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Thursday, 9 January 2014

Celebrating Creativity #1

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Lately I have been thinking a lot about creativity. I have been musing on how grateful I am to have such a creative job and how lucky I am to be able to freely choose what I want to make and upload each week to my YouTube Channel. I have also been reflecting upon how pleased I am that other YouTubers are free to flex their creative muscles and produce such interesting and thought provoking content.

I have to admit, I don't think I could say that I push boundaries or do anything particularly visionary. What I do is chitchat about the things that tickle me and document the parts of my life I think worthy of sharing or remembering. I do have small goals to challenge myself in these areas but until then, I wanted to, every now and again, celebrate channels who I think are doing a good job. 'Doing a good job' doesn't necessarily mean, 'getting all the views' or 'being most re-blogged on tumblr', but providing something enjoyable/fun/clever/well made/tickled-louise's-pickle (minds out of gutters please).

This week I would like to highlight THIS video by Bertie Gilbert. I don't know Bertie (except to have said 'hello' at a few events) and haven't watched a lot of his videos (gargh I hope he never sees this- I watched one about a year ago and was a little bit offended by some of the jokes he made and so didn't watch again) but this one looked interesting so I gave it a whirl.

What I like about it is that a) it's like a little game to see if media can manipulate us (I think it does and it did) and b) it's not the usual. It's not a silly challenge (holds hands up for enjoying and filming silly challenges) and it's not a haul (holds hands up again). It just is what it is and it works and I like it and this is my blog and my rules so I'm sharing it and that's that! *Delicately hops off high horse*.

I'm really enchanted by the idea that people can have an idea pop into their head, work out a way to make it, do it and then share it with other people. Ten years ago that process would have been really laborious but now, thanks to that world wide web thingymabob, it's a lot more feasible and I for one am enjoying it. 

Tell me in the comments or tweet me (@Sprinkleofglitr) what videos or other forms of creative online content you have enjoyed this weekend. I'd love to add more to my watching list!



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PS- Do you love how creative my title about creativity it? Deary me. 


  1. Bethany Mota's DIY videos are really good! Xx

  2. I really enjoyed charlieissocoollike's zombie noises video, it is hilarious!

    1. I haven't seen that yet but I love all of Charlie's other videos. He's a lovely guy.

  3. I adore this hangout that Gala Darling did called Making Magic in 2014 as it inspired me so much to get off my arse and make 2014 special

  4. I quite likes Suggs Christmas Past, it wasnt thr sort of video you normally see on Zoes channel, but it was very enjoyable.

    1. I know what you mean, it's nice to mix things up a little bit isn't it.

  5. I really like some of the videos by pleasantryan, they're kind of like Bertie's video in a way, really creative and interesting!! (And I'm also loving your videos louise!)

  6. I watched this the other day and it was brilliant:) Kickthepj is also extremely creatively talented, I wish I had his imagination! If you haven't watched his short films I really recommend them x

  7. I really like this video. It's a makeup tutorial done a little bit differently. May be something worth taking a look as it still incorporates the makeup/beauty typical youtuber feel whilst also a tad creative!

  8. I also think that kickthepj is brilliant. His videos always seem rather raw to me, like someone hands you shell in which is a pearl, but as it is not yet opened you don't know about the pearl inside. All I mean is that it is indeeed creative, but you sometimes have room left to imagine things yourself.

  9. There are alot of under rated youtubers that do amazing DIY videos!
    I often like to broaden my range of what I view on youtube so I tend you just search for DIY type of videos and hunt for ones I think I'd like!

    Obv Bethany Mota is amazing but I think others need recocnition also!

  10. For the past few weeks I've been wandering through various blogs. Since my 2014 resolution was to be a happy person, I've tried to find positivity, people who has gone trough something difficult and got through and overall inspiration to change my life and I actually did find!

  11. I enjoy watching all kinds of DIY videos, and actually make my own as well!


  12. I work in Video Production so seeing a video like this from a YouTuber is lovely! I love creative and different things! For my dissertation at Uni we made a short film about the power of the internet and we really enjoyed exploring the theme! You can watch it here:

    Thanks for bringing this video to my attention, very refreshing for a Thursday morning! Although (hands up I still like silly challenges and haul videos - don't tell anyone!) :p

    Stephanie (@hopefreedomlove)

  13. Here's my favourite youtube video, that's creative, beautiful and simple. It's only a minute long and done on an iPhone (so no need for high end cameras to make something that is beautiful) He's also got the most calming speaking voice. It's just called October.

  14. I love watching a mix of videos, ones that make you think, like Bertie's and then ones that just make you laugh, or put a smile on your face (like yours Louise) :)

  15. love these kind of posts, its so good for discovering new YouTube channels i've never watched before! You do have such an amazing job :)

    Rachel x
    Style Soup

  16. I've found this post very intriguing Louise and so true, It has been nice to watch something so different before my normal college day and has really made me think more about how much creative license we all have to do whatever we want with our resources in life xx


  17. That video is so lovely! I'm getting a little fed up of the same old "challenge" videos now so that was refreshing to see!

  18. it's great that your so focused on creativity and focusing on those who are doing well at what they do regardless of views :) i can't wait for when i can be paid for my photography work
    Lauren x
    Britton Loves -

  19. I love Bertie and this video is so beautiful. there are so many different and creative youtubers out there.. it's nice to showcase the versatility of the creators! I love KickthePJ's slightly odd videos and OldHotRadio's rambles are my new favourites! This post is lovely, louise!! :)

  20. aaaaaaahh bertie is amazing!! did you see his short film "stray dog"? it's so cool ^-^ also, i really enjoy peej's videos. he's so talented and cool it hurts.

  21. This is wonderful. I am currently loving this colour/food video series.

  22. KickThePJ continues to fascinate me! His videos always surprise and entertain me - never fail to do so, no matter how short, long, planned or unplanned they are.

    xx <3

  23. I love re-designing my blog! I feel that I tend to just sit down and even if I'm not going to change my blog itself, I just go onto PicMonkey and create! Just to add some creativity to my day! X.

  24. HelloKatyxo videos are really good- in particular her 'Favourites in 60 seconds'.

  25. Hi Louise
    Just wanted to let you know how much i love your blog, and how much it inspires me!
    Thank you for being such a cheery, likable person, i feel like i know you so well, even though we have never met
    Love you!

  26. Great post Louise, I really love reading your blog! :)
    Elephant stories and more

  27. A really lovely well thought out post.. Always a pleasure to see you in my feed Louise! Both Blog and youtube!

  28. This is such a beautiful video! And I love the fact that you are sharing with us what inspires you to be creative :) so thank you, Louise!
    I always find that long walks, a good book and yes, the internet, inspire me to think outside the box and do something creative.

  29. It's not youtube, and I'm not sure it's overly creative however it's inspiring and it's inspiring me to be more creative with my life. It's '100happydays' I could scroll through the tag all day.

  30. I'm sure you've been watching them all but am loving the Rickshaw Run series on jacksgap and am just getting round to watching the vlogs from all the other guys who went with Jack & Finn.

    Some other videos I've enjoyed recently:
    Connor's What I Hate About Dating on O2L- not usually into o2L vids but this is hilarious!
    All the no pants subway rides throughout the years on Improv Everywhere- also they've got a doco that just came out on the group(should be on iTunes)
    .Project: Library on The Multiverse Channel
    . Truly, Madly, Deeply by One Direction
    . Girls are Assholes: at a bar

    You are going to have a ridiculously long watching list with all the suggestions you're about to get Louise!

    Love from Australia, Shivi xx

  31. Awesome! Creativity is exciting. I want to be a bit more creative on my blog and have challenged myself to do a DIY post this year which, for me, is scary! I'm excited, though.

  32. Not necessarily online creativity, but my bf has been visiting for the past couple of days and we've been going to museums every single day! It's really been getting the gears turing in terms of me thinking about my art. I hope you're having a lovely day Louise!


  33. For something that is great, but not video, I would suggest my pal Heather. She has an amazing instagram @ericasmalto its full of fantastic New Mexio scenery.

  34. As cheesy as it sounds, I started my own blog after stumbling upon yours! I have always loved to write, and wrote short stories and stuff like that, until I found your blog and it was amazing to me how you wrote about many diverse topics, and shared whatever was in your mind with your readers. That was my inspiration, and what finally got me to take the plunge and create my own blog. I've only been doing it for 3 months, but it is my outlet, doing it makes me so relaxed and I always feel happy and proud after pressing the "publish" button. And it definitely has made me a lot more creative, too! You definitely need a good amount of creativity to produce good quality content on a regular basis (I'm not claiming to produce super good quality, I hope I do, I am just saying that it does open your mind a lot, and that's what I have loved the most about blogging!).

  35. Completely agree with your thoughts on that video! Personally, I love finding those hidden gems that people sometimes look over because of the amount of views they have. I recently attended the New Media Expo in Las Vegas and was flabbergasted (word of the day) with all the different content creators I met and networked with! It's crazy what the human mind can create when given all these different outlets and mediums. Videos and blog posts are just two ways to do it. Love this post idea and I hope you find other creative things in your endeavors!
    I'm excited to see what you find :)
    xoxo, Lizzy

  36. This post made me laugh (in a good way-and I also agreed with all your points) but you know I just wanted to say that I love your general affectionate/serious/sparkly/glitter self. (I'm sure you hear it often enough but still :P)

    Asmaa xx

  37. I used to like bertie then he got a bit offensive so i agree with you completely louise, howeve this video was great!
    I just posted my first blog post so if Louise's viewers would like to support me please head on over to my blog and read my review:) I would love if you left me comments on how to improve or just dropping by to say hi.

  38. Love the title of this post, ahaa!
    .Georgina Clare.

  39. This video was really cool. Interesting and unique. It felt very vintage, and I liked that a lot about it. :)


  40. Wow this video is very cool. Please checkout my blog Thank you :)

  41. I wish my brain worked more creatively! I never get random ideas that pop into my head but if someone else gives me an idea I can work out the task creatively but the thought itself never comes.


  42. This is so lovely Louise!Great video,so interesting!

  43. I am super obsessed with all that is online but this week I haven't had as much time to explore as I have, deep breath, just started my own blog! Something I have started and deleted for years but now I enter my final 2 terms of uni I thought it was time to stop panicking and start writing!
    Love, love, love.

  44. hello there your blog is the bomb

  45. My new year resolution was to make use of the silly amount of furniture and clutter I have and turn it into something worthy of display! Check it!

  46. Inspiring and such a lovely post! We are sending you pretty and warm wishes this new year!


  47. I loved this post Louise! xx

  48. I love your blog! It's so fab! Would you mind following me via GFC and blog lovin'? Ill give you a cookie!

  49. I love the "delicately hops off high horse" comment :)

  50. Tremendous article, numerous good quality information. I am about to show my pals and ask them what they think.
    Big Decathlon Games

  51. I love watching the SacconeJoly's! They are such a cute little family and they make me so happy :) They're daily vlogs are so cute and really fun to watch so you get some warm and fuzzies :)
    I have been wanting to get creative lately myself, so this is a great post! I really needed the inspiration and motivation

    Kendra | It's a Bug's Life

  52. I try to be creative but most of the time my artworks end up being trash. :(

  53. This post is awesome!! I've recently started writing my new blog as I would love to get into journalism!!
    Please take a look!!
    Much love

    Fiona xx

  54. LOVVVE THIS!!!

  55. I absolutely love the idea of spotlighting something particularly creative. I've seen many people overlook the creative for the "practical", but I think it's only right to remember something so important!

  56. I love your blog Louise!

  57. I love your blog!!

  58. Such a lovely idea to sharing someone else's creativeness! I love your blog and youtube channel so much Louise! You are a huge inspiration to me! It would be really amazing if you could check out my blog and also my youtube channel ELZ w and subscribe! It would mean so much! I'm only just starting out on YouTube but would love to gain more subscribers and views over time! Thank you! xxxx

  59. This is great Louise :) You have it spot on. It's not always about the views, comments etc. I'm always stumbling across really brilliant bloggers, film makers, artists etc who produce the most talented work but sometimes are overlooked. Personally for me, I love the 'making' side of things and get a real kick out of publishing work i'm proud of and have spent time working on. It can sometimes be disheartening when you don't get the clicks/views etc when you've worked really hard on something but on another you you can publish something simple that gets a great response! But it's the quality that keeps people coming back!

    On a separate note, thanks for an inspiring blog! I've just discovered a new-found love of my blog and it was bloggers like you that got me back into it! So thanks! If you have a spare sec would mean a lot if you could drop by at and say hi :) Your post has just given me a little umph to keep going! x

  60. Hey Louise,

    I've seen this and somehow thought of you. :)
    Didn't want to spam you by email, so I'm adding it here.

  61. Such a cute blog post!!

    Check out my beauty blog

  62. hi.. just dropping by here... have a nice day!

  63. Hi Louise, I discovered your youtube-channel round christmas. And I LOVE it. It makes me so happy and you're an inspiration. I'm from Sweden, and you guys ( the " youtube-family" over there), make me want to move :).

    I also have an youtube-channel, but a music-channel, I've done some covers of songs I love. And hopefully I will make more soon. You're definitly an inspiration for me , to be serious in the making of things you love. So thank you :)

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx