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Tuesday 5 April 2016

Simple Pleasures

Aloha Sprinklerinos, 

This weekend we celebrated Darcy's birthday (the actual day is tomorrow) with a magical Princess Party for her and all her friends. Zoe and I took a billion photos but it's going to take me a while to edit all through them so give me a little bit of time please, this Mama is going to be busy!

A few days before the party, I did something pretty out of character and I thought it might be fun to talk about it. I joined a Health Club! Say whhhhaaaaaa?? 

I think it's fairly obvious that I'm not in the best physical shape and don't lead the healthiest lifestyle. I've been wanting to put a bit more effort into my health for a while and when I found out that some of my YummyMummy friends were members of a really nice Health Club in my town, I figured it wouldn't hurt to go and check it out. 

I was quite nervous so asked one of my sister's to come with me for a looksie but I was happy with everything, joined and we've been 3 times so far! I signed up both me and Darcy so that we have somewhere fun to go, rain or shine and because we know a few friends (and their Daughter's) who are members so we should have lots of people to play with. In my membership I have access to everything (gym, spa, pool, classes, restaurant etc) and in Darcy's, since she's probably not desperate to go and press some hard weights haha, she has access to the pool with me and can go in the children's club whenever I book her in. She also really likes the sweet potato fries and soft play area in the restaurant!

The pool is lovely with sections for children filled with floatie toys, rubber duckies, watering cans etc, spa facilities and Darcy's favourite - hairdryers in the beautifully swish changing rooms. Yep, this kid was MOST excited by the prospect of blow drying her own hair. The entire time we were in the pool today she asked about it. Her specific requests were to have a shower with her goggles on, dry her own hair (the dryers and flat irons are GHD's by the way, yessss) and take a single cotton pad and ear bud from the complimentary beauty bar thingy. I obliged on all of her requests and she was thrilled. Literally more happy with that than all the playing we did in the pool (I pushed her 20 lengths on a floatie noodle. I want to work that number up in time). 

Naturally it's a bit tricky to take pictures in a pool- I feel weird taking a camera where so many people are half naked and there are lots of children in not much attire, so I took these snaps of Darcy loving life with the hair dryer instead, just on my phone. 

I love that Darcy and I have this new place to add to our list of fun things to do and look forward to increasing my fitness levels a smidge whilst spending time with this funny little thing I made! Right now our lives are about enriching them with the best possible experiences and spending as much time together as possible. We love being our team!

Do you take you littles to the gym or health club? What do they like to do there? 




  1. I don't go to the gym 😂 I prefer a pizza 🍕

  2. All the best for you joining a health club x...did you vlog darcys birthday party?

  3. Nakeita Bradbury5 April 2016 at 09:35

    AWWW this is cute, say happy birthday to darcy me! ������:)

  4. This is cute! :) I take my other halfs youngest to her swimming lesson every Saturday and she gets more excited at the prospect of standing naked under the hand dryer instead of using a towel to dry herself! (she's 5!) bless her! xx

  5. That sounds like a really nice thing to do Louise! It's never too late to pay attention to our health. I myself don't have a healthy eating lifestyle. I should start too. Anyway, I can't believe Darcy's grown up so fast! It was only yesterday when she was a baby!

    Anne's Scribbles and Doodles | GIVEAWAY | Instagram

  6. i really want to join a health club/ gym but no one wants to go with me and i dont feel like i can go alone:( first world problems eyy? haha

  7. It makes me so happy that you're back blogging again. I love reading your posts as they bring me so much joy reading through your oh so elegantly written stories and I honestly love knowing that you're happy. Happy Birthday to Darcy of course; I hope you both have the most wonderful day! xxx


  8. This sounds so lovely! Must be an ideal place to go especially on rainy days, make the most of it!

  9. Oh Darcy is the cutest! I can't really comment on gyms and taking kids there because no kids and that haha I've been following monthly guides from Lucy Wyndham-Read and I've been loving them! I can fit them into my day easily and I'm looking forward to exercising instead of looking at it as a chore :) can't wait to see the photos from Darcy's little Princess Party, when I saw a photo (might have been on snapchat I'm not sure) I got emotional seeing it because it reminded me of a fairy/princess place I used to have my birthday at when I was around Darcy's age :) just brought a smile to my face :) Em xx

  10. ah, I wish my gym had a pool! I love swimming! It's so nice to see you and Darcy spending quality time together. I also love that you're back blogging again, it's always nice to read a post from you!

    Love , Kayleigh

  11. This is so lovely - it sounds like an awesome place to go x

    Erin |

  12. Happy birthday to Darcy!

    I am a bigger girl and I used to hate using a gym as everyone else seemed so shiny and slim in their lycra and high ponytails....
    My current gym is quite nice though - and has a pool and spa section. I'll happily go and just swim and swim. It has one of those big clocks which has one minute on it in seconds.. so I can time it.
    Hooray for 2016 - the year of being fit and healthy!

    (PS I'm so glad to read your blogs <3 )

  13. Darcy has great taste, Sweet Potato fries are life! haha

    You remind me that I need to get back on the fitness bandwagon, I got out of routine recently and can feel myself going back to my totally unfit self whoops!

    Rai |

  14. This is the cutest thing! Totally made my day! My parents used to bring me and my sister to one of these when we were younger and we'd sit and play while they were at work (yes daycare) but there was a gym area, and kid-stuff and adult stuff too! But we belong to a diff one now! But this one has massages so that's great! :)
    x Kenzie

  15. Aw 💖 all the best for you and Darcy x
    S xx

  16. Darcy is just the cutest little thing, I hope I have as good a relationship with my little egg when she/he is born! :)

    Just Little Things xo

  17. I think this is a great idea because you can spend time with her and have fun and you are also teaching her some really good values such as being healthy x

    Zoel Hernández |

  18. I wish I had the motivation! Good for you, Louise, it's great you're getting Darcy into a healthy lifestyle at such a young age xx

  19. This is such a lovely thing to do, not just for yourself but it's also a great way to have some mother-daughter bonding time whilst looking after your health. Good luck with it!

  20. Aww that is so sweet :):) say happy birthday to Darcy for me :):)

  21. I'm so proud of you Louise, how wonderful to take control of your life and your health, at the same time as spending time with your friends, and creating amazing memories with Darcy in the pool and play area. It's fantastic.

  22. It's so sweet that you've found something you and Darcy both enjoy doing together! xx

  23. OH Darcy is so cute! Hard to believe it has been FIVE WHOLE YEARS!

  24. I love this! It's reminded me to sign up to my local gym. I find it hard because it's departing with a lot of money each month but I know how good it would be for me :)
    Lucy xoxo

  25. Really like the idea of combining exercise with a fun mother-daughter activity! My dad and I actually joined a health club together in December and been going there weekly since then! Going there together motivates both of us and is a good thing to bond over as well!

  26. Love the idea of this! & happy birthday Darcy! x

  27. When I was Darcy's age my parents joined a health club and I still remember going swimming with my friends and family, as a result I still LOVE swimming and go weekly today :) xo

  28. Reading your blog make my heart expand 10000x more and I feel so much love for you and darcy! It's the two of you against the world and as she gets older I feel like you'll be the best of friends.Sending loads of love towards you both! You are an amazing person with a beautiful little girl (who's not so little anymore) and a wonderful chummy who helps brighten your day (or you could say Brighton your day) 😂😂

  29. I think it's an achievement just joining a health/fitness club! Explore all different things there from swimming to squatting! You'll have a blast! Love ur blog & Darcy is just adorable💕

  30. So sweet how excited Darcy got over such little things that we take for granted as we get older. I think that's something that we can all learn from and use to help us - appreciating little things can be so good for you.

    Bookmarks and Blogging

  31. I love how young children notice the little things, Darcy is such a little bundle of joy and I hope she had a glorious day yesterday!! I myself should probably get a little more healthy too, but I just love food!

  32. I would love to go somewhere with my mum. But she prefer to stay at home and eat something in front of tv. I am not saying it's not fun and you know lovely, because whatever we do together is amazing but I would love to have some crazy adventures with her.
    Love You so much!
    It would mean a lot to me if you check my blog and my latest post about feminism.
    Love, Liliann from

  33. i like how you are spreading happiness again, it's been a while since i've been on your blog but i'm glad i've read it :)) love JustAnxther

  34. Hey Louise,
    It's great you've joined that club- sounds like fun, such an achievement! It's really clever to not only be fit and healthy, but mix it in with something Darcy will love too! I love the pictures of Darcy drying her hair- so funny and adorable!
    Sophie ( )

  35. Hey louise
    I'm Milly
    you inspire me everyday, i'm bullied because of my weight every so often and usually find comfort in watching your vlogs to remind myself in not the only one who deals with weight.
    Xoxo Milly (

  36. Hey Louise,
    I was just wondering but next year can you hold LouiseLive in Manchester as well as Edinburgh, Liverpool and Birmingham? Because I really want to come I'm 13 but my mum says I'm not aloud to come unless it's in town. Please xx

  37. Louise,
    I hope darcy has an amazing birthday, she's so adorable and has an amazing mum.
    No I don't go to the gym xx
    Love you x

  38. Hello Louise!
    I joined a gym May last year and I was terrified. I felt like such a newbie and, whilst I wanted to get fit, I only had confidence to go on a cross trainer and stationery bike. It's a scary world out there.
    However, I built up my confidence and ended up getting a job at said gym. Since speaking to the wonderful instructors (that I now call my friends) I know techniques beyond just cardio and even attend cardio classes.
    I doubt you'll read this but if you wanted a little advice please let me know.. whether you joined for health or for wellbeing reasons it sounds like a wonderful idea and well done you <3

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  40. I've loved your blog for ages and I just recently started a one by myself so if you wouldn't mind, could you check it? Thank you xx

  41. Darcy is such a little sweetheart!
    I see a lot of myself in you Louise and that gives me confidence that i'm going to be just fine in the future x

  42. Happy late birthday to darcy!!!! she is just so cute I have been binge watching your old video's and seeing her as a baby and what she has turned out to be is amazing.
    Love you louise xx

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  49. I really enjoyed reading about the simple pleasures you experienced recently. The way you captured the joy of spending quality time with Darcy at the Health Club was heartwarming. It’s inspiring to see you taking steps towards a healthier lifestyle while creating beautiful memories with your daughter. Thank you for sharing these lovely moments and reminding us of the importance of cherishing the simple things in life.



Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx