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Monday, 24 February 2014

Motivational Monday #6

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

The last Monday of February. Woah there. Next month will be a quarter through the year already! Are you sticking to your New Year Resolutions? I'm just about hanging in there!

This week I wanted to talk about creativity.

I think a great many people can correctly call themselves creative as creativity takes a great many forms. You might be gifted with a paintbrush, a dab hand at DIY or able to read music like letters. All of these things require you to let your imagination go with an idea, dream up something new or challenge the status quo. And yet all of the above take bravery and courage.

Sometimes when you find something you are really good at, you are praised for it. This in turn makes you do more of the thing that earns you praise and so you go round in a very comfortable cycle of loveliness. But what about when you want to try something new? You might really want to give something a go because it interests you or you think it will be worthwhile but you're afraid that you will fail or that you will be mocked or unsupported. 

Take comfort in the fact that this is a problem that has been faced by squillions of creative people before you and most certainly you will not be the last. 

When I first started Sprinkle of Glitter the YouTube channel, my Auntie said in a really scathing tone, 'Why do you feel the need to do this?'. It hurt. It hurt really deeply. It was one of those things that I remember perfectly to this day. Where I was sitting, what I was doing, the time of day, everything. I was so taken aback that my new exciting, creative hobby was being put to the test in that manner that I meekly mumbled something about, 'because it's quite fun' and ended my call. 

Four years later and it's a very different story. Thank goodness.

Despite being slightly wounded at the start of my ongoing creative journey, I carried on. It took a fair bit of courage (and a few more hurtful comments from a few more people) but it paid off. Whether you measure success in financial terms, enjoyment or simply completion of something you set out to do, have courage.

Have the courage to continue on your own path. Have the courage to not follow in someone else's footsteps but, if you want, to make your own. Try new things. Embrace and uplift other people. Be kind to yourself. And most of all, don't listen to naysayers. 

This week, I'd like you to do one extra creative thing. I say 'extra' because you might already have some planned so this has to be as well as those. Do it with wild abandon and full passion. If it's something you can photograph, please do tag me (@Sprinkleofglitr) on Instagram so I can delight in it with you. 

Also, from last week's Motivational Monday #5, did you let out your inner weird? Any examples you'd like to share in the comments?



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  1. Gah, why are you so awesome Louise? You are like my role model and you inspire me everyday. Oh, and btw, sorry about the Kylie Minogue incident. I'm sure you will find it as funny as I did soon. Please do put the video up at some point. Love you so much xxx

    1. I have to agree with this person! Louise, you inspire me a lot! I am very glad that you wrote about creativity. Creativity is something that I have been wanting to gain but have been scared to express. This post is amazing! Thank you!
      Click & Visit me ★ Smile with Vivian

  2. i meow at cats in the middle of the street...

  3. oh, i loved this post. it is exactly what i needed to read at this very moment. i've had people say "why on earth do you want to sit around and write about makeup and skin care and random things that happen to you?" and all i could think of was..."because i like those things...i guess?" and you know what, that should be reason enough! thanks louise, this was truly inspiring.

  4. Languages are my strong point, so I've started teaching myself Italian too and I'm loving it! x

  5. I'm proud to say I finally started my cocktail blog this week and I'm so excited I've already written four posts ahead of schedule :)

  6. Ah I love Motivational Mondays! I think I might start making youtube videos again. Someone once asked me what was so special about my makeup that I needed to write about it - I wish I had the courage to answer back with a short and sweet comeback.

    Grace x

  7. Totally agree with this! The only person you should set out to impress is yourself - I've gotten to an age now where it doesn't really bother me if people thing that something I enjoy is ridiculous. I'm not doing it for them.

    So glad Motivational Mondays are back - I love them :) xx

    Sarah | Squares - Bookworm and Beauty Enthusiast

  8. This post hit me hard, Louise... in the best way possible. I needed this Motivational Monday, so I thank you.

    xo, Sarah

  9. How inspiring, thank you. I constantly get asked, what the purpose of my blog is, as though it needs to be justified?!

    It's so important to persevere, thank you lovely girl.

    Sophie x

  10. I have a photoshoot i've done for this week, and reading this reminds me of all the past issues i've had with family by choosing to do art, even others who said i wouldn't get anything out of photography but now i've been published in company magazine and run this blog which i love !! will be tagging you in my insta post :)
    Lauren x
    Britton Loves | Fashion Lifestyle + Photography -
    Support my Photography Project here !

  11. I'm definitely going to take up this challenge, I'll come up with something and post it on twitter! These posts always give me lots of inspiration, I particularly love how you say not to follow in others footsteps but create your own.. I will try to do this!

    Check out my giveaway :)


  12. I remember when the women at work first found out about the blog and I distinctly remember one of them saying "YOU have a beauty blog?" in the sneeriest tone ever. I remember thinking "Bogger off you aul bat, I'll show you" and 3.5 years later, the blog is thriving and the YouTube channel is going well too. It drives me mad that I can still remember every minute detail about that little exchange and how it made me feel!

    Starting blogging was scary enough and starting YouTube (for which you were very instrumental in, so thank you for that) was even more scary. Putting yourself out there is tough because not only will you have the negativity from strangers, but also from those you know. But we're tough cookies and I'm making a conscious effort to a) filter out the negative people in life, b) challenge myself with new things and c) keep on keepin on :)

    Brilliant post Louise :)

  13. I couldn't agree more. Early in February i created a blog, and yesterday i had it designed. And i couldn't be happier with it! Now the posts ideas are flowing! Shows i can be creative :)

  14. Thanks for this, what a great post! I love being creative myself and am trying to get back into some of my old hobbies that I had before my severe head injury and that was my drawing. I have all the stuff for it but I worry that people would take the mick because I'm not as good as I used to be but after seeing this post, I don't care what they say. Getting back into drawing again is for me, not them. So thank you, :D.

    Toria (

  15. Just what I needed to hear today. Fab post - thank you! :)

  16. Such a nice post, its interesting what you said about your auntie, because I recently started a blog and im worried about advertising it in case people I know think it's stupid, but I just really enjoy writing abut random things. Any suggestions on how to talk about it with them?

  17. Yay! I love this post. I recently started making youtube videos about topics I'm interested in & I'm really glad I did. Some friends suggested I do it (I'm lucky to be so supported) and I thought, well, hang the consequences & hang the haters! I'm going to do it. I'm three videos in & I've written about eight future scripts. Xo!

  18. I really love this post! It really does hurt when someone questions why you're doing the thing you love and are almost willing you to fail! It's amazing that you've done so well with your blog and YouTube and that you followed what you wanted to do and not what people thought you should be doing!
    I love your Motivational Monday (and literally every single one) posts - makes life a bit more bearable :) xx

  19. Louise, I absolutely love this post - your writing is always so pleasant to read! Creativity is tough at times, but I've always liked to push myself out of my comfort zone (as long as I can come crawling back in, haha), but critique can be difficult to handle. It's great that you managed - you're such a delight to watch on Youtube!

    I'm on a creative kick - I've felt quite motivated lately - so I'll definitely be posting some pictures on instagram sometime soon. DIY projects are always fun, aren't they? ;-) It definitely makes you happier.

  20. I love this kind of post of yours Louise. You give me the strength and courage to be myself and follow my dreams that no one else does. These Monday Motivation posts make me start my week full of self confidence and excitment to be me all week long! Haha
    And of course I let my inner weird come alive and let it free; and what I can say? I feel very good because I enjoyed every moment like I've never done.
    I love you, thank you so much for it! <3 x

  21. Loved this post Louise! Came at a time when I was feeling a little disheartened because my blog hasn't really taken "off" (I've been stuck at 200 views a day for like 2-3 months now, and have had my blog for 5!) :( I will keep going, though, hoping that if I am doing something I am passionate about someday it will pay off.
    Thanks for giving me the motivation I was needing so badly today! ;-)

    Veronica @

  22. I know it sounds trivial compared to everyone else who has examples of starting blogs or making videos but right now what I have to be creative about is finishing assignments for university. I'm going through a bit of a funk at the moment so having the patience, head-space and dare I say it, courage to start assignments this week has been really difficult. I'm in my second year and everything I hand in is going towards my final grade when I graduate and I just have not had the motivation to do anything this year because of my funk.

    Last year I was top of my class and well on my way to a First, now I don't know. It may sound like nothing to some people but reading this blog post today has kind of helped in its way. So that yes I'm in a funk and I would rather be in bed sleeping my life away and ignoring the world, but I can't do that and handing my assignments in on time, at the best of my present ability will be my Everest for now. Boldy I head to it. *enter dramatic music*

    Good luck to everyone else who's trying new things or stretching themselves this week! I have faith in you.

    1. What you are facing IS NOT trivial. You know you are capable. Just imagine how you will feel when you get to the end having achieved your degree. Go for it.

  23. Really enjoyed reading this post Louise! I was feeling rather creative the other day, and also was procrastinating from doing my Uni studying, so I decided to start up a blog. Although it took me hours choosing a template, changing colours, and fixing the layout, I had a lot of fun! My first post was quite personal and covered a serious issue. But I'm so happy I put my story out there as I received some lovely emails from my friends.
    Anyways, I love your blog and your YouTube channel. Keep on being Fabulous :)!!
    Thanks for the motivation.

    Kate @

  24. OUCH - being a "creative" person myself, I really felt for what your aunt said to you. It really hurts when those you care about don't support/try to understand when you are so passionate about something. Obviously it has all worked out for you though! I shall try to do something extra creative this week :)

    Undeniably, me

  25. Awhhh, I love you Louise!
    I for one, deeply believe in doing what you want to do and look where you are now!? Your auntie - jealousy! I have a lot of people telling me to not do what I do (job-wise) but I do it because I love it. I know what you mean though when you say it hurt, because it hurts me.
    So everyone should do what they like doing! :)
    Elephant stories and more

  26. Such a brilliant post, Louise! Thank you for the reminder. It is so easy to get discouraged.

    Life’s a highway

  27. I am so glad that you didn't let your Auntie discourage you from doing this blog because it has literally changed my life. Ever since I've discovered your blog and your YouTube channel, I have felt so much better about myself and I'm constantly doing things to make me happier. I'm realizing things that I've never knew about myself and I have you to thank for that.

    My parents don't understand either why I have a blog or a YouTube channel. I find it very comforting knowing that you had someone you doubted your ability and look where you are now.

    I love you so much :)
    thanks Louise!

  28. This is kind of the story of my life! I'm an art student, currently working on my senior thesis, but there are absolutely so, so many things I want to do! I want to do things in film and music, I want to post on youtube, I want to start making more art besides my thesis.... it never ends! And, since I don't know where to start, I just /don't/ start, sadly. I need to figure out a system, and just /do/ it. Maybe this one thing a week will help? Thank you, Louise!


  29. This is SO SO true!! I'm a young musician trying to get into the arts world and luckily for me I've ended up being supported by a charity to help me on this journey. However it's so tricky to pursue anything creative without someone or other trying to dissuade you or push you towards something less creative. It's most definitely worth the battle in the end. Louise it right! It's all about having the courage of your convictions and going after what YOU really want =) Excellent blog post Louise. Absolutely love it =D

  30. This was such a great post Louise!
    I have been feeling like this today so I'm pleased I stumbled across this when I did. I found growing up, I would have said my 'special talent' was drawing and received praise for it, now at Uni where everyone has the same talent or better and the praise is less or some days more critical, it does dishearten you.
    I was told last term my work was improving greatly by a tutor who does not see eye to eye with me, and yet today was results day and my marks were embarrassingly low still like previous years, it de motivates you which is how I've felt today, however on the bright side, just stumbling across this post has filled me with so much reassurance and been the kick up the backside to just get a grip and keep going and try harder and try something outside of the box.
    Thank you for helping me with that :D

  31. I agree Louise, it definitely takes courage to break the mold and show something you imagined or created. I love these motivational mondays :)

    Madeline | Ring-a-Round a Rosey | Bloglovin’

  32. This is SO SO true!! I'm a young musician trying to get into the arts world and luckily for me I've ended up being supported by a charity to help me on this journey. However it's so tricky to pursue anything creative without someone or other trying to dissuade you or push you towards something less creative. It's most definitely worth the battle in the end. Louise it right! It's all about having the courage of your convictions and going after what YOU really want =) Excellent blog post Louise. Absolutely love it =D (Sorry about the double post, still getting used to posting like this)

  33. I put off the thought of a blog for a long time and when I finally let it enter my thoughts, I did it: I made a blog. I couldn't be happier. I'm so glad I let some creativity onto my own little slice of the internet, as secret as the whole thing is from those I know.

    My next biggest secret is that I want to write a novel. It's a big and creative step that I have always wanted to take and I finally want to start the beginning of writing it and this post has assured me that I will as soon as I can. Eeeeek! Thanks Louise!

  34. These Motivational Monday's really are the highlight of my day! Such a lovely post to read!
    Nearly a quarter of the way through the year? Where has the time gone?!



  35. I need to keep track of your motivation posts - this one hits right where I'm at creatively! I'm starting weekly Creative Challenges on my blog inspired by you now...I used to do it privately with artist friends of all sorts, and now I'm opening it up to the world so we can push each other on :D

    Thanks, Louise! Take care this week!

  36. Ooh now I'm all puzzled thinking about something extra I can do this week!

  37. Thank you so much for this lovely lovely post. :) when I start travelling the world in a few years, I am setting up a second blog along side my beauty blog to document my travels via photos and less words, and I cannot wait. If you don't challenge or entertain new ideas, you'll get stuck in a rut and blogging becomes less fun, I think so anyway. x

  38. This was so inspirational. What a delight to read!

  39. I can relate so much to this, Louise. I've always been a creative person and my journey so far has always seemed to follow a creative path - much to the annoyance of colleagues (i worked in retail whilst studying for a Graphic Design Degree) and a select few family members and friends. People seem to assume you have a screw loose if you're creative! I really want to break into the children's book illustration market one day and so many people have told me to forget about it. I have since set out on a little mission to prove them wrong...

    Fab post Louise! xx

  40. This is such a good post! It took me ages to start a blog purely because I was worried about that others would thing it was an odd thing to do / would criticise me for it. I took the plunge though and I'm so glad I did it; creativity really does take courage! x

  41. Oh dear, I bet she doesn't know what to say to you now with how far you've come in the last four years! It's only recently that I've opened up to my family and friends and told them about my blogging, because I felt that they might be negative about it too, wondering why I was bothering.

    The most creative I get really, is writing an assignment! I'm not very good at being creative and definitely need to expand my hobbies and interests in this area.

    Laura x | Life and Lipstick

  42. I recently saw this quote and felt very inspired! I love it. :)


  43. I love this all so much. Congratulations on your new year's resolutions!
    You are an inspiration to a lot of women out there, and to me. You are hilarious and that shows how great your personality is and how beautiful you are (as well as your features, because you are beautiful on the outside too).
    Love your youtube channel too!

  44. such a lovely post, Louise! :) x

  45. Very inspiring, Louise, yet again! Love these motivational Mondays. I'm currently learning how to drive and my sister has always told me I will never be a good driver. That really hurt, because I'm also very critical of myself. I started to believe that I would never be capable of driving a car. After a few lessons and excercise, I'm getting better. I'm very scared in traffic, but I hope that'll fade away. All I need is courage, like you say!
    Have a lovely week!

    Sofie x
    Little green Sofie

  46. What a brilliant Motivational Monday post! I have a blog of my own and I am delightfully scared of what people I go to school with will think when they find out, even my friends. But writing Totally Lola id something I love and as I aspire to study journalism at college or university and carry on with my blog (leading to Youtube I hope) then it is so important to me that Totally Lola achieves well. But after reading this I have realised that the opinion of my "friends" is still greatly important, but my dream to be creative in all aspects of beauty, fashion and writing is my main priority. If they were truly my friends I should how they wouldn't criticize me and take my blog in their stride and quite enjoy reading it. Thank you for the lovely post Louise and thank you for being such an inspiration to my blog.
    Lauren x

  47. What a brilliant post! I think I'm going to start my arts project now that is due next month. Thanks Louise x

  48. I finally accepted that I'm lazy and that working hard makes me completely unhappy so Friday was my first day off in months! Thank you Louise, you encouraged me to ditch a day off my job ahahah :D

  49. lovely post here! really looking forward to reading future ones! Eilidh x

  50. This was JUST what I needed to read today! I'm so happy to have found your blog.

  51. This is so motivational! It shows when the going gets tough, you've just got to fight threw it! To any nasty hate comments you might get, ignore them! Because if you love what you do then thats all that matters:) x

  52. Just what I needed to read, people don't understand why I write a blog. Thanks louise:D

  53. I love reading Motivational Monday, thanks so much for inspiring me to be more creative :)

  54. She's an amazing person & mother. Can't wait to share my adventure with all the readers just like her.

  55. Thank you Louise, this was the perfect post to give me that extra little push that I needed today :) Motivation monday success!

  56. I love how you're yourself when you write posts! I've wanted to start a blog for a long time but always been afraid of what people would think, but I decided to do what makes me happy and make one anyways. Thank you for doing these motivational Mondays! I really hope I can be as creative as you are one day :)

  57. great post! x

  58. This is just what i needed to read to brighten my horrible monday :) thanks Louise <3

  59. Louis, this applies to me I think because I want so badly to start a youtube channel but i am afraid of being mocked or unsupported like you said...

  60. Louise, I can't express hor much I love your Motivational Mondays. They make me smile every week and are something to look forward to on the most stressful day of my week.
    Love Katie

  61. Couldn't agree more. Be creative everyone! It's scary, but it's so worth it!

    Sharlotte | UK Beauty Blog

  62. That's just it :) if we want something we should try our best and go for it! It does sound scary but it's totally worth it.
    Your posts are always so inspiring :)

    Lipstick and Mocha

  63. Just read this now, and I absolutely love this post. This is quite inspiring, in my opinion :)


  64. I definitely feel more creative! Sometimes all you need is a boost.

  65. Hi Louise!

    Such a great post as always! Reading your blog definitely brightens up my day :-)

    Lucy ♥
    lucylovehart | UK Beauty Blog

  66. So inspiring Louise!

  67. Everything have already been said to be honest. You are just such an inspiration!

    Miss Annie @ - Photography & adventures

  68. This post is so encouraging! I am a new blogger/youtuber (haven't posted the first video I edited yet even) and it can be hard when people don't understand why I want to do this. I appreciate the encouragement to keep doing what I am loving to do, which is creating unique content for both myself and the readers of my blog!

    You are awesome! <3

  69. I always look forward to Motivational Mondays! Thanks the advice, i'm new to this whole thing and yes it is really fun! I'm so glad you didn't give up then because look at the success and your lovely friends you gained on the way :)

  70. Brilliant Post By the way...It would mean a lot if you checked out my blog ❤
    Thanks a lot ------- -------

  71. follow my blog please, it has some inspirational style as Louise :) x

  72. I think that I start lots of things and don't finish them. It's the finish the new things where I have issues. :)

  73. Just what I needed to hear (read) today. <3

  74. This was perfect Louise. I love you so much!

  75. love these motivational Mondays.. even if it is Tuesday :)

  76. It absolutely does! Love this post :)


  77. Love this <3 So inspirational ;)

  78. This is wonderful! Your posts are just wonderful! Yes; I shall take your challenge do one extra creative thing this week!
    In a book I recently read, the author wrote about how creativity is extendable to "non-artsy" things; doing whatever whatever you love with passion and joy is creativity, too.
    And to conclude, a motivating quote: "Success is often the direct result of insults, humiliation and discouragement from someone you care about."

    Louise, you rock! Never stop being awesome!

  79. This is absolutly perfect and just what I needed to hear. I have just started a blog and posted my first post. I was really starting to second guess myself and wonder if I should have even started a blog. Then I read this and felt so much better. Thanks Louise I love you, you are amazing! xxx

  80. You are so inspiring !!

  81. awwww louise you are so inspiring xx I am so glad you carried on with youtube because I love watching your videos :) I have started a series a bit like this because I liked the idea so much xx please pop along and check it out :) xxxxxxx

    Tallulah |

  82. So inspiring Louise!

    Last week I certainly let out my inner weird... although I do that all the time as I am forever under the classification of 'weird' but I really couldn't give two hoots. I probably enjoy life more than most of my friends because of being that extra little bit weird! Haha :)

    Also thankyou for this post - I always need something like this to read on a Monday! Especially as im n my first year of college and work is so stressful right now!
    Thankyou :) x

  83. So inspiring, I just have no idea what to say! I'm so glad you continues with Youtube. There are so many successful people out there who are put down by others but are still out there living their dream! :) xoxo

  84. Words I needed as I end one career and start another as a business owner. eek! using my skill set as a makeup artist and stylist. Thank you for sharing this, it takes grit and courage to start and follow through on our ideas, and you clearly have both, hopefully I do as well!

  85. I'm clearly very late in commenting on this as it is almost Friday, but in my defence, I was been creative, attempting to get my blog up and running (and mostly failing). It's really inspiring to read this post, as, I don't mean this in a horrible way, but it's nice to see that someone who has been successful faced the same kind of problems as your are facing yourself when they first started out! Especially when it's something closely related to what you want to do and someone who you admire.
    I'm working on being courageous, finally plucked up the courage to create my blog! Just need to work a little more to move away from it being anonymous!! Hopefully, that won't be too long.


  86. Years ago, I think that I was one of those people that hurt other people when they kind veered off the path that people mainly took. Now I am in that same position. Instead of studying to be a doctor I have taken quite the interest in beauty and fashion. Thanks Louise for the wonderful post ❤❤❤
    ❤The Secret Life of Aggie❤

  87. Loving this series! Sadly I have lots of creative ideas but not the artistic ability to actually carry it out - the good thing about being a teacher is that I can give the kids some of the ideas and see what they can make do with it - usually significantly better than I'd imagined!

    Nicola //

  88. Great post! It is good to hear you went on with your vlog. The world had many many critics and complainers. I feel it is best to use that as a motivation to do better! February was a great month for me in sense of creativity. I did a photograph a day for a month thing.


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx