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Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Glamour Magazine- News Just In!

Aloha Bloggerinos,

I have tiptop news!

As you can see from the photos, Glamour Magazine (UK. I know there is a US one too but not sure about other Countries) has asked me to be on their Reader Beauty Panel and review some products for them!!

As you can imagine, when this came through the post and I ripped it open (thinking "oooo gaawddd what else have I bought off eBay!?!"), I was very bloomin' excited! I have been sent the Johnsons 3 in 1 facial cleansing wipes and the review will be in the July issue! Woop Woop!

(This is a bit nerdy but I do like to see all the chemicals and whatnot!)

Also, I shall do you a little review of them too. I've not finished the pack but so far, so good :)

This was just a short and sweet post because I'm feeling tres sorry for myself tonight. I have just had to have 2 teeth removed at the dentist- woe is me.

Hope you're having a terrific Tuesday (lovely bit of word play there haha) and will keep your teeth are in good condition, just like mine! hahaha!

Toodlepip! xx


  1. aww thats so exciting hun, I'd love to do that!
    Hope you feel better soon too! xx

  2. congratsss!!! That must be so exciting!

  3. Me too Me too! :D I was like what else have I ordered and opened it up to find these! XO

  4. Congratulations! How exciting for you :)

  5. Congrats!! How exciting! I shall keep my eye out for you :)

    I've been using those wipes (well, the dry/sensitive ones!) for a few months now and they really suit my skin - if you get on with them keep your eye out for the Dreamy Skin night wipes too... they smell divine!

    I hope you feel better soon. I've got to have a wisdom tooth out in hospital and am soo scared :( xx

  6. Congrats, will look forward to your review. Make sure you swill warm salty water around your mouth a few times a day, it is so healing. Thats a recomendation from my friend who is a dental nurse. xx

  7. Thanks for the fab messages Tor, Y and Lillian! They have made me smile! (I say smile, I mean slighty move my painful mouth haahah)!
    Jo- I am the biggest wuss on the planet (once I cried over a papercut!) so if i can do, yo defo can! Also, if you are going into hosital, you can milk that for sympathy for weeks! And I shall look out for the dreamy wipes :)
    Hannah- Ooo yay! Is this the first product you have had from them? This was my first and I'm tres happy! Didnt think I'd be sent full sized items! x

  8. haha i use johnsons baby wipes to get my makeup off! its my favorite! love that they make one for MAKEUP LOl


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx