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Friday, 30 May 2014

Gentle Family Time

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Cheese and pickle, I'm on a roll! I have been uploading to both my Sprinkle of Glitter and Sprinkle of Chatter channels like a pro this week. You may well have seen THIS side splitting collab with DanIsNotOnFire but the video I want to share is below. 

It was a bit of a challenge for me because it's the first time I've done music parts over and it's the first vlog in a long time that I've been calm, Mummy and Wifey. Lovely, lovely, lovely. 

If this embedded version is not working for you, click HERE. Also, if you haven't subscribed to my second channel and would like a little email each time there is something new, do feel free. It's HERE

Blogging Update - I'm enjoying tip-tapping on here a bit more regularly. I feel like I've lost my writing mojo but after four and a half years of going full pelt, I'm not going to cry about it. Instead, I'm going to keep going and know that with practise it will return. Until then, bare with me :)

What kind of videos do you enjoy to watch the most?



To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

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Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Summer Listings

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

In the spirit of easing myself back into blogging I thought I would make one of my absolute favourite things - a list. Oohhheeeeee I love a good list.

(An oldie but goldy)

As I type this it's grey skies and raindrops tickling my windows but with June just a few days away, I'm hopeful for Summer's arrival.

Last year we had an amazing few months. We visited friends, had patio parties and I got really into making cocktails- maybe a little too into it haha. This year, thanks to Sprinkle of Glitter, things are already being put in the diary and fun things are happening around the house. Do you want to hear about them? Hope so because that's kinda where I'm going with this.


June is set to be completely manic but I'm itching to go and feeling good about it all. 

I'll be attending Digifest in New York (and standing on stage in front of 10,000 people- oh my!) as well as Vidcon in Los Angeles with my YouTube family. I might also be going to Toronto as well but this is still up in the air because I am weighing it against Mummy/Wifey commitments.

One of my Christmas presents from Miss Zoe was tickets to see One Direction and after weeks of waiting, we're almost there. Outfits have been chosen, travel arrangements have been discussed and lyrics learnt. I don't care how old you are, you can't beat a bit of cheesy pop with your besties!

Renovations are coming along nicely. We recently had decorators in for our hall and landing so feel very swish about this and slowly but surely the office is coming together. We've also shifted things round a bit upstairs so soon we'll have another bedroom which is always handy. My Dad automatically assumed it was for a new baby. Deary me. 

Weather permitting I also want to spend a lot of outdoor time with Baby Glitter. It's good for me to keep up with exercising and I find she is a much happier child when she's had a chance to let off steam and go free in the wild haha. It's also a wonderful opportunity to unplug from technology and really be present with her. 


Oh July, what lovely homey things you are set to bring.

We've had a meeting with a landscaper about our perilously boring garden and have designed something a lot better. Think decking, kiddie areas, BBQ zones and outdoor lighting. Fingers crossed construction starts in July and we can party all August long!

Kittens. Yes, you heard it, kittens. I'll say no more. 

I want to spend so much time with my friend's Mark and Clare in July. Clare is a Teacher so will hopefully have some free time and I will be in the country and taking a breather so I want to just hang about with her, sipping drinks, nibbling chinese takeaway and chatting about everything and nothing. She's good for my heart I think. 

I also want to take Darcy for ice creams and on country side adventures galore. 


Writing all that out has been like therapy. I can't wait. 

What are you excited for this Summer? Do you have any good suggestions for things I could do (and share on here afterwards?)



To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser Cheap Frills. Click HERE for more info.

Monday, 26 May 2014

Baby Glitter Update

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

That tiny little birdy legged baby I carried home from hospital a few years ago is a toddling child now. This sentence is a big deal. She walks and talks and laughs and sings and imagines and these are not the things of babyhood. We have no more bottles, no more tiny romper suits, no more bumbos and playmats, no more lay-flat pram. We have a child. 


Darcy is blossoming into the most beautiful spirit and I wanted to give you an update on her. I hope that I look back on this in the future and feel glad I documented all her small ways and feel, if possible, even more love for her than I do now. 


They say children are your greatest joy and they are not wrong. The love you feel for your child is so much deeper than the love you feel for friends and spouses and one you know that if it had to, would completely over rule everything in your life. 


Darcy is a little dreamer. She prefers imagination games over structured play and loves to serve us pretend cups of tea or slices of cake. She cares for her dollies like the mumsiest little 3 year old you ever did see and talks a lot about princesses. She enjoys building beds, houses, caves and nests out of whatever us to hand (usually huge piles of blankets and pillows) and it's a joy to watch her mind tick over as she constructs them.

Jokes and humour are big on the agenda too for my little treasure. Hide and seek is always a hit, as well as physical jokes like poking your head round a door and shouting 'boo!'. Thankfully for our well documented lifestyle, the camera is loved and I'll often find her standing somewhere she thinks interesting (like next to a bin haha) saying, 'Mummy, take-a-pictoor!!'. My phone is full to the brim. 

Her Mum's stubborn streak and Dad's temper are very much there too. Eep! If little madam doesn't want to do something, she's going to let you know about it, loudly. We're hoping this is just a case of terrible twos and the threenagers and that she is a more placid 4 year old!! 

There are also of course all the usual practical 3 year old things like what food she loves (cheese, ham, pasta, fruit, ice cream) and food she struggles with (greens *sigh*), potty training (still on going) and sleep routines (usually 1 afternoon nap and a solid 11-12 hours at night), but it's the little characteristics I want to remember the most.

Watching her grow is bittersweet. I want to keep her a tiny baby forever and never want her to not like being cradled and smothered in kisses, but on the other hand I'm excited for what's round the corner and the child she is becoming. 

If you have little ones or are close to a special tiny person, let me know what you treasure most about them in the comments and we can have a smoosh-fest together. Awww.



To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

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Saturday, 24 May 2014

Amazing Advertisers | May 2014

Aloha Sprinklerinos, 

The days keep whizzing past and we're in the midst of summer, although not according to Mr. weather man and his thunder storms if you're living in the UK. It's that time of the month again where I share with you some cracking bloggers and their little slices of the web, you're in for a treat I tell ya! 

100 brownie points for Cheap Frills and their crafty little online jewellery boutique! It is unique, affordable and most of all, they’ve made it possible to wear cats around my neck in the form of a dainty little necklace, what’s not to love? Excitement and brownie points aside, Cheap Frills has a spiffing array of jewellery, ranging from mood rings to the Tudor monarchy in necklace form and a porcelain animal kingdom of cuteness. Pugs, guinea pigs, seagulls, you name it – they’ve made it into a wearable piece of jewellery. I want to squeal with glee!! What is your favourite piece from Cheap Frills?

The lovely, bubbly Frances has sat snuggly on the left hand side once more and I’m pleased to be introducing her for another month. Her beauty and lifestyle blog oozes personality and offers a good, light hearted read when you’re in need of the warm and fuzzies after a long day. Frances has taken a little break from blogging this month but I hope to have her back soon with regular updates, Youtube videos and blogging tales of life as a 20 something with a cat, they’re always a pleasure to read.

Ooh this is another good’un. Ladies, we’ve another ‘little bit of everything’ blog to add to our favourites and it’s written by the busiest of bees, Nicola. Teacher by day, police officer by night and blogging goddess all of the time, Nicola is definitely a natural when it comes to blogging, she does it all and I am thoroughly impressed with her posts this month, I especially enjoyed reading ‘32 things that make me happy.’ Nicola ticks all the right boxes and her posts are top notch, not to mention I’m a lover of all the pink. Hop on over and give a read, you won’t regret it.

Glitter lovers of the world unite. If ever you’ve desired a nail polish of glittery goodness personally designed and named after yourself, Starrily is for you. You think they’ve done it all and then it becomes possible to customise your own nail polish, my jolly! Starrily is an online shop offering handmade nail polishes in the most beautiful colours and patterns you ever did see, they really are magnificent! Customising nail polish with Starrily would make a fabulous gift idea for any lover of glitter and swirls, or you could just treat yourself for the summer. Go on, have a gander and name a polish or two after yourself!

If you’re a lover of online shopping then you might be a lover of Popbasic and their unique twist to shopping. Popbasic creates micro collections of fashion bits and bobs, piecing together outfits ready to complete your perfect wardrobe. Each collection contains several items which form part of an outfit, the micro collection is purchased as a whole and can be a subscription service, meaning you receive monthly collections through the post, similarly to the beauty box concept. It’s a unique alternative to online shopping and definitely worth having a look at, some of the collections are divine!
The Awkward Blog is written by Angela, a London gal blogging about all things life related. This month Angela has been on a gallivant around Europe and has shared snaps of her travels with us, yummy food and warm weather included which makes me slightly giddy! Another post I have enjoyed on The Awkward Blog this month was all about Angela’s garden revamp, I do love a good home décor post and always in need of creative ideas to spruce up my lawn. If you’re a lover of life and inspiration, Angela is your gal.
If you’re a mama to little ‘uns and in need of garden play furniture, you need look no further. Walton is an online outdoorsy site selling some of the post beautifully designed wendy houses you’ll ever see, I wish my own house looked like them! These play houses would be any little girls dream and Darcy would certainly have a whale of a time if we had one sat at the bottom of our garden. My personal favourite is the blue and white beach house inspired hut with a built in slide, need I say more?!

Chantelle has been a busy blogger this month, and her posts have not failed to disappoint! Chantelle Make Up is a beauty blog of dreams, pink, girly and filled with beautiful snapped goodies and pretties. What more could you want from a beauty blog? Chantelle offers reviews, make up tutorials and even has a Youtube channel where she shares even more love of all things beauty. If you’re in need of more beauty blogs to follow, Chantelle Make Up should definitely be tip top of the list, you won’t regret it!

Oh my goodness, how beautiful does Andini look in her Bafta blog post?! It’s red lips and maxi dress perfection, not to mention the sparkly shoes! Adventures of an Anglophile is a fashion blog written by Andini and I’ve expressed my love for it in the past. Andini’s posts are always well written, the photography is beautiful and the clothes make me envious, as does that waist line! Once again Andini’s blog has been a joy to read and I thoroughly recommend hopping on over and giving it some blogger love.  

Sophie is a regular advertiser with Sprinkle of Glitter and I can never express enough fondness for her blog, Sophie Jane, particularly the recipes which often offer an alternative healthier option for my favourite foody things. This month Sophie has done just that and more with gluten free chocolate cheese cake (mmm cake) blueberry ice lollies and plentiful beauty related posts, she’s written something for everyone. Sophie is clearly passionate about blogging and I love her dedication to each post. I think we should all show some appreciation, offer some blogging love and have a cookery lesson with Sophie.

 Vintage Frills is written by the incredibly talented and beautiful Catherine, a vintage lover with a wardrobe to be envious of. Catherine writes a fashion and lifestyle blog with a difference, all the outfit posts are vintage inspired and I for one am a huge fan (I’m a lover of a floaty skirt or two) Catherine also shares vintage inspired lifestyle posts for us, including some handy DIY and pop up vintage clothes stall reviews which I would love to visit. Vintage Frills is any girls dream, it’s elegant, fun and will leave you wanting pin curls, red lips and a floaty skirt to dance around in. Ooh la la.  

Well I don't know about you but I am pleased as punch with all my advertisers for this month, have you discovered a few blogger loves too? Do share them below! 



To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser Cheap Frills. Click HERE for more info.

Friday, 16 May 2014

Recent Beauty Favourites

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Last week I uploaded THIS video discussing beauty products that I have been loving lately and thought I would share it here too.

Beauty Videos are something I ebb and flow with. Sometimes I can't get enough of them and just want to be dazzled and drawn by all the pretty products and wonder creams that will make me look younger, brighter, everything-er and then other times I have no interest at all. Right now though, I'm sucked in. I am fighting a daily urge not to go to Boots and have an £80 splurge. The force is strong. Expect a haul soon!

If you can't see the embedded version, click HERE to be taken to my channel. And, if beauty isn't your bag (baby), then HERE is a video I made the week before discussing celebrity culture amongst YouTubers at conventions and ticketed events. Yeah, thoughts and stuff. 

If you have any requests or suggestions for videos, do leave them below!



To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE

Ultimate Advertiser Cheap Frills. Click HERE for more info.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

I Love You Because

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Last week we had our cherished friend Clare over for dinner and heard all about a wedding she had recently attended. She told us about how the vicar at the service had offered great relationship advice and suggested that instead of a quick, 'love you!', trying, 'I love you because...' and a reason.

This struck a cord with me. Marriage is not my strong suit. I'm quick to temper and even quicker to point out Matt's flaws. I say loving things and so does he but I think after 9 years of being together and hearing them daily that the gravity of their meaning gets lost. 

I realised that for all the frustrations I (sometimes unjustly) have, I don't do the things I want most to have for myself. I want to feel a bazillion per cent wanted and be appreciated for all my good qualities, whilst having all my bad qualities ignored. The dream right?

I find it so easy to think gorgeous thoughts about people but find it so challenging to say them to them. So here we are, still not really saying it to him, pouring it all into my blog which, sometimes it seems, I write mostly for my own therapy and sanity. I hope you don't mind. 

Dear Matt,

I'm sorry I don't always communicate the really deep stuff with you and I'm sorry I automatically expect you to do that for me. 

I love you BECAUSE you take care of all the little things like taking plates to the dishwasher and fetching me my laptop charger. 

I love you BECAUSE you know what I need when I'm unsettled or worried.

I love you BECAUSE of your endless support to my passions. Remember in 2007 when I spent £300 on beads for my beading craze and you didn't mind? Haha. 

I love you BECAUSE you know how much Sprinkle of Glitter means to me and hold it in high regard. 

I love you BECAUSE in 9 years you have never made me feel less than I am.

I love you BECAUSE you sleep in the pinkest bedroom, just because you know it makes me happy.

I love you BECAUSE of the Father you are to Darcy.

I love you BECAUSE you continually and diligently try your best at work, every day, even when it's exhausting and frustrating.

I love you BECAUSE you put up with my mental ideas. Like the time I wanted to paint the bathroom gold or the time I wanted a loft conversion.

I love you BECAUSE you read all the links I send you to blog posts I've enjoyed.

I love you BECAUSE you let me sleep in the car even though you'd probably like some company.

I love you BECAUSE you don't mind how many makeup products I leave ALL OVER the house.

I love you BECAUSE despite me being a meanie more often than I should, you still love me back.





Whoever it is you're saying, 'I love you' to, I'd encourage you to add a 'because' on there and strengthen your sentiments so much more.

Apologies for being so emosh, this post was probably more for me that you but I feel really good for writing it all down. Next step - saying it!



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Saturday, 10 May 2014

A Return and A Recap

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

In true blogging form, I'll start with an apology. I'm sorry for being away from this space of the internet for a while. I'm not sad or stressed or hiding, I've just been incredibly busy. That kind of crazy busy where you don't know where your toothbrush is because you are forever living out of different bags and you're not entirely sure what day is which. I like it but it does mean that a few of the things I enjoy pouring time into (like this blog) get pushed down the pecking order.

As always, I've been using instagram to document my adventures so this seemed like a good way to recap, ready for a return. I'm not promising daily posts again, not just yet, but I am throwing the idea of more posts out on the table. I'm excited to edge my way back in.

So, without further ado, here is what life has looked like lately in GlitterWorld. Each collage is in chronological order but the photos within are not. I went with what looked purdy to my les yeux.

A trip to Brighton. Matt, Darcy and I took to the roads to visit Zoe, Pippin and Percy. It was really nice to not do too much and just flop about on sofas, in cafes and by pebble beaches. Marcus and Niomi popped by for chats and nibbles the night we arrived (wish I'd known- wouldn't have travelled down in My Little Pony PJ's and no bra!!) and Zalfie (mm-hmmm I'm a shipper) generously surprised Darcy with a motorised mini toy car which she ADORES. 

I'm really looking forward to going back sans Matt and baby so that I can have some full on Louise & Zoe time. I miss that girl too much. 

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Premiere. Oh me oh my premieres make me giddy. Swishy dresses, best friends, red carpets, popcorn, gargh, they are my most favourite thing. 

Despite living with a huge spidey-geek, I actually didn't know a whole lot about the stories but lucky me (maybe) Jack came to stay for a few days and basically gave me the cliff notes so that I wasn't completely confused in the cinema. I felt VERY smug knowing alllllll the things by the time it was over. 

It was so fun having all my favourite men there that evening (except obv Matt who was in Berlin for the week) and Hazel who was my ever-beautiful plus one. 

Also, I'm obsessed with yellow at the moment. This dress was from River Island and the blazer was from ASOS. More premieres please!

An Assortment of Life. Our little girl turned 3 and so we we celebrated with her first ever trip to the cinema (Frozen) and a family birthday party. It was perfection. 

I experimented with Elsa-inspired hair, found a crazy cool pink hair edit online (good job creative Sprinklerinos), dipped into my jar of happies, braved a crop top, styled Matt and generally felt happy. 

Family Trip to Seattle. If you've been reading this blog for a while you'll know who Marie is. If not, here's a quick rundown- In 2011 she commented on one of my videos and I clicked on her profile to see what she was all about. I watched some of her stuff, fell a bit in love and emailed her. Emails turned to facebook chat, facebook chat to skype type and before we knew it were were video skyping every day, sending packages and presents across the ocean and knowing every detail of each other's lives. Amazing.

This Spring we finally met. It was incredible. A main channel video and a vlog series will be coming soon but until then, here's a ton of photos of the week. It was heavenly and I'm booked to go back this August! 

YouTubers Take Over Milan. ItaTube was held this April in, surprise surprise, Italy and was an opportunity for creators to meet viewers, people to watch panels and stage shows, meet and greets and mingles. Also there was pizza, lots of pizza. 

Spending time with all my YouTube friends makes me VERY happy. I feel like some of them are actually closer than my family and I'm proud to call them my friends. I also really loved getting to spend time with YouTubers I don't see as often like Hannah, Troye, Tyler, Connor, Anna and Lily. Vlogs are on their way!

This Weekend. Last but by no means least, this weekend. Wowzas it was packed! I've vlogged it all so I won't tell you too much but there was family time, secret Grace project time, collab time, stage (!!) time and adventures on a theatre roof time. Mmm-hmm that's a lot. It was a whirlwind of three days with highs upon highs and subsequently the following weekdays were quite the bump down to reality!

After reflecting about the (amazing) madness of my YouTube life these days, I made THIS video about YouTube Culture. I have been completely impressed by the response not only in the comments but by the messages on Tumblr, the tweets and the emails. Good job supportive internet people, you're ace. 

And now here we are, caught up and hopefully refreshed. I'm writing this up on a train to London (another big weekend for me) and eating peanut M&M's. 

I'd love a little recap of what you've been up to in the comments or some suggestions of what you would like to see on this blog in the next few weeks.

All the loves and sparkles,



Contributor - Louise

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Ultimate Advertiser Cheap Frills. Click HERE for more info.

(ps- I have a couple of LOVELY things from Cheap Frills and ADORE THEM. Go check them out, you won't regret it.