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Friday, 31 August 2012

Amazing Advertisers || August 2012

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

This month has flown by hasn't it?! It's time for Amazing Advertisers again, which is your opportunity to get to know the lovely ladies that have been nestled in the left hand side bar this month.

If you would like to advertise on Sprinkle of Glitter in September, look up to the tabs under my header, and 'Sponsor' has all my advertising packages within it. I am now responding to emails and enquiries (I save them up throughout the month so if you emailed last week, don't worry, you haven't been ignored).
(Image ::

Megan loves foxes. Well, that's me already happy, haha! This blog is a beauty to behold. Each post is like literary treasure that makes you want to keep on reading more and lust after vintage finds, makeup or car boot sale bits. Megan is currently away but has very cleverly arranged a series of guest posts to keep us all entertained. I particularly enjoyed the post about jealousy amongst women- some very good points worth thinking about.

Jess is our lady of vintage in question and this month she has been my Ultimate Advertiser so you may have seen her name crop up on the bottom on other posts. Her blog, as you can imagine, is vintage inspired but thrown into the mix are recipes (she owns a bakery-mmm), OOTD's and thoughts on the blogging world. This blog is a pleasure to flick through and one I shall continue to check back upon.

Shelley's blog is a must have on your reading list if you like well written, clear, honest beauty reviews. I love that there is such a variety of beauty products but that all the reviews adhere to the same structure. I know where I am with a bit of structure and that makes me very happy! The images are all crisp and clear and all in all, this blog is professional yet easy. Love. 

Louise's blog is a beaut. Easy on the eye, fun and informative to read and choc-o-block with beauty reviews. Perfect for the makeup mad lady. Having reached 1000 followers (well done!), Louise recently hosted a giveaway. I do love a gal with a giveaway! If you love all things girlie, this is the place for you.

I think we all know my love for that lady of thrift. She is my chummy and frankly she is a wizz. I won't go on and on, but basically, if you don't go and look at her blog, then you are a fool. I'm not one for calling you names but really, you heard, a FOOL. Enjoy! x

Rosie has created summer on a blog recently. All of her posts are full of sunshine and happy things, not to mention beautiful photographs and lovely write ups. I love that she not only writes about fashion and happiness, but that she also includes a healthy dose of her own life and allows her readers to really come along with her on adventures. 

Liz's blog is the one that looks like a notebook. I do enjoy that tres much you know. This month she has written reviews, searched out hot jackets for Autumn AND written a great piece about going to university and her personal experiences throughout it. I really tip my hat to her for that post. I think if you are considering taking the plunge and furthering your education then you should definitely give it a read, it could prove very handy indeed. 

Oooohhh you know those blogs that are about fun days, lifestyle and all the little happies that the world can through at you? The kind you just want to grab a blanket, a cup of mint hot chocolate and sink into? Charlotte's blog is one of those. She very aptly suggested that bank holidays should be purely for staying in bed and tinkering around the internet and I could not agree more. Charlotte is a wise blogger!

Now, as we can all see, I've left sorting September's ad's out a bit late so do accept my apologies. I've had a lot of life on my plate! I still have the Ultimate and Medium slots available but I'm afraid the Large slot was booked up last month! New adverts will run from Sunday.

Have you enjoyed any of these lovely blogs this month?



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Lady of Vintage. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!  

Monday, 27 August 2012

Tag || How Much Is Your Face Worth?

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I was recently asked on Twitter what you would like to see for a blog post and one of the suggestions was the 'How Much Is Your Face Worth' Tag. This is where you take note of all the products you have on your face for any one FOTD, note the cost of each item and then total it. Now obviously you won't be using an entire bottle of foundation or an entire tube of mascara, but this is the game and I didn't make the rules! Heh heh.

Nuxe Facial Cream :: £16 (Review coming soon)
MAC Studio Sculpt NW20 :: £24.00
MUFE Concealer :: £22.50
MAC MSF Soft & Gentle :: £21.50
Primark Blusher/Bronzer Kit :: £1.50

MAC Eyebrow Pencil (Dirty Blonde) :: (Discontinued but similar product is £12.50)
MAC Brow Set :: £12.50
MAC Paint Pot (Bare Study) :: £14.50
Stila (Cream Shimmer from the 'In The Light' palette) :: £25
L'Oreal Carbon Gloss Liquid Liner :: £6.49
YSL Shocking Mascara :: £23

Topshop Lipstick (Brighton Rock) :: £8
Topshop Lip Stick (Clueless) :: £7
MUA Lipgloss (Pink Shimmer) :: £4

TOTAL :: £198.49

I. Am. Shocked. Woah. 

I know I like and use a lot of luxury products but this has really blown me away. I feel a little bit embarrassed!!!

I don't think taking part in this tag is going to make me use less or buy cheaper products because I love all the ones I use but it has certainly made me more away of my naughty little obsession. I can find solice in the fact that I don't splash cash on designer clothes or expensive bags, but beauty and cosmetics are my passion. Does that make it any better? No, probably not. I dread to think what the total would be for a night time look, complete with lashes and glitter! Cripes!

I tag anybody who follows this blog to do this tag! Feel free to leave a comment below with your link and we can all be horrified together at how much money we spend on our faces!



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Lady of Vintage. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!  

River Island A/W Collection 2012

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

If you read/watch my OOTD's and hauls, you will know I am a big of a fan of River Island. I love that their clothes always fit nicely and swoon over the large handbags. Why oh why I didn't buy the mint green satchel bag in March I do not still haunts me ahahaha.

When the lovely PR lady that works for them contacted me and asked if I would like to share a short video about what's coming up for the Autumn season (my all time favourite time of year), I said yes, yes, yes!

I was provided with some information about the new range too but knowing I would never be able to express it as well as this, I have quoted it below for you. Hurrah!

From the shadows of Futuristic Goth, the streets of Downtown New York and the opulent textures and fabrics of the Baroque era, River Island creates a lavish and distinctive look for autumn/winter 2012. 
The collection encompasses a wide range of unique hero pieces reflecting this season’s trends with accessories remaining a focal point, fusing together all the elements necessary for the season ahead.

Think Downtown with its relaxed styling, with oversized swagger coats layered over geo printed and graphic intarsia knits. Baroque with its tough leathers and wet look fabrics and Futuristic Goth with it's  medieval inspired black velvet, delicate lace, sheer and chiffon pieces. With River Island Autumn Winter never looked so good!

 I'm so excited for all the Autumn fabrics and colours to hit the shops and for the weather to cool down a little (sorry if you're a summer baby haha!).

I also have a lorra lorra Autumn related posts lined up because I just go crazy for everything at this time of year so we have exciting times ahead!!

What do you look forward to in Autumn?



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Lady of Vintage. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top! 

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Awful To Say It's Awful?

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

As we all hopefully know, this blog is a place for honesty and positivity. I like to talk about happy or uplifting things in life and combine that with honest reviews of beauty products I have tried and tested. Sometimes though, I come across a bit of a sticky wicket. If I try something and it is poopsicles, I want to tell you so. However by saying something is below par, that's pretty negative. And negative is not positive. See the issue I have?

To combat this dilemma, I decided to throw all the poopyness into one pot (eurgh) and make a video on lip products that I know I won't be replacing and try not to be a miseryguts about it. 

I uploaded it to my YouTube Channel (do feel free to subscribe, it's free y'anno) a couple of days ago and I was really pleased with it's reception. In case you haven't seen it, I have embedded it here too. 

I would be really interested to hear if you think Beauty Bloggers/Vloggers should tell you if they thought something was downright rubbish, or if we should just leave those products out and talk about the good things? I will never say something is great if it isn't, but I must say, I was quite worried about making this video in case you all came at me with pitchforks for not being really super 'love, love, LOVE' if that makes sense?!

I think I've rambled on long enough, please do leave your thoughts in the comment section and please do be sure to read other people's, there's a lot that goes on beneath these little wordy things I string into sentences and it's worth clicking down to look!


