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Thursday, 20 February 2014

5 Things About Motherhood

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Today is a day for limited pep and zizz (I'm writing this a week before you see it, such is the nature of scheduling your shiz) and I thought I had nothing to offer. Until, that is, I wrote on my Facebook Page about my mojo loss and somebody asked me to write about Motherhood.

I contemplated writing a beautiful ode to my child and about how Motherhood is my defining moment of glory and how I now feel at one with the universe but then realised that would be very short lived and a load of tosh.


Instead, I thought I would take a light hearted approach and share with you 5 things that have been revealed to me since bringing that little person into the world.


1. An Hour Is An Eternity

Back in the olden days, before I had made the miracle of life etc, an hour could tick by in an instant and I had no idea what I'd wasted my time on. Flicking through trash TV, wallowing in the bath, fiddling about with emails all seemed like hour long jobs to be luxuriated in. Fast forward to an era with a small dependant human and you find that when they give you an hours rest bite (all hail nap time), you become some kind of productivity typhoon. Dishes get done, laundry is folded, emails replied to, showers, hair, makeup ticked off the list and all whilst having a conference call with your manager. When you are deprived of so much time, it's almost incredible what you can squeeze into 60 focused minutes!

2. You Do Not Need An Alarm Clock

Remember the days when you had to use a little machine to wake you from your slumber? I don't. Now I have a much more organic alarm clock called Darcy, who promptly on the dot of 8am will shout, 'Muuuuuuummmmyyyyyy'. Previous alarm tones featured, 'waaaaahhhhh' and 'urrrr-urrrr-urrrr'. I prefer this upgrade but look forward to it installing a 'snooze' mode. So far it is basic yet effective. 

3. You Learn A New Language

I don't know about other Mama's out there but I find myself constantly moonlighting as Darcy's official translator. Her gobbledegook makes perfect sense to me. 'When ee weak oop and the tangold an miwlk an ceweal', clearly means, 'Mother, when I wake up I'd like to watch Tangled and have some milk and cereal', but combine that with her chattering at high speeds whilst jumping about makes for a lot of, 'oh she means..'. For now, I quite enjoy my role but do hope she doesn't need me forever!

4. You Can Do Anything One Handed

A classic. Need two hands to carry your baby, handbag, car keys, grocery shopping, nappy bag and push a trolley back to the trolley-bay? No. Absolutely not. You can do all of that one handed whilst balancing baby on hip and look glamorous. Ok, maybe not the last one (queue one red raw hand, sunglasses dangling perilously from the back of your head, almost being choked by your oh-so-fashionable scarf and some dribble/snot on your shoulder) but still, it can be done. 

5. You Have So Much More To Give

It's been an 18 hour day, there is food mashed into the cream carpet, the washing machine is beeping to be emptied, you're wearing your grey PJ bottoms for the fourth day in a row and you haven't had a moment to think let alone indulge in a bit of instagram or Pinterest. And then your sweet baby cries and you feel like crying with them. Instead though, you tenderly pick them up and make those soothing 'shushing' noises you can't help but do and feel a huge surge of love for the little rotter that takes up all your time, effort and money. Just when you were about to throw in the towel, you don't. You had more in you than you thought. 


I'd be really interested if any of those rang true with you or you have experienced anything similar. Apologies to those of you who this post doesn't apply to, hopefully it still gave you a warm fuzzy!

If you'd like to see my wonderful (lol) Mothering in action, you can follow me HERE on Instagram or click HERE for a 'Day In The Life' video. 



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  1. Wow louise, am loving your blog atm what a lovely post as well. I love your little posts about your family and being a mother - very inspiring and always exciting to read!! Lots of love xx

  2. Beautiful post Louise! So precious! X.

  3. Loved reading this Louise! Motherhood sounds like a real life changer - but a nice change! Although I have a few more years to go before I experience any of this!

    niamh -


  4. Really liked reading this one, its so true! haha

  5. Loved this Louise! Such a simple but amazing post, I am becoming a mummy in June and cannot wait xx

  6. I did give me warm and fuzzy on a particularly sleepy and boring day. Maybe I'll try to be more productive instead of letting my hours flit by!

    Madeline | Ring-a-Round a Rosey | Bloglovin’

  7. Loved reading this!:) Darcy is so gorgeous!

  8. Such a lovely post Louise. Beautiful!

    Chloƫ x

  9. Well said! From one mother to another, I salute you. Especially loved the last point. I've been up since 6 and I'm working late and I miss my son, and there's no doubt mashed potato in my carpet somewhere. But Christ I love him. xx

  10. Love love love this so much. Can't wait to be a mom. I must say you balance everything so amazingly well. x :)

  11. Aww! Baby Glitter is so adorable ♥

    With Love,

  12. Oh Louise! You do humour me!
    I bet it feels like quite an accomplishment when you can do hard things one-handed! :P
    Lovely little mothery post!
    Elephant stories and more

  13. I just love you and the way you make it all sound so good. I love your positive side for everything!

  14. You are such a wonderful mother Louise, honestley I admire you so much for how much you care for Darcy and do so much to give her the best upbringing ever. I'm certian that when she's older she'll thank you for caring for her so well and documenting her stages of growing up on the internet! And she is so beutiful (as in cute...not in a creepy calling-children-beautiful way haha) she definitely inherits it from you! I'm not sure if you'll ever see this comment, but if you do I admire you so much for caring for Darcy in the best way you can- hats off to Louise everyone! *raises hat*

    Sharlotte // xxx

  15. I love this post :) And Darcy looks so cute in the photo.
    Have an amazing day!

  16. Just when I thought iI couldn't adore you more you write this. I have two daughters and this rings so true for me.

  17. This post, even with the new and improved alarm clock, makes me excited to be a mother one day! :)

  18. This is a great post - I think there is a lot of mystery surrounding motherhood because people often jazz it up and make it more glamorous than it really is (despite it of course being a wonderful thing). Seeing the small truths is actually a lot more interesting! Thanks for sharing!

    Love, Lou x

  19. haha aww this post is so cute!! i love it - the language one has got to be my favourite. i wish i could speak 'child'. :)

  20. Love Darcy

  21. Oh I love this article. Would love to have kids in the future :)

  22. This was so lovely and so funny to read. You really do have a gift :)

    AMANDALOVES.COM | UK Beauty and Fashion Blog

  23. This was sooooo cute I loved it! And I love the way you write Louise!
    Tosin x

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Such a cute little post!

    E, x

  26. How very very true Lou! I absolutely agree - despite not being a mama myself, raising younger sibblings and relatives gave me an idea about how difficult parentning is. Yet, it seems some women are simply born to be perfect mums, and I am surely thinking of you as well, when I am writing this.
    This is rather personal, but you know, I have this feeling like knowing you for ages so I dare to say it. Your mum would be so proud of you.

  27. This is such a cute and truthful blog post. I'd like to start off by saying Darcy is one the most gorgeous toddlers I have seen and you seem like you're a wonderful mother!

    I can imagine how difficult your life must have become after having a baby, but I can also see how blessed and happy you seem. Your videos which feature Darcy are just the best to watch!

    Much love,

  28. Aww I love the way this is written! So much love in this cyber air! <3

  29. Such a sweet post! You're a great Mom!

  30. Ha Louise, I actually agree with all EXCEPT the first one...! With my little 3 y.o., an hour of rest just goes by sooooo quickly for me!!! I feel like there aren't enough hours when he is in bed hahaha... no sooner have I put him to bed when he is already waking up and I am sure he can't have slept for more than 15 min so I glance at the clock and BAM! 1 hr gone by...

    I also have many of these motherhood stories on my blog:

  31. I'm a relatively new mummy - I have a 3 month old, almost 4 - but there is nothing in life more rewarding than being a mother, at least in my opinion. I'm with you on the alarm clock. I still foolishly set my alarm for 8am of a morning when I know I'll be up between 7 and 7.30, wishful thinking eh.
    I enjoyed this post Louise!
    Bits & Bobs

  32. you're such a lovely mummy but i've seen and heard from you and others that it can be hard. babies are so cute and adorable and babysitting has made me realise how much more care is needed so when i'm a mum i'll be more aware :)
    Lauren x
    Britton Loves | Fashion Lifestyle + Photography -
    Support my Photography Project here !

  33. Haha oh God I chuckled so much whilst reading this! I can completely relate to everything in this post, it’s ridiculous how much I took advantage of my freedom and spare time before having a little bubba. I’ve been wearing my pjs for a week now and only worn makeup twice in the week maybe, oh so glamorous!

    Loved this post so much! xo

  34. You're a great mom :) And baby glitter is so cute! Definitely a hard job though! I'm a nanny and I feel exhausted after working. Mother's are hero's for sure!


  35. Louise you are so funny, loved this post! x

  36. My aunt has an baby and while I understand nothing she translates everything for me ;) I guess it´s typical for mommys thing
    Awesome post <3 Darcy is so adorable
    xx ani

  37. Such a lovely post Louise, and a gorgeous picture of little Darcy!

  38. I'm only 16 so this definitely doesn't apply to me yet but that didn't stop me loving this post! Darcy is a little delight, I hope you are proud of everything you have done with her! You are such a great mother. You are also hilarious with your little one-liners thrown in there!

    Holly x

  39. Great post, although I don't have a child myself I always love your honest approach :)

  40. Rings so true, Glad I'm not the only one lol I can't even remember my life before having kids.

  41. aww this is such a cute post! x

  42. As an Aupair of two boys (1 and almost 3) I can tell that's not only true for mothers. Absolute great post. Lots of love from Ireland

  43. You and Darcy are cuuuute! X

  44. What an adorable post. Number 3 made me laugh, it's nice that only you can understand what little Darcy is saying haha.

  45. Im longing so mutch for a child and your posts and adorable child doesn't make it any easier. I love to read and watch your videos and such.:)

  46. I swear women get superpowers when they have a child. I can't even do this stuff now and all I have to think about is a full time job and how many crisps I should eat.

    Raise The Waves

  47. Loved this post Louise :) lovely to see much more of Matt and Darcy on your blog you have a gorgeous family!
    Alana x

  48. your daughter is so adorable

  49. 3. You learn a new language - baby talk is the cutest!

  50. I do love Darcey. Being a mother does seem like a full time job! Well done Louise I don't how you do it x

  51. oh Louise! this was the most gorgeous blog post ever. it's so cute and precious and it just really makes me look forward to becoming a mother in the future. :)

  52. This is a gorgeous post. I'm being induced on Sunday with my first born son and reading things like this makes me so excited! I have such an adventure ahead of me.

  53. Awh this is such a gorgeous post! Louise you never fail to put a smile on my face x

  54. Aw that post was as beautiful and hilarious as its writer. Really made me smile :)

    Sam x

  55. I love Darcy, she is such an adorable child :)
    You're such a wonderful mum x xxx

  56. For years I thought I didn't want children, and if I did I would eventually adopt as I didn't want them to ruin my body. Since following your journey on your blog and YouTube for the past year or two, you've completely changed my mind. I'd always loved children but thought I could do without having them myself and simply be the fun aunt or something along those lines. I just wanted to say what an inspiration you are for sharing you and your family's life, helping me realise what's important. I can always have a high-flying career but if I have no one to watch grow up and be proud of and invest all of my energy into, then there's not much point really.

    I personally don't think you've lost your mojo at all, you're just lacking a bit of inspiration maybe. It'll come back soon, and I can't wait to hear more! xx

  57. Your such a wonderful parent to Darcy, she is lucky to have a mother like you. She is growing up into a lovely little lady!

  58. Beautiful photo of Darcy! So cute ^_^ loving your blog right now..x

  59. This is beautiful! There should be more posts like this one. Open & honest but also so so loving! x

  60. Everyone is spot on and each one made me smile and remember no matter how stressful a day may be, I created those little mini humans and wouldn't have it any other way x

  61. absolutely adorable!

  62. Thanks so much for this! I am expecting my first child and I always seem to get really negative comments from people about "how much work" children are, etc. It's nice to get some positive comments on how rewarding motherhood can be. I can't wait!

  63. This is adorable and makes me want to be a mother oh so much.


  64. All so very true. Number 3 Is my fave, I love that I'm sometimes the only person who can understand what my little boy is trying to say in the midst of excitement. I also have issues with my alarm clock, of late he marches into my room with his doctors set and thrusts a thermometer into my ear and declares I'm too hot and must have medicine. I'm trying to direct him towards his toys to perform his morning doctor rounds but we're stilll working on that!! Love your blog (and yt channel) Louise x

  65. It's all true. That and everything else you wanted to write about it but felt you'd be rambling on a bit.
    Especially that last paragraph. Tonight my 4 year old screamed down the steps "I'm going to get muddy for my photos tomorrow so you won't like them" which was swiftly followed by a "We're not best friends anymore". If it had been a friend shouting that I'd of screamed back "It's fine, I never like you anway".
    But somehow I ended up sitting on the stairs, wiping away tears and kissing the finger that she'd trapped on the stair gate that she'd tried on to give herself a bit more height when she roared at me.

    Motherhood is the only way to truly discover yourself.

  66. Thank you for this post!!! I have a two month old daughter, called Karla, and today was such a horrible day! She was crying all day long because of farting. It was so bad that I started crying, too. All the "sch's" and "mummy's here"diddn't work. No time for eating, sleeping or a shower! But then there were these 5 minutes when she looked at me smiling her toothless smile and my world was instantly fine! I love to be a mummy for those moments although this moment is only 5minutes long! And I feel the same love in your postings about Darcy and your family. You are such an inspiration for me and I feel that I am not alone! Thank you! Lots of love from Berlin (Germany) <3

  67. I absolutely love your blog and all of your youtube videos. You're so inspirational! Darcy is so adorable! xx

  68. I just loved this post Louise! Darcy is such a cutie pie and I think the bond between you two is just fantastic!
    You're such an inspirational mummy!
    Greetings from a teenager in Ireland!

  69. As a mum to an almost 3 year old, I completely agree with all of this post x

  70. I don't have a child so I can't relate but I loved this post :)

  71. Very well written. Loved the insight!

  72. This is such a sweet post (: Darcy is so adorable, and she's lucky to have you as her mom! I'm sure when she's all grown up, she is going to be a lovely little lady just like her mom! Haha, I don't have any kids of my own of course since I'm just about to turn 18, but I hope to be a great mom like you one day far in the future!

    Kendra | It's a Bug's Life

  73. Darcy is so freaking cute! Please do more videos with Darcy! xxxx


  74. Its like you've taken all my thoughts and typed them up I've had a very similar experience with my son I am a single mum and studying for my diploma and its hard and I constantly feel guilty for every little thing but I sometimes just find myself in awe of my little cheeky boy he is so special and makes everything worthwhile thanks so much for your post I'd love a desperate sections for you to write about solely mummy things x

  75. LOUISE, you're simply lovely and I can just imagine what a wonderful mummy you are to little baby Glitter! She is so adorable! I am only 18 so I am not a mother at all, but this so warmed my heart! I love you and your family and your little space on the internet! :) xx

  76. Oh this is lovely!
    Darcy is a complete gem! xox

    Check out my most popular post about having children from a child abuse survivors point of view ;


  77. Oh this is lovely!
    Darcy is a complete gem! xox

    Check out my most popular post about having children from a child abuse survivors point of view ;


  78. lousie this is my favourite blogpost - such an eye opener and creative way to look at it. You are an amazing lady and Darcy is such a cutie. xxx - Madie

  79. This is just so sweet,I can't wait till I get to this point in my life x

  80. Haha, number three is so true! My sister has two kids and I'm proud to say I can now speak child fluently ;)

  81. Yes - I was just remarking on this the other day in fact. How many hours did I used to spend doing absolutely nothing, completely shocking! Now I can do soooo many things during the day, weekend etc whilst some of my friends have had a marathon watching box sets day. Ok, I do sometimes wish I could have a day to just do NOTHING but I wouldn't change my Ophelia for the world.

  82. Aww Louise, Darcy is so adorable. Great post :)

  83. While reading this blogpost, I was like : "yes" - "yes" - " true! " - "yes" - "absolutely" .. I am a mum of a beautiful 9 month old girl and you are a true inspiration to me. I found your blog/youtubechannel during my pregnancy and the whole time I thought "I wish I had a friend like Louise who I could call to if I had any doubts or so". Keep doing what you do which is being the best mum Darcy could ever wish for. X

  84. A great post! I'm a mother to a 16month old and wholeheartedly agree with all your points! So many times I've been carrying bags, baby, shopping and opening doors and people say 'can I help, you look like you're struggling' and I say 'i'm ok I do this everyday i'm using my mummy powers!'

    I'd be interested in your opinions about whether mums can 'have it all' if you're looking for more motherhood themed posts.

  85. Oh the perks of being a mother. Something for me to look forward to then.

    Health and Fitness:

  86. Such a great post! After having one of my own (9 months old now) I can totally relate! ESPECIALLY to #4. I can do so many things one handed now!

  87. So true! My baby turns one in a few days!

  88. This is lovely! I hope you write more posts like this as motherhood changes for you, it's lovely to see :)

  89. This was so lovely to read. So cute how you talk about being a mother is so great, and I bet it must be x Love your posts always, Lousie. Never change!

  90. I'm not a mum, but I have a 2 year old cousin ( she's actually only about a week older than Darcy) and I can relate to number 3, I've found myself explaining some of the stuff she tries to say to others, and I'm not fluent in 2 year old :)

  91. So cute! :)


  92. You should totally write a fiction novel about British Mothers and their children. This bold post in particular sucked me in. You're so good with detailed, I loved the part about the reality of what it looks like doing thins one handed. I could picture it in my head and it made me giggle. You're such a wonderful mother, and I hope my child is as adorable as Darcy!

  93. I obviously shouldn't be a writer, since I can't autocorrect for Shiz! Haha

  94. Beautiful, Louise. Motherhood sounds like a rollercoaster that only goes up! x

  95. Love this post and love you, Louise! Such an honest but heartwarming account of having a child. I think you're doing an absolutely fantastic job. Darcy is the most lovely little lady, clearly all your hard work has paid off. Congratulations on being a top-notch mummy! xx

    Jade | skinsweet

  96. you're so amazing at writing. I don't have a child but this post is lovely :3 xx

  97. You are amazing at blogging also Darcy is so sweet!!!!

  98. So beautiful and lovely to read. I really like these kind of posts, about your sweet little girl. Always makes me feel happy!
    Have a lovely weekend, Louise!

    Sofie x
    Little green Sofie

  99. Good tips :) I'll look forward to putting them into place!

    Sophie x


  100. I don't know how you make a post so beautiful to read, honestly if you weren't a blogger/vlogger Louise you would make a brilliant author by the way you string sentences together! Have a bright and sunny weekend! x

    Essence of Jess

  101. You're such an amazing mum Louise! I can't wait to be a mum one day :)!

  102. such a lovely post you're good mum :) |

  103. Always enjoy your posts. You're such a cute mammy Louise. Darcy's so lucky.

  104. LOL! All so, so true! Now that my kids are grown, I also find the same things true about my pet. Except the carrying things although once you've obtained that skill you can use it forever.

  105. Hi,

    I just started a blog and would love for you all to check it out! It's a little bit beauty a little bit fashion and a lot a bit random! I hope you enjoy! Leave me comments! I love them!

    And remember a women's best accessory is her Smile!:)

  106. This is an adorable post, Louise! I love watching your videos with Darcy because it shows such sweet moments in your life with her and they always make me smile. You're an incredible mummy!
    Celina | The Celution | Bloglovin’

  107. is it strange that when i used to run the nursery at my church, I almost felt the same way? While it seems to be so hard when all of 15 of them start to cry at once, and you're pretty sure you're about to buzz all of the parents and give up... you sort of huddle around them and pick them up and you start to realize what a treasure these little ones are?

    The strangest thing :)
    Oh boy, I can't wait to be a mom one day ha!

  108. Come teenage years you will regret that comment about a snooze button... Experience talking here... oh yes..

  109. Absolutely loved this post! Darcy is such a cutie! xxx

    Amy |

  110. I have never read a more truthful statement about motherhood than number 5. I always think to myself there will be one day that she doesn't want mummy's cuddles anymore and that I am truly blessed that this little person wants nothing more than to be cuddled to sleep by me.

    Mum of an almost 3 year old from New Zealand x

  111. Haha, I'm only an aunty and have had to develop many of these skills! Hopefully things I'll be able to take into motherhood (whenever that may be!) :) Wendy xx
    Scottish Wendy | Wendy's World

  112. Loved this post Louise. Darcy is such a gorgeous little lady and you're such an amazing mother! I bet she'll love looking through these posts when she's a little older x

  113. I'm nowhere near motherhood but what a lovely little post this was to read :)

  114. This post was so sweet, Darcy is adorable she reminds me of my neice, i ans 15 and i love reading your blog and watching your videos, here is my blog if you want to check it out it is a bit amatuer but yeah

  115. I loved reading this! I often wonder what I did with myself, and my time before my boys came along!
    With Love x

  116. I am not a mom but i really enjoyed reading your post.

  117. I enjoyed reading this, as a mom of two I absolutely enjoy my time with my kids and enjoy been their mom.

  118. Every single word that you wrote applies to me! Beautifully written

  119. I know this post doesn't apply to me because I'm just a bit young to have a child, let alone being very very single.
    But I just wanted to say that when I do become a mother, I hope to be just as amazing as you :)

  120. Darcy is such a cutie. I love reading your blog. xoxo

  121. I adore this post. So heartfelt and humorous :) x

  122. You're an amazing mom and Darcy is the cutest thing ever! <3

  123. I'm not a mother yet, but it still is nice to read about it. It will already prep me for the future :)

  124. I am only 18 but I LOVE kids. I am the oldest of four kids and I can remember back to when my brothers were born and my mom experiencing similar situations. I cannot wait to have kids I want to get married young and have kids young like you did. Such a cute post loved it and it did make me warm and fuzzy!!

  125. hehe loved this post, an hour is a super long time when no little ones around and oh yes number 5 is also very true :)

  126. I love this post. I have experienced the majority of things mentioned and I don't even have children of my own haha, purely through spending a lot of time with my nieces and nephew. We have sleepover weekends and I definitely don't need an alarm, and even if I did I would never set one as early as they wake up, also from the early wake up, you definitely notice that an hour feels like a whole day! x ..check out my blog! x

  127. This is so great :) I really enjoyed reading it.
    You should think about writing a book. I don't have any kids yet, but when the day will come, I will enjoy reading your tips and experiences even more !

  128. oh yes i know them all,sometimes i will turn to jamie and say what the heck did she just say? ha ha even though she is good at talking sometimes ya just don't have a clue,then one mind i'm shouting Teegan get down from there or stop throwing toys then turning to baby coochy coo soft voice to talk to Tayum ha ha the poor lad must be very confused,Teegan confuses him even though she loves him she is so funny with him and nope don't not need an alarm either if i'm here on my own or jamie is home and she wakes up all as i hear is mummy,mummy are you there,cos we still have the baby monitor and it's one where we can see her and speak back etc,so if i'm busy doing something then she will shout daddy can you come and help me please,it's so funny honest and then if you leave her too long she screams can you just come and help me i'm boring,which i think she means she is bored not boring ha ha,it's quite cute when she plays on her own now i bet Darcy is the same she talks to her teddy's and dolls and says right you sit there it's time for a coffee and a picnic,right i'm putting you to bed tuck your arms in please,oh baby why are you crying,it's the cutest thing ever but it makes me laugh so so much,she dives me potty but at the end of the day i love them both to the moon and back and always will,it's brill to be a mum so loved reading your blog and love the photo too xx♥xx

  129. Love this and they are all true. As I read this post I can gear my 4 year old son snoring. I am sat in the dark next to my 2 year old who doesn't want to sleep and am breastfeeding the baby. Motherhood is relentless and amazing. I rather envy your 8am alarm system though. Mube must all be stuck on the 4-6.30 setting x

  130. Beautiful post, Louise! And thanks for being so honest and yet as loving as you are about such a thing as motherhood. Although I'm no mother myself, I can imagine that many people have a wrong image in their minds because those who are stressed out by it are sometimes ashamed to admit it and instead tell the world how everything is wonderful all the time. I don't want to say that is isn't but I can imagine that you have bad moments as well, which is only natural.
    And this is the most confused comment I ever left you :P

  131. motherhood CO.MOM is a fun new online magazine and social network community created by moms for moms. Read interesting articles, get advice from our agony aunt, aunt\y anne, learn how to earn an income online with our guru debbie or you can even seek medical advice from our resident physician dr samantha and relax while checking out the latest horoscopes from our trained mystic. Theres even a thriving forum community where moms of the world can get together and enjoy good conversation along with lots of other fun ways to kill some time with a cuppa when taking a break from being super mom at


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx