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Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Blog FAQ's || How do you get invited to events?

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I've been around this 'ere bloggersphere a while now. Not as long as the early birds of 2003 and 2004 but a while. In that time, I've been fortunate enough to experience an array of amazing things and unfortunate enough to experience some of the rubbish that comes with it all too.

Over time I have noticed I am often asked the same questions and thought that rather than answering them individually (or trying to at least), it might be a fun idea to answer some here.

I'm not professing to be Blog Land Expert of the Planet here, but I am saying, 'Hey, here is what I have found in my years of doing this'. You might have felt the same, you might not, I'm only speaking from experience. Do feel free to give your own answers or suggestions in the comments and please do take the time to read other people's because there is always a wealth of information down there and you'd be a ninconpoop to ignore it.  

Today's question is:

How do you get invited to blog events?

Firstly, we ought to just clarify what a blog event is. I'm sure there are a great many type of 'blog events', but seeing as this is a beauty, baby and lifestyle blog, I am mostly invited to shindigs relating to beauty.

So, a company have brought out a new range of products and they have a bit of money put by to promote them. Sometimes, the brand will recognise that bloggers have a wide 'reach'. 'Reach' is weird PR lingo for 'lots of people read this bit of the web and it might be good for those people to see our products'. They have a lot of lingo.

As part of that 'bloggers have a wide reach' thought process, the company might decide they want to have their brand featured on lots of blogs. A good way of doing this is to host an event. A kind of party thrown in honour of the new product, where the brand talks to bloggers about why this is such an exciting new nail polish/perfume/summer range etc. Bloggers usually leave with a goodie bag containing samples of the new product/s and a little bit of info about the line (this is known as a 'press release'). Whilst there, bloggers will get the chance to catch up with other bloggers, enjoy a glass of bubbly and play with the new items the event is about. Basically, it's everything a beauty obsessed girlie girl would want in a night- glass of something fizzy, chums, makeup. Happy days.

So how does a blogger get invited to such things? This was a question I asked when I first started blogging and felt very much kept in the dark. I thought there might be a special list or a system or a secret batman light symbol in the sky. In all honesty it's a lot less exciting and a lot more simple.

Brands will find you. If you have a good blog, a presence on social platforms (twitter, facebook, instagram, pinterest, etc) you will eventually be noticed. Ensure you have your contact details easily findable (email address clearly on your blog or perhaps an 'about' section) and check your inbox regularly. It may take months, it make take years, or it make take days, but if you really want it to happen and you truly love your blog and have a passion for what you are writing about, then it will. I will say though, if you have a blog purely for events and samples, you will most likely find that readers will see through that pretty quickly. They're a clever little lot.

If you are that way inclined, you could contact a brand (via email, phone, twitter, facebook etc). From what I've grasped, this is a bit of a grey area- some bloggers think it's a good thing to do, others don't. Be aware that brands are contacted many times a day by bloggers requesting samples, introducing themselves or asking to be put on their mailing lists, so if you do take the great leap of saying hello, try to be considerate of this and also try to stand out. 

Top Tips ::

If you have just blogged about a product and are tweeting the link, be sure to @mention the brand (if they are on twitter). Not in a spammy fashion, but in a 'Hello, I have talked about your products' fashion. 

If your friend is going to a blog event and you feel comfortable enough, why not ask if she was given a plus one. 

Check your spam inbox! Quite often I've had interesting or useful emails slip in there and go unnoticed.

Have patience. It was over a year before I went to an event and that was back when there were a lot less bloggers, so avoid expecting short term excitement (if blog events are what float your boat) if you have just started and are just building your little slice of the web.

To put it very simply, don't worry. If you want it to happen and you work hard on your blog and love it dearly, it will happen. For those of you thinking, 'Pah! I'm not even that bothered anyway!", then I'm sorry to have wasted these minutes of your life! This post really was just to address the question I have been asked multiple times and hopefully it will cast a little bit of light on what can sometimes be a rather guarded area.

If you have any more info, tips or thoughts on the subject of blog events, I would (and think everyone else) would be really interested to hear about them, so do feel free to comment below!



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Lady of Vintage. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top! 


  1. I really liked this post, there seems to be an obsession among some that they need to be sent free samples or attend events, I see it as if your blogging out of a passion you will have the patience for those things to come in time x

    1. exactly thats how i view things :-)

    2. I totally agree with both of you... I blog because I enjoy it, attending events is just a bonus :)

      I write about beauty, fashion, life, weddings (I recently got engaged!)

      Check me out if you fancy it -

      Ashleigh x

  2. Really good post with a lot of very useful tips, I'll take a chill pill at my blog's 'slow' growth then ;) Thanks Louise!


    1. i look at it this way slow growth is better than no growth


  3. This is a fantastic blog post. I agree with what you are saying about working hard and loving your blog! I blog because I love reading other blogs. Anything that comes along the way, I see as a magical moment.


  4. Lovely post, very encouraging for a newbie blogger like me! Feeling like a teeny weeny fish in a mahooosive pond at the moment! Would love to go to an event or two one day, but quite happily plodding along at the moment and getting used to this blogging malarky! :)

  5. Louise you are full of wise words! x

  6. Extremely helpful Louise! I've only been a beauty blogger since October and really struggling to get noticed by brands or getting event invites booo :( will definitely take this advice

    Tamara x

  7. I would love to get invited to a blogger event, but for me thats not why i blog. I blog because i love to blog. If i got invited to an event that would be a massive great bonus, but not the reason i keep going :)

    Great post

    sophierosehearts x

  8. Great post Louise! just a quick question how did you get the header saying the title? It's super cute :)

    Chloe xo

    1. Love your blog name, i have been toying with idea of blogging and vlogging for three years, i have ideas in a notebook and write down tips to remember for future reference. I have finally decided to sink or swim, but my stumbling block is the name, you dont want to be pigeon holed into one type of blog or decide to change names mid stream. Trying to link old posts to new blog posts with new name can cause decline in readers, due to not wanting change or having problems linking back up to you, at new blog address. I am.telling ya, this has been keeping me up at night, now that ive decided to be a blogger, i am eager to start. Ugh, i need a name, anyone else
      feel this way before starting your blog? Or are you at the same stumbling block as i am? Any advice or words of wisdom is welcomed and will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.
      Jen in Texas - had to use anonymous as i have yet to create my page on the web. All hinges on a blog about my views on life love my beauty addictions....

  9. this is some great advice Louise... blogger events look like so much fun!
    Lily xoxo

  10. Wow great post and fab advice. I'd love to be invited to Events but my blog is mostly about my little family but I try to add some beauty into the mix as have an addiction to all things beauty. I love your blog Louise as I always feel what you write is your honest opinion.xx

  11. Brilliant post and very useful! I think it would be brilliant to go to an event but mainly because it'd be lovely to meet all of the other bloggers.

    I completely agree that you have to blog what you are passionate about. I don't think you would stick with it anyway if there wasn't any passion.

    Em x

  12. I really like this post, it's so useful to read and just think about going to an event to meet others but I wouldn't be able to just yet


  13. Great post Louise! I think it would be amazing to go to an even especially getting to meet other bloggers. This post is very useful especially for people like me who have only recently stared but I really enjoy it and I think its a great way to share things you like and what you've been up to!<3

  14. I love your honesty & lovely way of explaining things! You & a thrifty mrs inspired me to start my own blog & I'm loving blogging about things I really enjoy and enjoy writing about! What will be will be!

    Abi x

  15. Great tips Louise! Love your writing style on your posts, really helpful!

  16. Thank you, I had secretly wondered about this but never asked!!
    rachael xxx

  17. thanks for this post louise my blogs still a baby! hehe xx

  18. Lovely post, and look forward to similar! I love blogging, sometimes it feels as if I'm never getting noticed and never will as there are so many blogs. However, I appreciate each and every follower I have and there's nothing more I love than receiving a comment or two! Anything that comes along such as PR emails etc, is really just amazing to me!

  19. Great tips and i enjoyed reading although its not why i started my blog or what its all about for me it was still an interesting read however with that said it would feel nice to eventually get invited to one but im not expecting big things yet it'll happen when it happens :) x

  20. great tips as always louise! i feel like it would be lovely if something like this ended up happening because of my blog, but i really just enjoy blogging by itself anyway! it's also just a great way to meet people who have the same interests as yourself and to follow people like YOU!

    katie x

  21. I love your advice posts, whether it's relevant to me or not!
    This post is great, will definitely be taking some tips away :)

  22. Very helpful post! thankyou for sharing your advice:)


  23. Thanks you so much for sharing this information with us. I feel that many bloggers can be a bit "selfish" and I guess some see new Bloggers as new "competition", and decide not share this information that you just shared, forgetting that once upon a time there were in the same position! :) xoxo

  24. This is great, Im a newbie to the bloggersphere, so this was really helpful, thank you.

  25. Your totally right in saying that it feels like some secret club you've no idea how to access! But thankfully I'm not blogging to receive attention from companies (although it would be a massive compliment if I were to be contacted), I simply love to blog and it's nice to know there are people out there with the same passion as me, willing to spend crazy money on makeup and talk endlessly about it! It's like a rehab centre...although none of us help each other in any way...we're all bad influences!!



  26. ooo this is interesting! I never had any idea I was definetly a thinker like you ha!


  27. really interesting!

  28. This was very informative, Louise. Thanks for posting! x

  29. Thanks for the tips Louise! I wish my blog was as successful as yours :) I just started though so it will probably be ages until I can reach your status hehe

    You're amazing though and an inspiration. :)

  30. What a wise lady you are! I've been reading beauty blogs for the past couple of months and had thoughts of starting my own. I recently came across your blog and fell in love! I ignored my husband for the weekend and read all your posts! (no worries, we are still married!) Anywho, reading through your posts gave me the courage to start my own blog! I may only have 1 follower at the moment, but I do look forward to throwing a party when I get 15,000 followers. But for now, one baby step at a time will do. Keep the great tips coming!


  31. Enjoyed reading this post, i agree with you and many others here that all good things come to those in good time.

    I love blogging it's given me some thing to focus on whilst being ill off work. I read blogs every day, and i love finding out about new products, and for the most i enjoy reading reviews.


  32. Thank you for this post :) very helpful :)

  33. i hate the fact people just blog to get free stuff etc..for me its not what its about, its just thoughts i like to write down because im pretty sure my boyfriend isnt interested in what i think of a fake tan but someone out their might be!

  34. Great tips Louise! Blogging isn't really about the freebies and events etc. At least not for me. It's a nice extra, but it shouldn't be your main reason to have a blog. Let's just say, good things come to those who "blog" hard! (:

  35. great blog post. i'm very new to blogging and am finding it a great way of recording the goings on in my life, still at the stage when i am amazed when someone follows because they want to read what i have to ramble on about. blogging events would be great and thanks for the tips but as you and others have said that would be the icing on the cake rather than the point of why i blog :)

  36. What a great little feature, Louise :) I like how you truly understand your readers and write up interesting and relevant posts. As a relatively new member of the blogosphere, this was very helpful! Not that I expect to be invited to events, but you made me realize a couple things: I should definitely put some contact info on my page! Anyhow, thank you for your advice. It's always appreciated :)

  37. Hi Louise, great post! I was once so eager to get as much attention to our blog but my bestfriend and blogging partner told me the same thing as u did, "chillax! It takes time" currently we are just happy to be writing and having what little views we can get. Focusing on the attention and freebies just takes away all the fun blogging is supposed to be about. :)

  38. Thanks for the Tips Louise, For the past few days I have been over thinking about it and forsee the part about passion.
    Thankyou for reminding me to be passionate about my blog and the things I'm writing!(:

    xx, meiyi

  39. Thank you so much this was very helpful.

  40. Great tips, thanks for sharing : )

  41. Brill post Louise, really helpful, thank you :) xxxxxx

  42. Fab post!! :)


  43. Thanks for such a useful post. I've been wanting to get my Scentsy products into the hands of the right bloggers for a while but certainly don't have the budget of the big companies, I do little home parties for people to try stuff out. It's difficult too when everyone wants a freebie to know who are genuinely interested.

    1. I keep looking at getting some Scentsy products but am always like "Would I like them?" xx

  44. I read this last night and it made me smile. I get invited to some press days but living so far from London means I've never been able to say yes to any of them :( Maybe I need to move? Hehe xx

  45. At the end of the day, if people don't like writing their blog and their doing it just for freebies/to get invited to things then it will definitely show in their writing and the time they put in to it, so won't be a very good blog, like you said Louise :) Although I'm sure it's fantastic to get lots of free bits&bobs, it's not about getting things for free, it's about writing and having an outlet, and meeting new people as well!
    Thanks for this Louise :)


  46. Thanks For the advice Louise! :-) I've been blogging for 2 weeks now & feel like a little blogging baby. This is so encouraging that in the future someone might notice the hard work & reward you for it.
    For now though, I'll just keep blogging for the fun of it!


  47. Thank you for the great advice, I try to blog because I love it not just to gain free stuff and your blog has really inspired me to do that xx

  48. This was great to read, lovely advice. I'd love to go to a bloggers event mainly just to meet other bloggers like me :)
    Daniella x

  49. I've been blogging for three years and I've never been invited to a blogger event. Strangely enough it really doesn't bother me, nor do I think its because I don't put enough love into my blog! If I did get invited to one I would probably go for a good night out and to meet people, all the other stuff would just be a bonus :)

    What I'm looking forward to is the blogger meetup I'm going to in October. I get to meet lots of lovely ladies in my area who have common interests. At the end of the day its that kind of stuff that matters. What is the point in being surrounded by beauty products, if there is no one to share all the fun with! :)

    Makeup for Biochemists


  50. Thank you for this post, it has helped. I get the impression on blogs that I have visited that just want the free samples, and to say "hey, I went to an exclusive party"


  51. I'm a new follower of your blog & I've also tagged you in the 11 tag post: so please check out my blog. :) xx

  52. your tips are so amazing!I would love to be in bloggels events because I want to be a professional fashion blogger sooo much:)

  53. I love blogging, I didn't start to be invited to things or get sent free items. Though sometimes I feel that my blog may not be as exciting to the book community as I'm not send new books to review, so the books I review aren't usually current. That said, I like to read reviews to learn about new books, and just because a book has been around for years, doesn't mean I've heard of it before, so it that sense I feel that my blog is useful to people (and it's so much fun to write!!).

  54. This is a great post xx Would love to hear more tips from an experience blogger xx I just started blogging last year and think everyone can under estimate how much time and effort we put in xx thanks for sharing your thoughts xxxxx

  55. This is a great post, and have really pointed out good points. I love your blog so much!


  56. i'm a huge fan of your blog, and your youtube channel!

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. that was really helpful, please do some more of these posts i love them xx

  59. I really love how you always put so much thought and effort into every post and video you do and still it doesnt feel rushed or overly prepared - I really admire you for that because it shows how much you love it

    XOXO Bee

  60. I love the way you write, you make everything so interesting. I really look forward to other questions you'll be answering :)

  61. I started my blog in November and have just been invited to my first event! I was so so excited when I got the email but it's definitely not the reason I blog! I would happily blog and never been sent and freebies or event invites - its definitely most important to have passion!!

    Great post as always Louise :)


  62. yes i know its your blog and not your youtube channel but i just wanted to say that i love your vlogs and you are such a sympatic girl (:


  63. This was such an encouraging read. Thank you do much for your tips! :)

  64. Thank you for this interesting and informative post :)

  65. Hey Louise, great post. It's nice of you to address the questions you frequently get asked :)

    I'm doing a giveaway over at my blog if your interested :) Check it out here -


  66. This post couldn't have come at a better time!! I love your blog Louise, and you were one of the many bloggers who inspired me to start me own (today in fact!)
    Thanks for the great advice,
    Iona :)

  67. Such a good idea for a post, you are the one blogger/youtuber I find which answers the questions we are too embarrased/proud to ask!xxxx

  68. Really interesting post. I never thought about going to events but how much fun that would be.

  69. Such a good post idea, thanks for your advice <3 xo

  70. I really like that you have decided to answer questions that people send a lot because I hadn't even really thought about this question but it is useful to have an answer because I might decide I want to think about events later. Thanks! xx

  71. Really interesting post. Thanks for sharing. I've just started a blog so hopefully one dayyyy:) i'd love you to take a look? x

  72. I'm for a secret batman sign in the sky! ;) thanks for this post I'm all new on blogger and I really had no clue how this would work. you pretty much confirmed my suspicion though...:) But it is always nice to hear 'older' bloggers talk about how they made their way - it comforts me :)

  73. So true! I found that good relation with PRs (not the skanky ones) can be great and get you exposed to brands. My blog is fashion orientated, so it works more through PRs then directly with companies. It takes time, work and patience :) xoxo Lovely post sunshine xo

  74. Always such great blog posts louise! I'm taking your advice and appreciating the growth of my blog so far :)


  75. I just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing your experiences lots of people dont do that. I watcj your youtube vids and you are so down to earth. This is fab advice for a newbie like me. I LOVE anything beauty and fashion I just wish I had seen blogging and youtube before.
    Thank you so much for taking the time to share this info :-)
    Jen x

  76. Love the post, you are a great blogger

  77. The content was really very interesting. I am really thankful to you for providing this unique information. Please keep sharing more and more information event staffing

  78. Hello Louise! Thanks for this, great advice! I have literally just started my blog after a long time of wanting to. It is really lovely to have tips in such a supportive manner. X

  79. Such a great post and great advice :) thanks Louise!
    Vicki xx

  80. great post! very useful advice :D xx

  81. buy Melanotan Yeah I hope I get some PR invites soon! haha

  82. Great post! It would be fun to attend some events but there are always events you can go to on your own such as IMATS which I will be attending this year. I really want to attend events to meet new people and learn new things but blogging is what it is all about :)

  83. Hiya Louise!!!
    Thank you for this blog post, i wondered how some beauty youtubers received product, sometimes before it is released for sale. I started watching youtube videos about 4 years ago because i was trying to find a breeder who had an English bulldog puppy for sale and one night stumbled upon beauty videos. I would watch my favorites late at night when
    i couldnt sleep. I have always had a fascination with
    makeup and started toying with the idea of making
    videos myself. Well it is 4 years later and I still want
    to do it with my own spin. I have a notebook with
    ideas, contests, and what not, along with pages of
    names. I am at a stumbling block because since it is my blog and main focus will be my makeup fascination, well ok addiction (might as well admit this and get on with it). This naming business has me up at night, i am so excited and want to start. Changing a name midstream can cause a decline in readers and if the link up doesnt work then it's the kiss of death for your blog. Any advice or suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Thank yall in advance.
    Jen in Texas, USA

  84. This is such a helpful post as I've literally just started out and wondered if its worth doing some of the work yourself to start off with. I think now I'll do a bit of half and half - wait and work at it! Thank you for the advice :)

    Lauren x -

  85. I must say the blog post is just useful for everyone else reading it because the information and knowledge it contains is very important. I like the post! Excellent job! Keep sharing such valuable information through your blogs.

  86. This was great not many people speak about this and i just was wondering one day how one does get noticed.... Thanks so much I love writing about my beauty adventures.
    xo Sally

  87. Louise! Thanks so much for the tips on your blog. I was reading through and completely agree with you about events and invites. I have been to many events but patience and love for your own blog is best! That way you are invited and noticed for what you love.
    <3 Rachel
    My blog:

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx