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Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Baby Glitter is on her way!

Hello Louise's Bloggerino's.
It's Zoe here (of Zoella) and I have hacked into Louise's blog, to inform you lovely lot, that she is in LABOUR. yaaaay!
She went into hospital this morning at 9am and has been induced as Baby Glitter didn't want to come out, I think Lou made a very nice home for her in there.
She has been updating me via text message all day and after many hours of Toy Story Top Trumps with Matt and lots of waiting around, she is finally having mammoth contractions.
Fingers crossed she is born tonight so Louise doesn't have to sit through hours and hours of pain and lot's of lady garden groping.
Leave all your messages of support below and I shall be sure to text her the nicest ones so they bring a smile to her face whilst she sits labouring away into the night.

I have also hacked into her YouTube account and did an update video on there so go give that a watch also.

I'm hoping the next time she updates her blog, we will see a picture of her beautiful bundle of baby glittery-ness.
Good Luck Chumbolina, I know you can do it.
LOVE YOU xxxxxx

(all images taken from


  1. yay cant wait to meet baby glitter :) :) :) xxx

  2. YAY! I'm imagining some sort of One Born Every Minute thing here!

    For when the time is right: PUUUUUUUUUSH!

    And congratumulations :) xoxo

  3. P.S. My captcha was exiterino
    ...Even blogspot is excited! xo

  4. Awww, can't wait to meet Baby Glitter! So exciting! Good luck Louise and congratulation on your little bundle of cuteness! :) xxxx

  5. Omg that is the cutest gift EVER! :) Send her my love, can't wait to hear the good news!!! :)

  6. I'm so excited for you! Seriously, your little one is a master of suspense already. Hang in there and she'll be cuddling in your arms in no time!

    Lots of love!

  7. Oh wow! This is exciting! Good luck with everything!!!

  8. aww...! For the first time ever, thanks for ever hacking into people's account..XXD!
    That is good news ^____^ I hope Baby Glitter get born safe and sound and all the best to Louise! We're waiting for her and baby glitter in her blog!

  9. Awe yayyyy! I hope she comes fast for you and not too much pain. She is going to be beautiful! Good luck and can't wait to see a picture!

  10. Ahhh so exciting!

    Looking forward to meeting Baby Glitter :) She'll be gorgeous just like her Mum!

    Good luck for Louise...sending best wishes and lots of love!


  11. ooo! Good luck Louise! xxx

  12. Yay finally! Looking forward to seeing and hearing about Baby Glitter! x

  13. so exciting!can't wait to see the little one, or big one considering the amount of time she's had to grow!
    keep pushing lou!

  14. Yay - so exciting!!! :D
    Can't wait to see her! :) x x

  15. We all know you can do it louise, im hoping baby is here as i type :) :) Sooo exciting, you will make a fab mummy :) take care n cant wait to see you n baby soon xx

  16. whoooop!!! Good luck lovely!!!!! xxxxxx

  17. This is so exciting! Good Luck Louise :) x

  18. yaay!! this is sooo exciting!! good luck louise!!! your going to be a great mummy!! can't wait to meet baby glitter!! thankyou zoe for letting us know on here and on youtube! xx

  19. Aww she's finally coming, can't wait to meet her. Thanks for letting us know, Good luck louise if shes anything like u she'll be amazing :Dx

  20. Soo exciting can't wait to see beautiful baby glitter! :) xxx

  21. Many thanx for posting from one Zoe to another! Louise is very lucky having you as her bezzie mate!
    I cannot believe I'm so excited over the birth of a baby to someone I have only ever met in Superdrug!
    Old wives tale says raspberry leaf tea helps with the labour.
    Good luck Lou and Matt, here's to Baby Glitter!
    Z xx

  22. At last! Good luck and all the best! :)

    x x

  23. Ahhhhh finally!!! The long wait is over, good luck! xx

  24. sooo excited for you louise cant wait for baby glitter to come into the world.

    Thanks for keeping us posted zoe


  25. fantastic news! More excited than a kid with a cardboard box to see the pics of Baby Girl Glitter :) be strong Lou, imagine you're trying to squeeze that last bit of lipgloss out of the tube!!! Love Nat xxx

  26. Finally! Every time I come on your blog I've wondered whether you were habing the baby yet! And then the next day there would be a post saying she's still there! Ha ha! GOOD LUCK! It'll all be worth it once little baby Glitter arrives! xxxxx

  27. Congratulations! sending lots of good wishes and love! :) You can do it! :)

  28. GOOD LUCK! Ahhh I'm SO excited for you :)
    I bet she is beautiful like her mummy! x

  29. I'm so excited! Good luck Louise :) xxx

  30. Omg!!! Sending massive positive and 'hurry up' vibes your way Louise! Sorry I have no advice for you but erm, just squeeze Matt's hand REALLY REALLY hard! Big love, can't wait to see her cute wee face gracing your blog! xxx

  31. Awh Tell her Out wishes are with her, and we cant wait to meet the Beautiful Baby she will be Giving Birth to! All the best and Congraats:) x

  32. Awh wow, a new life being brought into the world! Hope you, hubby and baby glitter have a gorgeous start to family life and many many happy years together. Enjoy the beauty that is the smell of a new born baby and bring us lots of gorgeous pictures!! :D Congratulations to your new family :) xxx

  33. YAYYYYYY I'm off to Dubai tomorrow for 2 weeks but can't wait to see her when I get back ahhhh!Congrats Louise and all your family :) xxx

  34. Awr that is fab - thanks for letting us know!!!

    Good luck :) xx

  35. aww:) good luck!
    I can imagine shes happy- after weeks of waiting:)xx

  36. That's great news! Good luck!

    Pippa x

  37. aaah so exciting! wishing you the best of luck and can't wait to see baby glitter :) xxxx

  38. AWWW i cant wait to see her and you lou, we are all so proud of you !! and i am dying to know her name, what she looks like ect aww bless you, thanks for the updates zoe XXxx

  39. Woooooo!
    Good luck Louise, hope you have your new bundle of loveliness in your arms now!
    Can't wait to see baby glitter and to find out her name! Bet she's beautiful like her Mummy and she's going to be spoilt rotten!
    Congratulations sweetie!
    Thank you for the update Zoe.
    Emma x

    8.25PM, weighing 9lbs (good job she didnt stay any longer that's for sure)
    Mummy and Baby doing well & recovering :)


  41. Congratulations Louise, that's wonderful news! Love and HUGS XXXX

  42. Congratulations! We are so pleased for both of you.
    Big hugs and thank you to Zoella for keeping us informed!
    Z xx

  43. Yippee, fab news to start the day!
    Congratulations Louise and Matt, enjoy every second!
    Thank you Zoe
    Emma x

  44. Congratulations! Cannot wait to see her xx :o)


  45. Congratulations Louise! :D


  46. I am so so so excited for you! Best of luck, you are going to make such an amazing, caring mum. All the waiting will be worth it :-) x

  47. YAYYYYY My birthday is 6 April as well :-)
    Hehe, I hope everything went well!

  48. yay!!! congratulations Louise. cant wait to see a pic of her. aww. congrats to you and Matt. xxx

  49. Woo hoo for baby glitter! She is going to look gorgeous in that babygrow! How about a 'mummy glitter' T-shirt for Louise?!

    Hope all 3 of you are doing well! xxx

  50. Well done Louise !! Congratulations to the whole family !! xx

  51. Ahh so excited that baby glitter is here! Thanks for keeping us updated Zoe and congrats to Louise and Matt! x


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx