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Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Glitter Gets Fitter

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

If you follow me on YouTubes, Facebook, Instagram or Tumblr you may have noticed #GlitterGetsFitter being a THING. 

I say a 'THING' because I can't quite tell if it's a full on new lifestyle change or just a fad and not being one to love commitment (types the home owning married mother who has run her own business for the last couple of years, commitment much?) I'm reluctant to give it a title. 

(A collection of my GlitterGetsFitter instagram updates this month.)

I talked about it in a video this past Sunday and wanted to chat a little bit more about it over here so as to have all bases covered. I'm not going to bleat on about it too much after that, unless something worthwhile happens, but you can still follow the THING on my social platforms if you're a keen bean.

It all began when Weight Watchers approached me in Autumn 2013 and asked if I would work with them on a few videos they had in mind to promote their new plan, Simple Start. I had long being thinking that my physical fitness needed some help but initially said no because I thought Weight Watchers was all about dropping lbs and eating boring foods. 

After a few discussions back and forth with me saying I don't enjoy the idea of diets and extreme/fast weight loss and that my goal for 2014 was to fuel my body better and improve my health levels, I quickly realised that was what Weight Watchers is all about. It's not about bland foods and being hungry, it's about learning which foods love your body and which foods don't really give you much (sadly, my beloved macdonalds french fries are the latter *sob*).

I decided that if I was going to be in videos promoting the Simple Start plan (HERE and HERE) that it would only be right to actually give it a go (practise what you preach and all) and have now being doing it for two weeks. 

I won't lie, it's been a big shock to my body and lifestyle. This second week I have spent a lot less time craving takeout food but the first week was a real battle of wills. I win those little battles by thinking in short term chunks. I say, 'You can have a chinese takeout on Friday, just resist for 3 more days and it's all yours' and then of course by the time I reach Friday I feel accomplished and don't want to order the chinese. Basically, I have to treat my brain like a toddler and do sneaky mama tricks on it haha. 

On the plus side, I have now had 14 consecutive days getting my 5-a-day of fruit and veggies and my skin, alertness levels and mood are thanking me for it. I'm not 100% sure if this is linked but since putting cleaner foods into my body I have been a lot less up and down in mood. I'm a very passionate person so I'm quick to laugh heartily, cry hard or shout loud but this last fortnight I've felt a little more mellow, which has been quite the treat for my Husband!

As well as eating better I have been upping my exercise game. By 'upping', I mean, 'actually doing some'! I used to have not a jot of proper exercise, aside from pushing the pram about, taking Darcy to the swings or nipping to the shop but none of those were anything more than light. 

I now go on 30 minute brisk walks/runs every other day and I don't hate it. I haven't got that addicted to exercise bug yet but I'm hoping it hits fairly soon. My friend Mark says it takes 3 weeks to make something a habit so my fingers are firmly crossed. I used to walk the length (and back again) of a nearby park but after a scary encounter with some locals (think hooded group of young men making lude remarks), I quickly changed my walking root and it feels much safer, although rather hilly and slightly longer dagnamit! 

The first time I did one of the walks I came home and was shaking I was so unused to exercise! Now though, I bound home in my hot pink trainers, jump in the shower and feel really accomplished. There is a certain sense of power in knowing that you are taking control of a new area of your life. I feel physically and mentally stronger because of it. 

So far, I'm really enjoying making these changes. I want my insides to feel great, I want to be a fit and healthy Mama for my Little and I want to enjoy a much more active life. 

I don't know how long I will continue on this journey (commitment issues, remember?) or how accomplished I will be but for the last 3 weeks I have taken so much from Sprinklerino Support (official term there) and feel very blessed to have you all in my glittery life. 

Have you ever undertaken big life changes like this? How did you feel? Did they work? Do you feel like a sensual woman goddess?!?


Contributor - Louise

To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser -The Fashion Fuse. Click HERE for more info. 


  1. Its not starting the exercise thats hard its getting back into it once you've had a break lol i get so frustrated that i cant do what i used to (i was never extremely fit but I had a bit more stamina than i do now)
    I love running and picked up some gorgeous running clothes in H&M yesterday
    OOO and have you tried juicing at all? I have a carrot and apple juice in the morns now and it wakes me right up :-)

    1. Ahhhh Charlotte this is exactly what I'm going through :( before December I was running 5ks but now, after a month of far too many boxes of Quality Street and Pringles and err, 'sporadic' gym visits my fitness levels are waaay down and it's depressing me - I don't want to go through it all again to get them back up!!
      So once you've started you should keep it up - it's a lot easier!
      The perks of being a hipster - Victoria’s Secrets Giveaway!

    2. Same here girls except a month away from the gym has turned into a few months and I feel like I'm back to square one. Definitely better to keep at it! New gym clothes are always a great way to get back into it though :-)

  2. I haven't yet, but I need to make some big changes in my life this year. I wish I knew where to start though. *sigh*

    I am here cheering for you, Louise! I think a bit about how you're doing each month would be a good thing, and not too much for those who like other types of posts. Think about the commitments you've made, not only the ones you mentioned, but to this blog! You can keep commitments quite well, even this new and challenging one!

  3. I'm proud of you that you've been able to keep it up for two weeks already! I'm one of the least disciplined when it comes to exercise and eating less of the foods that I adore, so I normally can't make it past the first week.
    I made similar resolutions at the start of the year but haven gotten myself around to starting yet.. After reading this I'm excited to start this week and I'll give the 'treating your brain like a toddler' thing a go, might just work for me. Thanks! And keep up the good work! :-)

    1. I don't think I would ever be able to do this. She is so amazing to be able to do this and I wish I could be that determined.

  4. Concentrating on being healthy, rather than on loosing weight is a far better way to approach any kind of lifestyle change. The longer you do it the more it becomes part of your routine and habit, I train with a trainer once a week (hating all forms of exercise I had to pay someone to make me do it!) Years later it's become a routine, I never miss a session, even when I ruptured my achilles tend (a freak accident nothing to do with exercising!!!) I still keep up the weekly training just doing upper body stuff. To not do it after all this time would feel weird. Plus I now know my trainer really well and have a laugh during the session, and discuss all that is right or wrong in the world!

  5. Good luck Louise! You can do it, and as you said, you have all of us to support you!
    I'm changing my lifestlye too, my goal is to lose some weight, but mostly to get fitter, healthier, stronger and toned up. I've had enough with the bingo wings! I'm blogging about exactly what I'm doing as well as some tips and inspiration, maybe you'll find it useful? Best of luck! Just take it one day at a time :)

    C x | Gymbags & Gladrags

  6. I've been planning on getting healthy but it's so hard and the cold weather does us no favours!

  7. Eating healthy and exercising is very difficult thing to start, particularly in the winter when all you want to do is stay curled up on the sofa and eat pizza! Well done for changing you lifestyle, I always find that they worst bit!
    I seem to go through stages of being reasonably healthy and doing exercise but then as soon as a particularly tough assignment comes around I am back to sitting eating junk food and barely moving from my chair again! Hopefully this attempt will be better, although that whole bag of popcorn yesterday probably wasn't the best they to eat!
    Izzy | My Blog | My YouTube

  8. You can do it! Not only for yourself but for your husband and daughter. You're baby glitters example. If she sees you being healthy and fit and full of live she'll want to be the same. I'm sure she wants to be just like you now! And even more so the fitter and healthier you get don't you think? Don't kill yourself working out and things. Remember it's important to treat yourself once in a while so it doesn't seem like a chore. It's a life style. And I'm sure you'll do amazing Louise! All the best to the best! We're all cheering you on!

  9. The only way to start a healthy diet is to dive right in and try to stick with it. I think it's great that you're taking the steps to a healthier lifestyle, Louise. It's ultimately the best decision you could make for yourself. I'm proud of you!!!
    Just remember you don't have to be an extreme health enthusiast to be healthy. Fitting in what you can to your daily schedule is a great start.
    I recently made a post on my Healthy Day to Day Routine.
    Healthy Day to Day Routine
    xo, Sarah Holt

  10. Good luck Louise, you have inspired me! I have started to try to change my lifestyle as well, as of this week. I want to be healthy on the inside, although do need to lose a lot of weight too, to be healthier, as my BMI is way to high. You are doing a great thing *applauds*! xxx

  11. Good luck louise!
    Your skin looks beautiful by the way, just shows what a healthy lifestyle can do! xox

    child abuse survivor;

  12. Good luck Louise! I have been in the healthy eating / exercise game for a few years now. I lost about 2 stone a few years ago and now i'm just trying to keep that off and lose a bit more too. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

    I think a great thing with WW also is that you can allow yourself treats from time to time. Although as much as I love junk food, it totally makes me feel lethargic etc, and the effect healthy eating has on your body and mind is pretty amazing.

    Have you tried swimming? I personally don't really enjoy running and swimming has become exercise which I look forward to (never thought it would happen). Swimming laps is such a great workout and I always feel so refreshed afterwards. (I realise I sound a bit like a spokesperson for swimming now....)

    Beth // SANS SOUCI

  13. Goo luck Lou. I've literally just joined a gym an am even going to attempt this juice thing. I literally live on vegetables already and actually get angry if I don't have any. Dale laughs at me, he's like do you need some broccoli? But I have managed to change his perception of veg over the years. Hope the plan works for you. xx

  14. Well done for the last two weeks! I started my "get fit" journey last September and I am not going lie and say it was easy or that i am 100% dedicated but I have lost just over a stone and I do find myself making healthier choices than I did before.

    Keep it up :)

    Em x

  15. Well done Lousie :) Your doing really well! Little and often is the best way to exercise!



  16. Well done sweetie, I keep thinking about trying something new and the new plan sounds good. I look forward to hearing all about how you get on!

    Liza | Beauty & Fashion Blog Glambeautys | YouTube | Family & Lifestyle Blog Glambambini

  17. I'm in the process of cutting out all the rubbish from my diet, quitting smoking and getting exercise. I've been doing yoga which is not only a good workout, but a great way to boost your mood. You just have to remember that everyone has to start somewhere and the healthier your body gets from all the goodness you put in it, the healthier you will feel and the easier the exercise will get. There's a motivational quote "no matter how slow you go, you are still lapping the people on the couch." Good luck! :)

  18. good luck hun im trying to get fitter as well , but its not the easiest thing in world
    The Inked Blonde

  19. Good luck Louise! It sounds like you're really dedicated to this 'thing' - you're certainly off to a great start!

  20. I'm so proud of you and I really hope you will accomplish your goals! Goooood luck!!! :) I lost 40lbs and I couldn't feel better!

  21. Yeah me and my mum are on Weight Watchers here in Australia, we did the simple start for two weeks and then started points, so hopefully I can loose some kilos :) as well as exercise meaning I have to go outside :( hahaha But if you can do it I can do it :) Hope you accomplish your goals :) good luck louise <3

  22. fantastic start you're making, very proud to hear you speak so positively !
    we should all take a leaf out of your book
    Lauren x
    Britton Loves | Fashion Lifestyle + Photography -

  23. You're doing great Louise! :)
    I'm still in my exams, so I decided to start with my new years resolutions on february 1st. I'd like to start, and continue, start to run. I always start, but never finish. it's too cold, I'm tired, I think it'll rain, ...
    after the exams I'm going to buy proper running shoes, and ones I went running for 5 weeks (3 times a week), I can buy myself a treat, don't know what it'll be.. :)
    Hope I will succeed this year.
    I'd love to cut out the bad stuff out of my diet. but I think I'll take one step at a time and first focus on the start to run goal and once it's a habit, I can see how I'll chance up my diet. :)

  24. You're doing SO well, Louise!

    I've lost 120 lbs and started the way you did (but not through weight watchers though) just small simple steps!

    I'm looking forward to following you along in your journey. :)

    I blog about all things weight loss/health/fitness related, which you're more than welcome to check out :)

    Blog: Laura Fat 2 Fit

  25. So proud of you Louise! As someone who is trying to exercise more, I know how hard it can be to make it a habit. I'm finding it especially difficult as I'm back at my parents at the moment but moving away soon for a job, and I sort of feel like there's not much point getting into a routine now when it will just change very soon.

    Hopefully once I get into the new place, I can get my exercise routine sorted. I'm hoping to find a good Zumba class which I would highly recommend for you as well - they're so fun and actually good exercise (if you get a good instructor, I've had some who are more into the dance than the exercise) and you kind of forget you're exercising. And it's not just for grannys even though everyone seems to think this haha.

    Wee Bit of Rachel

  26. I think it's really admirable what you're doing! Stick with it and it'll be a natural part of your life in no time :D
    Bea x
    Bea's Beauty Blog

  27. aw you're doing so well, great tips on how to trick your mind! :)

    Rachel x
    Style Soup

  28. Well done Louise, it's really inspiring what you're doing - and I think you're approaching it really sensibly, not rushing to try and lose weight and such! I've always been a larger girl but two years ago I slimmed down considerably and felt so good about myself. I found out after Christmas that I have put it all back on though, so I'm trying to do the same as you - teach my body how to eat better and get used to exercise, as opposed to a quick fix faddy diet! You look amazing in your new video, and your skin looks amazing so it's obviously working somewhere!
    Good luck (:

  29. Loosing weight is so difficult, i'm one of those lose it gain it people so it gets pretty frustrating. Very inspiring though! :)
    Aimee xx

  30. I moved to another country in August 2012 and as I live close to sea and they have some good tracks I started to take walks as you're doing. I also started to eat less and healthy. By December I had lost 5 kg. In January 2013 I joined with gym and started to work out even more. In April I started to go RUNNING ( really, i've hated running as long as i can remember ). By that time I had lost 10 more kilos. It wasn't my main goal, my main goal was to be healthier, happier and look better and this is what i accomplished. After the summer I kind a fell back with my routine but as i had taken all the training and weigh loss slowly and steadily then i stayed in my weight and nothing major didnt happen. Of course i lost the strength in my muscles and so on. And now, in January I felt it was time to push myself further so I joined the gym again. I feel confident in my body tho I'm still bit overweight but this is, what i'm trying to change. I know it might be harder but i'm willing to push myself !

  31. Good luck Louise, I'm sure once you start to see results you will keep it up because you'll love the feeling it gives you! Always remember on those tough days, that you're doing it because you want to be able to keep up with Baby Glitter x

    fab head to toe

  32. well done Louise, you're doing great! Definitely giving me some motivation to eat better and exercise more! :) x

  33. Excellent post and this will also help motivate many followers of yours to do the same! I started going to the gym 6 months ago and found it very hard to begin with but now I love it and find it a great thing to do every week and it also makes you happier and more active as a person alongside a good balanced diet :) I wish you the best of luck on your journey xx

  34. Good job! I'm happy you're enjoying yourself and noticing improvements(: I would love if you kept us updated if you continue on.

  35. I've always been a healthy eater and my problem is not to stick to it (just because I enjoy healthy food much more than anything else) but the reactions I get from the people surrounding me. In their opinion there's no reason for me to eat healthy because I don't need it. It's like you're only allowed to eat fruit and vegetables, go for a walk, run, ... if you need to lose weight. I don't get it! But I'm trying to get over it and am learning that I don't always need to justify myself. The 'not caring about what people say' is a bit my lifestyle change I'm going through. And it really makes me feel better :)
    I'm so glad to read that you're doing so well! I really believe in you! And remember: do it for yourself and for nobody else! Good luck, Louise!

    Sofie x
    Little green Sofie

    1. I've had similar reactions from people. It's hard not to take it personally but if your body is healthy it is because you do healthy things to your body. I like your goal of getting over the feeling of having to justify yourself to others. You can only change yourself. :)

  36. Well done Louise great post, I've been thinking of doing weight watchers again and will definitely be checking the new one out I had done the previous plan and although I liked it I felt that I stopped losing weight and quit but I want to change my eating habits and hoping that I will stick to it :) xx

  37. Seems like you're doing really well, Louise! I'm a lover of exercise and have been doing so for quite a while but I've never fully been able to resist bad foods, I'm too much of a chocoholic! Maybe I'll trick my brain like you do next time ;)

  38. Louise, I think you're doing a great job! We can already see the results and I must tell when I look at you now, I feel the sparkles! You have always been beautiful, but you're even more now that you're taking care of yourself! I know that it is difficult, I'm always trying to get fit but because of my anxiety, it's not always that I reach my goals... Continue that, this is really motivating for everybody! :) xx

  39. I've been doing pretty much the same, walking the dog morning and evening for a mile. I realyy don't want to go but when I get back I feel really good about myself!
    Elephant stories and more

  40. Good luck Louise! You seem to be doing incredibly well and it's really hard to commit to some things, but you have kept it up this far and will probably do so for a lot longer! Proud of you hahah xx

  41. Well done! I'm proud of you!

    Stephanie (@hopefreedomlove)

  42. I definitely would have assumed the Weight Watchers programs are boring foods and tons of working out, this is a great post! Very informative, and you're doing great! Taking that intentional step just to be better is what it's all about! :)

  43. Well done for making the changes! After the first few weeks it will begin to feel more 'normal'...promise! :)

  44. I have so much respect for you. I hope that you succeed and get to where you want to be! So proud.
    xxx | daisydaisyxxo

  45. I really like Cassie - blogilates on youtube. Fun exercises in videos and if you sign up to her newsletter you get a mealplan as well.

  46. Well done Louise! This is such a lovely and inspirational post! The main thing is you are actually doing it and feeling good about yourself and that upon itself is so important! Reading your post has just made me really happy for you. Keep doing it!

    Ellie x

  47. I commented on the video a few days ago but just wanted to send my support your way again, it sounds like you're doing really well. Making an actual life change with adding in exercise and changing your relationship to food is the best way to get healthy because it means you can stick to it and it becomes second nature. I am trying to do the same right now, I want to lose weigh but have decided to ditch the diets and calorie counting and just use common sense to eat healthily...we'll see how that goes! Good luck Louise, I'm excited to see your progress, seeing other people's healthy journeys helps to keep me motivated.
    Raffles Bizarre Blog

  48. I used to run everyday and eat extremely healthily, however over the past year I've become a little frightened of cardio due to losing a LOT of weight (illness-related) so I'm thinking my goals relating to a healthier 2014 will need to revolve around diet & maybe yoga/fun activities that get me out and about. I love the post-endorphin-rush confidence (& that feeling of STRENGTH!) that comes after a good workout.

  49. i love love love to exercise. it might seem weird, but the feeling i get afterwards is amazing. i love to run off my stress, and strengthen and tone my muscles. i also love doing yoga and stretching, and believe me, you can have a major sweat session doing yoga! its not all that is seems haha! but what i want to say is, louise in order to stick to an exercise habit, maybe switch up your routine! i remember when i first started running. i liked it for about 6 weeks. and then it just gets boring and you have no motivation at all. so make sure you switch things up a bit to make it interesting and fancy haha! good luck to you louise!! its not easy for someone to do this and i think you're a great inspiration for someone trying to become a healthier person! :) <3<3

  50. I love the sneaky brain trick - I will have to start doing that!

  51. Well done Louise! so inspirational :) xx

  52. Louise, your thumbnail for the video looks a lot like Darcy! x

  53. You're doing great, Louise! My big chance was moving out last october. I decided to go to university in a city far, far away from my hometown and thought it would be the greatest thing ever. Then I was here, and kind of... well, shocked? I cried quite some times and was no longer decision if I made the right decision. Reading stuff like this makes me feel a lot better since I am not the only person struggling with some changes. :) Thanks a lot!

  54. Good luck Lou! I wish you all the best! I too, am taking a healthier approach, drinking more water, eating more fruit and veg!

  55. Louise, We have the same tennies! I love the pink and orange. It totally perks me up just putting them on. Excited to know I have a shoe twin across the pound :)

  56. Well done louise! Keep it up, you'll always have your sprinklearinos behind you <3

    Sharlotte // Sharlotte

  57. This made me want to work out even harder!

    xx K

  58. Congratualtions on sticking with it - I know that so many people don't last! I got to uni and had a 45 min cycle ride yesterday and hope you continue doing so :)

  59. Awesome Louise! It's awesome to hear you're more interested in just leading a healthier life than dropping pounds. Good job! Recently I've just tried to cut juices & sodas out of my diet & drink more water. *sips milkshake* It's going pretty well! :D

    x leah symonne x

  60. Taking on a healthy eating and exercise routine can be so darn hard especially when chocolates and candy are constantly calling my name. I admire what you are doing and think it is so amazing. You are beautiful and such an inspiration!

  61. I am on a healthy eating/fitness lifestyle change too, and since i have started i feel so much better! Keep up the good work x

    Laura Rachel

    Check out my super healthy smoothie and other beauty posts here:

  62. Well done Louise! You are doing so well and I am so proud of you ! xxxx ps. rethink "root" I think you mean "route"!
    All My Love
    Skai McCarthy

  63. I've had a 2 month break from exercise and haven't found the motivation to get back. Reading this has actually reminded me of how great it feels to actually be able to run for more than 5 minutes without getting out of breath or having to lie down. I need to get back into running pronto!

    Raise The Waves

  64. so motivational louise! ive just arrived back in uk from my 3 week europe trip and i definitely need to lose a bit of my 'travel weight'! thanks for the motivation and keep up the amazing work xx

    i also have a big beauty giveaway on my blog/instagram, its worldwide and easy to enter, check it out if you'd like! xx

  65. Yay! Glad you're doing this Louise. I think blogging about it will keep you more motivated.

    I always find that eating healthier and doing exercise just improves everything - skin, mood, body, hair, sleep, everything!

    Amelia Rose | Beauty Blogger

    Keep at it! x

  66. Great Job! I started weightwatchers in 2011 and it really helped me. I lost 40 pounds and I have kept it off, but most importantly I feel better, healthier and less tired! I have tried very hard to get into exercising, but I still fall short in that area!


  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Well done Louise! You're doing super super well.

  69. I love reading this! I can definitely relate to the "I used to feel so bad after exercise but now it feels better." I started about four months ago, and all I can say is - keep going! Soon it won't feel like a commitment, it'll just feel like a normal part of your life. I started a Facebook page following my fitness, and getting the word out is key. Great job, Louise! :) Elizabeth Gets Fit

  70. A quick hello from France :D I think you are doing an amazing job Louise, really !
    Im also doing a new fitness routine, not to loose any weight but to get just fitter basically :)
    I try also to include exercices as a routine, and im crossing my fingers as well that it will become a habit soon !
    I'm posting some fitness photos and quotes on my instagram @VICTORIAMCG06 if ever u wanna follow me (it would be AMAZING :))
    Keep on going Louise, "work hard play hard" as we say between us ;)

    Many kisses from France :))xxx

  71. you've never looked anything less than beautiful and amazing, but it's great that you've decided to take on a healthier lifestyle. Very happy for you xx

  72. You shoudn't loose weigth to look good but to be healhty. Your overweight can cause serious health problem (diabese, heart attack, high blood presure, stroke) and it's not a joke. You have a child and should be more responsible. Darcy is more important to you than food I guess. I keep my fingers crossed for you. There are two tough years ahead of you.

  73. Hello this is my close friend, she does mainly a beaut blog please check it out!

  74. Go Louise! I'd just like to say that you have inspired me to eat healthier this year. As sad as my flatmate is to have lost her takeaway buddy, I'm feeling really positive about it. So thanks Louise and keep it up!

  75. I took on healthy eating and exercise, dropped two stone! Then I got a new wardrobe and took better care of my appearance, I never felt better in my life! My mam did Weight Watchers and dropped alot of weight, and she looks amazing! No doubt you can do it to! Best of luck :)

  76. You should stop counting the days (it can work against you in the long run), if you have a bad day or mess up eating wise one day don't start over or feel let down because it will happen, it happens to everyone. Glittergetsfitter is great but it's a lot of pressure to put on yourself. I lost 60 lbs last year and there were plenty of days where i got no exercise or ate way too much, as long as you find a way to get back on track, you will still lose weight. I personally would rather count calories of everything i eat and write it down than add up points, but the list of everything you can eat at ww is great and makes it easy to choose healthy foods. I know you share a great deal of you life with videos and blogging and sharing your fitness journey can inspire others and help you stay motivated, just don't feel you've let others down each time you have a bad day, that's more stress than anyone should have. good luck on your 2014 fitness journey! :)

  77. I've been trying to walk more often since late last year. Still working on it but I feel much better about myself for trying. Hope to step it up this year. Good luck on your journey.

  78. Is it bad that I still haven't even started thinking about beginning my healthy resolutions?
    There is stacks of chocolate waiting, I just cannot leave them abandoned. I physically can't. God dammit.
    Don't try and tell me that I should as I know.
    GOOD LUCK, I think that this has inspired me to finally start eating healthy. (I'm munching on Golden Grahams rn)
    Make sure to check out my blog!

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. You have inspired and given me the motivation to get fitter this year too! thank you so much and I hope all goes well for you c: x

  81. I made a lot of lifestyle changes this past summer. I ended up losing 15 pounds in the past year just by exercising more and eating healthier foods and less takeout. I don't really care about how much weight I lose, I'm just happy to feel more energetic and healthy!

    Madeline | Ring-a-Round a Rosey | Bloglovin’

  82. Hiya Louise,
    I watched your video yesterday and your skin... WOW It looks even more amazing, your so lucky to have easy skin.

    I'm trying to be a bit healthier, I've been having a lovely yummy smoothie everynight whilst watching the good old Celebrity Big Brother and I'm really enjoying it, I love that I'm getting all my nutrients from it too, I reacon you should try, their fun making and so enjoyable drinking.

    I can't get to a gym, but I do roughly 1h30 mins of walking to and from the nursery for my little girl, so I'm hoping that and some ab workouts at home help me tone a little! Im sick of my baby pouch :)

    Keep it up your doing amazing

    Love Clair

  83. I wish I could at least just start but I have no motivation or a workout buddy! How do I do this? Help!:(

  84. Well done Louise, you are doing amazing. It really is difficult at the start, but I hear it should get easier!

    I have joined a local bootcamp group and for the first time done some running, I was at the back of the class and felt so unfit when people were lapping me, but just getting the fresh air made it worthwhile. I am seeing a change in my body shape and feeling a whole lot more positive!! I even climbed a hill, a pretty big one (check my blog! Put a couple of photos on.)

    Keep at it, we are all behind you!

  85. Honestly I'm so proud of you, makes me feel like I need to stop being a lazy so and so! If you can do it and promote it with such joy then why can't I?!

    You're a fantastic inspiration

    Colourful Stuff | Beauty, Fashion, Life ♥

  86. Well done! keep it up Louise <3

  87. Amazing job Louise! I'm trying to eat better, drink more water and be active this year. Everytime I feel like I can't run anymore I just say in my head: Glitter gets Fitter! and that makes me think of you and I realise that Sprinklerinos are strong and they never give up! Lots of love, Terka <3

  88. love how motivated you are, keep it up! :)

  89. Proud of you for keeping at it! I really need to do some sort of exercise, I used to do horse-riding (does that count?) but I had to give it up as I moved to the other side of the world (slight change there). But I need to get my ass into gear and do something, so thanks for the motivation :)

  90. I'm the same as you Louise, on a health kick and feel so much better for it - a few of us bloggers are doing a "weight loss wednesday" which is so much fun, all us bloggers giving each other support to stay motivated - we even have a chat on Thursdays at 8pm on twitter under the hashtag #bloggersWLW , exciting stuff! haha.

    Well done on what you've achieved so far! Keep it up :)


  91. Hello,
    I am Belgian, i'm 23 years old and know that I appreciate you. I find myself much in you except that I do not have a baby or husband haha. I follow the same program as you at WW and it comforts me to know that this is difficult for you than for me. I am a food addict, I dream since I started, I rolled in cream, it is to say ... I hope you will keep your resolutions and I wish you from the bottom of my little heart fatty that you will hold it!
    (Sorry for my English and / or thank you to google translation)
    kiss kiss Diderine

  92. It's so great that you're doing this, Louise!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! You mentioning the three week routine thing was great; now I'll really work on the things I want to put in to my routine for the first three weeks when I get back to school, and work really hard at doing them regularly!

    I love seeing you do this! It's making me want to really start my resolution to be healthier, in both foods and exercise!


  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. I have not yet, no. But, I believe a change to undergo is on the way!! Although, I do feel like a sensual woman goddess every day, *flips hair back*.

    But, this is so inspirational and great that you are doing this!! It's also great to see that you have come so far and are planning to go all the way. With me, I would probably stop after 3 days :(

    You go, girl! aha :)


  95. Good luck Louise! You make me feel motivated to becoming healthier too! xx

  96. I'm so glad I recently got an account on Instagram, I get to see all the pretty and motivational pictures you share every day :)

    Lipstick and Mocha

  97. I love how you try to be healthier! It gives me the hope that I'll succeed into this new lifestyle too!
    I know some days is harder than usual to ignore the craves of some junk food, but veggies and fruits are doing okay and my skin and mood is definitely thanking me :)

    From Making Things Alive

  98. It’s really good to hear that you are up for this and hungry to meet your objectives. I am also going through the process of losing my weight and until now it is working great for me. My friend gave me the advice to buy fitness machine from Bowflex and I did so and also saved bunch of bucks by using Bowflex Coupon

  99. I'm so happy for you tat you are making the effort and taking steps toward achieving your goal. Believe in yourself and stay positive, you can do it Louise. Our mind so stones likes to be treated like a baby, so go for it.

    I'm the opposite, my bones are sticking out so I need to eat more and put on weight. I try my best but don't seem to put on weight. I'm like Zoe, very petite to put in in a nice way.

    But I want to do some exercise and eat healthy as well, I tend to eat lot of oily stuff and those MacDonalds fries are the best

  100. You're doing great Louise! And I love that you are approaching this with the mindset of wanting to become healthier :) xxx

  101. I'm soooo proud of you Louise! You're doing such an amazing thing for you and your family. It may not last forever but you're trying hard and that's what counts most.
    In my health journey my biggest point was not depriving myself of anything I truly craved (so I could skip the hamburger and just stick with the french fries :P) but making sure to add healthy things in so it evened out. It has been a hard journey for me but one that is totally worth it and so very rewarding.
    Good luck with sticking to it!! :)

    Deb | Debra Bros Blog

  102. just getting back into exercising and eating well myself. great to see what you're doing and it's keeping me motivated!

  103. Well done Louise! This is actually inspiring me to embrace the weather outside and go for a walk on those crisp mornings! x

  104. Uhh... I have never EVER seen you like that on a video. You seem to glow! And that's the truth, really. I love seeing people so energetic and happy.
    I also have to say (because I have never commented here before) that whenever I feel blue, I go to YouTube and watch your video "My worst dates". It always makes me laugh. The way you describe things is just so amazing. I can't even explain it, but it really makes me feel happy.
    Thank you so much for that!
    Love from Sweden!

  105. Well done! I found body rock TV really helped me when I started with exercise not so long ago! >

  106. I've got some great fitness tips on my blog.

    Check out my most recent post of drugstore / hughstreet makeup essentials:

    Sophie x

  107. Louise you are doing so so so well, we are all so proud of you! Keep it up, you are such an inspiration!

    The Little Mad One xo

  108. You look absolutely gorgeous in your most recent video! Your skin is glowing and that eyeliner really suited you. I'm inspired by your motivation! You can do it. X

  109. You're doing amazing! You look lovely in your latest video, you can definitely tell your hard work is paying off especially in your skin; it looks gorgeous!!! I started clean eating 6 months ago so I completely feel your pain haha, the first month is always the hardest :( keep motivated, you're so very inspirational xxx

  110. Well done Louise! All us Sprinklerinos are incredibly proud of you, your hard work, and your dedication. You are a great inspiration... Keep up the good work!

    Mollie xx

  111. Well done Louise - you're doing great :) I used a fitness plan I found on the NHS website (I was just searching online for plans to get fitter when I came across it) that you download podcasts from and in nine weeks build up to running 5 kilometres. I found it really helpful - it starts off really slowly, like doing a 30 minute walk with just a few minutes of running interspersed and then you slowly increase over the time period. Anyway, keep up the great work - you're encouraging me to keep going, especially as I'm not doing so well on the healthy eating so far :/ !!!

  112. You are so inspirational Louise I love the fact that you are sharing with all of us how you are finding it all and your progress and even getting us motivated. I'm so proud of you and glad that you are smiling along the way :)

  113. This is very inspirational! and I'm so proud! Keep it up!

    - Janelle
    Little Things

  114. thank you for sharing this,love so much
    happy everyday and have a pretty time
    hope you can check my new post and share beauty:

  115. You are such an inspiration Louise!!!

  116. Sounds like you are already on the way to a healthier new you! It definitely takes time but you start to miss that feeling you get after excersise (not necessarily during it...!) which is what makes you want to go back for more. xx

  117. My fitness spontaneity usually only lasts a couple of days.. so well done Louise on 3 weeks! haha

  118. Well done, Louise! This is awesome.
    I've been trying to get fit and healthy for such a long time and it never lasts longer than a week (at the most!), but you've inspired me to give it another shot. :-)

    P.s. your blog is my absolute favourite. ♥

    - Erin x (

  119. You're doing great Louise! Fantastic job, all your photos inspire me to get up off my ass and do something whenerv I see them haha :)

  120. Dear Louise,
    I started weight watchers about 5 months ago, and it is super simple, I have always been someone who is overweight, not unhappy just unhealthy and since I've started I have made huge improvements in my health. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Keep us posted please! :)

    - Jennie <3

  121. Good luck Louise, thanks for the inspiration :)\

    Martina | ItalianCharm98

  122. I'm seriously so motivated by your instagram posts and your twitter updates. I can't tell you how much of a lagger I am with exercise, although I do tend to enjoy a good sweat. I myself want to make healthier changes in my life that can help impact it for the better. I hope all is well for you and your family!

  123. Best of luck, Louise!

    Ray | Obey Ray

  124. I really enjoyed reading your post because I also decided to incorporate a healthier lifestyle into my daily regimen. Since I am currently unemployed I couldn't really take the leap to enroll in a yoga studio so I decided to look through youtube for some helpful yoga and workout videos! I found a 30 day yoga challenge which I started yesterday and it's nice cause they are about 15 to 20 minute videos! I hope to keep this up! I'm really amazed that you've kept up with your workout routine for the past couple weeks! I wish you the best and thanks for sharing! It's a great motivation and inspiration to know that other people are working on similar things I am!


  125. I've decided to make a life change too! Bit the bullet and joined the gym, hitting the third week and I am actually enjoying it (this is a shock to both myself and everyone involved). Good luck Louise. WE CAN DO IT! xx

  126. I feel you're pain Louise. I've been on Weight Watchers now for nearly 2 months. I know the cravings and the having to trick yourself too but it is worth it in the end isn't it ? Even if you haven't got your desired weight loss every week which can be discouraging the main thing that I think about is do I feel better ? Yes I do feel better for eating better and treating my body better.The only thing I haven't done is started the exercise like you but I will manage to muster up the energy somehow to do it (I'm sure?) Anyway you're not alone in this and everyone is supporting you, we're here with you every step of the way.#Glittergetsfitter ♥

  127. I'm really proud of you, Louise ! keep up the good work, girl !

  128. Yay!! So happy you decided to give it a go Louise! Was a lovely day filming with you and good luck getting fitter! Love Janey from Slice-of-Slim xx

  129. Entirely unrelated, but in the still of your video, I can suddenly see how much Darcy is like you! I've never noticed it before. How strange.

  130. I'm so proud of you! Well Done!!
    If anyone else is trying to get fitter or healthy maybe you would like my new blog post? Its full of tips but i'm really eager for people to comment and share all their ideas and tips too!

    love, justthatgirlvicky x

  131. You're such an inspiration Louise. Congrats on your progress so far! I'm trying to do the same thing and I find it hard without having a toddler on my hands to take care of. Wishing you good luck!

    Kelsey Dina <3

  132. Congratulations Louise i shall be doing this along with you x

  133. I apologise for the shameless self promotion and don't want to be an annoying little spammer, but I have recently created a blog about weight loss/ healthy diet from the perspective of someone who actually struggles with their weight, as oppose to a scarily fit person who eats only spinach and horrendously expensive health foods. As I have successfully lost my first stone and am on my way to a second, I wanted to help others who struggled like me. It will hopefully include recipes, diet plans and little bits of motivation.

    I'm very new to blogging and so its quite a basic layout and what not and the whole thing is terrifying to me, so please be nice!

    I hope you can take the time to have a look and give me any ideas of what people want!
    Thanks x

    1. Hiya,

      This is brilliant! I wrote a blog post on crippling self-conciousness from being over-weight. I wrote it, much like you, to help support people who may feel the same as me! This is amazing and I thank you so much from someone who also struggles with losing weight.

      I'm in the same boat as you in that my blog is very basic but I just wanted to say, you're doing great!

      Well done SkinnieMinni :)


  134. Hiiii Louise, I am loving the whole 'glitter gets fitter' and well done you for starting it. I recently have started making a few changes to my diet, mainly cutting out junk mon-friday and treating myself on a weekend. I think if i didn't i could quite possibly go mad without ANY chocolate. The thought alone terrifies me :( lol. i have also started a new work out DVD wich i must say is AMAZING ! its called Vicky's 7 day slim. It is Vicky patterson from Geordie shore and she does an amazing job at keeping you motivated and feeling ready to kick butt with this dvd. the amazing thing about it , is it's only 10 mins including warm up and cool down wich is just what busy mommys like you need :) anyway i thought it was worth mentioning. If you get time have a look at some of the videos and before/after photos of Vicky Patterson. It's pretty inspiring. Keep up the good wor and the Instagram posts , i am loving them xx

  135. Your blog has inspired me to start my own, kind of like a personal diary, i will be doing fitness on mine to! i would really appreciate it if you checked mine out; x

  136. That's so great! If you ever feel bored of those walks, you could always go with somebody or take exercise classes with a friend. I think it's super fun xxx

  137. Louise, I think of you as such an inspiration. I wrote a whole post on body image and sereve self-conciousness (, it's there to support people who, like me, feel so self-conscious! I think it is amazing how positive you are on getting healthy. Good luck! xx

  138. I'm over weight and it really effects my confidence, there's this guy I liked and we spent most of last year flirting but he just kept me hanging and now he's in uni enjoying life and I found out he also spent year before that doing the same thing to one of my best friends and to a couple of other girls, and when I thought something was about to happen he shut me off, just like he does to every other girl, the sad thing is I still like him and he was one of my closest friends last year and now I'm hoping to lose weight, not for him but for me but I cant wait for the day we pass each other on the street and he realises he made a mistake!


  139. wo…wooo.. I like it!! Your are so fit.. And sexy, I need a personal trainer like you..

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Sprinkleofglitter xxx