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Friday, 31 December 2010

Body Shop Blog Sale

Aloha Bloggerinos,


Remember last month I started as a Body Shop At Home Consultant? Well it was a bit of a bleaugh and after 2 parties I decided to pack it in and chalk it up to experiance. I only did 2 parties but Body Shop messed up so many of my orders, leaving me with angry customers and it was a bit of a nightmare really.

So, I have decided to do a bit of a blogsale of the Body Shop products I have because I know how much you all luurrvvee them :). Seeing as I only did 2 parties, these items were only opened twice and hardly swatched at all so are in super duper condition- no scuzzy stuff on here thank you very much.

Paypal only. No returns. Please comment with the product you'd like and your paypal email. Items are full and heavy so it's £1.75 per item for P&P with 50p extra for each additional. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and will package your items beautifully so you can really enjoy opening your treats.

Puurrrlleeaassee pay swifty or I'll be very cross- grrrr!!


Moringa Body Butter full size - £5.50

Wild Cherry Body Butter full size- £5.50

Cocoa Butter Body Butter full size- £5.50

Limited Edition Jolly Orange Body Butter full size- £5.50

Coconut Body Scrub full size- £3.50

Cocoa Butter Body Scrub full size- £3.50

Coconut Shower Cream 250ml- £2.50

Cocoa Butter Creamy Body Wash 250ml- £2.50

Mango Shower Gel 250ml- £2.50

Moringa Shower Gel 250ml- £2.50

Limited Edition Jolly Orange Shower Gel 250ml- £2.50

Almond Hand Rescue Treatment 100ml- £4.50

Almond Oil Daily Hand and Nail Cream 100ml- £3.50

Alternitavely, if nobody else has bought bits from the list (so hurry hurry), you can have the entire lot for £30 and this will include P&P- what a brucey bargain!

Happy Shopping!!



I likey likey

Aloha Bloggerinos,

What happens when you're looking for interior ideas and you have 20 minutes of spare time? Weheartit gorging is what! Here are a few of my favs.







I'd like this last room to be BGW's, very lovely.

Did any of you English Rose's watch 'Upstairs, Downstairs' this week? I LOVE the use of colour in that home. If only I was brave enough for bright aqua rooms!



Lucky Dip

Aloha Bloggerinos,

I just thought I'd share a little titbit (ooer) of information with you that pinged into my inbox this morning. Eyeko are selling their famous Lucky Dip Bags for only £10 for 48 hours only- bargain!!

Eyeko Lucky Dip Set

If you would like an added freebie in your order (who doesn't?!), use my special Ambassador Code at the checkout E11341.

That was quick!



Thursday, 30 December 2010

Fresh Starts

Aloha Bloggerinos,

As 2011 swiftly approaches, I've started to think about my New Year Resolutions. I make them every year, and some I stick to and some I don't (like loosing weight and saving money! haha). This year though will be my most life changing to date as I'll become a (hopefully Yummy) Mummy and embark on this new adventure with Mattmoo.


So with this in mind, here are my resolutions.

1. Organise my life. I seem to tumble through life in a bit of a muddle, never knowing where bits of paper are or where I put my grey leggings. I'm going to make orderly systems for things and ensure that life runs a bit smoother.

2. Loose weight. A classic. My master plan is taking Baby Girl Watson (BGW) out in her pram for lots of walks this summer and I would like to be a size 14 for Christmas. Before I got pregnant this summer I was a generous size 18, but since I have migrated to the wonders of elasticated maternity jeans and leggings, I have no idea- my clothes grow with me :)

3. Employ a bit more tolerance. This year I have been a little cut throat. I have had small fall outs with people and just thought "that's it, the end" and totally cut them from my life. At the time it felt nice to kind of eradicate the hurt or upset but now I think it might be best to try and be a bit more gentle in my actions, even if they aren't with me.

4. Learn to cook things. I hate cooking and never do it (thank goodness for Matt) but what sort of Mummy can't cook?! Anyone want to teach me?!

So that's it really. There are always little things that I try to improve or change but those are my biggies. What are yours?



Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Golly GOSH, I spy a MAC Dupe!

Aloha Bloggerinos,

You can only imagine my glee on boxing day when I saw that Superdrug were doing a a 3 for 2 deal across all cosmetics. I immediately headed to the GOSH counter, because I've been hankering for a few bits from there for a while.

I have always been really pleased with any gosh products I've had. To be honest, I don't know why I don't have more because it's always been such a pleaser!


So in my little spree I picked up these Light 'n' Shine Lipglazes for £7.99 each (I also bought a coloured eyeliner to make up my 3 for 2) because they reminded me soooo much of the MAC Dazzleglasses which are about £14 a pop. These lipglosses aren't new and I'm sure other people have noticed the similarity but I wanted to have my say anyway :)


I bought shades 04 and 05 which are a light pink and purply shade respectively. The pink is a blue based hue with darker pink and silver sparkles and the purple is a fuchsia colour with blue and gold sparkles. On the lips, if I were to tell you it was a MAC Dazzleglass, I'd be very surprised if you doubted it. And come to think of it, if you did, it would mean you had an unhealthy knowledge of MAC and were a bit of a saddo. Like me.

Both glosses are not sticky but lovely and sheeny, something I do wish MAC would sort out, the Dazzleglasses can be like shmearing treacle on your lips, and have excellent staying power. I don't usually expect must lastage from a gloss, but these did surpass my expectations- hurrah!


As always with GOSH products, the packaging is smashing. Each lipglaze has a little mirror on the side and when you pull out the application wand, 2 tiny LED lights turn on so applying in dark places (I mean dark locations of a room by the way, not on yourself- ooerrr) is a doddle. At first I thought it was a bit gimmicky and something I wouldn't use but I went out for a few drinks with Mattmoo (non alchofrolic before you get shirty) and it was really handy!


I'm also pretty impressed with the wand. My usual fav is a doefoot applicator and sometimes find that these little synthetic brushy jobbies are a bit messy, but so far, so good.

All in all these are something that I am really pleased with and will definitely be branching out into the other available colours. Have you tried these or are you strictly a MAC gal?




Here's the husband and I on that night out. How I don't look pregnant I do not know, I feel like a beached whale and have taken to waddling rather a lot-urgh! Do note my sparkletastic lips :)


Wednesday, 15 December 2010

"There's a snake in my boot!"

Aloha Bloggerinos,

I jest, there is no such thing in my boot. In fact, I'm not even wearing any boots, I was just feeling the love for Toy Story. When my sister was really little, she used to pretend to be Buzz Lightyear, stand on the sofa, jump and shout "To ifididy and leons!". Random fact for you there.

Well, as you will have seen, there has been no blog sale *slaps wrist*. Sadly life got in the way and I will now be doing it after Christmas. We're going to Liverpool to stay with Matt's ma and pa for the festive season so I won't be blogging or able to get to the post office and suchlike so it seems a bit silly to do it now. Still, good things come to those who wait.

I've got a very packed life at the mo, I seem to be forever seeing the midwife, or going to the hospital for my gestational diabetes test (I had to go twice because they couldn't draw blood :( ), going to work, going to far off lands (Peterborough) to buy baby things and all sorts!

I will defo have to do a baby post soon, with pics of the bump, the pram, the cot etc and I have a few Lou's Reviews in the pipeline too.

How are you all? Let me know, I enjoy a random ramble comment!



Thursday, 9 December 2010

Coming up..

Aloha Bloggerinos,

Just to let you all know, I'm going to be having a Huuuuggeeee blogsale on Sunday. It won't be solely cosmetics, it's going to be EVERYTHING, so keep your eyes peeled!

I'm having a big clearout in preparation for all of Baby Girl Watson's things, so it will be utterly random, like an online treasure trove :)




Lou's Reviews :: My Winter Wonder Product

Aloha Bloggerinos,

With the cold snap in full swing, I'm sure many of you would agree that you are having to up your beauty efforts to stay ahead of Jack Frost nipping at your nose. For me, Jack Frost doesn't just nip at my nose, but at my whole face, leaving me blotchy, pale and bleaugh. Not a good look.

In the past week or so I have tried out quite a few different things (bronzers, blushers, cool toned highlighters, everything!!) to tackle this unappealing pallor and have finally found my winner.

Eyeko Tinted Moisturiser is a product I was kindly given a few months ago but never reviewed because I felt like I was banging on and on about Eyeko! Having looked back, I've only done about 4 eyeko posts so perhaps I'll just pop my paranoia back in my pocket and carry on :)

(Looks a very scary toffee colour, but blends like a dream)
This product is a warm toned cream bronzer, made with hydrating jojoba and infused with vitamins A, E and C, so perfect for fighting the current weather conditions. Whilst you could use this all over for a slight glow, I have actually been using this with a stippling brush and buffing it into the apples of my cheeks like a bronzer.

The reason I am enjoying this so much more than my other bronzers, is the consistency. What with it's creamy nature, it leaves me looking all fresh and dewy- hurrah! Also, it has no glitter or shimmer in it, just sheeny warmth to make you look sparky and alive. Brilliant. Obviously I'm not one to shy away from glitter, but with Christmas round the corner, I have been wearing a lot of sparkly eyeshadows and don't want to overdo it. As you will know, I love to get the most out of my cosmetics so here are a few other ways you could use this (let me know if you've tried them and how they worked out for you): As an actual tinted cream (durr), on collar bones to give a slimming look, in the cleavage for fuller boobilscious boobies, down the front of you legs for a sexy sheen oorrrr on your shoulders for an alluring gleam. Versatile non?

As far as value for money goes, this item is still a winner. It retails for £8 and for that you get a whopping great pot that I suspect will last you a million years. Not to be dramatic or anything. I've been using mine LOTS and haven't even made a dent. Woop woop!

If you fancied checking this out, click HERE and for a freebie, use my Ambassador at the checkout- E11341. Also, how good does THIS look for only a fiver! Yes Please!!

Do you have any winter wonder products? More of mine coming soon :)



Saturday, 4 December 2010

Lou's Reviews :: Lush Ma Bar

Aloha Bloggerinos,

I know lately I have done quite a few Lou's Reviews, after the reviewing draught, but that's because 1) I have a bit of mula now to treat myself to a few bits and 2) I'm having a massive Lush and MAC obsession at the moment. Do you do that? Do you go through phases of being totally in love with certain things or brands??

I've mentioned the Lush Ma Bar before, but realised that I had never done a proper review on it, so here we are chums, a maaaaaaaaaarvellous maaaaaaaaaaa bar review. Mwahaha see what I did there?

(Ma Bar's don't have glitter on them but in my house, glitter is an occupational hazard so lordy knows where those sparkles came from. See anyone you know in the background??)
The Ma Bar is a chocolate-toffee flavoured bubble bar that smells good enough to eat. Retailing at £2.45 per bar, it won't break the bank and I usually get about 4 baths out of it, so a small price for big luxury. The idea of bubble bars is to break a chunk of, crumble under the running water and voila, bubbley bubbley goodness. I know some people crumble a whole bar but I prefer to preserve the pleasure and use about a quarter per bath....maybe one day I'll go wild and live on the edge..I'll let you know.

This bubble bar, like all the others I have tried, gave the water a really moisturising, slippery type feel. I know that sounds nuts, but it felt like someone had popped a bit of oil in and it was doing my skin some good. This could just be in my own baby brained head (yes, pregnancy has adled my mind), but I liked it none the less. After leaving the bath my skin did feel pleased and I felt totally soothed and relaxed.

(MMMmmmmm I want to eat it)
The scent of this product is A-Mazing! It reminds me of delicious cafe hot chocolates and makes me want to lick it a bit. Beware! Once in a moment of maddness, many moons ago, whilst nobody was watching, I did lick a lush product (soft coer massage bar if you must know) and I will tell you now, it did not taste good. So learn from my mistakes, don't lick things you shouldn't...ooer missus.

My one negative on this product would be the colour it turns the water. Obviously as the bar is brown and cream (with a very cute little brown sugar cube I might add, dissolves in the water, lovely), it's not going to turn the water pink. No. It turns it a light brown sort of colour.................a litttttllee bit like someone has had a little tiny accident in the bath. Yes, that's right, I said it. My sister won't thank me for this, but when she was a baby and I was about 11, I had a bath with her on my lap, thinking how cute she looked in the bubbles. Cute until she did a million tiny malteser sized poos that subsequently dissolved into the water, turning the whole experience into a runny poo flavoured nightmare.

Please try not to associate this yummy bubble bar with poo (oh gawd), it really is lovely and I have bought quite a few of these, and do look past the browny tinge. The smell is amazing, price is good and overall performance is a total winner.

Have you tried the MA Bar? What did you think? Do you perhaps think I have completely lost it and gabbled on about poo??

