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Saturday, 29 December 2012

A New Year, A New Me?

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

As 2012 draws to a close, I find myself thinking about 2013. What I want to achieve, what changes I want to make and what I want to amend.

If you follow me on twitter, you may have heard, but this week has been pretty poopsicles. I've been suffering with a severe kidney infection which involved a hospital visit, days of bed rest and a LOT of drinking water! Yikes! Slowly but surely I'm feeling on the mend again so I thought I might take this opportunity to talk about New Years Resolutions.

I make them every single year. I feel excited for them every single year. I break them every single year. And yet, for some reason, here I am excitedly making more.

 (Image ::

In 2013 I Will ::

Stress Less. As 2012 ticked by, I found myself becoming increasingly anxious about things I didn't need to be worrying over. Little things like having absolutely perfect lighting for videos or replying to as many facebook comments as possible were really weighing on me. When I first realised I could making blogging/vlogging my 'job', I thought it was perfect for 2 reasons. The first being that I could spend 100% of my time with Baby Glitter and the second being the freedom it allowed me. By stressing about every tiny thing, I realise I was removing any of that freedom and making it a really unpleasant experience for myself. In 2013, I'm not going to allow that to happen. If I don't manage to do things, so be it. If my lighting, editing, spelling etc is a little off, then oh well. I never began this journey being perfect and I certainly won't end it that way so I may as well enjoy the happy medium of things. It's going to be a little more old school from now on and I for one can't wait!

Write more beauty reviews on my lovely little blog. I went off writing them last year because I think I had a bit of a crisis of confidence, but 2013 will be the year I spring back with beauty posts galore, just like the golden olden days.

Drink more water. Given the fact that I was hospitalised this week with a water related issue, I think that indicated I need to hydrate myself a LOT more! As well as fending off kidney infections, drinking plenty of water makes you skin, nails and hair happy too.

Make quality Mummy-Darcy time. With life getting as busy as it is, I feel like I don't ever just down tools and play. In 2013 I want to spend proper one on one time with Baby Glitter every single day. Her tiny childhood years won't last forever and I want to cherish every moment of them. 

Loose a stone. It's a classic. No NYR is complete without the old 'loose some weight' one. If I do, hurrah! If I don't, meh. 

Edit Less. Since I learnt how to edit this summer, I've got a bit cut and snip happy! I used to quite enjoy rambling on to the camera for ages about nothing in particular but after a while I thought people might find that quite boring and maybe I should be a bit more like other girls and make shorter more to the point videos. I've decided to find a happy medium. I'm going to do some concise, swishly edited videos and some like ye olden days. That way, you're happy, I'm happy, everyone's happy! Good plan?

Travel. As you may have seen from my three years of blogging, we don't really go on holidays. This year, in October, Matt, Darcy and I plan on going on the holiday of a lifetime to Florida!!! I can't even tell you how much this THRILLS me!! Matt and Darcy have never been to any of the theme parks out there so half the fun for me will be seeing them enjoy it all. We'll hopefully be going with my Dad, his Partner (who is a woman- I said 'partner' in a video recently and had 'good on him for being gay' comments! haha), her 2 children and my sister, so it will be a big family affair and should be amazing!! I'm also hoping to go away with Zoe at some point this year too (maybe Vidcon woop woop) so I best start saving my pennies!!

Decorate. You know when you have six hundred and fifty three frames and ornaments and clocks and things to hang up but you just never do? Well I'm going to!! 

Thrift. I'm taking a leaf out of Mrs Thrifty's book and I'm going to hit the charity shops, car boot sales and jumbles to see what treasures I can find. I'm on the hunt for decorative mirrors (that I promise myself I will hang up immediately), coloured glassware, good condition toys & clothes, books and jewels. Keep your eyes peeled for charity shop hauls!

Well, that's quite a lot to do there, but all positives and all achievable. 

Do you have any resolutions? Have you ever stuck to them for the entire year? If you have, well done!!!

Let me know in the comments and we can jolly each other along a bit!




  1. Ahh I suffer with those mean one's all the time, I can vouch for you!! :( hope you get better soon pretty xxx

  2. I loved your rambly videos and kind of miss them :( so I for one shall be happy with more of them <3 xx

    1. That's lovely to hear. I worry that they bore people but I shall carry on with my love for rambly ones and hopefully some people will like them :) xxx

  3. Good resolutions, even if you don't stick to them! My aim is to get fitter because I'm a bit lazy!

  4. i love your rambly videos :)

  5. I always make resolutions and go on to break them.. it's nice to keep trying though :)

    I'm glad you're bringing back some of your 'rambly' videos, I used to love watching those ones.. I always think youtubers are more relatable when they haven't edited everything too much :) xx

  6. Love your goals, they are both positive and possible! I always put too much pressure on myself to achieve, so my resolutions are to try and be more optimistic and to have outlets to de-stress when work gets too much. So I'm hoping to start a book (and cocktails) club in the new year with some friends :) X

  7. I always make the requisite lose weight resolution and never achieve it so this year I'm getting specific. One of my resolutions is RUN the Cooper River Bridge Run. I believe it's a 10k and its in march which will be here sooner than we know so I'm gonna have to work my butt off!

  8. These are some fab NYR's. Mine is to stay happy and positive and focus on things I enjoy such as blogging which I'm getting more and more into :) xx

  9. I enjoy your rambles i think they show your humour more :) all your goals are really positive, it really important to have mummy and baby time and i bet darcy will love it x

  10. I love reading your posts, seem like such a lovely person to know, because i enjoy your blog so much i decided to make one as well <3

  11. Lovely wee post with some familiar resolutions I seem to make & break every year! But I am weirdly excited bout making changes also so maybe this year will be different!

    Mrs Brown @Mrs Brown's Thoughts

  12. I love these resolutions! My aim this year is to make more youtube videos. In recent months my blogging has been pushed back, so I need to do that more too!

  13. Loved this post! I'm rubbish at making NYR but I'm kind of shy in big groups of people so I really want to get 'out of my shell' as they say and just be a bit more me. I also want to start taking better care of my skin like drinking more water and actually sticking to a skincare routine!
    Looking forward to some of your new videos and blog posts Louise :')
    Niamh x

  14. I never drink enough either and my mum moans about my kidneys so maybe I'll need to add drinking more water to my list too. Your resolutions are lovely and all seem to be acheiveable. Good luck :) I'd love to lose a stone and go to Florida! xxx

  15. Good on you... less stress is the best :-)

  16. This had made me think about things that i want to do next year and gave me an idea for a blog post:D thanks!xxx

  17. Think I might make one of my new years resolutions to be to drink more water as well!

  18. You got me all inspired to start my own resolutions!

    Good Luck for keeping them all as long as possible!! Some things definitely just make life a happier one!

    Thanks for the inspiration :)

  19. These sound like really good resolutions :) I've given up on making them as I never keep them! x

  20. I really need to start drinking more water too,it's actually scary how little water I drink :/ xxx

  21. Louise you're so real and inspirational! I love reading your blogs and watching your videos! Darcy is adorable and such a credit to you! Can't praise you enough for being so inspiring! Happy (and healthy, get well soon) New Year and good luck with the resolutions! x

  22. Best of luck with the resolutions! Hope you and your family had a lovely Christmas and will have a great new year. If you need a hand with the healthy eating let me know and I also have a few posts about health and fitness on my blog. I plan on doing a few more in 2013 (one of my resolutions).


  23. You are such a positive person in your videos that I can't imagine you any other way! However, good luck and I am certain your faithful fans (myself included) will be right here cheering for you!!! :)

  24. You really inspire me, and I'm sure many others, to be the best that I can be! It really is quite cheestastic, but I see you as my role model! - I love your blog and look on life, and I always think about how you would see things If I'm ever feeling down or poopy about a situation. I hope you feel better soon and good luck with your resolutions! Here's to a happy and healthy 2013!
    Love, Jo xxx

  25. I've just made a blog on whether New Years Resolutions are worth it or not, if you have the time, please look? :)

  26. Best of luck with your new years resolutions and happy new year to you and your family!

    I definitely need to stress less in 2013 too.

  27. lovely post. made me really looking forward to 2013. will be an exciting year though. i will graduate school...hopefully. i'm scared.haha


  28. Need to start thinkinh of my new years resolutions..

  29. I should definitely write a post about NY resolutions too! In fact I'm now going to :) Best of luck with yours! ;) You're such a lovely person and blogger! Xx

  30. Well I think your goals for 2013 are awesome ..And who knows this year could be the year to check em all off the list. YOU got this sister !!!! .. HOpe that 2013 finds you blessed beyond measure and that you reach all your goals.........

  31. This is fabulous! This has really encouraged me to put pen to paper and write out my own 2013 resolutions. Good luck! Xx

  32. I've already started making my resolutions and just like you I know I'm going to break some of them. It's so much fun though. I really hope you'll succeed in most of these especially in spending more time with Darcy and Matt :)x

  33. your rambles are the best so I'm really happy they are going to make a return! I hope that 2013 is brilliant for you & i'm sure you'll love florida- i'm planning on going back in may 2014!
    lets drive far away

  34. Stressing out less is a great plan - good luck with that.
    Decorating, traveling & loosing a bit of weight are really good ideas.
    Nothing better than spending more time with your little one. xoxo.

    PrettyGloss - makeup, beauty & a lil gibberish

  35. I really enjoyed this post! :) I love your little rambling videos, so I'm definitely looking forward to seeing them make a come-back in your videos! :)

    You have some great resolutions! I may steal a few for myself! Fingers crossed I actually keep some this year! :)

    Aimée Xxx

  36. "It's going to be a little more old school from now on and I for one can't wait!"
    Woo! I do feel like you have changed a lot in the past year and not necessarily in all good ways... sorry :(

  37. I said I was going to try to drink more water as well! That and eat healthier!
    The Introverted Brunette

  38. i dont normally make new years resolutions because i always end up forgetting about them or giving up but this year (or next year technically) im actually going to make some and try really really hard to stick to them :) ahaa
    good luck sticking to yours :)

  39. I need to try and stop biting my nails and eat healthier! All this Christmassy comforting food is very unhealthy... :D xx

  40. Good luck, I hope you dont break them this year :) Come and visit my beauty/fashion blog

  41. I love this this is a post about doing valuable things to your life rather than just a silly diet. I feel New Year should be a time to value what you have and change what you don't like.
    Love your blog, you gave me the inpiration to start my own. I didn't feel I fit the demographic of a 'beauty blogger' or blogger in general, as I don't just focus on beauty. So thanks cause you gave me the boost I wanted!
    I called my New Years post 'A New Year A Better Me', I'd love if you could take a look, though I understand the vast amount of comments you get.

  42. Good luck with your ny resolutions, they're all very inspiring :) Might have to nick some of them from you hehe. The only resolution I've stucked to since I made it is taking off my makeup before going to bed, no matter how tired I am. Then again I should of always done it.. Hope 2013 is going to be a great year for all of us :) xxx

  43. I made a day zero new years resolution of 101 things to do in 1001 I'm still working through those :) But as always I say that I want to eat a bit healthier and definitely drink MORE water!!
    Good luck with your resolutions and hope that you feel better soon :) xx

  44. I'm so sorry you've been so poorly Lou, I hope you feel better soon so you can enjoy the New Year! I would love to see more beauty reviews from you :) Make sure you stay as lovely as you are :)
    Gem xx

  45. Good luck with them!! Especially the drink more water one, I've had kidney infections myself and they are HORRIBLE so you will definitely feel better for that :) Some of mine are similar so maybe we can spur each other on during the year :)

    Lyndsay ♡
    Fizzy Peaches - an eclectic Personal & Lifestyle Blog

  46. come to Florida! I plan on travelling more too

    xo Cassy

  47. I'm with you on the water drinking front. I NEVER drink enough yet others seem to be drinking gallons - where do they find the time?!

    My new year's resolution this year is to run a half marathon some time in 2013. I've written about it on my blog so it's out there in the ether now and not hidden away in a journal which I can ignore. Darn it.

    Love your posts as always xxx

  48. I have not had my blog long but since creating it and following you I have not been able to stop reading your posts, its so nice to read about little baby darcy, and all your plans. I would really appriciate if anyone reading this would give me the boost I need to get started with blogspot, a simple follow from anyone and I promise to follow back.

    I love your blog Louise:-)xoxo


  49. I love the new year and all the resolutions we make! It shows that we are constantly looking to better ourselves which is great :)
    I plan on writing mine out tomorrow!
    Saadiya x

    p.s drinking loads of water is so good/important! :)

  50. oh bless you louise.. i hope youre feeling back to your usual self soon. Ive also been in hopspital recently after suffering a rather nasty allergic reaction to some antibiotics and it wasn't a pleasant experience - its a scary place to be sometimes.

    i shall definitely be making changes for the new year. Have been unhappy in my job of 5 years and recently made the big leap to leave without anything lined up (yikes!) but if i didnt make the change now i never would have. Im usually not one for change so it was a rather brave move of mine and im lucky i have friends and family to help me through until i find something new. Here's hoping 2013 brings us all lots of lovely glittery, sparkly things..

    I wish you and your family all the best for the New Year <3 xx

  51. I love making new years resolution I want to get back to my target weight as some how managed to gain half a stone (well I know how I did it, sitting on my bum stuffing my face) make more time for my boyfriend and make an effort to concentrate on the good things in my life not the things that could be better.

    I love your blog and videos be confident in what you do you are amazing

  52. Your rambly videos are hilarious! I love them haha...
    Hope you're feeling better soon! <3


  53. It is so easy to stress about the small in the world of blogging, but I think you are doing a fabulous job and I love your video rambles.

    Brunette in Louboutins A fashion & lifestyle blog.

  54. Hey Louise you have truly inspired me. I have been watching your videos and reading your blog for the last two weeks and have hardly any left to keep me entertained. I just wanted to say be true to who you are, if rambling and beauty videos are what you like then go for it. I personally find them quite entertaining. A little trick I would like to share with you is to drink water out of a funky/funny/weird glass or bottle. I don't know why but it makes me drink a lot more. You have the biggest heart and and a great outlook on life!! I posted my first blog this week and want to make videos in the future (I just have to work up some courage to do that first) and I only hope to be as inspirational as you. Much love from South Africa -

  55. I feel like majority of your resolutions are also resolutions of mine! Cheers to a new year x

  56. Get well soon! If you see this, then you have inspired me so much with makeup! It's so fun to collect it all! Haha <3 I have recently made a blog too, it looks really fun! Once again, hope you are okay with your kidneys! X

  57. Aw feel better soon Louise! I admire the goals you have set for yourself this coming year and best of luck to you!
    YAY YOU'RE COMING TO FLORIDA :D You're going to have loads of fun at Disney World! Enjoy 2013 xx

  58. I hope you feel better but yay for more beauty reviews! I totally agree with your stress less resolution, I'm always stressing out over little things and that just needs to stop. I can't wait to hear about your trip to the states!

  59. Brilliant goals for 2013 xx

  60. Very similar to my own resolutions! Although I have a couple more big one's, to kick some very naughty habits! x

  61. I hope you feel better soon! :)
    I really like your videos and your personality!
    Nice goals for 2013, I have to think about what I'm going to do in the next year haha.


  62. Please visit my blog

  63. Glad your feeling better and looking forward to more blog posts in the new year! :)
    I have just started a blog and would love if you would come and check it out sometime! :)

  64. Good luck with your new year plans Louise! And I hope you are feeling better soon
    I have a post on my blog with my new year plans too if you fancy a read :)

  65. You're so right Louise. This year I suffered with anxiety attacks - even once during an important exam. So, I'm going to be a bit more like you :)


  66. I don't make resolutions that I must do, I just create a bucketlist of things I'd like to achieve or do. It's so much fun ticking the ones that you've achieved with green felt-tip pen at the end of the year and place the paper into a folder to save for the upcoming years. Have a magical end of an old year, Louise :-)

    Laura - xx

  67. These are all fantastic resolutions. I don't make them myself really but I always think about some goals for the year..but quite halfhearted, I guess that way I feel less of a failure when I don't succeed. However this year I'm going to be turning 27 and it's hit home I really need to start sorting my life out, career, health etc. SO THAT'S THE PLAN!

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Hope you had a lovely Christmas... your really pretty and I love your style...
    if you have time come visit my new blog:

  70. I love posts like these! I've actually started to drink more water since reading this post... Hope you feel better and I'm looking forward to reading those reviews in the new year as I trust your judgement beyond belief :D.

    I recently uploaded a post about new years resolutions too! I would love if you checked it out!! :D xx

  71. I am always dehydrated! I just started my own blog do you think you could look?

  72. Hope you get well soon, sounds awful! I've made a resolution to be more social next year, and not just over the internet haha x

  73. Hurrah for more "rambling" videos - Watching them is like having a (albeit one-way) conversation with an old chum! You crack me up and send such positive vibes out - Thank you for brightening up our days and Get Well Soon! (I hope Mr. Glitter is waiting on you hand and foot!) xx

  74. Great post. I loved that picture.

    -em x

  75. i love it! please stop by my blog! i post daily and work hard to inspire! im sure you'll love it <3

  76. Louise! I'm so glad I found you through youtube and finally landed here! I love reading your blogposts, am inspired by your positive energy in live and all in all am very glad to have found you! Thank you for a wonderful year :) Have more to come

    xx Jana

  77. Great New Years Resolutions! :) xxx

  78. i've never stuck to a NYR ever, i'm so unmotivated most of the time haha!
    the only one that worked for me was to study more so i'd get into uni!

  79. I'm going to do my best to stress less as well! I think not stressing as much will help loads in the way of being a happier, more positive person, which I'm striving to be. Best of luck to you with your resolutions, Louise!

  80. Hi Louise! You are an inspiration to me and I hope one day I can be as jolly as you.
    I was just about to say that I don't keep the resolutions I make but that's not the case. Looking back on this year I am proud of myself.
    For 2013 I promise myself to be happier, laugh harder, (post more), travel, take care of myself and make more time for the important things in life.

    Love you lots!

  81. There's nothing cooler than new year resolutions. Maybe we break them, maybe we don't. Let's see. :)
    2012 was good, let's make 2013 even better.
    I hope you get to do everything you want, Louise!


  82. I had a nasty kidney infection earlier this year. I started to drink more water and now I take cranberry pills everyday and it is helping to prevent problems! Hope you're feeling better! My resolutions are very similar to yours esp. to stress less! Hope you have a very happy new year!

    1. I had a kidney infection this year too, and did the exact same thing!x

  83. Louise, you are such a beautiful person inside & out. I hope 2013 is amazing for you!
    My resolutions are just to be happy & healthy, can't ask for more! xxx

  84. I'm sure you can achieve these resolutions with no troubles! I really admire how committed you are to blogging and making videos, but you should put your health and family first. Don't let the little things stress you out, Louise! Happy New Years to you and your family, and feel better!

  85. Louise I love love love your rambling on videos! And I might be copying some of those resolutions. :). Especially drinking more water.

    Happy new year and hopefully you fulfil all of your resolutions!

    :) x.

  86. Hope you feel better soon:)

  87. love the blog and so many comments show how popular it is!! kidney infections atre the wrose so hope you're feeling better soon!

  88. you are absolutely gorgeous! drinking more water is a great idea for a resolution, its not too hard and it has great benefits..i need to cut out fizzy drinks all together...don't work too hard on losing a stone..and make sure you do it a healthy way! Darcy is an absolute gem, I love watching your videos when shes in them! :) have a great New Year and feel better! Xx

  89. Good luck for 2013!! I've made my own resolutions and some of them are quite similar actually :)

  90. This year I wish to keep to my new years resolution!
    Happy New Year My darling Louise!
    Lots of love

  91. I love ramble videos! My New Years resolution is to get a good job, I graduate this year and want to do something to do with it. Also I'm going to have a spending over haul and hopefully go to New York at the end of the year. Fingers crossed!

  92. Last year my resolution was to make better first impressions. I think I really tried hard all year to maintain that...obviously I had some pitfalls, but overall I'm proud that I kept at it. This year is the year I graduate med school and write some big exams. I will also be going on interviews so although I haven't made any formal NYR I want to continue to improve myself and try my hardest to achieve my life goals. Happy New Years to you and your family Louise. xoxo. MOMO.

  93. What a wonderful post!! Thanks so much for sharing it!

  94. I think your a great inspiration and love your videos weather they are rambly or edited!

  95. you are an inspiration to me and i love watching your videos, you always make me laugh.

    Emily x
    i have done a new blog whats in my makeup bag go check that out please

  96. Louise, you're absolutely amazing. You are one of the most wonderful and inspirational people I've met (...hypothetically hehehe). Thank you so much for sharing this with us and p.s. I love whatever video you do :) :)


  97. I can't even tell you how much I agree with the stress less, due to so much stressing this year I have developed a stomach problem, anxiety and panic attacks. I really didn't realise how much stress could affect you, so this i certainly intend to take on that approach of stressing less. And i too have to say I was a sucker for your rambly videos and I miss them lots, will certainly look forward to seeing more in the future :D Have a great 2013! xx

  98. I also need to stress less, also one of my goals is to write more posts for my blog i would love if you could check it out; if you do please leave a comment your blog as i am always looking for more blogs to follow <3

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx