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Monday 2 February 2015

Motivational Monday | Being Pretty

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Merry Monday to you! The start of a new week and a chance to leave the mistakes of last behind you and to make efforts and amends to do better with this one. What a lovely thought. 

They say that as you approach your thirties you feel a great sense of calm and confidence. In my early and mid twenties I laughed at this and thought it was one of those things they say to comfort you re: ageing but lately though, I've noticed an unexpected shift in the way I view myself and I kind of like it. 

In the past, I've been my own harshest critic. I've seen pictures of myself that other people have described as beautiful and thought, 'Urgh, I look vile'. I have picked apart the tiniest details of myself. I've untagged myself in things because my eyes weren't open wide enough or my arm looked squishy. Seriously, ridiculous little things.

When Jack made my edit of the the Winter Lookbook, I didn't ask for a single change. There are bits of it that I mentally flagged to myself, but then I thought, 'that's just my face', or, 'that's just what my body looks like when it jumps off a tractor' and felt alright really. It's marvellous what rational acceptance can do for a girl.

When you think of the 7 billion people on the planet and all their blemishes or wrinkles or squashy bits or cellulite, you quickly realise you're fine. Your body is just one in 7 billion. You aren't unpleasant or ugly and you don't stand out in any negative fashion, you're just one of the crowd. I find that so comforting. 

I've always been generally confident with my appearance but lately I have felt a great sense of calm over the matter. I look at my face and see all the things I didn't love before (laughter lines, always slightly uneven eyebrows, super rosy cheeks) and just think, 'Hello little bits of me'. As I feel calmer, I feel happier. As I feel happier, I think I look better. As I look better, I feel more confident. See what's happening? A very positive cycle of loveliness. (Even if it is slightly superficial). 

For this week's homework I would urge you to look in the mirror or at a photo of yourself. Take note of all your bibbits and bobbits and have a good think. Are they really an issue or are they just little bits of yourself that do no harm and are what make you unique? 

When I think about all the most beautiful people in my life (My Mama in Heaven, my little girl, my friend Marie), I don't even for a nanosecond think about frizzy hair or blemished skin or wobbly thighs, their beauty just shines out and captivates me. Let yours do the same. 




  1. Love you Louise--so excited for you this year!! I always appreciate your words of encouragement.Maybe one day, I'll create a blog of my own :) xx

  2. I loved this post! In some ways we are our worsest critic and we just sometimes need to step back and appreciate what we have as we are all beautiful in our own way x

    ~katy summers (TeenageBlogger)

  3. "Hello, little bits of me" is going to be my new affirmation to all those little things I squint and paw at in the mirror. It's so easy to forget what makes us unique, also makes us beautifully us. Aww, feeling very warm inside after reading this. Thank you for the smile, Louise :)

    1. That's such a good affirmation! I might have to steal it :)

  4. Hi Louise, I'm feeling super crappy today as I am made up with cold and yet am sat at work just wanting to go home. In the fragile state I'm in, your post almost made me cry. I am 25 and have lost a lot of weight over the past year. I should feel amazing and so happy but instead all I keep thinking about is that next half a stone or now I'm a size 20, I can't wait until I'm a size 18. I'm always looking to my future body instead of appreciating the one I'm in currently. I will take your advice and look at what I have and find the good in it. I'm hoping as I get older I appreciate my flaws more because they are part of me and I should be proud of them. I've been blogging about my weight loss journey to basically find like minded people who are doing the same and that helps but I think it's time to appreciate Tasha as she is now. Thanks for this post Louise. It made me feel that bit better about myself even though my sinuses are so blocked I can barely keep my eyes open. Happy Monday x

  5. Such a lovely post Louise! These posts really brighten up my Monday mornings x


  6. This is great advice. I used to hate my nose as a teenager and now I feel so dumb that I used to complain about it. My nose is my nose... it's not even that big or crooked or anything, I just used to want a smaller one! SO stupid. I love my nose now and wouldn't change it even if someone handed me money for plastic surgery!

    Fantastic and positive post to read and set me up for the rest of my week!
    Love you Louise,
    Jessica x

  7. Definitely a great and true quote

    Candice | Beauty Candy Loves


  8. This is like a really good pep talk – for girls. Love it! I used to really hate my freckles, but I'm slowly trying to accept it (although it has been spreading rampantly).

  9. Thanks for your motivational mondays, I love them!

  10. Louise,
    I've been going through a bit of a rough patch recently, and I must admit, this post made me tear up a bit! (I mean this in the best way!!) I am my own harshest critic. Now I am in that post-uni stage where everyone seems to have their life together and I feel more lost than ever. I find it's often difficult to just be okay with myself in a general sense, I think. So thanks for the encouraging words - you always make my day a little brighter!!
    Much love and happy Monday,
    Mara x

  11. I love you Louise :) u r always the happiest person I know, and always inspirational to me. I always pick on photos taken by others too. But as u said, it is just how I look, and it instantly made me feel better. Thanks Louise, Motivational Mondays are always my fav x

  12. People need to see the beauty in themselves, society today has made standards so high, that no girls believe that they are beautiful. But they are.

  13. What a lovely thing to read on a Monday morning. Thank you for your wise words reminding us all to be a little bit kinder to ourselves.

  14. Hi Louise! Your blogposts are always so inspiring.I'm just lying here in my bed, with a cup of tea and "Little things" of One Direction and I'm reading your blogposts, it makes me feeling very peaceful. You're completely right, you always see flaws of yourself but anyone else doesn't notice. Loved your post! Have a nice day xx.

  15. Love these Motivational Monday-posts !! Once again great points ! Society is so harsh these days that I'm glad I'm not a teen anymore, but I still have a bit more to go to get to that "loveliness"...
    Dreams and Sunshine

  16. Really great and motivational post, we should all learn to love ourselves more!

  17. Oh, love love love this. And I so needed it! I manage to do this sometimes, realizing that my body is just one of 7 billion, but most of the time I'm not thinking about it like that. Thank you for reminding me. And thank you for pointing out that all hose things are what makes us US and that we should all be saying "Hello little bits of me". X

  18. Such a positive Monday post! I definitely agree, we should all love ourselves a bit more and realise we are all unique to the 7 billion other people :)

    Lauren x
    Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Fashion Beauty -

  19. Such a lovely thought Louise, thanks for always spreading your positivity!
    Hannah x

  20. This is such a beautiful post, and it's so true! Thanks for a little monday motivation :)
    xxx Debbie

  21. I've been thinking so much about this recently Louise. Thanks for starting my day in such a positive way :)

    If anyone wants to check out my lifestyle/wellbeing blog it's Always trying to provide advice and positivity x

  22. Beautiful words and great advice Louise! x

  23. Louise, this was beautiful! Lovely advice and great post once again.

    a little bit of sunshine

  24. Such a lovely post. Thanks for the motivation! Everyone should look at themselves in such a way!


  25. This is so sweet and all good things we need to remember! Thank you for this motivation!

  26. I hope I can get to that place before my thirties, it would really make life all the better! I literally died of laughter when you said, "that's just what my body looks like when I jump off a tractor!". Wish you the best, and you are an awesome person to look up to.

    ~ Building The Confidence

  27. This quote is simply perfect. I am so proud of what you have achieved Louise. You are an inspiration and you sharing these things make you feel so connected like we were simply neighborhood friends. :)

  28. This is such a lovely post Louise. I'm in my mid-twenties and I still sometimes look in the mirror and want to crumble into a melodramatic pile of self-pity ("My face is asymmetrical, I'll never have a flat stomach, my arms are hairy, woe is me" etc.) but I'm light years ahead of where I was when I was a teenager so I think time truly teaches you how to love and accept yourself. Sometimes we take for granted how lucky we are to simply be alive and healthy, free of the struggles and diseases that so many face, and then me moping about my eyebrows such seems silly.

  29. You really are an inspiration. I criticise my appearance every single day, and it does bring me down so much, especially as I compare myself to others, who have probably been photoshopped like mad. From now on I will try to think, and what? who cares? why do I care? whenever I go to bring myself down when looking at my appearance. Thank you Louise xx

  30. Your motivational mondays just always brighten my week, thank you Louise for sharing your wisdom with us. I sure am gonna try and look in the mirror in a different way !

    Charlie xx

  31. Louise, your posts really do brighten my day and bring a smile to my face. You are beautiful, strong and wise. I read your posts and I just want to hug you for having all that confidence that you share with all of us. I always point out my flaws - I hate my nose, my weight, my hair ect. But now I'm no longer having them pointed out to me by school bullys I've learned to deal with myself. And I'll admit, the likes of you and other youtubers are the biggest part of that. So thank you Louise, so much.

    Emma |

  32. I always love your Motivational Monday posts! x

  33. Thank you for a lovely post! I'm not the most confident of girls... But today you made me feel pretty! Thanks you :)

  34. Such a beautiful and inspirational post! I have recently started thinking more this way myself, and realised that feeling comfortable with myself has given me more confidence than wanting to change ever did :) x

  35. I love you Louise. You have lovely words of encouragement :)

    - Sarah | Sarahanne14

  36. I love you Louise. You have lovely words of encouragement :)

    - Sarah | Sarahanne14

  37. This post made me think of myself and how I am one of a kind with my own beauty and style. It made me smile! :D Love you Louise!

    (A teenaged blogger)

  38. Awww, that's so sweet. I'm not even nearing thirty, but sometimes I feel that calm and then my mind stops and rewinds back to normal. It's difficult to think that way. But I hope I can be like that for the sake of prom pictures and stuff this year. I always worry about pictures of one-time events that you cannot do over.

  39. I really enjoy reading your motivational Monday posts, you are always so inspirational when it comes to starting off the week with a fresh start. What you said about the 7 billion people on the planet and all their blemishes or wrinkles is so true. <3

    FloralsAndCoralsx // Our Blog

  40. that's so true wow I really never thought of it like that! Such a nice post, it actually did make me feel better about myself :) xx

  41. such a sweet post Louise as always you are so inspiring

  42. Thank you for writing this! So inspirational as usual and and it did make me feel feel better about my self

  43. Such a lovely post, definitely brightened up my Monday!

    Elma x || PetalGrrl

  44. Oh, this is such a lovely post! You're so right. It's so easy to focus on the small "imperfections", but they really don't matter in the end. Everyone is good enough just as they are. This post was so inspirational :) You're amazing, Louise!

    xx Mimmi, Muted Mornings

  45. Thank you once again for some well needed motivation! :)

    Ayaan - girl lost in transit

  46. Louise, you're always a ray of sunshine on my Monday's with these posts! They're always so uplifting and inspiring. As a women in her early twenties I can totally see what you're talking about with laughing and thinking that being calm and confident is just a comfort thing people say to you.
    It's more comforting to know that it isn't just something people say. Your confidence and personality shines through in your winter lookbook, and it's one of my favourite videos you've made!
    Absolutely beautiful! <3


  47. I can't thank you enough for the motivation you give to me and others. You always somehow manage to put a big smile on my face, weather it's a blog post or YouTube video! Thank you so much Louise and have a great day everyone 💙 Love ya Louise 💙 xoxo

  48. Louise, your motivational Monday's are my favourite thing to read, great thing to start of the week with!

    Ooh La Luce | Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle

  49. This is such an beautiful post! <3


  50. I've been reading your blog for a while (as well as a few others) and have been inspired to start my own! I just started so I'll admit it's not the best yet but I'm working hard at it & I hope it's half as successful as yours one day!

    I usually hate when people promote themselves, but now i understand how hard it is, so please check if out if you would like!

    PETITE-ET-CHIC.BLOGSPOT.COM (It's a fashion/beauty blog)

    - Alia

  51. Beautiful piece of text and very inspiring! Thank you louise. xxxxx

    Beauty Soup || UK Beauty Blog

  52. This is such an inspiring message, everyone is beautiful, I know accepting yourself is a very hard thing but once you do, you feel much happier. I used to have very low self esteem but now I've embraced all my flaws and learnt to love myself ❤

  53. Hi there,
    I'm starting to reach that point too, so what if I'm not perfect, my loved ones love me right back and getting close to 30 is the perfect time to love not being perfect :)

  54. Hi Lou, I'm one of your readers that is close to your age...I'm turning 30 in June! Your post today couldn't be more spot on! I am more and more comfortable with who I am the older I get. No more looking to be a certain size etc. I am just walking in the freedom of knowing I'm a beautiful woman made in God's image. I too think about the most beautiful people I've known in life and can't for the life of me figure out what they look like neck down! It is all just their spirit that impacts me the most. Love your passion and prose. xoxo

  55. I honestly love your motivational Monday posts, they are so inspiring! This post is so amazing <3 xx

  56. This is absolutely brilliant Louise. It made me feel so much more special when I read that and I want to send a big thanks 😘
    It means so much xx

  57. amazing post !!

  58. Completely love this <3 Motivational Monday is my faaaaave

  59. This is such a lovely post! I am so proud of you for this! And I am so glad you're accepting yourself more because you truly are beautiful.
    I am definitely one who needs to try to love herself more, this post has really made me think.
    I love love love this 'homework' this week!
    Thanks for making this post :)

  60. This is an amazing post. Many people suffer with the acceptance of their flaws. I too am trying to love my little bits bit by bit. It won't be easy but it helps little by little appreciating who you are and how you were created in beauty. Thank you for the reminder to keep loving myself and my "flaws"

  61. This is a fantastic post and I really feel like a lot of people should read this one! I agree. And hey maybe something that you don't like about yourself is the exact reason somebody loves you!
    Thanks for a great post, my monday is very I definitely needed a little motivation after having to walk to classes while my face hurt from the wind. It's -19(C) here. That's -2(F) also.
    Anyway I hope you had a great day!

  62. Nice food for thought! xx

  63. Love this post so much! And I'm pretty excited that maybe my crazy worrying will chill out a bit when I hit 30. Here's hoping!

  64. I think you're absolutely gorgeous inside and out louise! You also made the ending of my day so much

  65. Thank you Louise. Honestly. I've been going through a rough patch in life and when I saw this, it warmed my tiny little heart <3

  66. You're such a beautiful person, Louise. Thank you for all the good and motivational words! ♥

  67. Aw Louise this really is a beautiful post, great advice that I think many people should listen to! I absolutely love your motivational monday posts as they really do cheer a gloomy monday up, hope you're enjoying Disneyland beautiful!

    Beth x

  68. Thank you Louise for such a beautiful post. More people need to read this and be reminded that it's okay if you're not perfect. Those imperfections are what makes everyone unique in their own way :)

  69. Louise yet again another gorgeous post which makes me feel ever so squishy & happy! You're a really wonderful person

    we rise & we fall | Poppy

  70. Love this... I am new to Bloglovin.. not too sure how it works, but I randomly came across your blog! :)
    Mine is at:
    Hope you will visit sometimes :)

  71. What a beautiful and heartwarming post this is! I loved it and I love how motivational you are! Being less critical about your own looks (or at least trying) really helps build self-confidence - and that makes one shine from the inside and usually look a lot more beautiful :)

  72. love the quote

    check out my newest post

  73. Love how you've become so confident Louise xx

  74. and this is why I love reading your blog posts :) beautiful xx

  75. Lovely post as always Louise! I always look forward to Mondays because of this...

  76. You and your family are beautiful, Louise - inside and out :)

    Minna xxx

  77. I adore this post. It just seems nothing bad can ever come out of your mouth (or in this case, fingertips), Louise. Thank you for motivating and comforting so many people, and for helping spread the true beauty of people: intelligence, wisdom, courage, confidence, and other values. I have always been quite confident with myself, my stretchmarks, my big nose, my spots, my dandruff (the list just goes on and on), because I know that if somebody's opinion is really worth anything to you, that person won't care abouthow you look. Much love, Marianne :)

  78. I became most happiest and most at peace with myself when I stopped critiquing everything about me. I would constantly wonder how other people saw me, but in reality I was creating all these insecurities within myself. Learning to love yourself and not knock yourself down is a long and difficult process, but it's so rewarding!

  79. Ohh I love reading your Motivational Mondays! ^ - ^

  80. This is a great post Louise, very encouraging. Those kinds of feelings are always something I've struggled with
    Lana x

  81. Oh Lou, I have had such a hard week and reading your blogs really cheers me up, I need to think positive for the future!

    Meme xx

  82. This post was so inspiring! As someone that constantly struggles with body dysmorphia issues and self-hating, reading this I think will really help me change my thought processes and hopefully learn to love myself a little bit more. Thank you Louise, you are a truly beautiful woman, inside and out :)

  83. I love this louise! SO great to see you inspiring girls to be more confident :) It makes me so sad when people hate their bodies!

  84. It's posts like this that give me confidence to put on that pink shirt I love in the morning. Even though it shows the birthmark I hate cause I bet not a single person else notices it and if they do? Well thats their problem not mine! Beautiful post from a truly beautiful human! xxxx

  85. InLoveWithYouTubers4 February 2015 at 21:03

    when i see pictures of you i dont think 'her eyes are weird' or 'she needs a bit of hairspray' or anything else like that, all i see is 'wow, this woman is married ,has a child and 2 successful youtube channels yet, i still cant get my homework done on time hahaha' Thank you for posting this, and thank you for being one of my idols

    Your amazing <3

  86. It's all about positivity. I love how your posts just get straight to the point. They're an absolute JOY to read.

    24 Hours From Home - Travel, Adventures and Beauty

  87. I just saw this quote on Pinterest! I love your Motivational Mondays posts. They're such a positive encouragement. :)

    Watching for Pigs on the Wing

  88. thank you so much for this post Louise! Everyone, family or friends, keep pointing out things about myself that I need to change: I'm too loud, talk too much, have a big forehead, should get a flatter stomach than I already have- things that you would never think to say to someone but they do, to my face (including my mom)! It makes me upset because I try to accept my own flaws and "unique" bits but why can't others?

  89. This is a amazing post! I have anorexia and it's always been nearly impossible to see myself as pretty or beautiful, but I'm going to try doing what you suggested and maybe it'll work :)
    <3 Katie

  90. Oh my god I love this post :) So glad you feel so content within yourself Louise (you are gorgeous anyway though haha) x

  91. This made me feel so good - worrying about what I look like has been something that has niggled in my mind for a while as I go through the awkward 'just becoming a teenager' phase and reading this has kind of inspired me to forget what the little criticising voice inside my head says. What you say is true - the most beautiful people in my life are not beautiful in what they look like, but rather in what they are like inside.

    Thank you Louise x

    Cait x

  92. This made me feel so good - worrying about what I look like has been something that has niggled in my mind for a while as I go through the awkward 'just becoming a teenager' phase and reading this has kind of inspired me to forget what the little criticising voice inside my head says. What you say is true - the most beautiful people in my life are not beautiful in what they look like, but rather in what they are like inside.

    Thank you Louise x

    Cait x

  93. This made me feel so good, I love how encouraging you are. I've always struggled with my self esteem, so much so that it gets me down & gets everyone else down around me, so hearing your words of encouragement is really helpful <3

  94. I really love this post from you. So inspiring :)

  95. Hey Louise I love your blog :) You are so inspiring.

  96. Your blog never fails to make me smile!

    I've been having one of those got-so-much-to-do-but-where-to-begin weekends so sometimes it's important to remember to step back and breath for a few minutes!

    Love J x

  97. Great post, although I hate the quote in the image :/ when I was severely depressed I hated how people would tell me to smile, or hearing that positive, happy, bubbly girls are the prettiest. It made me feel like shit basically and it's not a very fair statement. I'd say being a nasty shit person makes you ugly, but being unhappy does not, that is more personal because it can be so internal. You can still be a nice, kind person but not be happy. Just wanted to make that clear! The things you wrote yourself I do agree with though (maybe get rid of these quotes you post? They put me off so much but I like what you have to say). When you stop caring what you look like so much it gets easier :) cos honestly, humans are so self absorbed and probably too busy worrying about their own appearance to notice yours :) and if people do say horrible things, well they have an ugly personality and that's the truth but you what they say about you isn't true, if that makes sense! xo
    amber love

  98. This is sooo inspiring! You ended the blog post with good line Louise! Well done! Love you <3 xx

  99. I absolutely loved this post! It was so inspiring and motivational. I just want to take the time to let you know that you are incredibly beautiful and I love your videos as well. Keep up the great blog posts and videos!

  100. What a beautiful post! Thank you I needed this message today!

  101. This helped me :3 thank you <3

  102. This is such a wonderful post, so many people can be excessively hard on themselves, even when theres nothing to worry about. I honestly think that everyone is beautiful in their own ways and if everyone stopped comparing themselves to others or putting others down (even out of jealousy) the would would be such a nicer place to live xx

  103. This is my most favorite quote of all times

  104. Beautiful message, well said, I'm in my late twenties, I've had depression, been through fad diets and a dark time with what I know now was an undiagnosed eating disorder but I've gotten to a place where I feel a lot more comfortable, not completely devoid of negative thoughts about myself but its a day to day thing. Today I saw this post and it's lifted me up, thanks Louise! xoxo

  105. What a beautiful and inspiring message to share! I'm 20 and reading this made me realize that i do critics myself even when i think of myself as someone confident with their image. So, this was a great reminder. Thank you, Louise! xx

  106. What a beautiful and inspiring message to share! I'm 20 and reading this made me realize that i do critics myself even when i think of myself as someone confident with their image. So, this was a great reminder. Thank you, Louise! xx

  107. Feeling a little emotional tonight as my eldest boy turns 4 tomorrow and I'm fast approaching 30! I really am hard on myself and this has just left me feeling a little teary and I've made the decision that starting tomorrow I am going to have more self confidence and belief! I'm feeling more positive than I have in ages! Thanks Louise you have once again inspired me 💗

  108. Beautiful and inspiring message you shared with us Louise. I a, a critic to myself and you have really helped me to realise that I am one in a billion just like you and it makes me grateful to be me. Thank you, Louise! XXXXX

  109. Loved this post, how very true! xx

  110. Lousie,

    You are so inspiring in many different ways and i hope to be like you when I'm older! You always see the positive side of life! If you can please check my blog:

  111. This post is really lovely, very encouraging. I think you said it spot on with 'Hello little bits of me'.


  112. Awwww that's great!
    I just started blogging do you have any advice?

  113. Louise, you are gorgeous! I absolutely love your blog and I thought your most recent lookbook was adorable and your jumping off the tractor was so brilliant. Good job as always xx

  114. Motivational quotes are always a winner to me! Quote queen! Im edging closer towards 30 and i am becoming much more accepting of how i look :-)

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx