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Thursday, 29 November 2012

Sensory Play Ideas

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

During the day, Baby Glitter and I run our usual errands, do the housework and play. It's a very charmed life. 

She is a very lucky girl and has so many toys, but from time to time, I make a special effort to bring out some new things that will challenge her slightly and aid her development somewhat.

I've read a fair bit about 'sensory play' and decided to make my own sensory play activity to challenge her little bambino brain. It was super easy peasy so I thought I would share it with you in case you have or care for little ones yourself. If you don't have tots yourself, feel free to share this with your YummyMummy pals!

How To Make A Sensory Play Tray

Rice :: In a ziplock bag, pour dry rice and a few drops of food colouring (we chose pink). Shake really well and leave on a plate to air and dry. We left ours a good couple of days, but I don't think you'd need that long.

Pasta :: A few dry shells in interesting shapes are something new for little hands to feel and touch. 

Glitter :: Since our tray was black, glitter showed up amazingly and was a lovely addition. It also has a very fine texture which Baby Glitter doesn't feel too often so she really enjoyed the new experience.

Water Balls :: These little things are amazing! You pour the tiny little beads/seeds into a cup, add water, leave to rest and voila! The beads soak up the water and swell into squidgy, mess free balls that are ideal for discovering hands. Darcy absolutely loved them! You can buy them HERE for 50p per packet with free postage- bargain!

Arrange all your elements on the tray and sit with your tot, talking about the different textures, colours, feelings etc. After a while Baby Glitter became adventurous and started to mix them up a bit and it was sweet to see her enjoying it all so much! 

When you are finished, either salvage things, recycle or throw away- simples!

It is really important to give 100% supervision to this sort of play as the little parts are not to be eaten and glitter can look very enticing.

I love spending time with Darcy in this way because I feel like she learns so much from it and we get to explore new things together. She's such a gem!

I'd love to know if you have done this before and what things you put on your tray. Are you a sensory play wizz?



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  1. This is so adorable, the fact that you go to so much effort and don't just park her in front of the Disney Channel is really admirable <3

    Lea x

    It's Such A Wonderful Life -

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  3. It's people like you that make me excited to become a mom some day! Even though I don't have a child of my own, I still love reading your mommy posts. Baby Glitter is a lucky girl! :)

  4. Something that went down really well in the nursery I used to work in was the days we'd have spaghetti for lunch, the leftovers made excellent sensory aids for the kids! It can get messy but that's what sensory play is all about.

    I set up an activity with soap suds and paint where the kids got to make paint rainbows on the pavement outside.

  5. I I use to work in a nursery and a really good sensory play idea is what we use to call Gloop! It's just cornflower and water mixed together in a tray which you can the sprinkle with glitter or whatever you face but the texture is crazy! It's hard but soft and looks like liquid?! Give it a try, think I loved it more than the kids :) Also some other good ones are feely gloves, use plastic gloves and then let baby glitter fill them with all sort, toothpaste, jelly, salt, pasta. Once she's filled them, tie them up and let her play with them. Great fun but very messy (all the best things are!)

    Hope that helped :)
    Alexandra x

  6. That is a great idea! I will try with my baby cousins

    xo Cassy

  7. I'm a primary school teacher and we often use gloop for different things, especially imaginary play. I know it's the wrong time of year but children often enjoy sand and water areas, especially when there's lots of toys to play with in the areas, and when the water is different colours or has bubbles in. I love your blog Louise, and Baby Glitter is so lucky to have you x

  8. You're such an amazing Mum Louise, Baby Glitter is a very lucky little girl! I'm only 17 so don't have a little one of my own, but I'm a primary school teaching assistant and the children love sensory play. I'm sure my little cousins will adore playing with glitter and other bits and bobs too. I'll definitely pass on the word to my Aunts! :) xxx

  9. This is so cute! Is it weird that I'm 21 and i would happily play with glitter and those water ball things for a few hours!? Looks like fun :) SO nice to see a mummy really stimulating her child rather than plonking them in front of TV all the time :)

  10. Have you tried mixing cornflower with water? It turns into a strange mixture/state that is solid but can be poured. Hours of fun!

  11. Awww wow, what a lovely idea! :)

  12. Great idea! I will try this with my little boy tomorrow.

  13. the glitter will also be perfect when she gets older for writing in!! i love doing this with my class :) such a positive way to learn! also try cornflour and water with glitter in and shaving foam! xxxx

  14. Another really good idea is sensory water bottles. just get some water bottles and fill then with glitter and water, the kids love watching the glitter move around the bottle. also try it with balls of cotton, or coloured sand

  15. I simply loove this post, please do more of them!!! My Darcie is six months now and starting to enjoy sensory play. Is there any that you have tried that you could recomend for a six month old???

    Kay xxx

  16. Such a thoughtful and fun yet educational idea! I'm sooo gonna do this with my god-daughter when shes a little older (she's only 6 months old at the mo). I can't wait to have my own kids one day and play these games. And also play Barbies lol


  17. Shaving foam...
    It's what I use in the Primary School I work in, with the children both pre-school age and children with additional support needs.
    It's great fun, pretty cheap if you get the value-range stuff, easy to clean and smells good. Quite an interesting texture and kids love it!


  18. awh that sounds like such a lovely thing to do together! I can imagine you too chatting away to each other whilst she plays XD I'm only 17 so haven't had a chance to do things like this but I teach swimming part time and it's great when you see really young kids enjoying how the water feels all around them and how it holds them up! xxx

  19. Lovely Ideas. I have been to special sensory play rooms with the little ones in my life and it's always great to see them learn and have so much fun at the same time xx

  20. this is such a great idea xx

  21. I work with children with high sensory needs this is a great idea! You might also like to try little vibrating bugs that you can get in the pound shop,"science" which things like is discovering hot and cold (with a cold pack and a microwaved beany massage thingy!) kids love to discover things like this too!

  22. My little boy is 15 months and I've started trying to do more sensory play with him now he has stopped putting everything in his mouth! I've tried the rice and made our own playdough but I'm definitely going to have a go with the water balls, they look so cool.

  23. You are such a good mother! This brought tears to my eyes at how much you care about Darcy and her development - I'm a very emotional person :')

  24. Great idea Louise,teegan loves water,loves anything squigy and messy between her hands so this is a great post as may try some ideas thanks,the only trouble is she still puts everything in her mouth,she love beads and necklaces,love crunching crisps between her hands so we have skips everywhere as they are her treat snack,might get the bubbles out tomorrow or today should I say as should be asleep,thanks again xxxxxxx

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  26. This is great i was looking into something like this to do with my little brother who is about 6 months younger than Darcy. Im so excited to do this with him im sure he will love it. Thank you xxxx

  27. Great idea! I might do this for the Christmas part-ay!


  28. Love those water balls, I bought loads from eBay last year and put them in a clear vase in the centre of my dining table.. Such a good decoration!

  29. what a fab bunch of ideas?!! With my tot, I got ziplock bags and stuffed them with different materials and substnaces and we had goes at mixing them! I used toothpaste, feathers, beads, playdoh and flour. I've also tried sand castles, but adding things to the sand like glue instead of water. X


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx