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Friday 16 April 2010

Yowzas- 3 Awards!

Aloha Bloggerinos,

I shall warn you now, this is a mammoth post! I have been very lucky this week (I'm going to start calling myself LuckyLou if this continues!) and have been give not one, not two, but THREE blog awards- hurrah huzzah! The awards given were 2 Sunshine Awards and 1 I Love Your Blog Award, so lets get cracking.

These are the rules for this award:

1) post the logo within your blog or post.

2) pass the award onto 12 fellow bloggers.

3) Link the nominees within your post.

4) let the nominees know they have received an award by commenting on their blog.

5) Share the love and link to the person whom you received this award from.

I recieved this award from the gorgeous The Golden Lilly so, a big thank you to lovely Melissa, woop woop!
So now I get to share the love and give this out to some other lovely Bloggerinos! Now, when I was choosing who I would give awards to, I went through the blogs im currently following and pretty much picked them in alphabetical order (apart from the odd few that sprung to mind), so yes, this will look a bit odd but if you read the other award post too, it will all become clear, there is method behind my madness.
So then Blogerrinos, I would like to give this I Love Your Blog Award to:
1. Zoella - Zoe is my favourite, favourite, favourite Beauty Blogger and it was her that inspired me to steer my blog from crafts (which I still love lots and lots) to makeup. Keep up the good work Zoe!
2. Moonbeamstarlight - I first found Ling on youtube because I do youtube videos too (woop woop) and instantly loved her. She makes me want to buy so much stuff dagnamit!!

3. Arabian Eyes - This lovely lady does a tres fancy trick with marbelled nails. I tried this and failed miserably so now I am extra wowed at her nail magic!

4. Raspberrykiss - I love this blog because there are lots of great bargainous reviews. I do love hearing about MAC, Illamasqua, Urban Decay etc and of course buying it, but I also love reviews about more affordable brands so this gets a real thumbs up from me!

5. ...oxfordjasmine... - I love this blog because she is very keen on animal cruelty free products and this is a good principle to have. 

6. ...Rainbow BriteNess... - Rena has just had the cutest little baby called Kristie, congratulations! I'm tres tres broody!!

7. Aimie's Beauty Blog. - I love this blog because all the posts are tres tres informative and tres long so it's a bloomin' good read :)

8. ....that's peachy - I tres much enjoyed Peachy's article about crimping, even though it gives me triangle hair, I have an odd desire to purchase some crimpers!!! Yikes!    

9. B U B B L E G A R M - Love it! Love it! Love it! More more more!! xxxxx

10. Beauty Vibes - I love this blog because it has inspired me to depot EVERYTHING! Hahahaha xxxx

11. Bella Sugar Cosmetics - This lovely lady has lots of B-E-A-Utiful eyeshadows which I believe she makes and sells (so sorry if I'm wrong on that one!)

12. grlmeetsmakeup - Connie has been tres helpful to me because she has a super lovely layout and helped me make mine pretty too! Thanks Connie!    

13. Joyce - Joyce is so lovely and always writes such kind comments on my blog- thank you Joycerrino!

14. Miss Leanne Baybee - Leanne was the winner of my great big Lush giveaway and I tres much enjoy reading her blog :)

15. missmascara - Miss Mascara is like Joyce, and always writes really lovely comments and I appreciate it tres much!! x

So then, the next fantabbydabulous award was this Sunshine Award from the fantabbydabulous Tiffany at Will Work for Makeup and also the same award from the splendifferous Ellie from Missy Ellie's Makeup Blog...THAAANNNKKYYOOUU xxxx  

These are the rules for this award:

1) post the logo within your blog or post.

2) pass the award onto 12 fellow bloggers.

3) Link the nominees within your post.

4) let the nominees know they have received an award by commenting on their blog.

5) Share the love and link to the person whom you received this award from.

Now Bloggerinos, I am sure you will forgive me if I I don't nominate anyone as I made a big effort with my above winners and said why I loved them etc, can you forgive me??

So a note to the winners, please have an "I love you blog award" because I do love it, but if you already have that award (lucky you!) then take the lovely Sunshine Award for a bit of variety, after all, variety is the spice of life :)

Now, if this post is full of typos, forgive me, I have the stomach lurgy and feel very gross indeed!



  1. Well thank you love!!!! You are just the sweetest!

  2. Thanks so much for mentioning my blog :) xx

  3. Thank you so much for the mention. xx

  4. Cool! I'm totally going to check these blogs out! I was wondering if you would take a look at mine. I came home the other day stunned to find that someone had subscribed to my Youtube channel and it was you! The reason being because I have never uploaded a single video, I just have a ton of good favorites, and I guess this is what you noticed. Anyways, my blog is I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think because I'm new to this, but I love blogging! :)

  5. heyyy hunni thank you for giving me the award you're a real sweet heart!!

  6. I love new blogs! well for me new for me... Anywho thanks for all the sweet links

  7. Just came across your blog! It is lovely!

  8. Thanks, sweets :D I shall be sure to do this real soon!!! xXx

  9. Lol, I'm glad that I've inspired you girl :P Sorry for being so late, but thank you so much for the award!

  10. PS What can a girl do when she has both? >.>

  11. Hmmmm other than be very happy I would say.....have another one!! You can never have too many awards eh? xxxx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx