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Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Use your 'And' | Video

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Slowly, slowly I am falling back into blogging. It feels good. This feels like a sort of home for me. I love tiptapping away here and talking to you, I feel like you are a friendly face. 

This week I uploaded a new YouTube video and incase you aren't subscribed to my channel, you can watch it here too. 

I worked with a brand called 'Venus' who sell razors (and I think maybe other hair removal products but don't quote me on that!!) to share the news of their new campaign, 'Use your And'. When I heard about it way back in January I instantly loved it!! I read about a lot of beauty industry campaigns and don't often want to share them because I think they are a bit naff or not my style but this one totally is. 

Filming day was great too! I was a little nervous to film this video because I haven't used my big camera in ages, have changed my room round and couldn't figure out a good set up. On top of that, Darcy was in a crazy hyper mood and Matt wasn't available to have her that day. So, fortunately, my sister came over to help me, the set up all just came together beautifully and after a few trial runs, I was really happy with the lighting! Hurrah!

If you are having trouble with the embedded version, click HERE to be taken directly to the video. 

What do you think of this campaign? Is it your cup of tea?




  1. Great video Louise! Thanks for sharing :) x

  2. Great campaign! Your videos always cheer me up :)

  3. Loved it Louise!! <3
    Geena |

  4. Use your and is such an important campaign and i am glad that you found it so inspiring that you needed to tell the world. I really want to part of the campaign but i can't enter because i am not 18 or over. I look forward to future posts and i am happy that you have found your blogging mojo back x

    ~Katy Summers (TeenageBlogger)

  5. This is definitely true! Inspiration ❤

  6. I really love this campaign, so important and such a great thing to support!

    Ooh La Luce | Beauty, Life, Fashion

  7. Great video!

    Alisha x

  8. Aww, this is so great! I love when brands do this sort of campaign. I believe Dove recently did something amazing as well. I'm not gonna enter this though because I think you must live in the UK, right?


  9. I absolutely love this campaign and you Louise! Watching this video brought me a little bit of joy if you know what I mean. :) Adding it to list of good things that happened today. Always keep blogging.

  10. Fabulous blog post and video absolutely brilliant. I think this is a great campaign and has really got me thinking that actually im more than just me im important in many other things and to many other people. Thankyou for always doing such happy blogs they are so good and always have the feel good factor to them :)

    I have recently made a blog called Just a normal girl and I absolutely love writing on it even though I have only got 2 posts at the minute


  11. Well your video looks great. I left blogging a while back and recently came back too. Feels like riding a bike again! Good luck

  12. This was such a great video. I like the new set up. No matter what you do in your videos or how the lighting is, you always make me smile.

    Beth x

  13. I love this campaign, I think this is such a wonderful and empowering campaign as well. You look lovely as always, Louise!

  14. This is a great message, women shouldn't be boxed into little categories. We should feel free and comfortable to be anything AND everything we want to be. And I hope one day to see women supporting and helping each other in their endeavors instead of trying to tear each other down. Love this Louise, great ad campaign to get behind! :)

  15. Great post & video - I'm definitely going to be using my 'ands' more! :)

  16. drew #your number one fan !8 April 2015 at 19:06

    reading your blogs and watching your vlogs all-ways cheers me up. keep being great and sharing all you glitery love for us ! love you xxxxxx drew xxxxxxxxxx

  17. I loved this video, I definitely hate it when people just me because I love make-up and beauty but I also love video games and design and I am a complete book worm, we all have a million different sides of us, and thats whats great about everyone! Thank you! xx

  18. Hello! I've filled in your survey and hope you find my answers useful!!

  19. This is one of the few branded campaigns that I actually really enjoy! I quite like the whole idea behind it :)

  20. I loved your blog for ages and I just recently started a one by myself so if you wouldn't mind, could you check it? Thank you xx

  21. loving the fact that you're blogging and loving it again Louise :D xxxx

  22. I really love the message that this campaign is trying to send. I really appreciate that you shared this with us :)


  23. I did as well

  24. I really did enjoy this video a lot. I'm completely down for using my 'and' when talking about myself because, hey, why not show off everything that you are?! Like, I'm totally a blogger AND a sister AND a photographer AND a pizza addict... Haha. So glad to see you're doing well, Lou! X

    Demi-Lee @

  25. This is such a great message, and so important to us all today!!
    We are a charity blog AND we believe in women's rights AND many other things!!

    ~The ProjectSmallChange Team
    (We are a charity blog set up to raise awareness/money for important causes, and hope that you can take the time to read our blog )

  26. love this

    check out my newest post

  27. Lovely campaign! I think it's really inspiring!

  28. Amazing Article!! Thanks for sharing with us. I was searching for the same. and your article helps me alot. Recently i have stared writing blog on Neetish Sarda


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx