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Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Lou's Reviews || Balmi Lip Balm

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

If you read a lot of beauty blogs then you may well have read a little bit about this product before as I believe the PR company running the Balmi shibang sent out a fair few- yay for being generous!!

Even though these are featuring on lots and lots of other sites, I thought I would throw my two cents in anyway because I'm just wild like that. 

Balmi is a beautifully scented natural lip balm that comes in 5 different flavours and is available to buy in boots for £4.99.

This globe shaped balm is available in 5 different flavours (mint, coconut, strawberry, blackcurrant and raspberry) and contains vitamin E, shea butter and jojoba oil. 

I have been using the coconut lip balm (in white packaging, crazily enough) for a couple of weeks now and absolutely love it. I really feel like my lips are left nourished and succulent and unlike some lip products, this lasts a fair few hours before you feel you'd like a top up.

I featured this is in my July Favourites video and pointed out that if you pull the little keyring/bag charm attachments, a little portal at the bottom is opened and the product is left exposed. Whilst talking about it I thought it was a safety issue (choking hazard for Mama's like me) but a couple of people in the comments thought it might be an alternative way of using the balm- like to apply with your finger sort of a deal. It's still a mystery to me, but I thought I would tell you anyway!

All in all, a good product. Lip balm doesn't really float my boat on a general basis, it's just sort of a thing that is about, but this did excite me a little bit, I thought it was 'neato'.

Have you tried these balmi balls? Have you noticed how similar they look to the EOS ones?



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  1. ooh these look so lovely, a bit like the EOS ones :)
    I want to try the strawberry and raspberry, thankyou for the great review! xx

  2. I think I'm going to buy this and put it on my phone! It looks reaaally nice :) x

  3. These look really nice! when you showed these in your video I automatically thought EOS! I want to try the mint and strawberry<3

  4. when I saw them in your favourites, i was immediately like EOS LIPBALMS? but I must say, their packaging is a lot cuter :3. I want to try all the flavours! x

  5. I'm hoping they will be available in Boots in Dubai.. it's not often we get all the things they have in shops in the UK.. Want to try all of them!

  6. At last! We can get domed shape lip balms in the uk!!! Who's laughing now USA??? :p x

    1. If you want EOS buy from here a UK site :)

  7. I need to buy one!!!!


  8. These so cute, cant wait to get myself one:) xx

  9. Aah they look nice !

  10. i cannot wait to get my hands on these things they sound amazing xx

  11. Oooh it looks ginormous! I guess its rollerball? It looks like (a spaceship) .. and it would cover the whole of your lips in one application! Ha! May have to go and investigate! :-) SX

  12. They look the the eos, i really want to try them!

  13. These looks so cute :) I'd be tempted to try the strawberry or raspberry ones :) xx

  14. These look amazing, it looks like you get so much product! I doubt they will come out in Australia but I would love to try the strawberry, blackcurrant, or raspberry ones!

  15. I really want to try the coconut one!


  16. I love coconut products, I want one! x

  17. These just seem to me to be the British EOS. I have been using EOS for a while and love the stuff, and Balmi seems to be a complete copy of it. At least it's more accessible than EOS :)

  18. I really want to try these especially as we can't get EOS over here!
    Thank you x

  19. They really do look like the EOS ones! So cute! I'm a bit obsessed with lip balms, so this is a perfect product for me.

    Sandra from The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

  20. I really like the idea of them, and love the sound of a coconut lip balm ball! So I think I'll be getting that one. Great post :)
    Daniella x

  21. LOL "neato"! Oooh, must try this out because anything in fancy packaging excites me (cos I'm sad like that!)

  22. they look so cute! too sad they aren't available where I live.. but luckily I own two EOS ones :)

  23. I went to America recently & bought a couple of eos balms. I looove them! So, I'll deffo be checking these out once I'm done with mine. Lot more expensive over here tho - boo!! xx

  24. These look so cool! Can't wait to get my own!

  25. I thought they were EOS until you said otherwise! I actually think I'd prefer the Balmi ones though. Coconut sounds delish! Man I wish I was back in the UK.

  26. they look so cute! I currently use the EOS balms and i just love them! If i used those up, I'm definitely going to try these ones! xx

  27. I really need a great lip balm and these are so cute, i love the sound of the coconut one!

  28. I love lip balm, currently using Korres but like the sound of raspberry one.

  29. They look ridiculously like the EOS balms, but a great dupe for us who can't get hold of them easily!

    Lea x

  30. When I saw the photos I thought they were the EOS lip balms. These will be great if they are available in Boots compared to the EOS which I have to order online! This is a great post :) I want to try these now xx

  31. they do look like eos ipbalms! haha these look really nice i love having a nice lipbalm to wear for school etc.. i think id like the coconut one or the rasberry one! xoxo thanks for posting louise! <3

  32. When i watched your July fav's video i was thinking they looked an awful lot like EOS lip balms. And i think it was brilliant you pointing out the issue with the peice that can be pulled off. I too am a mummy and my little boy loves playing with all my make-up, no matter how hard i try to keep it away from him. Now that you've pointed it out i think all mummy's will ensure its kept well away from cheeky hands x

  33. oooh the coconut does sound scrummy! I havent been in my local boots for a while but when I do if these are in I think I'll get the coconut....or maybe the strawberry...MINT?!? aaaah! I want them all! - for beauty reviews, hauls and health posts


  34. These look yummy :) And also a little like EOS lipbalms...


  35. I may have to try these - mmm coconut :)


  36. I have an EOS lip balm which is nice but not amazing. Would love to try one of these out!

  37. cant believe these are sold out on the boots website at the mooment, *annoyed moment*

  38. Hmm, well the whole thing about the string bit coming out easily is a little sketchy. I don't really think it's an alternative way to use the product... Bizarre. Have you tried the EOS lip balm? If so, how do they compare?

  39. i really want to try these out ! so similar to EOS

  40. I've never seen or heard of those before- shows how little I pay attention! I think that the coconut one sounds the most appealing to me, so I might pick one up if I'm in the mood for meaningless buys and wandering around boots! Very interesting, if I do say so myself.

    Katie x

  41. I hope these are in my boots! I have no idea what section I'd even look in to find these haha il walk every isle i WILL find these haha x

  42. Love your post! Really want to get one - hope they have them in my boots!

  43. These look yummmmmmmy. The coconut one sounds right up my street xxx

  44. The packaging does look similar to the eos lipbalms. Looking at the ingredients though they're not quite the same. Eos have mainly plant and fruit oils, such as olive oil and jojoba oil, while this one contains various forms of mineral oil and petroleum. Considering that the websites that sell eos lipbalms sell them for around £5, personally I'd go for those. I actually just posted a review of the eos lipbalms on my blog before I saw your post. :)
    The keyring thing is a clever idea! :) xx

  45. I need to get the mint one! I <3 Mint!

  46. these are so cute! i'm such a sucker for packaging, i knew i'd want one as soon as i saw the first photo. glad they're a good product too :) X

  47. i want them sooooo bad and they look similar to the eos lip balms in america
    its good to know they are a good product!

  48. your blog is amazing! i love it! new follower!

  49. sorry to ask but can u do a updated makeup collection video
    thanks x

  50. ah I wanted to try the EOS balms as they look pretty funky but these look a great alternative which I shall definitely be picking up on my next venture to Boots!


    beckys makeup

  51. Oooh, would love to try out the coconut one! And they look JUST like the EOS ones!
    Loving the fact that they can be attached to your keychain or something like that :)

  52. They looks juuust like the EOS ones! I love the EOS ones!

  53. Without reading the name of these balms, they totally look like EOS lip balms. I wonder, do the globe like lip balms have more, less or the same amount of product then a regular tube? Being a mom I definitely agree with you about the back coming off being a possible hazard for little ones. Even if things are put out of reach from little hands, they always tend to get them somehow.


  54. its the uk version of the eos lip balms lol

  55. Odd question, but how easy is it to make the keychain bit come off? I am super paranoid about lip balms coming apart and getting all over the inside of my bag (it has happened before. Many times.) and the idea of the product being exposed sounds completely disgusting and potentially disastrous. I prefer a lip product that seals well!

  56. Wahhh I am a lip balm obsessive! Hello trip to Boots. Thanks for the review xx

  57. they look nice but i don't get what the little string is for? for me, nothing can beat carmex :)

  58. I've tried at least 15 different brands of lip balm over the years as since I was 9 years old I've had terrible dry, chapped, peeling lips and for me, nothing can beat Carmex. Sure, I'm fond of other brands (Rose Vaseline, Bodyshop Lip Butter) and I'm intrigued to try these out :)

  59. i am currently using a UVA Lipscreen which is really moisturizing, balmi reminds me of 'eos' that every american beauty guru has been raving about! i think i might but it in mint :)

  60. Definitely going to try these! Will probably opt for Mint or Strawberry, yummm

  61. They're just too cute!! xx

  62. The EOS lip balms were the first thing to spring into my mind hehe. Still they do look lovely AND affordable. Think I'll get a mint or coconut one (or maybe both? ;) ) xo

  63. They look sweet, even though I am not a fan of Lip balm in a pot. Maybe I should try one out if you think that they are any good. Rasperry or coconut would do it for me. :)


  64. :O wow! they are just like EOS lip balms and ive wanted to try those for ages, im defiantly going to try these out! x

  65. They look really good :) xxx

  66. I Love this Product.!!!!! Thanks For Sharing us.

  67. I went to the till with one then put it right back when I found out the price! I'd love to get them but they're pricey for how small they are.

  68. I think these and EOS have the same flavours :)
    I recently started a blog, please check it out

  69. I have the strawberry one! I agree with you, it's really nice on your lips and looks SUPER, SUPER CCCCCCUUUUTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEE!

  70. The raspberry one is my favourite, and when it runs out i'm going to buy a coconut one now!!

  71. They made the packaging square now so it won't look like eos

  72. I have it in blackcurrent and it smells gorgeous!

    but you just untie the string thing!! No need to take it apart! You just click the bottom back on, hope this helped :) if all else fails just cut it off!


  73. I just bought the mint cube balmi and love it already.As you actually said I got it from boots for £4.99 which it is well worth.By the way I love all of your blogs.bye x

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Sprinkleofglitter xxx

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