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Monday, 2 June 2014

Motivational Monday #10

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Fancy a good ol' fashioned Motivational Monday? I do! Let's go!

I pinned this to my Pinterest a while back knowing it HAD to make it into a future Motivational Monday. It rings so true with me because my life is my day dream.

Many moons ago I was in a stale office job that I hated, felt stifled, bored and like I needed to DO something. I began reading blogs, started my own, set up a YouTube channel and four years later, it's my full time gig.

Obviously there was (and still is) a lot of hard work in between, but when you love what you do, it doesn't feel like work.

My little wish for you this week is that you take a moment to think about your hopes and dreams and just consider what you can do with them. Some may seem crazy unobtainable, some may seem completely ridiculous but each mountain climb starts with a step. I'm not suggesting you can do everything in one week, no way hose, but could you make a tiny move forward in making your dreams a reality? Could you do some research to see what you would need to get there? Could you put £10 in a jar to start saving towards it? Could you have an open discussion with a loved one about what your hopes are? All these things are steps in the right direction. 

Since this is the first Motivational Monday in a long while, there's no homework left over from last time but your homework this week is to tell me in the comments what your life dreams are. I think we'll inspire each other. 





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  1. My travel. I want to visit every country in the world, I want to meet all of the worlds inhabitants, I want to see amazing things, soul detroying things and to wander in the beauty that lives around us each and everyday!


  2. To be honest, I really needed to hear this right now. (Or rather, read it). As for my dreams, they're big. They're so big, maybe they're too big. I want to have my own fashion house one day, I want to be a certified makeup artist, I want to start an NGO, sort of a halfway house for women who have gone through tragedies like abuse and rape, there are so many more.. I want to act in movies and design my own house and maybe one day start a youtube channel. But my dreams need so much potential. Potential I'm not sure i have but it's worth putting all I have into making them come true, what do I have to lose? Talk soon Louise. xx

  3. This was a well needed perk me up! Thank you Louise! :)
    Stephanie x

  4. My dream is to become an actress. Preferably West End, but it has always seemed so unattainable to me. Whenever I mention it to anyone, they ask if I have a "back up plan", or try to put me's very off putting.x

    1. I can't stand when people say that! I find now I hold back from telling people my plans because that is always the reaction, almost makes you think why bother!? It's best to try to ignore them though x

  5. Louise- you are an inspiration as a mother and as a youtuber.
    My life dream is for my YouTube channel to continue to grow as it is about something I am very passionate about: natural living and beauty. I have a young daughter and if my YT was my job I would be 'there' for her all the time plus I would be doing something I really enjoy about a subject I can discuss for hours and hours on end! I also wish for my daughter to have a very happy and healthy life, she is so beautiful and perfect I would do anything for her to be happy!

    Rach xx

  6. Great post! Love a bit of motivational speek!

  7. Awh Louise, this is such a lovely post, I'm so happy you are living your dream, you truly deserve it!

  8. i want to travel and experience life, and to be successfully running my own photography based business and working with things that i love to blog about - food, beauty, fashion. My ultimate goal is to be a photographer for magazines such as Vogue and Harper's Bazaar
    Lauren x
    Please nominate my blog for Best Lifestyle Blog and Newcomer here !
    Britton Loves | Fashion Lifestyle + Photography -

  9. Love the quote! It's such good advice too. My dream was to start my own fashion business and now my online boutique has been open for around 8 months and it's been so much fun! Obviously there's still a lot of work to do and so many ways I'd like to grow it still, but every day is enjoyable and I'm so glad I decided to just go for it!

    // A Midnight Wonderland

  10. Love this. I also work in an office full time which I hate and constantly feel under appreciated. My dream is to do what I love and concentrate on my blog full time. I love writing my blog and I happily get through the day at work knowing that everything I am doing is, in some way, helping me get to do what I love as a job. Love this post. Love this blog. Love you! :) x

  11. such a great inspiration! love that quote :)

    Rachel x
    Style Soup

  12. Louise you really do have a way with words, such an inspiration.

    My dream is to be a makeup artist with my own product line, an inspiration and role model to others and to travel the world. xx

  13. My dreams in life are to be successful! I love music and I really want to be in a band one day touring and playing at gigs and festivals! It makes me so happy performing my music to people and seeing that they appreciate my work as much as I love making it.
    I'm 16 and currently in a band with some friends, but it's only just for fun really - as a change to take some of the stress away from school and exams. I'm the only one that wants to take this seriously as a future career. I honestly believe I can do it.
    My main inspirations are bands like Bastille, Kodaline and The Arctic Monkeys. I think my music shows that.
    I really want to be recognized for doing something great with my life, I want to be remembered and I want to be an inspiration to others! I have big hopes and dreams for my future by doing the things that make me happy! x

  14. I love motivational quotes like these. I guess all big things worth doing start off as a hobby and then develop once the passion grows!

  15. I've set myself a few short term goals recently. Organisation is always something which I need to work on. My newest task is to learn sign language, I feel like it is something so overlooked and would come in so handy in daily life and my future nursing career.
    Summer project!

    Hannah x

  16. My dream is to get a record deal with a well know record label, because as lame as it might sound, I love singing, and I've been working really hard to improve my singing. Another dream of mine, is to become a successful author. c:
    Day Dreaming

  17. Thanks for such an inspirational post, Louise. My dream right now is to go travelling, and I'm at university for another two years so I think it'll have to wait. I am attempting to begin saving though so that when I so eventually go I can do loads of crazy things like sky diving and climbing mountains!!

    Imogen // imogenscribbles

  18. My dream is to be able to make writing and literature into my job. I would love to be a full time author and/or blogger and have my hobby and passion be my job! That would be the best thing ever...

  19. I really needed this today. Things have been a bit meh and this has definitely helped fire me up again. Thank you! :) xx

    Katy |

  20. Love this Louise!! I only have 3 GCSEs left now and when I'm finished I think I'm going to start up a blog to record my memories of the summer!! I'm still searching for my dream :) xxx

  21. Really needed to read this today. Even though I'm still a likly little 15 year old, I've been starting to think about what I really want to do with my life. Do I wanna do the most practical straightforward thing that everyone around me expects me to do that will lead to job security and easy employment? Or do I want to chase my ridiculously impossible dream and have everyone around me look at me like I'm naive girl who doesn't understand the 'real world'? I've been flicking back and forth between my choices and reading this has made me realise that maybe I should start now, with small things that could possibly lead to bigger things.

    Tosin x

  22. Love your motivational Monday Louise...I have wanted to write a blog for about two years now and have always been scared to actually put anything out there. Yesterday I actually took the plunge and posted my first blog post. I don't know what I was expecting but as the day wore on I was increasingly disappointed that hardly anyone had looked at it (apart from friends and family), I felt embarrassed and wondered why I did it in the first place. I have woke up this morning with a renewed sense of motivation. And actually, I have taken this leap for me, and no-one else. I have done it to feel good about myself and because it is something that makes me happy when I write it. Today I feel pretty good about it. I think remembering your actual motivation for things you want can help you feel amazing about any little steps you take towards your goal, be it writing a blog, changing job, stepping out of your comfort zone. You only live once, and when you are old an wrinkly you want to look back and be happy with the what you did. Just do it guys and be happy!

    Laura (and yep, im perfectly ok about people not looking at my blog. I did this for me, and you know what? im feeling good regardless...Happy monday everyone x)

    1. Hi,

      I thought I would reply to you because I saw your comment and decided to take a peep at your blog! (It is very good by the way!)

      I am also in the same kind of position as you right now (except I'm a bit younger) as I had wanted to write a blog for a while and when I finally plucked up the courage I didn't tell anyone! Not even my family! As time goes on, you will get more reads (I've been writing for about 6 weeks and just hit 90 reads!) and will be surprised by it! The best thing, I think the best thing to do is be yourself and I like to write as though there are lots of people reading because I think I find it easier!

      I hope, in some way, this helps you!


    2. Hi Grace,
      I have just seen your reply and thank you so much for your really sweet message!! That was really kind of you. Will definitely take your advice on board. And just took a peep at your blog too...those fairy cakes look very yummy! Good luck right back at you!
      Laura x

    3. Hi Laura,

      I felt I should share it because I realised that there are people who are in the same kind of stage as me in blogging and that they might find what I have told myself useful!
      I'm very glad you like it and I hope the advice helps you (and anyone else who reads the comments!)

      Grace x

    4. Hi Grace & Laura, I hope you don't mind me joining in. I too have just started blogging a couple weeks ago. It's a little scary at first as none of my friends read or write blogs but there are so many lovely ladies out there in the world of blogging. I didn't think I'd get one follower but I have 25 now and some lovely ladies have commented and told me they like reading my blog which is so nice. Keep writing and do what your love and people will see that :)

      Keeley Ann xx

  23. My life dream, or dream at the minute is to be able to end up in a creative job, involving the internet. I spend hours watching YouTube and reading blogs, so I'd love to do something like that, I'd also LOVE to work for Buzzfeed!! So I've started a channel and a blog in the hopes that it might get me somewhere by the time I'm finished with uni!

  24. This saved my gloomy Monday lunch break. Thanks for the encouraging words, I will keep them with me :)

  25. I'm another one who really needed to read that! Unfortunately, I'm not sure what my dreams are at the moment - they change like the weather.

  26. This really cheered me up! Thank you Louise xx
    Make sure you check out my MAC lipstick giveaway! Click here

  27. A beautiful post! Today (and yesterday) I wrote a couple thousand words of my manuscript :)

  28. Love this! I really want to explore the world! xx
    Rena Kiss and Make Up

  29. My dream is to simply find a daytime job that I love. I've studied Journalism and loved every day of going to school because it was simply my thing. I then stumbled upon a job, felt like I couldn't say no and am now stuck in a boring routine and desk job. Tomorrow I have a job interview for pretty much my dream job, and I can't help but be scared of how disappointed I'll be when I won't get the job (which, being a realist, is quite a big chance). But I really need to keep believing in my goal and my dream and don't give up. Thanks for the post! :)

  30. My goal is to work with either disabled children or young carers. Ideally I want to be involved in a project or place that makes them feel 'normal' instead of outsiders. I did some sign language certificates and I'm currently studying counselling, but I'm going to volunteer in the near future, not just so that it looks good on a CV but so I can stop being so bloody anxious and hopefully make a positive difference to people's lives.

  31. Love this, you're a great role model. I'm sure you'll go far in life <3

  32. Love this. You've come so far and should be proud of all you've achieved. I think one of my dreams in life would be to gain a career in something that I am passionate about and love. Not many people get to say they can do that :)

    Blogdesherrell, x

  33. Love this!

    I just want to be a teacher, which isn't some crazy wild day dream kind of job but because of various circumstances I've just not been able to go for it yet and instead I work in insurance, which is fine but I don't go home feeling fulfilled at the end of the day, just sort of empty. I'm determined I'll do it soon but it just feels like sometimes it will never happen, or that if it does it will be at the expense of things like buying a house or having children.

  34. Yaaay motivational mondays are back!! I have missed them...
    My dream is to have a job where I can change the world and help people <3

  35. Hi Louise! I love I've finally decided to pursue my dream of being a paid blogger and writer, it's hard sometimes to stay strong and believe I will one day quit my day job! Thanks for telling me what I needed to hear :)

  36. may sound kind of unrealistic as so many people have hopped on the blogging bandwagon in the past couple of years but my life dream is to be able to turn my little blog baby into my full time job! If that doesn't work out I guess my life dream is to be happy and have an adorable little family (and possibly a micro pig...although now I am getting very unrealistic) x

  37. I've missed these posts! x

  38. I love this SO much! It's my dream to work for myself. I think it would be amazing to work hard for my own dream instead of pushing yourself for someone else's.. Not that it's a bad thing to help someone else reach their goals, I just think you can't be as passionate about it as your own goals! Hopefully soon ;) I also run a blog and just jumped into YouTube and have so much fun!


  39. I want to edit a magazine.. I'm going into my third year of journalism at university and I'm going to start my dissertation today! Technically, I'm making a magazine and writing my "dissertation" on it.. Though, I should probably call it a "project" since a dissertation is a piece of academic writing. Glad I'm doing journalism so I can have an option to make this magazine!

    Lorrie Loves

  40. Perfect start to a Monday!

  41. such great advice, love these x

  42. That quote is so true! x

  43. I decided to do this a little while ago my dreams are big, but still are achievable I want to be an actress. I have started to go to a drama group, which terrifies me because I am not good around people. I am forcing myself, but I know it will be worth it:)

    1. If you stick with it, you will become more confident around the people. It just takes time x

  44. A lot of people i know have dreams of being famous, I'm by no means not saying they can't achieve this, but it's not a realistic dream when they don't try to achieve it. My dream in life is to have my own house that i payed for myself, a job I've dreamt of being since i was little, which is to be a primary school teacher. I also would like to have my own little family. Whilst living my life like this I also want to enjoy a little bit of travelling. I just fancy seeing different places of the world. I try my hardest in school to be able to achieve this dream life of mine. I say to people all the time "when i'm a teacher" not "if I'm a teacher" because i have faith in myself and I know I will reach my goals. I know my dream/goal in life isn't something that difficult to achieve but it's what I want to do in life and everybody is different aren't they? x

  45. A great post as always Louise. These really do motivate me to do my very best esp as I have exams at the moment. I don't know exactly what I want to do with my life right now but I know it has to be something that makes me happy. Right now I am considering studying psychology at university in a years time but I don't know where that will lead me xx

  46. I have many, many dreams, I think the only way to acheive them is to try! xx

    Beauty Soup | UK Beauty Blog

  47. lovely post, Louise! My dream in life is to be successful as a fashion / beauty journalist - got a few years of uni to get through first! x

  48. Love these Louise x

  49. A dream of mine that comes to mind is to have some of my writing out there in the world; whether that's a column in a local magazine or a whole book series, I dream that this will happen. However, before that dream, I dream that I can grow as a writer and learn new skills!
    Sarah x

  50. such a cute girly blog, I will keep coming back!

  51. for a long time now, i've been wanting to get a beautiful jar to put on my nightstand. in the jar i would put x amount of money whenever i could for my trip to paris that i've dreamt about for years and years. today you inspired me to finally get one :) thank you louise!!!

  52. My dream is to become a midwife xx

  53. Loved this post! My dream is to write for one of the big beauty/fashion magazines like Company or Cosmo x

    holly la beau

  54. Lovely post....even enjoyed the comments....xoxoxo....^_^

  55. Oh how I've missed your Motivational Mondays, they always cheer me up after a long Monday! As for the future, I really want to travel all around the world when I'm finished with school, and then I would like to become an author or a therapist. And my biggest dream of all is to get out of Sweden, preferably to London and live there, as it is my favourite place on earth.

  56. I love Motivational Mondays!! Just a little bit of sunshine on a cloudy Monday. For the future, I would love to be a primary school teacher and I am at college, working my way up to there. I would love to some day, have a family and be content wherever I am in life.

  57. Really love this, great post:)

  58. Great post!! Love it.
    L x

  59. My biggest dream is to become a mother and have a career which contributes positively to society :)

  60. My life dream is to enjoy the simple things in life. My step towards this began when I entered university; I know it will open new doors and improve my future :) x

  61. My dream is just to have a happy life, with lots of baked goods and good reading around me, and just to worry less :) small dream, but maybe once I get that dream something bigger will come to mind!

  62. This is exactly what I needed to hear on a Monday!
    My life dream is just to lead a happy and healthy life, and live life to the fullest doing something that I love. Although I'm 21, I have no idea what that might be exactly yet - but I'm working on figuring that out!
    Thanks Louise :)

    S xx

    My Blog :)

  63. This post is in great timing because I spent much of the day trying to work out if I'm an unhappy person right now, or if its just my job making me miserable. I'm still not sure!

    Nicola //

  64. Hey guys visit me and my friends fashion and beauty blog, you will LOVE it. See you there! x

  65. This post has really helped me, I feel like you did 4 years ago! I hope to be as successful, inspiring lady like you are today! my little blog means the world to me, it never feels like a bore and thats what I want in my life. thank you for being a huge inspiration to millions of people!! I enjoy watching you on YouTube, reading your blog! keep it up you are amazing xxx

    Abi K from Kemples <3


  66. I recently travelled to the Gambia in West Africa and it has seriously inspired me to travel and meet people from all over the world; this has definitely become a new dream of mine! Also, a long standing hope for my future is to someday publish a book. A lot of hard work is of course required to have such a big achievement but I do believe it is possible and it's posts like this that help to remind me that I don't have to always 'play safe' and I can do whatever I want!! Lots of love and hugs, Chloe xxx

  67. Career-wise my dream is to be a successful journalist in a fulfilling role that I love. It's also been a dream of mine since a young age to travel as much as possible, and this year I took a big step towards that and planned an inter-railing trip around Europe this summer! I'm so glad I finally planned it and I can't wait to go!
    Shannon x

  68. So true Louise :) Believe it or not I want to be a youtuber.I already have a blog but I still haven't built up enough confidence to start a youtube.I've even got a channel set up and everything !. Every time I tell someone that's what I want to do I always get crazy looks , most people just look at me and go ' no but really what do you want to be '. Maybe someday I'll have a few videos to my name ahah :)
    Cait ||

  69. I want to work where I have the freedom to be overseas or to be here (Australia). I want to work in diplomacy or translation as I'm studying international politics and language. I want to be able to help people and the environment and make a change. I want to manage a successful and rewarding career with a family and be the best mum I can be. Most of all, I want to be happy with myself and my life choices.

    Thanks Louise! Not matter how far out your dreams are it is important to have them. Maybe you don't even know what your dreams are yet.

  70. thanks , great post !
    Melissa | The Inked Blonde

  71. Yes! We need more people thinking like this! Dream is to move to work in the City after graduation! <3


  72. My dream is to be a set dresser but I would also like to be window dresser too at some point because I've always loved retail and shop windows. I also want to move to London which I'm in the process of figuring out ;D Although my dreams kinda of scare me because I never know where to start with them this Motivational Monday has made me feel a bit better <3

  73. Taking one step at a time to fulfilling my dreams and a dream job :)
    It's been years of confusion, having people/family members forcing me to be who they wanted me to be. Finally had enough, found the light and decided to do my what heart desires this year. Feeling the freedom already.

  74. This is just what I needed today! I just started a blog a few days ago and I would love to do it full time like my favorite bloggers! And maybe even one day start a youtube channel! Another dream of mine is to get into photography and travel the world. I need to get out of my hometown! Jules xx

  75. Love this! I'm definitely feeling the urge to quit on my daydream sometimes...they seem so vague. I think that the main thing I need to do is sit down and define my goals, figure out what I want out of life. I spend way too much time obsessing over what others want of me, and not enough time on what I want for myself. It's definitely time to change this. :)

  76. My hopes and dreams are to be working with books, stories, magazines, anything like that in the future. I'm now learning Norwegian language and culture at university, and I do think that is a step in the right direction. I might be able to translate from Norwegian to Dutch some day :) I also want to live in my own house, with my own things in it and have a nice daily routine and see friends a lot. That would be my dream future! Your blog is very inspirational, I'm glad I found you :D

  77. I have quite a few dreams but some over summer are to learn how to penny board (I got one last summer and never really got around to it because I was too shy) and possibly blog more about what I read - I started daily blogging on my side tumblr on February but I absolutely love just normal blogging and I'd love to get into a routine :D

  78. thank you for the motivation Louis! your blog is very inspirational :) my goal is to grow as a person and reach some goals I've set for my self this summer!


  79. Great motivation and inspiration :) I just started my own blog :)

  80. This is lovely! What brilliant thoughts for Monday. I was doing a well paid but horrendous city job for 4 years until I gave myself a kick up the bum and decided to do what I really wanted. I'm now almost finished my first year of a midwifery degree and I couldn't be happier. xx

  81. My dream is not only for my blog to grow and blossom but I'd also really love to study abroad (particularly Stanford in California) but #1 I probable can't afford it and #2 It's a lot of hard work to get in.

  82. Love your motivation monday, they always inspire me! My dream is ti explore the world,I've got a list of all the place I wanna visit before I die! And I really wanna make this dream come true by starting to have brilliant marks to my finals high school exam and study abroad in england or in spain, I know it will ask me lot of work but I truly wanna get out of my hometown and country. Of course I've got other dream like finding The BOY and having a beautiful wedding and kids; don't know why but that's kind of a dream for me! :)

  83. Needed this motivation! If you want more motivation or just a nice read I've just started a blog and i'd be so grateful if you lovely sprinklerinos would care to check it out!! x

  84. I'm a first time visitor to your blog from Nigeria and I must say I love your blog. My dreams is to travel around the world and be an inspiration to others


  85. Huh I like your Monday motivation especially when the weather is so good and spend such a wonderful weekend.

    Professional Carpet Cleaning Fulham

  86. Great post! I really needed this today, things have been a little strange recently! My dream is to one day be a successful artist manager and travel the world with the artists I manage! People have always said to me isn't this a bit too much? Do you think you'll be able to do that? I don't know if that's the right thing for you but to be honest I'm more than sure that this is the right thing for me! I know that since I was about 16 years old! I've always wanted to move out of the country and my dream family wise is to have a nice house in a suburb outside of Manhattan or to live in California with a nice house and a family and I'm sure that I can handle both but lately it changed a little bit mostly because I have to decide which university to go to. Both have good and bad things about it but I just don't know what to do. And because of that I'm so confused and scared to make a choice cause when I go to one university and not reach my goals I'll always be mad at myself for choosing that university! It's all just sooooo confusing to me and I feel like I'm stuck!

    But I'm trying to do everything I can to choose the right way and to get to my goals, even though I'm stuck I won't give up on my dream! I want to do it and I know I can do it! (Kinda motivated myself there ��) thank you again for this post!

  87. i love these posts, so inspirational!
    i just started a beauty blog and i put up my may favourites the other day so check it out, it would mean the world to me :)

  88. Beautiful post! Thank you for sharing!

    Beauty And Tips

  89. Hi Guys, Ive recently started a little blog and would love you all to see it! So far ive reviewed an eye-liner and explained why I love Bare Minerals! Would appreciate the read! Thanks beauts!

  90. Hi Louise

    Love this post!!! My dream was to start my own business and I did that just a little over a year ago, and I'm so glad I did. I love what I do and like you said when you enjoy something you do, it doesn't feel like work. And that's so true. I've come so far in just one year and I'm glad that when i started I didn't let anything stop me. All the low moments made me want to keep going and try harder. I know I still have a long way to go, but after having coming this far and facing all those challeneges and I know I can do it.

    My blog is and my online store is

    Nazira xx

  91. My dream is to act! I'm 16 and I discovered my love for this a year ago when I was going through what was probably the hardest time of my life (so far!) and it was one of the only things that made me truly happy. A year later, I'm about to do drama A Level and I plan to go to Drama School after 6th form. I don't care if it's difficult to get into and isn't the highest paying job in the world because if I get to spend years doing something I love every day then it's worth it! :D
    Thanks for this post Louise. It's something that I already believed in and hold close but it's nice to be reminded of every now and then!

  92. I'd love to own my own business one day. I'd love it to be something to do with interior design and selling all cute things for the home, but I specialised in environmental biology at university and I even though it's my dream i'll feel like I wasted 5 years and a lot of money getting a masters degree in something I won't use! Maybe one day though :)

    Love Amylou x

  93. People should never forget or put aside their dreams. It's the most important thing and to realize them and live them everyday makes the difference between existing and living! Great article. xo

    My fashion/beauty/travel blog :

  94. Your posts are my favourite, always find them so motivational. please check out my blog too if you have chance, thank you xx

  95. Great posting really inspired me to not give up on my dream of a becoming a full-time blogger/youtuber

  96. UGH! I'm in the exact same state you use to be in. Stale office job that I hate but I'm still here.I say its a relationship that I'm just comfortable in. Which is NOT good!!! But you're so right never stop dreaming anything is possible...anything.

  97. I'm currently striving towards my dream of becoming a writer (currently for my blog) and moving back to California. I love your motivational posts and this one really rings true for me. I have a lot of support from friends but my family totally don't get it and are very unsupportive. It's very disheartening so this post made my day today. Thank you, Louise!

    For a quick tip on boosting your moisturiser's power, the best drugstore eyeliners, and a French summer skincare GIVEAWAY head over to:


  98. I love your blog and you YouTube channel and it's great to tune in and watch you and read about the things you've been trying. I've just started a new blog myself maybe you could let me know what you think when I've posted a few more posts? Xx

  99. Love your inspirational posts! I sort of feel like I'm already living my dream life, I'm healthy, in a wonderful relationship with a wonderful man, I have a job that I like a great hobby (blogging) through which I've made some wonderful friends, sad thing is that sometimes we take such "small things" for granted and forget how blessed we truly are.


  100. Glad to see these motivational Monday's back :)! My hopes and dreams are to be happy; find a nice man, get married and have a cute little family. Aside from that I don't really have a career dream, I'm still searching for what I'd like to do in the future but I do hope that one day I will find it!


  101. One of my biggest dreams right now is to become a policeman of the swedish police. I work for them now, but only as an administrator. Making passports and so on. I have to lose weight and get in shape to pass the tests, so there's where I am. Another dream is to get a farm. A cute house and stable were I can put my horse, sheep and lamb. I already have my animals, I just want MY OWN stable to put them in!

  102. hi Louise!
    I've never said it out loud but my dream is to go to Cambridge to study, and become a radio presenter- I love to chat and music is one of my biggest passions, but I get so shy and nervous around strangers so for now my goals are to put myself out there to feel more confident in situations I'm not usually comfortable in. Also maybe start a blog/ YouTube account/ join hospital radio- I just need to get a levels out of the way first! Thank you for posting, I think you're really great and inspirational and I'm so glad I've come across you!
    Lots of love, Bridie x

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. Amazing article! By the way, your blog is amazing! i’m impressed by your design & photos!
    everything is magnificent!

  105. My biggest dream as of right now is to go to university and be able to live in residence, all I need is to start saving up every penny, must start on that!

  106. I just barely started reading your blog, and you are an inspiration to me! I started really getting into blogging about six months or so ago, and I am so passionate about it. Thank you for motivating me with your blog and you motivational monday! :)

  107. This is why I love you louise!

    Please check out my blog:
    'fresher to farmer'

  108. Thanks Louise, really needed this today. Will be making this picture my phone wallpaper to remind me. x

  109. This is so cute - you always bring me a little bit of happiness when i need it xxx

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. Hi Louise,
    My dream is to be an artist who can earn enough for it to be my main income. At the moment I am stuck in a mundane office job. I try to sketch when I can, but often find that because of my job taking up a lot of my time, I lack motivation. I have decided to start a blog, that will hopefully show some of my artwork to the world (fingers crossed). I have yet to finish my first blog post (perfectionist troubles :-/ )

  112. Could've done with a motivational Monday today Louise! my last week of school and maths exam = flop! oh well! loved the post anyway! ♥

  113. My dream is to be a Broadway star. I am going to be in my first musical ever this summer at a local college. I do hope this is a step in the right direction. Thank for this Louise

  114. This is such a sweet post Louise! x

  115. Louise, not only are you hilarious, but you are also such an inspiration! Keep doing what you're doing! Thanks for the motivational Monday too! Definitely made my day!:)

  116. hi louise I love watching your youtube videos it just makes my day I hope when im older I will turn out like a lovely person like you :)

  117. Love you Louise, one of the most inspirational people on here. I really hope I am lucky enough to one day be able to say what you are saying now! x

  118. definitely feel like this post is so relevant right now! need the motivation! X

  119. love this post!! My dream is to finish school next year, build my blog and have a successful Image Consulting Career. I have two children and I want to be able to always be home with them and blogging will give me the flexibility to be here for them. Thanks for a great post and blog! xo ~ The Fashionista Momma

  120. LOVE your blog :)

  121. I adore this post, Louise! All I really want to do is travel and see the world. I just got back from New York and it was the most amazing time of my life. It has made me want to get out and see much more. I'm currently doing a degree in university though so I'll have to wait at least 2 years before travelling but next summer I hope to take part in Camp America :-)

    - xoxo

  122. Motivational Mondays are such a good idea - Mondays are the worst!!
    My dream is to travel the world and get so much inspiration to create prints and patterns as I am a textile student and it would be a dream to start my own business. Everyone's dreams are amazing and I hope everyone succeeds.

    Love Becca.


  123. Great post and it really does resonate with me at the mo literally all I wanna do is see the world. I'm going on my first solo trip next week and am bursting with excitement already dreaming about the next place to go! I started a blog about it just because I needed something to spill my thoughts onto! If anyone's interested do check it out. Thanks for this post I'm glad your living your dreams :)

  124. Thank you Louise! I really needed this. We must not forget to do what makes us happy. There is always a way. You have motivated me a lot to make the changes I need to make.

    Claire xx

  125. My dream is to run my own show in a multi media website. I emailed you for guidance, but you have yet to respond. No matter, thanks for reaching out here to encourage those of us who are not yet pursuing our dreams, to finally do so.

  126. My dream is to become a YouTuber. I want to become someone who inspires people... I want to get my thoughts out into the world. I also would love to have my own fashion line. But if YouTube doesn't workout for me I'd love to become a fashion stylist and maybe even change the fashion industry (even if it's just a little bit).

  127. My dream is to go to Fuij and work as a volunteer to make children sport more and do loads of fun activities with them. Therefore, I need money, so I need a job. I am working hard to get on! Thanks for this post, it really inspired me to really really try.

  128. Those Are Tori Kelly lyrics! Listen to her song "Daydream" it's soooooo good :)

  129. I feel like every time I read a post on Sprinkle of Glitter I get warm fuzzies inside. I love the way you write about everyday things. I feel as if you have a magical way of looking at life and it's so inspiring! I also love reading through all the comments to gain even more inspiration from other readers/bloggers. It's great to see people in the same boat! I know it's been said a bit on this post but this is exactly what I need to read :)

  130. My life dreams are to be happy and to make others happy, some people will think this is unachievable but I think with hard work it is possible!

  131. My dream is to sing, everyday, for the rest of my life, because it's what makes me happy! :)

  132. If you like to, please check out my blog :


  133. Hi :-) I watch you on YouTube for so long but I've never heard about your blog, until today. So happy I found it!
    Well, I feel like I have sooo many dreams but my first "serious" dream I remember has always been to become a TV presenter and later a TV reporter.
    Also, I dream to get in London once! Actually, it's my resolution for this year.
    Oh, and this one is crazy! :D I love learning languages, even though I learn just English and German... plus I know a little Spanish. But I dream alot about how it would be if I was a polyglot.

    P.S.: You're my inspiration. It would be nice if we once met.
    Have a nice day. ♥♥

  134. You're right! I also has written this kind of advice on my blog a few weeks ago. If we don't start now, when is the right time? It's always gonna be "tomorrow. That is the answer we want to avoid!


  135. This was great. We all need a little dose of inspiration and honest to God, this was like this pick me up that freed up some writers block, and allowed me to write the article I’ve been struggling with all week. And then, it got picked up by Thought Catalog. Thanks man, really needed this!

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx