it and doubted us but we knew it'd work because we had such a strong connection even over the internet and when we met it made it so much more special. We see each other every one - two months and each time just gets better and better so anyone that says long distance doesn't work, it really can!
    Sorry I've waffled so incredibly much and we're now on a totally different subject.. sorry! xo

  29. This is such a lovely post. I love how your personality comes across in your posts and you really do seem like the sweetest, most genuine person. I hope I am lucky enough to meet some people as lovely as you have through blogging.

  30. Oh Louise you slushy thing you! Haha. Loved this post, not only are you lucky to have them as friends, I think anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend. You are just so happy and positive (even though I'm sure you have your blue days) and you spread happiness to all your readers/viewers.
    I also really strongly agree about the internet. Yes it can be a ridiculously scary place, but 2 years ago now my sister met the love of her life online and now they have the most beautiful daughter (my niece!) in the world and couldn't be happier.
    In the words of Rihanna 'We found love in a hopeless place'.
    Thank you for sharing this.
    Lots of Love

  31. this is such a sweet blog post, you nearly made me cry, reading this, so much love xx

  32. Aw lovely post :) I loved reading it, you're so lucky
    Daniella x

  33. What a nice post! I can say I've had the same experience, as I've met a lot of my good friends online as well :)

  34. I love your gushy posts, Louise - never apologise for them! I think there is still a lot of stigma about talking to people online, and I imagine it runs in a similar vein to why bloggers sometimes feel uncomfortable telling family and friends about what they do. But seeing the friendships you and others have made is one of the reasons I recently started my blog. Who hasn't got room for more friends in life - and, more than that, friends who you share an active interest with. Thanks for sharing your little blogging family with us :) Cx

  35. This post is adorable. I actually got a bit emotional reading this. I hate that girls are quite often bitchy towards each other, judgemental and look down their noses at people and this is such a lovely refreshing post to read. I have a friend who I love so so much, shes my best friend, but she is often jealous when I get compliments or attention, or doesn't seem happy for me when something good happens to me which makes me feel a bit rubbish, especially at my age when you think these things should only happen in school! You are so lucky to have such amazing friends like you do, and they are very lucky to have such a lovely caring friend like you. And baby glitter is very lucky to have such a lovely mummy :)

  36. Awww. Such a lovely post. I've met some awesome people online through blogging too. some I've met, some I haven't yet, but plan to!

  37. There are some lovely stories there! I am new blogging and I hope I end up having a positive experience like you with maybe some friends along the line!

    Cath x

  38. Aww lovely post I love how blogging brings people together. I met my now best friend throough blogging we started chatting on twitter and a few weeks ago she flew to see me! :] We had a greta time and I lvoe her lots i've written many an emotional post about us ! :] XXXX

  39. Ah, lovely post Louise! :) xx

  40. Oh Louise, this is such a nice post :) I love yours and Zoe's youtube videoes, they have me in stitches and you were both inspirations for my own blog which I'm doing with my own good friend! It's nice to read a post that's about something a little different and really highlights the benefits of doing something like a blog!

  41. awww i love this post!
    You are so right, in the end it's not about visitors/followers, it's about those lasting relationships that will be with you through thick and thin :) you seem to have found some good ones!

    xo dana

  42. What a lovely and sweet post! I used to be really skeptical about meeting people via the Internet, but once you do and become great friends with them it's an amazing experience! You'll learn that these people appreciate you for who you really are and not for what you look like etc. You seem like such a lovely, caring person and writing this means you're a great friend too.

    Hope you'll have a lovely week!

  43. Aww this was such a lovely post to read! I think the blogging world can be abit one-sided sometimes, so its really nice to see people can make real, genuine friends through it :) xx

  44. This is sweet, I wish I could make friends like this, it's amazing that people all over the globe can becom best pals without even meeting, it makes technology seem sooo amazing!! You are talking a about how geat these women and I hope you realise how special you are too, if i could be your friend then i would feel ever soo privaledged :) .....on a side note I wish I could have made your meet upon Liverpool next time your up can you please plan in advance so I can make it, you are my inspiration and would love to meet the 'real' Louise :) thank you for everything!!!!!! :D xxxxxx

  45. This is such a gorgeously, lovely, wonderful post. Honestly, it made my heart swell just reading it.
    I've met a few absolute gems from blogging and would call them friends. It's amazing how something as silly as blogging (and it is silly, in a lovely silly way) can open doors to some lovely people.

  46. This was a joy to read :) its good to sit back and reflect on the amazing people you have in your life from time to time :) love your blog and youtube, you always make me smile !xxx

  47. This is such a lovely post!! :) xxxx

  48. This made me well up! Zoe seems like such a lovely person and i would LOVE to have an evening with you two! Lovely post xxx

  49. a lovely post it was a joy to read

  50. Hello, I just want to say that I enjoy reading your blog, it just made my day to see the other side of blogging, and just what great people you get to meet. So thank you Louise for being inspiration

  51. I love this post so much! Its so cute<3 I wish I could meet some amazing people like you over blogging, You and Zoe really are an inspiration to me!

  52. This is such a lovely post, it's so nice that you have found some really close friends through blogging/Youtube... I find that the majority of people in the blogging community are the absolute lovliest people ever! :)

    Frances xx

  53. You'd never think you'd meet so many fabulous people by blogging, and it's great! I already have met a few people, but I've never seen them face-to-face, we only know each other by posting in each others blog comments. I'd love to meet the people I follow and comment on their posts someday as they have all been amazing!


  54. Such an adorable post! I always love reading about new relationships that have been formed outside of the typical work places and through relatives. I'm hoping to make a lot of friends in the blogging world now that I've finally worked up the courage to get started on a blog myself.


  55. This is beautiful! (not waffly at all, just sweet). Im not a blogger presonally, but regularly read up on yours and Zoe's blogs. Its so lovely to hear that you became such good friends via the net! :) and these other little ladies sound brilliant too, I must have a smooch around their blogs too :) x

  56. I would have never met my husband if it wasn't for us being weridy people who liked talking to other weirdos on the inter web.
    I wouldn't have got through seriously bad postnatal depression if it wasn't for a lovely friend who i met on a parenting site.
    I feel that without the internet my life would have been very sad indeed.

    Great post and i'm glad you've found some real gems. x

  57. Such a bloody charming blog post, this is why I love you Louise Sprinkleofglitter!xxx

  58. i hope one day ill have a friend like you or like the ones you have :)
    you are zoe are both gems and come across like such lovely, genuine girls which is why so many people adore you both! xxx

  59. Aww this is a lovely post Louise, they're very lucky to have someone amazing like you as a friend! :)

    L x

  60. This is the nicest post I've seen in a while, I actually have such a big smile on my face! :-) I'm glad you've found such lovely people through this, and that they've found you, because you are fab! xx

  61. What a lovely post they should be proud to have you as a friend xx

  62. Such a moving post Louise, It's great that you have found some true friends who you will keep for a life time. I found your You tube channel through Fleur then Zoe's and El's through you, so thank you for spreading their channels - I love your humor and can relate to you in so many ways, I hope you manage to save some penny's to visit Marie and have a big group hug xx

    Take care

  63. This is just the loveliest post! You deserve to have all these lovely friends, very pleased for you :) xxxxx

  64. me ha encantado tu blog, te sigo! te invito al mío , tengo un sorteo de ARISTOCRAZY! MUAK GUAPA

  65. This is currently now my new favorite post of yours the bit about zoe bought a little tear to my and the friendship you have with ehr and the other onliners is actually beautiful, you are an amazing friend to them louis :') xoxoxoox

  66. this is just the sweetest blog post i have ever read! this really emphasises what a good kind person you are and i would just love someone to write those kind things about me :)

    i know you obviously will get this a lot but I'm just trying to start out with blogging and if you happen to get a chance to have a look here is my link

    love HFx

  67. Oh this is such a lovely post! Totally agree with you, blogging has brought me in to contact with some of the loveliest people ever, who I'm so fortunate to know & now call friends :)

    Aysh xoxo

  68. Louise, you and your loveliness inspired me to start blogging :) Hopefully I will make friends as good as the friends you have made :)

  69. Ahh Louise, you have a knack to making everyone feel warm and fuzzy, even when it's not them you're gushing about!

    Hollie x

  70. This is such a nice post Louise! I love it so much! How nice of you to do something like this. You and Zoe are fab, and are clearly meant to be the best of chums!

    Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle and Thoughts Blog.♥

  71. What a LOVELY GORGEOUS post this is, and how sweet you are. Hurrah for blogging, it really is amazing!


  72. This is so lovely! Literally it has made me smile just reading it!:) You definatly deserve to have all these friends, and they should be proud to be your friend. Cannot tell you how much i love your blog, never fails to cheer me up! xxx

  73. Wow! In tears at this wonderful post Louise! It as absolutely lovely to read! You have the bestest of friends and i couldnt be more happy for you! <3 xxxx

  74. Aww this is a lovely post, my blog is very new and I hope one day to make lifelong friends through it like you have. I haven't done any blogger meet ups or anything yet (i'm quite shy in real life) so thought is quite nerve wracking at the moment but I hope one day I will...please feel free to take pity on me and become a bloggy friend :) pretty please? xx

  75. WOW - you have just bought tears to my eyes... those are some seriously lovely, kind and positive things you have said! Love it :) your friends are lucky to have you too!

    Rachel from x

  76. This is one of the best and nicest posts you've ever written/I've ever read! It was so lovely to read and almost made me shed a tear! Reading it gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside so I just wanted to say thank you for writing it! I love your blog and your videos and I'm glad that you've found some amazing people through doing something you love xx

  77. Aaw Louise that's really lovely of you to write those things. We see so much hate that it's nice to read something warm and fuzzy!

    Zoe xoxo

  78. What funny timing. I was only thinking today of your video where you mentioned athriftymrs - I loved that video where you talked about blogs you liked, it's such a nice thing to do - and on the back of that, you've inspired me to do my own series on my blog, of other bloggers I've discovered and love :) So, thank you for doing that - it's a lovely thing, and truely inspired me ;) I love fluffy happy posts like this :D

    Georgina ;)

  79. This is the loveliest thing ever. X

  80. This is such a beautiful post!!! Its really important to cherish the people around you and let them know that you care!!

  81. Lovely post, lovely people (plus you Louise of course)! I wish I was bff with you all.

  82. I have quite a few amazing people in my life thanks to the internet, obviously the best being my husband, he literally saved my life when I 'met' him online and quickly became the love of my life, my best friend and confident. I adore him with all of my heart and I couldn't imagine my life without him.

    I met some of bestest friends I've ever had from the same community I met my husband too, we're so close because we came together with shared interests (live music, we all met on the Leeds Festival forums) there have been loads of couples made out of the friendships we formed and two engagements (including my eventual marriage)

  83. Louise, I've got my cry face's sexy.
    Thank you for your kind words. I'm proud and chuffed to call you a friend, one of my best friends infact.

  84. This post absolutely warmed my little heart...I always look at your relationship with Zoe as the ultimate in friendship, you guys are like soul mates! Wonderful post

  85. Aww this is lovely, I love how positive you seem about everything! I hope my blog could lead to some friendships like these. x

  86. I love this post this is one of the reasons I started a blog unfortunately it hasn't worked out for me:(
    but I will continue and hopefully one day I could have an internet buddy like you.

  87. I'm totally with you on this. I've met so many amazing people through blogging and I actually consider them as my real friends. The blogger community is so supportive and I can honestly say that blogging and interacting with other bloggers changed my life. I'm so much more positive now and I know that there are people in the world who I can always count on. Even if they live on the other side of the world...

    Sandra from The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

  88. This was so sweet Louise, it's nice to know the internet is a great place to interact with others, as your post shows other than how the horrible, dangerous media portrays it to be! :) x

  89. Louise, this may sound very cheesy but I thought I'd join with you on the cushy cheesiness! I have never met you, never actually spoken to you, but I can honestly say that reading your blog and watching your videos has changed my life. Up until about 5 months ago I was desperately unhappy with most things, mainly my appearance and was searching for something to change me. I didn't have any confidence and my self esteem was rock bottom. Having been in a bike accident, splitting with my fiance and being poorly most of 2011 I put on a fairly large amount of weight on I felt miserable. Then I stumbled across your videos, started reading your blog's and I can honestly say that your happiness, confidence and outlook has changed my life....massively. I want to thank you :) you probably won't see this but I thought I'd just say anyway. I actually feel like I am a nice human being now :) I have confidence...and genuinely don't feel like a heffer anymore. I shop, buy myself nice sparkly things and experiment with styles and makeup looks I never ever would have. I finally had the confidence to get myself back on the dating scene. I know if I hadn't been for watching your videos and reading you blog I would still be struggling with myself. You've given me a push that I needed for years :) THANK YOU LOUISE. You are beautiful xxEmma

  90. Awwww this is the loveliest post, actually have a tear in my eye. You are a wonderful friend Louise <3


  91. Nearly cried reading the way you spoke about Zoe. You can tell in your video's that you two just love each other to death and get on so so well. I met my bff on twitter, we've been attached at the hip ever since, to the point that we refer to each other as 'the wife' lol. I would love to hear about your church experience! If you don't want to talk about it via here then you can grab my email address on my blog, xx

  92. Very touching, loved the post :)

  93. Back in 2004, when Stacey was a lickle baby I LOVED Mcfly and spent all her nap times online chatting to other Mcflyers. I eventually met some of them and I still count many of them as great friends today. We catch up as often as we can. I think the internet can be a wonderful place to meet new friends, as well as having its scary side!x

  94. Louise, you won't realise this but you are the reason I decided to start a blog, in fact even make an account! Some of your more sentimental posts have made me realise that I don't need to care about anything I don't like about myself or my life, if I focus on the happy things I can be an awesome person like you! thank you, I'm pretty sure there a more girls out there who feel the same :-)))))
    PS: Baby Glitter reminds me of my little cousin!

  95. This blog post is lovely and reflects on so many people's lives, you really are a lovely person Louise and you are oh so special just like the girls you've written about here.
    I've met some lovely people because of my YouTube channel and the internet has become a place where i can be myself and where people will like me for being me


  96. You are truly a beautiful and amazing woman. I feel blessed to have found your blog/YouTube videos. Thanks!

  97. This was so lovely to read, your and zoe's friendship is so cute and i love watching both of your videos and reading both of your blogs. they are both truly fantastic and i get genuinely excited when you write a new post, and just starting out myself I now know how long it can take to compose a good blog post so I appreciate the amazing quality of yours! You are a truly special person Louise please don't change!! <3

  98. Louise it is beautiful to hear you appreciate the lovely ladies in your life :-) it is great to hear about your growing faith too. I am 28 and my husband and I got baptised together 2 1/2 years ago. Yep we are born again Christians and love it :-) we are also fashionable(ish) and fun and as parents of two boys under 3 knackered ha ha x

  99. Is it weird that I want a baby JUST to dress it in that super cute cupcake costume?! SO CUTE! Loves it! I haven't really met much of the Blogger community yet but definitely want to at some point! Considering so many blogs I read are from girls I have to say everyone is SO nice and supportive. I attended my first blogger event in Manchester and was slightly terrified that it would be a room full of biatches getting tanned and it so wasn't - I enjoy meeting new people, especially ones who share my love for blogging and beauty stuff! Hopefully as my blog gets a little older and I participate in a little more I will get to meet some more bloggers in the flesh! :o)

  100. Awhh Louise you're so cute :) If anyone deserves to have such a wonderful experience it's you :)
    I'd love to do what you do - If only :)
    I wish you many more adventures and joy in the future - where could you be in three years from now???

  101. I love this post its so nice you have made some great friends through blogging x

  102. That's the great thing about blogging, meeting people sharing the same interests as you!

  103. Aww Louise i love your posts! I know what you mean when you said about reading everything Mrs Thrifty wrote. I did that with yours & Zoe's blogs when i started blogging lol! You & Zoe crack me up! Never stop blogging! :)


  104. That's such a cute post, I hope I can make friends online as well as you have managed too!


  105. I only started blogging a few months ago and this blog has been my number one source of inspiration, I love how you're personality oozes out of every post, it feels like you're chatting just to me and all your followers must feel that personal connection too!
    I like the soppy posts too because I'm a big softie at heart

    Laura x

  106. I really loved this post! WHat a lovely person you are Louise :) I already follow these ladies but it is lovely to hear why you like them, and the great things you get from your friendships with them. :) Hannah xx

  107. Louise, you're such a lovely person. Your blog has definitely grown to be one of my favourites and you're really easy to .. I don't know, I kinda feel like I know you a little - You really open up and 'be yourself' in a way I see nobody else do through their blog - You're definitely my kinda gal, you're a nutter and its fantastic! It might sound a little odd but its really not like that, I just mean that you really seem like you have no reservations, you don't hold back and you love life, and thats sadly quite a rare feature!

    I love how you value your friends and your family also, this post is absolutely gorgeous! I love watching yours and Zoe's silly videos, and it really makes me feel so sad that myself and my best friend have grown so far apart since she got so involved with her boyfriend and since kinda forgotten about me! Hmm!

    Also, such a massive success with your blog too! I started mine on the Christmas of 2010 and am still trundling along, though I almost have 800 followers which is more than I ever could've hoped for - You're inspiring! Honestly!

    Keep it up :)
    Sarah xx

  108. This is the nicest post I've read in such a long time. I started my blog when I was in a bit of a rut, having been through a tough time a few months back. It was quite literally through seeing the lovely friendships that had formed within the blogging community, that I felt inspired enough to do this as I've never been the most confident person.

    You're a real inspiration to so many women Louise, I mean who wouldn't want to be friends with you? :) Lovely <3



  109. Aaaw that made me feel all mushy! Louise you are a true gem! I now have this urge to tell all my friends how much they mean to me! xxx

  110. Awwww what a nice post! It's so nice that you can meet genuinely lovely people through blogging! I've made 2 really good friends through my blog and it's so lovely to have them.

    Just a quick mention that I am having a giveaway of a couple of nails inc and illamasqua products. If you wanna win them then head over to my blog :) xxxxxx

  111. Such a lovely blog post! I've have been watching your vlogs for a year now along with Fleur, Tanya and Zoe's and I have got to say they have been the one constant highlight of a tough year adjusting to life after uni/living at home/hardly ever seeing my friends. I have laughed til I cried at yours and Zoe's antics because they reminded me so much of me and my own best friend. Maybe one day when I'm not terrified of the mahoosiveness of the internet community i'll start a blog of my own but until then I'll be watching/reading/guffawing along with you all! Thanks, Louise xxx

  112. This post is so sweet! It's so lovely to know that the girls behind these blogs aren't doing it for any reason other than the love of beauty and friendship and I hope to join the lovely e-community as well <3

  113. Haha - I love that picture of Beeble as a cupcake! Soo cute :) This post made me smile because I can tell how much you and your friends care about each other!

  114. what a sweet post! it's lovely that you've taken the time to really acknowledge your friendships and let these ladies know how much they mean to you - there's not many people that will sit down and tell you what they like about you. good on you for being one of the gushy ones (psst, I can be one of those too sometimes).

  115. This is such a sweet post :) the mention of butter beer in hogsmede made my tummy rumble I was in Orlando on my holidays this year and was obsessed with that stuff yummmm

  116. Such a sweet post. Your so lucky to have made such good friends from blogging! Thats the main reason I started. Hasn't worked yet but I live in hope! :)

  117. Aw, Louise! This is such a nice post. Very sweet and just warm feeling. You're very lucky to have made such good friends. :) I hope the blogging world will lead me to be as lucky.

  118. Aww! This is such a lovely post!!! I only knew and followed Zoe's blog before i read this, but now i definitely following these ones too! They all have such amazing blogs and seem like such lovely people!It so lovely that your love for blogging brought you all together! :) x

  119. Hi Louise:)! ive been watching your videos ever since i started watching Zoe's. Your both so inspiring! All of your videos and blog posts are so lovely - you always are so positive and happy! This blog post is so inspiring, personally i havent had the best experience with friendship and dont now either but your so lucky to have lovely friends! Reading your blog or watching your videos never fail to make me smile:')!x

  120. This was truly a joy to read. I felt like they were my good friends while reading and tht is a sign of a great writer I think. Keep up the good job, Louise! You're fantastic!

    Louisiana, USA

  121. Lovely post Louise, I think it is great that people get so much out of blogging/youtubing :)

  122. I am a fan of Zoe's blog. Because it seems to be perfect. Maybe also because I sometimes feel like we have a lot in common.

    I really like the idea of becoming friends in this particular way. You already have something in common and something you can talk about. It is so much easier to get to know other people if you already know a little bit about them.

    Linnea x

  123. I follow Zoe & Thrifty a well, so I know what you mean about them. I also did the egg on my face & photographed it... Ha ha it was great! I think you, Zoe, Thrifty & the other bloggers I follow are life savers to me. So many times I'll be down, watch one of the videos or read a blog & I'm great again. Keep up all you do!

  124. How cute!!! I absolutely love yours and zoe's videos, I always laugh (and choke. But its great to know that the internets not all about meeting weird sleazy people. :D

  125. This made me cry! I totally wasnt expecting to when I clinked on to Sprinkle of Glitter to have a little read while drinking my tea! It's really nice and just makes you appreciate the wonderful people you have in your life. xCx

  126. Awww this is a great post. So sweet xxx

  127. I just started my blog this week! woop woop! This is so lovely and reassuring :) x

  128. This was such a sweet post! Ive been following you on youtube since before you got married! and ive recently plucked up the courage to create my own blog. eek..scary. just had to let you know i love your blog and youtube. your so inspiring Louise! dont ever stop! :) xox

  129. I love watching you and zoey both. I too have a friendship like yours, and everytime i watch either the both of you, or seperately it makes me feel all gooey inside.
    I absolutely adore your videos, and you make me quite happy Louise.

    God, that sounds awfully weird. I promise i'm not this weird...sounding in real life. I take that back i cant. I also take back the 'real life'. Who am i kidding? internet is my life.

  130. Honestly, I love watching you and Zoe's videos. You guys remind me of two of my best friends back home who I haven't seen in a year. So thank you so much x

  131. I love you and Zoe! You two actually remind me and my best friend :D we call each other weird names too and people kind of stare at us often (probably thinking we should be in a mental hospital or something) haha love your blog and videos :) congrats on the baby! (i know i'm a bit late but still)

  132. The way you talk about your friends is so lovely I felt a little teary.

  133. I'm very new to blogging, and I wish that I could make some interweb buddies. I struggle making friends in person and always fear that people won't give me enough time to let me warm up to them. I really wish I could have friends like you have, I'm very jealous of you, your a super lady.

  134. This blog made me smile, what you said about you and El/Thrifty is how I am with you Lou,Ive found myself reading your blogs from the start, as Ive told you on twitter, and want to watch your videos from the start. It's great how talking about things you like/dont like or about your life can bring other people into it.
    Thank you for starting your blog Louise xxx

  135. I love the friendship between you and zoe! so lovely :3
    I love your blog! xx

  136. This is actually such a lovely post! There is nothing better than women celebrating other women!
    Thanks for being so positive and wonderful
    xo ruth

  137. I am a constant user of online dating sites and finally i have pretty good luck with

  138. This is cute :)

  139. I want a Zoe!
    Sophia xx

  140. Please check out my blog and help me pick out my new youtube video

  141. What a lovely and uplifting post! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this and encourage your readers! :)

  142. hello I am stella from Greece I hope zoella resave the my postal mail I have sent her . also I like your vedeos too .
    take cear with love stella

  143. i admire your friendship with Zoe! hope one day i can have a friendship as good as yours xx

  144. Aww! This is lovely (:


  145. So cute :)

    please check out my blog! <3

  146. Your friendship with Zoe is like me with my sister - I know I am and can be most myself around her and that's something I would never change.

  147. this is lovely!! it actually made me cry and i feel super happy that i too have friends like this. :)

  148. This really brightened my cloudy day :)
    lots of love

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Sprinkleofglitter xxx

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