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Thursday, 1 September 2016

Why I'm 'Quitting' My YouTube Channel

Oh Hi, 

This is the kind of blog post I feel like I need to take a deep breath before writing. The kind that I need to sit in a quiet room and type fast sentences with long pauses for thought. I've been doing this for almost 7 years but still, there are posts where I feel nervous, like it's my first, and I am tentative yet buzzy with energy for. 

If you're reading this, you have most likely hopped over from my video. I've not filmed that video at the time of writing this. I decided I'd put all my thoughts down here, succinctly and carefully and then in the video I can freely chatter about it and if something is missed, I won't feel that pang of panic when you forget something, because it'll be securely noted here. This blog post is my safety net I guess.

(A very real picture. This is what I look like as I type this post. My necklace is wonky, my hair's a bit frizzy and those roots need some help, I don't have any concealer on and if I'm honest, some of that is yesterday's mascara. For a long time I've tried to be perfect. It's exhausting.)

Here goes. 

Sprinkle of Glitter (the blog) began one late Autumn night on Sept 20th 2009. Two months prior I'd bought a tiny fixer-upper house with my then fiance and I wanted somewhere to document the DIY we did in it. It was set to be a 3 month Autumn project to keep me busy when boredom set in. I'd had a lot of projects before that (my stint volunteering at the cattery, my obsession with Japanese seed beads, a failed attempt at daily baking etc etc) and so this felt no different. I wasn't one to stick at things. 

As the months rolled by, my love for the community around blogging deepened and once the house was finished, I didn't feel like the blog was. I transitioned it from DIY to beauty and in January 2010, set up a YouTube channel, also called Sprinkle of Glitter. 

When Sprinkle of Glitter started, I was a 24 year old PA in a corporate (aka so, so dull) office. I was engaged, planning a wedding, making new friends in a town I hadn't lived in for 6 years, doing up a house and basically, just finding my footing with adulthood. Life was sweet and so was I. 

Seven years later and a lot has happened. If you've been following all these years, some of this will be familiar. If not, let me fill you in. 

I had a big white wedding and we fixed up our house. We planned for and were blessed with a beautiful baby girl (Darcy) and lived happily and lovingly as a family of three (four if you count the grouchy old cat called Mindy that we adopted). Then, as many couples do, we drifted apart, couldn't fix our differences and parted ways to start new chapters separately. A big life thing. 

Over the past two years I've adjusted to single parenthood and acutely felt all the ups and downs that come with it. It still feels like I'm getting to grips with it and new things are still being experienced. As I write this, Darcy is on a holiday with her Dad and his partner. It's the longest I've ever been away from her and whilst I'm pleased for her having this experience and glad she is so loved by them, a part of my heart aches for her to be home with me. It's a hard mix of emotions. Each time something new happens in the shared parenting/single mother arena, the next time feels easier. There are lows but of course, lots of highs too. I'm learning how to navigate and 2 years in, I feel OK. I'll probably touch on this more in the future. 

I've tried my hand at dating, or 'disaster dating' as I've referred to it over copious glasses of fizz with my friends and hope that one day soon I'll fully love and allow myself to be fully loved in return. Although my heart is squishy and open to the idea, it's also fiercely protective of Darcy and any repercussions my love life could have on her. Tricky tricky. 

In the last few years, I've learnt a lot more about what friendship is, what it means to me and the type of friend I am to other people. I've had moments where I've felt so thankful to the people in my life that I could burst. Friends that will pick you up off the floor, shivvy you along even when you're crying, laugh with you over nothing, chatter for hours, embark on tiny adventures (Emma- the time we ran breathlessly from the pub cackling all the way down the road, I'm thinking about this right now!), cheer for you in your success and fill your heart, those are friends. 

I've had some big years. I've had amazing highs and frankly, some pretty awful lows. I've had some 'dig deep' moments and have enjoyed the feeling of always plodding on, always finding the best in each day and always enjoying whatever I have. 

Personal life, you have been a big ass roller coaster. 

Professional life, so have you!! 

I no longer work in the stuffy office of dullness. Instead, quite unexpectedly, social media has become my full time gig and it's all because of you. Your reading, your watching, your support, your kind comments, your love, has turned this late night Autumn project into a blossoming business. Thank you. A million times, thank you.

I was going to do a round up of everything Sprinkle of Glitter has offered in the last 7 years but it's way too much. It has just been incredible. I'm going to have to write an entire post of it's own on it next month because I think it deserves to be documented. I've made life long friends, experienced things I never thought possible, met unbelievable people, travelled, created, published, designed and lived fully. It's hard to express in a paragraph how much has happened- it's been life changing. 

And so to my point. When I began all this, my life was so different, I was different. I was sweet and sugary and untarnished I guess. In almost a decade (woah), I've had knocks and scrapes and growth and life. I'm different. I'm still me, but I'm an older (maybe wiser?) me. I still see life through positive eyes and I still laugh at the ridiculous but I'm an adult. Life isn't all blessings and giggles. Life is loud and vibrant and amazing and gentle and rough and everything in between. I am those things too sometimes. 

As I've grown in my real life, I haven't allowed myself to grow in my online one. I've kept everything rosey and sweet and although I've shared vulnerable moments and been very honest, I've always sugar coated, held back and tried very hard not to offend. 

As an audience grows in size as mine has done (woohoo), so do the amount of opinions you have thrown at you. You're not honest enough, you're sharing too much, you're boring, you're immature, you're using this for views, you're not showing enough of that, you're saying things you shouldn't, you should come out of your shell more. You simply cannot win. 

In a bid to try to though, I've held back. A lot. I've kept things sweet and nice and plodded along reasonably unscathed by the dreaded trolls and haters. I've played it safe. I've stayed inside my box. 

I'm so, so bored. 

My sense of humour is dirty and my life is adult. I like to do shots with my Mummy friends (not with our littles around obviously!), I like to say, 'fuck' and I sometimes, heaven forfend, take Darcy on adventure days that go on past her bedtime. I'm not perfect. I'm don't live a princessy life in a house made of candycanes (although that does sound cool), I just do normal things. I'm 31, I work, I play. I'm so bored of making things I know will just coast by, not upsetting the apple cart. I want to run free and enjoy it. 

I still do want to make videos about the usuals (hauls, motherhood, collabs) but I want to just let myself go more. I need to shed this sugary sweet sparkles and unicorns thing and just say, 'hey, my name is Louise Pentland. I'm a nice gal, doing my best, dating, mumming, enjoying myself, let's share and talk and enjoy'. 

I want to make videos about the hideous dates I've been on, heck, I'd like to make videos talking brazenly about some of the sex I've had. I'd like to make videos talking about Motherhood not just in a light way like I do now but I'd like to tell you what I find hard without you thinking I'm a shit mother or what I find easy without you thinking I'm being smug. I want to make videos about my journey with religion and faith. I want to talk openly about my relationship with the church and what it means to me. I'd like to be able to openly admit that I don't like choker necklaces or those little circle framed sunglasses with blue mirrored lenses! I'd like to run free with my sense of humour, I'd like to be able to have adult conversations, aimed at adults, even though I know some (although not the main proportion) of my audience are young. 

What I really want for the next seven years, and hopefully with your blessing, is to step forward and just be the person I am. More raw, more real, more me. 

What do you think? Are you chill with that? 



PS- I'm dropping, 'Aloha Sprinklerinos'. New greetings ideas needed!


  1. are you quitting youtube ? xxx\im confused

    1. Shes just changing up her video style and be her more of herself

    2. She is doing what she wants to do and is making a big change to make herself happier!!

  2. Omg I was so scared! 😂 Love you so much and can't wait to meet you tomorrow! 💖


    1. She's not leaving Youtube only changing her content a bit. She will be have more adult content. No more sugar coated talking, just being herself. Dating, sex, an other grown up things. She said she will do hauls, diy, real parenting stories etc.

    2. If you're a child then it may not be the channel for you anymore. It isn't gonna be a g rated channel anymore

  4. Yes Louise!!!!! Absolutely go for it!!!I love it when slightly dirty Louise comes out so I can't wait to see full blown dirty louise!!!

  5. I'm do happy. As I'm getting older YouTube becomes more and more boring. I'm 22, I can't relate and sometimes yes I want to see your flaws and hear you say F*** you don't have to feel trapped by your social image. I'm totally with you.
    Love from France.

  6. Congratulations on taking this stand for yourself - up against yourself, or rather the self you've cultivated for people to see, no less! I follow you for your heart and will be glad to continue watching/reading in whatever direction you choose. Blessing and luck <3

  7. You are making me worried lousie! You OK?

  8. Louise, I've been folloowing you for years and I'm now 29 and I would love to see your channel/blog grow with your life and include some of the new topics you have mentioned! I feel that some youtubers get stuck in a rut for fear of losing subscribers or 'tarnishing' an image and its refreshing to hear you speak so honestly and I, for one, would love to see your new content and am excited for the future for you! Please dont lose the 'Aloha Sprinklerinos' though!! ❤️ Margaret

  9. I think this is amazing! I'd much rather see the real you, not the you people think you should be. You should be whoever you want and people will have to live with it. You're far more of a role model swearing, drinking, talking about sex and being real than being all sweetness and light but not sticking to who you really are. Go Louise! X

  10. i will support you. it is good that you have grown up and are continuing forward. i can't wait to see the new direction of the channel and everything. :D

  11. What ever path you choose... Good luck ilysm😘

  12. I thought you were gonna quit. I love you so much and I am happy with your decision xxxxxxxxxxxx

  13. This was very liberating to read and I admire you hugely. Heck, why not do a video about crummy office life (however much I want to be a part of it! Haha) Offend many and live happy Louise.
    I have never commented on a blog post or video of yours but I have happily watched and read for a long time. We have 10 years between us but I feel like I could be your friend - you seem fantastic.
    You will probably never see this (before the unicorn fairy dusts monkeys attack with sorrow) but if there is any chance you do: my twitter is @_ellamay
    I would love to make a friend with you
    Take care, put your-fucking-self first


  14. AHMAGAD, I thought this meant you were quitting. And thank god, or whoever haha, you're not. I love your channel, but most importantly I love you. You're not that much older than me, but you've been a role model, both when it comes to looks and personality. I'd love to see the more "raw", unedited Louise, she's hilarious! And everything you can do for your own personal journey is more than great. Keep it going!

  15. I am so excited for your future videos! Say what you want to say, people who can take it will be glad you did.

  16. We have always gotten to see little snippets of that side of you, more so in videos you have done on other peoples channels. I've always wanted to see more of that! You be you. I love having a potty mouth and telling people about my own sex and dating disasters. Let us be your gal pals! Don't feel like you need to censor yourself.

  17. For the past couple of years I have felt like you were keeping up a persona for Youtube. I am glad that you have found the courage to step forward and become you in front of the camera. You are a wonderful person, Louise, and I wish you all the best in the world.

  18. Be you, Louise! We will love and support you no matter what, I promise! You're an adult! You can do whatever you want. So go ahead, be you. And if people don't like it, shame on them. I love you Louise!💘

  19. I love watching your videos and will continue to support you even when things change! Good for you for saying how you really feel Louise! xxxx

  20. I will enjoy the real you much more because it reflects on my own personanilty

  21. Yes Louise! This is your blog, your channel, your life! People enjoy seeing honest and raw people, but most importantly you have to like yourself and if things got boring you gotta change them up a bit. I am a big Louise fan, I'll stick around!

  22. Totally respect your choice, I say swear all you want, tell us stories you want because if people truly care about you and your feelings (and sanity), they'll listen :) x

  23. Keep being yourself and I think you'll always find ways to reach out and inspire a lot of people. Thank you for doing it for all this years and for wanting to go on with honesty. We'll be more than happy to hear what your growth has taught you and to share this new amazing chapter of your life and story with you. Keep on the love sharing, it's changed a lot of people and surely it will keep doing so. Lots of love, M.

  24. You do you, Louise! I'm excited for your next chapter! x

  25. Hi! So I'm 42 and don't have kids, but I love the stuff you create. You are funny and irreverent and anything else you can offer I'm sure would be greatly received. There's room for it all and sweary stuff is resl, relatable and often just funny. As for your new greeting, "Hello I'm Louise" I think pretty much nails it! Big love x

  26. I think this is such a good change for you! I've been looking for youtubers that are more "adult." Woo for Badass Grown Up Women!

  27. Be you Louise! We love you no matter and if people dont like it then its their loss <3 we love you Louise and I totally understand. We will support you 100%. Keep smiling ☺

  28. Louise, you're an incredible strong woman. You do you girl. Let yourself go and be wild and a fabulous mother to Darcy. We love you.

  29. Louise, I love the idea of having your channel grow with you! It's your platform and you should be able to post the kind of content you want to make. I know you in no way need everyone's approval for this big decision but I hope that you know you have people who are excited for this ride you're about to take and are rooting for you 100%. Take a deep breath because you did it!—you're on your way to feeling inspired and excited about what's ahead. Also, random but I know you've mentioned being a christian and that's something about you that's always inspired me—someone so popular willing to speak out about it—and one of my favorite books is Uninvited by Lysa TerKeurst if you're looking for a new read. It might break ya down a bit but it's totally worth it.

  30. Way to go girl! You gotta do you! I can't wait to see you in a whole new light and really really get to see you as the beautiful, unique, real person you are!

  31. You do you Louise! I've been subscribed to your youtube and a follower on here since 2011. All our lives have changed so much in that time, you've grown up and so have your audience. Thank you for sharing your life with us so far, I look forward to seeing the unfiltered Louise :)

  32. personally, i really appreciate the honesty, and we wish you all the luck from here on!! i feel like itll be refreshing seeing more real human-ness from our favorite creators, because no one is perfect 100% of the time and thats okay. its human and i feel like itll help us relate more?? i really look forward to the future with all this, and wish you all the luck

  33. Louise, I find myself nodding along with everything you wrote. I am also 31 and a mum to a gorgeous (challenging ,hilarious, infuriating, cheeky, loving) wee girl.
    I found you years ago and stayed because of the things you mentioned above. The glimpses of the funny grown up Louise you tried to dial down.
    I love that you try to do Pinterest worthy things with your Darcey and she reacts like a normal child. Instead of showing everything being all sunshine and rainbows you show an honest reaction of a wee girl. like when you do crafts and it goes a bit wrong. That's what would happen to most mums trying it!
    You are a breath of fresh air in an online world of tumblr inspired nonesense and you are real. Watching your recent blogs with Marie gave me the best belly laughs I have had watching you tube. You remind me of the power of a friend that just " gets it". I love that your Pinterest fails look a lot like mine yet we still keep trying.
    I have never in my life commented on any video or blog but I just had to say- Goodbye Sprinkle Of Glitter and from one 31 year old mummy trying her best to another, hello Louise. It's been lovely to meet you and here's to getting to see more of you. Oh and yeah , Fuck it. Xx

    1. Completely agree with all of this! Fellow mummy here trying to live a Pinterest life and failing!

    2. Completely agree with all of this! Fellow mummy here trying to live a Pinterest life and failing!

  34. This is such a great idea Louise. I understand for a longtime you've had to remain consistent with your brand identity and play it safe. By doing that you've tried to cater to the majority of your audience which are very young girls. But I totally agree and I am proud of you for taking the risk to step out the box and create content that suits not only your own age but a few of your viewer's ages as well (me being one of them, an adult myself). Can't wait to see the new videos in the future and hear about some of your more adult and grown up tales.

  35. YES LOUISE! All power to you, girl. I can only imagine how difficult this post was to write, but I really look forward to any future content coming from you because of your wit, your charm, and your honesty (oh, the irony!). As you have grown, so has your audience and I don't think I'm alone in thinking that we're coming up to some of the UK's biggest bloggers feeling the need to abandon their monikers which may have fit once, but no longer serve their purpose. Bring on Louise Pentland. xxx

  36. Just watched your video as well Louise, I'm on board and definitely chill with this!! Cant wait to see more of you being completely you! xx
    Erin | Little Bateaux

  37. This sounds very exciting to me! Can't wait to see how your rebrand goes. Best of luck to you! x

  38. I can't wait for this "new" Louise I am excited to see the real Louise rather than the Louise who has to pretend or hold back on certain opinions for the audience I have so much faith in you x I have loved ur videos but I know ur new ones where u get to let loose will be the ones I love most x You are such an inspirational woman and I have so much faith in you ( the real you ) have fun and don't hold back x
    We all love you x
    And little Darcy xx

  39. Glad to hear that you're embracing your raw self! I'm 22 and cannot wait to hear more about your more mature stories and thoughts. Best wishes with this new chapter in life! :)

  40. wherever you go, we'll be there for and with you. I'd be thrilled for you to be happy in any way shape or form you feel best in. I won't mind you swearing or being bloody honest with us, because we all secretly want to act just that way sometimes. Be yourself girl, we have your back. And love you in any way we get you!

  41. Can't wait to see what you do next Louise. You just be your badass self, and I will still cheer you on.

  42. YES I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS NEXT CHAPTER!! Sometimes you can't always stay the same otherwise you cant grow.

    You must be nervous about "becoming more, more real and more raw!" (Which is understandable!) but I think you'll be fine, more than even. At when you do get the wobbles, look at Taylor Swift! This might be a rubbish example, and you hate her music (but I don't think you do?), each 2 years she comes out with a different sounding album than the last. 1989 was SO different to speak now, or red, or fearless but look how that's paid off for her!!

    This change will pay off for you too, Louise :)

    Welcome to your self title album- era.

  43. I bloody love this Louise. The videos that you have spokem about getting waxes with Hazel, relationship talk or played Never Have I Ever are always my favourites. An adult doing adult life, making videos for adults - I like it. I can't wait to see what you have in store (be it mummy updates or dating disasters!) xx

  44. Yes, yes yes. I'm an almost 30 year old mummy who started reading your blog years ago as I am into crafting and DIY. I have missed that Louise. It's so refreshing that you can just say you know what, I'm bored of conforming to the YouTube star model. I really admire your courage to change direction and I am excited for you and the direction you choose and as a viewer at the content I wil FINALLY be able to relate to. I always love you with bits and clips and cringed at the 'chummy zoella' persona. I imagine off camera you have a great relationship but on camera the giggles and fairy dust just never appealed to me as a 'mature viewer'.
    Anyway I just wanted to say I respect your choice and hope your channel becomes exactly what I originally subscribed to your blog and YouTube for. Good luck and go forward with your inspirational strength. Lots of love *does mummy salute*

  45. Greeting idea- hello you beautiful human beings who one day will accomplish many things

  46. Great idea! Can't wait for more grown-up videos! Although I'm only in school I think it's important to learn about real life not just Maths and Science and sometimes school doesn't do that, so hopefully your videos will. Your videos are a lot more fun as well. I love them!

  47. Be who you are, after all you created the channel to help yourself chart things and how things were going, and I can tell your sense of humor is kind of out there and not princessy and sparkly, some days we need to just run full ahead without a care in the world, do what you need Louise, the rest of your fans, and friends, will be behind you, I know I am xx

  48. I'm so effin excited for thissss! I've watched your videos for a long old time and seen snippets of your more 'mature' personality shine through and I LOVE IT. Your sense of humour honestly has me snorting at my screen!
    bec X (who couldn't BE more chill with this!)

  49. Do what you want to do, not what others want to do.

  50. This is such a great post - this sounds way more exciting and real than your current videos (not in a mean way I like your current videos too) but this sounds funny and more enjoyable because your happy which is so reflected in videos!! Good luck - look forward to hearing about your disaster dates! Xx

  51. Well fuck, good luck. Super excited for these "deviant" discussions. As for greetings, keep it simple and friendly. Maybe just like greeting a friend "Hello, how are you? I'm Louis and I'm (great, bad, hungry, broke-as-fuck-cause-this-is-a-haul-video, etc) you don't need a gimmicky greeting just something that connects and make us feel like we're hanging out with a friend.

  52. I have loved your videos, your posts, your tweets and everything else you have done for the past 7 years and will continue to do so (perhaps even more) in the next 7 to come. Just be you - unapologetically you - and fuck anyone who doesn't love you for it <3

  53. Best thing I've read in a long time. I totally agree you need to do this! I've been watching your videos for a long time now and have grown up with them. I'm now 21 and feel you've not been able to grow yourself. I'm so excited for this new content where I'll be able to relate once more rather than current.
    You go girl, free yourself, be who you truly are and I can't wait for this next chapter that is Louise. True to yourself and true to 'real life'!
    Ps. wine dates are definitely acceptable now!

  54. I'm so excited to see your channel grow and to watch you grow with it, as I'm sure the new way you're going to go will help me grow to :)

  55. Yaaadss you can do it! You are so brave for evolving your Channel and blog. I am looking forward to Louise Pentland on YouTube instead of sprinkle of glitter. More of you then only that side of you. You can do it! An I am going to love it. Lots of Love from the Netherlands, Marin

  56. I can't wait to see the uncensored version of yourself, I just want to see people be themselves.
    The topics you want to talk about are what I want to hear your opinion on and stories about, as these are the things that are important and interesting to me as a 27 year old. Good luck I am with you all the way.x

  57. Coming from the youtube video I was very scared you really were shutting your channel down, which if you were I would have understood, but would have been very upset.

    I've been watching you on youtube for at least three years now, and I'm glad you've decided to do what you want with your channel. People need to grown and move forward with what you do in videos and on your blog so that you can be more who you are as 31 year old Louise as opposed to the 24 year old Louise who started Beads Buttons and a Sprinkle of Glitter. Growing and changing is terrifying (I'm starting university next week and I'm absolutely terrified), I'm glad that you're comfortable enough to change your online persona. You really are an inspiration, to me and millions of other older teen girls, and I'm happy that you can show us that it's okay to grow up and curse and be a little bit vulgar and over the top. I'm proud of you Louise!

  58. Louise, I can't wait to see more of you being you! I subscribed because I felt a connection with your personality, your style, and your sense of humor. I look forward to seeing you going through the these real life, suitable for your age (and mine - 35, f), experiences! Louise Pentland is who I'm here to see, with or without the glitter. :)
    Lots of love from Tennessee, USA.

  59. I couldn't be more excited for this new chapter in your life! I have always loved your channel/blog but I'm excited to see more of the real Louise!
    Best Wishes!

  60. Actually quite excited for more adult topics! Although I am 21 and don't plan on having children I feel that in other ways we are very similar. I also love talking about sex and dating, I love a motivational quotes, I love gettin drunk and dancing til the wee hours... I just identify with you a lot and see you as a sort of idol (but not in weird pedestal way because you admit your faults and I'm trying to do that more too and we're all human). Mostly I would just love to be your friends, we can drink and talking about awful dates and weird sex and equality. Thank you for changing, thank you for evolving.

    Harriet | Shake This Town

  61. I'm so very happy for you!! Be happy! I admire your courage to do what you want.

    1. I'm so so so happy for you and that you have decided to make this step in your life I send you all my luck. Love you lots like jelly tots xx

  62. yes yes yes !! so excited about more adult themed content, can't wait to see what you make :D

  63. As a 23 year old young woman, I've looked up to you ever since I started watching your videos years ago. I see you as a strong, kind, confident, beautiful woman which can be hard to find on the interwebs. I am so excited to see your channel grow and transform into a more holistic version of you. I think this is an inspiring decision and will help others realize that you don't have to conform to social norms or live up to anyone else's expectations. I can't wait to watch videos in which you are unapologetically you! Darcy is so lucky to have such a strong mother. Plus it will be fun to hear that I'm not the only one who has been on some terrible dates, share the embarrassment if you will. Can't wait to watch some of your new content :D

  64. Completely chill with that. Lets adult it up! Excited! :)

  65. So excited for your next chapter. I understand the idea of staying "professional" and "safe" but we grow. I am different and more "me" around my friends and by making your blog and channel more "you" I think it shows how much you value your audience. You are letting us see more of a glimpse of the real you and no longer have to hide behind only a part of you. Good luck and I think you'll find your audience will support and accept you for you.

  66. That was such a beautiful blog post, people like you help others to put their lives into perspectives and provides me with true aspirations for what I really want out of everything!! You're a truly amazing person Louise x

  67. petal, i'm 34. chuffed to pieces about this blog post. you'd fit right in round mine. absolutely bloody well go for it.

  68. im confused is she going off youtube forever or is she just changing what she does

  69. petal, i'm 34. chuffed to pieces about this blog post. you'd fit right in round mine. absolutely bloody well go for it.

  70. Bruh, life's about changing and growing. Never apologize for growing and wanting to be you. Do what makes you happy. And as long as your emerald eyes make an appearance, I'll continue crushing-on/supporting you.

  71. I was scared shitless that you were going to quit youtube for real ahhaha I think it's always good to reinvent yourself and not have to censor and sugarcoat everything just to portray someone who is not real! I'm really looking forward to what you have saved for us :)

  72. I have to be honest I was sad/frustrated you'd stopped 'aloha sprinklerinos' but it was mainly because I didn't like being a glitterBUG �� That being said I am sooo excited about this change as I too had been a little bored with the young content and cannot wait for your new adult friendly videos. So much respect for you Louise, this is a good change! ��

  73. I'm so ready for the more real, more raw you, Louise! Good on you :) xxx

  74. Proud Of you lousie! You do you and let no-one tell you differently, your a great mum and we love you!

  75. I'd be effing delighted to "meet" the real Louise. Bring it on! <3

  76. I already commented on your video but I've come to comment here too.

    Girl you're going to kill it. I'm so excited to see your new content. I've never ever commented on your blog, but I wanted to let you know that I'm so proud of you. Creativity takes courage, and it's is an act of creativity to be fully yourself. I can't wait to see what badass-real-ass-lady Louise looks like. x

  77. Just be who you are and show it to the world Louise ! We love you !

  78. YES! I am so on board with this. Can't wait for a new era to start.

  79. From the few times I have seen you actually " drop " the perfectness I have found you SO much more funny and relate-able as a human being <3 I can't wait for the new type of videos because I loveee your old style so this will just be much better ! Can't wait !


  80. Hi, Louise I just wanted to say that although it scared me at first, this was brilliant and very honest! Can't wait for the future and good luck with the pinterest diy's :) xx

  81. Thank fuck for the that! The kids have enough kid friendly YT.

  82. Hi Louise! I started watching your videos while nursing my son a few years ago so as to not die of boredom. I'm 36 and I don't watch a ton of YouTubers. The whole culture is kind of weird to me? Anyway, just wanted to let you know that you're fucking great and I'm excited for more grown up comment.

  83. 10000% behind you! Your audience loves you and we would love to see more of what you can offer to the world! Everyone changes, everyone evolves and thats just life. You have every right to do this! I have always loved your content, and tbh more 'adult' content would be enjoyable because thats life and sometimes "adult things" need to be addressed. I can't wait to see what this brings for you and I can't wait for the new stuff!!! Lots of love <3 <3 <3

  84. Thank GOD! I need this type of tuber in my life! As a 30ish woman we are so bogged down in all the lad/fangirl based channels I feel like I am losing my mind. Not that I don't enjoy some of that but what I wouldn't give to have exactly the type of channel you are going to start doing. SO thank you Louise for changing....THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, LOOKING FORWARD TO IT!

  85. Letting yourself free will cause a bigger rollercoaster - more twisty and tipsy and more high and lows - but thats what makes it worth going on. We love you so much and I'll always have faith in you ❤❤

  86. I must say, I am VERY excited for this! I didn't come here from the video, so I'm not sure what is happening over there, but I think it is ah-mazing that you are ready to be YOU out there for everyone. When I read the title I was freaking out a little bit, I like a bit of Louise in my life every now and then. Louise, we, obviously, don't know each other in the real life, but tbh I see you as an online friend. We are on very different life paths right now, but I like that you are just going for it full force! You're traveling and trying new things and, now, baring yourself (except not literally... that could take a turn I didn't see at first...) for us to see and relate to. Girl, not all heroes wear capes, but you could rock one if you wanted to. :D

  87. YES, PLEASE BE YOU! I've watched your channel since Darcy was born so have seen your audience size grow and get why you feel the need to censor yourself. Fuck em though, it's much more entertaining and authentic. You do you.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Excellent Louise! Couldn't be happier for you lovey. Will wholeheartedly follow you wherever you go.
    Dirty sense of humour, you sound like my kinda mate! :-D

  90. It's so refreshing to hear you say you want to be these things. As a mum I know the pressures of being the 'perfect' mum, I still love a good swear word and an evening in the pub with my mates though. I'd absolutely love to watch and follow the real moreover raw you, cause I'm going through all that too, and even young girls that may follow you should know what adult life and being a mum is really like. So yay! I'm excited!

  91. Yes, Louise! Can I be honest? I never admitted to people that I liked your channel. I'm not a sugary sweet glittery person myself but I always liked your personality and I knew there was more under the youtube layer you offer people. I look forward to your content and sharing it with my friends. Have fun feeling liberated! Enjoy yourself x

  92. I'm so glad you're taking this step, I've been watching you since I was younger and I would rather see new content now it's like you're growing up w your audience, so you do you girl xxxx (it kind of annoys me when you tubers dull down their personalities to suit parts of their audience, obviously they have reasons and you can do what you wanna do but I think it's great if you can allow yourself to be yourself)

  93. Louise, I would love to watch a more raw version. I started watching you when I was younger and in a dark place and you were a constant. Many youtubers were. I stopped though because as I grew I felt that some didn't. I would love a more raw version. I want to know what you think. Be who you are. As authentically as possible. If people get mad that is their issue to deal with. You need to do what would make you happy. Also. I think a new greeting is due. I can't wait. Love and hugs. Xx

  94. I am very delighted to finally meet the new adult Louise!! Sounds like me!! Good job-growing requires being brave and getting older is not for the faint of heart, but oh so worth it!! Take risks, crash and burn, fly high-that is what life is. Advice from a 62 yr yr old! LIve your truth and be your precious authentic self. Big hugs!

  95. YAS GIRL! Be your real, true, unfiltered self! Excited for the next chapter, best of luck + and lots of love xxx

  96. Louise I am so excited for this new chapter! I can't wait to see you make content that you really love, and I'm so happy this channel is growing and changing as you grow and change. Can't wait to see what comes next!

  97. Hello louise, I'm Ffion and I'm a very big fan of your blog and also of your youtube channel. I'm really glad you made this post and opened up about your life on social media. I think that its a good time to switch up the contents of your blog and channels because you simply aren't the same person you were when you started this blog. Life has changed a lot and so have you and your blog should reflect that, it should be who you are and not the person you were 7 years ago. I'm looking forward to seeing some fresh new content about your life and it being blunt and honest, as a lot of your followers are.
    Wishing you luck on your new adventures xx

  98. As you've grown, so has your audience. And frankly, this 28 year old mother-to-be wants to hear your opinions and experiences on all those things that I am going through right now too. Bad sex, good sex, religion, parenting, dating, with the more than occasional "fuck" dropped in. We are with you, Louise. Can't wait to see it unfold.

  99. As you've grown, so has your audience. And frankly, this 28 year old mother-to-be wants to hear your opinions and experiences on all those things that I am going through right now too. Bad sex, good sex, religion, parenting, dating, with the more than occasional "fuck" dropped in. We are with you, Louise. Can't wait to see it unfold.

  100. Yes!!! I'm excited about this change. I'm a year older than you and I have been looking for an older youtuber style video/topics. I mean, I obvsiously love makeup, fashion, and fun videos but I want a little something more. This is a perfect way to step into adulthood like you said. Thanks for the change!!!

  101. Hi louise, my names eleri are you changing your name and everyone likes your dirty side but please never forget about your sprinkle of glitter side.ily ��������

  102. As a 26 year old female I would love to hear from the real Louise, its great to be finally hearing you talk to me rather than talking to a 16 year old girl. I think the problem is you can choose your friends and when you're chatting to your friends its only them hearing it, however when you put something on the internet you cant control whether a 12 year old or a 80 year old sees it. But that doesnt mean you should censor yourself.
    I love what I see of the real Louise, so bring her out and lets be bad ass women together. I'm in it for the journey with you.

  103. I SUPPORT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  104. YES! I stopped watching your videos partly because I got busy but partly because it was so clear you was bored with it. I love your humour and your personality that you portrayed online but nothing makes me happier than knowing there's going to be a more raw version of Louise for us to enjoy because for me when we've had glimpses nothing has made me bloody happier. GOOD LUCK!

  105. Halleluja.
    I noticed, Hope you find your way

  106. I've known about your channel for a while now (thanks to all your YouTube pals) yet didn't subscribe because as a 24 yr old woman, I didn't feel it was for me. I wish you ALL the best luck in the world breaking into new territories, experimenting with what feels natural for you and making mistakes along the way. And I'm now subscribing for bad-ass woman content (or whatever else you want to make; no pressure)

  107. Really looking forward to your new more-you content! :)

  108. Dearest, sweetest Louise. Hi. My name is Lisa, I'm 19 and I'm from The Netherlands. At this point in life, I'm going to uni, partying with friends and trying not to think too much about what the future holds. But sometimes I do want to think about that. And dear Louise, I loved your old videos, but I cannot wait for you to share you, just Louise Pentland. I want to hear your actual opinions and I want to hear the truth. Because quite frankly, sometimes you just really need someone to tell you what life is really like. Sometimes you don't wanna watch videos of people always just doing fun things and having perfect lives. I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us and I'm more than okay with you just being you on camera. Please don't sugarcoat anything, censor or hold back. I stand by you, Louise. Be you, Louise. Be free. I already feel inspired. Love always, Lisa x

  109. Louise, I'm so excited for the content that's about to come! I love adult, raw and honest videos and I think in this cheeky world of Youtube there's way to little of that kind of stuff as everyone just wants to please their audience. I can't wait to hear you talk about your life just the way you are, because I feel I'm probably quite similar, although I'm younger than you (I'm 22) I think those new videos will be close to my life reality than the stuff you do now. Remember, although a lot of your viewers are quite young, a big part of us have grown with you! Looking forward to it, grown-up-Louise!! :)
    (btw sorry if my english sounds kind of strange, I'm german^^)
    Lots of love from Katharina :)

  110. Dear louise
    I dearly respect your decision and I welcome your change with open arms. I understand it's hard to be sweet and pretend.that everything is fine and that life will always be a piece of cake. Though I enjoy your videos and look forward to them I know that the best is only yet to come. You are my inspiration and i love you. Xxx

  111. I'm so happy you're doing this! I am so tired of people (what seems like everyone!) catering to tweens/teens. I am a grown woman and want to see women like myself being true to themselves, cussing (if need be) talking about everything we talk about in our everyday life! Cannot wait to see your new content!

  112. I just want you to know, that we'll support you in whatever way you choose. Can't wait to see brand new Louise! Love, Dasha xxx

  113. LOUISE! I have so many thoughts, I think the most important one is that I thoroughly support your decision and I am so excited for what is to come. I feel like through the last month you hinted at this quite a lot, with Marie and with your recent behind the scenes vlog.... and generally, there was always so much of your person between the lines that never really showed much. To be honest, I concluded from this that you might slowly let the channel die or drop the channel all together and start over, away from YT. I am soooo so glad that you decided just start over.
    Honestly, I wanted to start crying happy tears in between, that might be overreacting, but I am so happy for you! You are right, change is something so precious and important, in the sense that you discover yourself and learn about yourself.
    I am rambling here, just know I am excited for Louise <3

  114. Bloody good for you girl! Xxx

  115. As a 26 year old female I would love to hear from the real Louise, its great to be finally hearing you talk to me rather than talking to a 16 year old girl. I think the problem is you can choose your friends and when you're chatting to your friends its only them hearing it, however when you put something on the internet you cant control whether a 12 year old or a 80 year old sees it. But that doesnt mean you should censor yourself.
    I love what I see of the real Louise, so bring her out and lets be bad ass women together. I'm in it for the journey with you.

  116. This is fantastic and I'm so happy for you! Like many of the above commenters I am a slightly older viewer (26) and enjoy your vlogs - where I feel like we get a more 'real' Louise - more than your main videos which sometimes feel a little young. I'm so glad that you feel ready and able to express yourself more as the bad-ass woman you are! I'm really looking forward to seeing future content and am definitely interested to hear your stories of bad dates and (hopefully) good sex, your views on politics and religion and your life journey. Good luck!!

  117. I was really worried for a second but now i'm really excited ^_^

    Best of luck.

  118. I've been watching you for 3 years now and in the past few months i felt as if you weren't happy with what you were doing. If changing your channel up is what you want to do to make you feel happier/better then do it. You're a great person. I'm excited for your changes to your channel, i'm excited to see a happier newer you. You're one of the most genuine people i think i've seen on youtube. I'm excited for your badass side to come out. Be yourself, be free, be happy. Love you Louise!
    (p.s.. if you wanted a new intro you could try pentlanders instead of sprinklerinos just to change it up a little or you could to add a little bit of glitter blow a bit of glitter at the camera and then have your little intro name thing you have and a title of the video. dunno that possibly wont work but you may make it work)

  119. GOD BLESS. FINALLY SOMEONE BEING REAL. The thing is, I'm so bored of people acting a certain way because they have a young audience and they have to keep everything PG. I'm with you girl, and all for it! So excited to see what the future brings. As a 22 year old who swears and don't pretend to be 15, I'm with you on this adventure of being yourself!

  120. Dear Louise,

    I think you are so brave to adress this topic. I feel like a lot of YouTubers/Bloggers are afraid to change because there is a lot of pressure on them to be "perfect" (whatever that may mean). But none of us is, and I would love to see parts of this messy, imperfectly perfect life you lead, and if that means more mature content, or even "difficult" topics like religion, I'm 100% down for it.

    I think a very suitable quote for this would be:

    "Progress is impossible without change"

    Never stop changing!

    Lots of love,

    Pia x

  121. Wow. Just wow. This post made me cry. I totally support you and your future video ideas and I'd love to hear about those embarassing dates.
    Also, props for having the balls to put all this out so honest, I probably couldn't have done that. I'm kinda proud of you.
    Lots of Love.

  122. We love you Louise! I started watching you when I was sixteen, and now I'm almost twenty one, so I've grown up with Sprinkle of Glitter, but I'm ready for change, so if I'm ready, you most certainly be ready hahaha, these changes make me happy! Thank you :) xx

  123. Finally! I feel like the content on your main channel has been so dumbed down and tailored to tweens and I've always loved seeing you in vlogs of your friends when they catch you talking about something honestly and having a glass of wine or something. Yes girl, yes!

  124. I know so many people who wouldn't have the guts to say what you have just said, and wouldn't have the dedication that you have to your channel. That, Louise, it what makes you such a strong, beautiful human being. Well said👏🏼 *sends virtual hug* xx

  125. YES YES YES. Go you for having the courage to make the change and be yourself! I can't wait for the new content & think it will just be like chatting with a friend (I'm 25 and have a very similar sense of humour to you!) Well bloody done Louise - the future is definitely going to be bright xxx

    1. Woo hoo! I'm 35 and been following your blog for years but too be honest kinda lost interest over the years as I got older. Not to say it isn't great, just wasn't me anymore. This is so bloody refreshing, to hear you be honest and real and not sugar cost everything. Amazing! Be yourself, be who you are and that is a fabulous real woman! Xx

  126. I've grown up watching you and now that I'm 21 I was starting to get tired of the sugar coated videos that are on youtube and watch more of the adult channels - I'm so excited to be able to connect with your videos again and not feel like an adult holding onto my childhood! Exciting times ahead for your channel! Congrats and best of luck xxx

  127. I love this and LOVE you. You do you girl! You seem to be an amazing mother, but thats certainly not all. There is always time a change and this is yours. I can't wait to see where you go next. I will certainly be sticking around for more :)

  128. Hi Louise. I'm vicki, a mother of 4 ( yes I'm Crazy!) and a subscriber. I think you are an awesome human. Someone who i could see just being cool hanging out with my friends. I think you need to shake the apple cart, dust cobwebs, brush yourself off and actually give us some real honest content. No one here will judge you if you've had a crappy day they'll really rather appreciate the honesty and then if they did judge are they really the people you want following your story anyway?! so they can politely or not so politely fuck off. We all wake up hoping today is the best day ever full of sparkle , rainbows and butterfly's but sometimes it's not sometimes it's shit!!! Can't wait to see the real Louise. Good luck
    Vicki. Xxxx

  129. Go for it Louise. Life is too short. Get out there and do things that invigorate you. You are a wonderful person and I want to see what else you have to offer. I am wishing you the best of luck and guaranteeing you that I shall be along for the ride

  130. you have to listen to heart, i will always watch your video's ♥

  131. Hi Louise. I'm vicki, a mother of 4 ( yes I'm Crazy!) and a subscriber. I think you are an awesome human. Someone who i could see just being cool hanging out with my friends. I think you need to shake the apple cart, dust cobwebs, brush yourself off and actually give us some real honest content. No one here will judge you if you've had a crappy day they'll really rather appreciate the honesty and then if they did judge are they really the people you want following your story anyway?! so they can politely or not so politely fuck off. We all wake up hoping today is the best day ever full of sparkle , rainbows and butterfly's but sometimes it's not sometimes it's shit!!! Can't wait to see the real Louise. Good luck
    Vicki. Xxxx

  132. Hey Louise,
    Can I just say this is so refreshing to read!! Quite a few youtubers and bloggers hide behidg this fake persona, and it so so nice to hear people wanting to be their true self and not giving a shit about what's 'Politically correct', we're all human after all. I am very excited for this new content and definitely feel it's more suited to me, being 22!!!
    Lots of love, with LOTS of admiration too! Alice x

  133. You are a super hero LP..sent you a Youtube DM xxx

  134. I'm so excited for this transition. I honestly think it's about time as we all grow up and change. Louise, you should have nothing to worry about, we got your back!

    Looking forward to more 'adult' videos because I think YouTube need more content about 'real' lives rather than all the perfect parts.

    Proud of you!

  135. With you all the way Louise! Go for it, be you, you need to be happy in what you do. Life is full of ups and downs and I'll be looking forward to hearing all about it! Good luck and I'll be at your show on Saturday, I may be accompanying my teenage daughter, but have become one of your 'older' viewers and I think I may be a bit more excited than her! x

  136. Listening to your video as I type this and I couldn't be more excited. As another viewer in her 30s (that does not normally comment) I can't wait to watch and relate to Louise Pentland as opposed to a sprinkle of glitter (not that I'm opposed to glitter at all :) ). I started watching beauty youtube videos and then realized a lot of those of personalities outside of their beauty videos didn't and don't really relate to me so this is a niche that needs to be filled. Can't wait to see the Fucking Bad Ass Louise !!! Much love from an elderly viewer in Texas :)

  137. This is great news: change is always good in at least one way and I'm looking forward to this next chapter! Keep it real!

  138. Honestly I slowly stopped watching your videos, and reading your posts, I still follow but over the past few years I just haven't been drawn to your content as much. But when I so the title of this post I had to read, and I'm glad I did! I'm 23, and I want to hear from the Lousie today that makes adult jokes and says fuck! I'm really excited about this and if you lose everyone else, I will still laugh at your jokes

  139. I started watching your videos when I was an incredibly innocent and naive 14 year old who had only recently discovered YouTube, I've grown up with your channel to become a 19 year old young adult with a very different view of the world. I completely understand this change that, in my opinion, has been a long time coming; we all need to see ourselves progress and develop through both our everyday lives and our work, and I really believe this is going to have a very positive impact upon more aspects of your life than you would believe. Good luck, Louise ❤️ xxx

  140. This comment has been removed by the author.

  141. I am totally behind you with this Louise, and so excited to see everything that is yet to come. I've been watching your videos and those of other youtubers for years, but now I am 21 I find I am getting bored with the content of many channels. Youtube does need a big shake up, and I love how you actually pointed out some of the main flaws of youtube in your video (i.e. how most people do everything on there for money). Therefore I love that you have made this huge decision - you've decided just to be yourself, you're not following the formula that you've successfully created (but is boring you and not true to yourself) just for the money. What youtube needs is someone like you. I wholeheartedly support your decision and I have such a massive amount of respect for you! At a time when it's easy to lose faith in many youtubers, you are keeping things totally real and it's fantastic. I wish you all the good luck in the world and I will definitely be following you on your journey! :)

  142. It looks like everyone on here is relieved with your decision to remain a part of the youtube community, and so they should be - you are beautiful inside and out. I look forward to your next glitterless youtube video that showcase's the real YOU!!

    Also, if someone makes you feel like your a bad mom, just remember - nobody is perfect. i'm currently writing this with my 6 month old giggling beside me when she should be sleeping, I guess I am also a bad mother, but I'm also human. who cares what people think. As long as your happy it shouldn't matter! I'm sure everyone here will still support you!

    Lots of Love,

  143. YES PLEASE! As many who have just commented, I'm not 16 and don't want to be talked to as if I were. I'd watched some of your videos in the past but I've only really been "following" you for the past six months, thinking there was something different to you (because despite the smooth surface you're describing it's obvious that you're much more than that), and finally we get to meet the real you! So go do your thing, kick some ass and swear because that's what real life is like. xx

  144. I totally get it and I'm so proud that you have the gumption to change what you are unhappy with. Ultimately it's your channel/blog/life and it's all up to you, we're just here for the ride. And I'll still be here to meet the new Louise that we've never really seen. Much love xx

  145. I'm so happy for you and excited to see what you do next! I'm 23 and love watching your vlogs for your personality, 'real-ness' and humour, but the main channel videos have always been less interesting for me. It will be so good to hear you express your real interests and opinions more, and I'm sure letting yourself feel free to do that will feel great as well! Youtube has (more than) enough sugar coating and content for young viewers :)

  146. This comment has been removed by the author.

  147. I actually cant wait for all these new videos and themes that you write about tbf. It's really brave to embrace your own person, cant wait xxxx

  148. This comment has been removed by the author.

  149. I love this announcement and think it's fantastic! I said something similar on your video but wanted to pop on here to leave a comment too. As a rare viewer well into my 30's, I much prefer the more grown up, real life content. I also much prefer honesty over show any day of the week. While i don't have much of a presence on YT, I can relate as I have had a blog for the better part of the past decade. But the last many years I have really struggled with what to do with the blog as I have grown and changed and evolved a lot since the genesis of the blog. Which makes sense as that's the purpose of life, right? We are all going to just keep growing and changing over our lifetimes. I've struggled with keeping up appearances and have felt so flat and insincere in the process. You've really inspired me today to just make the changes and be true to myself, the person I am today at 38. I can't wait to see how this next chapter online unfolds for you, Louise. Cheers to all of us learning to be brave and lean in to life's changes. Xo KK @preppycrocodile

  150. We support you, and we appreciate your decisions.
    As long as you feel great then it's the right thing

  151. YAY! As a 34 year old mother I am super pumped! While I've watched you occasionally, I've honestly loved catching you on other people's vlogs where I believe you let your guard down a bit! I am ready to watch someone I identify with more. Honestly, the youtube is lacking in the cool 30 year old moms department. Bring it on!!!!

    First I thought you were really quitting youtube and I was in shock, because youtube fits you so well, you're so good at what you do! But after reading and watching about your changes I'm so excited! I think your new chapter is going to be really interesting and you really inspire others to be themselves and to make changes if you are ready. Sometimes you have to change to be/stay yourself. I never really leave comments, but I just want to send you all the best and support! Xx and GoodLuck!

  153. I used to watch your videos religiously, and I will still click on one every so often (time constraints have changed as I've gotten older). I'm really excited to see the new content you want to produce, and I think it will bring me back to your channel on a more regular basis. It is really fucking exhausting trying to be perfect all the time, isn't it? And honestly, it is really boring. Let's swear and talk about sex and REAL LIFE. Or rather you talk, and I'll listen :) Who cares if a few apples get bruised along the way? Louise, you don't deserve the hate you get, you seem like such a genuinely lovely person. All the best to you, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of the imperfect, slightly undone (not really new, just out in the open) Louise!!! xx

  154. Oh my god videos on dating/boyfriend experience would be much appreciated right now! And as for a new greeting, go for a classic 'hey guys it's Louise!' Maybe? Anyway best of luck and I'm
    So excited to see what the future holds!!!x


  156. I feel like making more mature content is going to be amazing. I can't wait to see it, and I feel like most of your audience will enjoy this change. The best of luck Louise!

  157. I can't even tell you how much I love this. I have followed you for a number of years and watching this transition is both encouraging to someone like myself, struggling to admit my business needs change, and exciting because it's permission to do so! I pigeon-holed myself in wedding and portrait photography 5 years ago and I'm finally admitting that I want out. I don't know what it looks like, and it's scary as hell... but following my heart and what I know will make me happy is most important to me. I don't know if you read all of these comments or not, but thank you. Sincerely, thank you. Thank you for opening up and for admitting to yourself and your audience that you want to be more of an "authentic you" that is SO important. It's hard to put on a face that you think everyone wants you to be. I applaud you, Louise. So happy for you and SO thrilled for your new content!! <3

  158. Maybe you could start your videos with " hello it's Louise and today..." I think it suits you xx

  159. Literally nodding along & 'hell YES'ing to everything in this. You do you, Louise. Badass-Lady-Channel sounds PERFECT. SO excited for this new chapter. All the love & support xxxxxx

  160. Louise! That sounds absolutely amazing. Nobody is the same person that they were 6 years ago, and that's really a good thing. I'm proud of you for listening to yourself and to jump out in this new adventure. I wish you all the best.

  161. Go for it 👍😃😃 id love a more adult, grown up channel that is still silly and fun😘💕

  162. You could call your channel a Pentland Playground?

  163. I think this is excellent news. When I have seen you in other youtubers vlogs you seem absolutely wicked. I think this is an excellent move for you as you have so much more to offer. This is incredibly brave. Well done and good luck girl!

  164. Gosh I'm happy you've made this decision, Louise. You are - and your new content - is going to be amazing.

  165. Louise! That sounds absolutely amazing. Nobody is the same person that they were 6 years ago, and that's really a good thing. I'm proud of you for listening to yourself and to jump out in this new adventure. I wish you all the best.

  166. I think that it's important for you to do what's best for you. Creating content that you enjoy and are excited about is the way to go. Unfortunately, you'll probably have to put up with some negative feedback but that's the downside of putting yourself "out there". Some people just judge because they feel they can. You have a very supportive community, I don't think you'll have to worry. I know that as a 33 year old, I'd be able to relate to your more grown up content. I support you in whatever makes you happy. That's what life is about.

  167. This comment has been removed by the author.

  168. Be brave,have lots of fun and enjoy the next stage of your life Louise. I can't wait to see the new style of videos. Lots of luv from Ireland xo.

  169. I don't want to be a hater. I hate stuff like that myself. But, and this is a big BUT, I'm going to have to unsubscribe. My parents check all of the channels I watch ft and it's a "no swearing. No sex. No fun (slight exaggeration)" rule. I absolutely love your content and maybe you could do the often good video? I really hope you don't take this as hate, it's not. I just can't watch. You were my safety net.
    The channel I could go to if I needed advise. I will check out the new content but I thing you have just lost 50% of your subs. They are people who followed because you didn't swear or talk about sex. You were the channel that I could watch infront of my parents. I'm sorry but I can't watch anymore������

  170. Legit the best thing I have ever read, I CANNOT WAIT to see these videos and i know I'm not the only one, good luck chica xo

  171. Best of luck with this new chapter Louise .. we all change.. can't wait to see all your new content ❤

  172. Hi Louise!! You might have watched this video, but she made it when she changed her channel a lot a few years ago because she felt she wasn't being true to herself: I think you should definitely go for it too, I'd be so excited to get to know off-camera-you better :) <3

  173. This is amazing. Hell yes, we want to see whatever you choose to show us. Youtube has grown up, and so have youtubers. We'll really appreciate the reality you're giving us :) Thank you for this! xx

  174. I resonate so much with this! SO excited to see you let loose and be the real you. Because it's not bloody fair if you aren't! As a Christian I'm excited to hear about your thoughts and feelings with the church and your faith. I know it's hard for me to be my authentic self (with cursing and the filthy mind that I have) because I also just want to lead people to the Lord. Really interested and excited and SUPPORTIVE of the times to come!!

  175. You go girl! As an older viewer, the sprinkly glittery unicorn thing is fun for a while but not terribly relate-able. You are growing, you grew out of it, and on to bigger, brighter and bolder things and being true to yourself. I praise you and your bravery! We're with you all the way and the haters are always gonna hate.

  176. I think tnks is a brilliant idea louise!! I fully support what your doing and cant wait to see all your new content!! Best of luck for the future xx

  177. Woo Go Louise! Be that proud Mum that says fuck and drinks on a school night. Be you and be proud.
    I know what you are going through. I have been blogging since 2009 and started as A Cupcake Mum which then was all well and good. But I wanted to move away from the cakes and sprinkles, although I do still have a huge love affair with cake, I had grown and my son had grown and now wanted to be part of what I do. In February this year I relaunched from scratch which is hard work getting social followers back - I can tell you!
    I am now writing about everything from days out and toy reviews to cocks and willies to disastrous dates and all the stuff inbetween like my 10 year old looking for rudey pictures on Google or coming home from school saying he's been playing with dildos!
    I am not tied to being a mummy blogger and it's great. I hope you spread your wings and enjoy.

  178. i'm actually so happy that you've decided to move along with your channel (not that I didn't love it before) and this is a step that I wish many others would also take. I hope this paves the way for others to have the courage to do what they want with their lives and realize how freeing it may be. good luck with everything x x x

  179. Woo Go Louise! Be that proud Mum that says fuck and drinks on a school night. Be you and be proud.
    I know what you are going through. I have been blogging since 2009 and started as A Cupcake Mum which then was all well and good. But I wanted to move away from the cakes and sprinkles, although I do still have a huge love affair with cake, I had grown and my son had grown and now wanted to be part of what I do. In February this year I relaunched from scratch which is hard work getting social followers back - I can tell you!
    I am now writing about everything from days out and toy reviews to cocks and willies to disastrous dates and all the stuff inbetween like my 10 year old looking for rudey pictures on Google or coming home from school saying he's been playing with dildos!
    I am not tied to being a mummy blogger and it's great. I hope you spread your wings and enjoy.

  180. I am so excited to see the real part of you Louise! So excited, stay awesome xx

  181. Ha! Aloha Bloggerino! (Oh yeah...7 years!). I'd say jump right in and go for it, my lovely Louise.
    Big hugs,

  182. Louise, I've loved your videos since I first discovered them and I have to say, without a doubt, I absolutely love the idea of more raw videos and more letting loose. That's what life is, right? Letting people know what's on your mind without the sugar coat, you deserve it! And hey, it's the best thing about life, the ups and downs and I would love to hear about it. Of course you're going to have people who don't want to watch because they like the layers of fluff around reality but in the end, it's what makes you happy, what makes you feel comfortable. Everyone grows and changes and that's what life does. I support you 100% in this new channel update.

  183. I have always loved your videos Louise and as one of your adult viewers I would thoroughly enjoy watching all of your videos ranging from the cutesy, fluffy hauls to the more 'real' videos of your dating disasters, religion, motherhood and politics. I am soo excited to see this transition and always know that you have my support because I want you to be yourself; you are an amazing, lovely, kind, strong and badass woman. Lots of love and support! xx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx