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Monday, 20 July 2015

Motivational Monday || Great Adventure

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Merry Monday to you! I hope you all had good weekends. Most of my focus has been on my upcoming trip to LA. I'm flying out on Wednesday for Vidcon and then to spend a week with friends afterwards. I decided to go out there for an extended time a while ago because who knew what adventure would await but now, I'm nervous. 

If you have been reading for a long time you will know how much I struggle with being away from home. I resist the urge to stay in my comfort zones and regularly travel for work. For a homebird, I'm away a lot!

It's very hard to explain because I don't suffer from anxiety/panic attacks and on most trips I have a great time and love it BUT, because of the few trips/days/moments I've had where I've felt terrible, I have the FEAR. 

It can be triggered by lots of things but mostly by a feeling of isolation or lostness. I feel best when I'm with people who I know really, truly care about me. Kindly acquaintances will not cut the mustard, I know they aren't going to subtly hold my hand when I'm being overly reserved and they aren't going to indulge me in half an hour of calming hotel room netflix time when I need it. At best I can muddle through and just be a bit quiet and scared on the inside, at worst, I cry and throw up- yummy. 

I'm doing it though. I'm doing it for the possibilities. When you're brave and give the scary things a go, amazing things can happen. Granted, sometimes they don't, but that's sometimes a risk worth taking and I think this adventure is worth the risk. Though I probably won't admit this out loud, deep down, I do love the adventure. When I take away all the worries and concerns that blanket everything in negativity, all that's left is amazing. Eeeep. 

So, wish me luck. I'm going to put my bravest foot forward and encourage you to do the same with whatever your week has in store for you. I'm nervous, someone hold my hand haha!




  1. Aww I'm sure you will have a lovely time! Stay positive and focus on thinking about all the good trips that you've had before!

  2. You'll probably have a wonderful time! :) I get what you mean though, I'm going through a bit of the same thing myself. Soon I'll be graduating and all I've ever wanted to do since I was little is to go and travel. But now that it's getting closer I'm feeling really scared about going off by myself and that's starting to stop me from wanting to go. But I know this is something that I will completely regret is I don't do it! Sometimes we HAVE to take risks in order to follow our dreams :D

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  4. Good luck Louise! I've never been to VidCon as I live in Asia (hopefully one day I get to go) but it really looks like a lot of fun! I myself love to stay home a lot. I know it sounds crazy but I really do so I know what you mean. However, I do agree that trying things that used to scare you often lead to amazing experiences. Have fun and all the love Louise!

  5. Good for you for being brave! :) I am definitely a homebody as well, so I know what you mean! I'm sure you'll have a great time though, even if there are a couple of hard moments. I think it's so important to try and live for all of the good parts in life so the harder moments are far and few between! Haha that's definitely easier said than done, but I'm working on it. I'm also flying to LA Wednesday to go to VidCon! I am seriously SO excited to get out of my comfort zone and travel! This will be my very first trip without my family (okay I'm 19 so this had to happen sometime), but I'm going with one of my best friends so I know we'll have a blast. I really hope to meet you there! :)

    Kendra | Stnkrbug

  6. I'm a total home bird too, so I completely understand where you're coming from. I hope you have an amazing time! :)

  7. I feel exactly the same about going away, yet I also tend to do it a lot just to push myself and be brave! Good luck and - most importantly - have fun and enjoy!! :) :) *reaches out hand to hold* hahah

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Good luck Louise! I'm really proud of you and know that you'll have an amazing time!! Xx

    Lou -

  10. Isolation is such a horrid feeling. I understand everything your saying and it can be so debilitating, yet hard to explain. You'll have a great time. Don't let it defeat you.

  11. Decided to plan a trip to Belfast in October for a few day, and I decided to go by myself! I don't know why, the idea terrifies me, but I want to do it. I want to get over my paranoia and insecurities about my looks and who I think people see when they look at me, and simply enjoy my life and discover new and beautiful things.

    Hope you have a lovely time and enjoy every minute of it.

    Kezzy Lou

  12. I think it's very brave of you to keep traveling, despite your fear.
    This was a very inspirational post in general.
    Doing thing, no matter what, sounds like the right thing to do.
    Overcoming fears is a good thing ♥

  13. Good luck Louise! I know you'll have an amazing time, I'm so jealous but I'm going to South Africa next week and I'm quite nervous but I love the quote and I'm so excited for the adventure!! X

  14. This post comes at just the right time in my life. Lately I've been struggling with the FEAR as well. It's not travel related, at least not the traveling-abroad type, but more like the traveling-towards-a-different-path-in-my-life type. The last year or so I've been wanting to make a change relating my studies and work and I'm afraid. I'm afraid that I do not have the capacities to do what I want to do, I'm afraid I'll fail and everyone will say "I told you so". Most of all I'm afraid that it will be a lonely journey, that I won't have someone at my side to give me advice and hold my hand when things get ruff. But it is like you said, I have to leave my comfort zone and give the scary things a go. Who knows what amazing things lie at the end of the road?
    With love - Emma

  15. I hope you have a lovely trip - it's not unusual to be nervous! It's human nature to be scared of the unknown. But I'm sure you'll have an absolutely brilliant time - what an adventure!

  16. Aww, Louise! You will have a great time, and yes, think about the positive side of it, it makes it all better. xx

  17. LA is such an exciting place - and you're right - an adventure! when it comes to the end f the year and you're reflecting on everything you've done, you can look back at this trip and feel happy and proud that you did it.

    i'm going to wish you good luck but i know you won't need it. the monotony of home-life will still be here when you get back, so take some time and enjoy yourself. as you said, something great could come from it :)

    good luck!

    Elena | Itchy Bones

  18. I know how that feels. New places without someone really close to me scare the crappers out of me, but most times it ends up being okay.
    Proud of you for taking a risk and being adventurous!!


  19. Ah what a beautifully written post! Have an amazing time and enjoy every second :}


  20. I'm sure you'll have an amazing time! I always believe that if something scares you you should give it a go! xx

  21. Good luck Louise! Hopefully it will be an amazing trip for you! You can do this
    I wish I could have the chance to travel :(

  22. Your posts are so warming.
    I love that sense of adventure, I wouldn't say I'm a home bird at all, but this quote sort of reinforces all the reasons I love to travel!
    Lovely blog :)
    xx Beth | BethStumbles

  23. I hope one day I'll be able to leave Australia and travel America! I hope you have the greatest time and I cannot wait to see photos/videos. xoxo

    xx Rebecca |

  24. I hope you continue enjoying travelling despite your anxiety!

    Check out my latest post...

  25. I hope you will enjoy yourself despite hoe you are currently feeling. Lots of love xx

  26. Good luck Louise, I hope you have an amazing time!! :) xx

  27. I love your posts, they are so real!
    Have an absolutely fantabulous time, and don't let the fear scare you. Just think of all the memories you will be creating :)
    Elephant stories and more

  28. I'm sure you'll do fine! You are such an inspiration to me because I face the same type of anxiety when I leave my home (especially alone). You still struggle but you've come so far, which really gives me hope for myself.

    Hang in there! xxx

  29. I have really bad travel anxiety and i'm also a homebird and there have been trips where I just could not get out of bed because I felt so horrible but I still got myself together and got out of bed and had an amazing adventure! Feels good to know that i'm not the only one!

  30. I love these posts. Since I was little I have had travel anxiety, and although all my holidays have been great, I still panic just before I go and while I am there. This is such a great post and shows that I am not the only one. Thank you.

    Beth x

  31. i think you are an amazing woman and a total inspiration to millions of people world wide. unfortunately i am the biggest scaredy cat and wimp out there. i do suffer with an anxiety disorder which i was diagnosed with 2 years ago. there are so many things i should and would love to do but being scared stops me. And even this week i am so scared as on thursday night i am having to get a lumbar puncture which involves a needle in my spine i am dying inside about it but i have to be brave. you will have these most amazing time lou. love you and darcy


  33. Heyy Louise... I read the comfort zone section of your book and I understand even more so how you feel after reading that. Be brave and just imagine how cross with yourself you would be if you missed an opportunity because of that devil on your shoulder, holding you back.
    What might help is writing yourself a list of all the things you are worried about that could happen while you are travelling and then next to it, score its likelihood on a scale of 1-5 and then write a plan of action for each point if it (god forbid) should happen. Just so you have a bit of security if something should happen.
    For example:
    Getting lost -- 3 possible -- Have phone charged with everyones number on -- have paper with everyones number on incase phone goes flat -- carry charger for emergency charging...

    Hope this helps :) and good luck :) <3

  34. That's amazing! Wish i had the guts to be fair. Planning out what you're going to do on the extra days you're spending out there might help to settle your nerves a little. I hope you have the best time ever! <33

  35. You are going to have a great time Louise!!

  36. I know you'll have a great time Louise! Good luck:) x

  37. I love this quote! I read it in Looking for Alaska by John Green and I loved it! Don't be nervous about your trip you'll have so much fun, LA is amazing! Hope you have a great time}
    Records of my Troubles

  38. I know you'll have a great time Louise. You always seem to take everything in your stride and overcome your fears, you don't let them get in your way, they don't define you. Just remember you have a daughter who loves you to the moon and back, so many supportive friends and fans and you are a strong, confident woman. I hope you'll have an incredible trip, good luck. Always proud x

  39. I do understand that. I get overwhelmed easily, too, and I know that even though you're having fun adventures, it can feel well...overwhelmed, like I said! I do think, however, that sometimes amazing things can happen if you say yes without thinking! Sometimes you just have to do something a bit crazy to prove to yourself that you can be brave!

  40. first of all, i'm reading looking for alaska like RIGHT NOW, so when i saw that picture i was like omigod heyyyy

    good luck on your trip! i hope you're met with nothing but laughter and fun times when you go to l.a. my dad used to get super nervous while traveling like you, but since he started traveling A LOT for work, he's gotten so much better. all you need is lots of practice(: just keep being brave and before you know it you'll be visiting new places and making the locals bow down to your glitterness

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Hope you have a good time at vidcon! Also, hope everything goes well!!
    Lots of love <3

  43. Hope you have a great time!! x
    Much Love |

  44. Can't believe we missed this, little Cerys (on stage at Coventry) is slightly upset we looked at this a bit late. Never mind, she will still be getting the book. Maybe next time. Good luck Louise xx

  45. I've wanted to go travelling for some time now and the urge has been pretty huge the past few weeks so earlier today I was browsing at cheap little holidays to go on by myself. I backed out of it. 1. I've only ever flown once. 2.Going somewhere I don't speak the language, alone, scares me. So I've pushed it back for a while. But part of me still wishes I had just gone for it. I love these posts you're doing about overcoming little fears as it is inspiring me : )

    Kathryn |

  46. Good luck Louise - I can't wait to hear about VidCon.

    Lizzie Dripping

  47. Eeek today is a big big big superly duperly MASSIVE week for me because on Thursday I leave my comfort zone of primary school forever and get ready to take that scary leap up to senior school!!! Because you have been here please can I have some advice on how to not FREAK out about leaving the comforting familiar nest of "little school " where all my friends are and my ABSOLUTE HUGE CRUSH are because, to be honest I'm really scared and need some support!!!! Hope you answer, xxxxxx from Unicornio Gal xxxx

  48. Wish you luck! Hope you have a great time as well. :)

  49. Louise, I know exactly how you feel. It can be so scary to go off on your own. In fact, I usually tend to avoid going to a place if I am not attended by someone I feel comfortable with. I recently decided to take up much more opportunities because I could be missing out on experiences. I think a lot of them time we waste more time and energy worrying about something but always end up having fun. I'm so proud of you for not backing out and always striving forward <3


  50. These are definitely my favourite posts! A great way to start the week

    A Little bit Unique // Instagram //

  51. You are such a brave lady! I hope you have an incredible trip, Louise! x

  52. I love your motivation posts! I do try very hard to not just stay in my comfort zone all the time. Luckily I don't have a fear of being away from home like you but I do have a fear of meeting new people and them not liking me. Recently I went on a trip by myself and I had to stay in a house with 6 other people who I'd never met and I was sooooo nervous before I went but after the first awkward day, where no one spoke, it was fine and I loved it!!! By the way I love the quote about seeking your 'great prehaps' from the book Looking For Alaska

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Going away can be scary at times (I get that too!) but what a great opportunity! I hope you have an amazing trip :)

    Going away can be sacry at times (I get that too!) but what a great opportunity! I hope you have an amazing trip :)


  55. This is really inspiring, Louise! I really admire your courage. I'm such a homebody and an introvert that I don't really enjoy spending time in large groups of people (even if they are my friends and I'm absolutely miserable if I'm among strangers that I just can't "click" with and have to keep up a false smile sigh I'm the worst). But anyway, thanks for sharing! I look forward to your vlogs on your adventures! (; I don't mind if they're uploaded late so no pressure dear! :D

  56. your really inspiring Lou you actually inspired to start my own blog because i realised that i like writing and i like to be able to get my thoughts and voice out there even though I'm not the best at english at school

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  58. Best of luck Louise! I'm trying to do the exact same thing, pushing myself to do even the tiniest thing that could put me out of my comfort zone!
    Katie x

  59. I'm sure you will have a lovely time, just stay positive!

  60. Lovely post Louise! I've nominated you for "The Versatile Blogger Award" so feel free to check out my blog post.


  61. "When I take away all the worries and concerns that blanket everything in negativity, all that's left is amazing" Love this line so much!!! Thank you for sharing Louise! xxxxxx

    Rachel x

  62. Good Luck Lou, don't worry you'll be great and have the best time!

    Meme xx

    New Post:
    'But first.. Let me take a selfie*'

  63. I hope you have a great time! I'm sure it will go great!

  64. I wish I had some of your strength, Louise. I have generalised anxiety which intensifies when travelling/being away from home. I use avoidance and often miss out on things because of it. I wish I could be like you and push myself out of my comfort zone.

  65. I adore you Louise and your words always touch me personally in one way or another!


  66. "Cut the mustard" I've never heard that before. I like it. I think it's great that you get to do such wonderful, exciting things and that even though you're nervous/scared you still do them because you know how amazing they can be. wishing you the best of luck on your travels and I hope you have an amazing time at VidCon and with your friends!

  67. Good Luck! Can't wait to hear about it, I really wish I was going!

  68. Have you read Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway? Such a great book. It's great that you're pushing yourself out of your comfort zone because that's how you truly grow as a person.

  69. Good Luck with your adventure Louise <3

    I will be thinking of you, as a fellow home bird. It sounds like you have the perfect attitude towards this fear :) Be gentle on yourself, take lots of homely treats with you, something you can snuggle up to at night, something you can carry in your bag (I have a little Minnie Mouse tsum tsum) to squidge when outside and you need a silent, comfort buddy, a piece of jewellery which makes you feel sassy is always good too!

    Think of America being lots of little pieces which can be admired separately, rather than a big mass of overwhelmingness. Enjoy the sunshine, the food, the smiles of all the people who are soooo looking forward to spending time in your presence! Have an amazing time lovely - I'll be thinking of you as I step outside of my comfort zone on Monday... we can do this together girlie xxx

  70. Good luck louise!! I bet you will have a great time!! Just stay positive like you always do because you are just so inspiring and brave!! I am always here for you and know that you will have my hand to hold!!
    lots of hugz
    lennie xxx

  71. I don't want You to think that I'm just spamming but if there is any chance You can find few seconds to check my blog that would be a big privilege. It's really hard to start existing. Thank You for Your attention.

  72. Good luck louise :D you will be fine, just remember to breath, dont panic and set up base at the hotel so that you have a safe place to run back to should you feel scared

  73. This is from my favourite book Louise! <3

    Lots of love, coffeeandrainydays<3

  74. I have NO Idea how you find the courage to just get on a plane and go, your very brave and I think anyone would feel anxious doing that so dont beat yourself up over it! Some days I can't even get to the shops haha!

  75. loved this post!

  76. I completely relate to being a homebird! But when you're enjoying your adventure it's a much better feeling than regretting a missed opportunity! xx

  77. You will have an amazing time. LA is sooo much fun:) Stay away from Robertson Blvd tho, not good for the credit card:/

  78. Don't worry Louise, everyone who loves you and you love will be right beside you. <3

  79. You can make it! Stay positive and jump right into it :) But I know how you feel.
    Cylia <3

  80. I've always been an anxious traveller too so well done for putting that aside and anxieties and exploring new things, i'd crap myself :) xx

  81. vidcon looked amazing! wish I was there:)

  82. Have a great time Louise! I love you so much!

  83. A lot of times we fear to step out of our comfort zones, but when we do we discover a world that is warm, ready for us to grasp, to write our story, to live, to love, to laugh but most importantly, to inspire.
    much love

  84. xxxx

  85. I used to be exactly the same! Such a homebird who was too shy to do anything, speak to anyone and have any adventures. Then i went off to uni, went travelling around Europe and now i'm never looking back! I so regret all the times when i was younger that i missed out on amazing opportunities and watched everybody else have the fun. I'm so proud of you Lou, it's so important to make the most out of life and travel to places whilst we still can! Hope you had an amazing time xxx

  86. Enjoy LA as much as you can! :)

  87. I hope you enjoy it!

  88. I also get a little nervous about travelling although, I love going to new places!

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  91. Well written. Who's number four? Lately Ive been following Damon Vickers, a finacial luminary from Seattle. If you havnt read his book The Day after the Dollar Crashes, you should get plan a trip to the bookstore. Addium I feel that people dont really fathom the magnitude of the situation we face today. To have a great manager like Damon Vickers, who called the market plummet in both 2000 and 2008, publicly express the fears of many of the approach of a one world government is unprecedented. Regardless, cool list and keep up the good work Awseome article, I am a big believer in leaving comments on blogs to help the blog writers know that theyve added something useful to the world wide web!

  92. Hey Louise! I really love reading your blog especially the Motivational Monday posts, for a while now I have debated starting a blog of my own and have finally done it! Your Motivational Monday posts have inspired me to write my own! I'd really appreciate it if you would check out my blog, the first post is scheduled for tomorrow (Monday) and is about positivity :) xx

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  96. This may come across as a bit weird because I don't know you personally but I'm proud of you for taking the plunge....this post pretty much sums me up...I want to travel around the world but at the same time I'm bricking it, I don't want that feeling of loneliness and to be honest sometimes I'm way too lazy to try and form new friendships, but there is so much more out there so I know I need to...I'm also moving to LA so this post is even more personal to me....looking forward to hearing how you found it! :-)

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  100. I hope you enjoyed it! I have actively been trying this year to push myself out of my home comforts and see more of the world. It can be so difficult, and I crave being at home so much! Very inspiring for you to post.


  101. I saw this post late, but I am sure you had a lot of friends that made your trip feel that little more comfortable! Friends are essential in life, and I admire the fact you have so many good ones! I hope you have a wonderful day, and I hope little Darcy is happy as always!
    Little Ren x

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx