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Saturday 25 October 2014

Amazing Advertisers | October 2014

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Alrighty my loves, grab yourself a beverage and perhaps even a snack or two as we have the ultimate Amazing Advertisers post this month with bloggers aplenty for us to enjoy! I should also quickly add that Blogger had been misbehaving earlier and would not save all that had been asked of it, so if you're an Advertiser, you may have an early introduction to my lovely sprinklerino bunch as I included a few more of you, in which case, hurrah! Naughty blogger for deleting work, but at last we can enjoy these cracking blogs I've got for you. Let's go!


Beau Blushes
Rebecca is a make up loving beauty with one of the most swanky blogs you ever did see. A professional make up artist, Rebecca knows a sneaky thing or two about the application of make up and this month on her blog has been no exception. October means Halloween, which means the most creative tutorials in all the land, and Rebecca has well and truly nailed it. I’d have never considered making myself up as a deer for Halloween, but Rebecca has perfected the Bambi look and I am a huge fan. Rebecca is actually doing a series of unique Halloween tutorials which are definitely worth sneaking a peak of. Go on!
I am pleased as punch to have smiley Emily back with Sprinkle of Glitter this month. Her personality is a ray of sunshine which makes Dear You, Love Em a joy to read. Emily has shared a variety of posts with us this month, from blogging advice to a very sophisticated fashion wishlist, she does a bit of everything that gal! If you’re in need of a few cutsey pictures, then I suggest you meet Oscar, Emily’s 3 month old baby bunny, is there anything cuter than a teeny tiny bunny rabbit who has his very own room to hop around? I think not.

This Particular is a lifestyle blog written by Ala, an avid baker and doughnut maker. This month Ala has been baking up a storm in the kitchen and I have been particularly grateful for all the immense cakes and bakes she’s been sharing with us. Oh Ala, you domestic goddess you. If you’re also a fan of food, whether it be sweet or savoury (she does it all you know) then This Particular is for you. And if food isn’t your thing, Ala also shares posts of her ramblings and adventures, so there’ll always be something to float your lifestyle boat. Ta da!

Liv has returned to us once again and I’m delighted to have her back. Liv is a lifestyle blogger and often shares creative, unique posts with us which I’m always a lover of, I look forward to her future posts of creativity, especially in the lead up to Christmas! Also, a congratulations is in order as Liv has recently been promoted in work and shared a very insightful post alongside about her work and the help she offers children with Autism. Sometimes it’s nice to have a blog that opens our eyes to a variety of different subjects and the lives of all the different people in this world, and Liv Loves has done it well!

The What Now Blog advertised with Sprinkle of Glitter last month and I was over the moon and stars to have the pleasure of reading through the well written, thoughtful posts provided for us by Louise for that much needed motivational boost. This month on The What Now Blog Louise has shared her inspirational advice on happiness, imagination and even making the most of your commute to work each day. It’s certainly something a little bit different from your usual lifestyle blog, and that’s just a speck of it’s wonderful charm. Louise is a blogging genius and I thoroughly recommend having a read and feel that motivation!

Love Hears and Crosses is an online jewellery boutique which I have fallen ever so slightly in love with. Firstly, it must be addressed that they offer couture Disney jewellery. The most beautiful Disney jewellery in all the land and I want it all! Love Hearts and Crosses has the perfect amount of cute, dainty and feminine to make me squeal with happiness and I give them 100 brownie points for being wonderful. If you’re a jewellery lover yourself or after the perfect gift for someone else, Love Hearts and Crosses is worth a jolly good browse.  

Ooft Dee is a beautiful gal and an absolutely cracking blogger! Darling Dee Dee is a beauty blog with all the trimmings, from divine photography, beautifully swatched products and the most indepth, thoughtfully written reviews which just make it an absolute pleasure to read. With all that glorious blogging and care taken in each post, it is clear just how much Dee has a passion for blogging and there is no denying her talent for it either, I am impressed as pie! I can’t praise Darling Dee Dee enough for being a tip top beauty blog to fall in love with.

Oh my giddy aunt! Just when you think personalised gifts can’t get any more exciting, they go and put your face on a marshmallow, what more could you want in life I ask you!? Boomf allows you to give these glorious sweet treats to all your loved ones for a unique take our or beloved hot chocolate decorative piece (what is hot chocolate without marshmallows??) I think it’s a pretty nifty idea, thoughtful and certainly original, an alternative approach to the traditional orange and choccy in your Christmas stocking I’m sure you’ll agree. Go on, pop your face on a marshmallow, you’ll taste great!

Pink Confetti, or rather Nicola as the brains behind the blog, advertised with Sprinkle of Glitter back in the summer and I was pleased as punch to have discovered another ‘little bit of everything’ blog for lifestyle reads, beauty reviews and adventure updates. Nicola’s posts are wonderfully relatable and just me, she's on my wave length that gal and this month has been no exception with her ‘things I wish I was good at’ post, it left me feeling inspired and determined to also achieve a new skill in something handy. Thank you Nicola for ridding me of procrastination!

Swell Caroline is an online boutique selling jewellery ranging from colourfully funky to more classic pieces, there’s something for everyone and I’m sure you’ll find a treat or two to dazzle you. Colourful, bold statement necklaces seem to be the general ‘yes please’ consensus this year and Swell Caroline certainly have a wide choice for all your neck decorating needs. Or, if you’re after your own personalised monogram piece, they’ve got that covered too. Go on, have a gander!

If you’re a Disney lover then I’ve got the blog for you, if there is a Disney adventure or product in need of a blogger, then Charlotte is your gal. As well as having a love for all things Disney, Charlotte also blogs about beauty, and boy oh boy does she do it well! If you’re in need of an honest review, a snap of clear definition dreams, or even just a recommendation, then Charlotte is the gal you need. I cannot fault her impeccable skills of creating the perfect post each and every time, that’s dedication and I admire it!

Oh Georgia, how I adore thy gloriously pink hair, it is magical! Georgia is a returning advertiser with Sprinkle of Glitter and her beauty blog always brings a smile to my face, her personality shines through in her writing and it makes her blog a genuine joy to read (and I’m not just bias because we share the pink hair love.) If you’re after a beauty blogger who can offer insightful reviews, a good old dupe or two, and help create that perfect pout, all with bundles of lovable personality, then you need Georgia Vanilla in that blogging feed of yours. 

Wowee! There we have it, a bundle of some pretty nifty talented bloggers indeed, I'm sure we can all agree they deserve 100 brownie points for all their hard work. Have you discovered a new blogging love this month that you'd care to share? 




  1. amazing post louise :D

    you are amazing!!

  2. It would mean so so much if you was to just look at my blog :)

  3. I better get a cup of tea at the ready and few biscuits :) Gotta love reading fellow blogger sites :) xx

  4. Time to have a look at them all,my night has been sorted :) x

    Jordan | Keep Dreaming ♥

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Wowza wowza. Thank you for the beautiful write up, you're just so lovely Louise.

  7. I love finding new blogs to read, i really enjoy these types of posts. Thank you ^-^

  8. Really nice to find new blogs to read <3
    Chloe xxx

  9. Thankyou very much Louise, ever so sweet as always! xx

  10. I love finding new blogs - thanks for helping me discover these lovely people Louise! xxx

  11. It's always great to find some good new blogs!

    Evelin Kivi blog

  12. I love looking for new blogs to add to my list to read! You're so lovely Louise. I wish you all the best for you and your lovely little family.

  13. Time to settle down with some hot chocolate and start reading. Thanks for the list, Louise <3


  14. Yay so excited to add some of these blogs to my reading list! Time for a hot cup of tea

  15. This a great list of blogs Louise!!! Thanks for giving us the chance to meet them!!

  16. I'm so glad you do these posts! x Jenn

  17. Thanks for the lovely write up, Louise! I look forward to blogging more in the coming winter months :) and thank you for the congratulations!

    Liv xx

  18. Definitely going to check out these lovely bloggers! :)
    xx brittnee

  19. This is a really good post! It's really late here so I may have to go to bed after this but I'm definitely checking out all these blogs tomorrow! :)
    <3 katie

  20. Love finding new blogs to have a scroll through! Thanks!

    Heater x

  21. Hi! Hi Louise I just LOVE your blog and YouTube channel! Just clicked the follow button on your blog! Also me and my BFF have just started a blog called and if u have time would you mind having a look a it? Don't worry if u can't as u are super busy, thx xoxo

  22. Love this post, finding new bloggers to follow is great. I'll be having a read through these!

    Amelia Rose | Beauty Blogger


  23. I'll look forward to going through all of these blogs!

  24. nice post! xx

  25. Yey! I love these posts for finding new blogs to interact with :) Thanks Louise!


  26. What a lovely post, I have so many lovely blogs to check out now! If you had a moment I would love if you could check out my blog!I would also enjoy some feedback on my latest post!

  27. I can't wait to go check these awesome bloggers out!

  28. lovely post as always x

  29. Great post Louise, I love hearing about some more great blogs :)

    Lizzie's Daily Blog

  30. I love this type of post. It's always fun finding new blogs to follow! :)

  31. Great post Louise, need to check them out! Happy October :)

  32. Oh Louise, I always enjoy these advertisements. I always end up finding so many incredible blogs to follow :) Plus you're little descriptions of the blogs are the cutest things ever.

    Beka. xo

  33. I've on just joined blogspot but been watching her videos on youtube for ages! She's so hilarious and I love watching the makeup vids, I wish my makeup looked like hers mind. I look in the mirror and it's like comparing megan fox to gollum.

  34. Wonderful x

  35. Yay I love these posts! Lots of great blogs to read :D

    Lipstick and Mocha

  36. I always love how you actually write about the blogs you're advertising :) I'll definitely be checking some of these out - it's always great to find new blogs!

    Hannah | The Crafty Fox

  37. Your such a big inspiration to my blog Louise! Love you!

  38. Love these posts because I always find new blogs to read xxx

  39. Love discovering new blogs! I also have a blog you might want to check out? Thanks!

  40. love this, def gonna check them all out!!

    check me out!!


  41. I always look forward to your advertiser lineup because it always features such great blogs! I'll be sure to give them a look over!

    Rosegold Fox

  42. I love this! I love reading blogs and this gives me an excuse to read more x It would mean a lot if you checked out my blog

    1. hey is there any chance you could check out my blog i just started it would mean so much ? x

  43. going to have a look at some of these blogs now , could you please check out my blog i just started ? thanks x

  44. Hi Louise, I love your picture of those pumpkins, I will attempt to do something as elaborate for my pumpkin on my blog. I just started to follow you on blogspot as I love your posts as well as your videos! Keep doing your posts, I love them!
    From e-Rose xox

  45. Hey, cute post Louise. Check out our blog, a follow for a follow?

  46. I love how you discover so many lovely little blogs, it inspires me so much :)

    I would love it if you could check out my new blog post!

  47. Amazing blog dear! Would you like to follow each other?
    Check out my blog and facebook page:

  48. Thanks for the update of new blogs to check out. If you wouldn't mind pop over to mine I haven't uploaded a lot yet but I soon will thanks

  49. Thank you for this louise!
    I love reading other peoples blogs, this helps a lot.

  50. Oh Louise, I just found your blog. I didn't know you had one, and so glad you do! This is just what I wanted, a list of fabulous bloggers! Thank you so much for sharing! Love watching you, can you do more daily vlogs please!
    Messy Bits // Bloglovin

  51. whoa! I need just to be at home for few days and check out fellow bloggers. Thanks for this.

  52. I love getting new blog suggestions! Especially from someone I trust like you, Louise :)

    Jordan Nicole.

  53. If you're looking for a new beauty blog to follow, I've just started a brand new blog! Check it out here:

  54. Do you have a blog on how to start a blog? LOL I just started one and I want it to be a beauty & fashion blog but I have no idea on how to start out?

  55. Brilliant post- I love finding new blogs to read! xx

    Beauty Soup || UK Beauty Blog

  56. Louise, I discovered you this month! I think that is worthy of sharing with you :) lots of new blogs to check out now...thanks so much for sharing them with us!

  57. If anyone fancies checking out my blog, I'd love to know what you think :)


  58. I love these blog posts of yours and I look forward to them every month! I hope to make the list one day :-) Love you gorgeous!


  59. Great blogs, loving all if them. I've just re-designed my blog, you can read it here

    I hope you like it :)


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx