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Monday 5 October 2009

All that Glitters is not Gold. Or is it??

Following mine and Issobelle's journey home last week, I felt the urge to get creative and was compelled to go to that blessed place known as HOBBY CRAFT- The arts and craft superstore, IE Heaven!

I had been inspired by some canvass work I had previously seen at Nicky and Sophie's house and wanted to have a go myself. I was only going to pick up the basic essentials and make do with what I already had at home, but then it hit me- bright lights, fresh, unopened bottles of PVA glue, glitter in ruby red, emerald green, gold, fuchsia, snowy white, row after row of bright white canvasses that were screaming out to be played with and individualised and I couldn't help myself! I piled it all into my basket and promptly paid before I had to time to reprimand myself. Besides, now I really wont need to buy anything for a loooong time.....she says.

With our loot in the boot (I'm a poet and I didn't know it!) my mind was already whirring with what we would make.

Once the protective mat (an absolute must if you're painting with a 4 year old and my 13 year old sister too) laid out, we set to work tearing open all the packets of brushes and glitter and canvasses.

To make this yourself, simply paint the background of your canvass in a colour of your choice with any paint at all (we used the kiddie friendly washable type for obvious reasons), wait for it to dry, paint you hand generously in PVA glue, place hand on canvass to create a hand print and swiftly cover the glue with glitter. Tilt the canvass onto a piece of newspaper to rid the masterpiece of excess glitter and repeat with other gluey art until finished. Little Sister and I were very pleased with our glitzy keepsake.

Whilst Tiyana, Issobelle and Amy (Izzy's Mum) continued with their own works of art, I was compelled to take one of the smaller canvasses in 6x4inches and make a golden "love tile". I'm not entirely sure where this idea is taking me but I can feel a little gold and pink sparkly seed of creation growing in the back of my head somewhere. I'm thinking lots of tiles saying "love" in various paint and glitter colours and some sort of mosaic perhaps? Or maybe different words and framing them? Watch this space.

So despite the saying 'all that glitters is not gold', our glitter will certainly leave golden memories.

Toodlepip! xx

1 comment:

  1. I have been watching your videos for a while now, and reading your blog, but thought I would go through your archive and see how you progressed as a blogger as I have just started out. Loving every post. :)
    I love this idea with the handprints Louise! I now have the urge to do this with my nephew and cousins for crimbo pressies for their parents. Cheap but lovely ideas! Thank you :) xxx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx