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Friday, 31 August 2012

Amazing Advertisers || August 2012

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

This month has flown by hasn't it?! It's time for Amazing Advertisers again, which is your opportunity to get to know the lovely ladies that have been nestled in the left hand side bar this month.

If you would like to advertise on Sprinkle of Glitter in September, look up to the tabs under my header, and 'Sponsor' has all my advertising packages within it. I am now responding to emails and enquiries (I save them up throughout the month so if you emailed last week, don't worry, you haven't been ignored).
(Image ::

Megan loves foxes. Well, that's me already happy, haha! This blog is a beauty to behold. Each post is like literary treasure that makes you want to keep on reading more and lust after vintage finds, makeup or car boot sale bits. Megan is currently away but has very cleverly arranged a series of guest posts to keep us all entertained. I particularly enjoyed the post about jealousy amongst women- some very good points worth thinking about.

Jess is our lady of vintage in question and this month she has been my Ultimate Advertiser so you may have seen her name crop up on the bottom on other posts. Her blog, as you can imagine, is vintage inspired but thrown into the mix are recipes (she owns a bakery-mmm), OOTD's and thoughts on the blogging world. This blog is a pleasure to flick through and one I shall continue to check back upon.

Shelley's blog is a must have on your reading list if you like well written, clear, honest beauty reviews. I love that there is such a variety of beauty products but that all the reviews adhere to the same structure. I know where I am with a bit of structure and that makes me very happy! The images are all crisp and clear and all in all, this blog is professional yet easy. Love. 

Louise's blog is a beaut. Easy on the eye, fun and informative to read and choc-o-block with beauty reviews. Perfect for the makeup mad lady. Having reached 1000 followers (well done!), Louise recently hosted a giveaway. I do love a gal with a giveaway! If you love all things girlie, this is the place for you.

I think we all know my love for that lady of thrift. She is my chummy and frankly she is a wizz. I won't go on and on, but basically, if you don't go and look at her blog, then you are a fool. I'm not one for calling you names but really, you heard, a FOOL. Enjoy! x

Rosie has created summer on a blog recently. All of her posts are full of sunshine and happy things, not to mention beautiful photographs and lovely write ups. I love that she not only writes about fashion and happiness, but that she also includes a healthy dose of her own life and allows her readers to really come along with her on adventures. 

Liz's blog is the one that looks like a notebook. I do enjoy that tres much you know. This month she has written reviews, searched out hot jackets for Autumn AND written a great piece about going to university and her personal experiences throughout it. I really tip my hat to her for that post. I think if you are considering taking the plunge and furthering your education then you should definitely give it a read, it could prove very handy indeed. 

Oooohhh you know those blogs that are about fun days, lifestyle and all the little happies that the world can through at you? The kind you just want to grab a blanket, a cup of mint hot chocolate and sink into? Charlotte's blog is one of those. She very aptly suggested that bank holidays should be purely for staying in bed and tinkering around the internet and I could not agree more. Charlotte is a wise blogger!

Now, as we can all see, I've left sorting September's ad's out a bit late so do accept my apologies. I've had a lot of life on my plate! I still have the Ultimate and Medium slots available but I'm afraid the Large slot was booked up last month! New adverts will run from Sunday.

Have you enjoyed any of these lovely blogs this month?



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Lady of Vintage. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!  


  1. Lovely post featuring lovely blogs. I was fortunate to follow some of these blogs already but I also discovered some new favourites. x

  2. that fireworks picture is amazing!! :)

  3. No, I haven't followed these blogs yet but I will be checking them out!!

  4. Love the fireworks! I will check out these blogs, they sound amazing



  5. Love reading these type of posts and discovering new blogs. I love 'wonderful you' and 'A thrity Mrs.' too!
    Daniella x

  6. The fireworks picture is so pretty! I'll be sure to check out these blogs :) xxx


  7. I've discovered so many of my new favourite blogs from your advertisers, YAY :) xxx

  8. Hi dear :) I really like your blog, I'm watching all your videos and I siply love you!If you could follow me it would be the best thing ever! :>>>>> it would be a pleasure if you leave a comment or something. Aww, peace from Poland!

  9. finding new blogs really makes my day because i can read all their posts and really get to know their blog


  10. love your blog!:) Would you like to follow each other? xoxo

  11. I always search for new blogs to fall for! This is why I really enjoy reading this post! I picked out a few that I liked and I'm now going to check them out :)
    Thank you! xx

  12. Love the picture!

  13. Burada harika şeyler var. Yazınıza bakmaktan çok memnunum.


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx

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