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Monday 13 January 2014

Motivational Monday #2

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Are you excited for the new week? You should be. It's an opportunity to asses what you want out of your time and decide upon the best attitude to help you reach it. I have faith in you!

The second week in January is usually the time I give up on New Year's Resolutions and feel rather melancholy at the sorry state of my will power. I don't think I'm alone. 

You've had a good crack at things but really, not drinking fizzy drinks or finally reorganising your junk room is hard work and sometimes boring. I get it, I feel your pain. I can't even tell you how much I want a gallon of iced diet coke and some cheese fries.

But, we have each other and this warm, engaging community to support us!

Have a think about a goal or aim you have at the moment. It doesn't have to be a New Year Resolution as I know some people don't bother, but just something you're trying to do/not do right now in your life. Focus on it. Are you doing it well? Are you veering off course? Are you cheating a little bit?

Make today be the day that you try a tiny bit harder. Not start over or find a new goal but just try that little bit more to achieve this one. Take the love and support of this community all cheering you on and push that one bit harder. Do that every day this week and then on Saturday assess your progress. Hopefully you'll be so proud of yourself that you keep on going next week and voila, you have pushed through a hump and come out stronger.

I for one will be drawing from this motivation as I continue on my road to a fitter body (and gee wizz sometimes it feels like a rubbish road, but I'm determined not to let myself down this year, because after all, who else's body am I bettering?) and will update you on my progress.


Last week in THIS post we talked about enjoying little things in each day. I would love to hear in the comments if there was anything specific you enjoyed. Here are some of mine - Having Matt, Clare, Zoe, Alfie and Marcus be so supportive of my healthier life choices, listening to Darcy play her 'git-ar' and singing made up babybabble songs, watching YouTube videos in bed with Matt before we go to sleep and taking pretty pictures on my big girl camera- I should do that more. 


So two bits of comment 'homework' for you haha. What resolution/goal are you going to push a tiny bit harder on and what did you enjoy from last week's focused attention? Feel free to talk to each other in the comments and provide encouragement!

Contributor - Louise

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  1. I am going to push harder on my healthier lifestyle, and enjoying my life a little bit more. I take way too many things for granted, and I don't take time to focus on my well-being, even though I love focusing on other people's and trying to make them happy.

    Jess x

    1. oh wow you said it so beautifully;))

  2. Lovely post Louise! I'm going to work harder on my blog and GCSEs xx

  3. It's trying to be healthier in all areas of my life for me. Pretty vague, but hoping I can stick to it :)

    Carina | CARSTINA

  4. I really love these posts! They help more than you know :)
    Honestly, my goals at this point are to just be a better me, and do better in all aspects of my life. I want to better my blog, my tendency to procrastinate (it's senior year and I'm having a hard time doing anything without waiting until the last moment), and most importantly myself! I am also really trying to focus on the things that I love so I can be happier and more motivated to actually achieve my goals.
    Last week I really tried to not worry about things that I cannot change, and for once I wasn't so stressed about absolutely everything, especially my swim meet that week! It really did help and I didn't notice until I didn't have the pre-meet jitters that achieve absolutely nothing. I found myself actually having fun! I have found life is so much better when you don't spend all your time worrying.
    Thank you so so so much for writing these posts, and for just being such an encouraging person in general! You are truly such an inspiring role model and I respect you so much for trying your hardest to achieve your goals even when it's hard to :) And for just being such a great person!

    Kendra | It's a Bug's Life

  5. i'm so glad your doing these posts again, they really do motivate me! xx

    ( )

  6. I want to get out of my comfort zone when it comes to taking risks and meeting new people. I am a very shy person.

  7. I joined Slimming World back in September and only started blogging about it last week as I wanted to make sure it was working for me, and so far it's been going great for a lazy lump like moi. All I'm doing is eating and still managing to lose a couple of pounds a week. Last week I promised myself I'd start doing exercise but the week ran away with itself so that's my mission this week. Something, be it a walk, 20 minutes on the crosstrainer, anything because I need to push it up a notch and go with the January motivation while it lasts!

    Well done on deciding to get fitter because that's the hardest step, deciding and then actually doing it. When you start to see results, that will keep you going, watch this space!

  8. In general I'm working on making better choices about what food I put in my body. I'm trying to make more homemade meals that are balanced and I'm working on packing a lunch more often so that I don't purchase quick, unhealthy food. I'm also trying to make little changes like getting tea from Starbucks rather than my usual white chocolate mochas. The #glittergetsfitter on instagram has been helping me since I enjoy posting pictures of the new recipes I have been trying out. Keep up the good work Louise!!!

  9. My main resolution not eat meat for a month. Ohmigosh its been hard to watch the fam eat sausages and be stuck wwih patsa n veg, but I am staying strong so far so hopefully this is the year!! :)

  10. This year I hope to find the right major at university for me. I started one last year but it turned out not to be what I expected. Today I am going to push just a bit harder to search and find the right major :)

    1. When I went to university, I started out as one major but figured out in the first year it was not for me. So I took the coursebook (list of all the classes offered) and went through it without thought to a major and just marked all of the classes that sounded interesting. Turned out that the majority of checkmarks were in one major, and i had a lot of checks in two other areas. Then I sat down and researched a little about how I could turn the major (and what turned out to be my two minors) into a career afterwards. I enjoyed uni SO much more after that and was much more successful. Sometimes going at it 'backwards' can make it a little easier to find a direction. Hope that might help! =)

  11. I loved this post, im definitely going to work harder in my academic studies and my blog

    Jess x

  12. Thanks for all the motivation Louise! I wanna work hard on getting fitter, improving my blog and fundraising more :) x

  13. Louise! I really needed this today.. I'm trying to become fitter, like you, but sometimes it's so hard! Especially when at a friends house and they make brownies and delicious goodies.. definitely getting some exercise in tomorrow. THANK YOU for the motivation!!! xx

  14. Great post louise!
    Just what i needed xox

    child abuse survivor blog;

  15. I want to actually organise my study this week - instead of just adding to the piles of paper and books! I want to work harder towards healthier choices and building up my blog. :-)

  16. Such a great post Louise! - As always!
    My new years resolution is to simply have fun! So I'm (hopefully) Never going to give up on that dream! :D
    Elephant stories and more

  17. I have an exam this afternoon, and am feeling super stressed about it, and was about to give up and say f*** it, but this post has been the perfect motivation.
    Thank You!

  18. I'm pushing to stay healthy! I'm a size 18 and although I love my curves I need to bring my blood pressure down which means I need to lose a bit of weight! I dieted for my first week last week and I've lost 5lb, I need to keep going, I think writing about it on my blog is definitely helping!


  19. About last week... Umm, I passed my exam at UNI, 1 out of 6, finally found time to meet with my friends, went to the gym once, started writing on my blog in two languages (Polish, which is mine first language, and English also) and bake incredibly good cakes - pretty much, right? :)
    I don't know what to push in this week, because yesterday I was told that I'm not going again to London in March, and I was dreaming about for like half a year (since I came back to Poland in August), so I'm down in the dumps :(

    lots of love,

  20. My goals are to stop worrying about small, pointless things that can't be helped, and getting my A Levels! x

  21. My goals are to stop worrying about small, pointless things that can't be helped, and getting my A Levels! x

  22. Keep it up Louise, you're my role model! Seeing your Instagram pictures about your walks makes me realise that I can do it too, I just have to push myself a bit harder! My goal is to feel comfortable in my body. Therefore I'm going to the gym at least twice a week and I even enjoy it! I hope it will stay like this for a loooong while! Hugs and kisses!

  23. loved it

  24. I seriously love motivational mondays. Thank-you Louise! xxx

  25. Hey i just bump into your post and i think i like it alot when can we talk about your post asap
    jeux de king

  26. aaaaahhh i love your motivational mondays :D well this week i have to study really hard for an exam because i kind of procrastinated so much that now i have tons of stuff that i need to do D: and also i'm trying to lose some weight so i want to drink more water this week and try to eat less junk food! have a fantastic week! bye xx

  27. Such a lovely post!

    Check out my beauty blog

  28. You are a breath of fresh air Louise. Love this post.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I have three New Year's Resolutions, one of them are to bring the word Enthusiasm in to 2014 because I didn't have much of that in 2013... and I need to work a bit harder on that one because it's easy to forget.
    I also started this year with a sugerfree month, it's only been 13 days and I'm starting to feel the cravings for candy and cookies with my cup of coffee!
    Lots of love from sweden x

  31. This is such a cute post. I want to get lots of work done this week and be really healthy as this weekend is my birthday and I want to let loose!!

  32. You're so good at motivating, Louise!
    I'd love to just say 'Yes' to a few more things and not think about it too much, as that's when I start regretting things that I haven't done because I've been too anxious to.
    In short term resolutions - maybe I should stop drinking so much Diet Pepsi and fizzy drinks - I'll end up with no teeth otherwise!
    Happy Mondaaaay!
    - Ames x

    1. I feel your pain! If I could only stop drinking so much fizzy drinks... let's make that resolution together, shall we?

  33. I moved courses at university and at the moment I'm really struggling with an assignment that's based on all the stuff I missed. Thanks to this post (and the looming deadline) I'm going to pull my head out of the sand and into my books. Even if it isn't a good piece of work, at least I can say that I tried.

  34. These "Motivational Mondays" are really helping me to stay focused! I'm currently editing my FIRST EVER YouTube video and I'm researching guitars. That's 2 things from my 2014 goals list! Thank you Louise :)

  35. I am currently undergoing test to see if I have an underactive thyroid like my mum. I put on 3 stone in 6 months and now am on slimming world and can't shift any weight AT ALL. I can't stop dieting as I will just put on weight so quickly but it's sooooooooooo difficult to be motivated when it's impossible to lose weight! I'm hoping to start on thyroxin soon and hopefully then I will be able to make some progress. At the moment I won't leave the house except for work because I am so embarrassed about my weight. My motivation are my holidays this year. I need to lose the 3 stone for them. Wish me luck!

    1. Oh, Zoe! I wish you all the best. You are much more valuable than your weight: define yourself by all your values and accomplishments instead of the size of your waist. You are worth it! :)

    2. Good luck, Zoe! You can make it! <3

    3. Try not to let your weight keep you indoors - remember, if you're out walking around outside, you're keeping your metabolism moving and doing something active which is always good and may make you feel better. My mom has thyroid issues which I inherited and have finally kicked in at my age so I'm working through some similar stuff. Go, us, go! Happy 2014!

  36. Love this post Louise! I am also trying to get fitter which is really difficult with looming exams and comfort eating! Thanks for the advice!
    Lauren xx

    1. You can do it Lauren! I find it really difficult sometimes, but after pushing through you feel much, much better! Good luck :)

  37. I'm determined to be that little bit more organised this year. Thanks for the encouragement Louise,I was feeling a bit disheartened that I didn't manage to complete my to do list this weekend, but now I feel happy about the things I did achieve and have put a plan in place to finish the list this week. Xx

  38. Ugh!! I love this week's one so very much!! I am someone who starts giving up when things start getting a bit hard. In 2013 I learned that hard work pays off: not seeing immediate results is not a reason to give up. The results will come. The payoff will come. But it takes a hell of a strong willpower to get through the stages where it seems like it's all for nothing. I have to keep reminding myself that it isn't: I created my blog three months ago and in the beginning I was getting next to no views, and it was quite disheartening. However, I was so passionate about it that I pushed through and now I can see the results very slowly start to appear, and that just fills me with pride that I didn't give up this time!

  39. I really need to start's just too cold and too dark and I'm too tired...but I know these are just rubbish excuses!

    Katie x

    1. Maybe it will help if you try starting small - avoid lifts, take extra stairs, walk the long way around... after I while you can get in 30 minutes extra a day hardly noticing. =)

  40. I love these posts, Louise!! They really help me get a good start to the week. :)

    I am going to try harder to work out more days this week than I did last week... and another goal I've had is to start making youtube videos again which I am going to work really hard at as well! I'm excited- 2014 is going to be amazing.

  41. I've been meaning to start getting more exercise, but it's hard until I go back to school and have a gym at my disposal! So I'm going to do at least three yoga routines this week; I've been looking them up on youtube and I found some great ones!

  42. I've been attempting to be more positive lately but that was completely ruined on Friday by 2 different work related problems and then again today by yet another work related issue. It's rather annoying to start the day full of energy and being motivated only to have someone drag it all down but I guess I just have to keep at it as I can't change how other people act.

    Raise The Waves

  43. Unfortunate spelling error at the top. Asses ;) Made me giggle. I love your motivational monday posts and can't believe how long you have kept it up for! :)

  44. Been trying to be positive towards the traffic reports on my blog even though they arent very high. And also looking smoothie recipies for my new chrimbo blender

  45. This post is so inspirational! Definitely going to try extremely hard to stick to my resolutions too :) and you make being more positive sound so easy haha, will give that a go too though.

    Much love x

  46. I'm going to try and motivate myself to be more productive with things I actually need to do such as revise and then be productive with my spare time by actually organizing trips and seeing my friends. I need to stop procrastinating the day away and explore like I did on Friday! Also, loving the #glittergetsfitter pictures on instagram

  47. I am going to try to pick good gcse options. To be honest I am a bit worried but I am going to pick ones I enjoy x

  48. Such a lovely post !! I totally enjoy reading this type of posts they really help you to stay motivated

  49. I'm going to try really hard to prepare for my GCSE exams as I'm getting my mock results on Wednesday!!!! Last week I loved seeing all my friends back at school after the Christmas holidays :) I love that you're doing another Motivational Mondays Louise!!

  50. Mine is to be more positive on my coursework and school work!! Since its my last year I need to focus and not give up. I like these motivational Mondays! Thank you

  51. i love these posts louise:) i'm going to work hard for my alevels and my blog!

    love Katy @ THE RAWRDROBE

  52. I really needed this Louise! Just had such a crappy day with bad thoughts and feel like I'm getting nowhere. Now feeling a bit more motivated, I was going to do some blogging but my cameras broken booo.

  53. You always motivate me so much Louise!
    I was on the edge of giving up my resolutions but now I feel like I have new motivation to continue.
    Thank you for giving me this little push.


  54. my goal is to be a generally nicer and happier person, also to meet more new people and try and get out on my comfort zone more. :)

  55. Thanks Louise. This is a great motivator. My goal is to spend more time with friends and family. It probably sounds weird, but it's hard for me to go out and do stuff.


  56. Motivational Mondays are my actual fave apart from simple beauty blabber!
    Make sure to check out my blog!

  57. one of my goals is to be healthier, you're inspiring me, and I love motivational mondays! love you

  58. Mine was to stop stressing over the little things, but it's not going so well :P

    1. Stress is a habit and a hard one to break - I'm working on that one too. =) It's so hard to be worried or upset about something and just let it go. Today at work I wrote down on a scrap of paper a thought that was bothering me... then I crumpled up the paper and tossed it in the bin and moved on to working on something else. Felt pretty good. =) Might help you get started... worth a try anyway. =)

  59. I started my blog finally! That was one of my main resolutions. I am so happy and exciting right now! And this post made me believe that i can do it even better,i should never just give up on the half of my way. Thank you,Louis, so so much! I love how motivating you are. Always wanted to be like that! lots and lots of love and thank you again!:)

  60. I want to live healthier and i want to encourage myself to do more learning :)
    Last week i realise that nobody can put me down until i gave them the chance to try :)

  61. You are tha bomb! And when you get fit, you'll be the rocket.

    MyLushBox | YouTube | <a href="

    I don't half talk some rubbish. xxx

  62. This is such a lovely post, I really enjoyed reading it.
    Mine is to focus more on long-term goals this year - putting up with temporary annoyances and thinking of the long term!

  63. great post louise, so glad you're helping everyone motivate and work together ! i want to enjoy life and be healthy, but not keep being too restrictive :)
    Lauren x
    Britton Loves | Fashion Lifestyle + Photography -

  64. i have a job interview on thursday, ive been so scared to prepare for because i feel like im going to fail. it's so counterproductive really, because if i worked really hard to prepare then maybe i could get the job!?
    thanks for sharing the glitter community love around. i need a good dollop of it to boost my confidence. thanks louise :)
    good luck with getting fitter too!

    1. I'm crossing my fingers for your interview, you'll be great and you'll get that job! ♥

    2. Yep, you'll never get the job if you don't prepare, so if you want it, go after it! Go sparkle! =)

  65. I love these post, they really do motivate me! :)


  66. I am going to push to be more positive!

    I just wrote a post all about positivity if you feel like reading :) xx

  67. I aimed for a healthier lifestyle and so far i've kept to it! (minus the few chocolates... ;)).


  68. These posts are my favorite!
    They keep me motivated, which is the intention lol but thanks Louise :)

    xx K

  69. I am absolutely loving these posts. They are so helpful!

    I'm trying to drink more water and eat more fruit! Taking this whole health thing a bit at a time :)

  70. All these comments ^^ is just one way that you know that what you are doing is fab! Honestly Louise, Im 21 and have had some very similar experiences to you in life and your posts and videos are so inspirational. And I dont know whether you will read this, but THANK YOU. You have no idea... x

  71. Wow, Louise, this post came at a really good time for me! I have a touch of insomnia lately and it's put me in an awful mood, especially today, a Monday. I had all but given up trying to be patient and kind and not let myself make things horrible for others, but then I plopped down to catch up on my blogging and read this instead, making me feel loads better and giving me a sliver of hope that I still have time to make things better. Thanks Louise. Good luck on getting fitter! I'm rooting for you! xxx

  72. Having gotten to a certain age... ahem... I decided to finally learn from my many, many mistakes. First, they aren't resolutions, they're goals. I'm not resolving to do anything, I'm working towards something. (Makes it feel much less like failure when things move slowly.) I also decided to tier my goals... so I'm phasing into things instead of trying to cut it out all at once, crash, burn and back to my old habits.Sigh. This month I dropped fizzy drinks but am still allowing myself a certain amount of sweetened iced tea but reaching for water more often. Also, I used to compliment people randomly whenever I saw something I liked, but people get weird about compliments and I got discouraged. This week I'm sharing the sparkle and if others think it weird, well, it's their choice to be boring and not awesome!

  73. I want to work harder on my resolution to talk less and listen more

  74. i can hear you saying this in your voice and that itself is very motivational!! :)

  75. I am just like you Louise! Just trying to get fitter! And the struggle is real (haha)! Its so hard to keep myself eating right and well, because I dance the exercise part isn't a problem. To be honest, I have been getting a little (more like a lot) off course with the food. But I'm definitely going to try harder! And I really loved last weeks post because so many people say Mondays are so horrible but like you said, its like an opportunity to start anew!

    1. Dancing's so good through so you'll get fit easily. I know that losing weight is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise so the food side of it is REALLY important. You can do it though. If you just put your mind to it and think of the long term benefits you'll do it! I believe you can!!

  76. I know you can do it Louise! I feel that watching shows like Biggest Loser help you see the changes they go through and can motivate you to keep going and try harder :D You'll feel so much better and you've got the Sprinklerinos support all the way!
    Maddy xxx

  77. I have two main new year's resolutions for this year. One of them was to sew more! I like to design my own pieces, and I want to create more unique things this year (short suit, anyone?). My second resolution was actually inspired by how great you are at updating you blog. My blog has been neglected a bit, and I wanted to be so much better with it. You have motivated me to continue with it, and I am very grateful. I wish you luck on your resolutions and hope you have a great new year!

  78. Oh I'm so glad these motivational Mondays are back! :D I want to work harder in trying new things and pushing myself to get out of my comfort zone. In other words, I need to push myself into getting a placement for my yr ten work experience. Wish me luck! :) x

  79. i think this week i am going to push harder to be more positive and look at the good in every situation. also to finish my school work on time!

  80. Definitely feeling the slump already! I'm 5 months pregnant and trying to get myself more active with yoga and swimming! It's not going as well as I'd hoped so far to be honest. Will be hitting the pool this afternoon though! xxx

  81. in no way is it a resolution, but I think its time I got a little fitter and tried a little harder to become the person I want to be aesthetically. I look at myself in photos others have taken of me and usually I hate what I look like, making myself feel low and rid myself of any confidence I may of accumulated. I NEED to be more positive too and true to myself. I think others think I am happy as I am so lively and cheery but actually its not always the case. Hmm, reflective post coming on I think!
    If anyone would like to be my personal agony aunt, feel free to do so aha!

    xxx | PixiRella

    1. Thanks for making me laugh with "personal agony aunt"... being (gasp) American, I had never heard that before and I won't even tell you what kind of thoughts were spinning round my wee brain before Google finally popped up with some context. LOL Lively happy peppiness can be a successful tool to distance people sometimes if you don't want to talk about what you're really thinking and feeling... but it's far more enjoyable when lively happy peppiness is actually what you're feeling. You owe yourself the latter. =)

  82. i've been lacking in the resolution department, have been stalling it until i get back into the routine of Uni. But for this week my goal is to get up early and begin revision when i get up.. i find i get more and more distracted as the day goes on! Well done for having the stamina with your goals! I wish I could achieve it!

  83. My resolution is a bit general but it's to basically change the things I wasn't happy with in 2013. I basically let life trample all over me and I got myself into some difficult situations. I felt very lonely and upset about life and this year I'm determined to start improving things and find what I really want to do with my life.

    I pray I manage to make some progress! x
    Good luck with your goals Louise

  84. Love your idea of #GlitterGetsFitter and i'm so glad we get to come along with you on your journey, help motivate you and eachother.
    Good Luck Louise!
    Amelia x

  85. I love your posts. Good luck Louise!

  86. I need to take some of this motivation and get fit again ♡

  87. I am going to work harder on my fitness goals and pushing myself more in my workout class. I am also going to work harder on my beauty blog. I am also going to accept where I am now though and enjoy the process! :) Thanks for the reminder!


  88. This year is going to be manic! As of July I will have a teaching degree so fingers crossed as of September I'll have a job so I guess most of my focus has to relate to that and all the work that goes with it! Linked in I am definitely making it a goal to enjoy myself more, I am going to need a lot of happy days/ stress relief with my 2 dissertation, 1 essay work load this term!
    My other goal was to start a blog and now it's to work on it!
    This past week I have been really thankful to have my family about, you realise how much they do for you when you're not with them!

    I'm looking forward to what the year brings!

    Jennifer x

  89. Such beautiful motivation! Thank you for sharing this prettiness!


  90. Honestly, I've been very naughty and my resolutions have nearly gone out of the window, blogging is the only one I've actually followed through with.. oopsie. I definitely want to focus on becoming healthier and better though.

    Lavaly | Places, people and prettiness ♥

  91. I have lost weight and I gained 17 pounds...yikes!!but I am getting healthier for myself!I am with you all the way!much love and support!

  92. great post!

  93. I also did a couple of motivational mondays. check them out

  94. I absolutely love your posts! I'm all about being more confident with yourself and never giving up! Everyone has different goals and I'm determined to become more comfortable with who I am. It consists of becoming a better blogger and not shutting myself out from the world.

    If any of you have time to, please check my blog out:
    Lots of love, Karine xx

  95. i love your posts Louise. i am trying to be healthier and i also am trying to become a more social person. i have this social awkwardness and anxiety so i rarely go out to do something fun. this year is the year that i am going to try to become more of a social person and try to just be comfortable around other people

    thanks for the post Louise

  96. Louise you are such an inspiration to me, I read and love every single one of your blogs!xxxx
    I would love it if some of you sprinklerinos could check out my blog

  97. Great post. I love seeing all of your instagram photos of you sticking to your resolutions - super motivational!


  98. I'm a huge fan of your videos and blog, Louise! Your motivational posts and videos ALWAYS get me pumped to do and try more! I love that type of support which can so easily be given on the Internet! Makes clicking around on the Internet every day worthwhile to people who think that it isn't haha. Good luck on your journey to be fit! Hope you succeed in doing so. Every little you do will make a BIG difference :)
    I have plenty of resolutions but, in a nutshell, I'd love to blog more and reach out to more people and find a dream career. It sucks to not feel inspired with nothing to work towards! I also want to reach out of my comfort zone a little more. So much so, I'm thinking about starting my own Youtube channel, haha. Have a good day :) xo

  99. Thank you Louise, you're the best!


  100. Motivational Mondays is such a good idea! Mondays usually being a hard day it's good to have some reassurance and encouragement! I'm going to read through all your older ones!
    I've been trying this year to think positively and have been collecting some positive and encouraging quotes to remind myself with. There really is no point in dwelling on the negative or worrying to much about things that are out of our control. Life is too short!
    I have recently moved to a new (big) city where I don't know many people and don't really have any connections and have also been trying to find a job. It's tough to keep motivated and not get discouraged when you aren't always surrounded by friends and family.
    It is so encouraging to see what you, Zoe and others are doing and the community you've built online. It inspires me to figure out who I want to be!
    Thanks for this Louise! Looking forward to tomorrow's post!

  101. Thanks for the inspiring post!

  102. Those posts are really cheering me up :) it's nice to see people trying to ge better in a "healthy" way and not that "I'm going to be as perfect as barbie" way
    You blog is so lovely that it made me begin my own one :)
    If anybody wants to be a part of it it would be great

  103. My aim is to love my husband better - or at least be better at showing my love. With a little one to look after it's easy to take our partners for granted. I want to get back into the habit of pursuing my husband like before we were married - little love notes, affectionate touches, acts of service etc etc.

  104. Good going to everyone on their goals/resolution. I am quiting smoking and have joined my local YMCA. Again good wishes to all.

  105. i will love to share my testimony that all people in the world.
    I married my husband about two years ago we started having problems at home, as we stopped to sleep in the same bed, struggling little things that always comes home late at night, drinking too much and sleep with other women out side I have never love a man in my life, except him. he is the father of my child and I do not want to lose because we have worked very hard together to become what we are and have today. I decided a few months now and makes the child lives, single motherhood can be difficult at times and therefore have no one to turn to, and I heart broken.i called my mom and explain everything to her, my mother told me DR Ehimare about how to solve the problem between her and my dad surprised me about it, as they have been the one without the other three and a half years and it was like a miracle how they got back to the other. I was directed to DR Ehimare in your email: and explain everything to him, so do not worry promise that will cast a spell and make things back to the way they both love again and it was another woman spirit that controlled my husband told me that my problem will be solved within two days if I think I said ok so he cast a spell for me and after two days my love again asking me to forgive me Am so happy now . Why I decided to share my experience with all bodies have a problem contact as the great magician DR Ehimare I let him know that he can throw all kinds of spell with 100%
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Sprinkleofglitter xxx