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Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Behind The Scenes || YouTube Videos

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Today I'm going to talk about something that usually slips through the net- making videos for YouTube. Obviously the videos themselves don't slip through, they are proudly sat on my channel waiting for you to graciously give them a few minutes of your time, but the process of making them and the things done to get to completion are so rarely discussed, I thought I would talk really candidly about the whole shibang.

I figure that if I find it really interesting, someone else might and if that's you then hooray. Mission accomplished.

The video we are using as our case studio today is THIS Valentines Get Ready With Me (GRWM) which I uploaded on Sunday 31st of January and at time of writing this has over 375,000 views. Happy days.

I didn't realise this snap hadn't been taken but it's kind of perfect for this post. I'm going to use it as a little map to show you all the things you wouldn't know just from watching the video (featured below).

1. Two things about this little spot:
Firstly, see that pink Polaroid? It was gifted to me by a lovely gal I had the pleasure of hanging out with a couple of years ago at a YouTube gathering and also featured twice in the video. First at 0.17 minutes in and then 2.11. Fun fact for you - the picture I was shaking and that you then see developed is actually Katie Snooks filming the video. Originally it was just a nod to each other because we thought it was nifty but now the secret's out and you know too!
Secondly, notice how stiff my left arm is as I intro the video? That's because my bottom was perched on the edge of the teal cabinet and I thought it was about to collapse. We shot that part with very tense thighs and a silent prayer that I didn't crash and break it, haha.

2. This is Katie Snooks or 'Snoozey' as I like to call her. She works for my management company but also runs her own blog and YouTube channel. Since GRWM videos aren't as static as sit down vlogs, she offered to come up from London and film it for me, which I was super grateful of. She filmed using my camera which is the canon 70D with a EFS 17-55mm lens. It was shot on manual mode and I stupidly forgot to turn the stabilise button on. You live and learn. The whole reason the picture above was taken was to demonstrate what a little dot Snoozey is. Either that or I'm a giant. You decide.

3. Darcy dolly debris. As well as filming videos I am a Mama so aim to film whilst she is napping or with family. On this day though my step mum and aunties were unavailable to take her on adventures so my step sister Hollie kindly came round and played with her downstairs. Obviously though, I can't keep my hands off the little squidge and regular cuddles and plays were in order. Next time you see a cut in my videos, chances are there has been a little Darcy playtime in between.

4. Beauty junk. In the video you can see the wires of the hair tools I didn't end up using and I'm annoyed about this. Whenever I watch it back I wish I had moved them before the camera was turned on but alas, you can't win everything. Also in that video I had all my makeup to my right which felt REALLY unnatural and there are about sixty billion edited out clips of me saying, 'ooh it's weird having it all here'. Fun factoid for you there. If you're planning on making a video, ensure you have EVERYTHING to hand before filming. You will be so glad of your preparation.

5. The set up. This is probably the most important part of the making process and something I still mess up on a regular basis! When filming upstairs I always sit in front of my window at around 11.30am as this is when it's bright but not direct sunlight-burning-your-eyes-out bright. To really make the most of the available light I scrunch the curtains up out the way- not ideal but yanno. I use a Hama Star 75 tripod to keep my camera where I want it and usually that's it. For beauty videos I need a mirror and so end up taking a little trolly thing I bought in a vintage shop last year, loading on a few boxes and then popping my mirror on top. So professional!! If I did more beauty videos, I would invest in something a little more substantial but for now, this higgle piggle option works fine. 

^^The video we're chatting about ^^

Tip! Social Media

Once your video is live, you're going to want to talk about it on social media. Be mindful of this during the video making process and be efficient. For example, take pictures on your smartphone as you go, that you can use for twitterfacebookinstagram etc or 'live tweet/instagram/facebook' as you do it (eg. "Excited to be filming my new video!") so that your audience know what to expect and can (hopefully) look forward to it. 

Other things I try to do on filming days are have plenty of drinks and yummy snacks to hand (if someone is helping you film then they'll be glad of them too!), leave myself plenty of time so you eradicate any sense of panic (things are easily fluffed when you're in that mood) and write little bullet points of what's important to be in the video so you don't forget anything.

I am absolutely no expert at making videos for YouTube (or anything haha) but I thought it might be nice to share some of my experiences and things I've learnt over the years.

If you have any questions about anything I've talked about, do ask as I'd be happy to do another post answering all your queries!

Was that useful or interesting? I hope so!



Contributor - Louise

To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser -Amy Lauren. Click HERE for more info. 


  1. Ah I've seriously been dying for you to do a post on YouTube videos. I'm fairly new to the game and I love hearing all the tips but I never want to ask because I figure you've got about a trillion little sprinklerinos asking :)
    Thank you so much for posting this!!! I seriously love your you are to me what Grace is to you.
    Thanks again!

  2. Great post Louise! As a film student, I'm always curious as to the video making progress :)


  3. Such a helpful blogpost Louise :) Thank you very much for your advice, it means a lot that you decided to spend some time on writing these little tips and tricks.

  4. This post is really helpful, thank you!! As some who make videos myself it is always useful to find out how the professionals do it :P
    I defiantly agree with the drinks and snacks, especially if I am filming more than one video at a time, I can get really tired and thirsty so a quick drink and sugary snack is just what I need to pep me up a bit!

    Izzy | My Blog | My YouTube

  5. Very interesting! x

  6. Loved this post Louise, super helpful. So much goes on behind the scenes so you can actually get a video out of it at the end :)

    Carina |

  7. Thanks so much for sharing Louise. People don't realise just how much work goes on behind the scenes for those 3-4 minute videos they see once or twice a week... and you didn't even go into editing etc! Love your videos and love how you stay true to your personality - you're a delight to watch and laugh with :)

  8. great post

  9. I love that you sometimes if not all the time play with Darcy throughout your videos. Could we see a few more mummy and Darcy fun days/at home activity days as I miss Darcy smiling her cute little face off. She is a bundle of cuteness.

  10. what a great post! It's nice to see all the behind the scenes going ons xx

  11. Fabulous post Lou! I've been trying to get started with making YouTube videos and often feel like there are some hurdles I'm struggling to overcome so posts like these are really helpful - thanks! xx

  12. Brilliant post! Love that you play with little Darcy in between filming =] Jess xx

  13. I don't film YouTube videos but still really enjoyed reading your little tips & seeing your filming set up! I'd love to see some more Mummy & Darcy days, they're my favourite videos! Darcy is just the cutest!

    L x

  14. I love your videos. You are so lovely and such an inspiration. I look forward to your next videos and posts.
    Iulia xo

  15. Thanks for this post, Louise, it's really helpful! Interesting to see some of what goes into what seems like a simple sitting down in front of a camera.

  16. This has definitely given me a bit more confidence about starting a youtube channel!

  17. If anyone has a blog they want me to read just comment it on my blog at

  18. I had no idea there was so much involved in the making, wow *applause for you and katie* I guess most of it is similar to blogging, its just that I have to take pictures and not videos. I find it so awkward to ask someone else to take a picture for me. I really commend your social skills haha. -Aish xx

  19. Aww man! I would love to see more posts like these, because I am a nosey posey and like to have a little perv at behind the scenes stuff. I laughed at all the silly little faces you made during the video. Cooty Patooty. :)

  20. I'm confused - I'm subscribed through Bloglovin and I have already read this post like a week ago, but it seems to be new for everyone in the coments...

  21. this was a great post

  22. This is a great post! I've just started on YouTube so this is really helpful :) x

  23. Thanks for the tips!

  24. This post is s interesting! There's so much to consider to make a video, it seems and although I'm not surprised at that, it seems dauntingly exciting!

  25. Making these videos seem super stressful. My hat is off to you, Louise. I don't think I'd be able to do it.

    xo, Sarah Holt

  26. This was a very nice post, Louise! Cool of you help people who wants to make their own videos :)

    Love, Cami
    xx -

  27. Been waiting for this post ever since you accidentally published it! It's nice to see your set-up and so on!

    Colourful Stuff | Beauty, Fashion, Life ♥

  28. Ah, thank you thank you Louise for posting this! I'm just trying to start making my own videos, and this is really helpful!

  29. What an interesting article! I don't make Youtube videos myself, but have always wondered what goes on behind the scenes.

  30. Thanks for posting this Lousie! As someone who is just getting started on Youtube, it is definitely a huge help.

  31. hey if anyone has a blog just comment it on my and i would love to read it :)

  32. Hi Louise, what is your #1 tip for getting started on YouTube? I've just begun and I have a few haul videos up, but I'm looking to expand my channel.

    Madeline | Ring-a-Round a Rosey | Bloglovin’

  33. I love seeing the behind the scenes aspect of blogging or video making, I find it all so fascinating! Thanks for sharing!

  34. I love this post too Louise! Do you also have get ready together with Darcy when you bring her out? So jealous that I cannot attend your meet-ups and events as I am all the way in Singapore. ((: CONTINUE BEING AWESOME

  35. Very helpful, Louise. I think very often people aren't aware of the work that goes into a video before it is even shot!

    Kathryn xx

    Bit of a Freak | UK Beauty and Lifestlye Blogger

  36. that was interesting=D appreciate the work and effort put into for youtube!! Your videos are always great!! can you do tips on blogging too? I just started a blog and have not the exact clue how do run it :/ if you want to check ;)



  37. That was a really nice and helpful blog post! Loved it!!!

  38. This blog post is wonderful and I am incredibly jealous of how lovely your bedroom is!



  39. This is super interesting and incredibly helpful! I've been trying to get back into my youtube-ness but sadly it is slow going :/ any help would be super appreciated or if you could critique me, I'd be through the roof! Although I know you have very little time for such things with Darcy running around haha either way, I'm looking forward to your next video!


    :) xoxo

  40. I don't film youtube videos but great post :)
    cary from Italy

  41. Loved this post! I have to tell you, I didn't notice any wires from your hair tools. So not to worry, because most people are staring at your pretty face rather than scrutinizing details. Thanks for sharing Louise!

  42. This was so useful, thank you for making this post! x

    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD


P.S. I don't want this to be spammy but I am also hosting a £50 Giveaway at the moment if you wanted to enter here

  43. I've just started to make my own videos, and this post i so useful!

    Dash of Blue

  44. Love your blog!

    Would you likt to follow? Let me know!


  45. Great post Louise x

  46. This is such an amazing post and was great to read. I too own the Hama Star 63 Tripod, I picked it up a few weeks ago with some amazon vouchers that I got given for Christmas!
    Laura x | Life and Lipstick

  47. Great post Louise, it's great to know what's happening behind the scenes!


  48. Louise what a lovely post! Saw this post a while ago, accidently published and got excited when I saw it actually posted! yay x

  49. This is such a great post, I am only starting to write a blog now and only hope to be a fraction as popular and great as you! But who knows if luck is on my side and the gods are looking down apon me (or whatever) maybe I will start making youtube videos too!

  50. Thanks for sharing. Such an interesting post, I love to see behind the scenes!

    I'm finishing up my February Flake-Away series including my favourite cleansers, moisturisers and makeup along with a few DIYs. Check it out over on:



  51. Oh, goodness! this is all so much work. Honestly, way more than a blog post. That's why I tend to shy away from the YouTube thing.

  52. great post!

  53. This was really interesting... I'm glad that you put it up because it's been something that I've been thinking about for the past few days to give something more to my blog. Thanks for posting this Louise!

    Sophie xxx

  54. This is really interesting. Never known what happens behind the scenes. Thank you for sharing!!

  55. That was very helpful. I am hoping to go into social media when I graduate in a few months, so every little insight from someone successful may be something that I can think back to in an interview. Thank you :)
    Third Year Rush 

  56. Its so nice to have a little sneek peek from your side instead of just watching the video's . Its really cool! Keep up the good work!

  57. It sounds like a lot of work goes into just one video! I have to say, you are definitely one of my favourites (probably the ultimate favourite) youtuber!

  58. I actually found this really interesting, videos that seem quite simple actually take a lot of time, effort and planning- who knew! Behind-the-scenes looks at anything blog/vlog related are super helpful to me and my lil blog!

  59. I am new to making videos and I realized that it is definitely much more complicated than it appears! It is so much fun to learn new things about how to improve. Thank you for the tips! Also, I love your bright and cheery room!

  60. Thank you for making post about this, it helped alot! :) Since I don't do videos, I just write a blog, it was interesting for me to see how you guys actually create your videos!! I've been dying to start making videos myself but haven't started making them yet, but this post was def a great help! thanks!!

  61. This is so interesting to read! I love behind the scenes stuff because there's always more going on than I think! :)


  62. Thanks Louise, this was so cute and interesting, I had no idea how much preparation you put into your videos!


  63. I love the behind the scenes stuff! I've wanted to do a little video on daily makeup or such for ages but I wasn't really sure how to go about it. Feel free to show more, it really is interesting! Thanks for inspiring us :D


  64. This cracks me up about the video secrets. I took a picture of my video set up and showed it to someone and I'm sure they are still laughing at this moment . (The most unconventional set up ever but it works lol) Thanks for sharing your secrets.

    Maggie A

  65. Awesome tips!

  66. Great post, thanks for sharing. I love reading tips about creating blog posts and videos and I really enjoy everything you do :)

  67. What a great post thanks Louise! I love being super detective about things so this was brilliant haha! I loved your GRWM too, this is helpful advice for us so thanks! xx

  68. i love these type of posts, i love the tips <3 xxx

    Madie Grace -

  69. Great blog Louise, I love how much effort you put into everything you do! Inspiring!

  70. this is so useful Louise, thanks so much for sharing and Kate is so tiny and cute :) aww <3

  71. Youtubing isn't something I'd ever do myself as I know just how much work it is - and when I already only get one day off a week, there's no time at all! I found this really interesting to read though :)

    Nicola //

  72. This makes me want to branch out to youtube but then I get to nervous!!

  73. Hahaa omg she is tiny! Your room is lovely! Surprising how girly it is, considering you share with a man! Haha. Loved this post - very funny and insightful, I never think about how you make the videos look so pretty and professional and everything

  74. This post is lovely. I've been thinking of branching out into Youtube alongside my blog, might refrain it for now as it's hard just keeping up with my blog. It's nice to see the the thought process behind your videos and how much time and effort you put into it.

  75. I'm a new YouTuber and I was wondering how do you expand your audience and get more viewers/subscribers?

  76. I love how you, with god knows how many subscribers, still uses shoe boxes as a tri-pod! Oh-Louise! :D
    Elephant stories and more

  77. Bless. I loveee the video. You make it look so easy


    D, x

  78. Thanks for posting this lovely lady. I've just started a blog myself and want to start making videos. This has given me a few glittery pointers.

    All the best x

  79. I love your videos. You are so lovely and such an inspiration. I look forward to your next videos and posts.

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx