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Sunday, 28 February 2010

My Lush Assistant

As many of you may know, dear Bloggerinos, I have been more than a little blessed in the Lush department of late. I was sent an enmormous box of Lush products from the gorgeous Becky from Liverpool Lush, and also, my own Lush store has been topping me up with a few little soapy samples each time I go in.

From time to time, (but not too often because I'm far to selfish with my lovely Lush things!ha!) I let someone give me a hand and try the products and tell me what they thought. This works well because I get a different view and in the end, enables me to give my Bloggerinos and Youtuberinos a more rounded review.

Here is Milo from my office who has kindly tried out Demon in the Dark soap and Cosmetic Lad moisturiser- reviews coming soon.

Thanks Milo!!

Toodlepip! xx

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous beautiful l man that Milo is, if only he were to work with me, i'd make him tea every day, even if I didn't drink it myself!!!


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx