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Friday, 14 October 2011

Charity Shopping

Aloha Bloggerinos,

There is something about the moving of seasons, from Summer to Autumn, that makes me more inclined to mooch round shops and drink hot chocolates in cafes. With Baby Glitter wrapped up in her buggy and a cheery shopping companion (usually Auntie Ju or a chummy), mooching can be the greatest of activities.

However, this year we're on an even bigger budget than last. *Sigh*. With Matt being the main breadwinner and me being the HousewifeyMummyWoman, the cash isn't flowing. Familiar feeling?

Never one to let a lack of mula stop me, I have 'discovered' charity shopping, or 'thrifting'.

I know, I know, I'm not the first ever person to find charity shopping. It's been around for decades (my Auntie Judith is a firm fan of bargain hunting in this way) but this is the first year that I have really dipped my toe into the affordable past time.

I like to drive over to a pretty little town called Market Harborough, which is jam packed with charity, nicknack and independent little shops, as well and indoor market and bigger stores like Boots (ideal for me to pick up baby milk and nappies and utilise my loyalty card- I bloomin' love those Boots Points!), Sainsburys, Waterstones, Dorothy Perkins and NewLook. Once there, we meander round the charity shops and bargain hunt until we either stagger to Starbucks for a panini or Baby Glitter let's us know that she'd fed up. Surprisingly, it's usually us that flag first. Haha.

I only have snaps of a couple of bits, including a beaded necklace that I plan on taking apart and remaking in a different style and a super cute cotton top for Baby Glitter- loving the orange and purple detailing- very Autumn. As well as those bits, in the past I've snapped up a John Lewis Baby coat, a pink polka dot baby jacket (haha a lot of outerwear!), a mint green pashmina, tonnes of books for me and Baby Glitter, vintage comics for Matt, a xylaphone, glass icecream bowls and a few fun board games to whip out at Christmas. I'm yet to find any clothes for myself, but I shall continue to keep my eyes peeled.

Why I Enjoy Charity Shopping

~I have never paid more than £4 for anything I have bought.

~ You never get the post-shopping guilt, because all your mula has gone to a good cause.

~ You never know what you're going to see, so it's always ultra exciting to find something really good.

~ You can rest easy knowing you aren't adding to consumer waste and are being green.

Are you a thrifty lady? What's the BEST thing you have ever bought in a charity shop?




  1. Great post Louise! I have just jumped on the charity shop bandwagon as well, My Mum used to manage a Help the aged store and told me that the clothes get rotated between stores so you wont necessarily be buying your neighbours old tat, which is what used to put me off hehe :) I love finding good books and snuggly jumpers in them :)xxx

  2. Agreed, I LOVE charity shops! I think that's the best place to buy books from too. I always find nice big cos jumpers and pretty floaty blouses in them! Plus, it's all for charity of course :) xxx

  3. I love my charity shops so much that I can actually find normal clothes shops quite boring these days - everything is the same colour or style - great if this seasons colours suit you or fit you but not so great otherwise. My house is full of second hand books and furniture too. x

  4. The necklace is amazing! I love charity shopping! or thrifting in Goodwill and Salvation Army - pretty much the same thing, right? :D

  5. I love charity shopping! It's definitely my favourite weekend activity along with carbooting! That top you got for Baby Glitter looks amazing! What are the chances of me finding one in my size?? x

  6. Great post :) I really must jump on this charity shop bandwagon!

    Amanda |

  7. I think I need to get to some charity shops. I'm expecting in May this year, my first, and I'm the main breadwinner, which makes baby-time and work-time hard. Thanks for the tips Louise. I've been scouring your blog and YouTube channele for tons of pregnancy tips recently - you've been a God send. xxx

  8. I have a charity shopping addiction and im not afraid to admit it! I go most weekends for a rummage. You are right... you never know what you are going to find and that makes it really exciting. Emma xo

  9. I wish my local charity shops had decent things in them, everyone seems to get such nice things and every time i go there's nothing :(
    great finds!

  10. Ooh I LOVE Market Harborough - I live about 10 minutes away, but I've never actually been charity shopping there. I usually just go to the amazing mexican restaurant there haha! It's such a cute little town, so I definately think a charity shopping trip is in order soon!

  11. I used to love charity shop shopping when I lived in the UK, but they're not great in Malta :( I found so many gems that other people no longer wanted and you know its going to a good cause- keep searching! xx

    Visit The Other Side Of Cool
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  12. I should really start charity shopping. Lovely new banner by the way xx

  13. I've never bought something in a charity shop but it sounds great!!


  14. Great post!!! (:


  15. those beads are really cute xx

    my blog :


  16. Great post Louise! I love shopping at charity/goodwill shops! Especially for books. I'm a book lover who doesn't like to spend TOO much on books, so I go poke around for good deals there. Often I find old books that are really cool. ALSO you never know when you are going to find that one piece of clothing, furniture or dish set that are so unique.I once stepped into a vintage jewelry shop and almost passed away at the awesome prices for such beautiful and unique pieces. Great blog and thanks for sharing Lovely Louise! You always make my day!

  17. I LOVE going Charity Shop shopping! You find such unique pieces and theres no fear of wearing the same thing as someone else!!

    LoveFaye xoxo

  18. I used to be a charity shop "snob" I wish I had went earlier my local British Heart Foundation is jam packed with some very stylish clothes. My best bargains include a zara jacket for £1.50, a very nice leather jacket for £3 and best of all a GENUINE (I couldnt believe it) Louis Vuitton handbag for £5. I lent this to my sister when she went to London and the shop verified it was 100% genuine - WOW. I gave it to my sis for xmas last year after she begged me for it for about 10 months.

    Charity shops all the way, great post Louise x

  19. I have never been to a Charity shop but seeing that beautiful necklace makes me want to go have a little look in and see what bargains i can pick up
    lovely post Louise xx

  20. I haven't really, but I make sure I donate all my old clothes (which tbh always look new) to the charity shops :)
    Lucy x

  21. My little charity shop next to work had all 4 Pirates movies (including the newest one!) in almost brand new condition for £2.50 each.

    Bought all except the first one - already had collectors edition of that.

  22. Love this!!!!!!! Your blog is amazing. Love glitter baby she is adorable

  23. I love charity shopping. I love the excitement of finding something really different that everyone else won't have. I also love to pick up furniture from charity shops to revamp. That top for baby glitter looks really cute.

  24. I am also getting into opp shop shopping! Went the other day and found the prettiest sailor style dress and a huge knit cardy! Amaze, so cheap! I always find that you need to shop after the coffee or food, as op shop shopping can be tiresome shifting thorugh so much! Makes me feel ive achomplished something though! haha xoxox

  25. Just today after readig this I was inspired and went out to my local charity shop! I bought an awesome oversized jumper for £3.49 and The Book of Tomorrow by Cecelia Ahern for £1.80!! :)
    Love you loads Louise!! <3
    Bethany xxx

  26. I too have just got into the habit of MOOCHING around charity shops and its become a lovely little habit of mine. One of the Oxfams near me has been done up so nicely..its like walking into a little vintage treasure cove :) theres always something to find in there.. my latest pur-chase being a topshop pleated skirt for £4. CHUFFED MUCH.
    Love baby Glitter's new top..very autumn-y, boho-esque :) xox

  27. I like charity shops aswell because I don't have a lot of money to spend on clothes. I also like to give my clothes to these shops instead of just bin them away !

    My favourite pick so far is a bright pink and yellow tshirt (I think I got it for £1!!) I also shop for books in these stores =)

    xxx Vee

  28. I just wanted to add a comment here to mention thanks for you very nice ideas. Blogs are troublesome to run and time consuming thus I appreciate when I see well written material. Your time isn’t going to waste with your posts. Thanks so much and stick with it No doubt you will definitely reach your goals! Have a great day!

  29. I just wanted to add a comment here to mention thanks for you very nice ideas. Blogs are troublesome to run and time consuming thus I appreciate when I see well written material. written material.Your time isn't going to waste with your posts. Thanks so much and stick with it No doubt you will definitely reach your goals! Have a great day!

  30. I really never used to be into charity shops, except when i was very young, but i recently re discovered them and they are amazing! Just goes to show you dont have to spend a fortune to get amazing things!


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx