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Wednesday 20 November 2013

Student Gift Guide || CHRISTMAS

Well hello there, this feels a lot like an awkward date given that I now have to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about me. Have no fear though, I've not shaved my legs especially or done my hair therefore not making this a date. You can relax once more. My name is Hannah and I am a blogger. I write the blog Student Life which is pretty immense, and I'm not bias in the slightest. I am however heavily sarcastic. I have been asked by Louise to contribute a gift guide or two for Sprinkle of Glitter, let us all spread the generosity together! 

Ooh la la, I feel like one of those ladies on the QVC shopping channel with all my recommended gift knowledge. If only I too had beautifully manicured hands and a questionable Christmas jumper. Sadly I am not a rockin' QVC lady, rather I am a third year student with much knowledge of university life. Such knowledge definitely provides useful for this gift guide as we're discussing ideal gifts for students, the magical necessities Christmas can provide for your average university attendee. 

Of course I could include all the gifts I 'want' for Christmas (I'm looking at you Bobbi Brown 'Old Hollywood' collection) however for a lot of students, including myself, university is not a stage of life in which you are able to live in materialistic galore, rather it is a time for appreciating what has previously been taken for granted and kindly asking Father Christmas your nearest and dearest for gifts of which will provide a useful necessity in student living, perhaps slightly 'boring' but much appreciated none the less! 

Are you ready to excite a student this Christmas and earn yourself an extra glass of Eggnog? Then let's go! 

Student Gifts Up To £25

Toiletries Gift Set
Something of which I used to refer to as 'boring bath stuff' but now consider a holy grail in student living. Usually getting a Sanctuary gift set off your Nana and every other relative at Christmas isn't overly enthralling, however once you're confined to student living and are unable to spend precious pennies on fancy shampoo and body products then 'boring bath stuff' becomes an essential on the gift list. I'm telling you, when you're poor and unable to afford a night out, exfoliating becomes one of the only pleasures in life. I personally like THIS gift set from Soap and Glory. It includes a few minis of their much loved products and ensures your student friend/relative smells good during lectures. 

Student Recipe Book.
Once again I come recommending a gift of which is not overly exciting, however I do consider it a student essential, especially if your student loved one lacks basic cooking skills. I own the recipe book 'Nosh For Students' of which you can buy HERE. Nosh For Students details exactly how much the preparation of each meal will cost you as well as serving estimations and nutrition content. Owning a simple student recipe book allows you to plan ahead for mealtimes and set a food budget, essentially avoiding the "I only have a tin of baked beans to last 5 days because I bought Dominos on Friday" diet. Preparing meals also makes for great flatmate bonding time, not to mention splits the cost if you're all eating together. 

'Fun' Journal/Diary.
Since beginning university I have documented my student adventures through blogging. I think it is important to capture all your thoughts and feelings throughout university, as a person you change immensely and these years are certainly worth remembering. A diary would make a great student gift, although not your standard "deary diary, I'm not going to keep this up", rather an alternative journal which offers something a little different, such as 'My Future Listography' which you can buy HERE. As quoted on Amazon, My Future Listography "encourages users to think not only about memories/places/things of the past and present, but to think about future goals and aspirations." Sentimental, don't cha think?

Similarly to a journal, a scrapbook also allows for documenting student memories and would make a lovely, thoughtful gift. Whilst having pictures saved to my phone and laptop is great, I also like to have them in print and display them. A scrapbook allows you to store photos as well as tickets, letters and cards that become incredibly sentimental during your student years living away from home. I really like THIS scrapbook from Paperchase (partly because I love the design, but also because it reminds me of the Burn Book in Mean Girls.) Maybe consider purchasing fancy stationary to go along side the scrapbook also, I'm thinking old school scented gel pens and patterned paper. The possibilities are endless with scrapbooking! 

Student Gifts Up To £50 

Depending on how often your student loved one is topping up their printing credit at the library or travelling home to use and abuse the family printer, then having a printer at their disposal may provide very useful. I am forever printing off lecture notes and reading material so having my very own printer is handy dandy. Whilst printers can be expensive, I have seen a few online that fall below £50. THIS Inkjet printer does lots of fancy things and is pretty inexpensive (for a printer) Of course the cost of ink will have to be factored in also, but a printer is definitely a useful investment for student study! 

Good Quality Bedding. 
When I began accumulating all the necessities for university I bought everything as cheap as possible. Only in hindsight this was not an overly wise idea and I ended up repurchasing items of better quality. One of these repurchases was bedding. Good quality, thick and comfortable bedding is an essential, more specifically the duvet and pillows. Student house mattresses aren't always comfortable so having exceptional bedding does allow for better sleep. John Lewis has a great range of good quality bedding HERE. If you're feeling really generous I would consider popping a mattress protector under that Christmas tree also. A really squishy one.

Laptop Bag.
I take my laptop to every lecture (the ones I actually attend anyway) and as a result it has suffered a battering or two after having been shoved in my tote bag with keys and other vicious items. Therefore I recommend investing in a bag or sleeve for your student loved one and their computer companion, especially if they're joined at the hip. THIS Cath Kidston laptop sleeve is a particular favourite of mine, and something of which would protect my laptop whilst still allowing me to carry it in my usual bag. 

Concert Ticket.
Experiencing Beyonce perform earlier this year at the O2 is something of which I shall always treasure. However had I not of received a ticket as an early birthday present then I would never have been able to go. The majority of students enjoy listening to music and I'm sure would love to go to a concert or two during their time at university, but the tickets are expensive and definitely not something student loans can stretch too regularly, therefore they make great gifts. You can check out Ticketmaster if you'd like to see which performers have upcoming dates. A concert ticket would certainly soften the blow of getting pillows for Christmas at least! 

Student Gifts Up To £100

This one is rather self explanatory. We've all seen the hideously inappropriate photos students have been tagged in on Facebook, and these beauties usually require the use of a camera. If you would like to see hideous photos of your student loved ones, then consider buying them a digital camera. Obviously cameras do vary in price immensely, but there are a fair few under the £100 price tag and are of decent quality. THIS FUJIFILM looks fairly promising and it's nice and compact so can be fitted easily into a handbag. Let the tagging commence! 

Hybrid Bike.
The need of a bike does depend slightly on the type of university campus that your loved one attends. Many university students cycle to campus as public transport and owning a car can be expensive. I considered buying a bike this year, then I remembered I have a fat bum, thus making bike seats hideously uncomfortable. However if fat bums aren't going to be an issue, then a bike makes for a very useful student gift! I have struggled to find one under £100, but I'm sure independent shops will sell them, or you could even browse Ebay. THIS bike from Halfords is £119.99, so should they have an offer pending then it is likely to fall below £100 and I can feel less guilty about cheating. Problem solved. 

'Fashionable' Backpack.
I've suffered a fair few hip aches during my degree due to carrying around excessive weight in my book bag, and by 'book bag', I mean handbag which is not appropriate for university use. Whilst the thought of rockin' a backpack doesn't exactly appeal to me, it would provide far more useful and I wouldn't walk round lopsided. THIS backpack from Asos would be perfect for carrying around my university books and it looks pretty too! Probably a lot more durable than my tote bag too! 

Okay, can we all just take a second to appreciate how bloomin' beautiful THIS suitcase is? I travel back to Wales quite frequently during the university term and recently I broke the handle on my suitcase, meaning I am now in need of another before I trek home once more. All students require baggage to get from point A to point B so why not buy them some beautiful baggage that will last them? They'll need a swanky bag to bring all their Christmas presents back to university in anyway, two birds with one stone? I think so. 

I hope I've offered some useful student gift ideas for you. Students can be difficult to buy for and whilst endless makeup palettes are great, they're not a necessity and certainly aren't a student essential. I am yet to meet a student who attends every lecture with a full face of make up, they do however always have need for the above. Do let me know if any of the above float your boat! If you'd like to sneak a peak at my student blog then you can click HERE. I'm quite friendly, as well as slightly inappropriate and Bridget Jones like. You'll learn to love me I promise. 




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  1. You are a lovely person Louise, Love reading your blogs and your videos on Youtube!! Great person and inspirational! Lots of love from California!! xx

  2. Love all of these on here Hannah! Will definitely be buying Nosh for Students for my sister who is off to uni next year. I think she will be ver ver grateful.

    Tosin xx

  3. I like the idea of concert tickets, I think they would make an awesome christmas present!!

  4. Great post - the concert tickets are a great idea as students can't really afford them but the printer is my favourite.

    Erin //

  5. That soap and glory set looks fab! They always bring out the best sets for xmas!

  6. Taking laptops to lectures, oh my how times have changed, in my day it was pen & paper lol. A great list of handy gifts which I would have appreciated back in the day (except the laptop bag of course!) ;-)

  7. well im not a student and still want all of these! hehe
    Liza | Glambeautys | YouTube

  8. Memory foam mattress toppers are a must! I bought a 3 inch one on eBay for £50! Quite a steal considering a 1inch was over £100 in Dunelm.

  9. I love all of these ideas! I especially love that cute purple suitcase!!

  10. Great gifts! Especially the printer (as a student I would never have wished for it, but it would have been quite handy). X zueri¦¦bliss

  11. Welcome Hannah :) Great post, it reminded of when my sister jumped shipped in a bid to live the 'student life' (many years ago) that year her Christmas presents consisted of kettles, toasters, a sandwich maker, her sad little stocking was filled with tea towels and other house hold knick knacks, her main gift off Santa was a microwave?? the look of sheer joy on her face baffled me beyond believe. I offered my mam some advice that Christmas morning, whether I be a student, a new home owner, a wife or a mother never buy me any of this 'stuff' ever! or I'd divorce her. 14 years later and she still hasn't, phew!


  12. Hybrid bike, BEST idea ever! Something that you can keep using even after uni, and could save you SO much money, at first And in the long run! Have you seen the sainsburys gift cards, you give one to your student (they are really meant for parents) and keep one, then you can remotely top up theirs from your card. I think its such a good idea, rather than giving cash ;)

  13. I have been looking for a new suitcase and I love this one!

    Tiny Alis.

  14. This post was wonderful Louise! I really appreciate all the work you put into your blog. It really inspires me to give it a go myself!

  15. I would love it if someone bought me a camera for Christmas! :D

  16. The Soap & Glory giftset looks amazing! =] Awesome post! Xx.

  17. I'm not a student anymore (I'm actually a uni instructor!) and I would have to say this is a great list! I remember buying a lot of these things for my sister when she was in college, and she really appreciated them!

  18. Oh, I would love to get these things as gifts. I'm secretly hoping I get a camera this year, but I think it's a bit too expensive.

  19. Love this post !!

  20. I loved this post! :-)

  21. I love gift guides, and one for students is so perfect for me right now. I'd love a new camera! :)


  22. Top of my christmas list is a printer! Saves so much hassle trying to find a free computer in the library.
    Great post

  23. coming from an actual real life student, I can safely say that the 'nosh for students' cookbook is 100% the best student cookbook out there!! I even brought the vegetarian version too!

  24. Love this, it gave me so many ideas!

  25. My sisters in uni and I never know what to buy her but this was super helpful! Also love your blog Hannah!

  26. The toiletries gift set looks lovely!

  27. The concert tickets, you're a genius! Why can't all the people choose gift like this? Last year my mum had the brilliant idea to give me a paper shredder! xD She was so excited! It was hilarious. ahahah
    Love your blog, I just opened mine, hope you get a chance to read it. xxx

  28. Great ideas. I love the ideas. Great blog post, you should do more of them! xxx

  29. Great post!

  30. want all this when im going to uni!

  31. Definite yes on the concert tickets! That would MAKE MY YEAR. Something I can't afford because I try to scope out the cheaper ones and set aside some money for those myself.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Definitely! I'm a student and I'm loving this!

    xoxo Zoe

  34. I miss my uni days! But what about warm jumpers and cardigans, hot water bottles, hats and scarves? I remember going to bed with two duvets over me, a hot water bottle, full length PJ's and socks. Heating is a luxury we couldn't afford!

  35. Love this! November is full of birthday's so I will be putting this post to good use! :)

    Jenny xx

  36. Brilliant post! It's always good to think of practical presents I think, even if you aren't buying for a student. :)
    I love the journal idea, I really want one of those now!
    the Earth through a Lens

  37. This guide is so perfect! I recently bought all new silk bedding and a memory foam mattress topper because within the first week of living in the new house for my first year, I think I only got a couple hours sleep each night! And I've also bought a rucksack today funnily enough, super handy to have! Also, I travel from Swansea (uni) to back home in Wales and a suitcase is super super handy! This guide right here is so perfect!! <3

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Brilliant! This has given me some ideas of "reasonable" presents that I can ask for! I'm a student and some of these are spot on.
    Kolbi | Life With Kolbi

  40. I must say this blog has very nice methods for making toasts. I'll suggest sandwich toaster for tasty dishes

  41. I love all of these ideas! I especially love that cute purple suitcase!!. Great post, it reminded of when my sister jumped shipped in a bid to live the 'student life' (many years ago) that year her Christmas presents consisted of kettles, toasters, a sandwich maker,

  42. I've just blogged about my favourite quick energy-boosting breakfasts.


  43. You have just won the hearts of all students, well me definitely.


  44. ahaha the first paragraph made me chuckle :P And these are all such good ideas! A couple years ago I actually gave one of my closest friends a scrap book for christmas and put some stuff in it. Now every year we add a few more pictures and such to it :)

  45. Haha I knew it was Hannah as soon as I started reading! I was so confuse and thought I accidentally clicked on the wrong blog! :)

  46. I offered my mam some advice that Christmas morning, whether I be a student, a new home owner, a wife or a mother never buy me any of this 'stuff' ever! or I'd divorce her. 14 years later and she still hasn't, phew! For more information on secured loans guide, check out my site:

  47. I love the idea of concert tickets. Watching concerts are a great way to take all the stress away! :)

    Verve Hues

  48. Love these ideas! I love gifts people actually use! :D

  49. Love this post, defiantly reflects what students need

  50. This is great. I know you did a post for gifts for men but sadly the gift ideas there aren't any good for my dad. He's a 53 year old fogy you see XD

    Please check out this post and leave a comment, like please.

  51. I`m not a student, but I`m totally in a need of a suitcase or two :)

  52. As a student, I can safely say these gifts would be soooo perfect for me!
    Thanks Louise, also these are great gift ideas for my friends too.
    Will definitely be needing a new camera ;)

  53. perfect ideas! Im getting a new camera myself so I can start posting better pictures on here! Plz follow my blog it's new! --> Dandelion Dee Blog Makeup looks for pale skin will be uploaded soon as well as my own gift ideas <3 xx

  54. As my nearest and dearest have no idea for myself, I'll send them a link to here. But the scrapbook is already ticked off!

  55. I WANT EVERYTHING! (yes I'm a student.)
    Great post Louise!


  56. Yes,it's nice for every one.
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  57. these all gifts are looking great mmmm if i want to chose one from it then i chose good sets of Bedding. Fitted Bed Sheets think i will know you did a post for gifts for men but sadly the gift ideas there aren't any good for my dad. He's a 53 year old fogy you see XD

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx