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Tuesday, 28 June 2011

My Explosive Excuse for Missing the L'Oreal Event!

Aloha Bloggerinos,

Well, this is a bit of a funny post. Not funny haha, just funny garrrghhh ggaarrgghhh!

So yesterday, I was supposed to trundle along to the oh so swanky L'Oreal event with ZoeChummy (Zoella to you lovely Bloggerinos) where I would sip champagne and squish her gorgeous little face. But alas, it wasn't to be, something got in the way.

What? Ok, I'll tell you. AN EXPLOSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's right Bloggeirnos, my boiler exploded!!!!!

Here is what happened:

It was about 3pm and I was in my hallway waiting for my friend Nicki to come and collect Baby Glitter so that I could go to London to meet Zoe. All day I had been thinking I could smell gas but thought it was just my nose playing tricks on me. I even said to CeriChummy on the phone that I could smell something.

So as I was standing in the hall I smelt the gas smell again and thought "Hmmm maybe it's coming from outside" and opened my front door to sniff out there. As I opened the front door, there was a huge BANG and a really scary woooooosssshhhing sound!!!

My first thought was 'Gas Leak' and envisioned huge fire balls and house exploding and totally freaked out. I grabbed Baby Glitter (quite roughly, poor little thing) and ran as fast as I could into the street- I didn't even put shoes on!! I ran into the road and just stood there holding Baby Glitter screaming "HELP! PLEASE! HEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLPPPPP! SOMEBODY HELLPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!" until my neighbour, Pete, came out to see what all the commotion was about! I frantically told him there had been an explosion and he rang 999 for me whilst I gabbled hysterically and cried.

The neenaahhnengines (Fire Brigade) came and they all trooped into my house and I stood across the road on Pete's drive watching them open all the windows and such. Pete's wife Vicky came home and was so brilliant making everyone drinks (by this time Matt had come home from work after I hysterically called his school office and my Dad had come over too to help) and inviting us all into her house. Her 2 little girls played with Baby Glitter too which was really sweet.

So whilst all this was happening, I rang Zoe in a massive flap, crying down the phone, but because I was so shook up, I didn't quite explain very well and just said "Zoeeeeee I can't come! There's been an explosion in my house!!" and basically hung up! So poor Zoe was worried sick until I finally managed to call back and explain.

After about 45 minutes, all the neighbours were in the street, the fire brigade had done their stuff, the national grid had turned off the water and the red cross people had come to ensure we were ok. I have to say, the red cross people are so cool- they come in a red cross camper van type thing with stuff on board to help- like milk and nappies if you have a baby and can't get into you house (like me).

Eventually we were allowed back in to see the damage. What had happened was the boiler had exploded and caused rather a lot of water damage. The bathroom was flooded and then the water went through the ceiling into the kitchen. The wooshing noise I had heard was actually water, not gas. I think the gas I smelt was the boiler indicating that it was on it's last legs. Thank God it wasn't worse.

So here I am today, waiting in for people like the gas man, insurers and such. I'm looking on the bright side- nobody was hurt, the only things that are ruined are just 'things', nothing special like photos, wedding dresses (I have mine and my Mum's), Baby Glitters special momentos, the cat is fine (haha phwef!) and the only rooms with water damage are the kitchen and bathroom, neither of these have carpet so it's easy to sort. And, most thankfully, we have insurance!!

After all this drama, my Dad took the opportunity to lighten the mood and took this silly picture of Baby Glitter in her bouncer, wearing his spectacles- tehehe!

I'm really gutted that I missed the L'Oreal Event, I was so so so so looking forward to meeting up with everyone and seeing all the lovely beauty products. My invite was via Zoebumpkins so I don't even have any contact details for the L'Oreal people to say sorry I missed it. I tried to call them but I was just put through to a voicemail where I left a VERY garbled message. Does anyone know what I should do? I'm really quite blue about it :(

Well Bloggerinos, that's my explosively dramatic tale! Was your Monday as manic as mine?




  1. Primp and Preen28 June 2011 at 12:57

    Oh my goodness, that all sounds awful! I'm so glad that you are all OK though and I hope the house gets all sorted soon.

  2. You poor hunnybun! Being on your todd when that happened. So relieved you are both ok and that the house is still standing! Take care babes,
    Z xx

  3. At least you are ok! When you announced there had been an explosion we all wen't crazy hoping you were ok! It's nice to know you have lovely neighbours :) Haha, and good on your dad for cheering you up.. that photo of Baby Glitter is adorable! xxxx

  4. Glad to hear you're all okay! Hope everything gets fixed up nice and quickly.

    As a British Red Cross volunteer myself, I'm pleased to hear they were there to help!. :)

    Baby Glitter is as gorgeous as always - she's getting so big!

  5. Wow how traumatic!

    Your baby girl is soooo beautiful!

    Nic x
    Beauty Blogger

  6. LOL I Love Picture Of Baby Glitter x33 She's So Cute!!

  7. How scary was that for you! Glad you are all ok and safe x

  8. i was so worried when i saw your tweet glad everyone is safe :) xxxx

  9. Omg cant believe it, what a day!!! At least nobody was harmed and you have insurance. Hope your house gets sorted soon chick x x x

  10. Thankfully you are both ok, how scary for you. At least the baba looks like she's taken it all in her stride, she's such a cutie *not broody at all* I hope it all gets sorted soon x

  11. Oh my goodness! I'm so glad that everyone was alright! That's such a scary thing to go through - I would have been hysterical too! And I'm loving the picture with the glasses. It's too cute!!!

  12. Oh my what a scary thing to go through!

    Glad you and Baby Glitter are okay! She looks adorable with the glasses ^.^

    Hope it all gets sorted for you soon...


  13. OMG!! That sounds so bad :( I'm glad you and little baby Glitter are Ok. I hope everything gets fixed soon.
    It's a pitty you missed the event...
    Your father is so funny :)

  14. oh my god lousie! this is horrid! im so glad your all ok and nothing to valuble is lost!! hope things get back on track and your insurance fixes everything!! xx

  15. Oh dear this sounds horrible! So glad to hear that everyone is OK though :)


  16. That must have been so scary for you - what a crazy thing to have happened all of a sudden like that! I'm glad everyone's okay xxx

  17. i'm so glad you are okay! was rather panicked after your tweets but glad to know there were people around to help and help they did =) hope everything gets fixed and sorted out soon for you xxx

  18. What a nightmare for you! I would have been so scared, I'm so relieved you and Baby Glitter are fine (and Matt too) and no one was hurt. I hope everything gets sorted out quickly for you, thinking of you and sending lots of love, Zoe xxx

  19. Louise I absolutely love your blog, its become my ritual reading for the week! and Baby Glitter is honestly one of the prettiest babies ever, bless her. Hope you sort your boiler business out! xxx

  20. Gosh what a scary thing to happen! I'm glad everyone was ok, Baby Glitter is so adorable in the picture :) xx

  21. At least everyones okay! :) similar happened to us, so scary. x


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx