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Wednesday, 29 January 2014

That Guy Matt

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I spend so so much of my time talking about Motherhood, friendships, personal growth and work adventures on here but so very rarely discuss that guy Matt. You know, that man I married, live with and the Father of my bambino. 

(Mr & Mrs)

The reason I have kept him so hush hush for the past four years is because isn't really a, 'hey look at me!' kinda guy and works in a high school so was a little reserved about having so much of his life out there for all and sundry to read. I get it. I respect it. 

Lately though, the little love has been finding himself more and more interested in blogging and vlogging and taking quite big steps to be more involved which basically, THRILLS ME. This means he is appearing in more and more Chatter channel vlogs and is happy to be featured on my blog more too. Yay, yippe and huzzah!

I'd quite like write more Matt centred blog posts since he is obviously such a huge part of my life but feel lost as to what you'd like to know. What are you interested in? Are you interested in anything at all? Are you wondering why you're even reading haha? 

For those that are totally new- Matt and I met at university in Liverpool and I (being a naive teenager) thought he was oh-so-cool because he was 21 already and seemed very suave. He thought I was cute and eccentric and after 8 months of shillyshallying around (you know how it goes), we were an item. After graduating I stayed in Liverpool for a few more years because it's his hometown (I love me a scouser) and because the city has a big place in my heart. Then, we moved down closer to London, bought a house, said 'I do', baby made three and voila, here we are, the Glitter Family. That's us in a nutshell.

I'm glad he puts up with me. He is always so supportive of my job (which we both love but understand it's not your average 9-5), weathers my ever changing mind, shares the housework and plans little trips for us. I realise how lucky I am and this year am really striving to find more ways to show him my appreciation (minds out of gutters please ladies ;) ).

Comment homework today is - What would you like to know about us? Ask anything, it's a free-for all. What do you do to show love for your other half or what would you do if you were in a relationship? Should I encourage Matt to one day write a blog post? What would you like to read from him?

You can (only if you want to) follow him on twitter HERE

Exciting times Sprinklerinos! 


Contributor - Louise

To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser -The Fashion Fuse. Click HERE for more info. 

Monday, 27 January 2014

Motivational Monday #4

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Merry Monday to you my lovely Sprinklerinos. Have you had great weekends? I certainly hope so!
Today marks the last week of January, which I think to a lot of us is a relief. January, in my opinion is one of the dullest months and February brings daffodils, birdsong and the promise of Spring, hooray.

(Mmmmm thanks Blogger. I made this white but blogger wasn't having any of it!)

Today's inspirational quote is one I found myself writing in an email to my friend Faye (more on her soon) who is venturing on a couple of big plans with her Husband. 

I chose to use it this week because it's something I have been trying out for the last few months and really finding to have positive results.

I wouldn't class myself as a brave person. I don't like to push comfort zones and I don't like to cross boundaries of unknowns, they frighten me. Lately though, on a couple of occasions a month, I force myself to do something I feel a little nervous about. For example, last October I was asked to give a speech a large conference for Wired Magazine and before I could talk myself out of it, I said 'alrighty'. This then led to doing another talk to a large household name health and wellness brand and then one by one, like dominos, new opportunities sprang up because of the previous brave move. I'm starting to see that being a bit brave here and there really does pay off. 

It may 'pay' in money, it might be rewarding in experience or enriching relationships but more often than not, being brave and going the extra mile is worth it. Now I'm not suggesting you quit your job, sell your belongings and backpack across the world (unless of course you want to!), but to quietly assess where your natural boundaries lie and then take just one step out of them. And then, if you feel able, another. 

Put aside five minutes today to think about what you could do to push yourself that little bit or make an active effort to be open to new opportunities that might pass you by. You never know what exciting things could happen! I'll be checking up on you next week!

This week's homework- Comment below with what you might try out this week to demonstrate bravery and also let me know which areas of life you were kinder to yourself in last week. If you see anyone in the comments with similar experiences to you or things you feel you could help with, say hello and spread good vibes. The comment section is a friendly place y'anno!


Contributor - Louise

To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser -The Fashion Fuse. Click HERE for more info. 

Friday, 24 January 2014

MAC Turquatic Fragrance || Beauty Review

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Whilst in Covent Garden (London) a few weeks before Christmas, I popped into MAC to buy some false lashes and have them fitted for a party I was attending. As I sat have my eyes fiddled with (weird concept there), I decided on a whim to treat myself to a bottle of perfume that I remembered my friend Zoe ravving about a few years back.

I parted with my pennies and walked out with a brand spanking new bottle of MAC Turquatic and have been delighted with it ever since. The website describes it as, 'featuring anemone, lotus, orris and coriscan blue cedar' and I would describe it as light, feminine and sophisticated. Perfect for being a gal about town or flouncing into meetings with. It's not what I would consider a date night scent as it isn't very flirty but it is definitely going to become a staple piece in my collection. 

Fickle as it may be, I adore the packaging of this perfume too. I have always heard from my Grandma, 'blue and green should never been seen', meaning the two colours fail to compliment each other but I think this sharp little bottle disagrees. 

Turquatic is also stocked in a rollerball which is perfect for bags where space is a premium or for travelling- yay!

If you're a keen bean (which I do hope you are), you can see the day I bought this item in the video about. Skip to 8.06 to see it featured if you don't fancy watching the whole shibang. 

What perfume are you loving at the moment? Anything I should consider? Or, do you not bother with perfume all together and think it's a frivolous waste? Tell me!


Contributor - Louise

To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser -The Fashion Fuse. Click HERE for more info. 

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Amazing Advertisers || January 2014

Aloha Sprinklerinos! 

Another month, another wonderful bunch of bloggers for your eyes to behold! The first of the year too! Good golly, where has the time gone! I've got some treasures for you so grab a beverage of your choice, a biscuit or too and lets get going! 


The Fashion Fuse is a fashion blog written by the incredibly beautiful Angie. I can’t take my eyes off her. The Fashion Fuse is everything I like to see in a good old fashion blog! The design in swish, the clothes give those Sex and the City gals a run for their money and it’s inspirational. If I’m in need of a style infusion, Angie is the gal I’ll turn to. You won’t leave The Fashion Fuse uninspired I can tell ya! You will however want to go shopping and buy all the pretties! Go on, have a gander!

Aah Megs, what a beautiful red haired temptress. Another stunning fashion blog that’ll leave you wondering what happened to your afternoon, it’s that addictive. As well as writing about all things fashion Megs also shares some lifestyle bits and bobs with us (Oh birdie tea cup, how I love thee) and this month a pretty swish hair tutorial! She’s a busy little blogging bee that Megs and Wonderful You is definitely worth a follow, you won’t regret it. (You will consider dying your hair red though, I’m warning you now!)

Sophie has stayed with us for another month on Sprinkle of Glitter and as always Sophie Jane has been a joy to read. It’s no secret that I am a lover of Sophie’s culinary skills and baking posts, and this month she has not disappointed me! It’s been a healthy (and not so healthy – I’m looking at you delicious chocolate brownies) month on Sophie Jane with a recipe for a morning green smoothie and hummus (who moose?) Sophie is also on a journey to get more active this year just like me. I’m excited for her progress posts and motivation to keep me going!

Every Little Thing is a lovely little blog written by a mystery persona, I quite like that! Whilst I’m sure the brains behind Every Little Thing is every bit wonderful, it’s fun to have a bit of mystery! The clue is in the title, this blog has everything. Beauty, lifestyle, fashion and more! For the blogger to consider themselves a ‘novice’ I am heavily impressed. The photography is beautiful, the design pleases my eyes and the reviews are well thought out and brimming with all the information you’d desire from a beauty review. Let’s show our mysterious girl some love and give her a follow.

Amy has been a long time advertiser with Sprinkle of Glitter and I always enjoy having her. Amy has warmed my little beating heart this month with her New Year’s Resolutions post, she has made a resolution to smile at strangers more in a bid to perk up their hard day, I think that’s something we should all consider :). I’m excited to see what Amy has install for us in future posts, I’ve been a fan of her beauty reviews in the past and I look forward to more of them. Give Amy a follow, you’ll make her smile!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Liv is a good egg and I enjoy her approach to blogging and life in general! Not enough people spend a day with their chums doing pottery if you ask me! Liv also shared a post at the beginning of this month about her goal to lose weight and exercise more which I thoroughly enjoyed reading, also how fun does the dye 5k run look?! Having pink dye thrown everywhere for ever kilometre you run, now that’s an incentive! Let’s hope Liv keeps us up to date with her journey and will one day be posting pictures of herself covered in pink dye!

Undeniably, Me is good for the eyeballs and the soul. It’s a wonderful blog and I’m pleased as punch to have Elizabeth with me this month. Elizabeth is a beautiful lady who writes well and the passion for her blog clearly shows through her posts, they’re a joy to read! She also has a ninja cat called Oliver – I instantly love her more for this. Elizabeth also celebrated her 1st blogging birthday this month which is a pretty hefty milestone in the world of blogging so lets all wish her blog a big happy birthday with a follow and a virtual hug!

If you’re a lover of a good old upcycle then Sarah is your gal. I could think of no better introduction because Sarah produced the most magnificent upcycling post this month and I have been left inspired to complete a few more homely projects! Given Me Wings is another ‘little bit of everything’ blog, from upcycling to beauty and it is a joy to read! This month Sarah has shared with us a review of the most beautiful Nars palette I ever did see and her progress with Slimming World, I told ya – everything! If you’re in need of new blogs to follow, look no further than Given Me Wings! There certainly is something for everyone, there’ll be something to tickle your pickle I swear!

Sookie Spartan is an American beauty and fashion blog written by the lovely Sara. This month Sara has shared all sorts with us including an eye tutorial using the Naked 3 palette and reviews on some sportswear, she’s an active gal that Sara! Sara definitely has a knack at beauty blogging I can tell ya! Her reviews are always in depth, coupled with photographs, swatches and all the product information you could possibly need! Sookie Spartan is a joy to read and I look forward to Sara’s future posts (I like to all the beauty products they have across the pond)

Beauty in Beta is a fun little blog written by a gal named Beth. Firstly it must be said that Beth has the cutest, fluffiest cat in all the land and I want to squish him with love. He is also called Gizmo, incredible. Gizmo the cat, I love you. I’m also a fan of Beth, she’s got such a light hearted, down to earth personality and it shines through in her blogging which makes her writing a joy to read. Beth blogs about all sorts, including beauty and lifestyle and she also makes Youtube videos for us too. She and Gizmo are a breath of fresh air I thoroughly recommend you have a browse! 

And that's all folks! 



Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Glitter Gets Fitter

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

If you follow me on YouTubes, Facebook, Instagram or Tumblr you may have noticed #GlitterGetsFitter being a THING. 

I say a 'THING' because I can't quite tell if it's a full on new lifestyle change or just a fad and not being one to love commitment (types the home owning married mother who has run her own business for the last couple of years, commitment much?) I'm reluctant to give it a title. 

(A collection of my GlitterGetsFitter instagram updates this month.)

I talked about it in a video this past Sunday and wanted to chat a little bit more about it over here so as to have all bases covered. I'm not going to bleat on about it too much after that, unless something worthwhile happens, but you can still follow the THING on my social platforms if you're a keen bean.

It all began when Weight Watchers approached me in Autumn 2013 and asked if I would work with them on a few videos they had in mind to promote their new plan, Simple Start. I had long being thinking that my physical fitness needed some help but initially said no because I thought Weight Watchers was all about dropping lbs and eating boring foods. 

After a few discussions back and forth with me saying I don't enjoy the idea of diets and extreme/fast weight loss and that my goal for 2014 was to fuel my body better and improve my health levels, I quickly realised that was what Weight Watchers is all about. It's not about bland foods and being hungry, it's about learning which foods love your body and which foods don't really give you much (sadly, my beloved macdonalds french fries are the latter *sob*).

I decided that if I was going to be in videos promoting the Simple Start plan (HERE and HERE) that it would only be right to actually give it a go (practise what you preach and all) and have now being doing it for two weeks. 

I won't lie, it's been a big shock to my body and lifestyle. This second week I have spent a lot less time craving takeout food but the first week was a real battle of wills. I win those little battles by thinking in short term chunks. I say, 'You can have a chinese takeout on Friday, just resist for 3 more days and it's all yours' and then of course by the time I reach Friday I feel accomplished and don't want to order the chinese. Basically, I have to treat my brain like a toddler and do sneaky mama tricks on it haha. 

On the plus side, I have now had 14 consecutive days getting my 5-a-day of fruit and veggies and my skin, alertness levels and mood are thanking me for it. I'm not 100% sure if this is linked but since putting cleaner foods into my body I have been a lot less up and down in mood. I'm a very passionate person so I'm quick to laugh heartily, cry hard or shout loud but this last fortnight I've felt a little more mellow, which has been quite the treat for my Husband!

As well as eating better I have been upping my exercise game. By 'upping', I mean, 'actually doing some'! I used to have not a jot of proper exercise, aside from pushing the pram about, taking Darcy to the swings or nipping to the shop but none of those were anything more than light. 

I now go on 30 minute brisk walks/runs every other day and I don't hate it. I haven't got that addicted to exercise bug yet but I'm hoping it hits fairly soon. My friend Mark says it takes 3 weeks to make something a habit so my fingers are firmly crossed. I used to walk the length (and back again) of a nearby park but after a scary encounter with some locals (think hooded group of young men making lude remarks), I quickly changed my walking root and it feels much safer, although rather hilly and slightly longer dagnamit! 

The first time I did one of the walks I came home and was shaking I was so unused to exercise! Now though, I bound home in my hot pink trainers, jump in the shower and feel really accomplished. There is a certain sense of power in knowing that you are taking control of a new area of your life. I feel physically and mentally stronger because of it. 

So far, I'm really enjoying making these changes. I want my insides to feel great, I want to be a fit and healthy Mama for my Little and I want to enjoy a much more active life. 

I don't know how long I will continue on this journey (commitment issues, remember?) or how accomplished I will be but for the last 3 weeks I have taken so much from Sprinklerino Support (official term there) and feel very blessed to have you all in my glittery life. 

Have you ever undertaken big life changes like this? How did you feel? Did they work? Do you feel like a sensual woman goddess?!?


Contributor - Louise

To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser -The Fashion Fuse. Click HERE for more info. 

Monday, 20 January 2014

Motivational Monday #3

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

According to scientists (or maybe just general 'they say' ness), today is the most depressing Monday of the year on account of it being so long since payday and a while til the next, the gloomy weather and the lack of excitement (oh how we miss you Christmas). If you are feeling blue, you've come to the right place because today is Motivational Monday where we come together as a happy, supportive, caring community and there is always a friend for you in the comments section. 


I don't know about you but I often find myself worrying in circles and revving myself up into quite the tizzy about things I can't control or problems that aren't really mine. This week I'm going to make a concerted effort to let go of them.

This week I am going to love myself the most and not beat myself up over all the little things I find myself fixated on. So I cleared my office but left a load (and I mean loads!) of junk on the sofa, oh well. So I slipped up on my healthy eating plan and ate four (oops) weight watcher bars yesterday, oh well. So I didn't plan out all my blog posts last week, never mind. What I have done is love my family, read to my Daughter, laugh with my Husband, looked after my body with a few good walks and no takeouts, shared with a neighbour. 

What I'm trying to point out is that when you focus on all the times you've done wrong, messed up or missed out, you can't fully see all the things you have excelled at, been brilliant in or cared about. We are often our own worst enemies and this week for Motivational Monday I would like you, every day, to find something good that you have done and give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it. It can be really big or really small or somewhere in between, but give yourself some lovin'. 

Homework (ie. comment below with haha)- Are you going to try and be kinder to yourself? What great things did you do over the weekend that you deserve a personal clap for? Also, how did you get on last week? Did you focus on any existing goals and did you have a positive outcome? It's good to reassess as well as look forward. 


Contributor - Louise

To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser -The Fashion Fuse. Click HERE for more info. 

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Budget Pamper Treats

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

This week on my YouTube channel I talked about purse friendly ways to pamper yourself this month. I really like this video (vain much?) because it's sweet and snappy and I tried new things during the editing process to challenge and stretch myself creatively. Go me.

I'd be really interested to hear about your budget beauty or pamper tricks and I'd also like to know how you're getting on this month. January can really drag so I'm always trying to think up new ways to make it that little bit more sparkly!

Also, in case you missed last week's video (I didn't feature it on my blog due to THIS post), 'What's In My 2014 MakeUp Bag', you can watch it HERE. If you would like to, please feel free to SUBSCRIBE to my channel. Yay YouTube!


Contributor - Louise

To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser -Adventures of an Anglophile. Click HERE for more info.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Topshop Goodies

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

On falling into Topshop the other week when I had a few minutes spare before I meeting, I accidentally fell to the till with a handful of new products, my money fell out of my purse and then the products fell into my makeup bag. What can you do eh? These things happen to the best of us. 

I thought it might be quite nice to do a little blog haul since I usually feature this kind of thing more prominently on my YouTube channel, it's nice to give my blog a little lovin'. 

I haven't fully road tested these products yet so am hesitant to give any kind of review but having used and adored Topshop lipsticks for years, I feel confident that they will be well loved assets to my makeup bag. 

In 'The Damned', 'Boom Boom' and 'Beatnik', each lipstick retails at £8 and is creamy, pigmented goodness in a solid metal tube. 

I also treated myself to a warm toned highlighter, a 'Lip Bullet' (basically a lip crayon with swivel-up mechanism when it gets blunt) and a Kohl eyeliner in 'coal' which is a trusted re-purchase. 

I have always had fantastic experiences with the Topshop line so I am excited to get into these and if anything crazy good/weird/bad happens, I'll be sure to let you know.

If you enjoyed this post or are enjoying sciving from real life for a few minutes, why not read about my 2012 TopShop Splurge or my very first mention of Topshop makeup back in 2011! Yikes!! (I do hope I've improved somewhat since then!!)

What was the last thing you treated yourself to or splurged on?



Contributor - Louise

To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser -Adventures of an Anglophile. Click HERE for more info.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Motivational Monday #2

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Are you excited for the new week? You should be. It's an opportunity to asses what you want out of your time and decide upon the best attitude to help you reach it. I have faith in you!

The second week in January is usually the time I give up on New Year's Resolutions and feel rather melancholy at the sorry state of my will power. I don't think I'm alone. 

You've had a good crack at things but really, not drinking fizzy drinks or finally reorganising your junk room is hard work and sometimes boring. I get it, I feel your pain. I can't even tell you how much I want a gallon of iced diet coke and some cheese fries.

But, we have each other and this warm, engaging community to support us!

Have a think about a goal or aim you have at the moment. It doesn't have to be a New Year Resolution as I know some people don't bother, but just something you're trying to do/not do right now in your life. Focus on it. Are you doing it well? Are you veering off course? Are you cheating a little bit?

Make today be the day that you try a tiny bit harder. Not start over or find a new goal but just try that little bit more to achieve this one. Take the love and support of this community all cheering you on and push that one bit harder. Do that every day this week and then on Saturday assess your progress. Hopefully you'll be so proud of yourself that you keep on going next week and voila, you have pushed through a hump and come out stronger.

I for one will be drawing from this motivation as I continue on my road to a fitter body (and gee wizz sometimes it feels like a rubbish road, but I'm determined not to let myself down this year, because after all, who else's body am I bettering?) and will update you on my progress.


Last week in THIS post we talked about enjoying little things in each day. I would love to hear in the comments if there was anything specific you enjoyed. Here are some of mine - Having Matt, Clare, Zoe, Alfie and Marcus be so supportive of my healthier life choices, listening to Darcy play her 'git-ar' and singing made up babybabble songs, watching YouTube videos in bed with Matt before we go to sleep and taking pretty pictures on my big girl camera- I should do that more. 


So two bits of comment 'homework' for you haha. What resolution/goal are you going to push a tiny bit harder on and what did you enjoy from last week's focused attention? Feel free to talk to each other in the comments and provide encouragement!

Contributor - Louise

To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser -Adventures of an Anglophile. Click HERE for more info.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Celebrating Creativity #1

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Lately I have been thinking a lot about creativity. I have been musing on how grateful I am to have such a creative job and how lucky I am to be able to freely choose what I want to make and upload each week to my YouTube Channel. I have also been reflecting upon how pleased I am that other YouTubers are free to flex their creative muscles and produce such interesting and thought provoking content.

I have to admit, I don't think I could say that I push boundaries or do anything particularly visionary. What I do is chitchat about the things that tickle me and document the parts of my life I think worthy of sharing or remembering. I do have small goals to challenge myself in these areas but until then, I wanted to, every now and again, celebrate channels who I think are doing a good job. 'Doing a good job' doesn't necessarily mean, 'getting all the views' or 'being most re-blogged on tumblr', but providing something enjoyable/fun/clever/well made/tickled-louise's-pickle (minds out of gutters please).

This week I would like to highlight THIS video by Bertie Gilbert. I don't know Bertie (except to have said 'hello' at a few events) and haven't watched a lot of his videos (gargh I hope he never sees this- I watched one about a year ago and was a little bit offended by some of the jokes he made and so didn't watch again) but this one looked interesting so I gave it a whirl.

What I like about it is that a) it's like a little game to see if media can manipulate us (I think it does and it did) and b) it's not the usual. It's not a silly challenge (holds hands up for enjoying and filming silly challenges) and it's not a haul (holds hands up again). It just is what it is and it works and I like it and this is my blog and my rules so I'm sharing it and that's that! *Delicately hops off high horse*.

I'm really enchanted by the idea that people can have an idea pop into their head, work out a way to make it, do it and then share it with other people. Ten years ago that process would have been really laborious but now, thanks to that world wide web thingymabob, it's a lot more feasible and I for one am enjoying it. 

Tell me in the comments or tweet me (@Sprinkleofglitr) what videos or other forms of creative online content you have enjoyed this weekend. I'd love to add more to my watching list!



To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser -Adventures of an Anglophile/. Click HERE for more info.

PS- Do you love how creative my title about creativity it? Deary me. 

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Letters and Loves

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Just a little information post today. What treats I give you haha.

For the past year or so I have had a PO Box to allow those who want to to send letters and loves (please no gifts) and for the appropriate companies to send samples for review considerations.

In the last few weeks my postal address has changed and I would hate for people to send heartfelt letters (honestly, I've cried at some of the lovely things you have written) and me not to be reading them. 

Louise Glitter, 2nd Floor, 100-1006 Leonard Street, London, EC2A 4RH

Please don't think this is me asking for anything, just a heads up to those who do like to make use of pretty stationery because I value your time and words very highly. If you have sent something in the last week, don't worry, it will be collected but from now on, it's the new address.

Alrighty, back soon with something more pretty. Love you!



Contributor - Louise

To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser -Adventures of an Anglophile. Click HERE for more info.

Monday, 6 January 2014

Motivational Monday #1

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Oh yes, put on your party hats and roll out the red carpet, Motivational Monday series two has arrived!

If you are confused at all about where you are or what's going on, THIS was the first ever Motivational Monday and THIS was the series one finale. If you are new to the feature, you might find them useful.

So Merry Monday my lovely lot, if you are feeling a bit blue because it's the start of the week, please don't, it's the perfect opportunity to start afresh and achieve your goals.

This image was lovingly borrowed from Pinterest. Original source unknown. You can follow my boards HERE

I have chosen this motivator today because it's simple, easy to start with and brings happiness, which is essentially the point of Motivational Mondays. 

I'll keep things short (for once). Whatever you're doing today, whether you're at work, school, college, home, looking after your littles, running errands or having a duvet day (lucky) then enjoy it. You may not be dancing with glee at the prospect of sitting at your desk all day but find something about it that is positive. Is it nice to see colleagues/piers again? Do you have a really nice lunch planned? Could you have a sneaky bit of internet time and peruse some online shops? 

Make a concerted effort to enjoy today and every day this week. When you look for the good in things, you find them, appreciate them and feel uplifted for knowing they are there. 

I hope this gentle start into Motivational Monday has lifted your spirits and your week's are wonderful. 

Tell me in the comments what you do on a typical Monday. I love knowing about people's day to day!



Contributor - Louise

To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser -Adventures of an Anglophile. Click HERE for more info.

Friday, 3 January 2014

A Millionaire's Party

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I promise I'll stop soon and tuck my joy quietly in a box, but just for one more day I'm still celebrating. Last week my YouTube channel reached 1 million subscribers and if you think I was happy (oh man I was so happy), it was nothing compared to my family!

My Dad and Tina (stepmum) threw me a last minute party on NYE with all our relatives from both sides and a few friends too, champagne, balloons, food, cakes and candles. It really means so much to me to have such a supportive network of people that are as pleased for me as I am. I am very blessed. 

I must apologise for some of the shots being out of focus, my little sister isn't quite familiar with my new camera! 

I spotted these balloons as we drove up to the house and was overwhelmed at how much effort they'd all gone to. I thought it was going to be a glass of bubbly with the famalam but nope, a full blown party with giant inflatables instead! Yippeee!

 Woop, Dad cracked open the special bottle!

Sneaky little candid shot there. 

My little lady who thought the party was for her and delighted in having cake before dinner. 

French Fancies which I am re-naming 'Darcy's Delights' since she loves them so much. I may buy her a box especially soon and have a tea party with her. Little girls are the best!

She might not have been feeling it but I certainly was!

My Dad did a really funny speech about the number 1,000,000, Tina kindly cooked up a feast of nibbles, family travelled from a far, bubbly was drunk, kiddies played, friends laughed, it was the BEST. 

I know I'm not the first to reach this milestone and most definitely won't be the last, but to me, it was such a special moment and I am so thankful that my lovely peoples understood and celebrated with me.

So, one last time, yay a million! The end! Haha.

Have you celebrated anything special lately (for yourself or someone else)? Tell me in the comments so that we can all celebrate with you. <3 p="">



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Thursday, 2 January 2014

Thanks a MILLION

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Last week my beloved YouTube Channel hit a massive milestone - One Million Subscribers. 


I couldn't not make a video to share my thoughts on the achievement and ended up really having a good old chitchat. If you didn't see it on there, here it is for you to catch up on. 

If you would like to subscribe to my videos, to ensure you never miss anything, HERE is a direct link to my channel. Thank you!

If you're interested in sticking around, on this day in 2013, I blogged about THIS and in 2012 it was THIS.  It's nice to look back. 



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Wednesday, 1 January 2014

A New Year, A New Me?

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

According to THIS post at the end of last year, my 2013 resolutions were to stress less, thrift more, edit less, diy more, weigh less, travel more and spend quality time with Baby Glitter. I can safely say that I did about half of those. Time with Darcy, travelling and stressing less were definitely accomplished but loosing a stone, being thrifty and sorting my house out fell weakly by the weigh side. 

Well, with a new year comes a new start and once again I find myself making resolutions and hoping that this will be the time I do them all. Do you do that too? I hope so!

(Unfocussed but happy. A common theme to my life!)

In 2014 I hope to -

Get Fit. I want to put better foods in my body and feel more energetic. Pretty simple really once you have the will power (which I never do!).

Blog Better. I'd like to be putting up 3 blog posts a week that I am proud of and promote them properly. I also want to give it a little makeover and freshen it up a touch. 

Adventure. From reading blogs and watching other people's travel videos on YouTube, I've got the itch to see more of the world and this year I hope the Glitter Family can do that. 

Organise. My office, my wardrobe, my laundry, my life. 

Review. I used to publish so many reviews and now I hardly do any. I'd like to get back into that because I think they are useful and interesting. 

And that's what I'm sticking with. As a small motivator I'm going to do regular updates on the resolutions and keep you in the loop of how I'm doing!

What are you goals for 2014? Did you stick to your 2013 aims?



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