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Sunday, 21 March 2010

My Craft Fair Day

Just a quickie- yesterday I did my first ever craft fair (you know how much I love a craft fair) and here is a little picture of me at my uber-girlie table.

Woop woop a very good day was had by all.

Special thanks to my little sister (or Lister as I like to call her), for all her help :)

Toodlepip! xx


  1. Aww I hope you did well! I did my first art fair last year... it did not go well :P

  2. i love your table :)

    i'm such a sucker for pink stuff and crafty things :)
    no doubt i would've headed over to your table :)

    hope you had a good day

  3. Oh no Lillian that's a bummer. What kind of stuff were you selling? xxx
    Thanks Wand! I still have some stock left, thinking of doing a blog sale- woop woop! xxx

  4. Really cute, please do the blog sale. x

  5. omgggg nice table !! must be u love spend ur time there :)


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx