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Monday, 28 July 2014

Amazing Advertisers | July 2014

Aloha Sprinklerinos! 

I feel I should be blogging at you from the comfort of a very cold paddling pool given the weather we've been having in England at the moment. Whilst I'm a lover of the summer BBQ's and garden play, I'm not a fan of melting I must say. In spite of my love/hate relationship with said weather I must push through though ready for another month of Amazing Advertisers and the glorious posts they have to offer us, so let's crack on, you're in for a treat!  


Black & White Boutique is an online store of fashion galore and I for one am loving their choice of clothing and accessories. The dresses are girly galore and there is definitely a style for everyone whether you're a fan of the floaty pink picnic dress, or a more nautical casual day look. All the items are very reasonably priced and very beautiful indeed! I am quite the fan of unique jewellery pieces and Black & White Boutique does not disappoint I can tell ya. If you're in need of a gift for a friend, or just fancy treating yourself to a giraffe ring or two, then Black & White Boutique is the one for you. 

Crowley Party is a lifestlye blog written by American beauty Alycia Grayce who's vibrancy and love of life makes her a joy to follow and her blog a very fun place indeed. Alycia Grayce often blogs about her ventures with family and friends and this month has been no exception as she has been travelling up a storm in Thailand. I have loved gandering through Alycia Grace's snaps of the gorgeous elephants and tigers she has met on her travels, they're simply beautiful and once more I have come down with a case of the warm and fuzzies. Go on have a gallivant, there's cute, cuddly tigers after all! 

A Scottish Lass is a beauty, fashion and lifestyle blog written by Scottish beauty Laura. This month Laura has been a busy bee writing about all things beauty for us, including a cheeky haul or two. As well as lusting over Laura’s recently purchased beauty bits I also enjoyed reading about her struggles with anxiety and panic attacks, it was a well written, inspiring post, not to mention helpful and informative for those of you who may also struggle too. If you’re a lover of cosmetics, rambles and a review or two, Laura is your gal!

Stacie has returned once more to Sprinkle of Glitter and I am pleased as punch. I’ve said it before and I’d happily say it again, Stacie is an inspiration and her blog is one of my favourites. Life is Worth the Fight is a lifestyle blog in which Stacie shares her life triumphs and struggles whilst living with a long term illness. It is impossible to have a gander of Stacie’s blog and not feel in admiration. I’ll always encourage a read of Life is Worth the Fight, you won’t regret it!

Anna in Wonderland advertised with Sprinkle of Glitter last month and I thoroughly enjoyed having a read through her posts, they’re filled with adventure and variety which is always a love of mine in a lifestyle blog. This month has been no exception, Anna has once more been on her travels and has given us another insightful history lesson along the way, which I’m a huge fan of! Anna in Wonderland is a blog of discovery and I’m looking forward to following along on Anna’s next adventure. If you’re a lover of lifestyle and history then Anna in Wonderland is for you.

Beautiface is a beauty blog written by the lovely April, a lover of makeup and a girl after my own heart. Beautiface is pleasing on the eyes, it is well written and the photography is divine. April’s passion for blogging and beauty is a joy to see and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed having a gallivant through her reviews and tutorials. This month April has also shared some helpful advice about blogger meet ups and what to expect at them, which I thought was a pretty nifty post, especially if you’re intrigued by the concept. She’s a good’un that April!

Oh my giddy aunt, what a brilliant blog! Paws and Prada is a blog designed for dog lovers written by mummy of Bruce the puppy, Joy. It is cuteness galore filled with heart melting puppy pictures, tips on training and poochy meal advice to keep your pup’s tummy happy. If you’re a dog owner, or contemplating becoming one, then Paws and Prada is definitely worth a read, there’s even an advice post if you’re considering becoming a puppy mummy, what’s not to love? Alternatively, if you just love to look at puppy pictures all day, Paws and Prada is also one to include in your blogging feed, that Bruce is a handsome pup! 

Diana is a fashion blogger based in LA and she is one gorgeous, fashionista gal I can tell ya! As well as writing her own fashion blog, Diana is also quite the fashion inspiration on Instagram where she shares snaps of her luxurious outfits and I for one am jealous of her wardrobe. If you’re in need of some fashion inspiration, admire the clothes of others or just appreciate swanky photography then LA by Diana is definitely for you, it is a treat for the eyes and the wardrobe, perhaps not the purse strings though as you'll be wanting Diana's wardrobe too. 

Lux Life is a lifestyle blog written by Catherine, who has the most beautiful hair I ever did see. Catherine primarily blogs about her love of travel, fashion and life which is quite the joy to read I do say. I am a lover of the variety on Catherine’s blog this month, from social events to festival gallivants and, most incredibly, a recipe for chocolate pancakes, what more could a girl want?! Lux Life is beautifully presented, from the photography to the design, it’s pleasing on the eye balls and Catherine’s blogging love shines through. Lux Life is one lifestyle blog you will not regret hopping on over to, especially not with chocolate pancakes on the menu! 

Girl Uninterpreted is a beauty blog written by confessed hair and beauty junkie, Natalie. Natalie provides us with everything you could possibly want in a beauty blog, reviews, tutorials, perfect eyebrows and an ever expanding beauty wish list. This month Natalie has shared her top make up tips which were pretty darn handy I must say, she has also shared an utterly beautiful evening make up face and had me itching for another trip to Mac. Natalie, I salute you. Girl Uninterpreted is definitely a beauty blog worthy of a follow, she’s quite the eye makeup genius that Natalie.  

Georgia Vanilla has returned for another month with Sprinkle of Glitter, pink hair in toe which pleases me muchly. Georgia is a beauty and lifestyle blogger, offering a variety of posts from perfume reviews to Chinese noodles and the dreaded dentist trips. Georgia’s honesty and humour in her blogging makes her a very likeable gal and her posts are always a breath of trusty blogging air. This month Georgia also reviewed a sun cream for us which I thought was very apt indeed for summer, it’s always important to remember skin protection and Georgia has us covered!

And they're all my ladies for the month! 



To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser Black &aWhite Boutique. Click HERE for more info.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Summer Listings

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

You know how much I love a list? Well I'm at it again. A couple of months ago in THIS post I talked about things we have on this Summer and with July speeding past in the blink of an eye, I thought I'd update you and future plan. Mmmm it's like blog therapy to me!


June was so intense I felt like my feet barely touched the ground. 

Watching 1D perform live, performing live ourselves on stage in NYC and attending Vidcon were all highlights. 

Homey bits that melted my heart were celebrating Father's Day and watching Baby Glitter give all her love to her Dada and taking her to her first ever kiddie birthday party. Any parties we've ever had have been very family orientated so to see her running about with playgroup pals and having such a great time was lovely. There are a few shots of it in the video embedded below. 


So far, July has been luxuriously relaxed. We got back from LA just under 2 weeks ago, Zoe and I hosted an event at the Warner Brother's Studios (which. was. amazing. HERE is the vlog) and I've spent the rest dividing my time between London, friends and family. Ideal. 

Another joy this month has been kittens. Kittens. KITTENS. I wrote THIS blog post about them and uploaded THIS featuring the little fluffballs. Ooof I love them so. 

Something else I've enjoyed a lot this summer has been shopping. I've always been a bit of a magpie for lovely things but this Summer I've caught the bug bad. In an effort to shop with slightly less guilt I've signed up to which is a site full of great discounts and money saving opportunities (just gonna throw this out there- they have Mothercare and Superdrug on there-yay!!). Topcashback have kindly said that if you are a reader and you use THIS link to sign up too, you'll be gifted with a free Soap &  Glory Lid Stuff product. I actually already own this so can fully vouch for it being a little gem to have in your makeup bag. Besides, who doesn't love a freebie? Thank youuuuu!


August is set to be blissful (touch wood). The only things properly booked in my calendar are Summer In The City, a music festival for Matt (I'm not the wellies and tents type) and a couple of family/neighbourhood parties. 

With Matt off for the Summer Holidays we are toying with the idea of vlogging every day that month. I say 'toying' because I've never successfully stuck to an entire month. Remember the fail that was Vlogmas 2013? Haha. Would you like to see a month of our summer? There is a big part of me that fancies the challenge but a little part of me that's afraid of failure.

Also this month are family birthdays, lots of stationery shopping for my annual Stationery Haul video and helping my little sister pack for university- I swear she was only a toddler five minutes ago. 

And there we have it. My summer. I would be really interested to hear what you have planned, whether you have grabbed your topcashback freebie and whether you'd be interested in some daily vlogging next month!



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Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Breaking News || Zula is a BOY!

Aloha Sprinklerinos, 

I wanted to share with you the video I made to show off Rocket and Zula's cuteness but just before I came to write this blog post- breaking news happened!

This morning we took the kittens to the vet to have them vaccinated, wormed, flee-d and checked over. Everything was running smoothly and the kittens were taking it in their stride when the vet said, 'And his testicles are in good health' about Zula! 'Errrr what? She's a girl kitten isn't she?'. NOPE! Zula is a boy!

We've decided to stick with the name 'Zula' and obviously love her just as much as before but it was quite the surprise and quite funny trying to explain the situation to Baby Glitter. 

I just mentioned it on Twitter and was relieved to hear a lot of you have been in the same boat so I don't feel too bad haha! I guess now I'm the kitty mama of two baby boys!



To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser Black & White Boutique. Click HERE for more info.

Saturday, 19 July 2014

I Want To Be Everything

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I'm such a jumble of emotions at this moment and with Matt out to dinner and my friends not answering their phones (how dare they have lives on a Saturday night?), this pastel coloured little slice of the net will be my outlet. 

(All images from my insta)

There is a huge rain storm raging at the moment where I live and as I popped up to Darcy's room to close the window a bit, I found myself crawling into her bed and laying with her whilst she slept. I looked at her mouth and her eyelashes and her eyebrows and tiny finger nails. I noted the way she must always have her comfort blanket a certain way and always holds dolly to her chest and I watched her breath and wondered what innocent dreams were playing out in her little head. I almost cried. I don't know why. 

I wasn't sad or overjoyed or overwhelmed or worried. I just felt sort of sad for the person I'm not. 

I'm not the organic earth mother that provides only wooden Montessori toys and I'm not the power suit career woman who wears red lipstick like a pro. I'm not the wife who asks if her Husband slept well each morning (or ever) and yet I'm not the woman who hold court in a trendy bar whilst people adore her every move. Is anyone any of these things? Can you be all of them at once?

Life is such a frustrating concoction of trying to be happy, trying to make other people happy, trying to succeed, trying to be humble, trying, trying, trying. 

My frustration is that I want to be all things 100% but with only 100 of those pesky per cents to go round, you gotsta spread them out a bit. That's the hard part. How many of those per cents do you give to being the heart warming, open armed mother? And how many do you give to being the witty livewire at a party (NB- I have never been the 'witty livewire', it's on my to-do list and a girl can speculate ok)? Am I sacrificing some of the good wife per cents to be a career woman? But doesn't being a good career woman provide for my family and so enhance the mother percentage slice? You see the frustration?

I don't have the answers. This isn't one of those fabulous posts (that I do oh-so-often har har) that leaves you with a wonderfully upbeat solution to life's unanswerable questions but more a pontification. Something that trickled into my mind this evening as I watched my three year old sleep an easy sleep. I want to give her all of my per cents for always. 



Monday, 14 July 2014

Tumblr Art

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

As a Tumblr addict, I am constantly loosing myself in the abyss of scrolling, gifs, links and info. Ooooh I love it so!

Something I always love to do is check my tags. This means if people have used #SprinkleOfGlitter then it comes up in my search and I can see whatever it is they want to put in front of my eyes. Sometimes it's videos they have made, sometimes funny gifs but sometimes lovely little things they have made me. 

I wanted to showcase some of those masterpieces today. THIS is a link to my Tumblr page and THIS is a link to my Tumblr archive, should you want to track down the talented people who made them.

I absolutely love how creative so many of you are and also rather love how you all make me look so much better than I actually haha, you little minxes!

Not much other than that today, just wanted you to see how much loveliness I get to see on a regular basis. If you have a favourite, let me know in the comments. 

Also, if you are as much of a Tumblr addict as I am, here is a vlog from New York a couple of months back when I was invited to tour Tumblr HQ- It was AMAZING!

If you are struggling to view the embedded link, click HERE to be taken direct to the video. 




To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser Black & White Boutique. Click HERE for more info.

Friday, 11 July 2014

Rocket & Zula | Kittens

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Kittens are the greatest. 

Rocket and Zula are 10 weeks old, brother and sister and frankly, the cutest little things ever to grace the feline world. 

First days are scawee. 


'What's that!'


We decided that after a year and four months with no kitty (RIP Mindy), it was time to add to the household and when a cousin's cat had babies, it seemed like the right time.

We've had them six days and so far they are doing great. Zula (the black girl) likes to scamp about, play with toys and sleep on or by your lap. Rocket (the tabby boy) is a little more shy and prefers to fine hidey-holes to sleep or curl up with Zula. They both have crazy moments where they pounce on each other and race around- they're having one as I type!

We plan on making them indoor/outdoor cats but for now, whilst they're getting used to this house, they are living in my office and I'm doing approximately zero hours work and 24 hours kitty watching, it's bliss. 

I'll of course be updating you on them and letting you in on all their adventures, but for now, here are a few snaps of them I took earlier. I tell you, photographing kittens is a lot more challenging than I thought it would be! Sheesh!

If you have any tips for helping kittens settle in or anything you think I should be aware of, let me know. I had kittens as a child, worked in a cattery as a student and have done a fair bit of reading but you can never know too much, yanno?

More snaps coming soon.



To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser Black & White Boutique. Click HERE for more info.