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Monday, 14 October 2013

The Everyday Mundane || Monday Insights #5

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Happy Monday to you! The start of a new week to turn over a new leaf and achieve your goals.

If you are confused as to what this feature is, hop on over to THE ORIGINAL POST where you can fill yourself in.

The topic for this week is -

The Everyday Mundane

What are the dynamics between you, Matt &  Darcy in everyday life? Do you ever worry you are spending too little time with one or the other or do YOU ever feel left out when they are together? I've often wondered if its hard to see your hubby giving lots of love and attention to the other girl in his life sometimes.

The dynamics in our family are quite traditional I think. I'm more feminine in my behaviour than Matt and am all about choosing her outfits and putting clips in her hair and Matt loves to take her to parks and on walks and do outdoorsy things. It's only ever wonderful to see Darcy and Matt get on so well. He is as much her parent as I am and plays an equal role in her life. It brings me joy to see them together. Smoosh-tastic answer there! 

I´ve always wondered what your opinion on feminism is? Because you seem like a really girly person with lots of glitter and pink in your life, and have you ever thought about that it might contribute to the "girly" society (you know that a girl is so petite and fragile and oh so weak, they only wear pink and they poop glitter etc). And you seem to dress Darcy very girly too, I´m not at all saying it´s a bad thing, it´s your own choice of course! I was just curious if your doing a deliberate choice, for example dressing Darcy in almost always pink(ish) and not so much "boyish" clothes? 

What a good question! My stance on feminism is this - it's about choice. I choose to be girly and wear pink and dress Darcy in a similar fashion and I am free to make those choices. If another Mother chose to dress her Daughter in more unisex or masculine clothes then I would respect her because she is making her own choices. I think the problem arises when women are forced to make choices or settle for options they are not happy with or that are out of their hands. I want Darcy to grow into a woman who can make her own free decisions and choose a life that pleases her and makes her happy. I want my little girl not to think that looking like a barbie doll is important but to place value on strength of character, good values and high morals. If we choose to do those things whilst wearing clothes that make us feel nice, then I don't think that's a bad thing. 

Choice and free will are key. At the moment Darcy is 2 so I make her choices but once she is old enough, we can reassess and go from there. 

Do you ever feel as if your life is becoming very monotonous and repetitive? What do you do when feeling like this? I know you must appreciate having Darcy and Matt and that you "love the small things in life" but do you ever just want to drive to see Zoe for a week and not have to worry about anything?

There are absolutely times when I would love to just jump in my car, fill up with petrol and drive off on my own and do whatever I like, but the facts are I can't do that. When I chose to get married and planned our family I knew that I would loose a certain amount of freedom and frankly, it's crap. I wish you could still be as carefree and adventurous. I do love the little things in life and I do obviously love having my family but yes, things can become repetitive. When I feel like that I plan mini adventures for myself. It's easy for me to go to London for a day or do things that don't involve overnight stays so I just have a lot of fun doing them. If I want to go away for a week (like for Playlist or Vidcon) I have to ask my inlaws if they will stay and help Matt with Darcy and basically, if they can't, I can't go. Fortunately they always jump at the chance of some baby-time (as they live far away and don't see her very much) so everyone is usually a winner. Lucky me!

How did you manage to keep track of homework when you were at school? I always get sidetracked and procrastinate and end up not doing well on the homework. How to manage those things now, like your youtube? 

Basically I didn't. I was rubbish at writing things down and was often in a pickle. I would advise you to get a homework diary and use it religiously, no matter how time consuming or boring it is. Nowadays I have a notes on my phone that I use or jot things down each day to remind me to do certain tasks. Saying that, I'm writing this in a hurry on a Saturday night because Zoe will shortly be here and I should've done this on Friday morning!

My boyfriend and I just got a place and it will be available later in the week. We are furnishing it ourselves and while we have a few days I'm already thinking about the dishes to buy how to style the place. He's pretty simple, and I'm very into modern, fashionable, current things. What's a great way to blend the two and how did you and Matt do it?

Erm I'm afraid I can be no help here because I just insisted on what I wanted and didn't back down! Haha! Matt is really easy going and just doesn't care, so that helps. He has a couple of rooms in the house (woah, rooms I haven't filmed in!!) that are completely his and he has decorated to his style so he is pleased with his 'man space' and I'm pleased with my girly bedroom. Sorry I couldn't help you more. 

What are some of Darcy's favourite games to play with you and Matt?

Darcy loves to play hide and seek (she always hides behind the lounge door), story books (where we read it to her and then she reads it to us), kitchens (where she makes us invisible food and we say how delicious it was) and babies. 

What is you favourite part of your day to day life? and how is it different to your "Youtube days" so to speak?

My favourite part of 'home life' is when Matt gets home from work, cooks dinner and we all just play together and mooch about. Then he puts Darcy to bed and I can hear him reading a story and I feel realllllyyyy relaxed. My 'YouTube days' are entirely different. They are very go go go and exciting. None are the same (as you may have seen from my vlogs) and they are full of a lot of laughter. I love having both kinds of days and enjoy the balance it brings me. 

What's your favorite thing to snack on?

All the things I shouldn't! Bad Louise. 

I want to ask, what are the house chores you, well, aren't too skilled at? for me it's definitely cooking! and which ones come easily to you?

House chores I enjoy are cleaning the kitchen and hoovering. The ones I HATE and am rubbish at are cooking and keeping on top of laundry. I'm over run by clothes!

Is it sometime difficult to have a job (I think it is your job hope I am not wrong!!!) Involving staying at home all day and not having any contact with colleagues or a boss etc? 

it's not difficult  but there are certainly days I would like a bit of company. On those days I just ring friends, go on Skype or arrange to visit someone. For all the downsides my job has, there are a hundred up sides :)

Do you cook or you prefer eating in a restaurant/have your food delivered/cooked by someone else on daily bases? If you cook, do you cook different food for Darcy?

I don't cook unless I absolutely must and when I do it's a shambles. I can just about microwave soup. Matt cooks all our dinners (I can make little lunches for me and Darcy of course) but we quite often eat out. Darcy is well behaved (mostly) in restaurants and we enjoy the social aspect of it. Most Friday nights we have our good friends Mark and Clare round and we have takeaway. Mmmm fooooood. 

Do you have a huge amount of glittery things in your home?

Hahaha yes! So many! I'm like a magpie. Anything that shimmers or twinkles catches my eye and I just think it's so beautiful. I never understand people who don't like glitter because really, look at it! It's mesmerising. If I could paint every wall in the house glittery and have sparkly carpet I totally would. 


And that's us done for this week's Monday Insights. I hope some of that was new information or something you enjoyed reading. Next week is going to be the last in this year's feature (I'll bring it back for 2014) and the topic will be - 


This is your chance to ask anything you like about nursery, school, collage, uni, adult learning course and everything inbetween. I will accept questions up until Thursday night and look forward to seeing what comments you leave!



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  1. When you were in secondary school what did you think you wanted to study when you got older?

  2. When you were doing your A Levels and GCSEs did you have any idea what you wanted to do when you were older? x

  3. baby glitter is so cutee!!

  4. What a lovely read. Did you know what you wwanted to be when you grew up?

  5. How did you manage to cope with friendship breakdowns (if there were any), hormones and boys whilst trying to focus on work in exam years when at school/sixth form?

  6. How did you make new friends at Uni? Do you have to join lots of clubs and societies?

  7. This was great. What did you want to be when you were older because that is a question I am always asked ah

  8. Hi Louise! I'm loving this series! It's so nice that you've answered all kinds of questions, which you could just have simply ignored, so elegantly. I want to ask, what was Uni like for you when you just started? Was it hard to make friends and did you feel at all homesick? Also, did you/those around you, all know what they wanted to do after Uni? Thanks! xxx

  9. These were some really good questions, and the answers were great insights of them as well. Loved this post.

    Jes | Naturally Jes

    1. And the Day in The Life video was really good. You should make more! :)

  10. Hi Louise,

    Whilst you were at college/ uni did you ever get confused as to what you wanted to do and did you ever worry about the "big girl world" once you left? I know i did, Please tell me im not the only one! :-) xxx

  11. I do not have any question for you but I just love reading these posts ! Thanks for thinking of this concept and taking the time to answer !

  12. I had a bad time through secondary school and am now considering doing an adult learning course for GCSE's and A-Levels but most people say this is almost cheating, what are your thought on Adult learning courses to achieve A-Levels without going to college?

    Amazing blog! I always look forward to your posts and love seeing how big and grown up Darcy is getting, Have a nice day! xx

  13. Did you enjoy university, and what were some of the best and also most challenging things about university? Thanks Louise xx <3

  14. I love these posts!
    You're such an amazing woman Louise, I like your very much <3


  15. Loved reading this<3
    I'm in 9th grade now (I'm 15) and in 3 months I have to apply for 3 schools that I would like to go study at for 3 more years but in all honesty I'm so tired of everything that has anything to do with school that I don't know what to do. Any advice?
    xoxo Maddie

  16. How did you decide what to study at university? What would you suggest for people like me who don't know what they want to do after school and are very anxious about finishing school because of this? Thanks Louise xx <3

  17. Would you recommend taking a gap year? Thanks Louise xx <3

  18. What was your Uni experience like? How did you find your first few weeks/freshers?
    Loving these posts, so interesting to hear your thoughts/experiences! x

  19. This was such a cute little video, and Q&A. I especially loved your answer to the feminist question that it is all about choice. I hate how certain forms of feminism have turned out to be so very limiting. So, thank you. :)

  20. Hi Louise! I'm sorry that this is more of a social-sided question, but I was wondering how you made friends in school/ university when most people have already established their own friend groups already? I just joined theatre at my school and I'm finding it really hard to be comfortable around new people.

    Thank you, Louise! And I loved the post as always! <3 :)

  21. Hi Louise! I'm in my first year of uni right now but they only thing is that I am taking 3 courses(I'm done in march!) at my local uni because I need them to get into the program that I really wanna wanna to.But I am starting to doubt if uni is really the right thing for me,I am not enjoying it one bit,might just be that I am taking 3 science courses that I hate but I think that it's the whole dynamic around it.I don't enjoy myself and I cry myself to sleep most night because I'm so unhappy with where I'm at.I just turned 20 last week and I feel like all my friends are in a good place in their lives and I'm just stuck here spending my first year of my 20's studying and doing stuff that only makes me hate life.Did you ever feel out of place or went trough something like this? Would love some help.Much Love , Emma.

  22. How do I decide what I should study at uni? I have absolutely no idea what I want to do when I'm older, the only thing that remotely appeals to me is wedding & event planning, but I've no idea what I should study at uni! I'm Australian so I have to decide in the next few weeks, so I was wondering if you have any advice about choosing a course? Should I do something specific to lead towards a certain job or should I just do something broad that could lead me to 10000 different opportunities?

  23. I know this isn't quite school related, but I was just wondering about how you learnt at home - because as a small child and during primary school years (even into secondary school) I know that girls learn a lot from their mothers - too much to describe really. So I was wondering how - with your mother passing away when you were quite young and having a stepmother who did not sound like a nice person at all- you learnt those kinds of lessons. What sort of female role models did you have?

  24. Just read through this & saw your comment about sparkly carpets..just want to throw it out there that you actually can get carpets with sparkly bits in...I'm not a weird carpet lover by the way, my parents run their own carpet shop :) haha
    Anna :)

  25. Hi Louise :D think I love you a bit of a lot (In a nice friendly, none freaky way ha) Anyway, I had to give up college last month as my anxiety and panic attacks got in the way (again) and now I'm studying from home. I feel like I need to go to uni for me to get a decent career but I couldn't even do college let alone uni! Do you think uni is important? I'd love to work from home but I'm unsure how to start and I only have a few qualifications which would probs make it impossible. I'm 21 by the way and never had a job due to anxiety. Oh how life's a scary thing haha. Thank you Sarah xxx

    -Sarah Speaks

  26. How did you manage to survive uni?! And how difficult was it to find a house for second year/decide on who you were going to live with?

  27. I'm currently a first year at uni, and I'm finding it super difficult. I'm thinking about dropping out. My course isn't what I wanted it to be, and I don't know what to do!
    Did you ever find it difficult being at uni? and what made you ultimately enjoy it?

    (seriously, thank god you exist you always cheer me up!)

  28. Thanks for you sharing your thought and experience with us. I have read your article and let me tell you, your blog gives the best and most interesting information. I love the post and especially loved your answer to the feminist question that it is all about choice. Regards

  29. Louise, i often struggle with stress and coping with everything. Its my first year of exams in secondary school this year, do you have any tips on how to cope with exams and pressure to do well? Your videos and blog posts are always very interesting and a great help! xx

  30. I like the range of questions you picked and answered to, your response to the last one made me smile. I love glitter and how cool would that be if your whole house was filled with it!? What i'd like to ask is: Is there any tips you could give to making moving into uni accommodation a little less scary to deal with? I just have an image of phoning home and begging to come back haha!

    Essence of Jess

  31. Hey Louise! First I just want to say how much of an inspiring person you are :) I've never moved to a new school before and was wondering if it's hard to make new friends when you go to uni? And do you have any tips for saving money when all you want to do is spend (how to budget during your school and uni life)??

  32. You are such a role model Louise... as a mom to Darcy, a husband to Matt and even as a friend to Zoe and the rest of the gang. I love how you share your life to everyone thereby inspiring so many people. I am so glad that I bumped into your blog and YouTube channel. I enjoyed watching the video and I didn't notice that it was almost half an hour long! Even your lengthy post was so lovely to read I didn't notice the time. More power Louise and stay sweet!

    Anne's Scribbles and Doodles

  33. So cute! lovely video!

  34. Hi Louise! I have about one year to decide whether I want to go to university abroad or not. I'm thinking about going to the USA. I want to go because it's an amazing oppurtunity that would help me understand the world and myself more. But I'm quite afraid because so many things could go wrong and because I live in Estonia, my friends and family would be living on the other side of the world. Do you have any tips or words of encouragement to me and other students in similar situation?

  35. Do You think that people should have a degree? Is it more respected? I noticed that it's really hard to find a job when you just don't have one. I live in Poland and most of the people going to "college" or uni pass it easily. It's not really a big deal here. But the thing is that I don't want to go to college. I can't find anything from my interests in there. What should I do? I'm in the age of making life-changing decisions which I'm not ready for. Obviously I'm not asking You where should I go from here, but I simply want to know your opinion on it. I was also considering going away (like to another country), but I'm also afraid that it looks the same everywhere.
    Ps. I really enjoy watching your videos and I respect your opinion. And of course I really really like you and your little family :)

  36. Hi Louise can I just say I am loving Mondays on your Blog.
    My question is I'm not at this stage yet (by that I mean I don't have a baby :( ) but one thing that scares the Bejesus out of me is Potty Training, I mean how are you gonna get something that has been peeing and pooing at will for the past 2-3 years to know when they are gonna go and that they have to wait to get to a loo? are you potty training Darcy? any tips?

    Sarah xx

  37. Hi Louise!

    I have two questions for you regarding education! Now that you're out of school, do you ever find yourself missing learning and do you still find yourself learning new things each day? And my second questions is how did you decide what university to go to?

    Thank you so much for doing this Louise! Much love to you, Matt, and little Darcy!


  38. What was your time at 6th form like, & how did you manage to balance all the work with your social life ??
    Also, when does Darcy start school/nursery ??

  39. How did you cope leaving your family and comfort behind when you left for uni? I'm hopefully going and I'm terrified, I don't feel I could cope with feeding myself, managing money, bills, cleaning and on top of a social life and my studies! Also, how did you manage to pay for everything/pay off loans? xx

  40. What advice would you give to someone who absolutely hates uni but quitting is just not an option? x

  41. I'm in my second year of uni, and last week I almost changed my course to something completely different as I don't really feel like it's for me anymore (I study criminology and psychology). I have no idea what I'd like as career and it sometimes gets me down as I feel so lost! Any advice for people who feel lost/ wanting to change career paths?

    p.s. You, Matt and Darcy are adorable.. I hope to have a cute little family like yours one day! xx

  42. Hi Louise!
    I just started studying full time with the OU, at the age of 26, and am also working pretty much full time. It's quite a struggle keeping up with it all and I dont want my uni work to suffer. What 'smaller' jobs would you recommend to go alongside studying?

  43. Hiya! what gcse did you do ? what did u enjoy about them and what grades did you get?xx

  44. I can't wait until you have your second baby! He or she will be just as beautiful as Darcy is xxxx And of course U can't wait for Zoe to have a little baby of her own! (if she choose's to) xxx <3

  45. What do you have to do at college? I want to take a childcare course and I know I have to take a levels as well but apart rom that I'm clueless! Xxx

  46. I loved this video! I also love the fact that you answer our questions on a regular basis.

  47. Thank you for that next topic, I think that's gonna be really helpful :)

    Did you have a part time job when you were at Uni / would you recommend getting one to cover the living expenses? Did you have a timetable for Uni or where your lectures at different times every week? :)


  48. do you like to read books still or were you glad those days were over? I used to be such a bookworm but then i found blogging and instagram/twitter..etc, and i never read anymore! If you do enjoy book's what type of book do you like?

  49. Hi Louise!
    I'm trying to choose my course for uni next year but I'm really starting to doubt myself in what I have always thought that I want to study. Were you always 100% certain that you wanted to do psychology or did you go through any phases of uncertainty? Do you have any ideas how I could make my mind up once and for all?

    Hannah xx

  50. Lovely post as always :D i LOVE watching your videos :)

    Alex ox.

  51. I'm currently in Year 10 and we have to do work experience this year. I'm not sure if you did that when you were at school but, if you did, what did you do for it?

  52. How did you decide what you wanted to do as a career?

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Lovely video. My question is: I really want to be an actress or even a drama teacher when I'm older. I know it's tough in that business but I'm very contentious and would work hard for it, the thing is, my dad dosnt agree with me. My parents don't approve if my career choice and I dont know whether follow my dream or their dream... xxx

  55. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  56. loved this vlog! I often think your life is super glamorous but it's nice to see a mommy day! I'm a mom as well and your daughter reminds me some much of my own, I think they're around the same age

  57. haha seems like matt does all the work, eh? cooks, puts Darcy to sleep etc? He comes back from work and HE cooks for you? Um, u stay at home and you can't be bothered with food can you?

  58. Have you got any studying tips and any on how to try keep me from not getting distracted? Emily xxx

  59. When you were 17 and in your last year of sixth form, did you know what you wanted to do and how did you get into it? Loads of my friends are all applying for unis but I just can't see myself there, do you have any advice on how I can get into the make up industry beacuse its what i love to do? <3 xxxxx

  60. Darcy is beyond cute. I know you must get this a lot but she is truly the most beautiful toddler ever. I'm not just saying that. Sure other babies are cute but Darcy's got something special. I think it might be those big eyes and eyelashes and her personalty ´:)
    Plus she's from Northampton so woop woop! Anyone that's from Northampton is instantly cool in my books:) You can tell dear Darcy that xxx

  61. How can you balance doing what makes you happy (hanging out with friends, participating in clubs and things) and concentrating on school? Sometimes I feel I'm wasting the best years because I have so much schoolwork to do! :)

  62. I will soon be making the transition from high school to university. What are your tips for this big shift in life (as I do feel a bit overwhelmed at the moment)?

  63. Hello! I was wondering whether when you where fourteen did you know what you wanted to do? I'm fourteen and I am looking for work experience all my friends have their work experience sorted but I don't simply because I have no idea what to do? So did you ever have your heart set on one job or not?xxxxxxx

  64. I love reading your content Louise and watching your videos :) there's always that spark in you that I think cheers everyone up!! :)

  65. When you were doing your A levels or at Uni, did it ever occur to you that you would get into blogging and youtube? And was it difficult for you to get into that career? :) xox

  66. I always love reading your blog posts and watching your videos. Darcy was absoultely adorable in your Day In The Life. I kept finding myself awwwwing constantly. hahah

  67. I'm a second year college student, and this time around I'm really lacking the motivation to buckle down and get serious with schoolwork. Were there any moments where you were just stuck? I think I need a proverbial kick in the butt.

    Allison (

  68. Hi Louise, would you be interested in being a guest speaker for my class project? :)

  69. Baby Glitter is the cutest child ever

  70. Hey :)
    I'm from Switzerland and I've always wondered how school is in England. In Switzerland you go to school for 9 years and if you want you can go for another 4 years and then you can go to university. How does this work in England?

  71. I've just started Year Ten and I'm already thinking about what I'd like to do at university (english and journalism mixed degree) and a lot of people have told me that I'm just too young to be thinking about this and it might change in years to come. What do you think about it?

  72. Loved the video Louise! Darcy is so adorable :)


  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. You answered my question! Thank you so much Louise! You totally made my day! :) <3

  75. Did you have trouble figuring out what you wanted to do after university? If so how did you stay motivated to do work and assignments?

  76. I have just finished college and I am going to work for the year before I apply to uni. How do you know if it is the right time for you? I really want to travel and get some life experience behind me but I don't feel ready to study for four years. I do want to go to university eventually and I don't want to disappoint my parents by telling them I would rather do other things first.

    -Sarah x

  77. I loved these Monday Insights and I'm sad to see them go :( I really enjoyed this one as it's a nice window into your everyday life.

    Ring-a-Round a Rosey

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. This year is my third year of university and sometimes I feel like I can't do it anymore because I really dislike my coursework. What advice do you have on staying motivated and pushing yourself to do the things you don't want to do like school work? Thanks! I'm loving the series!

  80. Hello Louise! Loved the post today, enjoyed reading through them all! My Question for next time is - How did you decide what you wanted to study in college/Uni? I am in High School and everyone is telling me that I need to decide soon but I have no idea! I'm really bad at deciding things, haha! I am interested in so many different subjects, it's hard to pick just one, and I know the one I'll pick will impact my life in a certain way. I don't know what path I want to take, what if I'm not happy with it later? It might be too late to go back! I don't know, what did you do? Thanks!

  81. Hi Louise - lovely post as usual! My question for next Monday - When people say High School counts in Uni, how much does it really? Did you take Advanced Courses in High School? How much did they help in your college classes; did your university give you credit for them? Thanks! <3

  82. brilliant morning read. Enjoyed the little vlogs you have done this past week too

    Carrieanne x


  83. I'm in my 2nd year at Uni and have no idea what I want to do when I graduate and it's really worrying me! Did you have any plans for what you wanted to do after Uni or have you got any tips for helping to decide what to do/be? :)

  84. I love your blogs and I also love your youtube channel<3

  85. would you like to follow each other with GFC and Bloglovin?

    xxx from The Netherlands

  86. You've decided to stay home because of Darcy. Could you imagine to start working again and if yes when?
    Do you think a job with very long labour times could go with a family wish?
    I'm thinking about my future wishes lately. I go to university and study medicine, so my job is going to be very time-consuming, but on the other hand I really want to have a family.
    I think it would be interesting to find out what a "stay-home-mom" (sorry, for this expression, I'm not from England and where very bad in english class :D) says about it.

  87. When you were in school, did you know what you wanted to be? What would you have been if you weren't a youtuber/blogger? Do you think it's important to know what you want to do when you are older, whilst you are going through school? What did you want to be when you were younger? Could you imagine being anything other than a youtuber/blogger? If so, what?

  88. It's so odd how fascinating other peoples every day lives are! I am an avid Shaytards fan and sometimes when I think about it I realize how odd it is to be watching people simply living their lives.


  89. Great post again! Hope you're well.
    Kaite x

  90. I love your stance on feminism, it's what I agree with completely! I love these insights, they're super interesting reads!

  91. I liked how you responded to the feminism question. It's so true

  92. Hi Louise! I have just started my first year at college and am finding it really hard. I suffer from anxiety and everything I do is a challenge. I was wondering if you had any tips on how to 'survive' college?

  93. If you don't mind me asking what did you take for your GCSE options and how did you find them?! P.s. I absolutely love your blog :D

  94. How did you choose your uni course? It's so difficult and there is so much pressure!

  95. Hey Louise! I am really unsure about what job I want to pursue in the future but I feel pressured to decide because all my friends know what they want to do,even though I'm only 14. What did you want to do when you were 14 and did you ever feel pressured to make decisions before you were ready?xx

  96. hey louise, i just wanted to say that i really enjoyed your day in the life video it was so nice to watch and somehow set an all cosy comfy mood:D love that you are so honest and positive about things!
    and as to the other readers i saw some very interesting questions in the comments:)

  97. hi Louise,

    if you weren't a blogger/vlogger, what kind of career do you think you would have?

  98. your positivity is really inspiring :) How did you know what you wanted to do after uni?? I've just graduated and am still clueless!

    New post: DIY skin brightener :) | TigerlilyBeautyBlog


  99. Hi Louise! I love your videos and posts! I recently changed school to a totally different "environment" from my old school. I had lots of friends and felt comfortable about it, but now, even though I do have some friends, I don´t feel like I´m part of the school, or the people i´m with. Do you have any advice or tips for this? xx

  100. Hey Louise, did you go to a co-ed high school or an all-girls school? Have you got any tips for surviving whichever one you went to? I think they both have their pros and cons :)

  101. This is more about lessons learned that about traditional "school education". I feel like a lot of people concentrate on lessons they learn from bad experiences, but what is the most important lesson you've learned from a good experience or from how a friend or loved one treats you/others?

    I really enjoy your youtube channel and blog. Darcy is such a beautiful girl and is so lucky to have such a wonderful and caring mother.

  102. What was your most embarrassing high school memory? If you can remember.

  103. Hi! I am a quiet person who prefers staying in than going out, and I am off to uni next year. I'm worried that I'll be teased because I'll be the only one not going out to nightclubs etc. Did you like partying when you were at uni or if not, was there anyone else who liked the quiet life that you could be friends with?

  104. How do you feel about choosing a nursery for Darcy? Are you glad she will get to interact with other kids as she's the only child at home, or are you sad she's growing up? Or, of course, have you decided she is better off with you than at a nursery? :)

  105. Im in my final year of college and feel like im running out of time to decide what to do when i leave, everyone on my course are set on going to uni but i just dont know! All through secondary school i said i wouldn't go because i thought uni was a waste of time and money, Also i change my mind every other day about whether to carry on with what im doing now,
    Also my mum dosnt think id be able to cope with the stress and pressure of uni as im known for being a stress head, can you offer any advice?

  106. Im unsure on going uni next year and feel like im running out of time to decide what to do, there is so much i need to do regarding visits, personal statements and UCAS that im struggling to fit it all in with my current coursework, its stressing me out big time
    Any advice?

  107. I am trying to decide what to do next year after college, things at home are not too good at the moment as my dad has Dementia which has started getting a lot worse, Going uni would mean I could get away from a stressful family situation but would give me new stuff to stress about (Im a stress head), also i am worried about leaving my mum to cope with my dad and young sister on her own as they can be a handful at times,

    I know i shouldn't be letting these things affect my decision but its hard, any advice?

  108. I am at University at the moment studying Photography. As you have been to america many times I would like to ask are there many opportunities there in the creative sector? It kind of scares me not knowing whether a degree will help me or not.

  109. Really enjoy reading your answers! What subjects did you study at GCSE, A Level and at uni? Do you wish you had chosen other subjects in hindsight?x

  110. Were there every any subjects you hated at school? I really dread going to Science lessons as it just doesn't come easy to me (and I have a SHOCKING teacher!) If so, how did you cope with the dread and stress of turning up to these lessons? x

  111. Aside from the joy of meeting new people and the social element of it all, academically do you regret going to University? Do you feel that it was a waste of time or money, as I guess your YouTube 'job' doesn't really need a degree?

  112. LOVED the answer to the feminism question - perfect.

  113. Next semester I will be studying abroad in London (whooo!!) and I am quite nervous about meeting new people as I am very quiet until I know someone well. It seems to me that you are very outgoing so would you happen to have any tips about getting out of my comfort zones to make the most of this experience and get to know the culture and people better? Thanks a million :)

  114. How do you feel about the goverments new plans for education, and how this will effect Darcy?

  115. Did you enjoy school? xxxx thabks for being so so lovelyand such a fab influence!!!!xxxx

  116. Hi Louise! I'm in my second year of college and have to make a decision about a major in the next few weeks and I am completely torn between to completely different things. How do you make a decision on what you wanted to do with the rest of your life when you haven't even worked in that field before?

  117. Hi Louise!

    I have exams in two weeks (yikes!) but I am always procrastinating by watching YouTube videos (like all the time) . How can I deal with this?

    Thanks Sabrina xxx

  118. Hi Louise! I really love your blog and your youtube! Thank you for answering our questions :)

    I'm almost finished my first year at university and I have no idea what I want to do as a career! I'm studying a double degree in arts and science but I'm really not enjoying it. I live close to campus so I haven't left home and I think because of that I haven't made as many friends as I thought I would. Do you have any advice on getting through a course that you can't see any future in? How to find something your passionate about? and how to make new friends?

    Thank you! :) xx

  119. Do you have any tips for making new friends at uni? I've started uni two weeks ago and while i see everyone else getting new friends and going out with them, i just have my old friends from school. I am a bit shy around people I don't know and would like an advice how to get in contact with new people without being afraid that they do not like me.

  120. Any tips for balancing the workload in the final year of uni? I'm finding it difficult to stay motivated while trying to write my dissertation and also balance lecture/seminar work on top of it

  121. I'm going to be starting high school next year, and I'm a bit scared that I won't have classes/lunch with my friends. I come off as kind of a shy person, so how do I make new friends without coming off as too shy :) -Please check out my blog!

  122. How did you decide what subjects to take for A-levels/UNI?

  123. Loved the post!:) Plus that video put me in such a great, warm, cosy mood!!:)

    Jack!!:) -

  124. If you could pick a possible career for Darcy, what education and carer would you want/think she'd like to do? Are these on things you wish you'd done/did in school? Loved the video, it was super adorable :3

  125. Thanks for answering my question, btw, love you!

  126. How did you manage to get school work done and avoid distractions? I get distracted majorly easily and always leave homework until the last minute

  127. Hi, I’m a 17 year old girl who wants to write for children in the future. I am looking to put some samples on a blog but wanted to get an idea of what parents really look for in a book for their child. I’ve made a survey to get an idea and would be eternally grateful if you could take the time to fill it out, its only 7 questions!

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Sprinkleofglitter xxx