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Monday, 20 January 2014

Motivational Monday #3

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

According to scientists (or maybe just general 'they say' ness), today is the most depressing Monday of the year on account of it being so long since payday and a while til the next, the gloomy weather and the lack of excitement (oh how we miss you Christmas). If you are feeling blue, you've come to the right place because today is Motivational Monday where we come together as a happy, supportive, caring community and there is always a friend for you in the comments section. 


I don't know about you but I often find myself worrying in circles and revving myself up into quite the tizzy about things I can't control or problems that aren't really mine. This week I'm going to make a concerted effort to let go of them.

This week I am going to love myself the most and not beat myself up over all the little things I find myself fixated on. So I cleared my office but left a load (and I mean loads!) of junk on the sofa, oh well. So I slipped up on my healthy eating plan and ate four (oops) weight watcher bars yesterday, oh well. So I didn't plan out all my blog posts last week, never mind. What I have done is love my family, read to my Daughter, laugh with my Husband, looked after my body with a few good walks and no takeouts, shared with a neighbour. 

What I'm trying to point out is that when you focus on all the times you've done wrong, messed up or missed out, you can't fully see all the things you have excelled at, been brilliant in or cared about. We are often our own worst enemies and this week for Motivational Monday I would like you, every day, to find something good that you have done and give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it. It can be really big or really small or somewhere in between, but give yourself some lovin'. 

Homework (ie. comment below with haha)- Are you going to try and be kinder to yourself? What great things did you do over the weekend that you deserve a personal clap for? Also, how did you get on last week? Did you focus on any existing goals and did you have a positive outcome? It's good to reassess as well as look forward. 


Contributor - Louise

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  1. great advice! motivational mondays posts are soo good :) definitely have the pick me up i needed today!

    Rachel x
    Style Soup

  2. Love your Motivational Mondays! Definitely has the desired effect on me, not so miserable now!

  3. your homework is difficult! haha. Let's see.. I've slacked majorly on my blog recently, but I've worked hard and put together a few posts this weekend. I think I deserve a pat on the back for being productive. You make such a great point with this post and I'll definitely give it thought throughout the week (:

  4. Last week I left Sixth Form for my own well being and health. Although i am currently in a rut of doing nothing I know bigger and brighter things are yet to come!

    1. Find something wonderful you wish to contribute to the world around you Jessica, and then you'll leave your rut and those special things you seek will come to you before you know it. The world needs your gifts; don't be afraid to offer them x

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This is lovely louise!
    I defintly need to be kinder to myself! xox

    child abuse survivor blog;

  6. This week we're definitely going to make the best of it :)

    From Making Things Alive

  7. So true. It's often, also, when times are tough on those around me that I forget what's good about myself and my own life. So what I didn't post on my blog for a week? I am trying to make sure to fit in my times of reflection and contributing and (sometimes!) pampering, so that I can be my strongest to help others be stronger. And you, Louise, are such an everyday inspiration! Super pleased you're enjoying cleansing your insides, haha! x

  8. I love this advice. I am making this my year of change, so I need to get on it!

  9. I guess it all boils down to being positive and finding a silver lining in every situation even (or especially) when you mess up.

  10. thank you for this post! I always focus on the bad things and I hate myself all the time buh. It's hard to think of something you did good every day, but I'm going to try it :) I decided that I'm only going to drink water this week and go to the gym 3 times. When you said you was less tired since you were healthier, I said to myself I also have to be healthier because I'm not happy with my body, I'm kind of fat, and I am always tired. Thankyou for all your motivational words! I really hope I can meet you one day, you're a lovely person <3

  11. This is exactly what I needed. I'm feeling kind of blue today, stressing about school deadlines and myself. But this weekend I baked something for my parents, I did a lot of homework and I put time aside to just relax :)

  12. This is such a great post. I agree that more often than not, we are way too hard on ourselves and fixate on the bad instead of the good. This week I have let my room become a mess, but I have also laughed with friends, worked to the best of my ability and planned some blog posts.
    Thank-you Louise xx

  13. i absolutely love these posts! thanks for all the fab advice (: x

    A Little Treat

  14. I love this series Louise! I'm always in need of a little kick in the butt so I don't spend my whole day on the couch cradling a packet of Doritos & berating myself for not writing enough. Today I held my breath & took a quiz at an old manuscript I hadn't looked at in six months (!) then emailed it over to my sister and her fiancée so they both could read it. No one's read the finished draft yet! It also made me think 'hey, I did great things with this manuscript before it was even finished' (got a draft into the hands of a literary agent) 'so maybe I should give myself a little more credit' XO!

  15. Love your Motivational Monday posts :) I've worked really hard on my blog and YouTube lately, and have gone from 29 followers on Bloglivin to over 150 in less than two weeks, I'm so proud! I also took yesterday to just chill, catch up on videos and plan a few posts, I really needed the "me" time. Today it's back to university essay reading and actually having to get out of bed!

  16. Great post, really uplifting and something I needed to read this morning, thanks x

    Claire | AgentSmyth

  17. Ahh, thanks for this Louise! I like your idea, I'm definitely going to be kinder to myself!
    This weekend I helped a family member sort some stuff they needed to do out, and earlier in the week I found out my good NCEA results (NZ exams).. who cares that my room is a pigsty!(:

  18. Such a lovely motivational post and the positive things you've done are so worth focusing on, they're the important things in life :)!
    I've managed to stick to my healthy and eating and exercise over the last week so I'm happy with myself for that! x

  19. Love the picture motto!

  20. Aww this is so true - I like 'be nice to yourself, it's hard to be happy when someone's being mean to you all the time' xxx
    The perks of being a hipster - Victoria’s Secrets Giveaway!

  21. This is a lovely post! re-capping is a good idea that I don't do enough of xx

  22. I think I definitely need to be kinder to myself I've got a pretty stressful week ahead and it's the only way I'll get through it with a smile. And I gotta smile!

    New kid on the block;

  23. Thanks for this Louise!
    Right when I needed it :) For some reasons, the motivational mondays are always related to what I'm going through at that moment.
    Lots of love xxx


  24. I have just discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago and I'm really glad I did. I totally agree with this post! We need to remember that nobody's perfect and there's no point beating yourself up about the small things all of the time - life is way too short. I went to the gym for the first time yesterday, not to lose weight but to tone up and I am so glad I did because it made me feel so good about myself! Good luck with your new health regime and hope you have a lovely week! :) xx

  25. I constantly worry and know I shouldn't but I am so critical on myself at times that, this can be difficult! Great advice louise! X.

  26. These motivational Mondays are definitely keeping me in check :P

  27. This is something I've been trying to do more and more of in the past six months. The more positive I try to be the more naturally positive I've become. It's astounding! I am also on a journey to become healthier and in the past six months have lost four stone. Last week I lost 4lb. Yay me!!! I also passed on some too small toddler clothes to a friend and arranged for my mum to visit for her 60th birthday in Feb. Yeah I'm rulin'!!

  28. I love these post! This week my goal is to stay positive for my upcoming exam and not be positive about the revision I am doing! I am also going to try and visit the gym or go on a cycle ride!!

  29. You are a real inspiration Louise, Monday's are always my worse day as I know I am back to work tomorrow, booooo!

    This week is to get 20 followers on my bloglovin to keep my motivated to make more blog posts and to try and lose 3 more pounds!!

    We can do this!!!!!


  30. Great post Louise! One of my 'New Years Resoltions' is to maintain a positive outlook, and to try not to be so hard on myself.

    Joiee //

  31. i definitely need to be kinder to myself. been way to harsh for far too long.

  32. This past, I workout 4 times! I've planned my blog posts for the week to come. I've been serious with revising for my exams. I'm trying my best to pray on time. I've been working on being less of a control freak (planning but still let space for the unexpected and admit that I can't plan EVERYTHING).

    I love your motivational Mondays Louise, I really do!


  33. Today I took a walk!... to macdonalds

  34. This is such amazing advice. To be honest I am guilty of fixating myself on everything bad and problems instead of just simply appreciate everything good. I think I am going to that more and focus on the good.

  35. I was actually feeling quite proud of myself this morning, because on the weekend I finally got over my fear of writing an OOTD post, I was so self-conscious of myself! But I finally did it and it went on my blog today, and it is a great feeling to know that I am capable to post them, and stop second-guessing myself! :)

  36. Lovely advice. It was a 3 day weekend for me so I got to relax a bit :)
    Hope you're doing ok! <3

    xx K

  37. Lovely post Louise

  38. Love these days. I definitely needed it today as well! Thanks, Louise.

    Amelia Rose | Beauty Blogger

  39. Great advice! I love motivational Mondays! This week is gonna be great :D
    Elephant stories and more

  40. wow wow wow THANK YOU for this. right what I needed xoxoxox

  41. This weekend i made a whole presentation of my best friend and me because she was just feeling sad and depressed over the weekend ... Not a big deal but probably the only thing that is worth telling :D
    I love your blog and everything you write, thanks a lot xx

  42. I could say that my last week wasn't that good :(, but today I'm literally feeling the motivation! :D This week is going to be a very good one! xx

  43. perfect post, this is really revving me up for some exciting things i'm doing !
    Lauren x
    Britton Loves | Fashion Lifestyle + Photography -

  44. Such lovely advice! Had a rubbish week last week so I am determined to make this one 10 times better :) I gave my room and bathroom a huge clean on the weekend, and while it's definitely not the biggest achievement it felt so good to get done!! xxx

  45. I got a new blog layout over the weekend! Even though I don't REALLY have the money for it right now, it's been something I really really had wanted and was totally worth the $50 :) College is draining on your wallet when $50 is a treat....I feel like all these bloggers have so much money to spend on $200 dresses for one evening and I'm just wondering if I can spend $5 on a new lipstick...your motivational monday posts really keep me positive when it's easy to get bogged down with the stresses of life. Thanks Louise :)


  46. I have really loved reading your motivational mondays Louise. It definitely helps me start the week right, and I have something to remember when I'm feeling down. I agree that life is too short to be at war with oneself, and even if you slip up on a few goals, there is always tomorrow to start on the right track again.

    Madeline | Ring-a-Round a Rosey | Bloglovin’

  47. Exactly how I'm feeling and what I've been thinking recently! That life is too short to worry about such little things that don't really make a difference. Just did a blog post about it yesterday.

    E, x

  48. We all outweigh ourselves with the negative thoughts instead of the positive ones no matter what. An idea I'd like to suggest is to write something that you did which made you feel good that day and keep it locked in a diary, saved into memos list on your phone or even stick post it notes around your bedroom!

    Thank you for reminding many readers Louise to look at the good not bad, have a nice day! :)

    Essence of Jess

  49. i try to be kind to myself and give myself a bit of 'me' time ( as cliché as that is ) at the end of everyday where i write in my diary and kind of reflect on my day. i got a job over the weekend, well a volunteering position that i'm stoked about eeep. keep going lou you can do it. x

  50. Your a such a motivation! I need to work on thinking more positively, as I can get quite down, especially when I head back to school and get bogged down with schoolwork. I will work hard to look at the positive and joys in life. Thanks for being such a great inspiration Louise :)

    Maggie D. xx

  51. Great post louise! You're my favorite blogger/youtuber because you are such an inspire to everyone! xx

  52. I really enjoy your Motivational Mondays posts - always good to have a little pick-me-up on hand on your lovely page before I feel too gloomy about the week ahead!

    I always try to validate the bad with the good - rubbish things happen, stressful things happen, but there's always something lovely to cling onto, even if it is just the fact that the sun was out today after a week (here in Durham, at any rate!) of rain. When it comes to studying, I can absolutely kick myself if I accidentally slip off my very strict regime, but I try to remember that if I stop working earlier in the evening than I wanted to, it's because I'm tired and my body's screaming at me to get some sleep!

    Please keep going with your posts - they are so wonderful. :)

  53. thanks for this post! you're such an inspiration and your posts always inspire me! this week i've really been focusing hard on trying to get a better body by exercising every day and eating healthily (well more healthily anyway haha)

  54. Love those posts, it make my days :)
    I totally agree with you :)
    The idea of writing down the positive things that happened in a day is really lovely, I'll give it a try (@Jessica)

  55. Great advice, i love your motivational mondays! Cant wait for next weeks!

    Check out my beauty blog:

  56. A great quote, very motivational. Love these posts they're so inspiring.

    Beauty by Alice | Blog | YouTube | xxx

  57. I tend to remember embarassing moments from my past end re-feel them again which is quite painful but really meaningless - I would like to advice everyone just to leave those moments and think more about future!

  58. I love Motivational Mondays, it makes me feel a lot better about myself and burst my mood. Thank you xx.

  59. I worry over the littlest things. Thanks for this post, it's really made me realize how much I do that. Definitely need to make an effort to stop.


  60. Motivational Mondays really help me. They brighten my week and make me feel positive about the week ahead! Thank you Louise, I need to stop worrying so much! Love Isobel x

  61. What a lovely post :) I've been working on CVs and cover letters all day and feeling sad that I don't have a big girl job yet, this has cheered me right up! Thanks Louise xx

    Eleri Roberts

  62. My NY Resolution was to always be reading - it's still happening, so I'm chuffed! This is a great post! I'm going to be kinder to myself by putting no less than twenty minutes aside to read each day! :-) Good luck to you.

  63. This was awesome! Love motivational mondays :)


  64. I stopped someone's dog running away from home

  65. i love you louise<3 you are so inspirational for eveything you do. you are right life is definalty too short to spend my life hating it. so i am going to change my life, for the better and be the person i have always wanted to be<3 thank you louise<3 xxx

  66. I love your motivational mondays, i feel if everybody lived by this rule the world would be a happier place. Sometimes you can't help feeling sucky though :(

  67. Iee the whole weekend I was writing a paper for uni and I felt so horrible! But today I finished my finals, went shopping, bought clothes :D and I styled some of my spring/summer outfits! Even though it's pouring rain and super cold! just a little 'oppepper' / motivation!
    I always try to see the best in every day, because I hate to think when I'm old I'll be thinking something like this: what a rubbish day or even worse, not remembering the day at all!
    Thanks for every motivational monday!
    love you Louise! :D
    xxx all the way from Belgium :D

  68. Love motivational mondays!!!

  69. I literally just realized today that when I see women on the street who are around my size I don't think "Oooh doesn't she look fat?", I just think they look like average, normal sized women. So why when I look at myself in the mirror do I think "Ugh why am I still so fat?" Sometimes I get so focused on that last 15-20 lbs that I want to lose that I forget how much I've already achieved. So my new goal for the year along with continuing to get healthier is to stop being so hard on myself, and to remember that everyone is their own worst critic.

  70. Talking of pay day mine is at the end of this week so WOOHOO lol X

  71. haha.yea been putting off homework for a while now..

    thank you for that slice of sweet positivity!! Have a beautiful monday Louise :)

  72. i think so many of us worry too much about little things. everyone is so worried about numbers. like how long or short of a time period we have to do something, calories in and out, amount of sleep, how long to exercise.. everyone needs to just stop worrying about numbers!! life isnt about worrying about the future or past. its about right now. and right now. we're called Human Beings for a reason. to BE in the moment. i think everyone should just relax and think about the things that truly matter, like being able to live on planet earth! and being able to take a walk or job around a beautiful neighborhood. <3 or to eat a little chocolate with your family late at night haha! my favorite! :)

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. After a really stressful week in work last week and it looks like I have another one ahead, it's really nice to read your Motivational Mondays and sit back and relax. My goal this week is to drink plenty of water and so far so good!
    Hope you have a fantastic week!


  75. This is just what I needed to read tonight. Thank you Louise. Also, I think you're doing fab with #glittergetsfitter xxxx

  76. I love Motivational Mondays! :) Yours is the one blog I read all the way through, without fail.
    I'm going through a bit of a rough time, and with another long, lonesome week ahead, it's nice to have a bit of motivation. This week I'm going to be a little kinder to myself when I mess up; that quote is so true.
    Thanks Louise! Hope you're doing well! :)

  77. Well, I managed to finish my lab work on time for the week and got my first two weeks of readings done in one of my classes. As I have a tendency to leave ALL my readings until midterms or finals, I'm quite proud of that second one. I've also got to give myself a pat on the back for not crying for days on end in middle of class after finding out my best friend's mum died after a long battle with a terminal disease. All in all a pretty good start.

  78. Great post Louise, I totally agree! x

  79. Today hasn't been the best of days because it got off to a bad start, but I've tried to make it the best I possibly could after that. I had an argument with my mum this morning but thankfully now we've both apologised. Tomorrow will hopefully be better :)
    This week I intend to actually do all my homework on time, and not let Tumblr, Instagram or YouTube get in the way! I'm always so disorganised!
    Thank you for the motivation Louise, you're such an inspiration.

    Lots of love,
    Gemma xoxo

  80. Lovely as always, Louise! Tomorrow I'm finally going to apply for my drivers permit, so that's something thats finally getting done! Along with that, I've been reading this weekend! I find that the computer (and school!) tends to make me not read as much as I used to, or as I like. So finding a book I'm really in to and reading was a great way for me to pass the time this weekend.


  81. Great post, I really love your Motivational Mondays!

  82. Great motivational post. I was feeling a bit bleurgh about things today and you've put me back on track. I'm going to focus on keeping my inbox tidy this week, and today I left the office with no emails unanswered, unfiled or un-task listed (?) (er maybe made up a word) :-)

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. I absolutely love Motivational Mondays! It's great being able to come here to read such positive words.

  85. I look forward to these every monday! LatelyI've been feeling kinda crappy but I've managed to keep eating healthy (mostly) which i'm quite proud of! xx

  86. Love your Monday posts! Gets me all ready and excited for the week ahead! =] Xx.

  87. love these posts and your advice videos!

  88. I really needed this! Thank you <3

  89. I love your Motivational Mondays so much :) They are a great pick-me-up to get the week started! I really need it for this week too, since I have finals everyday! I am so nervous for them, and have not been encouraging myself in the slightest, but have been beating myself down about how hard the tests will be. I'm going to try and really encourage myself to do well because I know that it will help! Thank you so much for this post!

    Kendra | It's a Bug's life

  90. It seems to be the right advice, at the right time :). Great post Louise <3

  91. Aw, this is so motivational! I totally agree with these points. Thank you so much for this series, Louise! ;)


  92. This is such an inspirational post, loving this series!
    Thank you!

  93. Hi Louise,
    This weekend I had myself a little disappointed because I had 4 days to study for my exam but only started studying 2 days in advance. I was a bit sad because I could have done more, I had the time, but didn't use it. In the end, my exam went quite well, so there's no reason to be mad at myself!
    This is just one example of the many. Most of the time I'm too hard on myself. This post really motivates me to love myself more for who I am and for what I did or didn't do.
    Thank you so much, Louise!

    Sofie x
    Little green Sofie

  94. This is a great post Louise. :)

  95. This post is so true. When you think that the world is out to get you or that your life is rubbish you will often be proved right. But if you go out there with a positive mind set you eventually start to see the good things more than the bad and it makes the world of difference. xx

  96. Love this picture! Really has motivated me :)

    please check out my blog I'm a new blogger.

    -Zoe @

  97. This post really motivated me as my new years resolution is to be more positive!

    I'm new to the blogging world so please check out my blog!

    Megan x

  98. I had a really sad day at school because one of the girls in year 11 died due to Meningitis. This post was really motivating to help me get through the day. Probably the saddest Monday.


  99. Thanks for the post! I love the quote you used, and can used it for my daily life, I find that I am much to hard on myself. This week I plan to not look at all time tiny mistakes I make and focus on the postive. Have a next week! :)


  100. Go louise go yeah :D I LOVE this kind of blog post :) so enjoyable and nice to read !!!
    Well, I'm proud of myself because I've done exercice nearly everyday this last week and i'm planning to do the same over and over !
    I hope i'll not give up :)
    I've also started uni again for a new semester and i'm really motivated to work harder this time !

    Many kisses from France :)x

  101. Heey guys! Follow my blog pleasee! I will be doing makeup looks, tutorials, reviews, hauls and giveaways! xxxxx

  102. These always inspire me, Its craay.
    make sure to check out my blog:

  103. what a great post, I couldn't agree more. I am always hard on myself and regularly have to remind myself of the positive things i have done. Check out my ' Thoughtful Thursday' posts on my blog for more motivation and inspiration. I would love to know your thoughts

  104. This is my favourite MM post so far :) I've been trying to make an effort this year to think of positive things from my day, as I always used to focus on the negative! This weekend I managed to get a lot of blog posts & photos organised which I'm really pleased with xx

  105. This has definitely made me feel more positive :) I've just had a long weekend off work with my fiance and was starting to feel stressed out about being lazy and not making the effort to do other things like housework, blogging, organising my office etc.. But now I think I definitely deserved to have a long weekend off after working so hard at my job 5 days a week! We all deserve a guilt free break now and again right?! Much more motivated to get back to work tomorrow, but will still make time to enjoy my evenings at home without feeling guilty about the little things (and probably squeeze in that housework too!) ;)
    Amy x

    1. Really nice Post

  106. This is exactly the thing that I always do. I worry way too mch and care too much about things that are not going as great as I wish (especially my grades right now), but I am promising to myself right now that I will be proud of myself by the end of the week, no matter if I get a C in History instead of a B-.
    Thank you, Louise. I really needed a motivation like this.
    xx Lisa

  107. Such a good series Louise! I'm going to try this week, to worry and stress less, its a challenge anyway!
    The Little Mad One xo xo

  108. This blog post has really made me feel more motivated! I am going to try so hard to be less stressed and more motivated to do new things! xxx
    Mandy , xoxo

  109. Motivational Mondays get me through the week!!! Thank you!!!

  110. I really needed to hear/read this ! It's nice when you realise you're not alone. Thank you so much Louise !
    Keep motivating & inspiring <3

  111. Thank you, Louise! I needed this so much!
    My most recent blog post was about how I'm struggling with things, and this really helped!

  112. you know how to help people with their problems without knowing them or their problems at all.
    you are an inspiration and you give great motivation. This has really changed my day day for the better.
    Thank you xxx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx