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Monday, 31 October 2011

Halloween Baby

Aloha Sprinklerinos!

It's that most spooky of days again...Halloween!!

Never one to miss out on a cuteness opportunity, here is Baby Glitter rocking her Halloween costume. Her Auntie Helen and Uncle Mike bought it from Tesco, which you can look at HERE. If you are the frugal type, consider buying 2012's today, because all of the Halloween costumes are hugely reduced and then come October next year, you can feel like Super Mum as you whip out your little darling's outfit, smug in the knowledge that it was less than a fiver.

As Baby Glitter is only 6 months old, we won't be trick or treating, but I will be giving her an orange dinner of sweet potato tonight....yes, I know she won't realise but I will and I'm a saddo like that!

Being a pumpkin baby is so much fun you know!!

I'm looking forward for scary creatures knocking on my door and have sweets at the ready! I may even jazz up the porch with a candle or too. Oohh pushing the boat out!! Haha.

What will you ghouls girls be doing this year?



Sunday, 30 October 2011

Skinny Jeans, Fatty Girl

(If you've popped over from YouTube the link you were looking for is HERE. Once you've looked at that, why not stick around and read a little more?)

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I am fat. Those three words aren't meant to self depreciate myself or encourage you all to shout, "Nooo! You're lovely!" from the hilltops, they are a mere fact. I'm not big boned and I don't have a thyroid problem, I eat too much yummy food like cheesey pasta and cadbury twirls and I don't do enough exercise. Naughty me. *Slaps wrist*. 

Now I'm not saying that being fat is good. Nor am I saying it's bad. It's a personal issue. Ideally I'd be slimmer because of the health implications, but right now, I'm not.

With all that being said, just because I'm a bit tubby at the moment, doesn't mean I'm prepared to wear hideous tent like tops and clown pant style trousers. Oh no. Granted, sequined hot pants a la Pixie Lott aren't going to do my any favours, but if you know how to work an item, there is a lot more available to you than you might think. 

Skinny jeans have always been a scary no-go item for me. I thought I must always stick to bootcut jeans to balance out my wide thighs and stick to a 'normal denim' colour so as not to draw attention to my wobbly bits. OR wear leggings with tunic tops, dresses or long cardis. Well, hang on a second, leggings cling to legs and leggings show wobbly bits.....sooooo what's the difference? Surely skinny jeans are just leggings with a zip and button?? Now I love an elasticated waist as much as the next person (especially since having Baby Glitter), but I can go wild and fore go it for a day or so!

In a flurry of fat-thighed liberation last week, I bought my first ever pair of skinny colour!! I picked up a beautiful pair of dark teal skinny jeans from New Look for the grand total of £19.99. You can find them HERE. They were from the Inspire range so are a size 18 and up and come in three colours- Teal (or 'Petrol Blue' according to the site, Camel and Deep Red. I think I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for a pair in black too! Oohh!!

As you will see from about, I lost my marbles and made a video of me modelling said skinnies, in the alley behind my house. Lucky Doug nearly got quite an eyeful during one of my numerous 'wardrobe changes'. Ahahahaa!!

What do you think? Should larger ladies stick to bootcuts and flares? Or can us fatties do skinnies?



Saturday, 29 October 2011

Graffiti Baby

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Bit of a crafty post for you today (and a few titbits of news too later on) because when the nights draw in and everything becomes more cosy, like a moth to a flame, I'm drawn to my sewing machine, glitter glue and other crafty projects. For the most part, they end up half finished and shoved under the stairs, but the ones that graduate to finishing stages, get aired on Sprinkle of Glitter, in a bid to provide a bit of inspiration and interest to you lovely lot.

A few weeks ago, whilst I was having a funny turn in Topshop, I picked up THESE Graffiti Pens for £6.50. Now, I'm not trying to do Topshop out of a service here but I do actually think £6.50 is a little steep and since I'm having a small love affair with ebay at the moment, I found some cheaper HERE. (By the by, would you like a post about my new love for ebay? Let me know because I'd love to write about it but don't want to bore you! Haha)

So, with my new crafty toy, I got to thinking "What do I want to customise?". I love customising things but truely had nothing of my own I wanted to take ink to. Also, I was a little worried that with my lack of artistic flare, I would really ruin an item of clothing and then regret it forever!

I needed something small, inexpensive and that would only require basic skills. A baby vest!! Baby vests can be bought cheaply from supermarkets, baby stores, anywhere- and I have an abundance of them. I figured this was a low risk project and relaxed.

I opted for technicolour dots because the nibs of the felt tips were a little rough and dragged on the vest's thick cotton. I think this would make it a bit tricky to do anything really detailed or sophisticated, which is a shame.

I'm ever so sorry for this craptastic picture, it was pretty last at night and lit by the fairy lights on my bed, but this was the effect me and my felt friends created:

No, it's not a masterpiece, but it was fun to do and with little baby jeans and a bright cardi, I think that will look pretty cute.

I'd quite like to jazz up some bibs and burb cloths too. I think I might get these babies out closer to Christmas and draw a few little trees, robbins or gifts on tea towels to cheer the kitchen up a bit. They might be nice to personalise little presents for people too. Ooohh lots of ideas now!

All in all, it was a super simple, easy, fast, fun project, but I think I would rather have paid the ebay prices than £6.50 for these, as it was a bit tricky to get any detail or do much more than simple designs.


Are you a craft projects kind of a gal? Are you into customising?



PS- A few bits and pieces-

I'm currently having a bit of a thing for ebay- do you want to know more?

Mine and Zoe's Secret Venture is getting closer and closer to unveiling...eeeeee I'm excited!!

I bought skinny jeans! Yes, me!! Skinny Jeans!! I've made a video which I'll upload soon with you all!!

My Glitterbits package to Marie is almost packed and ready to go, I can't wait to see that either! Woop!

Ok, you're up to speed. Toodlelou! xx

Monday, 24 October 2011

YouTube :: Owl Earrings and THE Bag

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

You may well (I live in hope) have just watched my video "LOU'S VIEWS: Owl Earrings and THAT Bag".

In it, I said I would pop some links below to some jazzy owl earrings that I am lusting after and the bag I featured. Well, it would seem that modern technology is not my friend, so I am going to put them on here (those big pink garish words above) and hopefully those of you that are interested will get the information you wanted.

I'm ever so sorry for the round-the-housesness, it's tres frustrating I know. Hopefully I can sort this out and life will be much more easy next time!

Do you have a penchant for Owls or is it just me?



Image taken from the ebay shop linked above.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Snuggle Time

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

If, like me, you love Autumn, being cosy, handmade things and shabby chic girliness, then today's blog post is for you!!

Whilst I was pregnant with Baby Glitter, my Auntie Judith and I chose some beautifully pretty fabric. We bought it because Judith is a dab hand at sewing quilts and I was thrilled when she offered to make one for Baby Glitter's cot.

Due to a few lifey issues getting in the way, the quilt didn't quite make it in time for Baby Glitter's birth, but who needs a huge cosy quilt spring-summer? Not I. :)

With the chill of winter fast approaching, I was pleased as punch when Judith presented me and Baby Glitter with this gooorrgeous patchwork quilt. It is brushed cotton on top and fleecy on the underside. Blissful.

I hope Baby Glitter keeps this forever and it brings her great comfort in all the cold moments of her life.

Next up, a gifted item. My chum Marie from America, sent me these lovelies. They're baby leg warmers and are apparently all the rage in the States. I have never seen them over here in the UK, all similar things seem to have a gusset. Now, there's nothing wrong with a gusset, but when you are a baby and have regular nappy changes, a gusset can be pretty annoying. On Autumn days, when it's that inbetweeny weather and too warm for thick tights, but too cool for bare legs, these are PERFECT! If you like layering your baby, these are your pals. They're also really good for little knees learning to crawl on carpets/blankets/beds (yes, she is determined to chuck herself over the edge!).

I haven't found any in shops round these parts, but there are some really good ones on THIS ebay shop, for only £2.95 and FREE P&P. I think that's a snip and would make a lovely little stocking filler or baby shower gift too. I may stock up!

Do you remember my chum Yin Yin who made me a cerise cushion two years ago (if you are a super sprinklerino and have been reading that long!)? Well, she came up trumps once again and crafted this beautiful woollen blanket. It's the perfect size for Baby Glitter's pram and even more ideal for laying on the lounge floor and encouraging her rolling/crawling skills. Also, the slight OCDness in me is pleased that it matches the baby leg warmers. Haha lame.

Yin Yin must have spent so much time on this. Can you see the heart detail? I heart her very much indeed for creating this. I think there is something so special about handmade gifts.

This cable knit cardi was a gift from Matt's Aunt Patricia. It is uber soft and I love the peach petal shade. To be honest, if I saw this in my size, I'd be tempted! Cardigans are the perfect little add on to Baby Glitter's outfits and I always have a clean spare in her nappy bag, just in case.

And here is the little munchkin, in her Mini Mouse PJ's, ready for her morning bottle.

What are your Autumn snugglies? Are you a layering lady?



Primarni Headband For You

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

It's 1.38am and I'm as awake as a....very awake thing.

I just uploaded a video to my YouTube Channel about a makeover I shall be doing on my chum Claire tomorrow. Anyhoo, I have noticed a fair few of you have commented asking where my head brand/wrap is from.

As it happens, this cosy little winter treat is from Primark, which (goodness knows why) doesn't have a website or online store. Sort this out please Mr Primark Boss!!!!
Anyway, because I loves you and want to share the warmtasticness of this, I have found it on ebay- hurrah!
If you would like to buy yourself one of these, click HERE. There seem to be tonnes more colours and styles on the ebay shop than I saw in store (although I did buy mine from a teenytiny Primarni) and they are being sold for £3.49 with free delivery, so not too bad, especially if you use paypal because it feels like free shopping- it's too easy dagnamit!!

Hope you're all having sparkly Saturdays and doing something infinitely more cool that sitting with your cat and watching old re-runs of Room 101. Anyone remember that show?



Friday, 21 October 2011

4,000 Thank You's

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

So it's my Oscar moment. I feel like I need to stand at a podium and thank everyone. It's the middle of the night (why am I not in bed?!) and I have just noticed that I have tipped over the 4,000 follower mark- oh me oh my!


It got me to thinking about when I first started Sprinkle of Glitter. It was a very slow burner and I didn't have many followers or interaction with any Sprinklerinos, but I just liked writing my little thoughts and taking snaps of things. I remember once ringing my Dad and saying, "oh guess what, remember that blog thing that I started a few months ago? Well it has 35 follower people now!" and feeling very proud. I feel just as proud now. I think that even though 4,000 is a bigger number than 35, it is the same pride and excitement. This is because the 4000th person to click that 'Join this site' button, is just as important and super as the 35th person, or the 578th person, or the 1724th get my point.

I shan't ramble on, you know what I'm trying to say, THANK YOU for reading, commenting and just being great. Slushy as it sounds, you really do have a big positive effect on my life, and I'm really so very grateful to for it.



Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Beauty Crush's Ebay Bag

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

A few weeks ago, I had a little bit of money sitting quietly in my paypal account. I was saving it for a 'rainy day' moment and for the longest time, couldn't decide what I wanted to fritter it away on. I have this little thing where I think that money in my bank account is for proper things like bills, baby, mortgage etc, but paypal money, is play money. Money for makeup and treats and shineys.

After seeing one of Samantha from Beauty Crush's videos, I KNEW it had to be this bag. Black, sturdy, £29.99 and with little knobbly studs covering the bottom. Yum!
Anyway, I shall 'cut to the chase' as they say, a couple of days ago I made a 'Whats In My Beauty Crush Bag?' video and thought I would share it with you here as well, to tie the whole I-love-my-new-bag-I've-been-using-it-to-death dealio. If the sun has got his hat on tomorrow, I will take a few photos of the little beaut and post them at the end of this :)

So here are the thrilling contents of my jazzy bag:

I have linked the ebay shop below:

Would you buy this bag?



Monday, 17 October 2011

Autumn Baby

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

It's here! It's queer! Get used to it!

Noooooo, I jest, I'm just uber excited because it's mid October and Autumn is in full swing...if a season can swing that is. Meh, if a decade can swing (and I'm referring to the 60's here), then so can a season.

Oh dear, I've waffled on, as usual.

The reason for this Autumnul little blog post is because yesterday, I took my little Baby Glitter over to my Dad's house and I thought I would share with you the photos we snapped on my Dad's disgustingly expensive camera. And by disgustingly expensive, I mean £4,000. I was so shocked that I nearly fell in the lake! I did make a big fuss and informed my Fatherman of all the far more sensible things I could have done with £4,000 and that next time he feels like throwing thousands of pounds around, perhaps he could consider me, my broken iron, my undecorated hallway, my car insurance, my overdraft and my council tax.

On the upside, I did get some lovely pictures, so here you are:

(Little disclaimer, on the shots I took, it was the first time I had used such a crazy camera- bare with me!).

How cool is that tree? Pink leaves! It's like from your imagination or something.

How can you not love Autumn? I'm actually tempted to go back, collect a few naturey bits (technical there) and display them on our mantel piece. They're so rustic.

She wasn't too taken with the apple (despite my Dad's best efforts to make it appealing, including saying, "ooohh woww, applllee, oooohh loooook" over and over ahahaha), but the conkers went down a storm. Perfect for little hands.

Baby in a tree!!!

Imagine if you were a little baby and had never seen such things and little clusters of orange berries hanging from a tree. What a crazy world we live in.

Look how teeny tiny that sign is!! Dad's lived in this house for about 8 years and I've been round the lake sooo many times, but not once have I seen that sign!! When Baby Glitter is a bit older, I shall tell her that fairies sit on that when they are chatting and making up fairy stories for little girls like her.

I have a couple more Autumny type posts coming along, it is by far, my most favourite season and every time it comes, I smile.

Are you an Autumn girl?



PS- For those safety nuts out there, whilst in the tree, my Dad had his hand supporting her from behind the whole time, she wasn't in any danger. Phewf!!

Friday, 14 October 2011

Charity Shopping

Aloha Bloggerinos,

There is something about the moving of seasons, from Summer to Autumn, that makes me more inclined to mooch round shops and drink hot chocolates in cafes. With Baby Glitter wrapped up in her buggy and a cheery shopping companion (usually Auntie Ju or a chummy), mooching can be the greatest of activities.

However, this year we're on an even bigger budget than last. *Sigh*. With Matt being the main breadwinner and me being the HousewifeyMummyWoman, the cash isn't flowing. Familiar feeling?

Never one to let a lack of mula stop me, I have 'discovered' charity shopping, or 'thrifting'.

I know, I know, I'm not the first ever person to find charity shopping. It's been around for decades (my Auntie Judith is a firm fan of bargain hunting in this way) but this is the first year that I have really dipped my toe into the affordable past time.

I like to drive over to a pretty little town called Market Harborough, which is jam packed with charity, nicknack and independent little shops, as well and indoor market and bigger stores like Boots (ideal for me to pick up baby milk and nappies and utilise my loyalty card- I bloomin' love those Boots Points!), Sainsburys, Waterstones, Dorothy Perkins and NewLook. Once there, we meander round the charity shops and bargain hunt until we either stagger to Starbucks for a panini or Baby Glitter let's us know that she'd fed up. Surprisingly, it's usually us that flag first. Haha.

I only have snaps of a couple of bits, including a beaded necklace that I plan on taking apart and remaking in a different style and a super cute cotton top for Baby Glitter- loving the orange and purple detailing- very Autumn. As well as those bits, in the past I've snapped up a John Lewis Baby coat, a pink polka dot baby jacket (haha a lot of outerwear!), a mint green pashmina, tonnes of books for me and Baby Glitter, vintage comics for Matt, a xylaphone, glass icecream bowls and a few fun board games to whip out at Christmas. I'm yet to find any clothes for myself, but I shall continue to keep my eyes peeled.

Why I Enjoy Charity Shopping

~I have never paid more than £4 for anything I have bought.

~ You never get the post-shopping guilt, because all your mula has gone to a good cause.

~ You never know what you're going to see, so it's always ultra exciting to find something really good.

~ You can rest easy knowing you aren't adding to consumer waste and are being green.

Are you a thrifty lady? What's the BEST thing you have ever bought in a charity shop?



Sunday, 9 October 2011

Interviewing Liz Earle

Aloha Bloggerinos,

As those of you who follow me on twitter (@Sprinkleofglitr) may know, last Thursday I went on a grand adventure to the big smoke, to meet THE Liz Earle.

Liz had kindly agreed to let me chatterview her and seeing as the 6th coincided with Baby Glitter's half birthday (can you believe she's six months already!?), I decided to take her along too. Being the HUGE Liz Earle fan that my Auntie Judith is, she asked to come along to and offer her assistance with Baby Glitter.

So the four of us, yes, I say four because we took the Silver Cross pram, which is so large it may as well have been a fourth person, set off on our London Adventure.

After successfully mastering the London Underground avec large pram and bambino, we strolled around Covent Garden, enjoying the quaint stalls, delicious smells and street performers.

After a lovely lunch (kindly paid for by Judith- thank you Auntie Jurbiff) in an open air cafe, we headed back onto the dreaded tube-with-buggy and had a mooch round Harrods. I must say, as much as it is a hassle to lug a baby and buggy round the underground, there are a lot of kind strong men down there who graciously helped and did their good deeds for the day. Thank you random men who will never read this!!

(Auntie Ju at the cafe in Covent Garden. For those interested, Judith is my Mum's sister, so if my Mum were alive today, I think she might look a bit like this but with brown hair. Another random fact- Baby Glitter LOVES that Tiffany necklace. Her little eyes light up whenever she has the chance to grab and yank it! haha)

We had a longing mooch round Harrods, oh how the other half live, and I told Baby Glitter that Mummy would make her millions and buy her the deluxe dolls house complete with miniature Rolls Royce car. If you are ever in London, you should absolutely check out Harrods, if only for the Food Hall- Yum!

Once we were completely mooched out, we headed over to Sloane Square and off to the swish Liz Earle Store. We arrived a little early and I had plans to change into a lovely new dress but at the last minute didn't, I wish I had now because EVERYONE at Liz Earle was in shmexy lady like dresses. Liz actually wore this dress, which I remarked was beautiful and very jazzy. You can't beat a few sequins, can you?!

Before the chatterview, I had time for a chat with Andrea in the coffee shop next door. Andrea is the lovely lady who sends me lots of fabulous goodies to try and it was great to put a face to the name. She was so chatty and interested in the blogging world, I could've nattered for ages. I wish, wish, wish I had taken a photo of the both of us because I feel like she is more of a chum than a faceless person in my inbox :)

And then it was time, time for me to meet the lady behind the brand, Liz Earle! Dun dun duuunnnn.

Liz was LOVELY. I'm not just saying that in case she reads this, but she really was wonderful. Very easy to talk to and very on her game. A cool bean if you will.

As luck would have it, Jo Fairley and Sarah Stacie, co-authors of the famous Beauty Bible were there that evening for an exclusive shindig with Ms Earle and a few others and me, Auntie Judith, Baby Glitter AND the big ol' buggy were invited to stay and join in. If I had been alone, I would've gladly stayed all night, but as it was getting late, I wanted to get Baby Glitter home and into her bed so that her routine wasn't overly disrupted- sacrifices eh?

(Jo, Baby Glitter and Liz)

Needless to say, she had her fifteen minutes of fame and was cuddled by everyone. I kept thinking, 'she has noooo idea she is being squished by beauty industry celebs, the lucky little thing'. Auntie Ju was also pleased and punch to meet everyone, I suspect she is actually Liz Earle's number one customer ahaha.

(Baby Glitter and Sarah)

With all the excitement in us, we headed back to the train and chatted all the way home about our day in the capital.

You may be thinking, "weeeeellllll, where's the interview then?". Well Sprinklerinos, I have something exciting to tell you. Chatterviewing is something I plan to do a lot more of and so have set up a separate blog for the chatterview write-ups. The blog explains exactly what a chatterview is and is live right now! Yay!
If you would like to see what Liz had to say about the brand, cracking America and what she does on her days off, click HERE.

Don't forget to follow by clicking the 'Join This Site' button, so you can keep updated on all the latest chatterviews!!

All in all, a fabulous day! Thank you so much Liz for having me, Andrea for setting it all up and being a great email buddy and Jo and Sarah for giving Baby Glitter such big squishes.



Friday, 7 October 2011


Aloha Bloggerinos,

Unless you have no eyes (In which case, I salute you for reading my blog), you will have seen that my blog has had a rather large makeover. I love it.

I loved my old header so much, it will always have a special place in my heart, but I felt the rest of my blog was getting messy, needed to clean it up a touch and didn't want to keep bothering Zoe. So, thankfully, a lovely gal and Bloggerino called Abby gave me a helping hand. I say 'helping hand', but what I mean is that she did the entire thing- she's a total wizz!!

You may remember her from a while back when I entered a blog competition with my favourite lipgloss and won! Woop! I won a few makeuppy bits, a Cath Kidston mug (which I still use) and a candle- lovely jubbly. Anyhoo, Abby has her own ultra swish blog, which you can check out HERE.
Abby has also been helping me with a ......wait for it......secret blog. Yes, I'm setting up another blog that will be purely for interviews, as this is something I'm getting into. As soon as that is a bit more sorted and snazzy, I shall give you the link. If you are an eager beaver and want to watch it be tweaked and fiddled (ooer) until it is totally ready, google Lou's Chatterviews and you might find it-ooooh a little challenge.

I wanted to publicly thank Abby for all her hard work- so THANK YOU chummy!! Perhaps I should fanx her!

I'd also like to thank (good grief, I should be standing on a stage, clutching a little gold man and weeping at this rate) all the lovely ladies who have bought some advertising space on the right hand side. Since having the revamp, I had a tidy and cleared some space. With all the new space, I have a few limited slots for advertising buttons. I was prreettttty surprised with the interest shown- I've even taken bookings for November! Wowzas!

Naturally I have had a looksie at all the blogs featured to the left and I must say, I am absolutely LOVING Laura Laments. Puurrlleeaasee click on her button and have a read, it's perfect 'snuggled up in bed in jimjams' reading. Just what you want on these cold nights.

Lots of exciting things coming up- I went to London and interviewed Liz Earle yesterday- THE Liz Earle!!!

Do you like change?




Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Little Helper

Aloha Bloggerinos,

The past couple of days has seen me doing rather a lot of 'life laundry'.

This entails all those jobs you need to do but never have time to squeeze in between work, play, sleep etc. I haven't been anywhere this week and so have been staying at home with Baby Glitter and cracking on.

I've been through EVERYTHING in my wardrobe, thrown out things that have holes, put a pile of clothes in a 'charity' bag and hung up and reorganised what I want to keep. I was ruthless. I had Zoe on skype and she cruelly made me put my pink sequined top (that I wore in my 100th video) in the charity pile....but you've not seen the last of that bad boy, I've got a plan for him..mwahahaha!

"That top is so on trend! Don't chuck it, hang it up!"

I've also been introducing Baby Glitter to new foods, such as banana, sweet potato, apple, pear, bell pepper and baby cereal. So far, so good- she likes all of the above except apple. As well as new foods, I've been encouraging her to sit unaided and roll 180 degrees, she's so close!

In Sprinkle of Glitter land I've been working with a lovely gal is going to help me give my blog a little makeover and tidy things up a touch. I'm so looking forward to her working her magic on it.

Mine and Zoe's secret venture is coming along really well, we had a bit of an exciting breakthrough today, so we are all of a dither and zizz.

"Oh Mummy, I can't let you put this cardi away, it's such a wonderful pillow"

On top of allllll of that, I'm going to London on Thursday for an exclusive interview (oh la la) with none other than, Liz Earle! THE LIZ EARLE!! ARGH! I'm going down with my Auntie Judith (who I suspect is Liz Earle's biggest customer!) and Baby Glitter. Ju will care for Darcy during the interview and we'll have a mooch round Covent Garden. I'll enjoy showing Baby Glitter the capital, although I'm pooping myself at the thought of talking to Ms Earle! Eeek! I'll let you all know how it goes.

The pictures provided in this post are just quickie snaps taken of Baby G whilst I was having the big wardrobe frenzy, she was a great little helper. I had a little play about with the settings and thought this brightylighty snaps looked fun.

What have you done so far this week?



Monday, 3 October 2011

Calling all Camera Wizzkids

Aloha Bloggerinos,

As you may have noticed, I have been whinging about my curddy old kodak camera for a while now. Hearing my cries, my Dad has lent me his swish fancypants camera, so that I can take excellent pictures for Sprinkle of Glitter and also document Darcy and life a bit better.

I've had this camera a couple of weeks and am struggling a little bit, so I thought seeing as you are always so good to me, I would ask for your tips and tricks.

Below is the beast. I'm not sure what it's name is, but perhaps some of you will recognise the model and know how to help.

It also has this in it's little carry case:

Any advise on how to get good clear shots in macro and normal would be most appreciated. If you have it or know anyone that has this, let me know.




Sunday, 2 October 2011

Blogger Event: Illamasqua Theatre of the Nameless

Aloha Bloggerinos,

As you may have seen from my YouTube video, last month, I hotfooted it down to the capital, to attend the oh-so-fancy Illamasqua Theatre of the Nameless event.

Now, as we all know, I'm a bit behind and have been trying VERY hard to catch up, so this post was a long time coming.

Since it's so late and every beauty blogger and her dog has written about this collection (and very well I might add), I decided I'm not going to. Please don't feel like I am a cop out, I just want to get cracking with a lot of other posts, time is tres limited (I can now only really blog when Baby Glitter is in bed at night) and I have already made a video on the lovely day.

I do intend to do separate Lou's Reviews on some of the products I was generously given though, so not all is lost to sea. Hurrah huzzah! 

As you will have seen from other blogs, all the beauties were laid out for us to play with, photograph and swatch.

Oohhh Shmexy.

I have to say, the pure pigments (rrp £15.50 each) were by far my most favourite products to spring from this murky gothic range. From left to right is Zeitgeist, Berber and Beguile. I was given Berber in my goodie bag and I'm really looking forward to using it. It's actually named after the lady the entire collection was inspired by, so I think that makes it a bit special. I think Beguile is sensational. This would be something I would purchase and treasure forever.

My favourite things in life- Glitter and lashes. Mmmmm.

Zoe, myself and Zara posing with our Illamasqua bags. You know how there are just some people in life, who are effortlessly cool? Like they just seem to ooze 'lalala my hair is shiny and I don't look a sweaty mess with my clothes tags showing and one chipped nail'? This is Zara. Fact of the day for you there.

As you can see, I like to be sophisticated with Zoe at ALL times. This is the culmination of a big shlep-round-London-for-some-keys-drama, getting lost and a good smattering of excitement! It's frightening what this can do for a gal!

If you are interested in treating yourself to anything from this swish collection, clickedyclick HERE. It really is gorgeous and truly of excellent quality.

Keep your sparkly eyes peeled for proper reviews on Illamasqua products soon!



PS- All of the photographs in this post were gratefully supplied by Zoe. My camera is a bag of kittypoop (if you can imagine such a thing) and so Zoe helped me. I have now borrowed a big beast of a thing from the Fatherman and I am slowly working out what all the bits and bobs do! Thank you Zoe you little cherub! xx

Saturday, 1 October 2011

My Nail Wheels

Aloha Bloggerinos,

In the comments on my last couple of nail polish videos, I have seen one question crop up over and over.

"Where did you buy that nail wheel?"

Well Sprinklerinos, I shall tell you. They were cheapypeapy ones from THIS EBAY SHOP  and have been worth every penny!

If you, like me, are the kinda gal that likes to make videos or blogposts, but doesn't always have perfect nails to model them on, these can be your saviour! Ooorr, if you are a little bit obsessive and wanted to catalogue your collection, this might be your bag. *Goes of to start painting wheels*.

Short and sweet tonight, hope that has helped a few of you.

Do you know of any good beauty bargains? Are you a nail-aholic?

