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Thursday, 4 February 2010

Happy 25th Beadday Chum!

For one lucky lady I know, the 8th of Feb is a very special day. It's her Birthday! Woop woop! I was going to dash off to town and buy her a million beautiful things and trinkets, but then I remembered that I am not a millionaire (or even a hundredaire at the moment!) and so decided to pop my creative cap on and make her something special.

I know there is a slight stigma attached to giving someone something that you have made yourself, almost as if it is less of a gift or like cheating or something, but personally (and I'm not just saying this because I'm making something!), I would be truely touched (ooer) if someone did this for me. Whilst making something might not be material rich, it is time and love rich and that is just as valuable, if not more, than coins and notes.

I have had lots of beads floating around for sometime now and have been meaning to use. So I trotted down to my craft studio (oh la la) and selected a few bits that I thought co-ordinated well. The birthday girl wears a lot of greens so I made this the feature colour, as well as browns and ambers as these compliment each other well.

I used quite thick beading elastic and just got stringing! I decided not to put too much thought into the order of beads and charms, I wanted it to look a bit haphazard and messy-chic.

I liked this look so much I ended up making about 7 more for myself and a few other lucky girlies! This is definately a design I shall be putting in my "to sell at craft shops" collection- so keep your eyes peeled!

Toodlepip! xx


  1. I love them!!! Thank you SO much!!!

  2. Oh wow - you are so talented. I wish I was in any way shape or form creative :) I think a handmade gift is lovely.

  3. That's really cute :D I really like that ^_^ xx

  4. Love them!! Theyre gawjus!!

  5. Hi Louise :) I've only recently entered into the blogging stratosphere and discovered your blog after coming across your instagram account...just been reading through some of your older blog posts and noticed how much you have progressed and how your blog has evolved over the past months and years. Although I haven't dipped my toe into the blogging pool just yet, your account has inspired me to test the water, so thank you :) x

  6. I really like these little accessories, they look great!


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx