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Sunday, 6 June 2010

Any Ideas?

Aloha Bloggerinos,

For the last few months, Mr Tax Man has had me on BR tax- naughty naughty! This means, that after a quick phone call to the nice people at HMR Inland Revenue, they have sent me a lovely cheque to reimburse me-woohooo!!

So, I plan on buying myself a good camera for my blog posts and taking swanky pictures and also would like to buy a camcorder. It doesn't have to be a topnotch one, I would just like it for things like fun days out, parties at our house, when my nieces come over and that kind of thing.

My budget is £300- do you think I could buy a good camera and a regular camcorder for that?

Give me all your fabby thoughts please because I'm clueless!!




  1. Don't know about the camcorder, but I have a Samsung 12.2 (very new, red coloured) which takes the clearest pictures ever - great for swatching :P Cameras are getting better and cheaper, so I think you'd be able to pick up something nice for around £100 or so quid...leaving more money for a camcorder :)

  2. My experience trying to get my £325 back from the tax man wasn't as pleasant. I spoke to a rather condascending scottish woman lol at least I'll be getting my money back in a couple of weeks (I hope!) Holiday here I come! ...or shoes and bags :) lol xx

  3. Mine is a canon and I love it - there are some new Canon ones out in lovely colours xx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx