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Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Perfectly Polaroid

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Nowadays, with the likes of photoshop, piknic, photobox and iPhone apps, we can all be budding photographers working our techy magic and creating amazing images at the drop of a hat. We can make snazzy photobooks, airbrush pimples or order giant colour canvass prints from groupon (or was that just me?). But what I treasure the most from all of my photography thingymabobs, are the little polaroid pictures that line my mantle piece. Tiny glimpses of memories on miniature bits of card really seem to float my boat.

After yearning for a polaroid camera for about nine hundred years, I started mooching around on my beloved ebay and thought I would share some of my findings with you, in case like me, you love all things polaroid too.


THIS SHOP is a virtual treasure trove of polaroid and other vintage cameras. At first I was going to just give you the Black Rainbow Camera link, but when I saw what else the shop had to offer, I thought I best just include the lot!

If you wanted to take a more modern approach, THIS little package looks super! You get a Fuji Instant Instax Mini 7S Polaroid Camera, plus the film, plus a snazzy case. Also, it's pink. What more could you want?

Or, if you were feeling really modern, THIS is a teeny weeny printer which you can attach to your camera and instantly print out polaroid-esque shots. Again, it's pink and not that pricey, so all my boxes are ticked!

I have a bit of money in my paypal account that I suspect is burning a polaroid shaped hole. Ebay, here I come!

What about you? Do instant snaps light your fire?




  1. I love polaroid!! I bought one from ebay months ago but then saw how much film costs :(

  2. Oh this sounds really good :)


  3. I reaaally want a polaroid camera! I had one when I was younger but I wish I hadn't thrown it out! That pink and turquoise one is rather beautiful! I need that in my life.

  4. Hello m'love,. I adore the good old Polaroid :), no app will ever come close to the feeling of having your very own image, there in your hands to hold, frame etc and so forth. My only advice is too look at what kind of film it takes then have a browse for the film online as it can be very expensive ( no wonder people choose to just use the apps as photography can cost a lot),. I have a vintage Polaroid from back in the day and was lucky to stumble across Asda selling off old film a while ago, but apart from that its pretty expensive to buy online. Hope this is a help, I really don't want to dampen your Polaroid dreams, just don't want you to end up spending lots on a camera you can rarely use, I think the newer ones are the best bet as the film is probs more widely available.
    Stay Classy

  5. Theres something about Polaroids that we all love. I have random Polaroids all I we my room!

  6. That camera looks fab, I have that little printer already and I have the photos so that they cna be printed onto stickers! So cute especially if you like to give them as pressies!

    Not the best clarity though, but it's pink what more could you want!

    Defo on my wish list now, so thank you for telling us about it.

    Happy New Year and congrats on a fab blog, I am new to all of this and have loved your blog for ages.

    Lots of love



  7. I ALWAYS wanted a polaroid camera growing up. I had one of those tiny ones that printed out stickers and everyone thought I was soooooo cool! Love the new banner Louise. Lx

  8. I love Polaroid! I had one when I was at uni & they are still some of my favourite photo's ever.

    Sometimes you get an accidental double exposure (sounds a bit rude!) but they always turn out kind of cool looking!

  9. I loooove that camera! I think the film for Polaroid's can actually work out to be kinda expensive tho!?

  10. I love polaroid cameras but the film is so pricey! I think polaroid could make lots of money if they brought the film back... I really need them! xx

  11. I've been itching for a Polaroid camera for aaaaages!

    I have a Diana F+ lomography camera which you can buy a Polaroid attachment back for, so I think I'm probably going to buy one of those to use soon! Exciting!

  12. I've been wanting one for ages, but the film is just way too expensive to justify me buying one! xx

  13. I absolutely love photography and I always wanted a Polaroid. My dad had one years ago and I rally loved it as a child, so I think it's time to get one :)

    Visit my blog

  14. i still have the chunky silver polaroid from when i was little!! i keep meaning to get some film for it! the fuji polaroid is so cute.. very tempted! x

  15. I love Polaroid cameras, I've always wanted one but the film prices puts me off :( x

  16. I love Polaroid pics! Just need to get me a nice new Polaroid camera now... :-) xxxx

  17. Great post :)

    I love instant cameras! I was actually searching the net not so long ago for one but they all seemed so expensive!
    I have a Polaroid i-zone camera, which is ANCIENT! I don't know if it still works, as I am out of film and when I looked for film it was really hard to find, or stupidly priced! I loved that camera! I have a box with all my old sticky-back i-zone photos in somewhere... Ah, memories :)

  18. oh i do love a good polaroid x

  19. oooh fab, love a good Polaroid!

  20. I got the Instax bigger camera for Christmas. As a photography student it comes in so handy! i love it. Plus it's a hello kitty one :D

  21. i want the top one!!

  22. I reeeeally want the instax 200, it is the same as this but the pictures come out bigger! It is gorgeous! I love the pink on this one though:) x

  23. I remember my sister had one of these cameras when we were younger and I was always really jealous. I would love one, as you said I think they are really lovely for memories.

  24. woah. I love photography, and now i am in love. Soon will have to invest in one!!! xxx

  25. Awww thanks for this post! Just a couple of days ago I was saying I'd love a cheap polaroid camera but had no idea where to find an affordable one. Plus everywhere I looked were cameras that plug into printers to print off pictures which wasn't at all what I wanted! Well pleased with this! xxx

  26. Thanks for posting this Lou, have been looking at the Fuji ones only this week! xxx

  27. The first picture is so pretty! I have always have a love for polaroids, not as much as I love your videos, of course, but they're so exspensive! Love You Louis and all your sprinkles of glitter and i would like, no LOVE if had a little look at my blog, i am new to the blogging world so i wathced your video featuring zollaa about your blogging tips and loved it! and learnt a lot, thankyuo for making it and here's my blog -

  28. You get a Fuji Instant Instax Mini 7S Polaroid Camera, plus the film, ...

  29. I have an instax mini 8 polaroid camera and I love it so much. I love the look of polaroids


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx