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Monday, 3 November 2014

Motivational Monday || Fresh Starts

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

A new week and a new month, how refreshing. I like the start of new things. They give me hope that this time I can do better than the last and the motivation to try. 

I thought this doodle was particularly apt for the new day, week, month and hoped it would bring you a little bit of invigoration to get going. 

It's quite easy, I find, to be pulled down by the daily grind or by our personal problems or even by other people's personal problems. It can feel like wading through treacle and like there is no end in sight. I try really hard to divide my time and life by the months and have them be like chapters of a book. That way, if one month has been particularly hard, you can sort of draw a line under it and start afresh in the new one. 

My October was busy and challenging but also rewarding. I don't want to draw a line under it and forget it, but more draw a line and start again with renewed energy. I want to take a moment to think about my goals for this month (more time at home, more photography, more time with Darcy) and not focus on how much I was away in October and how much focus I had to put on things that ultimately, were not the 'real' stuff of life.

If October was a big month for you (for good or for bad), take a quiet moment today to think about what you want from this new chapter and to breath deep, sit still and re-energise. It's going to be a good one!

If you'd like to share in the comments what you want to do in this new month, please do! If you'd prefer to keep that as a mental note- I feel ya!




  1. Aww such a cute and refreshing post! This month I wasnt to keep positive for what lies ahead! ❤

  2. Aww nice post to read on a Monday morning! New month start - November meaning its getting closer to Christmas thats on big positive


    1. I agree with Emily here Louise. November means a month closer to Christmas which really feels good and exciting! That in itself feels positive and not to mention festive. I like the tone of this motivational monday quote. Let's start anew and do better.

  3. Love this. I normally dislike November - it's past the pretty Autumnal stage, and it's not yet the festive stage, it's just dark and gloomy. However, this year, and especially after reading this post, I want to treat it the same as any other month. I start a new job in December, so I want to appreciate my free time this month, get on top of uni work, and also do as much Christmas shopping as possible, so that I can feel festive, but also leave December as stress-free as possible!
    Love your attitude always, Louise. xxx

  4. Love these Monday posts! Just what I need to start the week off with a positive attitude x

  5. I always love these little motivational posts! They definitely help make me feel more positive! x

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Motivational posts on a Monday morning is definitely what everyone needs!

  8. Always good to have a positive attitude! Definitely makes you think a little more about what you want in life.

    Laura x

  9. This just made my Monday seem so much better! Exactly what I needed!

    Sophie x

  10. I love motivational posts especially as I struggle to be think positive a lot of the time if I have a lot going on. This month I want to try and not to stress about Christmas coming up and to be grateful for what I already have. xx

  11. Hi, I love Your posts, especially Monday's - they makes me feel talented and blessed. Thank You for positiveness :)

  12. Great post! I can see November being quite a stressful month for me but i'll choose to take it one day at a time! Love your blog.

    Renee |

  13. This post definitely resides with me Louise, being pulled down is pretty easy, and it's hard to pull yourself out of it. Great post Louise! xx

    Blog With Laura

  14. Very inspirational Louise! I need to apply this idea to my own life definitely :) I feel like I need to have a relaxing November before the hustle and bustle of the Christmas rush and the many festivities, so that will most likely be my goal for the month :)


  15. i have so many things to do this november since it's our school holidays here in singapore <3 hi louise ily


  16. I love these posts so much, November has already been a big month for me I went on a plane to Japan on my own for the first time and I am a terrible flyer. Hopefully this will be a good month of new experiences.

  17. I love these Motivational Mondays so much! I've got two big plans for November - the first one is to grow my blog a little more. I really enjoy blogging and I'm so glad that I decided to start one instead of just wanting to do it! The second thing is getting closer to getting in at the school I want to attend next year! Not many people get it, but I'm very determined and I WILL get in! (well I hope I will anyway).
    I hope you'll have a wonderful November, Louise and good luck with your shows!

  18. November for me is definitely a "just get on with it" month! I'm looking forward to what's ahead, thanks for this positive post! :) x

  19. What a great motivational post!!! Lovely advice and an amazing way to start the month!! Thank you Louise! <3

  20. I want to spend more time focussing on what I enjoy and less time fretting about my anxiety and fearing another dip. I feel that by sharing this, I am more likely to listen to myself. I don't know how you manage to keep all those balls in the air but I'm glad that you're focussing on yourself and not stretching yourself too thin by helping every other person.

  21. Love your motivational posts <3 October was a big month for me (I got engaged!!!) and I have a feeling that my months aren't going to be slowing down any time soon! I think it's for the best, I love being busy and feeling like I accomplished something. I do feel like I want to fit in more exercise during my week, so I'll focus on that for November!

    Rosegold Fox

  22. Beautiful advice!


  23. Lovely post :) I started a busy new job in October and spent a lot of time helping a close friend through a serious crisis, so it was super busy for me and not always in a good way! This November I want to focus a lot more on self-care by putting more time aside to spend at home with my partner and my kitten, and just be able to recharge a bit in the evenings and weekends x

  24. I'm definitely starting fresh this month. Work was dreadfully busy and stressful last month and I'm determined to make this month happier and a little more stress-free.

    Thanks Louise for another great motivational post, I pretty much completely rely on these most Mondays!!

  25. I have to say I really love and look forward to this motivational posts from you!:) They always get me thinking.. I really like the message of this one and it will make me look different at this month:)
    Thank you for this post! xx Liz

  26. I love these motivational posts you write :)
    For this November, my goals are to stay focused on college works and to also give myself enough time to write for NaNoWriMo. I also want to stay positive.

    salha | abuhayar

  27. Lovely post! That's similar to why I love Mondays.. it always inspires me to start fresh and get my focus back again.

    // Oh Dollymix

  28. I love reading your blogs Louise :) they are so lovely and motivating

    Much love
    Beth xx

  29. I'm an actress in training and making the jump to drama school but i'm so pre-occupied with my new youtube channel that i've kind of put it aside- which sucks! I'm a bit of a magpie so I just need to get re-inspired. Also, I want to start cooking healthier!

    Also, I hope that this month is a little quieter for you so you can have more time with Darcy and for taking photos! Great post!

  30. Thank you, Louise! A new month really can be a fresh start and your Monday posts always remind me to take a minute and sort out how I want to experience the new day/week/month

  31. Lovely post Louise! My goal for November is to get more organised. I had such a busy October that I let everything get on top of me a little bit. This month I aim to try and manage my time a bit better.
    Siobhan xx

  32. This month I want to keep my anxiety at bay during my exams and take time to relax with friends I haven't seen in awhile. I hope you have a great November, Louise!
    Katie x

  33. This is a lovely post :) I definitely think that new months and new weeks are fresh starts. My October was really good, so I'm hoping my November will be just as good, or perhaps even better!

    xx Mimmi, Muted Mornings

  34. Such a cute post :) This month I want to focus more on school work, pretty boring I know...

  35. I love your motivational Monday posts, I always find them really inspiring! :) xx

  36. My goals for this month are to continue working hard for school (I underestimated GCSES) and to spend more time exploring new things and places. I'm also starting volunteering this month so it'll be a whole new experience!

    Elma x || PetalGrrl

  37. This post was what i really needed to hear today :)
    <3 Katie

  38. This blog post is very inspirational! My goals for this month and the upcoming months is to concentrate more on my GCSE's and find a job :) X

  39. Love this blog post! I really want to focus on my goals for this month too, like passing my music exam! Xoxo

  40. love your monday post, they dont leave me feeling blahhhh lol

    check me out


  41. I really agree with this post and how a new month and even a new week gives you the chance to put all other things behind you and really focus on moving forward.

  42. Great advice - each day, each hour and each minute can be a new start.

    Lizzie's Daily Blog

  43. Definitely needed this today! October was so overwhelmingly busy and stressful for me, I can barely even remember it. I feel like I concentrated so much on work that everything else went out of the window, and I'm hoping I can draw a line under it and make this month better. x

  44. Love you Louise, you're such an inspiration <3


  45. This is such a lovely motivating post! It gave me new energy and focus to take on the month ahead and tackle my blog posts head on :) x

  46. Lovely post, I needed to hear something like this today!

  47. Yeah I'm going to make a mental note!! Louise, you're sooo inspirational!! Love you!! ❤️��

  48. Love this little quote, although I try not to think of Mondays as a new start as I end up waiting around for monday instead of just doing stuff TODAY :)

    Jess || Lovely Jubbly Blog

  49. Yet another lovely Motivational Monday! They really are the highlight of my gloomy Mondays!
    - F -

  50. Very nice post and so inspiring! ♥ I really agree with you xx

  51. I just had a realisation last week ttimeI was putting so much time and effort into things that ultimately don't matter when I really look at the 'heart' of my life. I find it interesting how easy it is to get sidetracked in our everyday lives, media etc
    This month I want to spend time looking at my life from a wider perspective and practising this kimd of mindset :) x

  52. Christmas shopping this month:))

  53. Im hopefully getting refreshing new starts as i have been applying for new jobs!
    Proud of you and all you have accomplished Louise!
    Great post :)

  54. I want to go forward as me, holding to my own standards and not giving in to social pressure to be any other way. Tall order? Sure, but I'm a strong enough woman to at least try.

  55. Great post and very inspiring! I love the idea of thinking of each month as a chapter :) It makes a fresh start come sooner than waiting for the new year!! x

  56. Love it as always xox

  57. Am I the only one who started singing Michael Buble's 'Feeling Good' ?!

  58. Such a nice post, I love these Louise. Always gives me something to think about :) x

    - Lana (

  59. Lovely post as always! x

  60. Hi Louise, Your Motivational Mondays are great! Always a good read and I enjoy taking a few moments of my day to spend time reading them. For me November is almost like a new start. I just finished my undergraduate degree in Social Science majoring in Psychology and Sociology so I am in need for break away from uni for sure.
    While I have spare time I am going to try and dedicate my time to reading new books (cant wait for Zoe's!) , Playing Sims 4 when I eventually get it, and putting more effort in to my blog ( which I would love for you to check out if you have the time.
    Lots of love to you, Matt and Darcy xxx

  61. Thanks for that Louise. I've spent the last month feeling like I have no purpose in life, that the dreams i have are impossible but this post has given me a new insight to this month and also made me realise to just take life day by day week by week and month by month and not try plan my entire year in one go hoping it goes all to plan. Much love to you and th family God bless x

  62. This post is exactly what I needed. October for me was incredibly stressful and filled with unpleasant things such as exams and petty dramas. But this post has inspired me to have a more positive outlook on life this month and to also enjoy my newfound freedom! Thank you so much Louise, have a lovely November xxx

  63. Darcy is the cutest little thing!! I just watched her Christmas lookbook from last year and it was definitely a cuteness overload!! <3 love your blog louise it inspired me to make mine :) <3 xx

  64. October wasn't good or bad for me, just meh. I was kind of stuck in a rut. I am determined to make November a lot more interesting, try out new things, make it count. Thanks for this post! :)

    Veronica @

  65. I love these little quotes Louise! October was good and bad in ways for me and November has started amazing for me!! :) Xx

  66. Louise I love you and your way of thinking so much. You motivate me to do the best I can do with my life ... Maybe you can read a little bit of my blog. That would mean so much to me ! Sorry my english is not the best but I am working on it ;)

  67. This month I've decided to take a plunge and start my own blog! I'm excited and nervous... I've had a lot of spare time recently and I've not been making the most of it, I realised I needed to do something constructive with my time instead of mopping around in my room all day. With all of my friends leaving for uni, I realised I needed to invest so time into me and what I can do, so I thought one way I could do that was with my own blog.
    I've been reading other peoples blogs for years, but I was always too shy to even comment, but now I'm just going to throw myself out there! hopefully this month will be the start of a new me!

  68. My mum is finally getting better after 3 years of being affected by an operation, so I'd love for use to get fit again in time for Christmas - got to make food for those homemade treats!

    Lauren x
    Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Fashion Beauty -

  69. Amazing post Louise! I was having a "down day" but this has motivated me to get up and go make some pasta (which is obviously always a good thing!)

    I have countless assignments and exams at university this month and I usually get very stressed out by the idea of exams (no less the studying that comes along with it!) However, this month I am aiming to stay calm and organised and ace my university work in time for a relaxing and christmassy December!

    Lots of love,

  70. I love your motivational monday posts! x

  71. October was a pretty quiet month for me. In November I am looking forward to trying to revive my motivation in all aspects of my life. :-)

    Beauty Isles | An Island Girl's Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  72. Hey Louise! I'd really love to see your newest Autumn Lookbook, but it's telling me it's not available in my country (and I'm in America, so that doesn't seem right). How can I see your video? :c

  73. Nice post. I also look at periods in my life as chapters. I'm currently in a rather gritty and unpleasant chapter but cutting it down into months is a good idea. I've been sort of cutting it down into weeks in the way of vlogs.
    October was a month of rebellions. I manage a group of English teachers in Japan and they decided they didn't like the way things were and filed several claims against my office and basically made my life more of a living hell than it already was. Now that October has ended I am over the first battle so I'm hoping to put that behind me and get some new energy to deal with whatever else is to come.
    Maybe I'll have a little more time to spend on myself and a little less spending on adults who need a babysitter 24/7.

  74. This is so inspiring! Looking at your life as the pages of a book is such a good idea. I've never thought of that. But it would make it so easy to move on and make everything better!

  75. You know what, this is exactly what I needed to hear. Very inspirational. Thanks :-)

  76. i love these pictures !! you're such a inspiration xxx

  77. i want to eat healthier this month. ive been indulging in to much cheese recently! if anyone visits my blog and leaves me a comment i always return the favour

  78. This month i want to start with my masterthesis. Thank you so much for this inspirational post and your wise words. :)

  79. I love your motivational mondays! You're such a massive inspiration Louise, thank you for always brightening up my day ♡

  80. I love your motivational Mondays ^-^

  81. October for me has been a very challenging month for me and I am happy that it is finally over. The first week of this month has already gone by too quickly but I simply want to make more time for myself, do more things that make me happy ! I will try :)

    Charlie xx

  82. So wonderfully's like you were actually inside my mind on Monday morning.

  83. Thank you again for your inspirational posts. This November I want to spend more time with my boyfriend and my puppy, and take the time to visit my nana more x

  84. I love reading your blog. It always seems to brighten up my day :)
    I hope to have greater confidence in myself and also be able to realize and appreciate the little things in life more.

  85. Always nice to have a spot of motivation! I try and think this every time I have a bad day because theres no point dwelling on something rubbish that happened yesterday and let it ruin what could be a lovely day! Keep on smiling :)

    Cloey x

  86. October was a pretty awful month for me, and November is too so far :( it's hard to wake up every day and try and see it as a fresh start when it's just following you around all the time and you can't escape it. I'm somehow getting through this rough patch though and hopefully i'll soon be able to draw a line under it, in whatever way possible.
    amber love

  87. Great post, thanks for sharing. Motivation doesn't always come easy but these really help me:


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx