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Friday, 5 August 2011

Lou's Reviews :: Beauty UK Baked Eyeshadow and Pearl Liner

Aloha Bloggerinos,

A little while ago, whilst tweeting about nothing and everything (how did I get so addicted to throwing 140 characters about like that??), the equally twitteraddicted folk at Beauty UK (@Beautyuktweets) asked if I would like to review some of there products. Obviously, I said yes! Wouldn't you?!

So, a short while later, the postman (who I suspect hates me because I always have so much post.....must remember to leave him a nice Christmas treat!!) popped a Baked Eyeshadow In 'Earth' and a Pearl Eyeliner in 'Rich Mahogany' through my door. Hooray!

Those of you with eyes will have spotted a lipstick in this picture. This is something I bought last week and will do a review on it in a separate post :)

Having swatched, played with and worn these shadows, I have decided I rather like them. The pigment isn't as good as the likes of MAC or Sleek but this domed trio retails for £3.99 so I'm not sure I would expect it to rival them.

I found you do need quite a lot of product to create a particularly noticeable look because these are very soft, cashmere like colours which would be perfect for a very subtle day time look, but personally, I prefer something a bit more zingy!

I noticed the shadows have quite a perfumey scent- is this just me or has anyone else stumbled across that too?

What I was really impressed by though is the packaging. I love the simplicity of the black compact (which by the by, makes a fantastically satisfying sound when it snaps shut) and it comes complete with a tiny retractable brush- ideal for on the go application!!

I'm not convinced that the brush would create a stunning effect as it is pretty broad, but if you are looking for a wash of colour- this would easily do the trick.

From the swatches you can see the shadows have a gorgeous satin finish to them. Beauty UK have six different Baked Eyeshadow Trios to peruse.

On the far left is the Pearl Eyeliner Swatch, slightly out of focus (grrr, my camera is dying a slow and fuzzy death) but you can clearly see it dries with a wet, sheeny finish, which I happen to like. I'm not really one for brown eyeliner so this wasn't my cup of tea, but I know this would be loved by a lot of other ladies.

It has super lasting power- all day, no smudges, none found half way down my face, and does look pretty if you are sporting a brown or perhaps even olivey-green look. This retails for £3.49 which I think is a good price and I will definitely be having a mooch at the other colours available.

On a bit of a side note- I LOVE the liner bottle, it's all wonky and unsymmetrical like something out of Willy Wonka Land hahahaha!

I'm really looking forward to sharing my thoughts on the lipstick because it is LOVE I tell you!

What do you think of the Baked Eyeshadow and Pearl Liner? Are they your bag, baby?




  1. Very pretty! I've been dying to get a 'baked' eyeshadow like MAC have or Sleek but my superdrug didn't have much sleek and MAC seemed a bit expensive, so I hope this works well, thank you for making me aware of it :D

  2. That backed eyeshadow looks gorgeous! What excellent value for money :)

  3. I planned on buying something like these, I personally love backed, cashmere eyeshadows and the more mattes ones to! Thanks for reviewing this :) and I noticed the lipstick, am curious for that review :) Ixx

  4. I was sent the Pearl Eyeliner to review, but in a darker grey/metallic colour. Love it! Would definitely be more your shade xxx

  5. I loved the eyeshadow trio, because they were great for me in school and also will be great for sixth form! Another great post from you Lou!
    :D <3

  6. I think the backed eyeshadow looks fab, really lovely wearable colours. Im a sucker for bronzy browny colours. Ive never worn a brown liner before but this colour does look pretty too x x

  7. Louuu I love the way you write! fab review

  8. i'm excited for the lipstick review!

  9. I think I would like this brown eye liner, I may go check it out. Your picture aren't half as bad as you make them out to be :)

  10. ooh i think i wanna try that eyeliner now purely because of it's shape! it looks like something out of harry potter! nimbus 2000 broomstick or something! <3

  11. Thank You so much for this review! I always wear brown, it's a huge flaw of mine so any new browny/neutral shades that have decent reviews that aren't the price of Mac is always fabulous!! Do you happen to know where you can buy these on the high street?

  12. eye shadows looks pretty:)

  13. hey i am a new follower :) please follow me back thanks

  14. i am going to buy this eyeliner it looks really good, thanks for the review


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx