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Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Baby Glitter's Birth

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

It's 8.30am on Monday morning and I've been up since 5am, having cuddles, feeds and nappy changes with Baby Glitter (her name is Darcy but on the Blog and YouTube, she'll be Baby Glitter I've decided).

I thought since she is having a little snooze next to me on the sofa, I would take a few minutes to start my Birth Story post. Chances of being able to write this all in one go before she wakes are slim to none, but I'm getting used to never being able to finish anything these days! My life seems to work in 3 hourly chunks, and this one's up at 9am!

So Bloggerinos, I'm going to tell you the whole shibang. If you don't like details about yukky stuff or feel weird hearing about lady parts, probably best to stop reading now. For the record, I now have zero qualms about talking about my lady bits. I used to be very reserved and veering on the side of prudish even, but once you've had a baby, you seriously, seriously don't give a monkeys. I never used to believe people when they said that, but it is la facte.

I woke up at home on Tuesday 5th April, super early and super nervous. I had a VERY thorough shower (after all, if I was going to have a gaggle of people rooting around my ladyzone, I wanted to be extra fresh!) and then proceeded to put on so much makeup, I looked a little bit like a woman-of-ze-night. I think it was nerves that made me overcompensate somewhat.

We got to the hospital for 9am and by the time we got there, I was a total bag of nerves. We were ushered into a little ward with four beds (separated by curtains) and a really nice midwife came in and told us how induction worked and what I could expect. I was sooooo glad of this midwife because I'm a believer in the 'knowledge is power' idea, and by knowing what I was walking into, I felt a whole load calmer.

I was put on the monitor for a couple of hours and had my obs taken and at 11am it was time for the first of many internals. Mmmmmm lovely undignified fingers-up-fanny internals. The midwife said I was about 2-3cm dilated and she 'popped up' a pessary that would kind of seep hormones into my cervix and 'ripen' it to stimulate labour. Now I don't know about you, but the thought of having my cervix ripened is really gross. You ripen fruit, not your downstairs department.

Within a couple of hours contractions had begun. They were really irregular and manageable, so we basically just waited it out for the afternoon, playing Toy Story Top Trumps, reading magazines, eating and I even managed a little snooze.

By the evening I was in a lot more discomfort. They offered my cocodomol which helped but I would have liked something stronger. Matt went out and bought a dominoes pizza because I didn't want the hospital food, but by the time he got back (about 7pm) I was only able to chew between regular contractions and hardly ate anything.

By about 8.30pm I was pretty distressed. The pain was bad, Matt was being sent home at 10pm (partners aren't allowed to stay on the ward past 10pm unless you are in 'established labour') and I didn't want to be on my own. The midwife suggested a deep bath to sooth the pain which did take the edge off but only slightly.

10pm saw Matt reluctantly leave and I spent the ENTIRE night awake and having contractions every 5-6 minutes. I begged for more than cocodomol (the lady came round to do her checks and I asked for more and she said "I'm sorry but you're not due another dose until 3am I'm afraid" and I desperately whispered "Plleeaassee, I won't tell anyone!!" hahaha.) but it only alleviated the pain for about 40 minutes before I was wanting more.

By 9am on Wednesday morning, Matt was back and I was delirious with tiredness and pain because there had been no rest.

I was put on the monitor to check Baby Glitter's heartbeat and my contractions and the midwife said I was 'contracting nicely'. It didn't feel nice I can tell you. At 11am they removed the pessary (which by the way was not the 'small tampon' I was promised but more like a slimy tapeworm ribbony thing (urgh) and told me I was ready to labour and they would go and sort out a delivery suite.

This is when things started to go downhill.

The midwife came back an hour later and I thought 'great, delivery suites ready, let's get this show on the road'. Errr no. She told me they were fully booked so I would have to 'hang on' til one became available. Basically, there was no room at the inn. So I sat, I contracted, I huffed and puffed and three entire hours later at 3pm, we were told there was a suite available.

This is where things get hazy for me but Matt has filled me in on most of the details.

As soon as we got in there I was asking for an epidural and practically threw myself at the gas and air sucky thingy. I want to get gas and air installed in my lounge, brilliant stuff. Then the first crap thing happened. Due to the busyness of the labour ward, the epidural man/woman was busy in theatre and the wait for it would be 2-3 hours. Well 2-3 hours was not doable. No way, hose. I had previously said I didn't want anything that made me feel 'out of it' or 'spaced out', but by this point I would've taken a punch in the teeth if it would take the pain away from my bump/back/ladyzone. So I had meptip. Beautiful, wonderful meptid.

Meptid made me feel all woozy and sleepy and underwatery and not-in-the-room. I'm pretty glad of that to be quite honest. Then the sickness set in. It was pukeville. I think I filled at least 10 of those cardboard bowl things. Matt was helping me sip water (my arms barely worked, except to hold the gas and air jobby) and I was just puking, I even got his hand mwahaha! Unfortunately, because of all the puking, the nurses had to put a drip in my hand to get some fluids into me.

I don't really know what happened because, to be blunt, I was off my face, but the putting in of the drip went wrong and blood spurted everywhere! All on the floor, all up the chair, all down my arm, everywhere! Eventually they got it in right but some of the fluids kind of seeped into my hand flesh (as opposed to a vein or something) and it made my hand and fingers swell so much that Matt described it as 'fingers like a bunch of bananas'! Thing weren't going well.

At 5.10pm the midwife checked me, broke my waters and put a tiny monitor on Baby Glitter's head to monitor her heart rate as they couldn't find it on the external monitor- naughty little baby!

Before I knew it, and a cathaterisation (mmm lovely), later, it was 8pm and I was being told I was 9cm dilated. Worryingly, Baby Glitter's heart rate dropped into the 80's (very low for a fetal rate) and my legs were whipped up into stirrups and I was being told to push.

Pushing was AGONY! I've honestly never felt anything like it. It was like being on fire and ripped in two all at once. I actually feel light headed just thinking about it. The midwife then told me that we needed to get her out quicker and that she was going to give me a numbing injection and then cut me. Shudder.

She needn't have bothered cutting me though because on her exit, Baby Glitter ripped me to smithereens. I tore internally and externally and even round my tinklehole, so you can only imagine how much it hurt to tinkle afterwards. Imagine weeing acid. That's what it was like. To make matters worse, because I was so spaced out, I couldn't do a wee, so they re catheterised me but because I was torn, it really bloomin' hurt.

So, 8.25pm and Baby Glitter was out. They put her on me and the first thing I said was "She's so soft". She was so lovely and warm and wet (I thought I would be grossed out by this but wasn't) and Matt was welling up beside me saying "oh my god we've got a daughter, we've had a baby" and smiling and it was just so lovely.

Then all of a sudden there were lots more midwives and nurses and one was standing at the door to the corridor shouting "Dr! We need a Dr!!" and a Dr came rushing in and they were saying things about blood loss and '40 units' and my stomach was being massaged and there was blood everywhere. I was layed back, Baby Glitter was given to Matt and I was crying because I was so scared. I (somewhat dramatically I suppose but I was all drugged up!) asked if I was going to die and the lady just kept saying "Look at your baby Louise, just keep looking at your baby", which actually freaked me out more because I thought 'Are you just saying that because I'm not going to see her again?!'.

They stopped the blood and put another drip in me and sewed up my poor torn vajayjay. By now, I was feeling very, very woozy. Baby Glitter was on my boobie sucking away and Matt was feeding me some toast that appeared from somewhere!

By about 9.30pm I was all stitched up and such and a lovely nurse called Natalie came in to kind of do some aftercare. This is the bit that I don't want to go into because it was the worst. In a nutshell, I was in that same room til 4am, was faint, had crazily low blood pressure, felt horrid and sweaty and dirty, was catheterised, couldn't move properly, couldn't pick up my baby because my hands were so swollen and all in all a total mess.

At about 4am, they took me in a wheelchair (which the porter drove like some kind of deranged boy-racer! I wanted to say "excuse me mr, but if you had more stitches than you care to imagine in your crack or down your willy, would you want to be wizzed about like you're on the waltzers?!?!", but my British politeness wouldn't allow it dagnamit) to the ward and Matt had to go home.

I couldn't move because of my lady parts and I couldn't use my banana hands so I had to keep ringing the buzzer and annoying the nurses until Matt came back at 10am on Thursday.

Thursday was spent in hospital but I HATED the ward. It hurt so much to tinkle, they wouldn't take the cannula thingy out of my hand in case I needed a blood transfusion because I had lost 20% of my body's blood (waaayyy way too much!), I didn't feel like there was much privacy and breast feeding helper type people kept coming and manhandling me. I asked them to let me go home and they were reluctant but could see that if they didn't, I would've discharged myself.

The next week was a blur of sore bits, trying to breast feed, no sleep, visitors, cards, nappies and midwife visits. I had lost so much blood that I wasn't making enough milk but I didn't realise. Poor Baby Glitter was hungry and grizzling but I didn't realise she was hungry. When I found out, I felt AWFUL. I felt like I had been starving my baby, but now know that I couldn't have known (the midwife weighed her and she had lost too much weight you see and so we spent 2 days back in hospital) and that I was doing my best to be a good Mummy. After 2 days in hospital, discovering breast feeding wasn't for me, switching to the bottle and doing strict 3 hourly feeds (or sooner if she is wanting it), she had gained weight, was re hydrated and a much, much more happy and content baby.

So that brings us to now. Baby Glitter is recovered, feeds well on formula, sleeps soundly, is alert and loves to follow your fingers with her eyes or look at your face and we are getting a bit more sleep. I still feel sore and am on iron tablets because of all the blood loss but each day gets a little bit better and each day I fall more and more in love with her. She is such a joy, a big bundle of sparkly goodness. Matt is besotted too. We love giving her snuggles and making faces at her. I do the 6am feed and I love it because she is usually awake by about 5.30am and we have a lovely 30 minutes of quiet snuggles in bed, bliss. Worth it.

Jeepers that was a long post!

Hope I haven't bored your socks off and now I feel I can get back to normal on here and will be blogging as regularly as possible :)

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PS- It's now 8.30am on Tuesday morning, told you I wouldn't get all this done in one go!


  1. I am a newbie to your blog Lou, but I got so welled up reading that, so sorry you had to go through all of that pain and waiting. Darcy is beautiful and you sound like you have such a supportive husband in Matt. Hope all your lady bits heal properly soon hehe. Thanks for sharing. I have a feeling that you are going to make an outstanding Mom.

    Love Gem


  2. I have only just discovered your blog and wow, what a moving post to read.

    I have 2 chldren of my own and my experience of labour and birth couldn't be more different to yours, my heart goes out to you. I hope your recovery is speedy and that you deal with the emotional scars just as quickly.

    Baby Glitter is absolutely gorgeous and I'm sure she was well worth all the pain. And you look bloody amaaaazing for someone who's just had a baby, def yummy mummy!

    Loveaudrey xXx

  3. Having to make you wait was horrendous ! Being in labour isn't something you're made to wait for !

    That was just horrible :( I'm sorry you had to go through so much D:

    I hope you and your lady parts get well very soon ! Must be torture not being able to pee properly [[sorry about mentioning the lady parts !]]

    Baby Glitter is adorable <3 !


  4. oh no :(
    i can't believe you had to wait for three hours because there wasn't enough room!
    it definitely doesn't sound like a very nice labour at all but it was all worth it in the end because you have a very gorgeous little baby glitter! :)

    well done louise, you're a trooper! xx

  5. OMG Lou your labour sounds just terrible, im so sorry you had to go through all that. I must say tho the pic of you n baby glitter is gorgeous and you dont look like you've just been through a bad labour at all, you look glowing and so proud.
    Baby glitter is amazing and just sooooooo cute :) :) Your a fantastic mummy :) :) x x x

  6. i loved reading your post,brings it all back!
    i was my sisters birthing partner and they made her wait till the labour ward had room,it was horrendous.
    congratulations,im sure you will make the best mummy :)

  7. Wow, crazy story. I can't even imagine that, but I'm glad everything is getting better and you and Baby Glitter are healthy!

  8. Firstly congrats, you did so well with it all. Shame the hospital couldn't provide more help and advice in regards to the breastfeeding. Glad to hear you're both recovering from the excitement and trauma of birth *hugs*

  9. Sorry to hear the ammount of pain you went through. But from seeing her in your youtube video it obviosly well worth the pain xx

  10. wow! I dont really know what to say. I started watching your videos by sympathising with you a few months back because you were scared of giving birth (*notes down: birth not recommended*). I hope you feel better soon and enjoy your time with that sweet sweet baby of yours. You both look gorgeous in the picture. Take care xx

  11. Ahh Louise!! You had me welling up at this, you look so glam! All the pain was worth it in the end. You've got a right chunky monkey there and she is gorgeous. Welcome to the world Baby Glitter x x

  12. wow- what a tale! She is absolutely gorgeous, thank you so much for sharing all that ( as someone addicte dto one born every minute, I fee like I am a midwife!) I hope you are getting as much reast as you can, and you will be healed in no time,


  13. Hiya Lou!

    Cannot believe all that you have been through :-(
    Your so brave! I would have been an absolute mess!

    I hope you are starting to recover a bit better now. Darcey sounds amazing!

    Your post made me well up! AGAIN!! Gotta stop doing that! Or have to stop reading the blog at work lol!

    Hope your ok and settling in well at being a mummy! Cant wait to meet little glitter!

    Speak to you soon x x x

  14. Oh Hunnybun...what a dreadful time you went thru'. I find it totally scary that they expected you to 'wait' to give birth...and after inducing you too!
    I cannot imagine the pain you must've gone thru'...but that picture of you two together, well, I'd say it was worth it! Just beautiful!
    Z xx

  15. Wow you have been through a lot. I look at babies and I feel so broody then I hear/read stories like this and think OMG!

    You have a stunning baby Girl Louise, you also look very well in your latest video showing baby Glitter off :-) xxx

  16. She is so beautiful. It sounds like you went through ALOT but now you get to enjoy the rest of your life with your baby. Hope you feel in tip top shape really soon. :)


  17. What an amazing post, I had a similar experience although not as bad as yours. I was 19 & terrified but believe me, before long your lady parts will heal and you don't quite remember every detail so you'll be able to look back on it with a smile & even think about going through it all again :)

  18. Oh Louise that sounds awful! At least you have a beauutiful little girl at the end of it. Whenever I end up having kids I plan on being as drugged up and away with the fairies as possible!
    I think you will be an amazing mummy to Baby Glitter :) xx

  19. Aw I loved reading this post! When I'm in pain/read about pain/watch pain, I laugh (Defence thing), so I was laughing through parts of this post, especially the ripping and cutting part! That's the part I'm terrified of when I (Hopefully) have a baby. I'm going to be laughing throughout the whole of my pregnancy; my cheeks will hurt so much!
    It sounds like you've been through so much! I hope you feel better soon and congratulations :) x

  20. This post was amazing. You are one brave lady! It terrifies me to imagine myself going through that, but you get a gorgeous little bubba in the end!
    Baby Glitter is absolutely gorgeous and I'm glad you are on the mend!
    BIG Congratulations! :D

  21. Makes me glad I had 2 elective C-sections!
    It's all behind you now. Or maybe BENEATH you. No heavy lifting. Take it easy. Enjoy.

  22. Aw Lou, this was such a lovely post to read, so sorry about all of the pain you went through, but Darcy is absolutely beautiful. You're going to be an amazing mama! xx

  23. wowie you went through so much!!! You are so brave too, can't believe that they made matt go home and you had to do some of it on your own, i would have been petrified! Thanks for sharing your story :-) xxxx

  24. That sounds like the most traumatic labour, you're very inspiring and brave! Darcy is so gorgeous though, and I'm sure you'll make a great mum xxx

  25. Oh Louuuuuuu. The labour sounded like a nightmare! I'm very glad it's over! To me, it seems that a lot of the errors made over those couple days were due to the hospital. I don't think anyone man or woman, should be treated the way you were. However, out of the bad came the good...the very good! Baby Glitter! Darcy is absolutely beautiful!

    P.S - Love the Matt and toast bit.

  26. Oh Louise I think you're the only person who could make something so undenyably awful and terrifying sound somewhat amusing! You are so brave! Just think it's all over now and you and Matt have your Baby Glitter all to yourselves (:<33

  27. That photo of you and baby Darcy is gorgeous, you wouldn't have known the drama you'd both been through.
    Glad you and baby are well, and I really feel for you going through that scary time, but thanks for sharing and helping others realise that it's not always what we see in the movies.


  28. COngratulations! I'm so happy for you, your baby and for your family! I hope everything will be great! Cheers <3

  29. I first came across your channel on YT last year, I had been following your pregnancy and loved your videos as your so funny and lovely! I almost cried reading this I'm so happy your both safe and well. I won't go into detail but I lost my cousin not long ago as she had complications after the birth. I love babies and I know I'm not going to be having one for a few years but this has really scared me :( You must of been terrified and you definitely didn't need the blood experience on top of all of this. Take Care Louise your going to be a great Mummy and Darcy is beautiful! :) xxx

  30. Wow, your amazing, so brave!
    How did you do that?
    Incredible, <3 lotsa love to you and your gorgeous baby :)
    izzy xx

  31. Wow congratulations for everything! You seem like such a soldier and you and your baby look amazing! She's gorgeous! You are so so so brave! xx

  32. Congratulations on your beautiful baby! Well done for getting through all that you inspire me that one day I'll be able to do the same!


  33. Wow really sounds like you went through the wars, but you have such a beautiful baby congratulations xx

  34. wow! all i can say is wow and that im so proud of you (i can say that right?? :P) you sound like you endured A LOT but well done for remaining so brave for your little bundle of joy. which she really is =) you and matt must be over the moon. congratulations lovely =) xxxx

  35. You may have made my uterus run away and hide, but what a great story!

    Congratulations on your bundle of joy! xx

  36. aww louise :( that sounds like utter torture!! defianlty not what you see on one born every minutie!! so glad and happy that your on the mend and that darcy is feeling much better too!! love sarah xxx

  37. First off congratulations Lou on your little bundle of baby glitter she is absolutely gorgeous!

    Thank you for sharing your story with us, i definitely had a good cry reading through, sounds like youve been through so much but im hope your back on the mend now.

    Darcy is beautiful and you are gunna make the best mummy ever Louise i just know it! Matt sounds pretty amazing also :) You are going to be brilliant parents!

    Congratulations again my darling


  38. ohh flippin nora lou!! what a birthing story that was! how tramatic hun, mine birth story is awful but not that awful! you will feel traumatised for a long time hun i can assure you that, i did! you always think that your gonna have the perfect labour but NO!! haha anyway, try not to dwell on whats happened it cant be changed and you have a perfect little glitter package now! love u girl xxx

  39. Oh wow Lou you are so amazing and brave having gone through all that, Darcy is soooooo beautiful by the way just know you and Matt r gonna be wonderful parents xx Hope you feeling better soon. Lots Of Love and gentle hugs xx xx

  40. aww louise it is a shame it all happened to someone as lovely as you!!

    i am so glad you said 'worth it' at the how. how cute :)

  41. So glad everything is ok now, she is so damn cute! Louise you are amazing :) xxx

  42. awwww...thanks for sharing your experience Louise! =D And you looked radiant despite being tired. My sister is 4 months pregnant at the moment and I can't wait to see her baby too! ^^ I hope everyday would be an interesting and lovely day with Baby glitter! I know they'll be more unknown path to take and more new things to learn as a new mum, but I know you and Matt would make lovely parents! hehe..seeing (or rather reading) this firsthand made me feel like a related cousins or a close aunt.haha.. =)

  43. This was one of the best blog posts I've ever read :') Your baby is so gorgeous and your going to be such an amazing mum :) x x x

  44. awww Louise that sounds dreadful! so glad you have it all over and you and Matt can concentrate on baby glitter now :D you're gonna be such an amazing mamma xxx

  45. I've been following your blog/youtube for a while and I'm so pleased Baby Glitter is doing well.

    Your birth experience sounds pretty harrowing - my mother had an awful birth with me and went on to have two very normal ones with my brothers so don't let it get you down!

    There have been lots of babies in my family so I'm well used to the birth stories! Dave (boyfriend) isn't so accustomed to them however!

    It's really good that you've shared your story as lots of younger girls like me (I say younger, I'm almost 22 and feel a bit old!) read blogs like yours for the make up/fashion and don't really think about the bigger things in life women might have to go through.

    Best wishes for you, Matt and Darcy (beautiful name, by the way!) xx

  46. Oh good grief, you poor thing! I am so grateful to you and admire you so much for posting all this, it can't be pleasant to think about for you! So glad you and Darcy are feeling better and wish you all the best and lots of love xx

  47. When I watched your video, I said, "This makes me want a baby", and now? Not so much... I have so much sympathy for you, and at least now you have this ubearably beautiful baby! Good luck ^^ xxx

  48. I love how you have told it how it is lousie. me and my partner was children sometime in teh future and the only think that scares me is the giving birth part. Ur story hasnt put me off but i am sooo glad u told us how it was.

    I am sooooo sorry for everything that happened to u and baby glitter but i am glad your both on the mend. Baby is sooooo adorable.

    Cant wait to see more pics of baby glitter.


  49. Glad that baby glitter is healthy and happy, she is so adorable!
    I wish you all a very happy life :)

  50. Awhh Louise! Im sorry you had to go through all that :( but atleast you and Baby Glitter are all okay! And not forgetting she is absolutely gorgeous!! You should be proud of yourself.
    Hope you have a speedy recovery!


  51. The things we go through for our babes. I cried a few times during this, and had some flashbacks to my own 2 boys births. Good job and thank you for sharing your story, despite everything it is beautiful:)

  52. Oh my! I honestly had not expected something as bad as that! What a horrible thing to go through (obviously not the getting-a-baby-part, that bit is wonderful)! I also admire you for getting back to filming videos so soon after the birth!
    I'm so sorry you had to go through all that pain and agony, but so so so happy that Baby Glitter/Darcy is now a happy and healthy baby. :)
    Take care! xx

  53. Congratulations! Sounds awful, but what a beauty you got out of it :) she's lovely! And gorgeous name! xx

  54. Aww that sounds horrible, glad to hear everything is healing up well though. You've got a beautiful little baby :)

  55. I skim read the slightly grosser parts because I have huge phobias of blood, needles and hospitals. Your blog has given me even more reasons to want to adopt...

    Until I get to the UBER glamourous shot of you and SUPER cute baby glitter!

    I love the first picture. It looks like your tummys wrapped up in ribbon (in baby colours even!) for the present that is baby glitter!

    I cant believe they made Matt go home. I point blank wouldnt have allowed it, they're gonna have a hard enough job getting me in a hospital in the first place!

    Anyways, I'm so sorry to hear about how hard the birth was, but I'm sure your super glad about it now looking at her adorable little face!

    Huge congratulations!

  56. Crikey sounds awful. I'm so glad that you and darcy are doing well now xx

  57. So glad I waited until my friend who is due to give birth on Friday left before reading this haha!
    Sounds like you had a right mare but all worth it in the end.
    Glad you're all well - and how cute!! xx

  58. I haven't nothing else to say other than you are my hero! To go through all of that and still have your sanity intact makes you some kind of super miracle woman!! :) So happy that you are now getting settled and feeling better...give that chubby lil glitter baby a squeeze from me! :)

  59. I'm also a newbie to your blog but I am LOVING it. How have I just found it?!

    I read all of that and oh my goodness, OUCH! Sounds horrendous- made me hurt in my own vajayjay reading some of it!

    Congratulations on little baby glitter though- she's GORGEOUS xx

  60. I love a good birth story - yours sounds totally traumatic though and trauma that could have be avoided by the sounds of it. Baby Glitter is an absolute babe!! Such a cutie pie! I went through exactly the same with the BF and not making enough milk with Rosie. She was dehydrated too and I felt awful. I think it happens a fair bit though, especially with new mums cause lets face it we dont have a clue!! And the most important thing is that she is getting food now :) It only seems like last week that Rosie was born but now its been 5 months and she eats real food - well ok - real pureed food! Many congratulations to you all and I hope your lady bits recover soon! xxxxxxx

  61. Wow Louise, all I can say is what an experience! I'm so happy to hear that you and baby glitter are recovering well, happy and healthy. Thank you for sharing your birth story and I look forward to your next post :)

  62. Wow i'm sorry you had to go through such a tramatic time :[ but hopefully beautiful baby glitter will help you too put that to the back of your mind a little as time goes on. You deserve a medal! and for someone who had been through all that, you look so lovely in the photo!

    I don't know you, just from you tube (although you have the same name as me, so that automatically makes you awesome) but you're going to make an great mum :] x

  63. I've said it before, and I'll say it again - you are bloody amazing! Congratulations on the arrival of Baby Glitter, she's beaufitul (just like her Mummy!)xx

  64. OMG you deserve a medal! Sounds like ot was so traumatic and crazy. Thank you for sharing every detail with us, I never like to ask as some people are prudish but I do love to hear about these kinda things as you never get told by anyone else. Welldone and congratulations on your bundle of joy xxx :o)

  65. You really do deserve some kind of award, that sounds horrific (yet worth it in the end) x

  66. OMG Lou, that sounds truly truly horrific! I welled up whilst reading it. You really do deserve a medal for going through all of that. Darcy is absolutely beautiful, congrats to both you and Matt xx

  67. Oh my what a story, I wasn't sure if I should read all the details but couldn't stop myslef, I'm already scared of labour as it is!! I'm so glad you and Darcy are ok in the end, so sad that it was a total mission, you need a medal and I say do some more shopping, treat yourself you deserve it!!! X

  68. oh Louise how awful. how dare they make you wait 3 hours. ridiculous.
    i have 2 boys and have to say i didn't have much of a good birthing experience with either of them but nothing compared to yours. not that im trying to compare. i think you are amazing Louise. really amazing.
    i hope you recover well and glad that Darcy is ok. i love her name. so cute. xxx

  69. Sorry to hear you had such a rough time of it! Glad that you and Bbay Glitter are doing much better now though!

  70. Oh my that sounds horrific but you got something so beautiful and perfect out of it so it was worth it.
    I love how you were so honest about the birth, very refreshing and i was laughing out loud for most of it and cringing the rest. You poor thing
    Hope you are doing well now. You looked so beautilful in hospital!
    Hope the lady parts get better soon
    Love to Baby glitter xx

  71. OMG that is the most honest,traumatic and yet funny child birthing story I have ever heard!! You went through hell...why wasn't your baby's Daddy allowed to stay with you through the night??? Alllllll alone going through allllll that...yikes!!! You are going to be the best Momma on the strong and beautiful. Girl Power(s) you definitely have! Baby Glitter is soooo gorgeous. Thank you for sharing your precious little one with us...:)

  72. Oh my! I welled up reading this! Sorry to hear you had a rough time with your labour! Hope you (and your lady parts) recover well!

    Darcy is so cute! The picture of you both together is just gorgeous :)


  73. Sounds like it was horrific, hope you recover soon!

    You will make a brilliant mum!

    Pippa x

  74. Oh man, I'm so sorry love! Your daughter & you are beautiful and I'm sorry your labor was so painful BUT I'm glad it's over and your both doing better <3

  75. and i thought mine was bad!!! You have a lot of courage girl... hugs to little baby glitter! :)

  76. It took me two days to read this! haha, I get faint so easily, so kept taking breaks!! It sounds horrible what you went through but Darcy is so beautiful!! XO

  77. Oh Gosh Louise what a blummin ordeal! I have to say though, that you look fucking amazing for someone who was about to give/had just given birth! I bet she looks back at these photos one day and says the same thing.

    What an amzing thing... hope you make a full recovery soon! Big love to you, Matt and little Darcy. Tell her to be good! x

  78. sounds just like my birthstory :) except my mummy couldn't push me out and they had to dig me out of her with pliers looking things (forgot the name). she also couldn't produce enough milk and they realised it over a month after the birth, i was very underweight. they put me on formula right away. my mums couldn't sit for a month after all the tearing, girls in our family have very narrow inner hips, so i guess that's what i'm gonna have to go through as well.

    i'm really glad you're doing well and also remember it doesn't happen like this everytime, i'm sure if you decide to have more children everything will be fine, since you suffered enough already.

  79. Hi Louise, Hope You Are Well? I Will Say It Again Congratulations On The Arrival Of Baby Glitter :) I Have Finally Just Got Around To Reading Your Labour/Birth Story, And Ohhhhh Myyyy Your Labour Is Almost A Spitting Image Of How My Labour/Birth Of My 4 Month Old Daughter Went :O May I Add My Labour Was On CHRISTMAS DAY which Also Happens To Be My Birthday As Well,Was Bad Enough With The Pain But Also Wasnt A Happy Bunny Missing Christmas And My Birthday, But It Was Definately All Worth It Now...So I Know How You Felt/Feel Now, The Healing Process Is A Painful One, Took Me Almost 2Months Before I Was Pain Free :( Take Care xx

  80. Oooh that made my noony feel all tingly reading that! HAHA! well done though :) she's gorgeous xxx

  81. omg ! im adopting ! lol !

  82. Oh dear God Louise! You've put me off labour FOREVER. Your baby is so cute though ahhhhhhh. Her little face is just adorable. xx

  83. but it was all worth it in the end!!!

    birth scares me even more now haha. i hope someone knocks me out if my va jay jay rips xo

  84. Sorry for the late comment, 4 months later!
    Just found your videos on youtube and then I found your blog.

    Giving birth sounds like hard work, but you did it! My sister in law had a difficult birth with my nephew. You did really well and you got something really beautiful out of it at the end. Well done! & sorry for the VERY late comment!

    Hope you are all well & take care!

    Natalie x

  85. God, hands down to you girl! If only a stork were to bring us our babies...!! Thankyou for an honest story too, it's so nice to hear you actually tell all on the nasty parts! Well done, she's beautiful xoxo

  86. Lou, I've just discovered your blog and youtube through Zoella. Love tour personality and felt compelled to say that I'm not a children kind of person but i applaud you! I don't think I could have done it, well done and congrats on your little girl! x

  87. Hi Lou, i always watch your youtube vids and now started to read your blog, i had my cute handsome little Billy in august and my birth is quite similar to yours only i had to get whisked to theater for forceps then had the bleed i thought i was dying too reading your blog brought back memories, well we have both got our precious things out of it xxx

  88. ive just read this louise, and I was sat here giggling! I love how bluntly you've put everything! baby glitter is definitely worth that trauma though!


  89. Hi Louise, I know this is pretty old by now, but just recently discovered your blog after coming across some videos you and Zoella did together.
    WOW - giving birth really does sound horrific! But I've seen your gorgeous girl in some of the vids and she is bloody gorgeous, so I'm sure that now, in hindsight, it was totally worth it. Even so though, giving birth doesn't sound too appealing! Enjoy your precious little one :-) xx

  90. Just discovered your blog... and omfgh, what a cute daughter do you have! <3 I also noticed that you are addicted to Sleek too... wish you al the luck in the world with your Darcy/ Baby Glitter. Kisses from Holland :)

  91. hi i dont have a profile just started watching you on youtube and reading your blog. i wondered if you could give me any tips on how to start a blog. i think you sound like a brilliant mum, i hope you and baby glitter/ Darcy are okay x

  92. hey louise, i had a traumatic experience as well, i was induced, took two and half days to get ball rolling, got to 9cm and had to have emergency c-section, and in recovery i haemorrhaged and had to have a transfusion :(. has really put me off wanting any more children. i didn't realise you can go for counselling for something like this?.. would be interested to know how counselling went for you and did it help?
    leigh xx

  93. Hi Louise! just wanted to say your after birth photo with baby glitter is beautiful! sorry to hear you had a horrible time but i'm guessing it was all totally worth it! you have an absolutely gorgeous baby and you're an absolutely awesome person. Thank you for sharing the birthing story with us as it must have been hard and I wish you all the best with baby and the future.


  94. Aw louise sweety, sound's like you have a terrible time, i did with my first born but second went more smoother, i am glad you and bubba are doing ok. Isn't it horrible when the time comes when your partner has to go home and your left there alone sleep is never really possible.

    Hugs i was offering councilling as well but i found talking to my doctor helped me more. i hope it went ok for you and your all doing well.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. Hi Louise,
    I have just discovered your blog - and I have to say your combination of baby and beauty is perfect! I am a somewhat beauty/makeup obsessed teacher who is currently on maternity leave after having my little girl in November. I somehow found your birth story on your blog - I was looking at your Liz Earle reviews and it suggested I read your both story too - so I did!

    I never, ever write anything on these things, ever - nobody is interested in what I have to say, but I just wanted to say thanks for sharing your traumatic story; I thought my birth story was a tad traumatic, but after reading yours I really feel for you. It's supposed to be the most memorable time of your life, and it is, but when something unexpected or somewhat rather rubbish happens, it kind of tarnishes your memory a little. Like you, I don't remember much of my daughters birth as I was out of it on gas and air (thank god!), but my husbands account is not quite the perfect birth I was expecting and our baby had to be rushed off to NICU straight away so I didn't even get to see her until about 3 hours later. But ... as I have learnt (the painful way after losing our older daughter Rosie, at 35 weeks last January - I try not to think of her birth for obvious reasons and just remember her when we held her afterwards) - the fact that our little darlings are here at all is a miracle and at the end of the day, I for one, do not give two hoots how they get here so long as they are happy and healthy!! I'm sure you'd agree we'd go through it all again in a heartbeat for our babies!
    Anyway - fabulous blog - you're really down to earth which I LOVE - and your reviews are ace. Love the baby bits too. When I discovered your blog I actually rang my husband at work to tell him!! And I am currently putting my maternity leave to good use (when bubs is sleeping) to read all your posts from the past ... hopefully I'll be done by September when I have to go back to teaching moody 16 year olds! yay! Apologies for my true English teacher essay!
    So, thanks and keep up the excellent work and your daughter is one gorgeous girlie!! Jane xx

  97. wow Louise this brings it all back to me as my story was simlar too,7.5 months ago i had baby girl Teegan who is the best thing ever and me and her daddy love her to bits but the birth was very scary ;0(
    i too had to have a drip in my hand as i had lost too much blood,they were talking about a blood transfusion too but thankfully they just kept me on a drip for a few days and gave me iron tablets,i was also was cut down below and Teegan was pulled out by forceps as i was just too spaced out and tired to push in the end,i tried my best but 2 hrs of pushing and still nothing was just rubish,i did have an epidural but they gave it me too late as i was already 10cm by the time they gave it,they didn't check as they said they checked about an hour back and i was 3 cm but they were shocked when they checked after the epidural and said omg nobody can dilate that quick its time to push,oh great i had dilated within the quickest time ever and the epidural had not even had chance to work grrrr,even when they said we are gonna have to use the foceps now as you have been pushing for 2 hrs,i gave one almighty push but still nothing as i was soo scared of the forcepts,god i have tongs in my kitchen smaller lol,they did not let me home for about 3 days as lost too much blood then when i was ready to go they said your baby looks yellow she has jaundicw oh great,so they did a heel prick test thingy but thankfully let us home in the end and said to keep an eye on her,i did not breast feed i bottle fed due to medication i'm taking but we had to get as much milk down her as pos to get rid of the jaundice,gosh she looked ill and it was like force feeding her but thankfully it went and she is fine now and we love her more and more each day,darcey is a lovely name you chose and she has lovely big eyes like you,sooo cute and wish we lived closer to one another
    an't believe you had a full face of make-up ha ha,i did have a bit of make-up on when i went in and even took make-up with me for afterwards but i felt that shite that i didn't even use it,i looked so pale cos of blood loss and my iron is still low to this day,i was a bit peeved cos i felt really out of it for days,dead woozy and all a bit hazy and i did have to ask my fella some details too lol,i had just brushed my hair and the nurse then walked in and passed me my brush and said would you like to brush your hair ha ha cheeky thing i had just done it,i must have looked a sight lol,hugs to you and your family and it was a great post love vinny xxxx

  98. sorry just noticed i spelt Darcy wrong whoops soz love the name so unique xxx

  99. I am glad somebody is actually writhing the truth. Not that I would now I'm a 21 year old student who want's to have 2 kids but only in 8 years. I really enjoyed reading this is probably the wrong word but I read it with much attention and felt sorry for what you had to go thru I do know that now that Baby glitter is older you probably don't even care about all that anymore and are happy you have a healthy and ooh so beautiful little baby girl.
    Thanks for sharing this story and hope that with the next baby (if there will be one) it will go smoother.

  100. Omg! Reading that was like reading the story of my sons birth! It was very similar, I'm so glad you wrote this! All I hear about is how everyone had a wonderful and fast birth experience and I felt like it was just me that had a horrible one. You've made me feel normal! :) Thankyou! xx

  101. Ooh, Louise, your poor lady bits!! I am sat here wincing with crossed legs!! I thought my lady bits had a tough time of it during my daugters birth, but it seems her birth was a doddle in comparison to baby glitters. They are definately worth though :-) (at least once everything is all healed up!!)

  102. Hi Louise - I'd never realised you had a blog until I saw your faq video today, and when I saw the post about your birth for obvious reasons I immediately checked it out - obvious I suppose to me because I had a near identical story - ending up with being in theatre afterward to mend the 3rd degree tear, they wouldn't let me leave for 4 days and I hate the ward also - they didn't seem to give any care to the fact that I was in shock, sleep deprived from chronic spd before the birth, and then in bits because of the tear inside and out. My own Dr told me afterward that I was 1mm from a 4th degree tear. Because of all of this, I can totally understand how you responded to the question about the second child. Its difficult isn't its? you kind of block it out, you know that they were beyond worth it an you'd do it and more all again for them, but then when you seriously consider doing it again... it all comes back to you. My ds is four now, and it kills me that he may be an only child, both because I'm not falling pregnant again (have left it to Gods will for the last 2.5 years) and also because I don't think that I'm going to seek help if it doesn't happen naturally - what came before makes me think twice about putting myself in that situation again. Anyway, sorry for the long message - funny how it's a story that is always with you, forgotten and yet not forgotten I suppose! I'm a lot older than you (37) but I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone with what happened to you. makes you wanna smack those who pop them out in 4 hours doesn't it!!! ;-) x SheilaO'Riordan75

  103. Just subscribed to your Youtube channel! :). It's always nice to read labour and delivery stories (even if they are traumatic like yours), I'm currently 17 weeks pregnant and am writing my own blog, if you're interested have a looksie :)


  104. you remind me of when i had my babies, love ur blog,keep up the good work. aint easy to be a mum. following u now.happy family you got, keep it up. do follow me on cheers! :-)

  105. just finished reading this blog already read some other ones im 41 and a half and have 3 nearly all grown-up kids oldest 23 my son Jason (named after a cat my first husband had i later found out)Shelley 21 and Lauren 15 i also have a grandson AJ (shelleys baby) 20 months and she is due in august again with my grand-daughter she also has cancerous cells on her cervix so its very dangerous and tense at the moment my sons girlfriend is also expecting a girl in june yes nothing on t.v apparently lol i see from your blog they still treat first time mums like idiots abroad ! my daughter had numerous problems after having Aj think she spent her time screaming at nurses and me over the phone as AJ was 9lbs 2oz and was really ill because shelley and Aj have very rare blood groups so he was in intensive care he is my world i keep saying to people how i think i feel more for him than my kids but apparently that too is common so very soon ill be a nana to 3 eeekkk !! Darcy is very beautiful and you must cherish everyday my heart breaks for my daughter she takes it soo lightly about her problems and has turned out to be a far better mother than i xxxx

  106. I have literally just discovered your blog today and have spent the whole day watching your youtube vids and learning about you and baby glitter!! You really are an inspiration! You make me look forawrd to thats to come in the future! You sound like you went to hell and back giving birth but you have been so strong and soldiered and have so much love for your baby it really touches my heart! I really hope that one day I can be as strong, positive, bubbly and happy as you are! Love to Yourself, Matt and the gorgeous Baby glitter!


  107. I am going to be a student midwife in September and after then I have to be really careful about what I write online, so I thought I would take the time to say how inspiring your post is. I know that being a midwife won't be easy or lovely all of the time and I hope to be able to help women who have birthing experiences like you in the best way that I can. Thank you very much for sharing such a personal experience xx

  108. Loved reading this, what an emotional roller coaster but she sure is worth it. What a little poppet she is :-)

    Becky’s Makeup and Beauty

  109. aww louise was touched by your story, your birth story is so similar to mine it's unreal. i'm with you sister on the weeing afterwards, i felt like nobody else understood, it was like peeing glass and acid the same time, love you and your blogs so much. xxxxxxx

  110. I realize this is an old post, but I felt I must comment. I too thought I was feeding my daughter correctly. It wasn't til we had her home and she wouldn't stop screaming that we took her back to the hospital. They did a spinal tap, ran xrays all sorts of traumatic things. Finally they admitted her to the hospital, they tried to put her in Neonatal, but parents couldnt' stay there. I told them she was a breastfeeding baby, so made it to the childrens ward. She was the youngest there, 3 days old. we were there for a week where I pumped my milk because I refused to quit. Finally, the night before we were due to leave I decided if she didn't feed I would reluctantly move to formula. The family that shared our room told me to take a shower, relax, and then try. Hesitant to leave the baby I thought, I wouldn't want to suck on dirty boobies, so I did. I took a 40 minute wonderful, relaxing heavenly shower. Put on clean clothes, sat down with my baby and boom she latched and it was amazing! I couldn't believe it. I had to quit at 7 months though, I got into a car accident which prevented me from holding her for any length of time...
    Kudos to you for all you endured during your labor. It is not easy I can imagine. I thought my 2 weeks of active labor contractions was bad, sounds like hell over there!!
    Love you!!

  111. I can't believe they make partners go home! It's exactly the wrong time to leave an exhausted new mother on her own with a baby, and isn't fair to the dads, to be forced to be apart from their children and partners at the key bonding time. Do all UK maternity hospitals do that? I swear the dads are around on One Born Every Minute :S Well done for getting through it, if you have more children I hope it goes smoothly. Darcy is so beautiful, and from what I've seen on youtube, she's lucky to have you as her Mummy Glitter :) Amy x

  112. I can't believe when you look at her here and then look at recent photo's.. She literally has grown into a little bundle of glitter!

  113. Aww! Glad everything is fine now though. I'm scared to have a baby, after seeing on TV and hearing how painful labour and the whole giving birth can be, I know I'm still young yet and have plently of time to have one, but it scares me quite a bit xx

  114. Only just read this post and it nearly made me cry! Despite the not so great moments, you have a gorgeous baby who loves you just as much as you love her. What a lovely post to share with us, thanks Louise!

  115. Wow. I could not and do not want to imagine what you went through. But thankfully everything worked out and the two of you made full recoveries. When I had my son they tried to induce me the same way but it did not work. After two days of trying to induce me and a few other complications I ended up having a c-section. Which scared the hell out of me. Thankfully my sons father (total jerk now) was allowed to stay the entire week that I was in the hospital. I could not imagine having to of gone through everything alone at night. I do not know how you pulled through that part. Koodos to you. And I totally agree with you that once you have a kid you are not as prudish as you were beforehand.


  116. Wow, Louise! I thought my delivery has been epic but yours was so hard! But we now have the most beautiful daughters in the World. From a Mummy to an other Mummy with love XX

  117. I am totally scared of childbirth now, but then again I guess it is all worth it in the end when you are holding your little baby. I have never heard a more honest version of childbirth, my friends and family all have a bit of a laugh and say, "oh it is not too bad, yes it is a lot of pain, but nothing I could not handle". Thank you for being so honest, I do not have the super high expectations of having a birth like I pictured in my head. I am so glad that everything turned out well in the end for you and Baby Glitter, and that you have been blessed with such a cute looking family. I know this was over a year ago now, but to know that people are still reading this and that you are somehow helping must make you feel great.
    I think you are a truly beautiful lady, inside and out. Keep on smiling because it makes me smile so much, so catchy.
    Love from Australia,

  118. Thank you for posting this, it had not occurred to me that a hospital could essentially be out of anesthetists! My sister says I'm going to freak myself out reading about other people's bad experiences but I think that forewarned is forearmed. I now feel very armed.....

  119. This cheered me up lots on a very crappy day! Made me giggle loads and kind of made me feel all silly inside (in an non wierd kind of way) ;)
    Im new to your blog & im loving it, keep em coming lou!

  120. Loved this post even though I'm sorry you had to go through many hurdles to get your beautiful baby! We're in the States - my husband would be so jealous to know if we lived in Britain he could go home at night rather than stay in the hospital! haha

  121. Hiya Louise iv been a subscriber to you for a while now and have only just checked out this post on your blog,i feel very sorry for you that you had to go through all of that but yet you still seem grateful because of the birth of your beautiful Darcy.This is one of the only things that scare me about child birth is knowing how shit the nhs is! they cut my mum with me too and then failed to stitch her lady bits together for hours! if i can afford it i will defo go private because its disgusting the way some nurses treat you,i just want to say what a wonderful person i think you are and i really admire your outlook on life,good luck in life and the future of course i'll carry on watching you and im so glad you share your experiences with us :) xxx

  122. The bit where you wrote "excuse me mr, but if you had more stitches than you care to imagine in your crack or down your willy, would you want to be wizzed about like you're on the waltzers?!?!" has made me laugh more than I've laughed in a long long long while.
    I know you don't know me (crazy over-emotional lady warning) but your blog and youtube channel do bring me so much happiness, especially during utterly crappy days filled with migrainey rubbish. A sprinkle of glitter helps the medicine go down :)
    if you ever have reason to be in West Wales do get in touch, my email is on my blog :)
    lots of love and smiles and happiness,
    Sarah xxx

  123. Oh my Lord after reading this im scared to have baby , specially when they cut out oy my God i seems to be so hurting :(

  124. Hi Louise,

    I'm sitting here with my one month old baby boy sleeping on my lap. With my own delivery still fresh in mind, I'm very impressed by your story. I recognise several things (they cut me too, had trouble peeing for days, felt like I forgot how to). Thanks for sharing, bringing a baby into this world is a very special thing and more people should be so open about it...



  125. Hi Louise,
    this will help people a lot . thanks fore posting this

  126. Woah Louise, the hospital really sound like they let you down :(
    But Baby Glitter is so beautiful, I bet you're a brilliant mummy xxx

  127. You did it like a true trooper! I'm not going to lie I winced a little reading that! sounds dreadfully painful. At least mum and baby are happy and well now :) xx

  128. I cant believe Ive only just read this after reading your blog for such a long time! This was an amazing post Louise, I was cringing at the thought of the horrendous pain one minute and then the next minute welling up hearing you explain holding your baby for the first time!Im sure alot of people wouldnt like to share a post like this but your amazing for doing so. I loved reading it! Your an amazing mummy and I hope you and your little family have a wonderful life together. You deserve it :) xxx

  129. I had a C-section so cant relate much but baby birth is precious in any way it delivers:) I have a girl too:) My baby sparkle:)

  130. I've just started reading your blog and wanted to check out this post. It is such an amazing post, makes me feel a bit weepy! I had such a long labour but luckily got my epidural when I screamed at my husband! Sounds like you've been very strong coming through it all and you have a lovely little girl to enjoy xx

  131. Oh my God Louise, you are the last person that deserved this, you are such a sweetheart... It makes me so scare of having a baby, but I am sure this post will help A LOT of people. I'm really glad everything turned out well, and everything is okay with you and Darcy, I follow you and Zoella and Baby Glitter is the cutest little girl :) LOVE YOU <3

  132. Im sooo touched with this story. Been crying towards the end! Ill be giving birth on January 2013 and ill keep this as my inspiration! ♥ Thanks Louise!! Youre a strong woman!


  133. Found it really interesting reading your story. Im 5 days overdue today, fed up and looking forward to becoming a mummy. It proves that labour can be awful, but so worth it, your daughter is beautiful! xxx

  134. You are very strong to go through all of this, your daughter is so beautiful! Has this put you off having more children?

    Charlotte xxxx

  135. your posts always make me want to have a daughter just like baby glitter but this has scared the sh-- out of me for child birth! You're so brave Louise!xxx

  136. This may sound creepy but I can't see the photos that are uplaoded on this post. Every other blog post I can see them but not on this one. I'm quite a new subbie and wanted to read your birth story (i did) but wanted to see the photos. Is this just me or can anyone else not see them.

    holly x
    btw Louise you are a massive inspiration. To stay positive all the time and be the bigger person in the face of rudeness is extremely hard, you are always positive. I love you

  137. Omg, they would have had to have security physically remove my husband, there is no way I would have let my husband leave if I were in the hospital, how horrible! I'm so sorry! however, Darcy is adorable! hopefully, the birth of any future children goes much more smoothly for you!

  138. I can't see the pictures either Holly?
    Is anyone else having this problem?
    I'd loooove to be able to read the post in its full glory!
    Lots of love from New Zealand,


  139. omg im 1 and new i have always watched your yt vids and love you and that sounded terribly but baby glitter is so gorg xxx
    love you louise
    from jade

  140. I am soooo proud of you! I didn't know you were a mother until I heard you say that on Joey's video....You are so beautiful...inside and out.... Your blog is so great!!!!

  141. i'm having my boy in June so i really appreciate your detailed birth story!
    you can't even imagine how much i appreciate it HAHA
    thanks lots :)

  142. Through-out this blog post I have laughed my head off and sobbed my eyes out! Your such a inspiration Louise, you have such a wonderful way of making everything, no matter what it is sound like a really happy fairy tale!
    You have a gorgeous family and I wish you all the love and happiness for the rest of your life!

  143. Oh wow! I have seriously loved reading your updates about Darcy and your pregnancy story! You really have made me look forward to the day it can happen for me too! And Matt sounds like a perfect husband ( stayed with you AND went and got you a domino's pizza?! A KEEPER) I really adore your youtube channel and keep checking it every week! totally love your blog too :D

  144. I'm 9 weeks pregnant at the moment and feeling pretty emotional but it was brilliant to read such an honest (if slightly terrifying) birth story. I can't wait til my little one comes along in December, for now I am enduring the most depressing all day nausea! xxx

  145. Well. Good Lord. I'm kinda glad I can't have children after reading that. haha.

  146. Throughout reading this, I didn't know whether to cry or laugh all while feeling a little bit nauseous.
    But by the end, you put a smile on my face (and the nausea was gone!) :)
    Darcy is such a gorgeous toddler now ^^ I wish you, Matt and Darcy the best in the future.

    - Alexis (

  147. I've been reading your blog and watching you on Youtube for about a year now but didn't find this post until now. It's obviously not exact as we're different people, yada yada, but sooo much of your story sound reminiscent of my labour and delivery story, it's unreal! At the time I thought there was no one else who had been through the same sort of thing (at the time, obviously I know others will have done at some point and in other places in the world, but I mean people I knew or knew of)so it's nice to hear other people's stories other than the ones that go 'just swimmingly!' How I envy those people! Lovely to read your story, Darcy is a real beauty. Congratulations for over two years ago now haha!! xxx

  148. I feel weird commenting on this since it was written so long ago but I love this post! I cried reading it. When you said you thought you were going to die it made my heart hurt, I can't even imagine what you were feeling in that moment and I'm sorry you had to go through thinking such a horrible thought! I want children so bad but I have alway been nervous of the pain of giving birth and what it does to your body. But after reading this and seeing how you got through it all and now have an absolutely gorgeous little girl (her eyebrows are perfect, just thought I'd mention that haha) and a beautiful family, it reminds me of the reward you are left with after it all. I love reading your blog and your YouTube videos are awesome. You're an amazing person, loved the post, and all the best.

  149. omg! you went through a lot. i appreciate my mum A WHOLE lot more now
    so happy shes made you happy :) xo

  150. Hi! I stumbled upon you through other you tubers, and saw in one of your videos you had a really bad birth experience. I'm a labor doula, so I was curious of what your story was. I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience. I know how traumatic that can be for many women. I'm in America, but if you ever want to chat about your experience and what can be done the next time around to hopefully avoid the things that happens I would be so happy to talk with you! I love chatting about birth and helping moms work through their feelings. I know it's been two years now, so you may not need it, but I wanted to offer!

  151. You are amazing Louise and so is Darcy! I hope to be a midwife (going to study midwifery after the 2 years I have left of my current degree), I can't being to imagine what you went though, it just shows how strong you are! Also, Darcy's birthday is on the same as my little sisters (she was born 13 weeks prematurely!) xx

  152. louise you're amazing and darcy is very lucky to have a mummy like you! i utterly dread child birth now!

  153. wow what an inspiring story! Hope you and your baby glitter are doing well now :)
    Im new to your blog and in fact new to the blogging world itself. I absolutely love your blog though, its so pretty!!!
    You can check out my blog if you like?!

    Thank youuuu!!!!!!!

  154. Oh My Louise, i was literally laughing and crying and awwhing through the whole post. The way you describe stuff is just amazing, i was also really sad to read about all your suffers but luckily it's all worth it, seeing that you now have such a cute and amazing baby, well not even baby anymore, a big toddler <3 I love your honesty and you seem like a very lovely family, Maat is so sweet, he went to buy dominoes for you! awwh! Anyway, i love this post so much, almost as much as i love you, Darcy and Matt <3 (ps. i'm now kinda afraid of going into labour when i'm in that age, woosy)

    Merilin xx

  155. I'm only 18 and I'm not wanting a baby for at least another 6 years haha. I cried a bit reading this, it's terrifying hearing stories about labor experiences but also so touching and sweet <3

  156. I've only just come across this post. I became an auntie for the first time last week and watched my little sister go through labour. It was not as traumatic as yours but watching her in such a state was awful. She also puked non-stop and had to have the drip in her hand. She was in labour for a few days and in established labour for 21 hours so she was knackered poor thing. I am so proud of her though, she barely made any noise apart from at the very end when his little head popped out. I know I wouldn't have coped as well as her and tbh I'm scared for whenever I have a child but seeing her at the end holding him...and he is so perfect as was amazing. I'm sorry your experience was so awful but you are a great Mum and have a beautiful daughter :) x

  157. How adorable! God bless her!

  158. OMG That must of been hard to go through. Your Such a Strong Woman
    P.S. PLease Follow Me On twitter

  159. Now I understand why Baby Glitter is so beautiful and perfect, because you had to go through so much pain to get her!

  160. i've followed you for so long but have somehow never read this - i laughed out loud and shed a tear or two. great writing, and darcy was worth all of the pain you so bravely went through because she is absolutely beautiful!

  161. I love this post! You're such a funny writer; you ought to have a try at writing a comedy novel or something because there were multiple points during this post that made me laugh aloud. (Belated) congratulations on your little girl as well! She's growing up to be so beautiful. I bet you and Matt are so proud!
    Lots of love!x x x x

  162. Absolutely loved reading this! I was weak every few lines. So funny and...detailed haha!

  163. WOW! like WOW!! i don't know how you managed to do that! I would have been giving up way before throwing up! i think you need an award!! xx

  164. I'm nearly 29 weeks and reading this sent me to tears haha not to make you feel bad or anything but reading this was so moving and just goes to show things don't go to plan but so happy things worked out in the end! I'm deffo going to make sure breastfeeding works for me I want to make sure my bubba is feeding properly so thank you for writing this! She is beautiful by the way xxx

  165. This was such a beautiful story. Enjoyed reading this so much. My battery on my phone died half way through and I could not wait to get home to finding out what happened next.
    You truly are blessed with such a cute baby! Your baby hauls are one of my most favourite things to watch, anything in miniature form is THE cutest!

    Lots of love to you all xx |

  166. Oh My Goodness! That sounds quite horrible and I feel a teeny bit weak at the knees. I feel so sorry for you having to experience such an eventful birth but the result was Darcy, so it must have been worth it! It's made me all emotional reading this and looking at the pictures of baby glitter when she was so small and new! She seems so grown up now in all of your vlogposts! Plus, you must be pretty strong to go through that and be so chipper at the end of it all. I went even more emotional when I read about Matt as well, you are very lucky to have such an amazing husband by your side. I haven't ever been in labour myself as I am only fourteen but I did get stung by a wasp last week and it HURT, so I guess labour must been pretty nasty! My love to you and your family.
    Thank you from Sophie xxx
    P.S. Louise, I just wanted to metion that you are one of my idols and were one of the first people I ever watched on YouTube. I love and support everything you do. Not just because you are such a great role model but also because when I feel down I watch your videos to cheer me up, you make me laugh and I feel like I know you so well and yet I have never met you! Just carry on with everything that you are doing and make sure that are always happy x
    P.P.S. If you ever look at yourself in the mirror or have a moment were you feel chubby then just remember that a thin person could hold your HUGE personality and that you just keep the thin person inside of you sedated with chocolate! (hehe) xxx

  167. Sorry, I meant that a thin person COULDN'T hold yor huge personality! Goodness I cannot seem to be able to spell today! Sorry from Sophie xxx

  168. It sounds a lot like when my mom gave birth to me.
    She was stitched up with internal bleeding. She woke up one morning in a puddle of black blood.

    I'm glad you are okay, Louise! And Darcy :)

  169. baby glitter is so cute............. and it's so good to hear all your success and good news and have a lovely time with your amazing mom Darcy........XOXO

  170. I'm sure you are and continue to be the best mum ever, Miss Glitter <3

  171. Hi! amazing story. check out this website. it might give any of u who are having trouble some better luck.

  172. Oooh, Louise! I've read the whole story and I appreciate you more now! Altough this was awful and scared the hell out of was amazing and beautiful! I can't imagine how precious those moments were...when you saw Baby Glitter for the first time! Great story, I love your writing and I love your videos on Youtube! You seem such a cute and kind person, it's a pleasure watching/reading you! I wish you the best and I send you hugs and kisses from Romania, dear Louise!

  173. This is my favourite blogpost. Like ever.

  174. You poor thing this to be honest has made me feel really nauseous and want to faint (I am a real sook with this type of stuff) but I wanted to know your story as ONE day id love to have my own ( you have still not put me off lol) even though this was traumatic you now have a beautiful wee girl and I do hope if you have a second baby the birth will be easier for you! If you ever know young girls being silly and not using protection tell them this story I guarantee this will make them change their mind lol xxx

  175. Hi Louise,

    I have been following you on Youtube for about the past year now, and have loved watching you be so funny and bubbly. I hadn't really read through your blog until now, and, of course, had to stop by the BabyGlitter page, since I'm so obsessed with how cute she is! Then, I stumbled upon this post.

    I had no idea that you had gone through so much in such a short time. While I don't plan on having babies anytime soon, I really am curious as to how people go through the whole process, and was amazed by your honesty and openness. It's so inspiring that you could even find little bits of humor in what must've been a very stressful and painful experience. You are an inspiration!

    I love you and your little family, and love getting to know you through the interwebs. Thanks so much for such a great read!!

  176. Hi Louise!!! I'm so sorry that happened to you! The woman in my family have some horrific birthing stories as well (I'm a twin so you can see where that story goes). Anyway I love how you have pretty much no limits to what you tell your fans!! You are truly amazing!


  177. Hi, all you special people!! :) Can some of you make my day by checking out my blog by clicking on the click below....? It really means a lot to me as I hardly get noticed and maybe even follow my blog or comment on one of the posts that I have made?? Thanks very much if you do!!!♥

  178. oh my word the thumbnail to this is hilarious! I love your honesty louise, its so easy to relate to you (although I fortunately have not gone through the pain of childbirth). keep doing what you do, you entertain many an unemployed day of mine xx

  179. Holy shit, I have to say, that has put me off of child birth COMPLETELY! I'm more of a "don't tell me the truth about how much it hurts" kinda gal so having all of that truth thrown at me at one go was a bit much. But I can see how happy you are now so I guess the pain was worth it in the end :) I'm a bit shocked now, think I need a lie down.. Wow..

  180. Oh my Goodness! I cannot believe all that happened during your labor. Very scary and the drs were not helping out too much to get you relax. Drs sometimes "hide" information from you. I am so sorry it went like that! ): My heart goes out to you and this horrible experience. Pain for 2 days but look what you gained!

  181. That's really a touching story! Thank heavens Baby Glitter is so healthy now! So blessed to read this post. Hope many will be inspired by this :)

  182. I read this story in one breath, and I must say, I didn't think anyone could do worse then me. I had really hard labor and my baby almost died and I went through a lot of pain and panic attack during it...I was depressed for three month after that, but now I know after all that how to appreciate my baby being by my side and I am happier then ever. We mothers often blame ourselves for a lot of things gone wrong, but we shouldn't. I am sooo glad everything went well in the end for you. Baby Glitter is the cutest girl I have ever seen :) She looks just like you...

  183. I have read this blog post about 10 times and still keep coming back to it to read it all over again. I'm halfway through my first pregnancy and starting to feel completely terrified of giving birth and your experience, as traumatic as it sounds, comforts me, because of the humour in your post. I watch your videos with Darcy now and can see it was so worth it, and that's what I have to remind myself of. Once I'm holding my little girl too, the pain of labour will seem insignificant.

  184. You confused me a bit because u say shes born on 4th of april but in this it says on the 5th even b4 she was born!!! But love your bond between baby and you its magical

  185. i love you louise i love your blog and youtube channel

  186. this part still tickles me so much - "I (somewhat dramatically I suppose but I was all drugged up!) asked if I was going to die and the lady just kept saying "Look at your baby Louise, just keep looking at your baby", which actually freaked me out more because I thought 'Are you just saying that because I'm not going to see her again?!'." the only thing that will keep me going through labor is the wonderful treat that you get at the end of it!! baby glitter is beautiful and she looks the absolute spit of you louise!

  187. I love reading birth stories! I can't imagine how scary that must have been for you and i thought mine was bad!!

  188. Louise, it seems like you went through a lot during those days, but I bet its all worth it. Your baby is so cute, and I love watching all of your videos, especially the ones with her in them. She is beautiful, just like her mummy. :) Also, I really like the pictures of your baby on here they are too cute.

  189. Wow. What a moving post. And to think, Louise! Your baby, the one who tore you to pieces physically and emotionally on such a big day, has turned into the most beautiful young woman, with a very special mother and father!

    Lots of love for you and Darcy from the other side of the globe,
    x Miri

  190. I literally read this whole blog post squeezing my legs together! But I'm sure it was all worth the pain :)

  191. I could not stop reading this!!! This sounded horrible! As horrible as it sounds (and must have been) baby glitter is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I guess it is all worth it in the end!

  192. I cringed reading that whole thing, am now terrified of giving birth 0.0 but baby glitter is the cutest thing and props to her amazing mama for being strong enough to go through all of that!

  193. I cringed reading that whole thing, am now terrified of giving birth 0.0 but baby glitter is the cutest thing and props to her amazing mama for being strong enough to go through all of that!

  194. baby glitter has grown up so much !

  195. Baby Glitter is well worth it though, well done! She's grown up beautifully xxx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx