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Thursday, 31 October 2013

Happy Halloween!

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

No doubt once I return from America I will have an absolute flurry of Halloween-esque pictures to fill you with but for now, since today is the day, here is a picture of me in my Halloween outfit at the Daily Mix party last week.

Hope you have a super spooky day!!!



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Ultimate Advertiser - The City Rack. Click HERE for more info.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

My iPhone Life || October 2013

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

After writing 'My iPhone Life || September 2013' I have been enjoying using my phone camera a lot more and am finding myself capturing more and more little moments. 

This week I am in Orlando (I wrote this last week and scheduled it- woooo technology) so I will no doubt have some Disney snaps to share with you next time. Until then, the first half of October was pretty busy!!

May peace prevail on earth. 

This little cat visits my garden all the time and is sooo friendly. I really miss being a cat mummy and can't wait to add kitties to our family in the new year. 

 Darcy leads the way. 

 Autumn skies. 

Halloween sweet treats. 

 The week Zoe came to stay. We filmed countless videos, laughed, ate, sang and talked about future projects. Days like those are brilliant. 

Countryside from the car. I love living in England. 

Buying props for THIS video. 

Autumn roses at Auntie Rose's. 

Another trip to the supermarket, this time with a helper. 

Last weekend I was asked to talk at Wired Magazine's Annual Conference about YouTube which was a huge honour and a great opportunity to meet some really interesting people. 

 Oh hai Eliza Dolittle. She was lovely. We chatted about Appletise and Grandads. 

This is Jack Andraka who is basically going to save the world. THIS is his wiki page which I strongly recommend you read. It makes me so happy and comforted to know there are people like this in the world. He's 16. Crazy.  

Even my Dad enjoyed a set from Eliza. A brilliant end to a wonderful day. 

Halloween Party funsies with VIPXO. 

Tutu twins! Thank you Asos! 

Louise, Queen of the Spiders/Arogog's Wife.  

I really wish I'd iPhone snapped some pictures of me and Zoe but I'm pretty sure she did and they'll be floating round instagram and tumblr if you want to have a search for them. There is also a vlog of the party on my Sprinkle of Chatter channel. 

I stayed in London overnight so had some quiet time in the hotel to catch up on magazines (I'm in Company this month- yay) and start (after hearing everyone RAVE about it) watching Breaking Bad.  

I'm one episode in and can't say I'm too hooked yet. I'm more of a Downton gal I think. 

Even on cloudy days London is gorgeous. 

And now I'm home (I'm writing this on the 23rd) and this is what is at my feet as I type. I bought a new camera and the box it came in has entertained Darcy for about 40 minutes now. I might just get her a load of boxed for Christmas!!

And that's it! Phewf that was a lot! 

What have you been up to this week and what kind of glimpses into my life would you like to see in next months My iPhone Life? 



To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser - The City Rack. Click HERE for more info. 

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Curvy Autumn Lookbook

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Remember my Curvy Summer Lookbook that I made a few months back? Well, with the changing seasons and warmer clothes, I made a new one! Hurray!

I really enjoy making these kind of videos and have plans to make another one of Baby Glitter soon. Last year we made THIS Christmas Lookbook, so hopefully she'll let me film another!!

What sort of clothes are you loving at the moment? 



To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser - The City Rack. Click HERE for more info. 

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Amazing Advertisers || October 2013

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Gosh I've had a marvellous month so far! I've had several adventures with friends and soon I'm jetting off on another adventure with my family to embrace the hotter weather over the pond in Florida! Before we bid farewell to this month however and light up our pumpkins for the Halloween festivities I must introduce you to my lovely October advertisers! I've certainly got a few gems for you this month and I'm excited to share their marvellous blogs with you! 

Are you sitting comfortably? Let's go! 


The City Rack is an online fashion boutique offering everything from dresses to body jewellery. I have been swooning over many of the items on The City Rack I am pleased as punch to have them advertising with me this month. As well as offering affordable clothes, shoes and jewellery, they also have a swish look book style blog which I think is a fabulous idea to demonstrate different ways of styling your wardrobe. I thoroughly recommend a browse of The City Rack ladies, you won’t be disappointed!

Sophie Jane has stayed put once more with Sprinkle of Glitter and I really do enjoy having every month! Sophie has done some fabulous posts this month, including in depth beauty reviews (I’m looking at you, you shimmery Dior lipgloss goodness) and another scrummy culinary post. Sophie is an absolute whizz in the kitchen and this month she shared some healthy smoothie recipes with us. I would also like to wish Sophie a belated happy birthday for the 16th October, let’s all hop on over to Sophie Jane and show some belated birthday love!  

Beau Blushes is an addictive little blog I had the pleasure of sharing with you earlier this year. I’m thrilled to have Beau Blushes advertising with me once more as this blog is addictive! This month has seen some seriously impressive beauty reviews with equally impressive photography, in particular I’ve loved the nails inc reviews, as a self-confessed nail varnish lover I can appreciate a well decorated fingernail or two! Quick, go and have a looksie, you won’t be disappointed!

10 Downing Chick is a newbie to Sprinkle of Glitter this month, it is a ‘little bit of everything’ blog written by the beautiful Becca all the way from Canada! This month I have enjoyed reading Becca’s ‘Links I Love’ in which she shares some of her favourite people and places on the web with us. I have discovered some gems thanks to Becca and I’m sure you will too! Let’s all have a browse of 10 Downing Chick, show Becca some love and discover some new gems together!

A Scottish Lass is another swanky ‘little bit of everything’ blog I am pleased to be sharing with you this month! This blog is absolutely fabulous and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading Laura's posts. As well as writing about all things beauty Laura has shared some personal posts with us this month, including the celebratory plans of her 30th birthday and an emotional post dedicated to the anniversary of the passing of her brother. I would like to wish Laura the happiest of 30ths which she shall be celebrating in New York (how swish) and ask everyone to give A Scottish Lass some blogging love and put a pep in Laura’s step.

Last month Sprinkle of Glitter welcomed the lovely Olivia into this blogging world and I’m thrilled to have her with us this month also! As well as appreciating Olivia’s fabulous DIY chalk board post, I’ve loved Olivia’s creative approach to blogging; in particular I enjoyed the posts ‘my day in photos’ and ‘my celebrity dinner party’. These are marvellous post ideas and something of which I would be interested in seeing more of in future! Liv Loves has proven to be a pleasure to read this month and offers a fun, creative twist on lifestyle blogging.

Tom is another returning advertiser with Sprinkle of Glitter this month and once again I have not been left disappointed with my Daydream in Blue ventures! This month Tom has proven to be the host with the most, the most talent in the kitchen that is! Tom has shared with us some yummy soup, smoothie and kale recipes which I personally think look uh-mazing! By golly, healthy food has never looked so tasty to me! If you’re looking for a healthy recipe or advice on motivation (another fab post), then Tom is your guy this month! 

Gwiyomistyle is another newbie blog to Sprinkle of Glitter this month so another warm welcome is needed! Gwiyomistyle is primarily beauty and fashion related with a slight alternative spin, which I personally love! As well as Gwiyomistyle giving us some fabulous reviews of Asian cosmetics it also offers some other beauty post alternatives, such as wig and coloured contact lenses reviews! I love finding new blogs which offer something a little bit different and I'm excited to have expanded my blogging horizon! 

Firstly, can we all take a moment to appreciate the gorgeous Andini Ria's blue ombre? A girl after my own heart. Secondly, let's compliment the fabulous blog that Andini Ria writes! Adventures of an Anglophile is a blog I would describe as a very classy fashion and beauty blog, it's a blog I love to indulge in. Andini Ria's fashion style rivals those on the red carpet and she really knows how to rock a red lip. If you're a fan of fabulous outfits and swanky perfume collections then Andini Ria is your gal! 

Misadventures of Morgan is another lifestyle blog I have been seriously impressed with this month! As well as offering a very informative university survival post for students this month Morgan has shared her life rambles, travel journeys and gorgeous photography. Misadventures of Morgan is right up my alley! If it's visually pleasing adventure posts you're after than Morgan is the one for you, her travel diaries are certainly top notch, she makes me want to pack a suitcase and pop on a plane! 

And that's your lot! I am thoroughly impressed with my lovelies this month!

If you would like to learn more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out the Sponsor tab up top! 



Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Biscuits, Bears and Baby Glitter

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Last week whilst at my Auntie Jackie's house filming my Autumn Lookbook, Zoe really kindly took some pictures of Darcy on her swishy camera and I couldn't not share them here. 

The bear was given to my Auntie the day she delivered her son Joseph (or 'Joe-fish' as Darcy calls him) who is 12 now and I *think* the rings are Jackie's wedding ones, I'll have to ask. 

Either way, these snaps just melt my heart a bit and make me want to get them all framed and give them out as Christmas gifts to the family. What do you think? 

Feeling very grown up with a ring on her thumb. 

Smiling at 'Joe-fish' who was playing peekaboo. 

Joe-fish is too funny!


I know the last one is blurry but hello, a baby kissing a teddy bear, just stop! *Clenches teeth with sweetness overload*

Documenting Darcy's life is such a pleasure to me and I can't wait to have a million more of these perfect little moments.

I hope you are all having a great midweek, I'm sending sparkly hugs your way.



To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser - The City Rack. Click HERE for more info. 

Monday, 21 October 2013

Education Young and Old || Monday Insights #6

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Good Monday to you! This is our last week of Monday Insights until the new year and so I will need to think up a new Monday feature! I'm finding myself speeding up in YouTube world, rushing about in home and family world but slowing a little in blog world (somethings gotta give!) so it will hopefully be something short and sweet to start the week off. Does that sound good to you?

If this is the first Monday Insights you have ever read and you don't understand what on earth is going on, click HERE for the original post explaining the whole shibang. 

This week our topic is-

Education Young and Old

When you were in secondary school what did you think you wanted to study when you got older?

I had no idea. I spent secondary school focused on my GCSE's and the social politics that goes with most schools (unfortunately). 

When you were doing your A Levels and GCSEs did you have any idea what you wanted to do when you were older? 

By A-Levels I had a bit more of an idea because I was doing Psychology as one of my choices and really enjoyed it so decided to carry it on at uni. At about 16 I decided I wanted to be a Councillor or Psychotherapist. 

How did you manage to cope with friendship breakdowns (if there were any), hormones and boys whilst trying to focus on work in exam years when at school/sixth form?

With great difficulty. I went to an all girls school so boys weren't really and issue but bitchy girls certainly were. There were about 5 girls in my class who I socialised with but were awful to me (and everyone else). They made me miserable on a daily basis and really pushed my self esteem down. Looking back I should have just walked away and been confident enough to spend lunchtimes alone but I foolishly chose crappy company over solitude. Their behaviour effected me so much during my GCSE's that I moved to a new school to do my A-Levels. 

How did you make new friends at Uni? Do you have to join lots of clubs and societies?

Making friends at Uni came really naturally because everyone was in the same boat. Everyone was new and everyone was looking to make friends. I joined clubs and societies but most of my friends came from living in Halls of Residence. 

What was Uni like for you when you just started? Was it hard to make friends and did you feel at all homesick?

Amazing. I felt an exhilarating sense of freedom and relished my new found responsibilities. I made friends with the people I lived with an although the first week was a bit tricky in terms of homesickness, I soon overcame it and settled in. My advice to have a great start would be not to say no to things because you don't feel up to them, but to push yourself out of your comfort zone a bit and go and do things. If you really hate them you can always say you feel poorly and go home.

Whilst you were at college/ uni did you ever get confused as to what you wanted to do and did you ever worry about the "big girl world" once you left? 

Yes, definitely, I think everyone did/does. It never worried me for too long though because I just thought, 'I'll cross that bridge when I get to it' and carried on enjoying what I was doing in that week. 

I had a bad time through secondary school and am now considering doing an adult learning course for GCSE's and A-Levels but most people say this is almost cheating, what are your thought on Adult learning courses to achieve A-Levels without going to college?

My thoughts are that they are fantastic. If you can stay in school and do your GCSE's or A-Levels then I would encourage you to take that route, but if you have already left the go for it. A friend of mine had a lot of home issues as a teenager and so missed a lot of her education. She has since gone on to have a daughter about Darcy's age, do her qualifications through adult learning and is now at university studying to be a midwife. 

I have also completed a few adult learning courses for recreation (they do all sorts, not just academic topics) and think they are a great option for people who want to do something extra. 

Did you enjoy university, and what were some of the best and also most challenging things about university?

I loved it. The best thing about it was the freedom to plan my own day without oppressive parents but the most challenging was budgeting and planning my money. I cut it pretty fine sometimes!

I'm in 9th grade now (I'm 15) and in 3 months I have to apply for 3 schools that I would like to go study at for 3 more years but in all honesty I'm so tired of everything that has anything to do with school that I don't know what to do. Any advice?

Firstly, you're not alone. Nobody skips through a decade or so of education and sings its praises the whole way through. There are times when it's a total slog. I'd say apply for schools and then if by the time it comes to actually going to them you really can't face it and you have made a well informed decision, don't do it. But, by then you might feel a bit better, might have spoken to more people and might decide it is the right option for you. Don't burn any bridges just yet. 

How did you decide what to study at university? What would you suggest for people like me who don't know what they want to do after school and are very anxious about finishing school because of this?

I didn't fully know what I wanted to do but I was leaning in the direction of Psychotherapist/listening to people. I really enjoyed Psychology and Biology in school so I picked those thinking they kind of fitted with my future plans. If I'm honest, I didn't give it as much thought as I should have but at 16 it's a huge task. Go with what makes you happy because you're the one that will be up at 2am finishing assignments. 

Would you recommend taking a gap year?

I'm didn't do one myself so it's hard to say. What I do know though is that if Darcy or my Sister wanted to take one in the future I would be really excited and supportive. I think if used properly they can really enrich your life and develop you as an individual. 

Do you have any tips for saving money when all you want to do is spend (how to budget during your school and uni life)??

Before I started uni my Dad and I sat down and made a spreadsheet of things I was likely to need money for. The obvious ones are food, socialising, travel, books etc but don't forget to include things like haircuts and birthday presents too. Try to stick to your budget by taking cash out each week and putting it in an envelope and only using what you have. So for example, if your £30 socialising envelope is empty by Thursday, don't be tempted to dip into your £40 food shopping envelope to cover it. You will live to regret little decisions like that! 

Now that you're out of school, do you ever find yourself missing learning and do you still find yourself learning new things each day?

When I first left I really missed learning and felt like my brain was dying a little bit. To combat this I did a couple of adult learning courses which I really enjoyed. Since then I have discovered blogging and the online world which keeps me thinking and makes me really happy. 

When does Darcy start school/nursery?

Darcy is due to start school in September 2015 and we are already looking at places we want to send her :)

Did you have a part time job when you were at Uni / would you recommend getting one to cover the living expenses? Did you have a timetable for Uni or where your lectures at different times every week?

You do get a set timetable each semester (term) and yes I did have a few little part time jobs. Have a job is great because it helps you earn a bit of money and keeps you afloat. At the time I resented missing out on a few social things but the financial benefit outweighed that and so yes, I would recommend looking for one. 

What was your most embarrassing high school memory?

Being in the changing rooms with my whole class after swimming and before I had put ANY clothes on, falling flat on my back infront of everyone. Serious cringe. 

How do you feel about the goverments new plans for education, and how this will effect Darcy?

This is absolutely a question for my Husband who is really into this sort of thing as he is a Teacher. I on the otherhand don't know enough about it to have a proper opinion but trust that the government usually want what's best for the nation. (And realise I might be the only person that thinks this haha). 


And there ends the last Monday Insights of 2013. 

I hope you have enjoyed this series as much as I have. I really enjoy having a specific thing on a Monday and so will think of another soon. I think the next one will be a little less labour intensive though as I said, things are crazy town round here at the moment!

In the comments today, please do let me know what kind of blog posts you like to see the most because I can feel my inspiration dwindling and I want this to still be a fun place!



To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser - The City Rack. Click HERE for more info. 

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Wonderforest The Wizz

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Just a little Sunday update to let you in on some great news from my friend Dana.

To fill you in, Dana is the very clever lady who does most of my design work for me, as well as running her own blog, writing e-books and now, making games and apps. What a woman!

(Image pinched from Dana's blog) 

Dana asked me if I would mind sharing with you that she has created a new game called Wondercorn which is about a terribly cute unicorn trying to find his way to Pleasure Mountain. It's also suitable for all ages so I'm happy to have it on my phone even though Darcy likes to click about on there. The fact that it is so pink and girly and purdy is just an added bonus!!

If you would like to learn more about it or you just fancy giving Dana a little stalk, click HERE for all the details.

What are you favourite games right now?



To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser - The City Rack. Click HERE for more info. 

Friday, 18 October 2013

Fashion and Beauty Favourites

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

This week on my YouTube Channel I finally, finally uploaded a beauty video. I go through phases with what kind of content I want to make but I feel like I might be getting back into the beauty grove and that's just great. 

I made quite an 'oldschool' video, in that it's 20 minutes long and hoped that people wouldn't mind me waffling on about bibbits and bobbits and it turns out, they didn't- yay. 

This week I have another fashiony video coming out and the week after that it's a Mummy Haul. Happy happy all round.

I hope your week's are going well and if you have any requests for future videos please do let me know in the comments.



To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser - The City Rack. Click HERE for more info. 

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Autumn Activities

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Oh yeah, I'm getting Autumnal up in yo' faces again. I just can't help myself. 

With a serious lust for the golden leafed season, I took to Pinterest to find inspiration for sweet and easy little projects that I can do by myself or with my Baby Glitter to bring a bit more Autumn into the home. 

If you would like to see the original articles that all of these images came from, HERE is the link to the board and you can go show them some luurrvvvee. Oh I'm feeling sassy today!

I would never have thought to put leaves in vases the way you do flowers but set against the blue, this is a gorgeous look. As luck would have it, I have some blue glassware so I'm excited to collect my foliage! (Did I just say 'foliage'?) 

Easy and cheerful. Matt and Darcy will both love this. Use a sharpie to ensure the pen marks don't smudge off. 

I am a chronic glass jar saver so I know what I'm going to do with them this week!

I love alternatives to carving pumpkins as I simply cannot deal with the mess and smell -urgh. This idea is super cute, easy and appeals to the crafty Mama. It's also something the tiniest of hands can get involved in. 

I'm not a big caramel fan but I'm going to use this as inspiration and find something to put in hollowed out apples to dip. I'm thinking maybe peanut butter?

Darcy would absolutely love this and it would be so easy to make. Not only would it be fun for her but it would also open up opportunities to learn new vocabulary and experience new textures. 

If I give some of these a go I will be sure to report back on how well they went. Would you be interested in trying any of these out? What kind of things do you do project-wise at this time of year?



To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser - The Luxury Beauty Company. Click HERE for more info.