This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Lady of Vintage. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top! 

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Blog FAQ's || How do you get invited to events?

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I've been around this 'ere bloggersphere a while now. Not as long as the early birds of 2003 and 2004 but a while. In that time, I've been fortunate enough to experience an array of amazing things and unfortunate enough to experience some of the rubbish that comes with it all too.

Over time I have noticed I am often asked the same questions and thought that rather than answering them individually (or trying to at least), it might be a fun idea to answer some here.

I'm not professing to be Blog Land Expert of the Planet here, but I am saying, 'Hey, here is what I have found in my years of doing this'. You might have felt the same, you might not, I'm only speaking from experience. Do feel free to give your own answers or suggestions in the comments and please do take the time to read other people's because there is always a wealth of information down there and you'd be a ninconpoop to ignore it.  

Today's question is:

How do you get invited to blog events?

Firstly, we ought to just clarify what a blog event is. I'm sure there are a great many type of 'blog events', but seeing as this is a beauty, baby and lifestyle blog, I am mostly invited to shindigs relating to beauty.

So, a company have brought out a new range of products and they have a bit of money put by to promote them. Sometimes, the brand will recognise that bloggers have a wide 'reach'. 'Reach' is weird PR lingo for 'lots of people read this bit of the web and it might be good for those people to see our products'. They have a lot of lingo.

As part of that 'bloggers have a wide reach' thought process, the company might decide they want to have their brand featured on lots of blogs. A good way of doing this is to host an event. A kind of party thrown in honour of the new product, where the brand talks to bloggers about why this is such an exciting new nail polish/perfume/summer range etc. Bloggers usually leave with a goodie bag containing samples of the new product/s and a little bit of info about the line (this is known as a 'press release'). Whilst there, bloggers will get the chance to catch up with other bloggers, enjoy a glass of bubbly and play with the new items the event is about. Basically, it's everything a beauty obsessed girlie girl would want in a night- glass of something fizzy, chums, makeup. Happy days.

So how does a blogger get invited to such things? This was a question I asked when I first started blogging and felt very much kept in the dark. I thought there might be a special list or a system or a secret batman light symbol in the sky. In all honesty it's a lot less exciting and a lot more simple.

Brands will find you. If you have a good blog, a presence on social platforms (twitter, facebook, instagram, pinterest, etc) you will eventually be noticed. Ensure you have your contact details easily findable (email address clearly on your blog or perhaps an 'about' section) and check your inbox regularly. It may take months, it make take years, or it make take days, but if you really want it to happen and you truly love your blog and have a passion for what you are writing about, then it will. I will say though, if you have a blog purely for events and samples, you will most likely find that readers will see through that pretty quickly. They're a clever little lot.

If you are that way inclined, you could contact a brand (via email, phone, twitter, facebook etc). From what I've grasped, this is a bit of a grey area- some bloggers think it's a good thing to do, others don't. Be aware that brands are contacted many times a day by bloggers requesting samples, introducing themselves or asking to be put on their mailing lists, so if you do take the great leap of saying hello, try to be considerate of this and also try to stand out. 

Top Tips ::

If you have just blogged about a product and are tweeting the link, be sure to @mention the brand (if they are on twitter). Not in a spammy fashion, but in a 'Hello, I have talked about your products' fashion. 

If your friend is going to a blog event and you feel comfortable enough, why not ask if she was given a plus one. 

Check your spam inbox! Quite often I've had interesting or useful emails slip in there and go unnoticed.

Have patience. It was over a year before I went to an event and that was back when there were a lot less bloggers, so avoid expecting short term excitement (if blog events are what float your boat) if you have just started and are just building your little slice of the web.

To put it very simply, don't worry. If you want it to happen and you work hard on your blog and love it dearly, it will happen. For those of you thinking, 'Pah! I'm not even that bothered anyway!", then I'm sorry to have wasted these minutes of your life! This post really was just to address the question I have been asked multiple times and hopefully it will cast a little bit of light on what can sometimes be a rather guarded area.

If you have any more info, tips or thoughts on the subject of blog events, I would (and think everyone else) would be really interested to hear about them, so do feel free to comment below!



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Lady of Vintage. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top! 

Friday, 17 August 2012

Curvy OOTD || Bright White

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I wore this outfit a little while ago to a friend's BBQ and was pleased as punch at how many people said I looked nice. I wanted to take some photos of it, but since the moon was coming out to play and the sun was going to bed, I had to use the flash, which I know isn't always idylic. Oh well, I can't control astronomy.

This white skirt was from ASOS and in the sale for under £10 which was brilliant. Sometimes ASOS can be a bit poopy in quality but this feels lovely, really sturdy if you will.

The vest was from H&M, the mint bag from Primark and the shoes from New Look. The cat was already there. Tehe. 

I've always been a bit uncertain about wearing white because I have 'black is slimming' engraved in my brain, but really, white is doable. As long as you wear clothing that fits and flatters/suits your body shape, it is absolutely an option for you!

I'm not off to spend a few more pennies in the ASOS sale- oops!!



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Lady of Vintage. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!  

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Online Treats

Aloha Sprinkerinos,

Remember that spending ban I was on? No? Nor do I.

I'm not usually one for internet shopping. I prefer to actually have the experience of being in the store, touching the products, mooching around etc, but a couple of weeks ago (before my busy stint), I ran away with myself...and my debit card. Woops.

I've made a video of the haul which I will link as soon as it's live, but for now, here's a little teaser.

This nifty storage case is actually a shoe organiser but I have used it as a toy tidy. I love that I can see what's where and it's safe for Baby Glitter to drag about. It was only £3.99 and there is a buy 2 get 1 free offer, so if you have a lot of shoes/toys/anything at all you want to store away, it's a winner! You can find it HERE.

I plan on doing a few OOTD's with these ASOS pieces. I have worn the white eyelet skirt and pink highwaisted SO much since buying them so in my eyes, they're an investment!

I also bought some Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish Cleansers because I had run out, tried to kid myself that other products were as good and then came to my senses and reordered. 

I talked about the bunting bracelet in a post of it's own HERE, but in a nutshell, it's the cutest little thing and was only £2.39. Click on the pink for the link! (So poetic. Tehe).

The word art was sent to me from the tres creative Maisy Moo. All you do is choose your shape and colour scheme, give them the words you would like incorporated and wait for it to land on your doorstep- fabulous!! We love ours and think it adds a great little touch to Baby Glitter's bedroom.

Ok, I know, they're just straws. But loooookkk!! They are paper (don't worry, they don't go squooshy in your drink), pastel coloured and if you have an obsession with pinterest or American lifestyle blogs (Carosello, A Beautiful Mess etc) then you will understand why I needed them in my life. I bought them from THIS British seller. I also gave them a sneaky little feature in THIS post.

Well, that's it. A bit of an eclectic haul and as soon as the video is live, I will embed it on this blog post too. Keeping things nice and tidy :)

Do any of these bits and bobs float your boat?



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Lady of Vintage. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!  

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Two Weeks Too Fast

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

A lifestyle post for you today because of late, my life has wizzed by in a blur and today I finally found a few spare moments whilst Baby Glitter snoozed to go through some of my snaps and decide which ones to put on here.

These really do sum up the last 14 days and although it's bulky, I'm really glad I took my big camera round with m to capture the moments.

The Olympics. I went to see the Men's Artistic Gymnastics at Greenwich Arena (or Millennium Dome if you are old school like me) and this new fangled light display was in the foyer. I have quite the obsession with lighting so naturally was drawn to it. It also changed colour to different shades of pink, violet, purple and amber. Beautiful.

I definitely have had Olympic Fever! I'm not usually one for sporting events but this Olympiad I was so into it. I love the positive atmosphere it bought to the country and thought the opening and closing ceremonies were amazing.

A trip to Liverpool and a serious case of Monroe-skirt. Matt was actually trying to capture a few OOTD shots but I liked this one because it's pretty candid and I didn't know he had starting snapping away. Outfit post coming soon.

Whilst shopping in Liverpool city centre I found this super cute handmade independent shop. I really admire people who make their own businesses and love all things crafty so I thought this was super. The lady who runs the shop has a website that I took a card for so I could link it. However, being the dunce I am, I have lost the card so I'm ever so sorry! I bought a couple of cards and look forward to going back. If you are in the area, it is behind Primark in the blue coat area. Enjoy!

Whilst in Liverpool I found the shoes of my dreams. Glitter-tastic.

After taking Matt's Ma & Pa for lunch in the city we wandered down to the new museum at the docks and had a look round.

And posed infront of stars.

And marvelled at the sights below.

On another day we hit the beach. Crosby beach isn't exactly white sands and blue seas but I embraced it none the less and the cherry on the top was that I met up with El from A Thrifty Mrs, who is a good egg indeed.

After we filmed a video together, which you can see HERE, we stood watching the waves and chatting away like old biddies.

 Oohhh sneaky kissy shot of Matt for you there. Isn't he a dish?!

Later that day we met up with Matt's brothers and family folk and took Baby Glitter to the playground. My brother-in-law and I got a little carried away on the see-saw. Tehe.

Then we were Newcastle-bound! My other brother and sister-in-law just had their first baby- a little girl. She was so teeny tiny and gorgeous. It's amazing how women can grow entire humans in their tunmies.

And then we were home! Time for reading library books to a tired 1 year old and enjoying freshly picked flowers.

Mindy got all crafty and decided Baby Glitter's art supplies were where she would chillax.

Whilst I unpacked our suitcase, Matt put together my new shelving unit. At last I can be organised and find my things when I want them! Baby Glitter was my little helper :)

After all that, we had our chum from Matt's work round for patio nibbles and BBQ food. Yum!

Phewf! I feel pooped!

What have you been up to this last couple of weeks?



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Lady of Vintage. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!  

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Sprinkle of Chatter

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Would you like to know a secret? 

I've been thinking about something for a while now, something I wanted to do, and after sorting it all out in my head and putting pen to paper for a bit of planning, I have taken the plunge and done it. I've started a brand new YouTube Channel! 

Sprinkle of Chatter is going to run alongside Sprinkle of Glitter and is going to be a place for us to be a whole lot more interactive, talk about a much wider range of topics and have a whole heap of fun- Eeeeee I'm excited!!

Sprinkle of Glitter will revert to what it originally was, which is a Beauty and Fashion channel and on there I will upload reviews, hauls, how-to's, related tags, etc. 

I feel so motivated and enthused for this new project and just want to sit and film millions and squillions of videos straight away!!

The first video is now up and if it is something you think you might enjoy, I'd love it if you checked it out. What I will say though is if it's not your bag, please don't subscribe. I am really keen to have it be a wholesome, happy and friendly community for everyone to be a part of. Yay yay yay!!

Are you as excited as me?



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Lady of Vintage. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!  

Friday, 10 August 2012

How To || Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

If you have been a reader of this sparkly blog for a long time, you may well know that I have a deep, deep love for Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser. Over the past year or so I have tried many a remover in the hope that it will live up to my beloved Cleanse and Polish, but alas, none have. Not one. Not a sausage. (NB- Please don't rub sausages round your face, they won't remove your waterproof mascara.)

Since I talk about it so often, mention it in tonnes of videos, recommend it on twitter and facebook, I thought (I can't take the credit for this, it was requested) I ought to film a video showing exactly how to use it. I know it isn't rocket science, but if you are new to a product, I often find it can be a little daunting.

This video is also on my YouTube channel but embedding it here means those of you who are strictly blog readers can see it too- hurrah for modern technology eh!

If you would like to read my 'Battle of the Cleansers' post from last year (guess who won?), you can see that HERE

I really enjoyed doing a bit of a 'how to' and being in a different set up....and being a bit naked perhaps you'll see a few more of these sorts around these here parts of the interweb. Hooray!

Are you a fan of this product? Have you found anything to beat it?



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Lady of Vintage. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!  

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Lou's Reviews || Bunny Rabbit Night Light

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I had a beauty post planned for today but you know when something just excites you and you can't wait? I have that!

A couple of weeks ago I was asked if I would like to try anything from dotcomgiftshop. I receive quite a few emails like this (I know, a fun problem to have!) and usually decline on the basis that the products don't suit this blog or they don't float my boat. I decided to have a mosey on their site and oh my oh my EVERYTHING floated my boat! It was like an Aladdin's Cave of treasure and I was abuzz with fizz and dither!

 (At dusk)

After a couple of emails they very kindly sent me this Rabbit Night Light and I already love him. I love him so much, I have already placed an order for 4 more, but we'll talk about that later. 

The little glowing beauty retails for £4.95 which I think is a total bargain. It is powered by one standard battery (which is included), so no fussy wires or hazards for little fingers and also no restrictions on where you can display him- total freedom.

(At night)

I know this is only a nightlight, but you may know that I have a serious penchant for woodland creatures and quite a fetish for lovely lighting (my house is almost entirely lit by fairy twinkle lights) so this product really does make me very, very happy. Call me sad, I don't mind!

With the price being under a fiver, it coming in a cute box and lots of children to buy for this Christmas (yep, I'm already starting on that one), I have now ordered 4 more for my 3 nieces and my friend's little boy, Oliver. These would make great stand alone gifts or very swish stocking fillers if you are the generous sort.

I love seeing little corners of my home aglow with cute ornaments, candles and twinkles. It makes me smile.

Do these amazing lights make you want to hop off on purchase one? Hop...get it?



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Lady of Vintage. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!  

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Lou's Reviews || Balmi Lip Balm

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

If you read a lot of beauty blogs then you may well have read a little bit about this product before as I believe the PR company running the Balmi shibang sent out a fair few- yay for being generous!!

Even though these are featuring on lots and lots of other sites, I thought I would throw my two cents in anyway because I'm just wild like that. 

Balmi is a beautifully scented natural lip balm that comes in 5 different flavours and is available to buy in boots for £4.99.

This globe shaped balm is available in 5 different flavours (mint, coconut, strawberry, blackcurrant and raspberry) and contains vitamin E, shea butter and jojoba oil. 

I have been using the coconut lip balm (in white packaging, crazily enough) for a couple of weeks now and absolutely love it. I really feel like my lips are left nourished and succulent and unlike some lip products, this lasts a fair few hours before you feel you'd like a top up.

I featured this is in my July Favourites video and pointed out that if you pull the little keyring/bag charm attachments, a little portal at the bottom is opened and the product is left exposed. Whilst talking about it I thought it was a safety issue (choking hazard for Mama's like me) but a couple of people in the comments thought it might be an alternative way of using the balm- like to apply with your finger sort of a deal. It's still a mystery to me, but I thought I would tell you anyway!

All in all, a good product. Lip balm doesn't really float my boat on a general basis, it's just sort of a thing that is about, but this did excite me a little bit, I thought it was 'neato'.

Have you tried these balmi balls? Have you noticed how similar they look to the EOS ones?



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Lady of Vintage. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!   

Monday, 6 August 2012

The People Online

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Bit of a slushy one to start the week today. If you're not one for emotion or sentiment, turn away now, I'm in one of those moods.

In 2009 I started this blog. I started it because I thought it might be fun, had always thought of bloggers as interesting and wanted a slice of that pie. I knew other bloggers existed and knew them through their posts, like how most of you know me, and thought that was a hoot.

Up until that point, the only people I was friends with were people I had physically met at school, uni, work, through family etc, and whilst I might communicate with them online via things like email and facebook, I had never made a friend because of or thanks to the internet.

Since I have been blogging, I have been fortunate enough to connect with and meet quite a few 'online' people, like bloggers at events and would truly call them my friends. If for example one of them were to bump into me and Matt in town, I would say, 'Oh Matt, this is my friend Thingymabob!' and mean it. I really do feel enriched because of this.

Up until I threw myself into this marvellous little world, I thought the only people who met through the internet were daters and those seedy folk who meet in carparks. How wrong I was.

I can say, hand on heart, that there are AT LEAST three women who I have met because of the internet, and who have made a massive and lasting impression on my life. I thought seeing as you are part of this magical internet world, that I would share them with you and hope that I can illuminate the fact that yes, the internet is full of good people. All too often there is news of disgusting things happening because of web connections or warnings telling us all to be vigilant, and whilst none of that is untrue, and you should be aware, there is good out there too, when you know where to look.


Unless you are brand new, you will know Zoe is my ultimate chum. I like to call her 'Chumbolina' on account of the fact that she is teenytiny (and yet eats as much pizza and junk as I do, feel free to hate her metabolism as much as me!) like Thumbolina. If I could sew and had the inclination, I would totally make her a dress made of petals. 

Zoe is one of those special people in life that are very rare, and when you find them, you must embrace and cherish them. She is kind, caring, selfless and I know, that should I call her at 3am and say, 'Please will you come and stay with me, just because I feel a bit blue/want an adventure/just need you to show me how to use imovie?', she actually would. 

Recently she helped me overcome a ten year fear of motorways by sitting in the car for three and a half hours talking me through, being very soothing and not even making a fuss when I ran over a hedgehog/nearly smashed the car into some signage! Oops! She looked after me, Baby Glitter and my sister at her house, took us on fun trips, bought us dinner and introduced us all to her equally welcoming and fabulous family.

Zoe also makes me feel lovely physically. Ooerr, not like that you filthy minxes. Zoe helps me create outfits out of the clothes I already have and feel good in them. Despite there being a huge size difference between us (her being a size 8 and me a size 18), I never feel gross or hefty, I just feel, 'yes, Zoe is slim and looks great in disco pants and I am curvy and look smashing in skater dresses'. I don't feel panicked or like I need to improve, I feel as good as. As friend who makes you feel this way is special. 

When we are together, I know I will have a brilliant time. Sure, there will be moments when we both sit in silence, gormlessly starring at the TV/our laptops/our phones/other technologies we are addicted to, but I can guarantee there will also be times when we laugh so hard that I think I might choke. I'm sure a lot of you have seen the bloopers of our videos. Imagine that, but more. 

Whether it's looking after Darcy whilst I do my errands, tidying my dining room and pretending to be busy whilst Matt and I had a ridiculous argument or telling me, 'you know that's not actually how you hold a camera, right?', Zoe is the best of eggs and one I hope I will have for ever. 

Zoe has a YouTube Channel and a Blog


El (or 'Thrifty' as I like to and will from now on call her) is my most recent good egg addition and I couldn't be more pleased.

 (And now I want a floaty yellow skirt dagnamit!)

I had been following her blog for about a year and loved it. I loved the frugal tips and housewifery advice, but mostly I loved the humour and satire and felt I could relate. I loved it so much, that I read every single post ever written, and the side tabs, and her twitter feed. Yes, like a stalker nutjob. I promise I'm not (to you and to her!), but you know when you just enjoy something, you enjoy it!! *Defence over*.

One day a few months ago, I decided to make a video about blogs and websites that I really liked and included hers. I figured that if I liked her blog, and people were watching my videos because they liked my taste/ideas/something/anything, then they would like her too and it was just a bit of happies sharing really. Well in a nutshell, Thrifty saw, we got to talking, we clicked, we had a crazy amount in common and now we speak practically every day and I loves her.

We've only actually 'met' and mooched about together twice, but I feel like I could (and do) tell her anything. Really, anything. At length. I regularly ring her feeling wound up or like I have a weight on my shoulders, and once I've hung up (sometimes over an hour later), I feel so much better, more relaxed and more often than not, the entire problem has been solved.

I love that her and her Husband nip off to the pub on a school night at 10.30 to get one in before last orders, I love that she makes spreadsheets to plan her christmas gifts, I love that once she put egg on her face for a thrifty facepack and photographed it and I love that she always has time for me. Even when her own life if going wonky or she is up the wall busy, she always picks up and cares more than she needs to.

Thrifty has a Blog and a YouTube Channel


Marie Bitsandclips is my chum from across the world and we have never 'met'. We have never had a big hug or gone out to dinner with each other, and yet I have spoken to her and shared more with her than most of my family members. We speak practically every day via skype, and I have big plans to go and see her next year. (Must stop buying glittery shoes!!)

Marie is in this blog post because she has changed my life. Not only because we chat about all things baby (we have Daughters the same age), love the same type of TV programmes, have the similar humours and are fascinated by the same little things, but because Marie made me give going to church a try. Not 'made' as in forced, but I heard her mention it in one of her videos and thought to myself, 'Whhhattttttt a young, normal, funny person goes to church??? Church isn't just for naff fuddy duddys who wear corduroy and water their houseplants on Wednesdays?? Whhhatttttt???'. 

So, I had a little go at this church thing and spent a good few months being VERY sceptical. I questioned every little thing, I picked holes in things, I asked why and how and when and 'surely not'? And in the end, I liked it. It was good.
I'm not sure this blog post is the place to talk about religion, faith and going to church, but Marie knows. She made me see a lot of things differently and I can't tell you how much better I feel for it. 

I feel very privileged to have had so much of Marie's time and thoughts and will continue to pick her brains and share baby milestones and discuss how much we want to drink real Butterbeer in Hogsmead until the cows come home....or as long as she will have me anyway.

Marie has a YouTube Channel and a Facebook profile. NB- If you would like to be her facebook friend (it's a profile not page) then she asks you send her a little PM to tell her why you watch and a bit about yourself. She also only accepts folk with real active accounts. 

Yyyyyyeessss, I know I have gone on and on and gushed about how much I love these women but it's my party and I'll cry if I want to blog and I'll type if I want to. 

Really though, I wanted to explain to you and share with you how much of a difference the internet has made to my life and would love to know if anyone else has had similar experiences (feel free to waffle in the comments)?

Always remember, that when all the sites and feeds and timelines and subscription boxes go to sleep at night, it is your friends that take your lives from good to amazing. I'm so glad I have mine and so glad we found our merry little way to one and other.



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Lady of Vintage. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!  

Friday, 3 August 2012

Glitter Encrusted Shoes of Joy

Aloha Sprinklerios,

Are you ready to swoon? I hope so.

I wasn't planning on blogging today as I am technically on holiday with family, but we popped into Primark in Liverpool and I struck gold. I bought a pair of shoes so very, very special, that I had to photograph them immediately (my in-laws neighbours probably thought the woman kneeling on the drive taking pictures of shoes was slightly nutto) and blog about them straight away. They are just THAT good.

Multi Coloured Glitter Shoes

These heels make my heart skip a beat. They are everything I would want in a pair of 'going out' shoes. 

They are high so your legs will look oh-so-sexual, they have an inbuilt platform so the balls of your feel won't burn and they are 100% smattered in GLITTER!!!!! God I love that sparkly stuff so much. 

That's right, I did lay on the drive to get this close up. You're welcome. 

 In my bedazzled eyes, these shoes will go with EVERYTHING. Imagine these with tanned legs and a LBD. Imagine these with disco pants (not on my body though! Yikes!). Imagine these with a red christmas dress. Imagine these with your pj's if you must, they are simply the best shoes ever.

If you aren't one for glitz, then yes, I can see how these might strike you as a little OTT, but to me, they are like shoes of the gods and I now cannot wait to over wear them!

They were £16 from Primark today, so they should still be in stock near you, if not, I have found some very very similar ones HERE on ebay (and they'll ship internationally too). Good old bay of e.

Rightio, I'm off to the cinema now (hmm would these be too much with leggins? haha) but I couldn't not share these with you.

Are you a fan of dazzling footwear? You'd better be *shakes fist* ;)



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Lady of Vintage. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!