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Friday, 28 February 2014

The Best Of February

Aloha Sprinklerinos, 

Cripes has February has wizzed past in the blink of an eye. Once again we're nearing the end of the month and I thought I'd finish it off by sharing a nifty little round up of February posts on Sprinkle of Glitter. It's been a good'un!

February on Sprinkle of Glitter an introduction to my husband, Matt. It's not often I'll dedicate an appreciation post to the man in my life, but this month Matt has certainly come up trumps on the husband scale and I could not resist sharing his wonderful ways with you HERE. This month Matt also filmed his very first vlog for Sprinkle of Chatter which you can watch that HERE. Isn't he a dreamboat? Haha. 

'My iPhone life' returned this month on Sprinkle of Glitter and I'm pleased as punch that you enjoy seeing these little snippits of my life as much as I enjoy capturing them. I shared with you HERE some iPhone snaps I had taken throughout January whilst I enjoyed the adventures of being mummy, friend and Youtuber.

Matt made another appearance this month, this time as my sweet Valentine. You can read it HERE. He truly gives me all the warm and fuzzies and I'm a lucky, lucky lady!  

There's another important, smaller, person I am lucky to have in my life, Baby Glitter. I contemplated sharing a post about motherhood being my crowning moment of glory in life, but instead I wrote about what I've learnt as a mama since bringing a teenytiny into the world, built in alarm clock included. You can read about my thoughts on motherhood HERE.

Finally I discussed the whole shibang behind creating a Youtube video, yummy snacks and all! If you're curious about the process of creating Youtube videos, the set up involved or the all important props I use then you can read my 'behind the scenes' post HERE. I hope it was helpful for ya!

And that was my February! Let's hope March brings us some sunnier skies, eh?



Contributor - Louise

To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser -Amy Lauren. Click HERE for more info. 

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Behind The Scenes || YouTube Videos

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Today I'm going to talk about something that usually slips through the net- making videos for YouTube. Obviously the videos themselves don't slip through, they are proudly sat on my channel waiting for you to graciously give them a few minutes of your time, but the process of making them and the things done to get to completion are so rarely discussed, I thought I would talk really candidly about the whole shibang.

I figure that if I find it really interesting, someone else might and if that's you then hooray. Mission accomplished.

The video we are using as our case studio today is THIS Valentines Get Ready With Me (GRWM) which I uploaded on Sunday 31st of January and at time of writing this has over 375,000 views. Happy days.

I didn't realise this snap hadn't been taken but it's kind of perfect for this post. I'm going to use it as a little map to show you all the things you wouldn't know just from watching the video (featured below).

1. Two things about this little spot:
Firstly, see that pink Polaroid? It was gifted to me by a lovely gal I had the pleasure of hanging out with a couple of years ago at a YouTube gathering and also featured twice in the video. First at 0.17 minutes in and then 2.11. Fun fact for you - the picture I was shaking and that you then see developed is actually Katie Snooks filming the video. Originally it was just a nod to each other because we thought it was nifty but now the secret's out and you know too!
Secondly, notice how stiff my left arm is as I intro the video? That's because my bottom was perched on the edge of the teal cabinet and I thought it was about to collapse. We shot that part with very tense thighs and a silent prayer that I didn't crash and break it, haha.

2. This is Katie Snooks or 'Snoozey' as I like to call her. She works for my management company but also runs her own blog and YouTube channel. Since GRWM videos aren't as static as sit down vlogs, she offered to come up from London and film it for me, which I was super grateful of. She filmed using my camera which is the canon 70D with a EFS 17-55mm lens. It was shot on manual mode and I stupidly forgot to turn the stabilise button on. You live and learn. The whole reason the picture above was taken was to demonstrate what a little dot Snoozey is. Either that or I'm a giant. You decide.

3. Darcy dolly debris. As well as filming videos I am a Mama so aim to film whilst she is napping or with family. On this day though my step mum and aunties were unavailable to take her on adventures so my step sister Hollie kindly came round and played with her downstairs. Obviously though, I can't keep my hands off the little squidge and regular cuddles and plays were in order. Next time you see a cut in my videos, chances are there has been a little Darcy playtime in between.

4. Beauty junk. In the video you can see the wires of the hair tools I didn't end up using and I'm annoyed about this. Whenever I watch it back I wish I had moved them before the camera was turned on but alas, you can't win everything. Also in that video I had all my makeup to my right which felt REALLY unnatural and there are about sixty billion edited out clips of me saying, 'ooh it's weird having it all here'. Fun factoid for you there. If you're planning on making a video, ensure you have EVERYTHING to hand before filming. You will be so glad of your preparation.

5. The set up. This is probably the most important part of the making process and something I still mess up on a regular basis! When filming upstairs I always sit in front of my window at around 11.30am as this is when it's bright but not direct sunlight-burning-your-eyes-out bright. To really make the most of the available light I scrunch the curtains up out the way- not ideal but yanno. I use a Hama Star 75 tripod to keep my camera where I want it and usually that's it. For beauty videos I need a mirror and so end up taking a little trolly thing I bought in a vintage shop last year, loading on a few boxes and then popping my mirror on top. So professional!! If I did more beauty videos, I would invest in something a little more substantial but for now, this higgle piggle option works fine. 

^^The video we're chatting about ^^

Tip! Social Media

Once your video is live, you're going to want to talk about it on social media. Be mindful of this during the video making process and be efficient. For example, take pictures on your smartphone as you go, that you can use for twitterfacebookinstagram etc or 'live tweet/instagram/facebook' as you do it (eg. "Excited to be filming my new video!") so that your audience know what to expect and can (hopefully) look forward to it. 

Other things I try to do on filming days are have plenty of drinks and yummy snacks to hand (if someone is helping you film then they'll be glad of them too!), leave myself plenty of time so you eradicate any sense of panic (things are easily fluffed when you're in that mood) and write little bullet points of what's important to be in the video so you don't forget anything.

I am absolutely no expert at making videos for YouTube (or anything haha) but I thought it might be nice to share some of my experiences and things I've learnt over the years.

If you have any questions about anything I've talked about, do ask as I'd be happy to do another post answering all your queries!

Was that useful or interesting? I hope so!



Contributor - Louise

To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser -Amy Lauren. Click HERE for more info. 

Monday, 24 February 2014

Motivational Monday #6

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

The last Monday of February. Woah there. Next month will be a quarter through the year already! Are you sticking to your New Year Resolutions? I'm just about hanging in there!

This week I wanted to talk about creativity.

I think a great many people can correctly call themselves creative as creativity takes a great many forms. You might be gifted with a paintbrush, a dab hand at DIY or able to read music like letters. All of these things require you to let your imagination go with an idea, dream up something new or challenge the status quo. And yet all of the above take bravery and courage.

Sometimes when you find something you are really good at, you are praised for it. This in turn makes you do more of the thing that earns you praise and so you go round in a very comfortable cycle of loveliness. But what about when you want to try something new? You might really want to give something a go because it interests you or you think it will be worthwhile but you're afraid that you will fail or that you will be mocked or unsupported. 

Take comfort in the fact that this is a problem that has been faced by squillions of creative people before you and most certainly you will not be the last. 

When I first started Sprinkle of Glitter the YouTube channel, my Auntie said in a really scathing tone, 'Why do you feel the need to do this?'. It hurt. It hurt really deeply. It was one of those things that I remember perfectly to this day. Where I was sitting, what I was doing, the time of day, everything. I was so taken aback that my new exciting, creative hobby was being put to the test in that manner that I meekly mumbled something about, 'because it's quite fun' and ended my call. 

Four years later and it's a very different story. Thank goodness.

Despite being slightly wounded at the start of my ongoing creative journey, I carried on. It took a fair bit of courage (and a few more hurtful comments from a few more people) but it paid off. Whether you measure success in financial terms, enjoyment or simply completion of something you set out to do, have courage.

Have the courage to continue on your own path. Have the courage to not follow in someone else's footsteps but, if you want, to make your own. Try new things. Embrace and uplift other people. Be kind to yourself. And most of all, don't listen to naysayers. 

This week, I'd like you to do one extra creative thing. I say 'extra' because you might already have some planned so this has to be as well as those. Do it with wild abandon and full passion. If it's something you can photograph, please do tag me (@Sprinkleofglitr) on Instagram so I can delight in it with you. 

Also, from last week's Motivational Monday #5, did you let out your inner weird? Any examples you'd like to share in the comments?



To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser -Amy Lauren. Click HERE for more info. 

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Amazing Advertisers || February 2014

Aloha Sprinklerinos, 

Another month, another Amazing Advertisers post and boy have I got some crackers for you. I'm particularly impressed with my ladies (and gent!) of this month. They've all been busy blogging bee's and I'm pleased as punch to be presenting their talents to you. Let's get cracking! 


Amy is quite the whizz when it comes to blogging I tell ya. Not only is Amy's blog (and face) beautiful to look at, it's also a pleasure to read! This month on Amy Lauren has been brimming with beauty related posts which I have thoroughly enjoyed having a gallivant through. As well as having written an in depth review on Benefit skincare this month, Amy has also shared her thoughts on eye shadow palettes, Tanya Burr's make up line and the Impress press on nails, of which I had developed quite an obsession with a couple of years ago, I'd forgotten about those beauties, so thank you for the beauty manicured reminder Amy. I would definitely recommend hopping over to Amy Lauren and having a browse, you will not be disappointed! 

Firstly, let it be said that I love the name of Em's blog, it's very Nicholas Sparks and I get a little bit excited at the thought of all the possible lifestyle posts Em may have up her sleeve for us with a name like that! Em is an Australian blogger which I'm also loving! I'm secretly hoping for amples of scenic Australian photography to make me 'ooooh'. I can see a lot of potential in Dear you, Love Em, particularly if Em's latest eye shadow review is anything to go by, Em included beautiful photographed swatches, all the information you could desire and my personal favourite, a quirky narrative. You can't beat a beauty post of personality. Let's all show Dear you, Love Em some blogger appreciation and give it a browse.

Another cracker of a beauty blog definitely worth a read! I'm pleased as punch to have Becky advertising with me, her posts really have been a joy to read and admire. Becky clearly has a talent for beauty blogging, her photography is professional, her posts are always thoughtfully written and her passion for beauty clearly shines through her writing. Becky you've certainly been a busy blogging bee this month, you've been cracking them out, I take my hat off to you! I can't recommend Beauty Becky enough if you're a lover of the beauty blogging world, go and have a gander! 

If you're a photography admirer in need of a beautiful snap sharer, then The London Project is for you! The London Project differs slightly from your usual blog, which is why I love it so! The stories are told through photography, taken during various adventures around London, from cute puppies riding the underground to artistic graffiti displayed around London. The London Project is a virtual London post card collection if you will! I'm thoroughly impressed with some of the photography, it really lets you appreciate some of the beautiful places London has to offer. Also, when I found this blog, I had a little fangirl moment about it on Twitter. So cool, so very cool. 

I'm exited to have the lovely Tom advertising with me once more! Tom has been a Sprinkle of Glitter monthly advertiser in the past and I've always enjoyed having a read of his posts, not to mention I'm quite the fan of having a male join our clan, thanks Tom! Daydream In Blue is primarily a lifestyle blog and it really is a great read. Tom's enthusiasm and love for writing makes his posts interesting, thoughtful and always a pleasure to read. Not to mention he's quite the photographer which always jazzes things up! This month Tom's posts have varied wonderfully, from home decor to press events and recipes, he's got it all covered I tell ya! Lets hear it for the boys and give Tom a great big Spinklerino hug, skip and follow. 

Sophie is a long term advertiser with Sprinkle of Glitter and I'm always pleased to have her advertise with me. If you've read Amazing Advertisers in the past then you'll know I'm particularly a fan of Sophie's creativity. Sophie often provides us with scrummy homely recipes and this month has been no exception, vanilla choc chip cookies anyone? Or how about a home made body whip? Sophie also shares fashion, beauty and lifestyle posts with us as well as demonstrating her domestic abilities, she's a blogging blitzer that one! I've been wowed by Sophie's DIY galaxy nail tutorial this week, it is pretty darn swanky if you ask me! If you're a lover of creativity then Sophie is your gal.

Undeniably, Me gives me all the feels. Anyone who can dedicate an entire blog post to their cat is instantly in my good books, particularly if said cat is so adorably squishy and entertaining! Elizabeth is quite the blogging talent and I'm so pleased she's joined us for another month on Sprinkle of Glitter. Elizabeth is primarily a lifestyle blogger offering a variety of different posts for everyone to appreciate, whether you're a cat, fashion or food kinda gal! You won't be disappointed! I suggest we all give Elizabeth (and Oliver the cat) and cheeky follow and look forward to her latest venture.

Oooh isn't this a little bit mysterious! Firstly it must be said that I am loving Emmy's tag line - 'work hard, play harder, blog hardest.' It certainly sets the stakes high for this blog and I've not been left disappointed! As well as being a very well organised blog EBVC offers a little bit for everyone. From beauty to love and music to travel, EBVC has it all! I particularly enjoyed reading the post 'women with words' it was quite the eye opener and introduced me to some beautiful, powerful women! If you're after a blog exploding with personality and quirks then EBVC is for the one for you. I'm sure we're all curious to know the meaning behind the name too!

Frances is a gem, I'm so pleased to have her with us on Sprinkle of Glitter, she oozes loveliness and so does her blog! As well as appreciating the cute design I'm also a fan of Frances' blogging style. Frances is a little bit of everything blogger (we know how much I love me one of those!) and each post leaves me smiling and happy. As well as being a blogger Frances is also on Youtube, she recently filmed a video on staying motivated which was particularly insightful and certainly showed off her bubbly personality. I recommend giving Hello Frances a visit as you're sure to be greeted with a warm welcome. 

As the title suggests, this blog has everything! Every Little Thing 07 advertised with Sprinkle of Glitter last month and I definitely enjoyed discovering it's many wonders. This month has been filled with beauty reviews which I personally have been thoroughly enjoying. In particular I'm pleased to see a range of reviews from both high end and high street brands, it allows a nice variety and offers something for everyone. After all, variety is the spice of life don't you know? Keep up the good work our favourite mystery blogger!

The title alone of this blog excites me, and I'm sure we all know why! You know who else loves food? (aside from Joey - name that sitcom) Louise loves food. I'm in my element with this blog, it is cakes galore and Sophie, the brains behind the baking, is certainly one talented gal. The kinda gal I could imagine wining The Great British Bake Off with those skills! The recipes are always simple to follow and the pictures are just divine, I'm seriously impressed with this baking blog and I look forward to future mouth watering posts! Happy baking Sophie! 

'i 2 style' is a fashion and beauty blog written by the incredibly gorgeous Holly. Holly clearly has a creative flare for all things fashion related and it definitely shines through her blogging! As well as offering insightful, inspiring fashion posts Holly also provides beautiful make up tutorials which genuinely fit perfectly with the overall style of her blog. i 2 style is classic and beautiful. Definitely a tasteful fashion blog which I look forward to see future development of. It is clear Holly knows what she is doing and I'm excited to follow her progress through the fashion industry! Judging by her industry experience listed Holly is definitely one to watch! Quite the fashionista I must say! 

And that's your lot! I hope you've discovered some new blogging loves, I know I have.

Ad spots at the moment are filling up crazy fast, with some waiting lists as long as 8 months (cripes!!). If you are wanting to advertise with Sprinkle of Glitter, head on over to the 'Sponsor' tab at the top of this page.

Unless you have already booked it, the 'Ultimate' package is on hold for a few months but may return in the Summer. 



Thursday, 20 February 2014

5 Things About Motherhood

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Today is a day for limited pep and zizz (I'm writing this a week before you see it, such is the nature of scheduling your shiz) and I thought I had nothing to offer. Until, that is, I wrote on my Facebook Page about my mojo loss and somebody asked me to write about Motherhood.

I contemplated writing a beautiful ode to my child and about how Motherhood is my defining moment of glory and how I now feel at one with the universe but then realised that would be very short lived and a load of tosh.


Instead, I thought I would take a light hearted approach and share with you 5 things that have been revealed to me since bringing that little person into the world.


1. An Hour Is An Eternity

Back in the olden days, before I had made the miracle of life etc, an hour could tick by in an instant and I had no idea what I'd wasted my time on. Flicking through trash TV, wallowing in the bath, fiddling about with emails all seemed like hour long jobs to be luxuriated in. Fast forward to an era with a small dependant human and you find that when they give you an hours rest bite (all hail nap time), you become some kind of productivity typhoon. Dishes get done, laundry is folded, emails replied to, showers, hair, makeup ticked off the list and all whilst having a conference call with your manager. When you are deprived of so much time, it's almost incredible what you can squeeze into 60 focused minutes!

2. You Do Not Need An Alarm Clock

Remember the days when you had to use a little machine to wake you from your slumber? I don't. Now I have a much more organic alarm clock called Darcy, who promptly on the dot of 8am will shout, 'Muuuuuuummmmyyyyyy'. Previous alarm tones featured, 'waaaaahhhhh' and 'urrrr-urrrr-urrrr'. I prefer this upgrade but look forward to it installing a 'snooze' mode. So far it is basic yet effective. 

3. You Learn A New Language

I don't know about other Mama's out there but I find myself constantly moonlighting as Darcy's official translator. Her gobbledegook makes perfect sense to me. 'When ee weak oop and the tangold an miwlk an ceweal', clearly means, 'Mother, when I wake up I'd like to watch Tangled and have some milk and cereal', but combine that with her chattering at high speeds whilst jumping about makes for a lot of, 'oh she means..'. For now, I quite enjoy my role but do hope she doesn't need me forever!

4. You Can Do Anything One Handed

A classic. Need two hands to carry your baby, handbag, car keys, grocery shopping, nappy bag and push a trolley back to the trolley-bay? No. Absolutely not. You can do all of that one handed whilst balancing baby on hip and look glamorous. Ok, maybe not the last one (queue one red raw hand, sunglasses dangling perilously from the back of your head, almost being choked by your oh-so-fashionable scarf and some dribble/snot on your shoulder) but still, it can be done. 

5. You Have So Much More To Give

It's been an 18 hour day, there is food mashed into the cream carpet, the washing machine is beeping to be emptied, you're wearing your grey PJ bottoms for the fourth day in a row and you haven't had a moment to think let alone indulge in a bit of instagram or Pinterest. And then your sweet baby cries and you feel like crying with them. Instead though, you tenderly pick them up and make those soothing 'shushing' noises you can't help but do and feel a huge surge of love for the little rotter that takes up all your time, effort and money. Just when you were about to throw in the towel, you don't. You had more in you than you thought. 


I'd be really interested if any of those rang true with you or you have experienced anything similar. Apologies to those of you who this post doesn't apply to, hopefully it still gave you a warm fuzzy!

If you'd like to see my wonderful (lol) Mothering in action, you can follow me HERE on Instagram or click HERE for a 'Day In The Life' video. 



To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser -Amy Lauren. Click HERE for more info. 

Popping Pancakes?

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Since reading through your lovely comments about my last pancake post, I thought it would be fun to share a couple more of the cool topping ideas Warburtons suggest on their Wheel of Possibility. Also, we get to eat everything after we photographed it so let's not pretend that's not always a major incentive haha. 

This time Baby Glitter and I made pancakes with chocolate & popping candy and also granola & shaved coconut.

I think you can guess which topping's the Little preferred! 

I really enjoy the idea that you can can swing sweet or savoury directions with this little circley pancakey beauties. It's so nice to be mixing things up a bit more in the mornings and having little chats with Darcy along the way about pouring, mixing, drizzling etc. We don't do a lot of 'kitchen stuff' together so it was a really good opportunity to develop new vocab and experience new tastes (oh how I wish I'd filmed her trying popping candy for the first time!!) without taking up too much time or making much mess. Oh, and need I mention the eating part again?! Win win win.

If you would like some inspired pancake ideas, hot foot it over to the Warburtons Facebook Page HERE and see what they have to offer. 

What do you think? Had you ever considered popping candy on a pancake? Mmmmmm *contemplates making more*



This post was exclusively sponsored by Warbutons. 

Portions should not exceed 2 pancakes per serving. This product contains wheat, soya, gluten, milk and egg. 

Monday, 17 February 2014

Motivational Monday #5

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

How on earth is it mid February? Surely we were all shouting, 'Happy New Year!' about three minutes ago? Apparently not. 

Well, now I have a firm grasp (just about) of time, it's Monday! Hurray! I know, I know, most people loathe Mondays but honestly, I love them. They are a time of renewal, of fresh starts and unspoiled goals. A time to draw a line under the things we messed up/didn't achieve last week and try again. Monday's are a clean slate. 


Do you ever feel a bit like you spend half your life trying to be cool? I do. I regularly wish I could suck back in the weird thing I've just said or not have made the unfunny joke or not done a little dance when over excited or not laughed so loudly or not told Kylie Minogue about the imaginary island in my head that I've been building since I was seven (true story). On a daily basis I try to be breezy. I try really hard to be as 'normal' and good as everyone else and pretty much every time I'm met with failure. My inner weird just gets out. 

To clarify, I'm not talking about that oh-so-desirable 'weird' that you might call 'quirky'. I'm talking about an inability to edit my thoughts-words and a scewed sense of what is socially acceptable. 

I'm giving up. I'm not breezy. I'm slightly neurotic. I like fast responses to texts. I like my imaginary island. I like sucking crisps. There. 

This week I urge you to let your inner weird out. I know it's in there. I know you secretly do a lot of weird sh*t and I know you want to do it freely. Wouldn't a world of freely weird women be better than hoards and hoards of stressed out repressed crazies? Yes. It would. 

Edit yourself less. You think that joke is funny? Say it. Even if you're the only one that laughed, at least someone did! 

Argh! If I could whip off my bra and run with free abandon through a meadow to make my point I would. Just know that I am typing very hard on my keyboard to really emphasise my point!!

Run wild my sparkly weirdos!!! I love you!!!



Contributor - Louise

To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser -Amy Lauren. Click HERE for more info. 

Friday, 14 February 2014

My Sweet Valentine

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

With it being the 14th of February I am unashamedly going all out on the loveydovey today. Move over cynics, I'm coming through. 

This is my Valentine, my husband Matt. 

We've been together 8 years, married 3 and parents for 2. Some years have been incredible, some years alright and some years very challenging. 

What impresses me most about Matt is that he in unwavering in his love for me and even in the midst of huge fights (where I'm being just horrible), he will say, 'because I love you'. Matt will always let me win a row, always let me choose the film, always let me sleep in the car and always offer to get the baby up on a weekend. 

I know I talk about how grateful I am for things on here, because when I type them it's as though I'm just telling myself, but I so rarely tell Matt and in 2014 and making a conscious effort to let him know that I love the way he treats me like a lady, love that he will get up in the middle of the night to check the window is locked because I get freaked out, love that he will offer to drive hours to my friend's houses and love the way he loves me back. 

It's sickening, I know, but after a very difficult 2013, I feel a like we are falling in love with each other all over again. Makes me want to do a little cry in the hotel room I am typing this from. Good grief. 

Well, I am well and truly disgusted at my out burst of emotion and hope you haven't lost your lunches. 

Seriously though, he's such a gem.

I hope you have found your gem's this Valentines or are being rebels and throwing two fingers up at convention and eating pizza with friends (which is how I spent many a February 14th!)

Let me know what you're doing in the comment, I love to nose at your lives.



Contributor - Louise

To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser -Amy Lauren. Click HERE for more info. 

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

My iPhone Life || January 2014

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I love technology. I love how you can be out and about with nothing but your phone, keys, purse and baby (optional ^_^) and still be able to capture all your sweet memories at the click of a button.

For the most part I use my big girl cannon camera, or I upload images from my phone to Instagram, but there are always the odd few that slip through the net and so this post is to catch them all and not let them fade away.

These are the snippets of life seen through my iPhone in January.

Matt and I love mooching around Milton Keynes shopping centre on a Saturday afternoon and stopping at a little outdoor style diner for sweet potato fries. MMmmmm *drools*

 We are very blessed to have such wonderful friends. Mark and Clare (pictured middle) were totally onboard with my new resolution to be more active, so rather than our usual fave of lounging about at home, we took to the park for fresh air, exercise and plenty of Baby Glitter arm swings. Seriously, the kiddo couldn't get enough!

Of course, Darcy features heavily on my phone this month. I have taken my little compadre on errands (she LOVES all the ladies in the salon and I think they're pretty fond of her too), new toys are always a winner, organisation is always a chore but worth it and she has also been accompanying me on my little fitness walks. We love our days together. 

One Friday I headed up to Liverpool for a blog meeting, booked a hotel for the night and then Darcy and Matt met me that evening. Hotel makeup the next morning was snapped. Cheeky extra for you - what you can't see cropped out of shot is a very gorgeous fresh-out-of-shower Matt. Switswoo. 

The Albert Docks. The Liverpool waterfront will always have a special place in my heart. One frosty December night way back when, my charming boyfriend went down on bent knee and asked me to marry him. It was perfection in one night and I always smile to myself when I walk past the exact spot.  

Monkey decided the only way to go with her socks was high and mighty. Who am I to restrain a mini fashionista?! 

Despite growing up in suburbia and then living in the country, I am a city girl at heart. There is something so comforting about big old buildings, higgle piggle roads and being so very small in such a vast place. I feel like I'm invisible and important all at once and I miss it.  

 Once home it was business as usual and this included new, challenging games. I'm focusing a lot at the moment on gender stereotypes as I have noticed that Darcy veers towards what you might call 'feminine' toys (dolls, kitchen set ups etc) and I want her to know she has options and abilities beyond those. Tap-a-Shape was a fun game...until I had to pull all the little pins out over and over and over.

And that about wraps up my January iPhone snaps. I know they're late, life/baby/sanity/friends etc.

If you would like to see more snaps of my day to day or work adventures, be sure to follow my Instagram HERE, my twitter HERE or my Facebook HERE. It's action packed in LouiseLand.

What have you been up to so far this year? Tell me in the comments.


Contributor - Louise

To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser -The Fashion Fuse. Click HERE for more info. 

Monday, 10 February 2014

New Tastes

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

With pancake day zooming towards us and the painful (hopefully I'm on my own here!) memories of last year's failed flip attempts resurfacing, I was more than glad to give Warburtons pancakes a whirl.

Ever since I was little I have never been enamoured with the classic lemon and sugar combo so when Warburtons told me about their 'Wheel of Possibilities' to help inspire creative toppings with new flavour mixes, I was really intrigued. 

I'm a creature of habit, often finding myself stuck in little ruts and food is no exception. It's so easy to just wake up and make yourself and your family the same old-same same-old that making something new was quite the excitement in the Glitter household this weekend!

Using the suggestions we found from Warburtons we tried out pancakes with dried banana and cinnamon and also pancakes with chilli jam and lime. Who had thought of lime on a pancake? Not me! I'm kicking myself for not considering it though because lime is completely and utterly one of my favourite tastes so in an ideal world EVERYTHING would taste of it!

I like that you can use the pancakes as little topping bases (either straight from the pack, grilled, toasted, warmed in the oven/microwave) and then get crazy creative with what you pop on top. It's also a really nice way to introduce Darcy to new tastes and textures as she's more and more becoming a fussy eater. Getting her involved in the 'cooking' (can you call this cooking??) process really spiked her interest and encouraged her to try new things. A win for Mummies!

I'm also happy with how versatile these little yummy gems are. I've always been an, 'any food any time' kinda gal so being able to make these into an anytime snack instead of just breakfast makes me smile. To add to my smile, Warburtons have just launched 2 new pancakes in 'cookie' and 'chocolate chip cookie' flavours. *drools*.

If you want to try your hand at some of the cool topping combinations Warburtons are suggesting, click HERE for their Facebook page, take part in their competition, vote for your favourite creations or submit your own ideas for other people to enjoy- you know how I love a bit o' community spirit!

What do you think? Do any of these ideas tickle your pickle? Did you note my witty little food pun there? Haha. 

This week will be food-tastic so do make sure to check back tomorrow to see what glittery goodness we have instore for you!



This post was exclusively sponsored by Warburtons.

Portions should not exceed 2 pancakes per serving. This product contains wheat, gluten, milk, soya and egg.