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Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Summer Listings

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

In the spirit of easing myself back into blogging I thought I would make one of my absolute favourite things - a list. Oohhheeeeee I love a good list.

(An oldie but goldy)

As I type this it's grey skies and raindrops tickling my windows but with June just a few days away, I'm hopeful for Summer's arrival.

Last year we had an amazing few months. We visited friends, had patio parties and I got really into making cocktails- maybe a little too into it haha. This year, thanks to Sprinkle of Glitter, things are already being put in the diary and fun things are happening around the house. Do you want to hear about them? Hope so because that's kinda where I'm going with this.


June is set to be completely manic but I'm itching to go and feeling good about it all. 

I'll be attending Digifest in New York (and standing on stage in front of 10,000 people- oh my!) as well as Vidcon in Los Angeles with my YouTube family. I might also be going to Toronto as well but this is still up in the air because I am weighing it against Mummy/Wifey commitments.

One of my Christmas presents from Miss Zoe was tickets to see One Direction and after weeks of waiting, we're almost there. Outfits have been chosen, travel arrangements have been discussed and lyrics learnt. I don't care how old you are, you can't beat a bit of cheesy pop with your besties!

Renovations are coming along nicely. We recently had decorators in for our hall and landing so feel very swish about this and slowly but surely the office is coming together. We've also shifted things round a bit upstairs so soon we'll have another bedroom which is always handy. My Dad automatically assumed it was for a new baby. Deary me. 

Weather permitting I also want to spend a lot of outdoor time with Baby Glitter. It's good for me to keep up with exercising and I find she is a much happier child when she's had a chance to let off steam and go free in the wild haha. It's also a wonderful opportunity to unplug from technology and really be present with her. 


Oh July, what lovely homey things you are set to bring.

We've had a meeting with a landscaper about our perilously boring garden and have designed something a lot better. Think decking, kiddie areas, BBQ zones and outdoor lighting. Fingers crossed construction starts in July and we can party all August long!

Kittens. Yes, you heard it, kittens. I'll say no more. 

I want to spend so much time with my friend's Mark and Clare in July. Clare is a Teacher so will hopefully have some free time and I will be in the country and taking a breather so I want to just hang about with her, sipping drinks, nibbling chinese takeaway and chatting about everything and nothing. She's good for my heart I think. 

I also want to take Darcy for ice creams and on country side adventures galore. 


Writing all that out has been like therapy. I can't wait. 

What are you excited for this Summer? Do you have any good suggestions for things I could do (and share on here afterwards?)



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  1. I'm excited for spending time with my friends and family in the beautiful weather! Fingers crossed we get some ;)

  2. I'm also seeing one direction in June on my birthday actually, I hope we go on the same day that would make my birthday perfect if I could meet you and see the boys perform :)

  3. Can't wait to read/see/ hear all about your adventures :) x

  4. sounds exciting!

  5. It's funny how summer is just about to start over there. It's been 2 months of intense summer heat from where I am. Love that little photo with baby glitter. My my she has grown up into a lady!

    Anne's Scribbles and Doodles

  6. I love these types of posts Louise.
    I can't wait to see the kittens I can only imagine how excited you are!
    I'm looking forward to summer too! I have a few camping weekends away and a holiday abroad in August to look forward to! I'm also going to be saying goodbye to one of my best friends which isn't great but I'm so happy for her! She is starting a new job as Snow White, or her proper title 'International Disney Princess' in Paris! xx

  7. Kittens! sounds good can't wait to see I have a six month black kitten called Django.I'm looking forward to seeing Jimmy Carr in June, my fiancées birthday in July and My birthday in August. xx

  8. I super excited for summer, hopefully all this miserable weather goes away and we can have beautiful weather like last year. I get an extra long summer this year, since I'm just finishing my gcse's before July. I'm going to be visiting different family all over the world and can't wait to see them all again! Sounds like you have an exciting summer, can't wait to hear all about it :)

  9. Such a lovely list! Lots of exciting things to come! Kittens?!?!


  10. I love just spending time in the sun (hoping we get some in England this year) without having to worry about anything school related. It sounds like you have some really exciting plans for summer, I hope you enjoy it! x


  11. Ahhh you must be so excited! I'm going to see One Direction too, and school ends FOREVER so I'm super excited for that. And I'm going on holiday to California! Cannot wait for Summer! <3

  12. Summer is simply the best. I know me and my family thoroughly enjoy camping, walks, ice cream and day trips. We just need some of that warm summer weather here in Canada and we'll be all set!

  13. Summer will be so exciting!
    I can imagine you and Zoe at the One Direction concert screaming like 2 young girls! Haha!



  14. I'm so excited for June! I'll be travelling with my best friends to Austria, Germany, England and France! I've never been to any of those countries and I'm practically wetting myself with excitement! gahhhh!! I think July will be a pretty relaxing month for me - I'll be fresh back from my European getaway, but I'll definitely be attending the occasional pool + patio party! August is another month I'm very excited about. My best friend who lives very far away from a me (a whole country away!) is visiting and we will be also seeing a One Direction show in Toronto. Super excited to scream lyrics at the tops of our lungs, even if we will be some of the eldest there - oh well!

    It sounds like you have a wonderful summer planned! I can't wait to read about all your adventures + see your posts!

    emily | HONEY LOAF x

  15. I am very excited for the summer! The heat, plus the beach, plus some travelling.... it's going to be a good one!

    Janine Maral from

  16. It sounds like you have an exciting couple of months ahead of you! I'm really looking forward to going on holiday to Lanzarote with my boyfriend Tom after years of wanting to go abroad with him! Along with that I will be finishing my first year of uni and moving out of halls into a rented house-exciting but scary! I can't believe how time has flown. Have an amazing time seeing one direction and I can't wait to see when you get your kittens! xxx

    Matt will understand. Ill babysit Darcy.

  18. Hii louise! Can you please go on mine and my friends fashion and beauty blog called

  19. I'm so excited for summer! Exams a poo and I can't wait to get them all out of the way. I am excited to travel in august :)

  20. I'm boring and have nothing planned, I'm going to take everyday as it comes and hope I'm in for an exciting Summer. Feel free to pack me in your suitcase for one of your exciting adventures ;) x

    Kate | A British Sparkle

  21. Hey :)
    I love your blog and channel Louise <3
    Because of you and Zoe I started my own little blog today :)

    I would be pleased if anyone who reads this check out my blog if they want to :)

  22. June is a busy month for me as well! I'll be attending a ton of weddings and family gatherings. Hope you have fun this summer Louise! x

    Swatching Oddity | Beauty Blog

  23. Love your blog and you, this blog design is perfect!
    You've even inspired me to start my own blog...

  24. One more exam then I'm off for three months, cannot wait!

  25. I'm looking forward to celebrating my 21st in Las Vegas this August!
    Bea x
    Bea's Beauty Blog

  26. Darcy looks ADORABLE in that first photo! So tiny!!
    I love that you always think about Darcy and Matt, Louise. You're a family person and it's such an endearing quality. Please keep blogging - I've been miserable all day until I read this post!

  27. Awwwwww Darcy is so cuteeeeee! I hope you're coping, your life sounds manic! LOVE YOU SO MUCH xx

  28. What a lovely summery list! I wish I could make some homey and decorating plans as well, but for now I'm the most excited about next week: I will be travelling to London for a long awaited UK holiday :) will do some touristy things and see my favourite band (Hudson Taylor) in concert :). As for the rest of the summer there is a number of friends' weddings to go to/sing at and then an important 2-week singing thing with my choir. The time in between will be filled with more jobhunting and general trying to survive.

  29. Summer is such a fun time! You have a great list here with some really fun things to do!
    You have a great blog!

    Escaping through Ink

  30. Sounds like you've got such an exciting couple of months lined up Louise! What date are you going to One Direction? It'd be lovely to see you there haha! And that's such a pretty picture, darcy is a gem <3 xx

    Beauty Soup | UK Beauty Blog

  31. Looks like an awesome few months.
    L x

  32. Sounds like you've got an amazing couple of months planned, me and my boyfriend will be booking a holiday on Saturday hopefully and I have been soo over-excited for the past week about this. If the kittens mean what I think it means make sure you post some pictures. haha.

    Kristy |

  33. I can not wait for summer to have picnics and just have fun in the sun! Please check out my YouTube channel as i have my first ever giveaway happening at the moment!

  34. Wow Darcy in that first picture. She has grown up so much, its amazing!

  35. Blimy, you have a lot going on! Good luck with it all it sounds fabby!!

  36. wow...Sounds great.......xoxoxo....^_^

  37. Sounds like you're going to have a fab summer, Louise! I just want to spend the next few months chilling out, and seeing old friends, and hopefully a few trips to the beach - weather permitting of course! x

  38. This is so lovely, you have so many exciting things planned! You'll be very busy by the looks of it, especially in June! xx

    holly la beau

  39. I am excited that my boyfriend who lives in another country is coming to visit me ! I haven't seen him since January and I miss him too much! xx

    Your summer sounds amazing! xx

  40. Sounds like a pretty spectacular summer, just the right mix of travel, some cheeky work and down time as well! Can't wait to keep up with your adventures along the way in a kardashian-sort-of-manner :)

  41. I Love these kind of blog posts, hope the rest of you year is awesome

  42. Sounds like you have a wonderful summer planned! And erm, kittens?! Yay :D

  43. It sounds like you're going to have a fantastic summer! I'm sure you'll manage to balance everything out perfectly :3 KITTENS? how exciting! I still remember when I got my little ball of fluff, he's my little baby :3
    This summer I plan to spend more time outdoors too and just generally doing more with my time, not just sitting as home! I also really want to go to this safari park near where I live to meet all the animals because animals > people hehe :p
    I'm also planning lots of artsy projects to keep my creative juices flowing :)

  44. Loving this list, lots of lovely ideas especially KITTENS!! eeee!
    Pretty Little Things Blogspot

  45. Kittens! I'm so jealous, can we share ;) I can't wait for the summer as my GCSEs will be over!!!

  46. Sounds like you have a great summer planned :) I love One Direction! I went with my sister it was great! And yay kittens you lucky things! My family are moving house in a month and I may or may not be living with them over summer - if i am i have a new house, fresh start to look forward to and if i stay in Portsmouth over uni I have a more independent summer to look forward to! For definite I have festivals a trip to Slovenia and Croatia to visit a friend planned! :D xoxo

    amber love

  47. I am looking forward to lots of rest and reading!
    Love the sound of your summer plans though!!

  48. This sounds super exciting! I'm looking forward to following along on all your summer adventures :)
    Amy x

  49. Ooo your summer sounds like it'll turn out lovely! The concert will be so much fun! You'll have to write about it because I can't attend this tour (but hey I went last year so that's good). I'm looking forward to more posts! :) xx


  50. LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! you are such an inspiration xxx

  51. I hope you can come to Toronto!

  52. This summer I'm excited for being able to take a breather after my final exam and all other college work, my town's gala day, TFIOS movie, going on holiday for two weeks to two Haven holiday parks (and finally getting to go to Blackpool!), drinking iced coffee, watching endless amounts of anime and hopefully spending much needed time with my best friend.

  53. Ahhh this all sounds so exciting!
    Since I have finished uni last week my summer has techniqually already started. I'm looking forward to going to London this weekend to see Demi Lovato's concert and Les Mis :) I'm also excited for spending time with my friend who I haven't seen much of because of uni, and hopefully it will be nice and sunny for lazy days in the garden!

    Amy x
    messing with a dreamer

  54. You're making me want to plan my summer ahhhhh!

  55. Louise, I'm genuinely so excited for you! I started watching your videos back when I was living in Russia and sometimes when i had my sad days you'd brighten up my day. I'm absolutely in love with your personality and you remind me that everything should have a positive outlook and how important is a good sense of humor. Maybe one day we will meet and I hope to tell you all that in person. Keep it up! This summer will definitely turn out to be amazing for all of us xxx

    Sonya blog about adventures of a Russian girl living in Oregon, USA

  56. We'd of course love a chance to see you here in Toronto but no harm, no foul if you opt not to--family is so important!

  57. adorable

  58. House hunting, more surgery to sort out my endometriosis & wedding planning is on the agenda for me!!! & if you're looking for some fun family days out visit Dorset- so much to see & do :) plus there's stuff like the Sea Life Center in Weymouth which baby glitter would love :)

    Have fun :)

  59. Louise, I would love to see copious amounts of pictures of those kitties. Thank you kindly :-)

  60. Summer is my favourite season because of the good and warm weather. Love long walks in the nature, there are so many beautiful places to go.

    Expert home cleaning Wimbledon

  61. I'm also going to see One Direction in June! x

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Louise, I am looking forward to meet my baby this summer :) lovely listing, thank you for sharing!

  63. really good post !

  64. One Direction are amazing live! Have fun! x

    Emily @ emilyh0ughton

  65. Hermione Christie29 May 2014 at 13:38

    Kittens - but not 3, not from Phil's mum and not without Matt's input... ;) That was the funniest video I think I've ever seen Louise!
    This post has got me all excited for summer now too! :D xxx
    p.s. I also love a good list - lists ease my head!

  66. OMG!! I have the same skirt as your Louise! OMG. <3

  67. Glad to hear you've had a great 2014 so far and hope it continues. Can't wait for summer - one word: beaches!

  68. Whoop, such exciting stuff happening! Have fun! xx

  69. awww i cannot wait to see the adorable kittens! sounds a busy few months but enjoy them to the max!!!

    Currently running a giveaway / Revlon Parfumerie Review /
    Leave me a comment so i can check out your blogs / Hope you will follow me

  70. Ahhh! KITTENS!!!

    I am such a crazy cat lady! I have two cats and I love them so much!

    Also, that prank call to your husband about getting 3 kittens and their mum was hilarious! :D


  71. Hi Louise! I watch your videos on youtube all the time! (When I don't know who to watch) your the perfect channel. Baby glitter is the sweetest little thing in the world. I love to read your blog, and you and Zoe are so hilarious together! The house hold makeup challenge was so funny. I just want to say I own a blog myself I'll jut link it below if you'd like to check it out.

  72. so many exciting things going!! how awesome!! kittens are adorable mine is fully grown but still love him! good luck with all your adventures <3

    xx Aly

  73. I also love to write lists. Saying that, buy six notepads and 30 pens is hardly what i had in mind!

  74. I'm really excited for this summer because it's my last summer before going to University so I want to spend lots of time with all my best buddies! BBQ's, beaches and road trips is just a few things we're planning!

  75. I feel as though I should be planning out my next few months!

    Elizabeth's Boredom

  76. I want to say thanks once again to this great man called Dr Abiza and his spiritual way of helping people am Sarah Jude from Japan i lives in USA with my husband we love each other and also he care about me always look forward to make things easy for both of us 9 years after our wedding, we both work harder to make a family greatest surprise, we have a kid after some times again, we have another one so with this, we live in peace and he was so honest to me shortly, he started misbehaving that i don't know what is going on then i asked him. Darling what is going on? you are so strange to me this few days hope i have not offended you? he said no. Not knowing he have and affair with one lady out side who promised him a car an apartment in one estate were i cannot see him also when he cannot see me i manage to stay with him pleading him he should forgive me if have wrong to him he started complaining he has no money that he has lost all his money in his business that he needs some money then i asked him how much is this money you are looking for? he did not know i can afford it. Then, he said $14,000USD i promised him i we give it to him just for him to care about his family. My greatest surprise, the next day, i went to work and our two kids were in school not knowing his going to leave the house before i come's back i met some of his things outside i was waiting for him to come back he never come back i cried i miss him so much and he have taking all my money away i was only left with $800USD. One day, as i was ready a blog i saw a testifier made by someone in Australia called Julie telling people about how this man call Dr Abiza helped her and the man's contact email was there and his mobile number then i contacted him for a help and really, he brought back my husband now am so happy my brothers and sister if you are in such relationship problem kindly via Email (DRABIZASPELLTEMPLE20@HOTMAIL.COM) he we help you solve all your problems.


  77. I'm very excited for these plans, and hope you take us along on some of them! x

  78. I'll be going to a 1D concert too (in July tho) and i'm super excited about it!
    Well it seems you'll have two months full of adventures and travelling. Have fun!!

  79. i'm seeing 1D next friday and i'm so excited (even at 20) i love seeing my fave artists live it makes them feel more real instead of behind a screen. I'm hopefully moving soon too so that'll be fun !
    Lauren x
    Please nominate my blog for Best Lifestyle Blog and Newcomer here !
    Britton Loves | Fashion Lifestyle + Photography -

  80. I'm jetting all over the place throughout July which is so exciting as I'm going to France, Tenerife and Lanzarote and then I'm just going to laze about for all of the rest of the summer until I go to uni in September.

    <a href="></a>

  81. I am getting married :-))))))) and then have the honeymoon to look forward to! Xx

  82. Sounds like a perfect Summer. :) I plan to see my friends loads, throw a few parties, I am going to see Truivium and staying in Dublin next week, and Paris in September! :) x

  83. I am so excited for summer. not only is it my 18th but I'm off to Disneyworld!! you should take darcy to the zoo in london, if the weather permits it that is! I love it and i'm almost 18 so i bet she would adore it!x

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx