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Tuesday 13 October 2009

On your marks, get set, GO

About 20 pages in, I was absolutely besotted with my latest read (The Goddess Guide) and felt that such a beautiful book deserved an equally beautiful bookmark.
As promised in my earlier blog (Sunday Sparkle at Lamport Hall Craft Fair), I had bought some super duper big beads and lovely ribbon and had it in mind that they were a match made in heaven- in book heaven!
To make these yourself, cut a length of thread somewhat longer than the standard book as you can always trim to suit. Then, thread on your selected beads in any fashion you choose, tie nots on each sides of your beads to keep them in place and Bob's your Uncle- a gorgeous glass bead bookmark. You could try spicing things up a bit by using more than one piece of ribbon on each bookmark and perhaps plaiting it.
Next time I buy someone a book for a birthday or Christmas present, I'll be popping one of these in as an extra sweetener. A book is naked without its mark.
Toodlepip! xx

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a great project. Very simple but effective. I will be trying this out with my Daughter! Thankyou GlitterStitch!! x


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx