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Monday 21 September 2009

We came, we saw, we conkered!

'Tis the season to be rustic, tra la la la laaa la la la laa!

Autumn is upon us and this is a fantastic time to start bringing nature into your home in a decorative fashion. We are all aware that a vase of flowers on a mantelpiece can bring instant style and class to a room, but what about looking a little further a-field and using other elements of nature to create a stylish focal point?
At this time of year you will find red, orange, golden and pink leaves, conkers, berries, and of course flowers, all of which are free and easily accessible if you know where to look.

I took advantage of the season, went out to the countryside and collected a huge bag of conkers! All I have done is lazily poured them into this blue glass vase and VOILA! a lovely rustic accessory for my front porch!

Even if you don't have a suitable container for your rustic finds, why not dot a handful here and there to add a touch of nature to your nest?

Toodlepip! xx


  1. I love this idea :) Im always looking for ways to home-ify my home haha! Might have to do this seeing as Autumn is upon is now :)

  2. This looks so cute, I really like it! I might do this next time autumn comes around :)

  3. This is so cute, i am already looking forwards to next fall, to redo this <3

    - Emma or

  4. Such cute photos! It has been years since I've collected conkers! I definitely want to do that later this year :D

  5. They also repel spiders, so bonus!

  6. thanks for share

    - Cung cấp giá cầu nâng 1 trụ rửa xe oto quá rẻ và ben nâng xe máy giá quá tốt cũng như bình bọt tuyết rửa xe giá ưu đãi nhất.. Bán cau nang 1 tru rua xe oto toàn quốc cũng như cung cấp may rua xe gia dinh giá rẻ và bình bọt tuyết rửa xe giá tốt


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx