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Wednesday, 1 January 2014

A New Year, A New Me?

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

According to THIS post at the end of last year, my 2013 resolutions were to stress less, thrift more, edit less, diy more, weigh less, travel more and spend quality time with Baby Glitter. I can safely say that I did about half of those. Time with Darcy, travelling and stressing less were definitely accomplished but loosing a stone, being thrifty and sorting my house out fell weakly by the weigh side. 

Well, with a new year comes a new start and once again I find myself making resolutions and hoping that this will be the time I do them all. Do you do that too? I hope so!

(Unfocussed but happy. A common theme to my life!)

In 2014 I hope to -

Get Fit. I want to put better foods in my body and feel more energetic. Pretty simple really once you have the will power (which I never do!).

Blog Better. I'd like to be putting up 3 blog posts a week that I am proud of and promote them properly. I also want to give it a little makeover and freshen it up a touch. 

Adventure. From reading blogs and watching other people's travel videos on YouTube, I've got the itch to see more of the world and this year I hope the Glitter Family can do that. 

Organise. My office, my wardrobe, my laundry, my life. 

Review. I used to publish so many reviews and now I hardly do any. I'd like to get back into that because I think they are useful and interesting. 

And that's what I'm sticking with. As a small motivator I'm going to do regular updates on the resolutions and keep you in the loop of how I'm doing!

What are you goals for 2014? Did you stick to your 2013 aims?



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  1. 1) to survive.
    2) be a bit of a nicer person.
    3) not watch shit Youtubers just bc they're famous (you're not one you're perf)

  2. So glad you're going to blog more! I am totally with you on the getting fit thing! My yoga mat is now a rug in my uni room! And I stuck to most of my blogging aims but my other ones were a total FAIL! But not this year! I am sooooo determined! haha :)

  3. I never make new year's resolutions because I can never stick to them! Mine might be to make a new years resolution and stick to it!

  4. May all your wishes come true in 2014, Louise!
    You are a wonderful person, you make my life brighter, so thank you!
    Happy New Year!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My biggies are
    Take my blog to the next level
    be present in photos with my kids and husband
    improve my photography

  7. one of my goals is practically the same as your Get Fit one, through eating healthier hopefully feeling more energetic and maybe just maybe lose and bit of weight while I'm at.
    and to not be so shy and self conscious starting University this Year
    Best Wishes and luck for the New Year.
    Love from Australia xx

  8. That photo is so beautiful louise! Good luck with your resolutions! X

  9. 1. Adventure more, take risks.
    2. Be confident
    3. Patient with work, school etc.
    Love u louise and happy new year x x x

  10. i can't remember my new year's resolutions for 2013 but i'm 99% sure that i didn't stick to them xD for 2014 i don't really have resolutions like "eat less chocolate" or "visit my grandparents more" but i have goals like visiting america again and find new friends and stuff like that :D happy 2014 Louise!

  11. Mine are
    eat and drink healthier more often
    work out more
    don't give up the beginning is always the hardest

    check out my blog post

  12. Hmmm I think mine would be to
    - Work Harder and Quicker @ school
    - Be there for people who are true to me
    - Focus a lot more
    - Start my Duke of Edinburgh this year!!!
    Hehe I've got some pretty tough goals but I've got the willpower to do this thannngg!
    Thank you Louiseeee xo

  13. You should make a video of your 2014 to do list Louise!!! I made one on my youtube and I feel like it cements my goals, makes me more aware of what I set out to achieve on a daily basis. I'd love to see it! Lizzy x

  14. I don't think i've ever stuck to a single new years resolution for more than a few hours! So the fact that you did half of all of your 2013 resolutions is pretty awesome. I think 2014's resolution would have to be 'FIND MORE WILL POWER!'

    Happy new year! :)

  15. My new years resolutions are right over here. I've got about 20 which may seem like a lot, but theyre those small things which will make life easier you know.

  16. Jeeez ... I can't even remember my resolutios from last year .... I must not have done them anyway!

  17. 1. Compliment people more
    2. Get fit
    3. Make the time to read because I love it
    4. Be nicer to myself

    Emma xxxx

  18. Happy New Year Louise. I plan on starting a youtube channel, something I've wanted to do for ages so just going to do it (nervously). Congrats on your 1 million subscribers, I'm so happy for you, all of your videos make me laugh. Looking forward to seeing what 2014 brings for you and the glitter family. I really hope all your wishes for 2014 come true x

    1. One of mine is to start a youtube channel too :) x

    2. Mines too! I've been putting it off and putting it off for ages! I've just started a blog and one of my resolutions is to blog more!
      Good luck for 2014 Louise, and everyone else here too! x

  19. My news years resolution is to not give up on anything!! I have a bad habit of starting things and never finishing them or not keeping to my word!! Starting with my new blog :) excited!!!

  20. I want to get fit too! I actually done a full post about it a couple of hours ago. If you do get to go on some adventures then be sure to take us along the way;) xx

  21. Hi Lou!
    I hope you had a Happy New Year! I have some similar resolutions - getting fit and working more frequently and harder on my blog. Plus, spending more time with my bestest people.
    I'm an avid follower of your Youtube and Blog and am so happy you will be blogging/filming more often.
    I can not wait to see what 2014 holds for you and for the Glitter family.
    Do give Darcy a squeeze for me!
    If you'd like to check out my blog, the link is -
    Much love from a loyal subby xx

  22. hey!! happy new year to u darcy and matt! i hope that you all have great year!! i love your videos and blogs soo much!! my new years resolution is to loose weight....i know that i have been saying that for years but i really do want to, and i think that this year might be the year!! if you do decide to loose weight, will you update us on how you are getting on??

    thank you for the amazing blogs and videos!! :):):):) xxx

  23. My new years resolutions are:
    To work harder so I can get into my too university
    Be at bit braver with my choice of videos to upload to my channel(I 've never had the confience toupload a beauty video)
    Visit my nan more
    Practise my guitar more often so it isn't just n the corner of my bedroom

  24. I feel like our NYR are fairly similar! I need to organise my office and loose weight too! Hope all goes well! X.

    Amy Lauren

  25. Happy New Year Louise! My resolutions are quite similar to yours;
    - Getting fit
    - Spending more time on my blog
    - Stop procrastinating
    - Be a happier person

    If you ever get the chance to have a quick peek at my blog, the URL is

  26. Happy New Year Louise! I can't wait for you to post more content on the blog as I love reading it so much, my resolutions include being more confident, getting my future sorted and to lose some weight as well xx


  27. Happy New Year! May everything you put on your resolution list come true, may you accomplish everything you wish for, you are one of the strongest people I know!
    I want to get creative again, challenge myself in various ways, fight my anxiety, blog more often and start studying at uni. Basically do everything out of my damn tight comfortzone!
    Lisa xx

  28. Hey Louise! Happy New Year, love the new years resolutions, excited to see even more blog posts from you! i've recently started a blog and just posted about my aims for 2014 would be so grateful if you could take a look.


  29. Good Luck with your resolutions, I think you'll accomplish them! Wish you all the best <3


  30. I like your resolutions, but personally I don't make them. If you need to change something, then you don't need a new year to do so. You can do it at any moment in time, live in the here and NOW. Resolutions can often be too much pressure - if you focus on being happy, then the rest should fall naturally into place. Saying that though, I hope you manage to stick to your resolutions! xxx

  31. I wish you all the luck with your resolutions <3

    Erin //

  32. Lay year instead of making resolutions I would ultimately feel bad about not keeping I decided to start an Accomplishment Journal. I would celebrate each accomplishment big or small. It ended up turning into a sort of scrapbook/smash book with ticket stubs, receipts, and pictures of Pinterest projects I actually completed. I am proud to say I kept it all year round and will continue it in 2014!

  33. I'm new to blogging and have come across your blog in the last few weeks. I absolutely love the content - in particular your blogging tips blog that was published a while. That was especially useful. Good Luck for the year ahead.


  34. Happy New Year! Good luck with your resolutions, I never stick to mine haha.

    Beth | BeautyBubbles♡

  35. My resolutions are :
    - get ( indeed ) a bit fitter, and have more energy.
    - make my photography 'compagny' /name more known.
    - learn to have less anxiety and panic attacks, work on that.

    You are such an inspiration to me ! Keep up the good work, your blog looks lovely :)

  36. I completely understand the 'unfocused but happy' thing. My attention span is shocking sometimes. I've posted my new year's resolutions as well, but they're only little ones. Didn't make any last year as I was totally high on antibiotics and mostly slept from christmas to early january…. oops. I hope you achieve everything!

  37. Happy New Year! x

  38. Get a new job.
    Be healthy and active.
    Focus on my blog more.
    Stay positive.

    Lavaly | Places, people and prettiness.

  39. I want to blog more, I set myself a goal when I strated my blog to post three times a week, but I wasn't the best at keeping to that, but this year I am determined!! x

  40. I stuck to most of them, but as usual the lose weight/hit the gym one failed. Makes the list for 2014 easier though :)

    Under The Cherry Rainbow

  41. At the top of my list is get fit. I've already taken my first steps towards that one by agreeing to be the subject of a six week personal training project my boyfriend has to do for his degree. Second is be more financially conscious. Third is find a job and fourth is to experiment with my make-up more. :)

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. great goals Hun , good luck ! im hoping to get fit too
    Melissa x

  44. Happy new year! I am so happy that you are planning to blog more :) All your resolutions are great ideas and I hope you achieve everything you want this year xxx

    Forever Dreaming of Oz

  45. mine would be,to be more positive

  46. Happy new your blog - you are so inspiring :) xxx

  47. Oh Louise, You've given me so much motivation to just do what I love. Even just over the last few days leading out of 2013, I've become more of a free spirit. I'm not torturing myself as much as I have been and its a wonderful feeling. Despite not being happy with myself, or my appearance I've gained a slither of confidence from you. I carry my head higher, its so nice not to be hiding from everything.
    For 2014, I decided no goals. My motivation will be "If you've got nothing you've got nothing to loose" I'm starting with nothing and if good things happen then its good and if bad things happen I won't be such a mess. No expectations, from myself or others. I'm going to appreciate the world and love around me and smile.
    I managed to scrap in my 2013 "goal" on December 30. Which was making this blog, so I'm all set for the roller-coaster of 2014.
    Thank you for being wonderful Louise. And i know whatever you do or how ever much you do, 2014 will bring you wonderful things.

    Ronny, x

  48. Happy New Year Louise! Hopefully you will accomplish your resolutions by the end of 2014!! My 3 New Years Resolutions are to get good levels and grades in my education, make my blog noticeable and to be more social with my family and friends and be with them more!! Good luck to you, Little, cute Darcy and Matt. Have the best year ever!!!! :) xx

  49. Good luck with your aims! I can't wait to read your blog this year! Last year's aim was to create a blog so, as simple as it was, I feel good in succeeding it as it's brought me such happiness! :-)

  50. Happy New Year, wishing you a fantastic 2014.

    My aim for 2014 is to lose some weight and I'm more determined than ever!

    Beth | BethBlogsBeauty

  51. Great blog Louise! I'm definitely like you, every year I make all these resolutions but never really had the chance to fulfill them. Now I'm honestly going to (hopefully!). And I also have similar resolutions especially the thing about publishing more reviews. I used to do a lot of book reviews every once in a while when I finish a book and now I want to continue doing that!

    You're one of my inspirations Louise :-)
    It would mean a lot if you checked out my blog.

    Ella x

  52. Happy new year Louise!
    I made one resolution for 2013 and that was to give more money to charity. I did shop from charity shops from time to time but I didn't give enough money as I hoped to have done. I created a YouTube channel in 2013 and I didn't upload a lot of videos in 2013 so my resolution for 2014 is to upload more videos on my channel.

    Hope that 2014 is a year full of happiness for you, Matt and Darcy.

    Carys :) xx
    Also congrats on 1,000,000 Sprinklerinos.

  53. What a pretty picture of you, Louise! You're so pretty :)

    If you want to get fit I REALLY recommend Blogilates on Youtube. She makes fitness calendars every month and she also beginners calendar for starting "popsters". Go to and check her out, she is amazing + it's SO much fun. My new year's resolution is to get more fit by doing Blogilates. And I've learned that the key is to take one day at a time.

    Anyway, I'm so happy I found your channel in 2013, it's been great following you and your lovely family through 2013! :)

    Happy new year, Louise!

    Love from Norway

  54. I hope you have a great year ahead of you Louise! In 2014 I hope to eat healthier, be happy and venture out of my comfort zone and make life exciting.


  55. Happy New Year to you

    I think my main two things for 2014 is to travel more and loose weight. Plain and simple :)

  56. Good luck with all those New Year goals! I'm really looking forward to seeing review posts from you during 2014. Happy New Year, Louise!

  57. Happy new year.
    I don't usually do resolutions but I'm going to take inspiration from this. Organise is definitely my no.1. Also blogging I'm new to it all but thought I would give it a go.

  58. Good luck Louise for 2014!
    I'm definitely with you on the Blog More resolution!
    Can't wait to see what 2014 will bring!

  59. I am so happy that you are planning on blogging more, I love looking at my blogger feed and seeing when you upload a new blog. You are very down to earth and I feel that you are someone that I can really relate too and I love hearing your thoughts and how you are doing.


  60. I hope to see more reviews! That would be great!

  61. my goals are to keep a diary :) x

  62. I am hoping to get fit, and to promote more of what I love rather than bashing what I, I want to be less of a complainer and think more positively! Happy New Year Glitter family xx

  63. I am totally with you on the get fit and blog better. I too lack motivation, so hopefully seeing how you are getting on as well with the get fit will help inspire me to continue to do the same!

    Good luck with 2014 and I look forward to seeing more posts from you!

    - Katy

  64. love :)

  65. One direction VIP tickets giveaway on my blog best of luck xx

  66. I am definitely with you on the blogging better one, I have abandoned my blog totally, I really hope that i can get into it more.
    Happy new year to you

    Jess x

  67. im glad you have motivation to make resolutions! i literally have no motivation at all!

    Rachel x
    Style Soup

  68. Hope you have a great 2014 :)

  69. I pretty much have the same resolutions as you! Im sure you will achieve them all! Your more than capable you just need to want it! Happy new year lovely to you and your family! All the best for 2014! Emily x

  70. Great goals, I haven't figured mine out yet but being happy is the main goal x

  71. My resolutions are to 1) eat out less (hard to do when at Uni) 2) be more organized, especially when it comes to homework and 3) try to de-stress by going out, or going to the gym, just to blow off some steam. Hope you have a lovely year Louise <3

  72. My resolutions mostly consist of loving myself more, reminding myself daily of what I am blessed with, forgiving myself because we are all our worst critic, blog more and learn how to really get my name out there, and continue my journey of getting healthy in hopes of going my first charity 5k RUN by the end of the year and my first half marathon for charity by the end of 2015!

  73. You had such a good year! Good luck to you on your resolutions!

  74. HAPPY NEW YEAR Louise!
    Ditto to most of your resolutions. Get fit, get organized - yes, it is easy once you get the will power - that's the hard part.

  75. I jumped onto the get fit band wagon right along side you, vowing to do my 30 day shred dvd everyday. It's 3:45pm and I'm sat in my onesie (outlook - not good)
    I'm also planning on doing as much as I possibly can with baby girl as she will be 3 in April and it is scaring the bejesus out off me how quickly she is turning into a little girl, the fact that come September she will be off to nursery is spurring me in to action of spending some real quality time with her, even going to attempt a mummy daughter cinema outing next week, equally exciting as is terrifying, you have Darcy you know where I am coming from. Anyway I feel I have waffled long enough - only wanted to wish you a Very Happy 2014!

    Lindsay - Linzylabellevie

  76. Lovely post! My new years resolutions are:
    1. To stop being afraid of trying new things and just go for it
    2. To spend more time with the people that i love
    3. To become the queen of stationary :-)
    Happy 2014 louise! Xx

  77. I just want to be inspired and work harder in every acpect of my life! I've just posted my visual boards on the blog -
    I did those today and I hope they remind me every day of what I want to achieve! :)

    I hope you really start blogging more. :)
    As far as good food, I think it's important to learn how to prepare healthy food, mostly vegetables in a yummy way! :) It's a lot easier when you master that! I now only crave the good stuff! :)
    I also have some recipes on the blog and instagram, if you're ever interested. :) (Sorry if this sounds like a huge promotion, you can not publish this comment, I genuinely just want you to read it! :))

  78. Happy New Year, Louise, wishing you all the best for 2014! This year want to blog better too, see my friends a lot more and do well in school!x

  79. Hi Lousie, Happy New Year! I would really like to learn how to read minds in 2014, but unfortunately I doubt that will happen..... unless you know Charles Xavier's phone number?

  80. I have quite a few new years resolutions but I guess my main ones are to just be more confident with myself and to not let my shyness get in the way of things! I would also like to meet new people and make new friends and to just be a bit more outgoing really. I also would like to try and eat healthier and do a bit more exercise! And then I would like to upload a few covers of me singing on youtube (which again my confidence has gotten in the way of me doing so) but I'm determined to go ahead and do it :) And I guess I just want to generally be truly happy which is what everyone wants isn't it? Loving your blog Louise! Happy new year! :) xxx

  81. Decided not to make any New Year's resolution this year but I did make an overview of 2013. :)

  82. I also want to get fit.
    I want to get my blog going again after letting it slip for a few months.
    I want to get into YouTube, I watch so many videos and always wanted to make my own but never believed in myself and thought I'd get judged by my friends etc, so this year I'm going to put my insecurities to one side and do the things I want to do.


  83. To be fit it's also on my list! So let's do it :)
    Happy New Year

  84. My new years resolution is to keep up with my house, like trying to decorate it a little more and do the daily cleaning that I avoid.

  85. Happy new year! My resolution is just to be a bit more positive:)
    I can't wait for more of your videos and blog posts!

    xx K

  86. This year I want to get through Year 12 (hopefully successfully) and build my blog! I didn't realise how hard being a new blogger would be! Hope 2014 is good to you :) x

  87. Hope you have a great 2014.

  88. Happy new year Louise hope your 2014 is even better than 2013 love your blog and videos can't wait to see some more and I love little darcy shes so cuteee xxx

  89. Congrats on your year Louise and Co.!
    Genuinely have loved reading your blog, in that signature sprinkle of glitter style :)
    My highlight was the baby lookbook, cue awww-ing.
    Love for your 2014!

  90. I had no resolutions for 2013! I have 12 for 2014! I did a whole post on my blog! :3
    Your baby is just too cute! :D <3 I hope you have an awesome 2014!

    Happy new year to the Glitter family!


  91. Great resolutions Louise. Best of luck in achieving them all, and I hope 2014 is another fantastic year for you! :)

  92. Happy new year Louise! good luck with your resolutions, I'm sure you'll be able to do them!

    Some of my goals for 2014 include;

    - Trying to turn negatives into a positive (be more positive, especially positive in the things I do)
    - Enjoy life and be happy and have as much fun as possible at uni as it's going by so quickly!
    - Visit new places and try new things, for example I'd love to go pony trekking in the Lake District and I want to go for Afternoon Tea one day too!

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. 1) do a good job at my new work
    2) blog more ♥
    3) worry less

    My aims for 2013 were to finish uni (check!) find a good job (check!) and to be more confident (------ need to try harder^^)

    Hope you had an amazing night and all the best for you and your lovely family in 2014!!!

    xx Jo Betty

  95. Happy new year! Best of luck sticking with your resolutions and all of the exciting things this new year has to offer. I rarely stick to my resolutions because I lack serious willpower. Instead of a goal I guilt myself for not completing next year, I think I am going to choose to be happy and say yes to all of the new opportunities that come my way. :) xo.

  96. Happy new year :) This year I'm going to focus on being happy and not dwell on the pooey things that occurred in 2013. I am also hoping to really focus on my blog and try to establish it a little better X

  97. I don't know if you'll ever see this comment, but HAPPY NEW YEAR! you're such an inspiration to soooo many people (including me). I hope you reach your goals and the resolutions become accomplishments that you'll be proud of on December 31st, 2014. Good luck!
    Here are a few of mine:
    - bake more
    - start dancing again
    - be more confident
    - love myself
    - stay original
    - be more positive
    - live life in the moment (I constantly look at the future)

    Love you and your family <3

  98. Happy New Year! My goals are to lose weight, travel, graduate from University and get started with my new blog!

    All the best


  99. I like the fact that your resolutions are realistic :)
    My most important one is to blog more regularly.

    ~ Hannelore

  100. Every year lose weight is a resolution of mine haha So I guess I didn't stick to it too well!
    Of course it is again this year but perhaps a better resolution this year is to not care as much about what I look like haha! xx

  101. Happy new year!! my resolutions are to be a happier person, be more confident and sleep more :) good luck in 2014! x

  102. Happy New year Louise! Good luck with your goals in 2014! Here are mine :


  103. Happy New Years, Louise! My goals are to do focus on doing things that make me happy and just trying to surround myself with overall happiness. I hope you have a great year!


  104. Happy new year Louise :). Best wishes for you and your family in 2014.

  105. Happy New Year! Love this post! I definitely want to try to worry and stress less in the new year and do more!

  106. Happy New Year Lousie, Matt and Darcy!

    My resolutions are:
    1) To stop looking for love! Been single almost 9 years now, and after a couple of bad experiences last year, I want to discover how to be happy, single! And enjoy my own company for a while!
    2) I'm taking a year out of uni to "find myself". I've completely lost who I am, and want to focus on me this year
    3) To get fit and healthy!
    4) I am doing a photo-a-day challenge this year, just for a bit of fun :)

  107. My resolutions this year are:
    • Talk to new people to work on my people skills.
    • Find a job so I become more independent and to also improve my people skills.
    • Don't trust anyone who doesn't trust you.
    • Find my motivation.
    • Pass my exams in the summer.
    • Apply to a college and have an idea on what I would like to do in the future.
    • And finally, do something out of my comfort zone.

    My main resolution not said above was to create a blog and keep up with posting, please read it and let me know what you think!

    My last post was about making my new years resolutions and keeping them :)
    Happy new year Louise hope you have yet another fantastic year!

  108. Happy New Year! I wish you a wonderful 2014 : ) x

  109. Louise - you can definitely achieve your weight loss goals! Just take it one day at a time and make good choices and think of it as a lifestyle change instead of a diet. Since March 2013 I have lost 75-80 lbs and have another (probably) 30 to go to meet my goal weight. If I can do it, YOU can do it.

  110. happy new year louise! I have really similar resolutions to you! My top new years resolution is to get healthy and lose a little bit of weight and get better at blogging :)

  111. Get more sporty
    Be a good friend
    Do good in the exam
    Earn more money by myself (im working as an extra waitress in a restaurant)

  112. Happy new year to the Glitter Family :)
    I try not to be to hard with me all the time :) You just cant please everyone

  113. Happy New Year Lousie and all of the Glitter family! This year I have told myself I will:
    1. Exercise for at least 20 minutes every day
    2. Blog at least 4-5 times a week
    3. Be less lazy (Ooops, when thats a new years resolution you know your going wrong!) :/
    4. Have a set skincare routine, morning and night.
    Check out my 2014 post!
    Lots of Love xx

  114. Ah amazing. Good luck for 2014 I hope it's as good as last year for you if not better.

  115. I really want to start blogging but I don't know what to blog about :\ please give me some Ideas ... <3

  116. Reading this has inspired me to start up my blog again and I've even opened with a Sprinkle of Glitter-esque New Years Resolutions post :D xx

  117. Accomplishing half of your goals from last year is really quite an achievement if you ask me! :)
    I've only got one resolution and that's to have fun!
    Happy new year Louise, hope you have a great one with many memories to carry with you for the rest of forever! :D
    Ellie, xx

  118. I wish u good luck, you can do it! And if u can travel more in this year, can I ask you for writing posts about travelling? Or vlogs? It could be epiiiic

  119. My New Years resolution is to begin writing my own fashion & Beauty blog and stick to it. Maybe if I'm feeling a bit wild, a Youtube Channel.... :')
    Happy New Year Louise xxxx

  120. I just want to do more of what makes me happy :)

    - Janelle
    Little Things

  121. Happy New Years, Louise! For me in 2014, I want to be more confident and social.

    xo kerker
    Beauty & Things

  122. Just created my 2014 resolutions too! Let's hope I accomplish them, unlike last year!

  123. I hope you have a really lovely 2014, and that you can achieve your goals! x

    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD

  124. I just did my New Year's resolutions on my blog! And I'll be blogging everyday for the first seven days of 2014 to keep people motivated! Follow along if you'd like some inspiration and motivation to make 2014 the best year you can have. Louise, also wanted to say that I hope you achieve what you set out to and that you are truly and inspiration to us all. Thank you.

    Jess xx

  125. My resolutions are:

    1) Take care of myself (body mind and spirit) eating better, surrounding myself with positive people, being more positive myself and just feeling good about myself so that might mean things like getting a new haircut or my nails done more often!
    2) Use less technology with my two year old. We no longer allow her on our smart phones or tablets and have bought peppa pig books to replace watching episodes.
    3) Try to save money towards a house deposit

  126. my resolution is to get into uni, zzzz
    elizabethsophiee x

  127. love your resolutions, I have already got mine picked out (or so I thought) then I read yours on organization...I feel that is something I need to do swell, I am pretty slack on that and then it sends my life into a chaotic circus!


  128. I'm excited for you to blog more! I love the look of your blog! Can't wait to see what you mean by 'freshen' it up!

  129. I wish you good luck on your resolutions!

    xo Christine

  130. I am starting the year with three resolutions!
    1. De-stressing
    2. Try new things
    3. Make myself happy instead of worrying about what others will think of me

    I hope you can fulfill your Resolutions of 2014 :D :D

    Lots of Love, xoxo, Réa Réa

  131. 1. Lose more weight, lost a stone on slimming world and determined to get another 2 off!!
    2. Save for a house
    3. Lessen my anxiety

    Good luck with yours Louise! xx

  132. we almost have the same resolutons, especially the one with travelling and going on adventures haha
    good luck getting yours done:) xx

    Skinny Jeans ♥

  133. Happy New Year Louise.
    I also want to become healthier this year, not just for personal image but to feel better in myself! I also want to focus more on my blog & youtube channel to progress for the future!

    Hope you and your family are all well and had a lovely christmas.

    Beauty by Alice | Blog | YouTube | xxx

  134. I LOVE your reviews, I hope you bring some back :)
    As for myself mine are; travelling more, exercising more and figuring out what to do with my life..


  135. Hi, I'm kind of a new blogger and really liked the post since I've just posted a similar one on my blog. It would mean so so much if you got a sneak peek at it :) xx

  136. My main resolution is to make this a really good blog this year ! im really excited about it :D

  137. Hi Louise, I just wanted to say that I first found you through Zoellas youtube channel and started watching yours religiously. I follow your blog and am always really impressed with your blog posts, I am a single mother and blogger and artist and I know how hard it is to get everything done. You were probably the most inspirational person to me throughout 2013. It's so obvious what a lovely person you are and I just really enjoy every video you do, you're also hilariously funny. So thanks so much Louise for being bloody brilliant and I wish you a brilliant 2014 xoxo

  138. Louise! Happy New Year!
    I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! Check it out!
    -Ignis Au xoxo

  139. I never stuck to the goals/resolutions that I had for 2013 and after it was such a horrible year I am going to do my best to stick to them this year and make it a great one. I think staying focused and not getting overwhelmed by them might be a key factor in them.

    Xx, Kimberly

  140. All lovely goals. I'm so happy to read that you're going to resume writing product reviews. I'm such a beauty addict and I really enjoy reading beauty blogs so more beauty= happy me. Can't wait to read how you'll get on with your goals this year as well Louise. For 2014 my goal is just to make this year, a year of discovery, of new experiences and to take each day as it comes. I also need to stop being so negative. More positivity is badly needed. xx

  141. You have really inspired me over the last year in gaining more confidence and inspiring me to appreciate the little moments in life, because they are usually the best. You inspired me to begin my own blog, which is one of my new years resolutions, to begin blogging and doing more things that I love. All the best to you and your family for 2014!


  142. I have so many similar goals myself! Just wrote a whole blog post about them. I wan to focus on Simplifying, Health, and Love.

  143. I've also made some goals and challenges for this year! and I even wrote a post about it (If you want check it HERE) hahah ;)

    From Making Things Alive

  144. I find it soo hard to make new years resolutions! I don't know why, it's like I'm always thinking about things I could be doing or could be doing better and then when it's this time of year I just forget about it all haha :).
    Although we have this thing where I live you know, during the last seconds of the year you have to eat 12 grapes and make a wish for every one of them, so some of them you could say are resolutions, they're after all things you can control... I'm gonna be honest though, usually I just try not to choke when eating those grapes, so I end up spending about an hour eating the things and making my wishes hahaha.

    Good luck with your resolutions! May this new year be even better than the last one and I wish you and your beautiful family lots and lots of happiness! You deserve it :)

    Lipstick and Mocha

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  146. Great resolutions! 2014 is sure to be a great year :) x

  147. Happy new year louise!
    Another great little post xox

    child abuse survivor;

  148. Happy new year :)
    I've never do resolutions, because if I don't achieve them I feel awful, but this year I would like to focus more on my blog and get more into this lovely blogging community.

    Mirisweet! xX

  149. Happy New Year :) I hope this year be must better than last year! :) With a lot of love, health and hapiness! :)

    Can you visit my blogs? Thanks :) You may need to translate.

    Kisses Edna<3

  150. Happy new year, and good luck with those things.xx

  151. I hope this year is as good as the last for you, Louise! Your resolutions are certainly more realistic than mine ;)

  152. Aw, I hope you manage to accomplish your resolutions! Please take a read of my new blog :) Happy new year Louise!


  153. Happy new year Louise! I have faith in you and your resolutions! I'm exactly the same I always make them and never stick so this year I am choosing an easier yet challenging resolution: to do things that make me happy.
    I hope this new year brings you all happiness!
    Jo xxx

  154. You have a great list going there Louise - but don't pressure yourself too much.
    My resolutions are:
    1) Take more risks and be brave
    2) Make an effort to pack my lunch for uni rather than buying lunch
    3) Iron my clothes at the start of the week
    I'm not sure if I will be able to stick to that last one (I usually avoid ironing at any cost), but I'm studying marketing and fashion so I think I should start making an effort.

  155. I've just blogged about my New Year's Resolutions!
    We have similar choices.
    Good luck!

    Daisy x
    Daisy's World

  156. Fantastic ideas Louise :) hope 2014 is a sparkling year for you! :)
    I've just blogged about my resolutions & about my year too :)
    I had one resolution last year & completed it :) xxxx

  157. Happy New Year, Louise!
    I should've made "blog better" a resolution of mine. Hopefully that'll go without saying.
    My New Year's Resolutions:

    xo, Sarah Holt

  158. Be happier, healthier and more organised! I've written a blog about my new year plans, which was very therapeutic!

    Last year I made resolutions to make friends travelling, and at university, improve my confidence around new people, and to be more accomplished at doing my hair and makeup. I managed the first two. but I still can't give myself a nice blowdry!

  159. I improved my knowlede with A New Year, A New Me?
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    That's my plans :) To do what makes me happy!

  161. I hope U will fulfill your New Year's resolutions! I did some resolutions too! ^.^ Fot the first time ever.

  162. This has helped me to create New Year's Resolutions myself and this year I definitely plan on sticking to them

  163. these are similar to my goals as well! if possible can you both the ways you get active as well? I find those ones hard to do, happy new year to you darling! x

  164. My New Year's resolutions:
    1) Loose 20 pounds for my 19th birthday
    2) Start my own blog (and write on it every day or so)
    3) Get into the university of my dreams
    4) Get better grades
    5) Work on my anxiety
    6) Do more things that I enjoy doing (like cooking, baking, drawing, reading, and relaxing in a bubble bath)
    7) Be happier

  165. great post!

  166. Can't wait to see what you post in the future!!

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  168. 1. Trust my instincts more.
    2. Mellow out.
    3. Put my nose to the grindstone and don't procrastinate (well.. as much)
    4. Live a healthier life.


  170. 1. Work on my patience levels
    2. Excersize at least twice a week
    3. Rebuild my relationship with my mum, which crumbled last year

  171. Last year I decided to give myself few do-able New Year's Resolutions and it has been a lot better. I did quite well. I just wasn't at all able to be more creative and stress less what bothers me..
    This year I want to be fitter- eat better and work out little bit, stress less, complain less and be happier thanks to that, write anything nice that happens to me on a piece of paper and save it for later

  172. I'm absolutely rubbish at sticking to resolutions, but have yet again made some again this year. This time i have tried to make more realistic ones, that i should be able to stick to. Your resolutions are realistic and we share a couple of the same. I am excited that you plan to blog more as your blog was one of the first ones i ever read and continued to read. You seem very down to earth and very much a family girl, which i admire.

  173. I'm awful at sticking to resolutions as I am really lacking in any willpower but I would love to get back into photography and blogging again:)

    please could anyone check out my blog, I would really appreciate it :)

  174. happy new year x

  175. so happy that you're going to blog more Louise !!! Happy New Year !!!

  176. Congratulations on what you achieved in 2013! And good luck with this year's resolutions - I would love to see more blog posts! I just made a blog post about this year's resolutions. I hope I can stick to them!

  177. Congratulations on your 2013 accomplishments, and 1 million subscribers! I made 6 resolutions this year - hopefully I can stick to them:

  178. You are such an inspiration. Congrats on your 1 million subscribers!!

  179. So happy you are going to being blogging more, we get so much inspiration from you!!

  180. Good luck with your resolutions :)
    I'm using my blog to document my weight loss efforts and other goings on :) x

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Sprinkleofglitter xxx